queretarotv · 2 months
Entrega Fernando Orozco techumbre en Huimilpan
Para apoyar el desarrollo de las habilidades y mantener un ambiente sano en los espacios educativos, el titular de Infraestructura Física Educativa del Estado de Querétaro, Fernando Orozco Vega, encabezó la entrega en el municipio de Huimilpan de la construcción de una techumbre en la primaria Venustiano Carranza, por una inversión mayor a un millón de pesos, en beneficio de 90 alumnos. “Aquí en…
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gobqro · 2 years
Universidades Estatales apuestan por la movilidad internacional
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Con el objetivo de dar a conocer los programas académicos, así como forjar alianzas de colaboración entre las instituciones que forman parte del Consejo de Columbia Británica para la Educación Internacional de Canadá (BCCIE) y las seis instituciones que conforman el Consorcio de Universidades Estatales de Querétaro, se firmó un memorándum de entendimiento en ceremonia encabezada por el rector de la Universidad Tecnológica de San Juan del Río (UTSJR) y el director de Relaciones Internacionales del BCCIE, Colin Doerr.
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En representación de la secretaria de Educación en Querétaro, Martha Elena Soto Obregón, el titular de la UTSJR destacó que el mejor factor para la movilidad social es la educación; de ahí que en nivel superior se debe asumir el liderazgo social en materia de creación de conocimientos de alcance mundial. “Saber qué es lo que queremos que aprendan las nuevas generaciones es el primer paso para tener las herramientas y estrategias indispensables para lograrlo. El reto social mundial es ineludible, por ello nuestro estado se pone a la vanguardia para participar del crecimiento global de la educación superior y con ello, como dice el gobernador Mauricio Kuri, llevar a Querétaro al siguiente nivel”, señaló.
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En este sentido, señaló que la sociedad global del conocimiento que hoy se vive, obliga a que cada país haga su mayor esfuerzo por contar con una educación superior competitiva internacionalmente y comprometida con las grandes causas de cada nación. Agregó que, las universidades del Consorcio tienen el compromiso de identificar y diseñar el tipo de educación que se va a necesitar en el futuro. En su oportunidad Colin Doerr dijo que México y Canadá comparten los mismos océanos, así como una relación muy estrecha y dinámica desde hace tiempo, la cual facilitará tender alianzas, así como nuevos modelos de cooperación que se traduzcan en mayores oportunidades de experiencias internacionales para las y los jóvenes de ambas demarcaciones.
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Finalmente, el coordinador del Consorcio de Universidades Estatales y rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Christian Reyes Méndez, detalló que este memorándum significa la oportunidad de fortalecer las habilidades y conocimientos de las y los estudiantes. El memorándum de entendimiento fue signado por Colin Doerr por parte del BCCIE, así como por los titulares de la Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora, Ana Eugenia Patiño Correa; Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro, Carlos Antonio Contreras López; Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, José Carlos Arredondo Velázquez; Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro, Enrique Sosa Gutiérrez; Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Christian Reyes Méndez y Universidad Tecnológica de San Juan del Río, Fernando Ferrusca Ortiz.
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papatya-guzeli · 1 month
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...❥1. Her gün bir cüz Kur'an oku
...❥2.En az 8 rekat teravih kıl
...❥3.İftar etmekde aceleci davran
...❥4.Gece teheccüd namazı kıl
...❥5.Seher vakitlerinde çokça tövbe et
...❥6 Sünnet namazlarını ihmal etme
...❥7.Akşam zikirlerini aksatma
...❥8.İftar öncesi bol dua et
...❥9.İftarı Hurma ya da Su ile aç
...❥10.Güneş dogana kadar uyuma
...❥11.Oruçlu iken kimseyle tartışma
...❥12.Gözlerini indir dilini tut
...❥13.Yalan konuşma
...❥14.İftara davet et
...❥15.Davete icabet et
...❥16.Günboyu Allah'ı zikr et
...❥17.En az bir kitab bitir
...❥18.Yüzünü asma tebessüm et
...❥19.Son 10 gün itikafa gir
...❥20.Son on günde en azından 1 gün itikafa gir
...❥21.Yalnız kal ve tefekkürü artır
...❥22.Biri seninle tartışırsa "Ben Oruçluyum" de
...❥23.İbadetlerinde daha ciddi ol
...❥24. Aileni gece ibadetlerine kaldır
...❥25.Elini (sedeqe vereken) korkak alıştırma
...❥26.Zekatını ve fitreni hesapla
...❥27.Son 10 geceni Kadir gecesi gibi yaşa
...❥28. Salihlerin mescidinden ayrılma
...❥29.Hilal gözle
...❥30.Bagışlanma dile
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( 💙☘🌼 )
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#cennetiistiyorsak 🍃
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echoesofthefall · 10 months
Something I've noticed is that using different names for specific things really helped me overcome subconscious associations. For example, I have a strong dislike for Roman polytheism and culture, so using the names Jupiter or Mars will provoke a strong averse reaction and prevent me from working with said spirits/energies, so I can't imagine using these names in my practice; calling them Sedeq and Ma'adim effectively breaks that reaction and severs the mythological associations that don't speak to me as I tend to distance myself from the (Greco-)Roman mythological worldview.
