#Sebastian Sallow would dream about being a dad for sure
When We're Older || Rumors
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 7,289
Chapter Rating: M (Warning: references to sex)
A/N: Some seventh year shenanigans and an awkward trip for potions ingredients! Thank you as always to my lovely beta reader @happyaccidentsonly <3
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September 1892
“Welcome back, seventh years!”
The Slytherin seventh years had all been gathered in the center of the common room. Professor Ronen and Professor Sharp stood before them; Ronen had his usual jovial look, while Sharp looked sour as ever.  They had just passed out the seventh years’ schedules, and were now preparing their start of term speech for the house’s eldest students.
Sebastian appraised the group. Ominis was standing with Imelda and Grace, the rest of the girls squeezed into a couch.  The other boys in their year were on the couch opposite them, robes already discarded after a long welcoming feast. He felt something tugging at his hand, and his cheeks flushed as he realized Theo was draping his arm around her.  He pulled her in tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Ominis, hearing the sloppy wet kiss, pretended to gag as the girls snickered. 
It was a far cry from last year’s scene, Sebastian thought to himself. This day last year, Sebastian was sitting by himself, staring at Ominis and Theo opposite him. Things had been so tense, and he was positively desperate to do anything it took to prove his worth to them. But now, seventeen and on the cusp of his last year at Hogwarts, he was draped across the loveseat with his beautiful girlfriend, ready to take on the world. 
“This is your final year at Hogwarts, and we are excited to welcome you to what will be your most robust year of learning.” Ronen smiled.  “As the leaders of Slytherin house, I must ask each and every one of you to set a good example for your younger Slytherins.”
“With that said, we know you are all of age now, and will enjoy more freedom than your younger counterparts.” Sharp interjected. “And while we understand wanting to enjoy fun, you are here primarily to learn and pass your NEWT exams.”
There were several audible groans and eye rolls to his statement, but Sharp relented. “We implore you all to obey the following rules—all seventh years back in the dormitory by midnight, at the very latest. And in their own beds, I might add. While I have no desire to know your…extracurricular activities, there will be grave punishment if you’re found in the wrong bed.” Sharp’s eyes flitted over to the couple, and Sebastian blushed, having flashbacks of being thrown against the edge of the Prefect’s bathroom pool by Sharp’s well aimed depulso.
“Seventh years will also be allowed to travel further than Hogsmeade, as far as Keenbridge, but on weekends only.” Ronen warned.
Theo coughed while Ominis suppressed a laugh.  The three of them had been breaking the rules on the radius restriction since their fifth year. Sebastian had always been allowed to travel to Feldcroft whenever he desired to see Anne, and no teachers dared to discipline Ominis.  Theo had been under the protection of Professor Fig her first year, and had spent most of fifth year traversing the entirety of highlands on her own. Even without Fig's excuses, she was given free rein. Most of the staff had witnessed her ancient magic, and they knew she couldn't be controlled.
Ronen and Sharp droned on about more rules, such as no liquor in their dorm rooms (Sebastian knew Violet McDowell had been hiding cases of firewhiskey in her trunk since at least third year) and when they could be out of uniform (as if Theo ever followed the uniform policy—she was always wearing something fashionable and certainly not included in the standard uniform requirements). 
Sebastian felt his eyes starting to droop, until Sharp cleared his throat.
“That concludes our meeting, and you may head to your dormitory.” He said, clasping his hands in front of him. “Per the headmaster’s request, there are…necessary supplies in your rooms this year. Should you need replenishment, Nurse Blainey can assist.”
The seventh years dispersed, heading to the stone staircase that led up to their rooms.  Sebastian stopped at the foot of the staircase, his hand tentatively resting on the railing.  He remembered staring up at the seventh year dormitories when he was eleven, and how the seventh years looked so grown.  He’d never been inside, but the students had all regaled about the large, fancy rooms for the older students.  And now, in what felt like the blink of an eye, the room was his.
“You okay?” Theo asked, nudging him with her shoulder.  He looked down at her; she had her robes draped over her shoulder, the little bow at the neck of her uniform shirt undone.  If he looked hard enough, he could see the purple hickey he’d left at the base of her neck when they’d snuck out of the welcoming feast for a quick snog. Mr. Moon had awkwardly cleared his throat when he caught the pair in the entry hall, Sebastian’s lips leaving blooming marks on her skin.
His, he thought.  Thoroughly marked.
“Just can’t believe it’s our last year.” Sebastian breathed. “All the hard work…it’s finally paying off.”
“Don’t get too cocky,” Ominis huffed, passing them on the steps. “We’ve still got the NEWTs to conquer.  Come on Sebastian, we have to make sure we don't get the worst beds.”
Sebastian walked up the steps with Theo; he frowned at the loss of her hand in his as she let go. 
“No goodnight kiss?” Sebastian pouted.
Theo rolled her eyes, but gave in, pressing her hands to his chest as she kissed him. Sebastian’s fingers trailed up to her hair, lightly tugging on the locks.
