#Shane E. Ballard
innuendostudios · 5 years
Research Masterpost
This is my research list for The Alt-Right Playbook. It is a living document - I am typically adding sources faster than I am finishing the ones already on it. Notes and links below the list. Also, please note this does not include the hundreds of articles and essays I’ve read that also inform the videos - this is books, reports, and a few documentaries.
Legend: Titles in bold -> finished Titles in italics -> partially finished *** -> livetweeted as part of #IanLivetweetsHisResearch (asterisks will be a link) The book I am currently reading will be marked as such.
Media Manipulation & Disinformation Online, by Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis Alternative Influence, by Rebecca Lewis The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer*** Eclipse of Reason, by Max Horkheimer Civility in the Digital Age, by Andrea Weckerle The Origins of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt On Revolution, by Hannah Arendt Don’t Think of an Elephant, by George Lakoff The Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein How Propaganda Works, by Jason Stanley*** This is an Uprising, by Mark and Paul Engler Neoreaction a Basilisk, by Elizabeth Sandifer This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed, by Charles E. Cobb, Jr. Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me), by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson Healing from Hate, by Michael Kimmel The Brainwashing of my Dad, doc by Jen Senko On Bullshit, by Harry Frankfurt The Reactionary Mind, by Corey Robin*** Stamped from the Beginning, Ibram X. Kendi Fascism Today, by Shane Burley Indoctrination over Objectivity?, by Marrissa S. Ballard Ur-Fascism, by Umberto Eco Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, by Lindsay C. Gibson Anti-Semite and Jew, by Jean-Paul Sartre Alt-America, by David Neiwert*** The Dictator’s Handbook, by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith Terror, Love, and Brainwashing, by Alexandra Stein Kaputt, by Curzio Malaparte The Anatomy of Fascism, by Robert O. Paxton Neoliberalism and the Far Right, by Neil Davidson and Richard Saull Trolls Just Want to Have Fun, by Erin E. Buckels, et al The Entrepreneurial State, by Mariana Mazzucato
Media Manipulation & Disinformation Online, by Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis (free: link) A monstrously useful report from Data & Society which- coupled with Samuel R. Delany’s memoir The Motion of Light in Water - formed the backbone of the Mainstreaming video. I barely scratched the surface of how many techniques the Far Right uses to inflate their power and influence. If you feel lost in a sea of Al-Right bullshit, this will at least help you understand how things got the way they are, and maybe help you discern truth from twaddle.
The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer (free: link) (livetweets) A free book full of research from Bob Altemeyer’s decades of study into authoritarianism. Altemeyer writes conversationally, even jovially, peppering what could have been a dense and dry work with dad jokes. I wouldn’t say he’s funny (most dads aren’t), but it makes the book blessedly accessible. If you ever wanted a ton of data demonstrating that authoritarianism is deeply correlated with conservatism, this is the book. One of the most useful resources I’ve consumed so far, heavily influencing the entire series but most directly the video on White Fascism. Even has some suggestions for how to actually change the mind of a reactionary, which is kind of the Holy Grail of LeftTube.
(caveats: there is a point in the book where Altemeyer throws a little shade on George Lakoff, and I feel he slightly - though not egregiously - misrepresents Lakoff’s arguments)
Don’t Think of an Elephant, by George Lakoff An extremely useful book about framing. Delves into the differences between the American Right and Left when it comes to messaging, how liberal politicians tend to have degrees in things like Political Science and Rhetoric, where conservatives far more often have degrees in Marketing. This leads to two different cultures, where liberals have Enlightenment-style beliefs that all  you need is good ideas and conservatives know an idea will only be popular if you know how to sell it. He gets into the nuts and bolts of how to keep control of a narrative, because the truth is only effective if the audience recognizes it as such. Kind of staggering how many Democrats swear by this book while blatantly taking none of its advice. Lakoff has been all over the series since the first proper video.
(caveats: several. Lakoff seemingly believes the main difference between the Right and Left is in our default frames, and that swaying conservatives amounts to little more than finding better ways to make the same arguments. he deeply underestimates the ideological divide between Parties, and some of his advice reads as tips for making debates more pleasant but no more productive. he also makes a passing comparison between conservatism and Islam that means well but is a gross and kinda racist false equivalence)
How Propaganda Works, by Jason Stanley (livetweets) A slog. Many useful concepts, and directly referenced in the White Fascism video. But could have said everything it needed to say in half as many pages. Stanley seems dedicated to framing everything in epistemological terms, not appealing to morality or sentiment, which means huge sections of the book are given over to “proving” democracy is a good thing using only philosophical concepts, when “democracy good” is probably something his readership already accepts. Also has a frustrating tendency to begin every paragraph with a brief summary of the previous paragraph. When he actually talks about, you know, how propaganda works, it’s very useful, and I don’t regret reading it. But I don’t entirely recommend it. Seems written for an imagined PhD review board. Might be better off reading my livetweets.
Neoreaction a Basilisk, by Elizabeth Sandier A trip. Similar to Jason Stanley, Sandifer is dedicated to “disproving” a number of Far Right ideologies - from transphobia to libertarianism to The Singularity - in purely philosophical terms. The difference is, she’s having fun with it. I won’t pretend the title essay - a 140-page mammoth - didn’t lose me several times, and someone had to remind which of its many threads was the thesis. And some stretches are dense, academic writing punctuated with vulgarity and (actually quite clever) jokes, which doesn’t always average out to the playfully heady tone she’s going for. But, still, frequently brilliant and never less than interesting. There is something genuinely cathartic about a book that begins with the premise that we all fear but won’t let ourselves meaningfully consider - that we will lose the fight with the Right and climate change is going to kill us all - and talks about what we can do in that event. I felt I didn’t even have to agree with the premise to feel strangely empowered by it. Informed the White Fascism video’s comments on transphobia as the next frontier of bigotry since failing to prevent marriage equality.
On Bullshit, by Harry Frankfurt Was surprised to find this isn’t properly a book, just a printed essay. Highly relevant passage that helped form my description of 4chan in The Card Says Moops: “What tends to go on in a bull session is that the participants try out various thoughts and attitudes in order to see how it feels to hear themselves saying such things and in order to discover how others respond, without its being assumed that they are committed to what they say: it is understood by everyone in a bull session that the statements people make do not necessarily reveal what they really believe or how they really feel. The main point is to make possible a high level of candor and an experimental or adventuresome approach to the subjects under discussion. Therefore provision is made for enjoying a certain irresponsibility, so that people will be encouraged to convey what is on their minds without too much anxiety that they will be held to it. [paragraph break] Each of the contributors to a bull session relies, in other words, upon a general recognition that what he expresses or says is not to be understood as being what he means wholeheartedly or believes unequivocally to be true. The purpose of the conversation is not to communicate beliefs.”
The Reactionary Mind, by Corey Robin (livetweets) Another freakishly useful book, and the basis for Always a Bigger Fish and The Origins of Conservatism. Jumping into the history of conservative thought, going all the way back to Thomas Hobbes, to stress that conservatism is, and always has been, about preserving social hierarchies and defending the powerful. Robin dissects thinkers who heavily influenced conservatism, from Edmund Burke and Friedrich Nietzsche to Carl Menger and Ayn Rand, and finally concluding with Trump himself. There’s a lot of insight into how the conservative mind works, though precious little comment on what we can do about it, which somewhat robs the book of a conclusion. Still, the way it bounces off of Don’t Think of an Elephant and The Authoritarians really brings the Right into focus.
Fascism Today, by Shane Burley Yet another influence on the White Fascism video. Bit of a mixed bag. The opening gives a proper definition of fascism, which is extremely useful. Then the main stretch delves into the landscape of modern fascism, from Alt-Right to Alt-Lite to neofolk pagans to the Proud Boys and on and on. Sometimes feels overly comprehensive, but insights abound on the intersections of all these belief systems (Burley pointing out that the Alt-Right is, in essence, the gentrification of working-class white nationalists like neo-Nazi skinheads and the KKK was a real eye-opener). But the full title is Fascism Today: What it is and How to End it, and it feels lacking in the second part. Final stretch mostly lists a bunch of efforts to address fascism that already exist, how they’ve historically been effective, and suggestions for getting involved. Precious few new ideas there. And maybe the truth is that we already have all the tools we need to fight fascism and we simply need to employ them, and being told so is just narratively unsatisfying. Or maybe it’s a structural problem with the book, that it doesn’t reveal a core to fascism the way Altemeyer reveals a core to authoritarianism and Robin reveals a core to conservatism, so I don’t come away feeling like I get fascism well enough to fight it. But, also, Burley makes it clear that modern fascism is a rapidly evolving virus, and being told that old ways are still the best ways isn’t very satisfying. If antifascism isn’t evolving at least as rapidly, it doesn’t seem like we’re going to win.
(caveats: myriad. for one, Burley repeatedly quotes Angela Nagle’s Kill All Normies, which does not inspire confidence. he also talks about “doxxing fascists” as a viable strategy without going into the differences between “linking a name to a face at a public event” and “hacking someone’s email to publicly reveal their bank information,” where the former is the strategy that fights fascism and the latter is vigilantism that is practiced widely on the Right and only by the worst actors on the Left. finally, the one section where Burley discusses an area I had already thoroughly researched was GamerGate, and he got quite a few facts wrong, which makes me question how accurate all the parts I hadn’t researched were. I don’t want to drive anyone away from the book, because it was still quite useful, but I recommend reading it only in concert with a lot of other sources so you don’t get a skewed perspective.)
Healing from Hate, by Michael Kimmel (Michael Kimmel, it turns out, is a scumbag. This book’s main thesis is that we need to look at violent extremism through the lens of toxic masculinity, so Kimmel’s toxic history with women is massively disappointing. Book itself is, in many ways, good, but, you know, retweets are not endorsement.)
A 4-part examination of how men get into violent extremism through the lens of the organizations that help them get out: EXIT in Germany and Sweden, Life After Hate in the US, and The Quilliam Foundation in Europe and North America. Emphasizing that entry into white nationalism - and, to an extent, jihadism - is less ideological than social. Young men enter these movements out of a need for community, purpose, and a place to put their anger. They feel displaced and mistreated by society - and often, very tangibly, are - and extremism offers a way to prove their manhood. Feelings of emasculation is a major theme. The actual politics of extremism are adopted gradually. They are, in a sense, the price of admission for the community and the sense of purpose. The most successful exit strategies are those that address these feelings of loneliness and emasculation and build social networks outside the movement, and not ones that address ideology first - the ideology tends to wither with the change in environment. The book itself can be a bit repetitive, but these observations are very enlightening.