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ancestorsofjudah · 2 months
2 Kings 25: 1-7. "The Bronze Shackles."
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Zedekiah, whose name, צדק (sadeq) means to be just or righteous; to be efficient with social energy. Adjective צדיק (saddiq) means just or righteous, noun צדק (sedeq) means justice or rightness, noun צדקה (sadaqa) means righteousness was beseiged by Nebuchadnezzar, the "Ruby of Constitutional Government."
Siegeworks are lawsuits. They can be the kind I dabble in, you know the way I point and complain like an old crone at this wicked, wicked world, or they can be what happens when the population of a nation or the entire planet insist the laws and their spirit are followed to the letter with the expectation their leaders will listen, protect, and cherish them as they ought to do.
Every constituted governmnet has what is called Zedekiah built into it. The laws that comprise all constitutions are generally friendly to their people, commerce, and partners. Countries lacking appropriate constitutions or behaviors that are recognizable as constitutional like Russia, Britain, Iran, and America et al need to be policed.
The United Nations Charter and Declaration of Human Rights are as agreed upon, the Highest Laws of the Land and they are not being enforced or recognized and chaos is ensuing around the world. A handful of vile men and women are being given illegal permission to cause grave and lasting harm to the masses.
This is the antithesis of Constitution which is said to direct the efforts of the governmnet at continually safeguarding and promoting the welfare of their people.
The Melachim blames Jerusalem "the place that teaches the peace" for the problems in Israel and its surroundings. If the place that teaches religion can't be relied upon to teach Constitution the circumstances we are facing today entailed in this latest Third World War will surface.
History will probably say WWIII started when the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. President Biden mistakenly called the invasion an internal matter. But this opinion violates the Constitution which states when an aggressive weaponized enemy invades a neighbor this is automatically a local concern. Invasions of this sort have been forbidden by International Agreement for sometime.
Joe Biden's error, along with allowing Pro-Life activism, permitted a coordinated attack against the US and its allies to begin all around the world. Now every nation on earth is planning to defend itself or go on the offensive according to the plan, whatever that is.
The US Military is prepared at all times to win a war against Russia, China, Iran or anyone else that troubles this planet. It could do so easily. This level of preparedness began after WW2 in order to prevent what is happening now from gaining momentum. Failing to engage was a gigantic mistake, in principal and inaction.
Since the writing in a blog forum, which lacks a powerful voice can't force a fleet of ships to cast off or a formation of F-35s into the air to begin a counterattack, our siege on the malfunctioning throughts, prayers, and sentiments taking place on this world will have to come from the heart. Sieging humanity by the heart is why we read scripture.
Since the text we are studying is not the Torah or the Gospels, but the Melachim, the Handbook for the Court of the Assembly of the Kingdom of Israel, the script is directed at the King and Princes first and foremost: Do not disavow the principals of righteousness found in Constitution. Kill anyone who opposes you the moment it happens, you will never be sorry, nor most importantly shall the people ever turn to you with regret. This is how righteousness is taught.
25 So in the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon marched against Jerusalem with his whole army. He encamped outside the city and built siege works all around it. 
2 The city was kept under siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.
3 By the ninth day of the fourth[a] month the famine in the city had become so severe that there was no food for the people to eat. 
4 Then the city wall was broken through, and the whole army fled at night through the gate between the two walls near the king’s garden, though the Babylonians[b] were surrounding the city. They fled toward the Arabah,[c] 
5 but the Babylonian[d] army pursued the king and overtook him in the plains of Jericho. All his soldiers were separated from him and scattered, 6 and he was captured.
