#Severa's backstory is so sad
childofaura · 11 months
Big question I have: who are your top 10 favourite Awakening characters from the First Generation and why?
This one will be fun :D also same disclaimer I always say: these aren’t in any particular order except for number one, because he really is number one.
That’s pretty much how all my lists go, lol.
Priam. This man is perfect and wonderful in so many ways; before I played Awakening, I watched all the confessions of the male characters, saw him, and went “THAT ONE. HE’S THE ONE .” He left me smitten even before I knew anything about him, like him being Ike’s descendent, and I’ve always been drawn more towards the “Avatarsexuals”. The game always tries to play him off as annoying, but he’s just incredibly passionate about gaining strength. He’s actually pretty passionate about everything he does, especially when he confesses that he’s fallen in love with you. His confession portrait has to be one of the most romantic in the game:
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Priam is a hulking beast of a warrior but here, he’s kneeling down in front of you, having taken his gloves off so he can hold your hand in his (no one else does this by the way) while he gazes adoringly into your eyes. Combine that with how powerful and handsome he is, he’s my ultimate husband choice in Awakening. The only downside is how far in the game he is before you can recruit him (Chapter 25) but he’s worth it.
2. Aversa. I like a lot of SpotPass characters, and I like Aversa for her extra lore. Most people hate the SpotPass characters for turning the villains “good”, but I think it’s neat that the bad guys help defeat the TRUE villain pulling the strings (and it’s not like bad guys like Validar became good). Aside from that, Aversa is actually a sweetheart who struggles with making friends because she feels like she doesn’t deserve it (in her supports with M!Robin at least). It definitely makes her one of the more interesting female Awakening characters.
3. Vaike. WHEN, IS??? WHEN ARE WE GETTING TEACH??? Here’s hoping he’s not a demote when we get him… he’s a cool dude and his support with Sully is actually pretty touching, they were made for each other.
4. Frederick. I think Frederick (along with Dedue) is actually one of the nicer vassal characters in Fire Emblem, because Jakob can kind of be an asshole sometimes and Hubert is… Hubert. He’s diligent, cares about others, and holds the Shepherds together.
5. Gregor. The dude is SO overlooked as “haha funny Russian man” despite the fact that he’s powerful as fuck and even could have been a Khan of Regna Ferox if he wanted to. And RESOURCEFUL, the fact that he knew how to do Cordelia’s makeup is impressive. Plus I think he’s the best dad for Severa (I actually headcanon that Severa is bilingual in Gregor’s homeland tongue and it comes out when she’s pissed off at something or someone). Great dude and I’m glad he got added to FEH.
6. Gangrel. I said it. He works great as an antagonist and he’s a fun ally with a fascinating backstory (he kind of reminds me of Askeladd from Vinland Saga). It’s actually really sad to me that he dies a horrible death if he doesn’t support with F!Robin, I’d have liked for him to have loved to do SOMETHING.
7. Kellam. NO END. I’VE HEARD NO END TO THE INVISIBILITY JOKES. I GET IT. I will ALWAYS acknowledge my boy. He’s such a sweetheart and I adore his support with Olivia. He better get a prf when he gets added to FEH or I will riot.
8. Panne. She turns into a bunny. I like her.
But also she has a great backstory.
9. Virion. Ok yes he’s silly and goofy and flirts with anything that looks remotely female and walks on two legs. But if you read his Support with F!Robin (definitely one of the most sincere supports of the game in my opinion), he’s actually a very noble and caring guy. Especially during one of the DLCs where he sells an heirloom dagger for an old couple who was sick, and refuses to be acknowledged in any way or form for doing so. He’s got a great heart.
10. Mustafa. Does this count? Probably not but I wanna give him a shoutout anyways. I’m mad that HE wasn’t a SpotPass character, as cool as Walhart was, I would have preferred Mustafa. At least he got added to FEH, I’ll take what I can get.
Special additional shoutouts to Olivia, Sully, Lon’qu, and Yen’fey, they’re also really cool. I do like the other characters (especially Maribelle’s support where she knows how to talk like a sailor) but I’d prioritize these guys on the list.