(caveats: the final chapter on militant Islam is deeply flawed. Kimmel clearly didn’t get as much access to Qulliam as he had to EXIT and Life After Hate, so his data is based far less on direct interviews with counselors and former extremists and much more on other people’s research. despite the chapter stressing that a major source of Muslim alienation is racism, Kimmel focuses uncomfortably much on white voices - the majority of researchers he quotes are white Westerners, and the few interviews he manages are mostly with white converts to Islam rather than Arabs or South Asians. all in all, the research feels thinner, and his claims about militant Islam seem much more conjectural when they don’t read as echos of other people’s opinions.)
Terror, Love and Brainwashing, by Alexandra Stein A look at totalitarian governments and cults through the lens of attachment theory. While not explicitly about the Far Right, it’s interesting to see the overlap between this and Healing from Hate. Stein stresses that the control dynamics she discusses are not exclusive to cults, and are, in fact, the same ones as in abusive relationships; cults are just the most extreme version. So you can see many similar dynamics in Far Right organizations, like the Aryan Nations or the Proud Boys. It’s made me curious how many of these dynamics are in play in the distributed, less controlled environment of online extremism, and makes me want to look further into the subject before drawing conclusions.
(caveats: book is, as with How Propaganda Works, sometimes a slog and rather repetitive. I clocked a 4-page stretch in chapter 8 where Stein did not say a single thing that hadn’t been said multiple times in previous chapters. also, when talking about people coerced into highly-controlled lifestyles, she offhandedly includes “prostitutes” among them? it’s that liberal conflation of sex work and trafficking which is really not cool. this isn’t a major point, just something to notice while you read it.)
Alt-America, by David Neiwert (livetweets) A look at the actual formation of the Alt-Right, and the history that led up to it: the Militia and Patriot movements of the 90′s, the Tea Party, the rise of Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, and so on. Having been steeped in the rhetoric and tactics of the Far Right for so long, someone doing the work of sitting down and putting it all in chronological order is immensely helpful. Generally clear and well-written, too, and would be an easy read if not for how goddamn depressing the content is. Has an unfortunate final 7 pages, where Neiwert starts recommending actual policy. Falls into the usual “have empathetic conversations with genuine conservatives to turn them against the fascist wing taking over their party,” not recognizing the ways in which conservatism is continuous with fascism, nor the ways that trying to appeal to moderate conservatives alienates the people whose rights they deny. Means an extremely valuable book leaves a bad taste in the final stretch, but everything up to then is aces.
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cornelisdemooij · 5 years
Innuendo Studios Research Masterpost - With More Links
This is my research list for The Alt-Right Playbook. It is a living document - I am typically adding sources faster than I am finishing the ones already on it. Notes and links below the list. Also, please note this does not include the hundreds of articles and essays I’ve read that also inform the videos - this is books, reports, and a few documentaries. Legend: Titles in bold -> finished Titles in italics -> partially finished *** -> livetweeted as part of #IanLivetweetsHisResearch (asterisks will be a link) The book I am currently reading will be marked as such. Media Manipulation & Disinformation Online, by Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis Alternative Influence, by Rebecca Lewis The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer*** Eclipse of Reason, by Max Horkheimer Civility in the Digital Age, by Andrea Weckerle The Origins of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt On Revolution, by Hannah Arendt Don’t Think of an Elephant, by George Lakoff The Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein How Propaganda Works, by Jason Stanley*** This is an Uprising, by Mark and Paul Engler Neoreaction a Basilisk, by Elizabeth Sandifer (Patreon) This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed, by Charles E. Cobb, Jr. Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me), by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson Healing from Hate, by Michael Kimmel The Brainwashing of my Dad, documentary by Jen Senko On Bullshit, by Harry Frankfurt The Reactionary Mind, by Corey Robin*** Stamped from the Beginning, Ibram X. Kendi Fascism Today, by Shane Burley Indoctrination over Objectivity?, by Marrissa S. Ballard Ur-Fascism, by Umberto Eco Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, by Lindsay C. Gibson Anti-Semite and Jew, by Jean-Paul Sartre Alt-America, by David Neiwert The Dictator’s Handbook, by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith Terror, Love, and Brainwashing, by Alexandra Stein <- (currently reading) Kaputt, by Curzio Malaparte The Motion of Light in Water, by Samuel R. Delany Media Manipulation & Disinformation Online, by Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis (free: link) A monstrously useful report from Data & Society which- coupled with Samuel R. Delany’s memoir The Motion of Light in Water - formed the backbone of the Mainstreaming video. I barely scratched the surface of how many techniques the Far Right uses to inflate their power and influence. If you feel lost in a sea of Alt-Right bullshit, this will at least help you understand how things got the way they are, and maybe help you discern truth from twaddle. The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer (free: link) (livetweets) A free book full of research from Bob Altemeyer’s decades of study into authoritarianism. Altemeyer writes conversationally, even jovially, peppering what could have been a dense and dry work with dad jokes. I wouldn’t say he’s funny (most dads aren’t), but it makes the book blessedly accessible. If you ever wanted a ton of data demonstrating that authoritarianism is deeply correlated with conservatism, this is the book. One of the most useful resources I’ve consumed so far, heavily influencing the entire series but most directly the video on White Fascism. Even has some suggestions for how to actually change the mind of a reactionary, which is kind of the Holy Grail of LeftTube. (caveats: there is a point in the book where Altemeyer throws a little shade on George Lakoff, and I feel he slightly - though not egregiously - misrepresents Lakoff’s arguments) Don’t Think of an Elephant, by George Lakoff An extremely useful book about framing. Delves into the differences between the American Right and Left when it comes to messaging, how liberal politicians tend to have degrees in things like Political Science and Rhetoric, where conservatives far more often have degrees in Marketing. This leads to two different cultures, where liberals have Enlightenment-style beliefs that all you need is good ideas and conservatives know an idea will only be popular if you know how to sell it. He gets into the nuts and bolts of how to keep control of a narrative, because the truth is only effective if the audience recognizes it as such. Kind of staggering how many Democrats swear by this book while blatantly taking none of its advice. Lakoff has been all over the series since the first proper video. (caveats: several. Lakoff seemingly believes the main difference between the Right and Left is in our default frames, and that swaying conservatives amounts to little more than finding better ways to make the same arguments. he deeply underestimates the ideological divide between Parties, and some of his advice reads as tips for making debates more pleasant but no more productive. he also makes a passing comparison between conservatism and Islam that means well but is a gross and kinda racist false equivalence) How Propaganda Works, by Jason Stanley (livetweets) A slog. Many useful concepts, and directly referenced in the White Fascism video. But could have said everything it needed to say in half as many pages. Stanley seems dedicated to framing everything in epistemological terms, not appealing to morality or sentiment, which means huge sections of the book are given over to “proving” democracy is a good thing using only philosophical concepts, when “democracy good” is probably something his readership already accepts. Also has a frustrating tendency to begin every paragraph with a brief summary of the previous paragraph. When he actually talks about, you know, how propaganda works, it’s very useful, and I don’t regret reading it. But I don’t entirely recommend it. Seems written for an imagined PhD review board. Might be better off reading my livetweets. Neoreaction a Basilisk, by Elizabeth Sandifer (Patreon) A trip. Similar to Jason Stanley, Sandifer is dedicated to “disproving” a number of Far Right ideologies - from transphobia to libertarianism to The Singularity - in purely philosophical terms. The difference is, she’s having fun with it. I won’t pretend the title essay - a 140-page mammoth - didn’t lose me several times, and someone had to remind which of its many threads was the thesis. And some stretches are dense, academic writing punctuated with vulgarity and (actually quite clever) jokes, which doesn’t always average out to the playfully heady tone she’s going for. But, still, frequently brilliant and never less than interesting. There is something genuinely cathartic about a book that begins with the premise that we all fear but won’t let ourselves meaningfully consider - that we will lose the fight with the Right and climate change is going to kill us all - and talks about what we can do in that event. I felt I didn’t even have to agree with the premise to feel strangely empowered by it. Informed the White Fascism video’s comments on transphobia as the next frontier of bigotry since failing to prevent marriage equality. On Bullshit, by Harry Frankfurt Was surprised to find this isn’t properly a book, just a printed essay. Highly relevant passage that helped form my description of 4chan in The Card Says Moops: “What tends to go on in a bull session is that the participants try out various thoughts and attitudes in order to see how it feels to hear themselves saying such things and in order to discover how others respond, without its being assumed that they are committed to what they say: it is understood by everyone in a bull session that the statements people make do not necessarily reveal what they really believe or how they really feel. The main point is to make possible a high level of candor and an experimental or adventuresome approach to the subjects under discussion. Therefore provision is made for enjoying a certain irresponsibility, so that people will be encouraged to convey what is on their minds without too much anxiety that they will be held to it. [paragraph break] Each of the contributors to a bull session relies, in other words, upon a general recognition that what he expresses or says is not to be understood as being what he means wholeheartedly or believes unequivocally to be true. The purpose of the conversation is not to communicate beliefs.” The Reactionary Mind, by Corey Robin (livetweets) Another freakishly useful book, and the basis for Always a Bigger Fish and The Origins of Conservatism. Jumping into the history of conservative thought, going all the way back to Thomas Hobbes, to stress that conservatism is, and always has been, about preserving social hierarchies and defending the powerful. Robin dissects thinkers who heavily influenced conservatism, from Edmund Burke and Friedrich Nietzsche to Carl Menger and Ayn Rand, and finally concluding with Trump himself. There’s a lot of insight into how the conservative mind works, though precious little comment on what we can do about it, which somewhat robs the book of a conclusion. Still, the way it bounces off of Don’t Think of an Elephant and The Authoritarians really brings the Right into focus. Fascism Today, by Shane Burley Yet another influence on the White Fascism video. Bit of a mixed bag. The opening gives a proper definition of fascism, which is extremely useful. Then the main stretch delves into the landscape of modern fascism, from Alt-Right to Alt-Lite to neofolk pagans to the Proud Boys and on and on. Sometimes feels overly comprehensive, but insights abound on the intersections of all these belief systems (Burley pointing out that the Alt-Right is, in essence, the gentrification of working-class white nationalists like neo-Nazi skinheads and the KKK was a real eye-opener). But the full title is Fascism Today: What it is and How to End it, and it feels lacking in the second part. Final stretch mostly lists a bunch of efforts to address fascism that already exist, how they’ve historically been effective, and suggestions for getting involved. Precious few new ideas there. And maybe the truth is that we already have all the tools we need to fight fascism and we simply need to employ them, and being told so is just narratively unsatisfying. Or maybe it’s a structural problem with the book, that it doesn’t reveal a core to fascism the way Altemeyer reveals a core to authoritarianism and Robin reveals a core to conservatism, so I don’t come away feeling like I get fascism well enough to fight it. But, also, Burley makes it clear that modern fascism is a rapidly evolving virus, and being told that old ways are still the best ways isn’t very satisfying. If antifascism isn’t evolving at least as rapidly, it doesn’t seem like we’re going to win. (caveats: myriad. For one, Burley repeatedly quotes Angela Nagle’s Kill All Normies, which does not inspire confidence. He also talks about “doxxing fascists” as a viable strategy without going into the differences between “linking a name to a face at a public event” and “hacking someone’s email to publicly reveal their bank information,” where the former is the strategy that fights fascism and the latter is vigilantism that is practiced widely on the Right and only by the worst actors on the Left. Finally, the one section where Burley discusses an area I had already thoroughly researched was GamerGate, and he got quite a few facts wrong, which makes me question how accurate all the parts I hadn’t researched were. I don’t want to drive anyone away from the book, because it was still quite useful, but I recommend reading it only in concert with a lot of other sources so you don’t get a skewed perspective.) Healing from Hate, by Michael Kimmel (Michael Kimmel, it turns out, is a scumbag. This book’s main thesis is that we need to look at violent extremism through the lens of toxic masculinity, so Kimmel’s toxic history with women is massively disappointing. Book itself is, in many ways, good, but, you know, retweets are not endorsement.) A 4-part examination of how men get into violent extremism through the lens of the organizations that help them get out: EXIT in Germany and Sweden, Life After Hate in the US, and The Quilliam Foundation in Europe and North America. Emphasizing that entry into white nationalism - and, to an extent, jihadism - is less ideological than social. Young men enter these movements out of a need for community, purpose, and a place to put their anger. They feel displaced and mistreated by society - and often, very tangibly, are - and extremism offers a way to prove their manhood. Feelings of emasculation is a major theme. The actual politics of extremism are adopted gradually. They are, in a sense, the price of admission for the community and the sense of purpose. The most successful exit strategies are those that address these feelings of loneliness and emasculation and build social networks outside the movement, and not ones that address ideology first - the ideology tends to wither with the change in environment. The book itself can be a bit repetitive, but these observations are very enlightening. (caveats: the final chapter on militant Islam is deeply flawed. Kimmel clearly didn’t get as much access to Qulliam as he had to EXIT and Life After Hate, so his data is based far less on direct interviews with counselors and former extremists and much more on other people’s research. despite the chapter stressing that a major source of Muslim alienation is racism, Kimmel focuses uncomfortably much on white voices - the majority of researchers he quotes are white Westerners, and the few interviews he manages are mostly with white converts to Islam rather than Arabs or South Asians. all in all, the research feels thinner, and his claims about militant Islam seem much more conjectural when they don’t read as echos of other people’s opinions.)