He was taken to the king of Babylon at Riblah, where sentence was pronounced on him.
 7 They killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes. Then they put out his eyes, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon.
Zedekiah and his folks are accused of Riblah, causing strife.
The verb ריב (rib) means to strive or contend. Since a lot of that goes on in the Bible, this verb occurs all over. It may describe combat between two men (Exodus 21:18) or groups (Deuteronomy 33:7). It may denote mere friction or bickering (Genesis 31:36), legal combat (Proverbs 25:8) or laying in ambush (1 Samuel 15:5).
This verb's derivatives are:
The masculine noun ריב (rib), meaning strife or dispute (Exodus 17:7, 2 Samuel 22:44), or plea (Proverbs 18:17).
The masculine noun יריב (yarib) denotes an opponent or adversary (Isaiah 49:25, Psalm 35:1 and Jeremiah 18:19 only).
The feminine noun מריבה (meriba), literally means agent or place of strife or contention. This noun occurs in the narrative in Genesis 13:8 and Numbers 27:14 and is also identical to the name Meribah.
The Russians, Mormons, Republicans, Iranians, etc. are causing the world illegal amounts of strife. This, the Melachim says is curable with a famine, taking prisoners of war, forcing the population into the desert, killing the successors of the strifers, and the removal of the Strife Agent in bronze shackles.
Bronze shackles are the Law and laws ordinary, good, educated, and responsible men follow. The former sounds like an ordeal, but in common tongue, it means the organizations and media that are causing or contributing to the strife need to be closed, the old propaganda needs to be turned off and new propaganda aggrandizing the Constitution and the conduct of upright citizens needs to be broadcast.
Our fascination with guns is a good example. They are causing too much harm and sadness and they serve no good purpose, so the propaganda around the right to bear arms is not correct. We do not actually have the right to prepare to kill another person, that is forbidden by the Torah. Somehow we have gone astray from this, along with a few other things, if corrected would ease many of the tensions in this world.
There are Seven Days associated with the process of ending strife. The Values in Gematria for these are:
v. 1:  In the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar. The Value in Gematria is 11110, אֶפֶסיאאא‎ , Ephesus, the New Town.
v. 2:  The city was kept under siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah. The Value in Gematria is 4751, דזה‎א, this one,
"The Jewish people believe by definition that G‑d is the single creator and animator of the world. He has no helpers, no children and no rivals.
G‑d is everywhere and has no properties (for that matter,G‑d granted humanity the gift of free choice neither is He really a “he.”) In Jewish belief, G‑d is the invisible force behind everything that happens and knows everything, past present and future.
G‑d granted humanity the gift of free choice. When people follow His ways (as outlined in the Torah), G‑d rewards them. These rewards can be in this world, as well as in the World to Come, which comes after death.
Just as every individual works hard toward achieving personal perfection through following G‑d’s ways, so is the entire world heading toward a time of eternal peace and plenty. This time is known as the era of Moshiach (or Messiah). During this time, Jews will return to the Land of Israel and rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem."
So the Siege in theory and practice revolves around the summation of all religious beliefs not their prosecution of the wicked, tho if that involves every last one of the Mormons, I am all for it.
Do not allow the Mormons to succeed. They are Antichrist. They must be ended, root branch and bloom if Israel is to ever have lasting hope or peace.
v. 3: The ninth day of the fourth[a] month. the famine in the city. The Value in Gematria is 6273, וב‎‎ז‎ג‎, and in zg, "And in truth. Stop the lying."
The famine was of truth. Down here at the Ranch, we know what that feels like.
v. 4: The army (the boys in the Synagogue) ran into the night through the Garden Gate into the desert. A familiar story. The Value in Gematria is 14020, יד אֶפֶסבאֶפֶס, the Hand of Epsbapes, "the Hand I will miss."
Once humanity gets tired of wearing its stripes, it too will run away from people who are hypocrites, running away from the law, forcing the rest of us to wear their shame.
v. 5: But the Babylonian army pursued. The Value in Gematria is 8623, חוב‎ג, hobg, "the bugs."
Bugs are the propaganda I mentioned. In this case, the Constitutional Army chased the hypocrites and "bugged" them.
v. 6: He was taken prisoner. The Value in Gematria is 5227, הבבז‎ ‎, by the Falcon. The falcon which represents the long arm of the law is used in the chase. The hunter, seated on his horse, has the falcon at his side, releasing it at sight of another bird.
v. 7: They killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes. Then they put out his eyes, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon. The Value in Gematria is 7531, ז‎הגא‎‎, "this is it."