“Get a room!” Imelda bellowed, while Grace and Nerida wolf whistled.
Sebastian laughed against Theo’s lips as she gave the girls a rude hand gesture.  She finally pushed him away, grinning as she stepped up the stairs to her dormitory.
“See you in the morning?” she asked.
“Can’t wait.” Sebastian started walking up the opposite stairs, blowing a kiss goodbye.
He walked up to the door, pushing it open to reveal the spacious seventh year dormitory.  Eyes scanning the room, he spotted his trunk in front of a bed—always the one next to Ominis’s.  Ominis was already pulling pajamas out of his trunk, as their fellow roommates lounged on the settee. It wasn’t that Sebastian didn’t like the other boys in his year, but they’d all grown up in the same pureblood social circle as Ominis in London. He knew they looked down upon him for growing up in the countryside, so they’d maintained a polite but distant acquaintanceship with him. 
“I wonder what Sharp meant by supplies,” Cyrus Lestrange hummed. “Any ideas?”
“Wager they’re school supplies?  But we already buy our own.” Peter Parkinson shrugged.
“O-ho, look at these.” John Avery said, hands digging through the fruit bowl on the table.  He pulled out a tiny vial, purple liquid dancing and splashing within.  “Wonder what these are.”
Sebastian immediately flushed, knowing exactly what it was.  In fact, he’d learned to brew the very potion himself that summer, spending several painstaking hours to ensure he’d done it just right.
“What is it?” Ominis asked, scooting forward in the bed.  He rarely interacted with the other boys outside of a quick greeting, but the silence had him intrigued.
“Some sort of potion,” Avery explained. “But I don’t…I don’t recognize it.”
“Sallow does,” Lestrange said haughtily. “The look on his face says so.”
Parkinson turned his attention to Sebastian. “Well, come off with it Sallow, what are they?”
Sebastian scratched the back of his neck, pursing his lips. “They’re…uh, they’re contraceptive potions.” He confessed.
The three other boys burst into laughter as Sebastian blushed.  Avery clapped him on the back, throwing an arm around his shoulders. Sebastian shifted uncomfortably at the contact. 
“Sallow, you brute.” Parkinson snorted. “You and Caulfield are off to the races then, are you?”
Sebastian felt even more mortified, realizing that he’d not only confirmed his lack of virginity, but outed Theo’s as well.
“I just—just research, y’know.” Sebastian rolled his eyes, pushing Avery’s arms off him.  He walked over to his bed, bouncing onto the mattress. 
“Bit embarrassing none of you knew what it was,” Ominis huffed.  In the moment, Sebastian was forever grateful to his best friend for changing the subject.
“You didn’t either, Gaunt.” Lestrange pointed out.
“Cyrus, I’m blind, if you haven’t noticed.” 
The other boys started roaring again at Ominis’s quip; Sebastian, feeling quite queasy,  rolled off the bed and started to dig through his trunk. In all his years at Hogwarts, Sebastian rarely felt homesick for the Feldcroft cottage; however, he longed to be there now more than ever.  He shucked on his pajamas, sliding into the down feather bed, imagining it was the rickety one in Feldcroft instead.  At least there, he could sleep next to Theo.
Ten months, Sebastian thought to himself.  In ten months, they’d be done with school. After that, he could take Theo home.
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Sebastian woke late for the day; he figured his regimen could be delayed for at least one more day while he acclimated to school.  He dressed with a spring in his step, taking great care to shave his stubble.  Everything about the day was going to be perfect, he thought. He was going to savor every last moment he had at Hogwarts, with very best friend and very best girl at his side. 
“Oh, are you done primping yourself yet?” Ominis complained from his bed.  He’d been dressed and ready to go down for breakfast, visibly regretting his decision to wait for Sebastian. “I swear, you take longer with your hair than me these days, and that’s saying something.”
Sebastian laughed, tucking his ancient runes textbook into his bag. “Fine, let’s go.” 
The two opened the door, hearing yelling and screeching from the common room.
“What’s going on?” Ominis cocked his head. 
Sebastian leaned over the railing, seeing the commotion below.  The girls were squabbling; Violet McDowell was being held back by Grace and Nerida, while Imelda wrangled Theo’s arm.  Lestrange, red in the face, was seated on the steps, his cheeks bright red.  
“I’m just saying what we’ve all been thinking,” Violet yelled loudly. 
“Go ahead,” Theo roared. “Say it again.”  
Sebastian raced down the steps, stepping between the fight.
“What’s going on?” he gasped. 
“McDowell and Lestrange here don’t know when to shut up,” Theo snarled, her eyes squeezed shut.  Sebastian knew why–whenever her emotions were running high, Isidora’s magic threatened to spill out of her.  “Speaking on things they don’t know anything about.”
Violet gave a vicious laugh. “Oh, don’t we all.  We were just saying how everyone was so shocked Philippa Bustrode fell with child so quickly–I was only wondering if you and Sallow were up next.”