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uglyducklingpresse · 7 years
17 Years of 6x6 Poets
#1. Edmund Berrigan, Filip Marinovich, Sheila E. Murphy, Julien Poirier, Lev Rubinstein (tr. Matvei Yankelevich), Kathrine Sowerby   #2. John M. Bennett, Joel Dailey, Arkadii Dragomoshchenko (tr. Evgeny Pavlov with Benjamin Friedlander), Michael Ford, R. Cole Heinowitz, Genya Turovskaya   #3. John Coletti, Nathaniel Farrell, Eugene Ostashevsky, Elizabeth Reddin, Cedar Sigo, Samantha Visdaate   #4. Brandon Downing, W.B. Keckler, Anna Moschovakis, Dmitri Prigov (tr. Christopher Mattison), Aaron Tieger, Sam Truitt   #5. Micah Ballard, Mariana Ruiz Firmat, Frank Lima, Beth Murray, Philip Nikolayev, Keith Waldrop   #6. Carlos Blackburn, Joe Elliot, Arielle Greenberg, Mark Lamoreux, Alicia Rabins, Lewis Warsh   #7.David Cameron, Steve Dalachinsky, Joanna Fuhrman, Jason Lynn, Tomaž Šalamun (tr. Joshua Beckman), Jacqueline Waters   #8. Nicole Andonov, Jenna Cardinale, Arielle Guy, Yuko Otomo, Guillermo Juan Parra, Karen Weiser   #9. Jon Cone, Phil Cordelli, Dorothea Lasky, Julie Ritter, Laura Sims, Erica Weitzman   #10. Ilya Bernstein, Geoffrey Detrani, Paul Killebrew, Laura Solomon, Viktor Vida (tr. Ana Božičević), Dana Ward   #11. Sue Carnahan, C.S. Carrier, Christina Clark, a collaboration by Aaron McNally and Friedrich Kerksiek, Rick Snyder, James Wagner   #12. Guy R. Beining, Jibade-Khalil Huffman, Sawako Nakayasu, Cynthia Nelson, John Surowiecki, Novica Tadić (tr. Maja Teref & Steven Teref)   #13. Matthew Gavin Frank, George Kalamaras, Ann Lauterbach, Matthew Rohrer, Evan Willner, Lynn Xu   #14. Corina Copp, Randall Leigh Kaplan, Douglas Rothschild, Fred Schmalz, Lori Shine, Prabhakar Vasan   #15. Lawrence Giffin, David Goldstein, Anne Heide, Will Hubbard, Mikhail Lermontov (tr. Jerome Rothenberg and Milos Sovak), Emma Rossi   #16. Heather Christle, Amanda Deutch, Ossian Foley, John High, Anthony Madrid, Gretchen Primack   #17. James Copeland, Lucy Ives, Megan Kaminski, Mary Millsap, Zachary Schomburg & Mathias Svalina, Kevin Varrone   #18. Guy Bennett, Rebecca Guyon, Paul Hoover, Srečko Kosovel (tr. Ana Jelnikar and Barbara Siegel Carlson), Deborah Wardlaw Pattillo, Maureen Thorson   #19. Emily Carr, Julia Cohen, Natalie Lyalin, Lee Norton, Dan Rosenberg, G.C. Waldrep   #20. Emily Anicich, Billy Cancel, Michael Nicoloff, Frances Richard, Elizabeth Robinson, M. A. Vizsolyi   #21. Michael Barron, Julie Carr, Marosa di Giorgio (tr. Jeannine Marie Pitas), Farid Matuk, Amanda Nadelberg, Sara Wintz   #22. Lily Brown, George Eklund, Chris Hosea, Aaron McCollough, Ryan Murphy, Jennifer Nelson   #23. Miloš Djurdjević (tr. Tomislav Kuzmanović), James Hart III, Geoffrey Hilsabeck, Noelle Kocot, Aeron Kopriva, Maged Zaher   #24. Bill Cassidy, Helen Dimos, Pär Hansson (tr. Jennifer Hayashida & Tim Dinan), Aaron Kunin, Kyle Schlesinger, Rebecca Wolff   #25. Sherman Alexie, Noah Eli Gordon, Marina Kaganova, Karen Lepri, Fani Papageorgiou, Roger Williams   #26. Abraham Adams, Dot Devota, William Minor, Levi Rubeck, Martha Ronk, Steve Muhs   #27. Eric Amling, Antonio Gamoneda (tr. Sara Gilmore), Gracie Leavitt. Thibault Raoult, Marthe Reed, Judah Rubin   #28. Jon Curley, Katie Fowley, Dmitry Golynko, Dan Ivec, Alejandra Pizarnik (tr. Yvette Siegert), Matt Reeck   #29. Stephanie Anderson, Kate Colby, Steffi Drewes, Hugo Margenat (tr. by Vero González), Masin Persina, Adam Tobin   #30. Jon Boisvert, Ana Martins Marques (tr. Elisa Wouk Almino), Jeffrey Joe Nelson, Denise Newman, Anzhelina Polonskaya (tr. Andrew Wachtel), Hirato Renkichi (tr. Sho Sugita)   #31. Shane Anderson, Lewis Freedman, francine j harris, Carl Schlachte, Stacy Szymaszek, Sarah Anne Wallen   #32. James D. Fuson, Lyn Hejinian, Barbara Henning, Tony Iantosca, Uroš Kotlajić (tr. Ainsley Morse), Morgan Parker   #33. Amanda Berenguer (tr. Gillian Brassil & Alex Verdolini), Jeremy Hoevenaar, Krystal Languell, Holly Melgard, Marc Paltrineri, Cat Tyc   #34. Alex Cuff, Kristen Gallagher, s. howe, Aisha Sasha John, Claudia La Rocco, Grzegorz Wróblewski (tr. Piotr Gwiazda)   #35. Ted Dodson, Judith Goldman, Anna Gurton-Wachter, Kim Hunter, Katy Lederer, Bridget Talone   #36. Anselm Berrigan, Chia-Lun Chang, Cheryl Clarke, Lisa Fishman, Vasilisk Gnedov (tr. Emilia Loseva & Danny Winkler), Sarah Wang.
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mayorgalvan · 7 years
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I was laying there half naked
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Take one for the team
I'm a Football Queen
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James was fired by President Donald Trump. James Partsch-Galvan votes to fire President Donald Trump MayorGalvan
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MayorGalvan James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston November 3, 2009https://t.co/ZgAmJl3yoY (713)528-2607 https://t.co/kAcpQ0gowt
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MayorGalvan James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston November 3, 2009https://t.co/21LCzRpU2Z (713)528-2607... https://t.co/qWS26NkUIl
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MayorGalvan James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston November 3, 2009https://t.co/ZgAmJl3yoY (713)528-2607... https://t.co/ERYPe4eD37
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MayorGalvan James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston November 3, 2009https://t.co/21LCzRpU2Z (713)528-2607...... https://t.co/gkp0k5cNjB
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James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017 https://t.co/zIng70lR5ghttps://t.co/rrwvjPjPqm
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James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017
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James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017 https://t.co/zIng70lR5ghttps://t.co/rrwvjPjPqm https://t.co/MgyLkA5kRd
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James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017 https://t.co/ZxyhR1JzJmhttps://t.co/JDpiYYSxqM
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James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017 https://t.co/gCHJErhIu5https://t.co/ODU3TINvvX
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James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017 https://t.co/ZxyhR1JzJmhttps://t.co/JDpiYYSxqM https://t.co/uJ9LhHCHaA
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Nuke Zurich, Swittzerland today ! James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017
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Nuke Zurich, Swittzerland today ! James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017 https://t.co/HkIEDacsKd https://t.co/txgDyvhWvy
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Nuke Zurich, Swittzerland today ! James Partsch-Galvan for Mayor of Houston 2017 https://t.co/bR1OhAVq07 https://t.co/OYFcaUIutt
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Introwww.mayorgalvan.com The time has come to galvanize Planet Earth and Houston, Texas USA America.
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larryland · 6 years
by Roseann Cane
I was just shy of 15 when Hair opened off-Broadway and began to cause a stir in 1967, a pivotal time in American culture. When a significantly revised version of the show opened on Broadway in 1968, it rapidly permeated the culture it reflected. It’s impossible to overstate the national turbulence caused by the war in Vietnam, the terror that the draft imposed on students and families, the frequent public protests in cities, suburbia, on college campuses, and even in high schools. The war felt that much more personal because it was televised right in our living rooms, a new experience then.