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An addendum to the future assassins
NewMC: She's Wrath because she angry and bitter at herself for the Parting Words Regret and her predecessor assassins you know they failed and left them in a messed up world,no wonder that she always pissed off(home series:OC=Original Character)}#1
Avi:He's Sloth because like "father" like "son"(home series:Sin With Me)
Stella James:She's Greed...let's see=larceny,rebellious,sassy attitude we're sure that Yvette and Stella aren't related?(home series:Gangster in Love)
Roxie:She's Gluttony because it's both poetic and poignant that the Niece of Malakai longtime friend take his place(home series:Havenfall is for Lovers)
Saffi:She's Envy let's see" the ”younger” sibling envious that the older one unlock the aura first are we talking about Saffi or Onix(home series:Astoria Fate Kisses)
Faust:He's Lust since in his backstory he lusted for knowledge so he made a deal with the demon Mephistopheles(home series:I named him after the main character of Goethe's Faust)
Attis Maximo:He's Pride since considers himself to be above others in intellect, and refuses to consider the feelings of others.home series:I named him after Attis Invidia's husband from Codex Alera)}#2
Some fan-made Vinca route scenarios:
NewMC:There's a phrase that I don't understand.(Everyone are watching Scott Pilgrim Versus the World)
Yvette:Which would it be?
NewMC:What is a sexy phase?
Yvette's jaw opens to the ground, Lazareth bangs his face against the wall and Vinca stumbles and almost kisses the floor.🤣
This scenario take cues from a short fic about Vinca and MC falling in love with MC been the only human that Vinca can't read the mind. Written by: @an-awkward-ghost=
Vinca“I’ll figure you out.” She says instead, voice strained. “And I will break you.”
NewMC:“Sure.” The girl says, not intimidated one bit. “I’ll be waiting.” Not that as if a peacock disguised as a barker}#3 of this carnival (she's mocking them, because she is pissed that her friends advised to go to Vinca hoping that with her telepathy she could awaken some memories since NewMC suffer of amnesia,but it didn't work and since the ticket is expensive she feel bad that her friends wasted plenty of money for nothing)}#4 something that she muttered under her breath.
Vinca proposing to start as Friends with Benefits and NewMC response to Vinca proposition: She slightly misunderstands at first, then understands perfectly and is completely blindsided(and flabbergasted) not so much on the proposition(It's Vinca we're talking about!!!) but by the sheer brazenness(both from Vinca and the proposition)
#1}Because NewMC and Esperanza are not so different and I love a delicious dramatic irony
#2} My OC Maximo,Vinca and Severa from Fire Emblem Awakening have one thing in common= They're Sour Outside, Sad Inside!
#3}Barker [derives from barking]. Street vendor who, with effective phrases and praising the merits of their goods, tries to attract the public and convince them to shop; even the newsboy who, at the entrance to entertainment venues, fair huts, etc., entices people to enter and who exalts the non-existent qualities of something or makes use of resounding words to convey things that are far from true.
#4} MC of SWM comment about the ticket price is very expensive like Over 9000!!!
#5}Talking about starting off on the worst foot in the worst possible way, which will make the slow evolution of their relationship very, very satisfying
Interesting 😉 thanks for sharing. Avi becoming Sloth in particular... oh god, Cal would be so worried! - Mod Jessa
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nosafeharbour · 4 years
The Sorrow of Werlyt thoughts/reactions (5.2)
I originally screamed these thoughts into the void on Twitter on 5.2 patch day, (February 18th), but I’m putting them here for prosperity, because Tumblr is easier and I’ll probably do the same here for 5.3. I had to leave for an appointment right after finishing it, so I was just sat on the train pouring my thoughts into my phone...