Sebastian whirled around. “Watch your tongue,” he seethed.
Violet’s head fell back as she laughed again. “As if I haven’t already told everyone how Sebastian Sallow was spotted in a very cheeky section of Flourish and Blotts,” she turned to Cyrus, who was now rubbing his jaw. “Cyrus tells us that you two are intimately aware of the potions Professor Sharp provided.”
Theo wrestled her way out of Imelda’s grasp, pushing Sebastian out of the way.  Everyone fell silent as the sound of Theo’s hand slapping against Violet’s cheek rang in the air. 
“You little slut ,” Violet screeched, lunging forward. Sebastian himself nearly sprang at her, until he suddenly snapped backwards.  Ominis had grabbed the hood of his robes, tugging him away from the fight.  Grace and Nerida both grabbed Violet’s arms, while Imelda struggled to push Theo back towards Sebastian.
“Ladies! Separate at once!” a booming voice interjected.  
All of the seventh years turned their attention to the door, where Professor Ronen was standing.  The man rarely yelled–Sebastian couldn’t think of a time he’d ever seen their charms professor angry, and here he was, standing with his hands on his hips, frowning at the group.  Sebastian’s hand flew down to grab Theos, squeezing tightly.
“Just last night I asked all of you to set a good example for your fellow students, and we’ve already had a physical fight in the common room.” Ronen bellowed. “McDowell, Caulfield, follow me.  The rest of you, off to breakfast.”
Theo huffed, pulling her hand from Sebastian’s. She opened her eyes, very much back to their normal light brown, and scratched at her collar.
“I’ll see you after breakfast?” she asked breathily.
Sebastian nodded, watching her break away and follow Professor Ronen and Violet McDowell down the steps.  The girls maintained a healthy distance from one another, and Theo looked back at him, pouting.
“Your girlfriend packs quite the punch, Sallow.”
Sebastian turned to Lestrange, whose jaw was now sporting a blossoming bruise. “What did you say to her?” he growled, shoving him against the stone railing.
Lestrange laughed, wincing a little as the stone dug into his back. “Just that I wish more of the girls were like her,” he jested. “Free and willing, you know? Asked if she minded the taste .” He wagged his eyebrows, clearly proud of his innuendo.
Sebastian’s fist made easy contact with Lestrange’s nose; luckily, Professor Ronen was already too occupied with disciplining the girls to have noticed.
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Sebastian could hardly focus during Ancient Runes.  On top of worrying about Theo, he now had to worry about all of the studying he’d neglected over the final weeks of summer. His mind was completely blank as he stared at the translations in his textbook, leaning over quite often to whisper questions into Amit Thakkar’s ear.  Amit, always the most pleasant Ravenclaw, obliged, only growing annoyed when Sebastian asked his twentieth question.  By the middle of the class period, Sebastian found himself staring at the clock, willing it to move faster so he could get to the lunch table. 
As soon as the bells rang and class was dismissed, Sebastian took off, nearly sprinting from the classroom back to the Great Hall.  As he burst through the doors, he saw Theo, sitting at the Slytherin table with Ominis, Poppy, and Imelda.  Her eyes were glued to her plate, absentmindedly pushing around her lunch.
“Hi,” Sebastian greeted them breathlessly. “How did it go?”
Poppy slid from the bench to allow him room, grimacing.  Imelda, who was on the opposite side next to Ominis, mouthed good luck.
“Spent first period being chastised by Ronen, and I had to apologize to McDowell.” Theo said dryly, looking up at Sebastian.  She had a grim look on her face. “Detention tonight and tomorrow with Sharp.”
Sebastian tucked into the bench next to her. “Two nights of detention?  She was slandering you, that’s not fair.”
Theo sighed, lolling her head. “Apparently, physical retaliation is just as bad. Suits her and Lestrange, they were both being prats.”
“You did the right thing,” Poppy huffed.  Despite her small stature, Sebastian knew from Theo’s stories that Poppy wasn’t one to shy away from a fight. The petite brunette turned to Sebastian, folding her hands on the table. “The things she was accusing Philippa Greengrass of–that’s serious.  Perhaps she’s just carrying large, that’s all.”
“Bulstrode, now.” Ominis interjected. “I went to the wedding in July. Dreadful affair.  Looked like she’d been crying the entire time.”
It took Sebastian a few moments to put the pieces together–he couldn’t understand why it would be scandalous for a married woman to be pregnant.  As he pondered, his gaze caught Andrew Larson from across the room.  The blond was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, looking rather forlorn. His smug smile was long gone, a lonely look in his eye as he stared at the empty end of the Slytherin table where Philippa used to sit. 
Sebastian’s mind immediately flashed back to the last night of term, when he and Theo had caught him with Philippa in the elevator.  Ominis, saying she’d been crying over her wedding, and the broken look of Andrew Larson sitting alone.  If she’d gotten married in July, she should’ve been early on in her pregnancy, but Poppy had mentioned she was already growing large.