Concurrently, the free-spirited hippie counterculture blossomed, with its commitment to peace, political awareness, love, sexual freedom, spontaneity, and drug experimentation.
Hair was a widely celebrated, groundbreaking musical. Because so many of its songs were covered by popular artists, and heard on radios across the nation, its fame reached far beyond the New York stage to make the show an international sensation.
With its multiracial cast, brazen sexuality, and mostly whimsical nature, with its actors (or the Tribe) frequently mingling with the audience, no theatergoer had ever seen anything like it. It also became famous because of its notorious nude scene, which was probably far less shocking than prospective audience members imagined: the Tribe rapidly undressed and stood proudly naked in a line downstage for a moment at the end of the first act.
The exuberant young Tribe now celebrating Hair at the Berkshire Theatre Group’s Unicorn Theatre is percolating with joie de vivre. I was enormously gratified to hear the songs that helped shape my adolescence presented by lush and powerful singing voices, including those of the stunning Latoya Edwards (Dionne), sexy Brandon Contreras (Berger), and lusty Eric R. Williams (Hud). As Sheila, Kayla Foster’s poignant rendition of “Easy To Be Hard” was arresting and memorable; an adorable trio of castmates, Livvy Marcus (Jeanie), Sarah Sun Park (Tribe ensemble), and Katie Birenboim (Crissy), joined in a charming presentation of “Air.” Will Porter (Woof) offers a hilarious delivery of “Sodomy.” As Claude, Andrew Cekala’s portrayal of a young man faced with a heart-wrenching decision is tremendously touching.
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Really, while Hair has is packed with many more songs than most musicals, every song in the show is a gem, not only because of lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado, and the music by Galt MacDermot, but thanks to this charming cast and to the excellent musical direction of Eric Svejcar and his orchestra, along with Lisa Shriver’s consistently delightful, fresh, and sometimes surprising choreography. Shane E. Ballard’s costumes were authentic and colorful, and Jason Simms’s scene design created an ideal minimalist, yet gritty, showcase for the action. Lighting and sound by Patricia M. Nichols and Nathan Leigh, respectively, buoyantly enhanced the show.
While I commend director Daisy Walker for her casting, pacing, and the easy interaction among the members of the Tribe, I was disappointed with a few of the choices she made. There is a song in the first act, “My Conviction” (a wry explanation of the flamboyance exhibited by males of all species) that is traditionally sung by a mature, conservatively dressed woman identified as Margaret Meade, who emerges from the audience with a silent male companion. At the end of the song, Meade flashes the audience to reveal she is a man in drag. I’ve always found that to be a witty bit of gender-bending. Walker has a female Tribe member sing it center-stage, and even though the singer has the appropriately conventional suit on, and she has a fine voice, a neatly show-stopping bit of humor was lost. Then there was the nude scene. At the end of Act I, some of the Tribe members clustered upstage in the dark, removed their clothes, and exited. From the audience, we could just about see dark outlines of bodies. While I think choreographing and clustering the actors could very well make a more authentic statement about the free-spirited, freely sexual nature of the Tribe than lining them up downstage, I don’t see the point of including the nude scene at all if the audience can’t see it.
I had a lot of fun vicariously reliving my wayward adolescence at Hair, as I think most Baby Boomers will. In fact, I know most theatergoers of all ages (except young children, perhaps) will enjoy themselves. Hair is emblematic of a particular time and place in history, and this production is faithful to that time and place.
Hair, directed by Daisy Walker, book and lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado, music by Galt MacDermot, music direction by Eric Svejcar, choreography by Lisa Shriver, scenic design by Jason Simms, costume design by Shane E. Ballard, lighting design by Patricia M. Nichols, sound design by Nathan Leigh, CAST: Latoya Edwards (Dionne), Brandon Contreras (Berger), Eric R. Williams (Hud), Kayla Foster (Sheila), Livvy Marcus (Jeanie), Katie Birenboim (Crissy), jWill Porter (Woof), Andrew Cekala (Claude). Tribe Ensemble: Ariel Blackwood, Shayna Blass, Chance Brayman, Kristopher Saint Louis, Nick Pankuch, Sarah Sun Park, Aidan Wharton.
Hair runs July 5-August 11, 2018,at The Unicorn Theatre, The Larry Vaber Stage, on the Berkshire Theatre Group’s Stockbridge Campus, 6 East Street, Stockbridge, MA. Tickets: A: $90 B: $67 C: $45. https://www.berkshiretheatregroup.org
REVIEW: “Hair” at the Berkshire Theatre Group by Roseann Cane I was just shy of 15 when Hair opened off-Broadway and began to cause a stir in 1967, a pivotal time in American culture.
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tex-is · 6 years
Real estate transactions
Charles McIntosh, a Realtor with The Cassina Group, places a sign in the yard of a newly listed home for sale on Gordon Street in Wagener Terrace in Charleston. Grace Beahm Alford/Staff Charleston County
The transactions listed below include properties sold for $200,000 or more and recorded between Nov. 6-10.
East Cooper Habitat For Humanity Inc. sold 985 Theodore Road, Bee Hive Community to Lavinia Johnson Godfrey and Robin Renee Whitney for $220,000.
Joseph Perzel sold Unit D, 24 Bee St., Bee Street HPR to Hayden L. Jennings for $390,000.
Cheryl S. Lewis sold Unit A, 42 Carolina St. to Shane Siederman and Jason D’Amelio for $550,000.
Wentwest LLC sold Unit 5, 9 West St., Trinity Place HPR to Rush and Company Properties LLC for $362,000.
Susan H. Dawson sold Unit 5B, 330 Concord St., Dockside to John W. and Donna K. Rosa for $795,000.
Akim and Constance Anastopoulo sold 62 Columbus St. to Winston Holdings LLC for $740,000.
Willie Rivers sold 18 N. Hampstead Square to Summerville Retreat LLC for $222,000.
Kenneth Brown sold 13 Peecksens Court to Andrew Catapano for $248,766.
Nathan L. and Andrea S. Jew sold 250 West Poplar St. to Katherine Earle and James Baker for $471,000.
Carol J. Clayton sold 12 Porters Courts to Matthew J. and Patricia J. Eldridge for $350,000.
Edisto Island
Rebecca Greene Lee sold 8924 Sandy Creek Road, Shellhouse Plantation to George C. Brown Jr. and Jane Brown for $540,000.
Folly Beach
Nita S. Pruitt sold 414 East Cooper Ave. to Tara Dulce Anderson and Andrew Wilson Lassiter for $340,000.
Rhett G. Infinger sold 81 Sandbar Lane, Turtle Bay Townhomes to Patrick Walter Rybas and Kristen Maria Dixon for $420,000.
Amanda F. Mappus sold 5023 Manor Road to William and Christina Rutter for $210,000.
Isle of Palms
Anne M. Blouin sold 12 Links Clubhouse Villas, Links Clubhouse Villas HPR to Anston Group LLC for $475,000.
Harold P. and Susan R. Wilkin sold 25 27th Ave. to Ryan L. and Sonya Buckhannon for $550,000.
Princeton Beach Properties LLC sold 38 Beachwood West to Scott D. and Melissa E. Wingard for $761,000.
Jorgen D. and Adele L. Nielsen sold 1 Oyster Row, Oyster Pointe to John and Mary Sippell for $825,000.
James Island
Joseph W. Downey sold 1210 Secessionville Road to Gianfranco A. and Gaelyn L. Zafred for $398,000.
Benjamin J. Leis sold 1489 Putnam Drive, Stonefield to Peejay J. Lewis for $267,000.
Monocle Investments LLC sold 948 McElveen St., Lawton Park to Nolan and Lana Davis for $408,685.
Rodger M. Willis sold 940 Julia St., Lee Jackson Place to Brooks Arrington Carroll and Brielle T. Majeau for $397,000.
Michelle L. Vieira sold 768 Whispering Marsh Drive, Stiles Point Plantation to Jason Youmans for $750,000.
Cassondra A. Hall sold 1443 Kentwood Circle, Lynwood to Susan M. Acheson for $320,000.
Todd S. Francis sold 1574 Brianna Lane, Meridian Place to Kelly Anne and John K. Hinson for $214,000.
Crescent Homes SC LLC sold 840 Riverton Way, Bay Front to Priscilla B. Sarpy for $495,000.
Donna C. Hughes sold 754 Bermuda St., Bay Front to Amdg Bermuda LLC for $650,000.
Nicholas C. Nisky sold 830 Condon Drive, Battery Point to Lauren S. Cook and Charles Dudley Cook V for $374,000.
Scott Leary Moorer sold 1232 West Capers Road, Battery Point to John C. Fowler for $312,000.
Charles John Stickney sold Unit B305, 1984 Folly Road, Pelican Pointe HPR to Mark A. and Donna J. McComas for $227,500.
Seppala Construction Company Inc. sold Unit B213, 1984 Folly Road, Pelican Pointe HPR to Megan E. Bryan for $205,000.
Grant Hurley and Shane Hague sold 1423 Westmoreland Ave., Westchester to Caroline B. Foster and Kevin B. Johnson for $308,000.
719 Beauregard LLC sold 719 Beauregard St., Clearview to Bernardo Franssen Canovas and Grace Kathryn Cotton for $440,000.
Pamela J. Wilkinson sold 682 Harbor View Road, Clearview to James Sampson for $349,900.
Fletcher C. and Martha L. Derrick Jr sold 34 Wappoo Creek Place, Wappoo Creek Place HPR to Cleveland A. Wright and Suzanne P. Wright for $522,600.
Bryan L. and Elizabeth Stevens sold 1130 John McEnery Road, Freeman’s Point at Seaside Plantation to Darin T. Jones and Anastasia M. Zimmerman for $512,500.
Lucrisa D. and Darryl K. Smith sold 121 Oak Turn Road, Gatehouse at Seaside Plantation to Wells Fargo Bank N.A. for $459,000.
Michael B. Roach sold 568 Kell Place, General Lee Estates to Alexa Albanese and Joseph Perri for $300,000.
Johns Island
William M. Simmons sold 2885 Auldreeke Road to Erika Lynne and Kevin Alfred Gilly for $221,500.
Georges El-Khawaja sold 2947 Split Hickory Court, Barberry Woods to Bradford V. Buchanan for $275,000.
Mungo Homes Coastal Division LLC sold 3384 Field Planters Road, Brownswood Village to Henry O. Bennett III and Elizabeth M. Bennett for $272,034.
BD LLC sold 3433 Berryhill Road, Cedar Springs to Lance Eugene and Karen Carlow McKamey for $275,000.
Triton LLC sold 3584 Berryhill Road, Cedar Springs to Luke Theodore Schellhase for $277,000.
Melissa Lee Williams sold 3247 Arrow Arum Drive, Fenwick Hills to Kory D. and Leeann Beavers for $350,000.
Mungo Homes Coastal Division LLC sold 1566 Fishbone Drive, Fenwick Hills to Jennifer Brechko-Alphonse and Emmett M. Alphonse Jr. for $343,113.
