#Scarlet Moon Shadows is Randy Emillion Goodreau
coochiequeens · 1 year
Shadows told the undercover agent that he was 31 but a “middle,” which Shadows described as meaning that he identified as a 12-year-old girl.” This guys can come up with labels for anything
An adult male who identifies as a lesbian teenager has pleaded guilty to charges of attempting to entice a minor into sexual activity after being caught in a law enforcement sting targeting child predators. Scarlet Moon Shadows, also known by the screen name “Dragongurl69,” of West Rutland, Vermont, entered his plea last month.
Shadows, born Randy Emillion Goodreau, admitted in court that he attempted to entice and coerce an individual, whom Shadows believed to be an 11-year-old girl, for the purposes of sexually abusing her. The charge brought against Shadows was based on an affidavit written by FBI Special Agent Jenelle Bringuel, who specializes in investigating the sex trafficking of minors. 
In the affidavit, Bringuel described how Shadows began exchanging messages with an undercover agent posing as a child in December of 2021, and another agent whom Shadows believed was the girl’s mother, while using the screen name “Dragongurl69.”
According to court documents reviewed by Reduxx, Shadows discussed “teaching” the child about sexual activity with the undercover agent he believed was her foster mother.
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Shadows told the undercover agent that he was 31 but a “middle,” which Shadows described as meaning that he identified as a 12-year-old girl. 
According to the affidavit, on January 15, Bringuel sent Shadows several photos of an undercover agent that had been digitally manipulated to make her resemble an 11-year-old girl. 
Later that same day, Shadows suggested having sexual contact with the child and “having her date me” and requested to speak with the child. 
Shadows texted the girl saying her mother “wants me to teach you sex stuff” and added, “But up to you to lol.” The next day, Shadows sent messages establishing his age as 31 and urging the “girl” to keep his communications and the relationship confidential.
“We have to keep the relationship a secret. So to the public im gonna be your nanny but wen we are home we are girlfriends. Its just so we don’t get in trouble then when your not a minor we can express our love in public, Ok? (sic),” Shadows wrote according to the affidavit.
During the initial conversations, Shadows sent the 11-year-old several sexualized pictures of his chest.
While some of the messages began innocently enough, Shadows quickly began fantasizing messages describing imagined sexual abuse of the girl, which he said would be “more than kissing.”
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In one conversation with the undercover agent posing as the child, Shadows explicitly details what the proposed sexual activity might include, listing oral and penetrative sex and advising the girl that he still has a penis.
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On January 26, Shadows travelled from Vermont to Warren County, New York with the intention of having sex with the child. When arrested, Shadows had an engagement ring, condoms, and gifts for the child on his person. During questioning, he claimed the sexual texts were nothing more than “roleplaying.”
A press release put out by the Department of Justice detailing the case referred to Shadows using she / her pronouns and gave no indication that he is male or that he identifies as transgender. According to the DOJ, the investigation was conducted by the FBI and its Child Exploitation Task Force, which includes members of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, including the Colonie Police Department and the New York State Police.
Shadows was active on Facebook prior to his arrest, and made multiple posts utilizing the trans pride flag and calls to “cherish trans women.” He also uploaded his own poorly-drawn artwork to his account, some of which featured disturbing themes. 
In one pen-work picture, Shadows shows what appears to be an older man with a much-smaller girl. 
“We will never brake, not even from our darkest sin. The devil is no longer in charge. We are the new rulers of hell,” the picture reads.
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Among his other disturbing artwork, Shadows has drawn several illustrations which appear to depict violence against a woman, whose likeness is consistent across multiple images. Some depict her decapitated, and another shows her strung from the ceiling and being beaten.
Shadows is scheduled for sentencing on August 25, 2023. He faces a minimum of 10 years and up to life in prison, as well as a term of post-release supervision of at least 5 years and up to life, and a fine of up to $250,000. Shadows will also be required to register as a sex offender for life if he is ever released from prison. 
Once imprisoned, Shadows will be under the jurisdiction of the federal Bureau of Prisons, which currently has a gender self-identification policy in place for housing transgender inmates. 
On January 13 of 2022, the Bureau of Prisons revised its Transgender Offender Manual, which included guidelines previously scrubbed by the Trump administration with respect to gender self-identification for federal inmates. Under the Trump administration, inmates were housed based on biological sex as a sole consideration, but the Biden administration renewed Obama-era guidelines requiring gender identity be considered when making housing assignments.