“Oh,” Sebastian gasped.
“Right.” Imelda said dryly, leaning in. “Rumor has it, that’s why Professor Black has asked Sharp to keep a steady stream of contraceptive potions in the dorms. It’s quite the scandal.”
Theo rolled her eyes. “It’s natural,” she huffed. “It can't possibly be the first time they've dealt with this. What I’d like to know is how Cyrus Lestrange came to think I would be an authority on the new supplies in our dorm rooms.”  
Sebastian swallowed thickly.
Imelda coughed. “Y’know, I’d like to try sitting over at the Hufflepuff table. Fancy joining me, Pops?” 
Poppy nodded quickly, sliding out of the bench. “Coming, Ominis?” 
"Change of scenery would be nice," Ominis blurted, abandoning Sebastian for the other table despite his lack of sight.
Their friends vacated the Slytherin table with swiftness; Sebastian stared at Theo, who was glaring down at her plate.  She stabbed her fork through a chicken breast, sawing it with her knife aggressively.
“I just want to start off by saying I'm sorry.” Sebastian said, sliding in closer to her.
“What reason would you have to be sorry, my dear?” Theo’s words cut as sharply as her knife. “Do you want to tell me something?”
Sebastian winced. “Some things…came up in conversation last night.”
Theo dropped her silverware, the pieces clattering against her gold plate.  She laid her palms on the table, eyes shut as she breathed slowly. “Did you tell your roommates about our intimate experience ?”
Sebastian froze, turning red in the face. “I didn’t mean to.” 
“How?” Theo opened her eyes; to his surprise, they were not red, but she was still seething.
“The potions,” he stammered. “Lestrange, Parkinson, and Avery didn’t know what the potion was, and I just blurted it out.  I swear, I didn’t say anything–they just assumed.”
“Well, he’s told just about everyone.” Theo snipped. “So, I'm assuming the whole school knows.”
“I’m sorry,” Sebastian groaned, head falling into his hands. “I didn’t mean to tell them.”
The anger melted off of Theo’s face, and she sighed. “I know.  I’m just frustrated. And now I have detention, so I won’t be able to spend time with you for the next two days.”
Sebastian looked up at her. “So you’re not mad at me?”
Theo rolled her eyes. “It’s stupid.  People would’ve assumed we were sleeping together anyways, so let them have fun with their rumors.” She eyed him, giving him a pointed smile. “Besides, I think me having detention is more of a punishment for you than me.” 
Sebastian swallowed thickly as he felt her hand touch his thigh. “How so?”
Theo raised an eyebrow as her hand inched towards the inside of his leg, closer and closer to his groin. “You’ll have to go two nights without me,” she murmured. “And any extracurricular activities.”
Sebastian’s eyes flitted down to her lips. “Such a shame,” he tutted.
Theo put a finger under his chin, tilting his gaze back up to her eyes. “ Anyways, I heard you got a better shot at Lestrange; Nurse Blainey had to stop the bleeding. My hero,” she chuckled.
Sebastian gulped. “Do you have a free period next?”
Theo nodded. “You haven’t eaten lunch though.”
“I’ll grab something later,” Sebastian muttered into her ear. “But right now, we’re going to the Undercroft.” 
“Why?” Theo feigned innocence. “Whatever for?”
“To reward my girlfriend for taking out two enormous prats in one day,” Sebastian grinned, gripping her hand. “Now come on, before Ominis realizes where we’re going.”
Sebastian stood quickly, tugging her up from the bench. Theo laughed, letting her napkin fall to the floor as the majority of the Great Hall stared at them. The two of the giggled as they ran from the Great Hall to the Defense Against the Dark Arts wing, nearly mowing down a herd of first years in the process.  Sebastian couldn’t unlock the door fast enough, with Theo prodding him in the back.  As soon as the wrought iron gates shut behind them, Sebastian pushed her against the stone wall, making quick work of her shirt.
“Careful now,” Theo teased, wrapping her leg around his waist to pull him closer. “Remember the last time I got naked down here?”
Sebastian growled against her lips.  He pressed his growing arousal into her hips, slipping a hand underneath her skirt.  It bunched at her waist as she moaned, his fingers making contact with her soaking wet core. Sebastian sucked another mark into her neck, only now in a more visible spot. If the whole school knew they were being intimate, he didn’t care anymore.  At least they knew Theo was his.
“Hold on,” Theo gasped, batting him away.  Sebastian backed up for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, until he saw her shove her hand into her pocket, pulling two tiny purple vials from her skirt.  She handed one to Sebastian, who blushed as he took it.
“Might as well put them to good use,” he observed, downing the vial in one go.
Theo did the same, chucking the vial after she drank it. “Saves us some knuts since we don’t have to buy the ingredients ourselves.” she winked.
Sebastian laughed, pressing his body against her once more.