The most desired state of being, the one that is it, is called Asher, happiness. The final stage of any Seven Day process of evolution is called Shabbat, or happiness, during which one retires from all the effort one exerts overcoming the causes of something mysterious called unhappiness.
To be happy is to be like God. To be the cause of unhappiness in the lives of self or others is to be unlike God.
So one must pursue one's happiness and the happiness of others through the implementation of Constitution or one is failing to achieve the expectations of a civilization as insisted upon by the Torah. This will be easy if one stops the lying, the hypocrisy, pursues criminals, and adheres to the founding principals of the State.
The Bronze Shackles are the key. Bronze is a highly reflective surface, said to reflect the light of the Sun, the God of Israel upon mankind. =Happy people should stick together.
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elcantodelosgrillosmx · 2 months
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600shekels · 9 months
2 Chronicles 29: 25-30. "The Extraction."
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So far, the Temple is thriving, we have our passions and plans mapped out, there is peace in the society regarding what has to be done and who will do it, what kinds of things are disruptive and off limits. These things are made clear to us at an early age, just as they were with Hezekiah, the King of Judah, who achieved Shabbat early in his reign, within the First Year.
For a Yearling to accomplish all of this is extraoardinary. What does he do next?
25 He stationed the Levites in the temple of the Lord with cymbals, harps and lyres in the way prescribed by David and Gad the king’s seer and Nathan the prophet; this was commanded by the Lord through his prophets. 
26 So the Levites stood ready with David’s instruments, and the priests with their trumpets.
The Temple Band, manned by Levites, persons who know what they are doing, perform the way David, Gad, and Nathan, the King, the Seer, and the Prophet prescribe.
Cymbals represent the ears. One cannot close the ears to the sound of cymbals crashing.
Harps=The SevThe harp used in the Temple was an instrument of seven strings, as it is stated: “In your presence is fullness [sova] of joy . . .” (Psalms 16:11). Do not read the word as “fullness [sova]” but as seven [sheva].
And in the days of the Messiah it will have eight strings, as it is stated: “For the Leader, on the eighth: A Psalm of David” (Psalms 12:1). On the eighth string. In the World to Come it will have ten strings, as it is stated: “ . . . With an instrument of ten strings and with the lyre, with a solemn sound upon the harp” (Psalms 92:1–4).11en Signs of Mashiach.
7 strings = The seventh letter of the alef-beis is zayin. Its design is the form of a sword. The top of the zayin is the handle, and the vertical leg is the blade. Another interpretation of the zayin’s design is that it represents a crown and a scepter. The zayin thus alludes to power and authority.
8 strings= Ches= the rebuilding of the Temple= the crown and the temple united
10 strings=unity of all Jews with God.
The union of 7, 8, and 10 strings is זחי‎ or Zachi, "to speak loud and clearly". The Cymbal means to listen attentively.
Lyres= they don't tell the truth! Also called Psalters, represent the Ten Inspirations for the Psalms:
The Book of Psalms will reveal numerous chapters attributed to various great personalities. The Talmud enumerates ten authors other than King David.
“David composed the Book of Psalms through ten elders: Adam, Melchizedek, Abraham,1 Moses, Heiman, Yedutun, Asaph, and the three sons of Korach.”2 Furthermore, according to the Midrash, Jacob recited psalms during his 20-year stay in Laban’s home.3
Clearly, many psalms were composed and recited many generations before King David, yet Psalms is popularly known as the book of King David!
The Talmud states that Rabbi Meir would say, “All the praises stated in the book of Psalms were recited by David, as it is stated: ‘The prayers of David, son of Yishai (Beauty, proof God exists), are ended (kalu).’
4 Do not read kalu; rather, read kol elu, ‘all of these’”—which indicates that the entire book of Psalms consists of the prayers of King David.
5 To paraphrase the Yiddish words of Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch, "The other said the words of Psalms, but he expressed them.6"
The Torah Tantras of the Ten Psalmists must be revealed. They are:
Adam= a product of the interaction of God with red soil.
Malchizedek=Righteous King with Efficient Social Energy
The noun מלך (melek) means king, and a king is not merely a glorified tribal chief but the alpha of a complex, stratified society, implying a court and a complex government.
