nailwraps ยท 1 year
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We're entering year 4 in the fight to save Happy! for season 3 and now more than ever, the support and cooperation is still important and I ask my friends here to please show it and stronger than before.
This show means a lot to all of us and we CANNOT have Happy and Nick's story end the way it did while other shows continue (to be greenlit) left and right. They deserve better than that (and know Meloni STILL has our support and CAN do both this and Law and Order).
I know you all have lives and problems of your own and I understand but we CANNOT give up. If you ever have free time, whenever, it can even be ONCE A YEAR, please show your support and love, participate in the campaigns, and spread the word to save Happy! because it DOES make a difference.
If Hannibal, OA, and Gotham fans are still fighting so can we and I for one STILL REFUSE to say die. Anyone else?
The fight to #SaveHappy is FAR FROM OVER. Bring on Year 4! Who else is in?
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