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“So much homework,” Sebastian groaned, dropping his head against his textbook. “Three rolls of parchment for Runes, two for Potions, and four for Defense Against the Dark Arts!  It’s inhumane.”
Ominis let out a loud sigh. “It’s just how NEWTs are, Sebastian.”
“Well, NEWTs are going to ruin my life.” Sebastian grumbled.
The boys were sitting at a study table in the common room, nearly everyone else off to bed.  They were waiting for Theo to get back from her detention with Professor Sharp, which had been to scrub the cauldrons the first year students had inevitably destroyed during their first ever potions lesson.
“I don’t know how I’m going to balance it all,” Sebastian mused, dribbling ink onto his parchment. “School, grades, working for Sirona again, Theo…” his voice trailed off.
“I’m sure Theo will understand that school and work comes first,” Ominis reminded him.
Sebastian fiddled with the quill in hand. “I told her I want to help her figure out a cure.” he admitted.
Ominis froze, setting his wand down. “You can’t still be going on about Anne, Sebastian.” he snipped. “Haven’t you learned–”
“It’s not for Anne,” Sebastian interjected hastily. “For her .”
Ominis’s eyebrows lifted in confusion. “What does Theo possibly need a cure for?”
“The magic she absorbed,” Sebastian reminded him. “I told you–the red in her eyes, she’s absorbed Isidora’s magic.  I want to help her figure out a way to get it out, safely.”
Ominis chewed on his lower lip thoughtfully. “Did she ask you to help her?”
Sebastian hesitated, and that told Ominis everything he needed to know. 
“You can’t keep trying to fix people who didn’t ask for help, Sebastian.” Ominis said gently. “We’ve gone down this path before.  We know how it ends.”  There was a lilt in his voice when he ended the sentence, as if Sebastian of all people could ever forget what had transpired.
“I don’t need a reminder, thanks.” Sebastian said tersely. “She agreed to let me search, so I’m doing it.” 
They could hear the doors of the common room open, feet dragging down the spiral staircase.  Sebastian turned, seeing a very tired Theo.  Her hair was tied up in a knot, and she was rubbing her hands.  Sebastian immediately stood, enveloping her in a hug.
“You smell awful,” he wrinkled his nose. “What the hell were the first years brewing?”
“I don’t know,” Theo groaned. “But it was something to do with stinksap. And Sharp made me clean them by hand.”
Despite the smell, Sebastian pressed a kiss to Theo’s sore fingers.  “Come on, you need a bath.  Let’s go up to the Room of Requirement.” he nudged her knuckles with his nose.
“I can’t possibly,” Theo complained. “I’ve just walked all the way down here, and what if Deek comes in?”
“I can carry you,” Sebastian said softly. “And I’ve paid Deek five galleons to leave us be for the night.  He’s a very reasonable little house elf, after all.”
Theo looked up at him, a faint smile on her lips. “You bribed a house elf.”
Sebastian laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I did indeed.”
“And you won’t be bothered if Lestrange and the others say something funny about you not being in bed?” she asked curiously. “What about all the rules?”
“You and I, darling, have never been good with rules.” Sebastian murmured. “And if Lestrange feels fit to say something again, I’m happy to duel him.”
“Can the two of you please decide if you’re leaving?” Ominis rolled his eyes. “I’d like to know if it’s safe to go to bed or not.”
“We’re going, we’re going.” Theo laughed. “Have a good night, Ominis.”
Ominis waved them off; he could pretend to be annoyed all he wanted, but the smile on his mouth said otherwise.
Sebastian yanked Theo up the stone stairs to the exit; she huffed, but he only tugged her hand even more, encouraging her to follow.
“Does a disillusionment charm work if you’re carrying someone?” Theo asked as they neared the top.
“I think we’re about to find out,” Sebastian breathed, lowering himself so Theo could straddle his back.  He lifted her up, hands under her knees, shifting her weight further onto him.  One of Theo’s arms lifted from his shoulders, uttering the disillusionment charm.  The two of them disappeared, like a trick of the light.
It was a long trek from the Slytherin dorms to the Room of Requirement, but Sebastian relished the silence with Theo.  They were lucky enough not to encounter any prefects or ghosts on their way to the astronomy tower.  Theo tightened her arms around him, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.
“Remember the last time I carried you around the castle?” Sebastian let out a breathy laugh.
Theo snorted. “I don��t–mostly because I was too drunk.”
Sebastian chuckled at the memory of him dragging her down to the dungeons, sopping wet from snow. “You were awfully heavy.”
Theo swatted at his head and Sebastian laughed again.
The last set of stairs up to the Room of Requirement had been excruciating, taking quite a bit of time. Theo had offered to walk them herself, but Sebastian remained steadfast in his insistence that he could carry her the entire way.  Once they’d made it to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, Sebastian let her fall from his back, concealing his groan as the ornate door flew open.