The verb צדק (sadeq) means to be just or righteous; to be efficient with social energy. Adjective צדיק (saddiq) means just or righteous, noun צדק (sedeq) means justice or rightness, noun צדקה (sadaqa) means righteousness.
Abraham=Father of Compassion
Moses="The water and the Sacred Tree."
Heiman=to choose what is right
The verb ימן (yaman), meaning to go or choose the right (Genesis 13:10), or use the right hand (1 Chronicles 12:2).
Yedutun=songs of praise
The plural noun הידות (huyyedot), meaning songs of praise.
Asaph=to harvest from the past, to gather what is planted
The verb אסף ('asap), means to gather or collect, mostly in reference to harvests, and with a connotation of removal. The nouns אסף ('osep), אסיף ('asip), אסף ('asop), אספה ('asepa), אספה ('assupa) and אספסף ('asapsup) all express nuances of the act of gathering, things gathered, collections or storages. Also note the similarities in form with the ספף  סוף  ספה (spp swp sph) cluster of words, which all have to do with the extraction of one continuum from another.
 Assir= to bind up, to deliver
Elkanah=What God has given, bind up
The verb קנן (qanan) isn't used in the Bible but it appears to tell of the weaving of many strands into a dynamic and interlocked network. These strands may be reeds and twigs that a bird weaves into a nest, or it may be acts of trade and routes of commerce that together combine into a bustling economy. Noun קן (qen) means nest, and verb קנן (qinnen) means to make a nest.
Abiasaph=The Father of what is Fathered
David= Persistent Beauty
Gad= Sound judgement, especially in the government
Nathan= The Transformer
Everything God instilled in man from the Beginning, we must productize and redeliver through sound government, a working stable social economy, one that is rife with compassion, absent propaganda and slander, full of righteousness, justice, the truth, and excellent educational facilities, all of these bundled up and delivered.
If the government will ensure this happens, our lives will be persistently beautiful and more or less worry free. Each increment of the Capital City that is born during this process automatically transforms the livelihood of the next.
27 Hezekiah gave the order to sacrifice the burnt offering on the altar. As the offering began, singing to the Lord began also, accompanied by trumpets and the instruments of David king of Israel. 
Trumpets are the zeitgiests of each generation, the most knowledgeable and profound in their pursuit of the tenets of the religion. This section of the Tanakh means they must also be the happiest, due to the high integrity of their fruits.
28 The whole assembly bowed in worship, while the musicians played and the trumpets sounded. All this continued until the sacrifice of the burnt offering was completed.
29 When the offerings were finished, the king and everyone present with him knelt down and worshiped. 
30 King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the Levites to praise the Lord with the words of David and of Asaph the seer. So they sang praises with gladness and bowed down and worshiped.
All this being said, the word Ephesus "the new town, the one in back of this one" the Gematria for the final three verses*, is the result of constant practice, sacrifce, tilling, planting, harvesting, all together called the Extraction of what God hides inside the ground, the weather, the sun, the plants and animals, and working, thriving communities for our benefit.
*=10623, אאֶפֶסו‎בג‎.
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thegenealogy · 10 months
1 Chronicles 24: 1-5. "The Doorknob."
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The Divisions of Priests
The Septugaint, the Directory of Names, AKA the Book of Chronicles was written to provide the People of the Kingdom of Israel with a catechism, a way to interpret the Torah.
So far, it says the senses must be tamed by the conscience, an inner compass of justice and fairness, and that it must be put to use when tyrrany and oppression surface. This instinct is taught and modeled by the Kohath, the Congregation to young people. Now we learn about the Kohens the Instructors of the Kohathites. There are 24 names that explain the Kohens in this section.
The Gematria for 24 is kaf dalet, AKA the Doorknob:
24 These were the divisions of the descendants of Aaron:
The sons of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 2 But Nadab and Abihu died before their father did, and they had no sons; so Eleazar and Ithamar served as the priests. 
Aaron= the Center of the Fire. The Source of Cheer.
Nadab=noble, generous deed
The verb נדב (nadab) means to give, donate or volunteer, and by implication to be noble. From it derive the noun נדבה (nedaba), freewill offering, the noun and adjective נדיב (nadib), generous or noble, and the noun נדיבה (nediba), generous deed.