There are currently 1,500 federal inmates who identify as transgender. According to Keep Prisons Single Sex USA, almost 50% of trans-identified male federal inmates are in custody for sex offences. This is compared to just 11% of the non-trans male federal inmate population.
By Genevieve Gluck
Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Another example of something that never happens.....
By Anna Slatz December 22, 2023
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains explicit references to child sexual abuse, as documented by the Federal Bureau of Investigations during a predator sting. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A transgender pedophile in Vermont has been sentenced to 11 years in federal prison after being caught in a law enforcement sting targeting predators. Scarlet Moon Shadows, also known as Dragongurl69, pleaded guilty to attempting to entice a minor into sexual activity.
As previously reported by Reduxx, Shadows, born Randy Emillion Goodreau, first appeared in federal court last year after being arrested in Albany, New York while trying to meet who he believed to be an 11-year-old girl for sexual abuse.
The incident began after Shadows messaged a social networking account established by the FBI seeking to attract predators. The profile was made to look as though it belonged to a woman in custody of an 11-year-old girl, and included a number of pedophilic “dog whistles” in the biography section. Shadows messaged the account, and, after a brief exchange in which he expressed interest in “teaching” the child sexual acts, the two moved their communications to an encrypted messenger.
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Shadows then asked to speak to the child directly, and began messaging with a second undercover agent posing as the girl.
According to an affidavit submitted by Special Agent Jenelle Bringuel, Shadows quickly offered to “date” the girl and introduce her to sexual acts. He also sent the girl several photos of his “breasts,” and plotted how to keep their relationship a secret from the public.
“We can be a real couple when we are home, but in public [kisses] have to be on the cheek. Can probably still hold hands though,” Shadows said, using text-lingo to convey his point to the minor. He continued: “We can kiss on the lips, like at home or in car rides depending how busy traffic is … at home [we] can do whatever you want. We can make love if you want to.”
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Approximately one month after beginning to communicate with the undercover agents, Shadows travelled from Vermont to Warren County, New York with the intention of having sex with the child. Shadows was arrested after arriving at a meet-up point, and was found to have had an engagement ring, condoms, and gifts for the child on his person. During questioning, he claimed the sexual texts were nothing more than “roleplaying.”
A psychosexual assessment of Shadows revealed that he was subjected to a viewing test which indicated his interests in juvenile females, adolescent boys, and very young girls. The assessment also revealed that he had a “high interest” in infant females.
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A press release put out by the Department of Justice detailing the case referred to Shadows using she / her pronouns and gave no indication that he is male or that he identifies as transgender. According to the DOJ, the investigation was conducted by the FBI and its Child Exploitation Task Force, which includes members of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, including the Colonie Police Department and the New York State Police.
In April, Shadows pleaded guilty to Attempted Enticement and Coercion of a Minor. Shadows has been in FBI custody since, with a number of delays occurring during the hearing process. In October, his public defense attorney abruptly dropped his case, citing “conflict of interest,” and the case was put on hold until a new defense attorney could pick up the sentencing negotiations.
On December 20, Shadows was sentenced to 11 years, one year more than the mandatory minimum of 10 years the defense had been seeking.
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Shadows was active on Facebook prior to his arrest, and made multiple posts utilizing the trans pride flag and calls to “cherish trans women.” He also uploaded his own poorly-drawn artwork to his account, some of which featured disturbing themes. 
In one pen-work picture, Shadows shows what appears to be an older man with a much-smaller girl. 
“We will never brake, not even from our darkest sin. The devil is no longer in charge. We are the new rulers of hell,” the picture reads.
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Two posts seen on Shadows’ Facebook account.
While it is currently unknown where Shadows will be incarcerated, he will be under the jurisdiction of the federal Bureau of Prisons, which currently has a gender self-identification policy in place for housing transgender inmates. 
On January 13 of 2022, the Bureau of Prisons revised its Transgender Offender Manual, which included guidelines previously scrubbed by the Trump administration with respect to gender self-identification for federal inmates. Under the Trump administration, inmates were housed based on biological sex as a sole consideration, but the Biden administration renewed Obama-era guidelines requiring gender identity be considered when making housing assignments.
There are currently 1,500 federal inmates who identify as transgender. According to Keep Prisons Single Sex USA, almost 50% of trans-identified male federal inmates are in custody for sex offences. This is compared to just 11% of the non-trans male federal inmate population.
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