“Deek has been keeping the place running,” she breathed, walking ahead of him. “I should check the vivariums, start brewing some potions to have on stock…”
“All of that can wait until the morning, love.” Sebastian stood with his arms crossed. “You, bath, now .”
Theo rolled her eyes, letting her hair down from the knot atop her head. “Whatever you say,” she hummed, kicking off her shoes.  She walked down to the lower chamber of the room, audibly requesting a bathtub from the room.  Sebastian could hear the room adjusting itself, the floor in the other room opening up to reveal a large clawfoot bathtub near the window.  He followed at a lazy pace, watching as she stripped her uniform off and kicked it to the side. Leaning to the side of the doorway, he stared as Theo stepped into a steaming bath.
“Happy now?” she mused, splashing water out of the tub. “Are you going to join me?”
Sebastian smiled, shaking his head. “I’m already clean–but I’ll sit here.”  he said, pulling a stool up to the tub.  “Perhaps the room can conjure me a book.”
“I’d much rather talk to you,” Theo rested her elbows on the edge of the tub. “I might say, you’ve gotten the perfect opportunity to have me naked, yet you’d rather fool around in the Undercroft.”
Sebastian leaned down from the stool, placing a finger under her chin to lift it up. “You’re tired,” he murmured. “And I’d rather you relax. You’ve had quite a taxing day.”
And so, Sebastian watched Theo melt into the bath, the room having conjured her favorite bar of soap.  They talked about their first day of school, the homework they’d already been assigned, and any gossip they’d overheard during class. Ominis and Poppy were still painfully shy around one another, Theo had reported.  Sebastian eavesdropped on a conversation between Garreth and Leander, the latter already plotting how to brew his spiked potions under Sharp’s watchful eye.
“Is it really true about Philippa Greengrass?” Sebastian asked as Theo stepped out of the tub, wrapping herself in a robe the room had provided her.
Theo sighed, shrugging. “I don’t know. Probably. I saw her in Diagon Alley when I met up with Grace and Nerida to buy school supplies.  She definitely looks further along than two months, I’ll tell you that.” Theo twisted her hair, wringing out the water. “She looked absolutely miserable.”
The room creaked again; this time, a large bed appeared at the other end of the room.  Without a word, the two meandered over to the edge.  It seemed to know both of their needs–there was a nightlight and a book on the table next to Sebastian’s side, as well as a valet stand for his clothes.  Theo’s side was empty, save for a rack that had a simple nightgown draped over it.
“Poor Larson,” Sebastian sighed.  He shrugged off his uniform shirt, hanging it on the stand as he sat on the bed to work on his shoes. “I mean, can you imagine?  Never knowing if it’s your child?”
“It’s the reality of things,” Theo mused, hanging the robe.  “I doubt the Bulstrodes will ever say anything, especially since they went through with the wedding.” She slid the nightgown on, slipping into the bed. “I honestly can’t believe she’s having a baby.  A whole baby.”
Sebastian hung his pants and socks, dropping his shoes as he hopped into the bed. While the rest of the room had darkened, he flicked on the nightlight, thumbing through the magical theory book the room had produced for him.  As Sebastian read, Theo sidled up to him, drawing circles on his chest. There was a pregnant pause between the couple, until Sebastian cleared his throat.
“Would you like to have children someday?” he asked quietly. “I just realized I’ve never asked.”
Theo nuzzled her cheek into him. “I think I would,” she whispered. “With you. When we're older, of course.”
Sebastian’s heart fluttered, shutting the book and setting it down on the nightstand. He pulled her close, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “We’ll raise them in London then,” he said confidently. “Somewhere they can go to museums, to the theater.  We’ll raise the smartest buggers in Hogwarts’s history. And maybe on the weekends and school holidays, we’ll stay in Feldcroft. We'll spend Christmas in Feldcroft,” he trailed off. “That sounds good to me.”
“Planning already? Awfully forward of you.” Theo laughed.
“You know me, always one step ahead.” Sebastian joked. “I’d like to plan my whole life with you, if that’s alright.” His voice softened. 
Theo merely hummed in agreement as Sebastian stroked her hair. Her breathing slowed, and he could soon hear her soft snores. There would be time for lovemaking (perhaps in the morning, but he knew both of them wouldn’t wake up early enough) but Theo was tired, and he wanted her to sleep. Sebastian relished the feeling of her sleeping in his arms, rubbing his chin on the top of her head. 
Before long, he too drifted off to sleep.  His dreams were filled with Theo, carrying his child, at home in Feldcroft.
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September 1898
Sebastian opened his eyes, immediately turning his head to the right.  As he’d hoped and dreamt, Theo was laying face down next to him, her wild hair splayed on the pillows. She had always been a deep sleeper, barely stirring as he dragged his fingers up and down her spine.  She shivered, but then relaxed back into the sheets, snoring lightly.
Perfect, beautiful, Theo. This was always how he’d imagined it, the two of them waking up in bed together.