Abihu=Father of Prophecy
The noun נאם (ne'um) describes a labored utterance of a prophet in trance. Denominative verb נאם (na'am), means to utter a prophetic utterance.
Eleazar=Yah supports or helps
Ithamar= Sign post or pillar of immense prosperity
The noun תמר (tamar) means palm tree but it's not immediately clear from what verb it comes, and thus how the ancients saw the palm tree — in the Bible all trees (oaks, figs, olives, and so on) relate to certain aspects of the wisdom tradition.
These Five Personas show up a few times in the Tanakh.
Together they form the Five Fingers of the Priesthood called the Kohens.
At the center is Aaron, the "Accumulation of cheer." Now everyone knows we go to Synagogue for a slice of this. But at the heart of the Temple in reality and in the mind, the heart, and in between the fingers, its palm so to speak is the Center of Judaism, a method for adding to the excellence and happiness of the human race.
The Torah Tantra of the Five Fingers is:
"The God of Happiness provides humanity with the pillars of prosperity by prophesying through his nobles."
3 With the help of Zadok a descendant of Eleazar and Ahimelek a descendant of Ithamar, David separated them into divisions for their appointed order of ministering. 
Zadok= A kingdom that is wholly in tune with the Law consists of only sovereign individuals, i.e. one that is righteous.
The verb צדק (sadeq) means to be just or righteous; to be efficient with social energy. Adjective צדיק (saddiq) means just or righteous, noun צדק (sedeq) means justice or rightness, noun צדקה (sadaqa) means righteousness.
Eleazar=God Supports
Ahimelek="Wholly in tune with the law." Member of a kingdom that employs a stable, sound approach to government, including submission to the Laws of Nature and lawbooks of man.
The noun מלך (melek) means king, and a king is not merely a glorified tribal chief but the alpha of a complex, stratified society, implying a court and a complex government.
The Bible insists that a society must be governed by a triad of anointed sovereigns, namely prophets, priests and the king. A good king causes his people to be prosperous and peaceful whereas a bad one causes poverty and strife. The difference between the two is dictated by how close to the Law of Nature (a.k.a. the Word of God) the king operates.
Ithamar= signs of prosperity.
"Societies that are in tune with the law demonstrate the signs of righteousness. They are built by innately free individuals who are taught by their community leaders, temple priests, governors to understand the importance of the greater good."
4 A larger number of leaders were found among Eleazar’s descendants than among Ithamar’s, and they were divided accordingly: sixteen heads of families from Eleazar’s descendants and eight heads of families from Ithamar’s descendants. 
Sixteen Heads= Ayin Hadas, AKA "Nothing New"
Eight Heads= Heth Hadas, AKA "Were new."
The number 16 represents the Eyes of Salvation, all of the traditions.
The number eight, or "after rebirth" means "as good as it can possibly be", all that we learn from the past and add to the traditions going forward.
So for every Kohen the Kingdom of Israel produces there were "two eyes on God" that came before him.
5 They divided them impartially by casting lots, for there were officials of the sanctuary and officials of God among the descendants of both Eleazar and Ithamar.
Casting Lots =
Life is a risky business. To cast lots is to sell one's soul to the lottery, hoping something good will accidentally happen. Casting lots with shitty people or oneself during a time of profound lack of preparation to live appropriately is a sin. The Kohens, the "Hand on the Doorknob" are Jews commissioned by God to prevent the outcome of the casting of lots with the self or other Jews from going wrong.
So we always go with Ayin, #16 "two eyes on God, who is known through one Torah",
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And Heth, number 8:
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...for the preparation of the Kohath by the Kohens and this eventually leads to salvation for all mankind.
The mind and its instruments are the hands and the doorknob to the wisdom knowledge that can, according to the Tanakh, rescue us from all the self-started trouble that is threatening our lives.
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smiteworks · 11 months
New Release Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-14: Shattering Golden Chains Paizo Inc.
A mysterious genie appears before the Pathfinders as they finish settling into the Sedeq Lodge and asks for assistance in seeing that their previous binder sees justice. The Pathfinders must infiltrate the home of the genie binder and free the elemental beings that he's bound to his service before finally confronting him for his meddling in the freedom of other beings and trying to overthrow the Pathfinder Society in Qadira. Unfortunately, his powerful benefactor tipped him off, so he's just as ready for the Pathfinders as they are for him!