James Steven Price sold 1626 Regimental Lane, Headquarters Island Plantation to Scotty and Sandra Williams for $550,000.
Beazer Homes LLC sold 3112 Grand Bay Lane, Maybank Village to John Paul and Brittany N. Nelson for $285,150.
Pulte Home Company LLC sold 2018 Elvington Road, Oakfield to Christopher B. and Rachael M. Herndon for $281,040.
Robert H. and Yvette L. Gibson sold 2031 Chilhowee Road, Staffordshire to Brent J. Sutherland for $304,000.
Eastwood Construction LLC sold 1160 Twitchell St., Swygert’s Landing to Seth D. Gintz for $318,115.
550 Double Eagle Trace LLC sold 550 Double Eagle Trace, Tarpon Pond Cottages to Joseph C. and Kathleen S. Baril for $270,500.
Terri L. and Aubrey J. Bell sold 1300 Fenwick Plantation Road, The Commons at Fenwick Hall to Heather Elaine and Erin Leigh Yorston for $225,000.
Edwin S. Toporek sold 3063 Sugarberry Lane, The Gardens of Whitney Lake to David L. Dunbar Jr. for $235,000.
Mungo Homes Coastal Division LLC sold 1704 Emmets Road, The Oaks at St. Johns Crossing to Courtney S. Huffman and Jeremy Moses Gingerich for $295,031.
Pearlstine Real Estate Investment Company LLC sold 3448 Acorn Drop Lane, The Villages of St. John’s Woods to Crescent Homes SC LLC for $300,000.
Michael and Reda Joost sold 5063 Coral Reef Drive, Winnsboro Lakes to Jennifer L. Burke for $395,000.
Kiawah Island
Tammy Lyons sold 4598 Park Lake Drive, Parkside Villas HPR to Gerald A. and Ann D. Rubino for $415,500.
Charles F. and Constance J. Grzanka sold 1 Avocet Lane, Egret/Pintail to William F. and Lori S. Kavanagh for $1.6 million.
Thomas M. and Constance J. Haugen sold 1 Bufflehead Drive, Egret/Pintail to Jeffrey B. and Mary S. Graves for $2 million.
William S. and Kimberly A. Laight sold 344 Governors Drive, Egret/Pintail to James L. and Suzanne A. Rianhard for $1.5 million.
Bruce F. Stemerman sold 37 Salt Cedar Lane, Falcon Point to Karen S. Rosenberg for $2.5 million.
Earle Bensing sold 1228 Pine Siskin Court, Greenslake Cottages to Jack R. and Susan B. Curtis for $350,000.
Ramona B. and E. Stratton Horres sold 137 Conifer Lane, Middlewoods West to John J. and Joann Moore for $210,000.
Andrew M. and Sara A. Johnson sold 3551 Agape Court, Paddock Pointe to Marion J. Carroll and Richard F. Bennsky for $205,000.
Tamara W. Spelman sold 119 Oak St. to James Keyes and Barbara Ann Anton for $1.4 million.
David L. and Susan A. Montanaro sold 4640 Westervelt Road to Brett Peterson for $214,070.
Mount Pleasant/East Cooper
Matthew G. Gray sold Unit O, 902 Ventura Place, Ventura Villas HPR to Colleen McVary Vincent for $282,000.
Double Steal LLC sold Unit 405, 721 Long Point, Long Point Office Park HPR to 721 Long Point LLC for $300,000.
Nancy A. and Olga Szakacs sold 1723 Villa Maison, Montclair HPR to John M. Church for $238,000.
Christine E. Schifini and Ryan D. McGreevy sold Unit 13, 269 Alexandra Drive to Sean and Mary Casto for $215,000.
Creekside Management Group LLC sold Unit 120, 887 Johnnie Dodds Blvd., Creekside Corporate Center HPR to Hotdog LLC for $680,000.
Mary Virginia Johnson sold 895 Wynford Court, Candlewood to Gunnar and Sarah A. Van Der Steur for $354,000.
Calatlantic Group Inc. sold 1490 Bourne Xing, Carolina Park to Matthew F. and Amanda Rosen for $603,005.
Elizabeth Marcil Family LLC sold 1344 Old Colony Road, Cassina Plantation to Toby T. and Brittany M. Williams for $735,000.
James R. and Karen S. Jenkins sold 519 Stratton Ferry Court, Cooper’s Landing to Michael A. Santelli for $355,790.
Leslie Jean Vaughn Campbell sold 1541 Landings Run, Cooper’s Landing to James Douglas and Michelle Lynne Jones for $360,000.
Eastwood Construction LLC sold 3766 Copahee Sound Drive, Copahee Landing to Robyn Kay and Donald William Cobb for $450,635.
Susan Riley Ballard sold 1752 Greenspoint Court, Darts Pointe at Dunes West to Leigh H. Gise for $1 million.
Erin Marie Davis sold 1325 Old Tabby Lane, Eastwood Townhomes to William O’Day for $222,000.
Veneda S. Snyder sold 1450 Fiddlers Marsh Drive, Fiddlers Marsh to Stephen and Keara Cox for $432,000.
Michael A. and Rachel G. Stapleton sold 237 River Oak Drive, Grassy Creek to William Lanier Brown Jr. and Ashley G. Brown for $745,000.
Joshua A. Megill and Dabny Lynn sold 413 King St., Greenwich to Ryan and Amy R. Byrne for $420,000.
Lori and Judd Aldeman sold 877 Tupelo Bay Drive, Hibben at Belle Hall Plantation to Michael and Rachel Stapleton for $815,000.
Daniel E. and Madelene C. Lewis sold 105 North Shelmore Blvd., I’On to Benjamin C. and Brittany S. Kalivas for $1.4 million.
Maria V. Gibson and Daniel A. Cherry sold 1327 Deep Water Drive, Lakeshore to Michael and Cynthia Morsilli for $710,000.
Paul A. and Michelle W. Harrison sold 2004 Davant Circle, Longpoint to Robert West Rivers for $351,500.
Beazer Homes LLC sold 2267 Spring Hope Drive, Magnolia Village to Luanne Lathrop for $455,000.
Colleen Anne Handy sold 1313 Heidiho Way, Marsh Walk at Park West to Glenn P. Lobo for $325,000.
Timmy and Amy Mendenhall sold 2121 Beckenham Drive, Masonborough at Park West to Charles Patrick Beaver II and Robert A. Seeley for $635,000.
Austin W. and Jennifer M. Kirkland sold 3885 Ashton Shore Lane, Ocean Neighbors to Brandon Monaghan for $369,000.
Craig A. and Kelly A. Wiechman sold 1492 Wellesley Circle, Park West to Emily Lynne Allenspach for $325,000.
Daniel and Heidi Mellison sold 1821 Chauncys Court, Park West to Luciana Roncon for $315,000.
Robert Dabbs sold 1195 Pleasant Pines Road, Pleasant Pines to Caroline Behle Perkins for $354,200.
Scott P. and Elissa A. Chrismer sold 1959 North Smokerise Way, Smokerise of Planter’s Pointe to Christine A. Miller for $419,000.
Bobby C. and Sara J. Moore II sold 208 Mossy Oak Way, The Courtyard at Belle Hall Plantation to Brittany Cabrera and Georgette Cella for $369,000.
Alan B. and Lissa M. Glassberg sold 85 On The Harbor Drive, The Harbor to Thomas W. Uhde and Marlene Kraus-Uhde for $1.1 million.
Gregory J. and Julie L. Habermann sold 3208 Sand Marsh Lane, The Sound at Hamlin Plantation to Mark Stanley and Carole Sue Gerber for $704,000.
Ronald and Jacqueline G. Mixon sold 1925 Hubbell Drive, The Village at Park West to William Patrick Harvey and Laura Jean Seiverling for $315,000.
Anna Katherine Summers Duffy sold 1648 Babington Way, Wando Lakes to Mark Steven Lehrer for $312,000.
Stacy L. Walker sold 740 Inlet Drive, Waterway Arms to Bryan M. Bolin and Elizabeth Rose Ferraro for $310,000.
Samuel I. McMillan and Kyra A. Kanig sold 2983 Treadwell St., Waverly at Hamlin Plantation to Christina E. Schifini and Ryan McGreevy for $244,000.
Low Country Residential Builders LLC sold 2520 Charter Oaks Drive, Westchester at Charleston National to Nicholas J. and Tiffany M. Anastasia for $610,000.
North Charleston
Cross County Plaza Associates sold 7335 Cross County Road, Cross Country to Benjamin Levitt and Richard Elliot Calhoun for $850,000.
Rachael Zealy sold 4327 Helene Drive, Evanston to Benjamin Jamal Daniels and Mandy Elias for $215,000.
Winhalle LLC sold 4854 O’hear Ave., Garco Park to Beach Lake Properties LLC for $2.4 million.
City of North Charleston sold 3655 Rivers Ave. to Shipwatch Investors LLC for $3 million.
H And C Development Group Inc. sold 4440 Rugheimer Ave. to Trevor and Emily Gildea for $335,000.
Nicole Chapleau sold 5118 Pittman St. to Katherine Gottfried for $202,900.
Shipwatch Investors LLC sold 3685 Rivers Ave. to Jmdh Real Estate of Charleston LLC for $2.6 million.
Jeremy L. and Sara R. Kitchens sold 4964 France Ave., Oak Park to Daniel P. and Karen M. Maher for $425,000.
Charleston Landmark Builders LLC sold 5150 Celtic Drive, Oak Terrace Preserve to Joel V. and Sarah J. Trantham for $332,279.
Wadmalaw Island
Carolyn S. Hurdle sold 1909 Leadenwah Drive, Wadmalaw Island to Richard E. Tolles and Pamela A. Patrick for $450,000.
West Ashley/St. Andrews
George R. Cook sold 718 Landgrave Ave., Shieveling Plantation to Cindy Beth Mcauley-Jepson for $284,000.
Kathryn L. and William B. Pennekamp sold 2737 Garden Creek Road, St. Andrews Parish to Andrew A. and Subhadra R. Glassman for $231,000.
Rodger M. Black sold 1731 Indaba Way, Rice Field of Carolina Bay to Dennis and Nongnut Powers for $260,000.
Leonard Q. Oliver sold 3253 Middleburry Lane, Riveroaks of Shadowmoss Plantation to Heather L. Vick and Bradley H. Braun for $240,000.
Scott D. and Monica D. Killen sold 2211 South Dallerton Circle, Sylcope to Alexander K. Moore for $256,900.
David A. and Elizabeth S. James sold 141 Fulmar Place, The Landing at Grand Oaks to William L. and Vickie S. Spearman for $275,000.
Michael P. and Kathryn M. Harrison sold 1609 Indaba Way, Tidewater of Carolina Bay to Jeffrey P. Doss for $259,900.