Sebastian slid out from under the sheets, naked as the day he was born.  He padded into Theo’s dressing room, hoping to fix some of the mess they’d made the night before. Florence the owl was hooting angrily in the window, her stand having been knocked over.
“I’m sorry,” Sebastian laughed, setting it upright. “Don’t be too angry.”  
The owl merely clicked her beak, demanding treats.  Sebastian happily obliged the bird, thankful that she’d spent many hours delivering him letters.
Finding his wand under a discarded cloak, he slipped on one of Theo’s fluffy robes and got to work.  First casting reparo on the changing screen, the lattice work threaded back together as it went to its intended space. He then started picking up the boxes and papers that had been flung off Theo’s desk in their flurry of lovemaking–stacks of boxes filled with baubles, and then her letters.  Most of them were from him (he felt especially smug seeing some of the erotic letters he’d penned her were kept together with a sweet little ribbon) others from Ominis, Leander, and Natty.  He organized them on the desk, putting them in neat little piles. 
He picked up a letter; the penmanship was eerily close to his, albeit a bit tidier.  He swallowed thickly as his eyes poured over the text.  Something about a new job, moving into a small flat.  How she and Theo needed to find time together, apologizing for going so long without notice.
Love, Anne
Sebastian shut his eyes, imagining Theo sitting with Anne for tea. Were they friends now?  Did they see each other often? His heart pattered at the thought of his long lost sister with Theo, waiting for him to come home.
“You’re up early.”
He whirled around, seeing Theo in the doorway.  Her hair looked like a bird’s nest, clad in a rumpled nightgown. She gave him a saucy grin, tiptoeing over the mess towards him. “And you look hilarious in my robe.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, putting the letter down on the desk as Theo wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. 
“How did you sleep?” Sebastian asked. 
“Deeper than I have in years,” Theo gave a dreamy sigh. “You’ve worn me out.”
Sebastian bit down on his lip. It would take all of his willpower not to stay in bed with her for another day.  The thought was tempting though; the sight of her, lips still swollen from a night of lovemaking, was enough to drive him mad.  He lifted his hand to her cheek, letting his thumb run over her puffy lips. Looking up at him through her thick lashes, Theo’s lips parted to let his finger slide in.
“You can’t do this to me,” Sebastian strained. “We have to get out of the house.”
She let out a sparkling laugh, pulling back from him. “I know,” she rolled her eyes. “We should get to the apothecary before too many people are out and about.”
Sebastian nodded. They had played it rather risky the night before–while he’d spent the better half of five years imagining Theo’s belly swelling with his child, he’d rather hoped it would be after they had settled down.  The matter of his placement was still at hand, and he hadn’t even told Theo about Rothwell’s proposition for him to stay in Cairo yet.
Another time, Sebastian thought.
“Go off, get dressed. I’ll meet you back here when you’re done.” Theo said, sitting down at her vanity.  She picked up her brush, trying to tame her locks. “We’ll go to Diagon Alley."
Sebastian nodded, walking over to the mirror to go back to his flat.  Before he stepped in, he turned back, watching her at the dressing table.  She was humming a song as she pinned up her hair, twirling it into some fashionable updo.  “What?” Theo asked, pins in her mouth. She turned; the silver chain was still around her neck, the ring dangling at her decolletage. 
Sebastian shook his head, smiling. “Nothing.  Just glad to be home.”
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The streets of Diagon Alley were bustling, despite the early hour.  Sebastian had put on a nice linen suit, slicking back his hair.  Theo’s arm was laced through his; she wore a pretty purple day dress, with one of those terribly impractical hats atop her head.
“I’d forgotten how formal everything is here,” Sebastian mused. He’d wanted nothing more than to throw an arm around her, pressing kisses as they walked through the streets. Instead, they stayed a healthy distance away from one another, walking politely.
“It’s just for now,” Theo reminded him. “Once Ominis and I have figured out a way to end things–”
“I know,” Sebastian grumbled.  
“In good time, my love.” Theo murmured, patting his arm. 
They walked down to the apothecary; once inside, they went their separate ways.  Theo pretended to look at ingredients as Sebastian dealt with the shopkeep.
“I’m looking for a few items,” Sebastian said quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets. Despite being a grown man, having to ask for the ingredients was still mortifying.  He could never forget the way Mr. Pippin had laughed when he bought a surplus of ingredients the summer before seventh year.  He’d even given his own advice on how to brew it, leaving Sebastian red in the face.
“What kind, sir?” The old shopkeeper asked innocently.
“Er, tansy, peppermint, and wormwood.” Sebastian pulled at his collar. 
The shopkeeper gave him a curious look. “I do have those on hand–and a particular brew pre-made, in case you needed it sooner.” their eyes flew up to Theo, who was still innocently browsing.
“That would be great,” Sebastian rasped.  
The shopkeeper nodded, turning to go down into the cellar. As soon as they were out of sight, Theo walked over, laughing. 
“I can’t believe you’re still embarrassed.” she snorted. “What are you, a teenage boy again?”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “You buy it then,” he demanded.