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qoctc · 1 year
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Lanzan SECULT y SEDEQ convocatoria para otorgar la Beca Artística 2023. La secretarías de Cultura y de Educación del Estado Querétaro convocan a las y los estudiantes que cuenten con una trayectoria destacada en alguna disciplina artística. La convocatoria completa puede consultarse en la página https://becasedeq.queretaro.gob.mx/ y los resultados se publicarán el miércoles 3 de mayo. (en Queretaro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqMUyOstNuK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Entrega SEDEQ equipamiento en robótica a escuelas de Querétaro
Entrega SEDEQ equipamiento en robótica a escuelas de Querétaro #Educacion #Queretaro #Robotica #Estudiantes #Informate
Participan en Querétaro un total de  26 escuelas en este proyecto. Con el objetivo de fomentar entre estudiantes de educación básica las habilidades en robótica, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas, la secretaria de Educación, Martha Elena Soto Obregón, encabezó la entrega de material didáctico a seis escuelas beneficiadas con el programa “Robotix Ciclo 2022-2023”. Recordó que una de las…
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queretarotv · 1 year
Invita titular de SEDEQ a fortalecer programa Bilingüismo
Durante la sesión de Gabinete Educativo, la secretaria de Educación (SEDEQ), Martha Elena Soto Obregón, invitó a los diferentes subsistemas a fortalecer el programa “Bilingüismo”, esto luego de que se publicó la convocatoria “Contigo Querétaro Bilingüe”, que busca la participación de profesores y estudiantes que deseen acreditar el examen del Centro Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación…
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gobqro · 2 years
Establece COBAQ nueva alianza con Cambridge
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En las oficinas centrales del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Querétaro (COBAQ) se firmó un nuevo convenio de colaboración con Cambridge University Press & Assessment, México, acuerdo que tiene una vigencia de tres años y que fue signado por el director general del colegio, León Enrique Bolaño Mendoza, y el director de ventas en México, Centroamérica y el Caribe de esta editorial, León Díaz Ortiz.
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Bolaño Mendoza enfatizó la relevancia que posee esta alianza estratégica, que tiene como propósito la continuidad al trabajo bilateral, además de que esta institución inglesa conceda licencia de uso de imagen y la designación de sus exámenes de evaluación acorde a los programas institucionales para el fortalecimiento en enseñanza y el aprendizaje del idioma en beneficio de la comunidad educativa. “Toda vez que el idioma inglés es una excelente camino para el desarrollo universitario e importante vía de acceso en el ámbito profesional”, apuntó. Esta nueva colaboración incluyó la distinción para el COBAQ “Platinum Better Learning Partner”, la más alta que otorga Cambridge, convirtiéndola en la primera y única institución de educación media superior pública en el país con este reconocimiento en la enseñanza del idioma Inglés; esto faculta al colegio como centro de estudios Cambridge para certificar a estudiantes, docentes y público en general que así lo decida.
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Además, se continuará con la capacitación del personal docente en esta área, así como las dinámicas escolares que permitan conseguir el máximo desarrollo en los jóvenes en el contexto del Programa Integral de Reforzamiento del Idioma, considerado en la Estrategia Nacional de Inglés impulsada por la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP). Fueron testigos por parte del COBAQ, el coordinador de gestión interinstitucional, Carlos Alberto Zárate Burgos; la directora de vinculación, Wendy Mariana Sánchez González; la coordinadora de bachillerato mixto, Lorena Navarro Torres y por Cambridge también estuvo presente el gerente de soluciones de aprendizaje, Cruz Castro López, entre otros.
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almomentoqueretaro · 2 years
Gabinete de Educación Básica permite tener rumbo: SEDEQ
#Querétaro Gabinete de Educación Básica permite tener rumbo: SEDEQ.
29 de septiembre 2022.- Se llevó a cabo la sesión de Gabinete de Educación Básica de Querétaro, encabezada por la secretaria, Martha Elena Soto Obregón, quien destacó que la mesa de trabajo realizada permite tener rumbo en el ámbito educativo al conocer los avances y el trabajo que desarrolla la Unidad de Servicios para la Educación Básica (USEBEQ) para este ciclo Escolar. El coordinador General…
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dikleyt · 2 years
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The Hebrew word צדק (justice) in the Progress version of the Pride colors and in three fonts: regular, Rashi, and Ashkenazi cursive. License CC0 (public domain).
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fy-yongsun · 5 years
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190607 Solar & Hwasa @ All That Skate © sedeq
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