I’m… [head in hands] - It was probably an issue of screen time more than anything but the fact Raubahn was just [resigned sigh] at Gaius in Ala Mhigo while our character was just IMMEDIATELY VIOLENT AT SEEING HIM AGAIN was so funny to me. Albi is more forgiving than most and it’s been hard not to just slap my love for Gaius on her, but that’s one of the few people where she would just wanna go straight for the throat - I’m glad his companions have names now, I love Severa… as soon as she was like yeah, Gaius got really injured defending me and [makes jokes about him hobbling around] I was just 🥺 - Nervous laughter at “spending my remaining days” line, I know you’re getting old Gaius but please— - I was already screaming into voice chat when it was Project: Darnus and screaming at the Ultima remix and…  wondering if the Dalamud in the trailer was actually from this fight somehow BUT… THE… THE SECOND PHASE WAS DEADASS THE MOST SHOCKING INCREDIBLE THING. Rise of the White Raven kicking in with those wings? NAEL? MY QUEEN??? DALAMUD, THE BURNING CITY STATES, FUCK - Even Nael mentioning her brother during the fight was cool, and recognising that something was wrong… I’m so curious about this self-awareness she seemed to have, it wasn’t just a projection, huh..? - Before the fight started I was ready to die if it was Livia piloting but NOPE IT’S A WHOLE ASS NAEL DEUS DARNUS - I feel like I never burdened my WoL with too much trauma, the only things that really affected her was like… The Ghimlyt Dark, Ultima Weapon, and seeing Dalamud fall [stares at that trial] [stares into the camera] - Anyway the elephant in the room I DON’T KNOW HOW I EXPECTED THEM TO INTRODUCE THE RAEN BUT IT WASN’T LIKE THAT - First of all the fact they’re from Ilsabard and don’t have Japanese-inspired names is not only my dream come true, but also means these guys are almost certainly related to Albi’s dad in some way. Come for the Ruby Weapon, stay for the… cousins?? - I can’t believe they were so un-dramatic about Gaius just being like oh! my kids!! there was no tense surprise it was just Dad Mode Activated. I’m… [shocked crying laughter] - I always loved that he adopted Livia and Cid but now he’s just straight up helping out at orphanages, even if all he did was rescue them and drop them off he was absolutely okay with all these baby Raen calling him dad. oh my god. oh fuck. oh my go— - It’s almost comedic how many Good Guy Flags they’re giving Gaius now. He’s just a POC single dad with ten kids who gets himself injured to save his comrades on a regular basis while they hunt fascists... I guess…
- I do hope the plot holds him more accountable for his past actions because that’s a very major thing that felt downplayed in this, but I can live for now - It was almost anti-climactic how lowkey his reunion with Cid was, for both parties, but Gaius just so (I’d say uncharacteristically, but he reacted similarly to Rhitahtyn and Livia’s deaths) quietly sad and vacantly walking off… and Cid recognising that his anger fizzled out pretty quickly upon seeing him again was really lovely and felt at least a little in character. I wanted Cid to deck him but instead I got another confirmation that he’s literally the kindest character in this game - Especially when he just [recaps his tragic backstory and mentions wanting to check some Dalamud information elsewhere] lmao I am ready for the Bozja relic quest too, bud - Can’t stop thinking about how quickly Cid went from :/ more of his CRONIES huh?? oh they were some of the orphans? I get it. He just collects wayward kids like some people collect triple triad cards - Nervous laughter at whatever that last dialogue with the Elezen guy was… who are you to be threatening Gaius van Baelsar so easily?? He wasn’t even like “I’ll kill something you care about” he was just “I’ll kill you” - I assume we’ll get to see more of where Werlyt is because Albi’s dad is absolutely gonna be from that region, I think - The EX unlock had me crylaughing, he’s just… a gunpla nerd… I understand the “gundam fans will enjoy this” thing now - Your WoL’s utter despair at this nerd babbling on about Garlean Allagan fusion design was funny but also THAT IS SO ME AND SO ALBI - Also 🤔 at the guy mentioning that Ruby Weapon’s face was very voidsent-like, and that perhaps it absorbed the aether from a primal summoned during one of the uprisings… I wonder if that’s the ramblings of a mad man, or has some truth - I’m so grateful to friends in VC and I guess maybe anyone I know for putting up with me because I feel like a piece of content could not be more tailored to my tastes, I’m in utter disbelief I just experienced all that… Allagan Garlean FFVII Ultima Raen whale of a time. I was already so excited for Gaius content but [thru tears] NAEL? CID?? - I wonder what the next content will be like, I have no idea how any of this could be topped… I feel like the FFVII appeal is such a thinly veiled guise for them to just pick up on very cool Garlean lore left over from the Praetorium and Coils - I still hope Nero turns up at some point, the gangs all here and I also want his weirdly comfortable family reunion scene - I’m gonna need some time to get over how Gaius really just went from [Praetorium voice] LET US DANCE CHAMPION OF EORZEA, KILLING YOU WILL PROVE MY READINESS TO RULE to [trails off mid-sentence and half heartedly limps away from a confrontation because he is sad about one of his kids dying] - I guess in regards to Albi she probably went into this with grim determination and ready to punch Gaius, but was blindsided by her unchecked PTSD and sudden Raen echo… probably just as [stares into the distance] as everyone else right now. This was the first time I wanted to use BLM since The Ghimlyt Dark so it really would have been a lot for her. Much to think about - I dunno what kind of relationship Albi and Gaius are gonna have yet but I guess along the lines of enemies to we’re-both-too-sad-and-tired-to-hold-grudges... Welcome to the Baelsar-Garlond-Raen found family
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airlock · 5 years
airlock grades the Camus archetype
next in this series, we delve into the world of fancy jackets, ebon horses, and loves that cannot be. that’s right -- it’s the day in the lives of the one who was fortunate enough to fuck off into the ocean with no memories, and all the other ones who just straight-up died!