Theo chuckled, fixing the lapels of his jacket. “I vividly remember you promising that you would buy it. After the third…no, was it the fourth time…”
Sebastian was definitely red in the face. “Have mercy on me,” he murmured, wrapping an arm around her waist. “You weren’t complaining, if I recall correctly.”
Theo bit down on her lower lip, her eyes dropping to his. “No, I wasn’t.”
Sebastian yearned to kiss her, but the bell at the front of the store rang.  The two of them jumped several feet apart as customers walked in. A few ladies came into the store, and to Sebastian’s surprise, Violet McDowell. She had her hand on her stomach, clearly pregnant.  
“Sebastian!” Violet exclaimed. “What on earth are you doing here?”
Sebastian gave her a meek smile. “Nice to see you, Violet.”
Violet turned her head to Theo, her nose turned up. “And Theodora, how lovely to see you.  You must be so excited that Sebastian is home.”
Theo gave Violet one of her saccharine smiles, one that Sebastian knew was obviously fake. “Vi, so good to see you.  How is your husband?”
Violet swung around to Sebastian, showing off a diamond ring. “It’s Violet McLaggen now,” she announced, waggling her fingers. “Married last year. He’s lovely. A junior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic himself.” she bragged.
“How nice,” Sebastian feigned.
“Due any day now, aren’t you?” Theo interjected. “That must be so exciting.”
“Buzzing with excitement,” Violet rubbed her stomach proudly. “Oh Theo, you really should be settling down soon before you’re too old.  I keep telling Grace and Nerida the same. Imelda however, she’s a lost cause,” Violet giggled. “How is Ominis?”
Sebastian hardened his jaw; he could tell Theo was also fighting the urge to set Violet aflame.  
“Oh he’s just fine, he’s actually–”
“Your ingredients, sir.” The shopkeeper said loudly. “And I had a few vials of the brew on hand.”  They set the purple vials on the counter, out for everyone to see. “So for the tansy, the peppermint, and wormwood it’ll be six galleons. With the potions it’ll be–”
“Here,” Sebastian said hastily, shoving money towards the shopkeeper.  Theo kept her eyes glued to Violet as he stuffed the bag into his jacket pocket.
“Well, my, my.” Violet simpered, a smug look on her face. “I see not much has changed.”
Theo rolled her eyes. “Oh Vi, I wouldn’t assume.” she snapped. 
Violet held up a gloved hand. “No assumptions from me, Theo.” she grinned. “I’ll let you two go; it was lovely to see you both.”
Theo and Sebastian left the apothecary, both red in the face.  Sebastian gripped the bag with the ingredients and potions, feeling more embarrassed than he had in years.
“I would’ve slapped her all over again if she wasn’t pregnant,” Theo grumbled. “I hate her.”
“Oh, it can’t be that bad.” Sebastian said. “I mean, everyone knows not to trust Violet McDowell.”
Theo crossed her arms, shifting uncomfortably. “Word travels fast around here, Sebastian. I wouldn’t be surprised if some rumor was in tomorrow’s Witch Weekly.” She craned her neck, appraising the crowd. “We should tell Ominis.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I hate this,” he muttered. “I hate that we have to pretend.”
“Well, if you had told me you were coming home, I could’ve dealt with it ahead of time.” Theo sighed. “No use being glum about it.”
The pair walked in silence, Theo’s heeled boots clacking against the cobblestone as she tightened her grip on his arm.  Sebastian had promised to take her dress shopping to replace the one he’d torn to shreds the night before, but all he really wanted was to be home with her, free to kiss her as he pleased. And as beautiful as the purple gown was, Sebastian imagined it would look far, far better on the floor.
He cleared his throat as they walked down the street. “Did you still want to go dress shopping?” he asked. “Because if not…”
Theo released her grip on his arm, dancing as she turned to face him with a coy smile. “Let’s go another time.  I can think of many more fun things to do at home.” 
Sebastian grinned broadly, pushing the entire awkward morning out of his mind.  He pulled Theo into the closest dark corner, tugging her close as they apparated back to her house.
Keeping their relationship a secret was just an annoyance for now. He’d have to find the right opportunity to snatch the ring around her neck.  Once he had it, he could propose again, and then they could truly live the lives they’d planned.  A house in London to raise the children, and Feldcroft for Christmas. Perhaps he could convince her to stay in Cairo with him for a few more years before they settled down.  Twenty three was still young, after all.
They reappeared in Theo’s dressing room. Theo immediately started taking her hair down, her dark tresses swaying back and forth as she struggled on the buttons of her skirt. Beaming, Sebastian shrugged off his jacket, leaving the bag of potions on the table. Two new dresses couldn’t be that expensive, he thought, helping Theo tug off her skirts.  She shrieked with laughter as he walked her into the bedroom, buttons falling to the ground in the corridor.
There would be time to talk–but for now, Sebastian had to make up for lost time. 
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