MFJ Properties LLC sold 1051 Kipling Road, East Oak Forest to Archdale Square LLC for $262,000.
Thomas H. Willcox IV sold 760 Shelley Road, East Oak Forest to Harold P. Shoffner for $212,000.
Josue J. and Sandra L. Zaragoza sold 2556 Rutherford Way, Essex Farms of Carolina Bay to Robert Trevor and Rebecca Littley for $387,000.
Hakim Mohammed Huraibi sold 1431 Emerald Forest Pkwy, Forest Lakes Extension to Justin A. and Kristen Anese Goehring for $248,000.
Phyllis Ann Culberson sold 2047 Marsh Flower Lane, Canterbury Woods to Todd and Sarah Kenney for $350,000.
Centex Homes sold 2701 Doubletree Court, Carolina Bay to Lauren and Michael McDaniel for $345,590.
Centex Homes sold 2677 Doubletree Court, Carolina Bay to Barbara A. Vena for $299,790.
Elka Construction Specialties LLC sold 2080 Bishop Drive, Church Creek to Cerberus SFR Holdings LP for $233,300.
Jean E. Woodworth sold 2124 Parsons Corner, Church Creek to Timothy Charles and Morgan Elizabeth Fowler for $217,500.
Bethany Smith sold 1546 Bluewater Way, Bolton’s Landing to Roger Dale Garner Jr for $205,000.
Peyton C. Robinson Jr sold 29 Timmerman Drive, Byrnes Down to Justin Michael and Shannon Rose Tapp for $417,000.
Brenda Lou White sold 1950 Ashley Hall Road, Ashley Hall Plantation to Wesley and Zachary Traylor for $240,000.
David and Suzanne Grimm sold 2334 Fidling Road, Ashleytowne Landing to Gary and Nancy Lindgren for $691,000.
Bradford A. Friebel sold 157 Sugar Magnolia Way, Autumn Chast of Grande Oaks Plantation to Roderick Ian and Gwynneth Lynne Macpherson for $275,000.
Mario L. Ferrer sold Unit 107G, 2345 Tall Sail Drive, Seagate HPR to Steven Scott Duncan for $259,900.
Kent J. and Alison E. McConoughey sold 1561 Ashley Garden Blvd., Hamilton Grove in Bees Landing to Curnis King and Rebecca L. Clark for $310,000.
Steven E. Kukulka sold 1105 San Juan Ave., Kingsland to Christopher C. Ware for $243,500.
Nathan and Michelle Hertel sold 3 Murray Hill Drive, Murray Hill to Gregg J. and Wendy H. Mauro for $350,000.
Berkeley County
The transactions listed below include properties sold for $200,000 or more and recorded between Nov. 6-10.
Daniel and Allegra George sold 1535 Creek Side Way, Beresford Creek to Michael and Mary Baumeister for $755,000.
John C. and Paula Glauda sold 196 Royal Assembly Drive, Beresford Hall to Robert T. and Samantha J. Miles for $1.6 million.
Equity Trust Company Custodian sold Unit 304, 145 Pier View St., Pier View HPR to Gregory C. and Mary Ingram for $233,000.
Daniel Island
Oscar Maisel and Susan M. Schmenk sold 2241 Daniel Island Drive, Daniel Island Townhouses to Bryce A. Keene and Tawny L. Chritton for $335,000.
Timothy J. and Anne H. Schmitt sold 2625 Townsend Place, Old Landing at Smythe Park to Nickitas Thomarios and Shannon Hoff for $648,000.
Goose Creek
Eastwood Construction LLC sold 525 Adalina Drive, Montague Plantation to D’Anntionnis Lairmont Manning and Sherigale Lynnette Burns-Manning for $255,880.
Joseph R. and Lois C. Hughes sold 656 Hamlet Circle, The Hamlets to Marvin T. and Sandra J. Meek for $392,500.
Larry Dean Hamby sold 100 Isherwood Drive, Crowfield to Candace and Dustin Everett for $225,000.
Richard R. Sudderth sold 102 Avalon Court, Fosters Creek to Dion J. and Patrice P. Feddes for $253,450.
Shawn F. and Jennifer M. Holley sold 407 Green Park Lane, Brickhope Greens to Lorine G. Butler for $204,000.
Chun Xin Zhou sold 1417 Talon Way, Eagle Landing to Mark A. and Bonnie Holmes for $390,000.
Moncks Corner
Ashton Charleston Residential LLC sold 515 Abigail St., Strawberry Station to Charles William Wofford Jr. for $275,655.
Crescent Homes SC LLC sold 252 Topsaw Lane, Foxbank Platation to Lorraine Anne Matz for $280,504.
Gerald T. Blackman sold 1210 Mccrae Drive, Berkeley Country Club to Brian E. and Kimberly A. Mason for $375,000.
Gregory I. and Lindsay K. Demoss sold 101 Kimberton Ave., Foxbank to Jason Schumacher for $215,000.
Lennar Carolinas LLC sold 225 Sugarberry Lane, Fairmont South to Joshua A. Ozbeytemur and Rebecca Miller for $239,005.
Lennar Carolinas LLC sold 227 Lazy River Lane, Moss Grove Plantation to Brian E. and Rachel M. Braithwaite for $210,779.
DR Horton Inc sold 137 Stoney Creek Way, Stoney Creek to Michael D. Deveaux for $224,578.
Lennar Carolinas LLC sold 170 Emerald Isle Drive, Moss Grove Plantation to Mukesh G. and Viren M. Patel for $219,254.
Bryan A. and Dianna M. Paris sold 307 Mondo Court, Felder Creek to Kenneth Gerald and Nichole Ashley Wolter for $225,000.
Christopher D. and Britt D. Farrell sold 218 Palmetto Walk Drive, Cane Bay to Erasmo Enriquez and Maria Luz Casares Garcia for $256,350.
Donald C. and Crystal K. Caskie sold 203 Waterfront Park Drive, Cane Bay to Deborah A. Chottiner for $214,500.
Epcon Marrington LLC sold 304 Blakely Village Lane, Marrington Villas at Cobblestone to Gary E. and Natalie L. Erbse for $290,755.
Epcon Marrington LLC sold 245 Village Stone Circle, Marrington Villas at Cobblestone to William E. and Judith M. Archer for $308,885.
K Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at Lakes of Cane Bay LLC sold 454 Four Seasons Blvd., Cane Bay to Francis X. and Beverly K. Schatz for $397,370.
Beazer Homes LLC sold 232 Basket Grass Lane, Cane Bay to Alathiel D. Edmond for $246,230.
Dan Ryan Builders SC LLC sold 125 Oyama Road, Cane Bay to Donna Elaine Baehm for $244,368.
Dan Ryan Builders SC LLC sold 136 Oyama Road, Cane Bay to Jeffery Allen and Brandi Nicole Kroener for $237,103.
Lennar Carolinas LLC sold 757 Redbud Lane, Cane Bay to Shawn and Katelyn Martin for $234,615.
Pulte Home Company LLC sold 411 Coastal Bluff Way, Cane Bay to William J. Landry II for $388,815.
Scott A. Ben sold 332 SouthPort Drive, Weatherstone to Robert S. and Trina Tarlton for $210,000.
Steven E. Ricker Jr. and Amy Suzanne Ricker sold 242 Trestlewood Drive, Sangaree to Amber M. and Dustin Delk for $225,000.
True Homes LLC sold 130 Rockingham Way, Steeplechase to Craig Aaron-Robert and Emilie Catherine Holley for $386,384.
Thomas R. and Cheryl M. Brown sold 350 Cypress Walk Way, Nelliefield Plantation to Mark A. and Leanne M. Patterson for $317,000.
Dorchester County
The transactions listed below include properties sold for $200,000 or more and recorded between Nov. 6-10.
Jimmy L. Blevins Jr. sold 135 Full Moon Court, Heatherwoods to Erin E. and Eric K. Ficke for $232,000.
Philip A. and Nancy M. Hulet sold 260 Withers Lane, Bellewood to Todd C. and Mindy D. Horton for $235,000.
North Charleston
Crescent Homes SC LLC sold 3913 Greico Road, Indigo Palms to Jack R. and Debra B. King for $289,429.
John and Laurie Ridgeway sold 8752 East Fairway Woods Circle, Coosaw Creek Country Club to Raymond and Andznetter A. Bradley for $359,500.
William R. and Gayle M. Davis sold 5538 Sageborough Drive, Cedar Grove to William H. and Rhonda W. Byrom for $395,000.
Dan Ryan Builders South Carolina LLC sold 2015 Triple Crown Lane, Bridlewood Farms to Jennifer Mary and Nicholas Peter Mattioli for $234,571.
Dan Ryan Builders South Carolina LLC sold 2016 Triple Crown Lane, Bridlewood Farms to Robert Krukas for $242,512.
Dan Ryan Builders South Carolina LLC sold 2134 Bridlewood Farms Parkway, Bridlewood Farms to Steven Wright and Kurstin Furr for $207,074.
Carolina Cottage Homes LLC sold 205 Bumble Way, Summers Corner to Jeremy Todd and Christina Elizabeth Brown for $302,280.
Craig J. Leblanc sold 9225 Creedmore Road, Wescott Plantation to Staci Lynn Hess for $263,000.
DR Horton Inc sold 600 Kilarney Road, Pine Forest to Richard B. and Karen A. Fox for $270,000.
Dan Ryan Builders South Carolina LLC sold 158 Ashley Bluffs Road, Bluffs at Ashley River to Cory Adam and Hannah Michelle Dye for $326,990.
David B. Chandler sold 112 Whispering Trail, Tract D to Jason Hehr for $391,000.
Deborah Siegel Humanitzki sold 219 Travelers Rest Blvd., Quail Arbor V to Mathieu R. and Sarah E. Amos for $258,000.
Deborah T. and Wallace W. Mayne sold 4808 Carnoustie Court, Wescott Plantation to Mindi D. O’Kane for $205,000.
Jaremy L. Bellows sold 417 Branch Creek Trail, Branch Creek to Anthony and Danielle Sherea Rodriguez for $285,000.
Jason S. and Lauren L. Williams sold 209 Eagle Ridge Road, Bridges of Summerville to Matthew Ingels for $218,000.
Joseph E. and Sheria B. Alexander sold 104 McDonald Court, Bluffs at Ashley River to Gloria Ann Neal for $358,000.
Joshua S. and Lori A. Kerns sold 322 Barberry St., White Gables to Shawn G. Phinney for $200,000.
Juan M. and Angela M. Roque sold 1748 Diving Duck Lane, Drakesborough to Raven White McGett for $232,000.
Kenneth Nicholas Lohr II and Jesse B. Lohr sold 817 Essex Drive, Irongate to William M. and Maggie E. Phillips for $245,000.
Luis D. and Ruth M. Avila sold 211 White Blvd., Millwood to Michael S. Clark for $219,000.