(do note: under cut are spoilers for… everything, and also a significant amount of me criticizing or blamming characters that you might like. you’ve been warned! but if you’d press on, then I’m afraid I have no choice but to face you on the battlefield-)
a foreword
so, I’m not trying to end up rating every single semi-sympathetic miniboss out here; to this end, I will be working with a very specific definition of a Camus for this exercise. I do not claim it to be the definition of a Camus; it’s simply what I’ll be working with. it’s as such: a Camus is a secondary villain who is characterized as virtuous, but tragically doomed to stand against the player characters, either in keeping with the aforementioned virtue, because of an overpowering external circumstance, or both.
so, let us dig in!
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there he is, folks! the man whose dick launches thousands of ships, hurtling into each other on a maelstrom of tragedy.
a multitude of appearances -- matched only by a certain trio of flying girls -- has given him incredible room to expand as a complex, dynamic character. where his original appearance alone might blip as gently tragic but not incredibly compelling, he’s incrementally gained a robust character, and ultimately got to be one of the ones who managed to elude the pits of data size issues in Akaneian characterization.
screaming camus
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is it a stretch to tout him as a “virtuous” character? perhaps, but for the purposes of classification alone, intent weighs a little more than execution, and I think it’s clear that the writers had intended for Berkut to be sympathetic, but tragic, as far as secondary antagonists go.
unfortunately, though, they failed big time. Ian Sinclair’s stellar voice acting counts in Berkut’s favor, but little else does. his character is nigh-on pastiche and he seems to hog a lot of screentime without adding anything of significant interest to the story or to other characters. his motivations, while genuine enough, are irritatingly played by the narrative as being sympathetic when they absolutely are not; and worst of all, his fall from grace is severely cheapened by ending on a note of easy redemption that he does not at all deserve.
mongolian camus
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in concept, this is a brillant player punch; as if Hardin wasn’t enough, you have to make enemies of even more of those who fought by your side on the previous game, and this guy -- alongside his underlings bar Roshea -- aren’t even fighting you because they’ve gone mad; they’re the same as they were before, and it’s only unfortunate that now, their master is no longer on your side.
however, further labor on the execution front would have been invaluable here. as far as Camuses (camusi? camii? camee?) go, the ole Wolfpack has a lot less time in the limelight than is par for the course, and the one-two maps they haunt don’t leave enough room to draw out the drama.
I’m not docking points for this, but New Mystery of the Emblem also does the Wolfpack a serious disservice in making them all recruitable. besides being a cowardly evasion from the tragedies of war that Fire Emblem is well-known to mercilessly portray, it’s not even a better outcome for them personally. like, have you seen Wolf’s epilogue? and it’s only further a shame after Shadow Dragon went and made Wolf and Sedgar so busted they may have had a better chance to leave an impression on the player -- which would then have made it all the more of a gut twister if they’d remained as full proper... goddamnit I’m not doing the plural Camus thing again.
wine camus
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without hesitation, one of the most effective... camus characters, okay, there, I settled that... ever written. it’s sad enough when you have to snuff out someone nice because war is hell and the world is an awful place, but having the guy be the protagonist’s best friend is just ruthless.
and it’s not just text, either; it’s set up brillantly. Eldigan and Sigurd’s good bond is put well on display before it’s brutally shattered. he’s even given an unusual out in that you don’t have to kill him -- but if you don’t, Chagall will! hoohoohoo, Jugdral is the bestworst.
seriously, though, I think I’ve honest to god cried at least once about Eldigan, and making me cry is pretty difficult -- like, outside of an argument or other situation where crying totally sabotages me so of course my body will do that to me.
thunder camus
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I appreciate an extremely powerful female character as much as anyone should, but other than that, I will have to admit that I don’t find her incredibly compelling.
although Genealogy of the Holy War may have been the game that gave us Hilda, it very much betrays the Kagaman’s hesitancy in letting women be villainous, and there are not many better examples of this than Ishtar here. as far as Camus characters (hahahaha! I am unstoppable!) go, she’s one of the most virtuous -- and also one with the flimsiest reasons for staying the course of villainy anyway.