Marie Gerrior-Keras and Neil J. Keras sold 102 Chalcott Place, Briarwood to John Morocko and Dori Ann Lovell for $239,900.
Michael C. and Kelly L. Quick sold 426 Verbena Ave., White Gables to Andrew N. and Malia K. Stocker for $225,000.
Milton and Katy Scott sold 9262 Markleys Grove Blvd., Wescott Plantation to Pamela and Omar Muhammad for $289,000.
Perry Joe and Alicia D. Webb sold 201 Central Ave.to William Justin Dungan for $560,000.
Ray F. Winchester sold 1039 Victoria Pointe Lane, Victoria Pointe to Tyler William and Staci Gadberry for $250,000.
Susan Bourne Arendall sold 723 Beverly Drive, Bridges of Summerville to Michael Scott and Cynthia Blackford for $287,000.
Thomas L. Finley and Jennifer M. Harder-Finley sold 111 Corrientes Court, Plum Creek to Sally A. and Kyle N. Klasek for $239,000.
Tilma B. and Jeffrey D. Phillips sold 407 Lakeview Drive, Ashborough to Jason and Tiffany S. Bowers for $265,000.
Source Article
The post Real estate transactions appeared first on Tex-Is.
Read full post at: http://www.tex-is.net/real-estate-transactions/
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vampireadamooc · 7 years
Shout out to the 3D and CGI Effects Crew on ALVH
All 722 of you....
This is part 1
Visual Effects by Shaun Friedberg 'Pyrokinesis'...animation technical director: Weta Digital
Seb Abante...reference photographer: Weta Digital
Michael Aerni...senior animator
Hunny Agarwal...stereo roto artist
Ivy Agregan...visual effects consultant
James Albiez...visual effects artist
Anjel Alcaraz...depth artist: Stereo D
Steve Alegria...digital compositor / stereoscopic rotoscope artist
Tim Alexander...asset supervisor
Neishaw Ali...visual effects executive producer
Lee Allan...digital compositor
Mark Edward Allen...model groomer: Weta Digital
Stephen Allison...wrangler: Weta Digital
Yoav Allon...roto artist
Patrick L. Almanza...stereoscopic painter
Schuyler Anderson...stereoscopic depth artist
Fatima Anes...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Jonathan Angelo...pipeline developer: Stereo D
Chris Ankli...tracking / layout artist
George Antonopoulos...digital compositor / paint and rotoscope artist: Atomic Arts
Erick Aragon...rotoscope artist: StereoD/Deluxe 3D
Ryan Arcus...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Yalda Armian...models production manager: Weta Digital
Taylor Armstrong...stereo paint artist: Stereo D
Creighton Ashton...stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Simon Assekritov...visual effects editor
Andrew Atkinson...visual effects systems tools manager
Derrick Auyoung...animation technical director: Weta Digital
Dan Ayling...camera td
Paul A. Baccam...stereoscopic artist
Simon Baker...effects technical director: WETA Digital
Maggie Balaco...roto artist: stereoscopic conversion
Jarret Ballard...stereoscopic depth artist
K.C. Barnes...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Shawn Barnett...visual effects
Mark Battle...compositor: Stereo D
Daniel Bayona...matte painter: Weta Digital
Brittany Bell...visual effects
John Bellas...title sequence designer/animator
Jeannie Ben-Hain...stereoscopic compositor
Brian N. Bentley...stereo compositor / stereo paint artist
Maxime Besner...stereoscopic artist
Aaron D. Beyer...visual effects
Sourajit Bhattacharya...stereo compositor
Zena Bielewicz...compositor
Edward Blackford...stereoscopic artist
Alex Blatt...visual effects editor
David Blemur...stereo compositor
Jonathan Block...title sequence design/animation
Mike Bodkin...stereo executive producer: Stereo D
Jeremy Boissinot...matte painter technical director: Rodeo FX
Jason Bomstein...stereoscopic artist
Marc Bonneviot...roto artist: Method Vancouver
Egor Borisko...digital effects artist
James Robert Bosley...stereoscopic artist
Jonathan Bot...digital compositor: Weta Digital
Marie-Pierre Boucher...visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
Patrick Boucher...programmer: Rodeo FX
Shane Bouthillier...stereoscopic artist
Jason Bowers...stereoscopic compositor
Peter Bowmar...head of 3d and technology: CIS Vancouver
Christopher Bozzetto...visual effects artist
Adam Bradley...senior digital paint artist
Derek Bradley...creature effects
Michael Brako...stereoscopic artist
Milady Bridges...visual effects artist
Kirk Brillon...digital compositor: Spin VFX
Ryan Brooks...rotoscope artist
Kyle Patrick Brown...lead compositor (stereoscopic conversion)
Rochelle Brown...stereoscopic compositor
Edward Brugge...roto lead: The Base Studio
Shauna Bryan...visual effects executive producer
Julian Bryant...digital compositor
Jared Buford...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Andy Burmeister...camera technical director: Weta Digital
Julian R. Butler...lead character setup
Ria-Bella Buys...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital (as Ria-Bella Chua)
Sam Buys...digital asset manager: Weta Digital
Regina Cachuela...animation technical director
John Cairns...digital compositor: Method Studios Vancouver
Andrew Calder...senior animator
Caitlin Campbell...stereoscopic compositor
Jeff Campbell...visual effects supervisor: Spin VFX
Marco Cantaluppi...digital compositor
Robin Stuart Cape...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Curtis Carlson...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Tasha Carlson...stereo depth artist
Brian Carney...stereoscopic compositor
Taylor Carrasco...animation technical director
Jeremy P. Carroll...lead stereoscopic compositor: StereoD
Merlin Carroll...roto artist
Monica L. Castro...stereoscopic compositor (as Monica Castro)
Norman Cates...lead compositor
Luis Alberto Cayo...visual effects artist
Gabriel D. Cervantes...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D (as Gabe Cervantes)
Min Hyun Cha...digital compositor
Snata Chakraborty...stereo roto artist
Arthur Chan...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Nardeep Chander...effects technical director: Method Studios Vancouver
Chun-Ping Chao...digital compositor
Hunter Chase...compositor
Peter Chen...animator
Nick Cherry...compositor
Sujesh V. Chitty...matte painter: Soho VFX
Jong Jin Choi...visual effects artist
Bradley Chowning...stereoscopic depth artist
James Chretien...lighter
Eric D. Christensen...visual effects supervisor: Factory VFX
Kristy Chrobak...stereo production coordinator
Jasper Chung...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Julia Jooyeon Chung...previs artist
Adriano Cirulli...compositor: Atomic Arts
Graham D. Clark...stereographer
Jimi Clark...stereoscopic lead artist
Joseph Clark...fur groomer
Craig D. Clarke...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Ryan Cleveland...stereoscopic compositor
Francis Clément...rotoscopy artist: Rodeo FX
Johann Francois Coetzee...creature technical director
Michael Colburn...stereoscopic compositor
David Cole...supervising digital colourist
Jeff Cole...visual effects artist
Chad E. Collier...data technician: Method Studios
Mary-Margaret Conley...data i/o administrator
Natalie Conliffe...visual effects artist
Elliot Contreras...stereo compositor
Matt Conway...matte painter
Gemma Cooper...digital compositor: Weta Digital
Shane Cooper...senior software developer
Robert Coquia Jr....data management
Michael Corcoran...lead creature technical director
Matt Cordero...stereoscopic compositor
Justin Cornish...visual effects supervisor: Atomic Arts
Michelle Cornwall...data I/O render wrangler
Joshua Coté...stereoscopic depth artist
Andrei Coval...facial modeler: weta digital
Eric Covello...digital compositor
Maurice Cox...stereoscopic compositor
William J. Cox...stereo depth artist: Stereo D
Karl Coyner...pipeline technical director: CIS, Vancouver
Neil Craig...compositor: Scoundrel VFX
Robert Cristino...stereoscopic compositor
Thomas Crow...depth artist
Barney Curnow...compositing supervisor: Atomic Arts / visual effects supervisor: Atomic Arts
Glenn Curry...layout td: Weta Digital
Jason Cutler...digital compositor
Mikaël Damant-Sirois...CG supervisor: Rodeo FX
Thomas Oliver Daniel...production coordinator
Rhea Darch...match move artist
Brad Darrow...stereoscopic depth artist
Colin Davies...visual effects supervisor: SPIN VFX
James Davis Jr....depth artist
Brandon Davis...effects technical director
Jayson Davis...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Mark A. Davis...depth artist / stereoscopic compositor
Alan De Castro...stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Kristin Dearholt...visual effects: digital colorist
Josh Deason...stereoscopic compositor: stereoscopic conversion
Rachel Decker...data administrator
Val Dela Rosa...senior systems administrator: stereoscopic conversion
Kevin Delee...digital artist: The Base Studio
Levon Shant Demirjian...visual effects
Andrew Dennis...senior pipeline developer: Deluxe
Julien Depredurand...effects technical director: Method Studios Vancouver
Tamir Sammy Diab...lighting technical director (as Tamir Diab) / visual effects artist (as Tamir Diab)
Gareth Dinneen...compositor: Weta Digital
Gus Djuro...senior stereoscopic artist
Jennifer Docherty...production coordinator: weta digital
Anita Dogra...quality assurance coordinator
Eric Doiron...compositing supervisor: Spin VFX
Jennifer Dolan...stereoscopic conversion
Rene Dominguez...stereoscopic paint artist
Corey Drake...r&d programmer: Stereo D
Georg Duemlein...effects technical director
Aubrey Dukes...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Georgia Dumergue...rotoscope artist
Shawn Dunn...head of layout/animation technologies: Weta Digital
Mrinal Dutta...digital compositor
Christopher Egden...visual effects coordinator
Greg Emerson...visual effects
Jeffrey Engel...animator
Nathan Englbrecht...lighting technical director
John Erik Englund...software engineer: Stereo D
Francisco Estrada...stereo artist
Bryan T. Evans...matchmove artist
Eyetronics...3D Scanning
Gianpietro Fabre...previs artist: Weta Digital
Brian Fanska...stereoscopic compositor
Luca Fascione...rendering research lead
Robin Pierce Ferber...stereoscopic conversion artist
Via Fernandez...digital artist: The Base Studio
Adrian Ferrari...stereoscopic compositor
Judith Ferrer...stereoscopic depth artist
Jerod Finn...stereoscopic artist
Johnny Fisk...producer: StereoD
Jason Fleming...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Megan Flood...visual effects artist
Les Foor...lead stereoscopic artist
Andy Foot...compositor: Atomic Arts
Ashley Forbito...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Peter Forslund...visual effects editor
Ludovic Fouche...Senior Camera TD
Guillaume Fradin...lead fx artist: Weta Digital
Emily Francione...stereoscopic roto lead
Sebastien Francoeur...CG artist: Rodeo FX
Guillaume François...shader writer
Jordan Freda...visual effects producer: The Base Studio
Travis Fruci...stereo artist: Stereo D
Garrett Fry...digital matte painter