like, sure, she has a boyfriend who turned into satan. we sure get told that. and then it stays as absolutely nothing other than text, when she tends to act like she’s being forced by the greatest of all powers to continue opposing you. Thracia 776 at least strengthens the script by depicting the extant relationship as an abusive one, which would shed a little more sense into things, but it’s too little too late; too late because it’s one whole game later, and too little because Ishtar and Julius are not focal characters of that game and don’t have enough room to expand in there. (plus, it’s not a great idea for Julius anyway -- he’s hellspawn, not a smooth operator.)
tiny hand camus
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curiously, I’d actually bill Reinhardt here as a hybrid Camus-Michalis -- while his arc swallows elements of inevitable tragedy such as a star-crossed crush and a superior that he won’t defy, it never feels like he has to fight you in the way that a Camus normally does; rather, it feels like he chooses to anyway because of his shortcomings, in the way that a Michalis normally does.
and putting these things together... well, I’m grading the whole character here, but let’s be real, he’s far more effective of a Michalis than a Camus. intent regadless, sympathy isn’t usually the sentiment that he flints up, and I believe even Olwen is ultimately of that mindset; still, it gets to be a shame that he makes the choices he does when he’s otherwise not such an overtly repugnant type.
(I went this whole time not talking about Heroes, yes? that’s because I’m not going there. not the memes, not his thorougly botched characterization there, nothing.)
alamo camus
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I believe that Galle and Murdock are intended as Camus characters (booyaka booyaka! shakalaka!) as well, but they’re so painfully inconsequential I’m not going to get sidetracked in their direction here.
Brunnya is not that much better off than they are, alas; she gets a little more screentime, but remains underdeveloped until her one chapter in the limelight. she does get to play an interesting role as a Camus who outlives her master and still decides to carry on his will, but we’ve seen better and more compelling all over this list.
double camus
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oh, snap, there are two of them! ... well, so there were in Genealogy of the Holy War, but these here bros aren’t to be analyzed in isolation.
the moral complexities that they play at together are interesting, but I think that the coolest aspect of their character, by far, is that they play at being direct counterparts to Eliwood and Hector. the charming, reasonable one and the brutish, straightforward one who strengthen each other through their balance -- they’re shining mirrors of what could have been, or what comes to be when you take the same strengths as those of the heroes but place them irrevocably in the path of the villains. ... hmmm, I wonder if they’d have a non-adoptive sister if Lyn were, like, relevant at that point of the story.
their screentime is surprisingly short, but all indicates that they make tidal waves on the little time they have. I’m certain they’d have benefitted from more, but they’re still amongst the best of the Camus characters (I did it again!! I did it again!!).
not severa camus
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although her tale is not as gut-wrenching as Eldigan’s or the Reed bros’, she’s one perfectly adequate Camus. virtuous, and impactfully so, but loyal to the end, and justifiedly so -- both in a relevant backstory and in a string of deceptions and misfortunes that play her stronger qualities against her.
I don’t find her to be a standout, but she’s a perfect execution of her own concept -- and considering the staggering amount of unfulfilled potential we’ve seen up to here, that deserves its due praise.
tincan camus
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although he’s fairly interesting, the sins of his master befall him -- the reveal of his identity is severly dragged-out for also meaning very little until the additional reveal of his brand. and by then, it’s doomed to be only a blur out of the many unfulfilled twists in the Tower of Guidance.
even beneath the mask, he’s had a lot of chances for player punches that he missed out on. his confrontation with Greil emphatizes his role as Ashnard’s underling, instead of his role as Greil’s former student and Ike’s newly-made archrival, and I feel like that’s a severe mistake -- for one thing, it forces the cutscene to end with a lame halfway intervention from Caineghis, where it would’ve been perfectly viable for Ike to walk out of that one alive exclusively due to Zelgius’s own motivations.
even beyond that, his appearances in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn often play him as a plot device instead of a character; as a matter of fact, that ridiculous magic warp powder of his accomplishes no purpose other than enabling him to be a plot device wherever plot needs him (aside from how it silently explains how he lives a double life in two different countries, but that’s kind of a pointless detail).
and lastly, just how impossibly lame is it that he’s given a deadly final confrontation with Ike, that he’s just going to walk off of by the sequel anyway? it’s easy to see why it’s necessary for the plots of the two games it affects, but it’s laaaaaaaaame.
samurai camus
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easily the least compelling of the list. he comes in to carry the half of a nonsense arc that doesn’t have enough room to fully build him, and it shows. and to make things worse, he’s one of the most notable sufferers of a syndrome that thorougly afflicts antagonists in Awakening and, to a lesser extent, beyond: a tendency to try to paint them as unambiguously evil before you fight them, but tragic and redeemable right after you fight them. which ultimately completely fails as the player punch that the writers ostensibly intended and robs the confrontation itself of much-needed gravitas.
if-conditional camus characters
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hahahahaha!!! hahahahahahaahhahahahaaaa!! sockeye!!! I did the thing again and right in the middle of a nickname too!!
but yeah, I haven’t played Fates any more now than at the time of the Gharnef post.
anyways, what do you all think? have I earned your undying loyalty, or does chivalry demand that you slaughter me for my vile takes? if the upcoming Three Houses is to have a Camus... oh, who are we kidding, of course there’s going to be a Camus. in another life, things have been different, but this fate is inescapable. the only mercy we can extend for it now is to wonder what it’ll be like. once again, I welcome your comments in the replies and reblogs -- would you wrong your country by keeping them to yourself anyway?
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the-sun-princess · 7 years
12 of SD @occasionallydiverting
oh another flashback
hey well you get your dream of standing by the Exalt’s side Sevvy
tiny sev and luc training. I always forget Lucina is at least two years older than everyone else
ooh....poor Luci being so serious :(
aw little Sevvy bday party :O oh wow making a first sword
YEAH let Luci help. I admittedly would not let a 9 and 10 year old help forge a sword though but yes.
gosh just tiny children
GREGOR what up my man. heheheh cute children
yes it’s definitely the snow in his hair. a SWORD LIKE LUCI SO THEY CAN TRAIN TOGETHER awwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a good small kiddo
i’m guessing the sword Severa laid on Freddo’s grave was this on
yes it must be tempered like an angry person
a sword is not a loaf of bread, very good Severa. still needs to be cooked.
please let Luci eat with you she seems so sad :( let her be a kiddo 
oh boy now for the worse part of the flashback Fred’s gonna be friggin dead. oh Stahl heey. 
They’re back from Plegia but...lol not most of them. Goddammit Van, bringing the backstories in just for the pain. So that’s...Maribelle and Henry gone. Miriel and whoever Laurent’s dad was....Gregor and Nowi....and Frederick....
that was a rude flashback
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sirlucina · 7 years
seeing a flood of severa in my dash makes me laugh sometimes coz I KNOW its from you. SO i just wanna spark that fire of love in you today: tell me what do u love about severa im genuinely curious :3c
omg lmao like everything????
i remember when i first unlocked her paralogue, her dialogue and overall look just screamed tsundere and im very much a fan of that trope so it was basically love at first sight
and then you read her supports and shes just so funny and sarcastic, but when she needs to be she’ll be serious and apologize for hurting people. i like her personality a lot
and shes the only character in awakening that has every available support conversation unlocked in my game bc i support grinded her so much bc i love her
all of her supports with girls are so fucking gay like in kjelles c-support???? she get distracted by kjelles abs and frankly thats #relatable. her supports with noire are so cute and its a completely different side to her than what you usually get in her supports. she genuinely cares for noire and you can tell that they have a long history and are comfortable enough with each other to let down their guards. and that one dlc (future past i think) her and lucinas conversation is just 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 magnificent. her support with cynthia is just all around hilarious and you can actually see their friendship and respect for each other grow. other notable supports include the one with brady where they just form a snark club, her and laurents where they learn to use both their (shopping) skills for the good of the army and overcome their differences, and the ones with her parents.
her supports give her a lot of good development as a character i think, especially regarding her issues with her mom, but i dont like angst so i prefer not to think about it but its there and gives her a valid reason for being so tsundere. her backstory is sad but she keeps going
also shes just so pretty?? shes so cute i love her so much
as a unit she is fucking op like in my first file i married cordelia to gregor and shes so STRONG!!! and in the file that i married her, cordelia is married to donnel (which i found out later is her worst father apparently) and shes STILL SO STRONG. i love having her use an axe it suits her much better than a sword imo. and she looks good with every hair colour. 
unfortunately im no where near completing conquest so i cant say much about selena but i do know that her winking portrait in fates is absolutely adorable and it kills me every time and i love her so much
 i could go on but i’ll spare you lol shes just great and sarcastic and beautiful and relatable to me personally 
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