Napoleon Fulinara Jr....visual effects artist
Jean-Francois Gagne...digital compositor: Rodeo FX
Jason Galeon...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Juan Edgardo Garcia...stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Adam Garnier...stereoscopic compositor
Edgar Garrido...roto artist
Bryan Gauna...head of technology
Joan Gauna...pipeline developer
Paul Geffre...stereoscopic producer
Geoff Geis...depth artist
Nader Gholipour...visual effects artist
Ahmad Ghourab...effects technical director: Method Studios
Jackson Gichuki...stereoscopic rotoscope artist
Matthew E. Gill...stereoscopic rotoscope artist: Stereo D
Jen Gillespie...technology coordinator: Weta Digital
Kenneth Gimpelson...visual effects artist
Melissa Goddard...senior paint artist: Weta Digital
Annie Godin...visual effects producer: Rodeo FX
Clarke Godwin...stereoscopic lead
Guenever Goik...compositor
Derik Gokstorp...technical director
Philip Gordon...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Josh Gotto...compositor: Atomic Arts
Randy Goux...visual effects supervisor
Cody Graham...stereoscopic artist
Jason Gray...visual effects systems administrator
Tom Greene...production manager: Weta Digital
Neil Grey...effects technical director
Sergei Gritsenko...visual effects producer: Bazelevs
Martin Groezinger...senior technical director: Weta Digital
David E. Groom...chief operating officer: stereoscopic conversion
Signy Bjorg Gudlaugsdottir...visual effects artist
Ricardo Guevara...stereo artist: Stereo D
Mike Gunter...stereo executive producer
Kamilla Gutorova...visual effects production manager
Joe Hagg...3D executive: Twentieth Century Fox
Nick Haines...visual effects artist
Katie Hamberger...visual effects artist
William F. Hamilton...systems administrator
Josh Handley...stereoscopic compositor
Greg Hansen...fx technical director
Matt Hansen...visual effects artist
Derek Hanson...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Reginald Harber Jr....lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Aisling Harbert...lead stereo artist
Michael S. Harbour...compositing supervisor
Kyle Hardin...stereoscopic depth artist
Yoshihiro Harimoto...creature technical director: Weta Digital
Nina Harlan...compositor (as Nina Yoon)
Monica Harrion...rotoscope artist
Peter Hart...lead matchmove artist
Emile Harvey...visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
Serena Hastie...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Jessica Hee...matchmover: Method Studios Vancouver
Alex Heffner...lead stereoscopic artist
Quentin Hema...digital paint supervisor: weta digital
Rachel Herbert...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Veronica Hernandez...rotoscope artist
Jordan Heskett...visual effects
Afif Heukeshoven...camera technical director
Nick Hiatt...matte painter: Rodeo FX
Bryan M. Higgins...roto supervisor
Erin Hill...animation coordinator
Martin Hill...visual effects supervisor: Weta Digital
Peter Hillman...senior software developer: Weta Digital
Ryan Hirsh...stereoscopic depth artist
Adam Hlavac...visual effects
Irit Hod...senior technical director: lighting
Timothy Hoffman...senior lighting technical director
Joshua D. Holden...stereoscopic depth artist
Robin Hollander...digital compositor
Neha Hooda...visual effects producer
Todd Hoppmeyer...visual effects assistant
Sandy Houston...roto supervisor: Weta Digital
Bryan Howard...rigger: Soho VFX
Jason Lei Howden...rotoscope and digital paint artist (as Jason Howden)
Colin Hui...visual effects artist
Lucas Hull...digital compositor: Stereo D
Stu Hunter...roto artist
Katherine Hupp...stereoscopic roto artist
Luan Huynh...systems administrator
Damian Isherwood...digital artist
Jason A. Jenkins...stereoscopic roto artist
Marek Jezo...digital artist: The Base Studio
Zahid Jiwa...lead rotoscope artist: Method Studios
JoAnna Johnson...stereo compositor: StereoD
Tim Johnson...visual effects coordinator
Jeremy Jones...stereoscopic artist
Henrik Jonsson...digital effects artist: Atomic Arts
Corey Just...stereoscopic depth artist
Miguel Kabantsov...CG lead
Vijay Kadapatti...stereo production coordinator
Joshua Kamau...rotoscope artist
Stephen Karl...camera technical director
Prateek Kaushal...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Ryan Keely...digital compositor
Ian Kelly...stereoscopic roto artist
Kolby Kember...depth artist
Simon D. Kern...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Christian Kesler...matte painter: Weta Digital
Nadav Kessous...digital compositor
Ara Khanikian...compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX
Filip Kicev...lighter
Ben Kilgore...creature technical director
Yoonkwan Kim...pipeline developer
Oliver Kirchhoff...camera technical director: Weta Digital
Kelly Knauff...visual effects coordinator
Mike Knox...data administrator
Prasanna Kodapadi...finaling artist
Gerry Kodo...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Alex Kramer...senior camera technical director: Weta Digital
Lars Kramer...camera td
Dmitri Krasnokoutski...shader writer: Weta Digital
Martin Kulig...camera technical director: Weta Digital
Sergei V. Kuzmin...pre-vis production manager: Bazelevs
SangHun Kwon...lighting artist
Jasmine Labelle...visual effects accountant: Rodeo FX
Jonathan Laborde...CG artist: Rodeo FX
Keith Lackey...senior animation technical director: WETA Digital
Ken Lam...compositor
Nancy Lamontagne...visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
Alberto Landeros...digital compositor: method studios
Xavier Lapointe...programmer: Rodeo FX
Warren Larkam...visual effects production assistant
Timothy Jay Latham...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D (as Tim Latham)
Niña Laureles...effects technical director: Method Studios (as Nina Laureles)
Gary Laurie...matchmove technical director: Ivo Horvat VFX
Grant Lee...second stereo paint lead: Stereo D
Jongju Lee...animator: SPIN VFX
Paul Lemeshko...visual effects artist
Sylvia T. Leung...stereoscopic depth artist: StereoD
Mari Levitan...stereo production coordinator
Dean Lewandowski...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Sean Lewkiw...digital effects supervisor
Michael Ligammare...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Mingzhi Lin...senior lighting technical director
Lisardo Liriano...stereoscopic compositor
Shelly Lloyd-James...visual effects coordinator (as Shelly Lloyd-Samson)
Jason Locke...camera td
Shawn Lopez...stereoscopic depth artist
Jade Lorier...visual effects artist
Daniel Lu...lead modeller/rigger: Soho VFX
Son Lu...stereoscopic lead
Steven Luc...stereoscopic depth artist
Craig Lyn...visual effects supervisor
Brooke Lyndon-Stanford...visual effects supervisor: Atomic Arts
Clayton Lyons...visual effects coordinator
Kodie Mackenzie...compositor
George Macri...visual effects producer
Francois Madere...visual effects artist
Arman Mafi...stereoscopic depth artist
Allan Magled...visual effects producer: Soho VFX
Oleg Magrisso...creature technical director: weta digital
Gokul Mahajan...paint artist
Carson Majors...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Yael Majors...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Daisuke Maki...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
David Maldonado...senior depth artist: Stereo D
Sebastian Maldonado...stereoscopic roto artist
Brian Malmstrom...rotoscope artist: Stereo D
Gabriel Mandala...compositor
Roy Vincent Mann...lead stereoscopic compositor
Jade Mansueto...shader writer: Weta Digital
Pavan Maradia...pipeline Technical assistant: Stereo D
Mike Marbery...stereoscopic compositor
Jose L. Marin...compositor: Stereo D (as Jose Marin)
Jason Marlow...camera td
Andrew Marquez...stereoscopic artist
John Martin...visual effects artist: weta digital
Tony Martin...stereoscopic depth artist
Raymond Martinez III...rotoscope artist
Damon Martinez...stereo compositor
Dena Massenburg...rotoscope artist
Kindra McCall...roto artist: stereoscopic conversion / stereoscopic depth artist
Brandon Jay McCartney...stereoscopic artist
Megan McCollum...stereo compositor: Stereo D
David McCormick...creature pipeline technical director
Russell McCoy...digital paint supervisor
Damian McDonnell...additional digital intermediate colorist
Riley McDougall...visual effects coordinator: method studios
Jonathan Mcfall...digital compositor
Bradley McFlinn...rotoscope artist
Doran McGee...stereoscopic depth artist
Steve McGillen...senior compositor
Jeremy McKenzie...layout technical director: Weta Digital (as Jeremy Ball)
Krista McLean...matte painter
Steve McLeod...visual effects editor: method studios
David McMahon...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Donal McMullan...production engineer
Renton McNeill...production engineer: Weta Digital
Louise McNicholl...layout department manager: Weta Digital
Shantel Medina...stereo conversion artist
Darshan Mehta...lighting/shot td
Gagan Mehta...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
James Meikle...visual effects editor
Juan Melgoza...digital effects supervisor
Kevin Melia...stereoscopic depth artist
Doug Melville...visual effects production manager
Douglas Melville...visual effects production manager: SPIN VFX
Mark Menaker...desktop administrator
Carlos Mendoza Jr....senior stereoscopic compositor: StereoD
Anand Ramachandran Menon...stereoscopic conversion (as Anand Ramachandran)
Abel Milanes...compositing supervisor: Method Studios
David Miles...digital production manager: Factory VFX (as David Miles Wolkind)
Luke Millar...cg supervisor
David Miller III...stereoscopic artist
Lizz Miller...depth artist
Harsh Mistry...layout technical director
Scott Mitchell...Lead compositor
Albert Mizuno...tracking
Farhad Mohasseb...lead compositor
Erick Montano...stereoscopic artist
Alberto Montañés...digital compositor: Weta Digital
Chris Montesano...visual effects artist
Andy Moorer...stereo fx supervisor
Declan Moran...stereo compositor: StereoD
Sébastien Moreau...visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX
Sergio Morillo...compositor: Atomic Arts
Jean-Francois Morissette...lead matchmover: Rodeo FX
Simon Dean Morley...production engineer
Immanuel Morris...stereoscopic artist
William Morrison...visual effects artist: Stereo D
Matt Mueller...senior reference photographer
Mike Mulock...animator
Arwen Munro...vfx production manager: Weta Digital
Sergey Muravev...artist: CGF (as Sergey Muraviev)
Carson Murdy...stereoscopic artist: StereoD
Michael Murphy...lead stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Travis Murray...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Scott Musselman...stereoscopic depth artist
Christopher Myerchin...stereoscopic compositer
Vanessa Mylchreest...visual effects artist
Emmi Nakagawa...stereoscopic artist
Farzad 'Fuzz' Namdjoo...stereoscopic lead
Mohan Narayanaswamy...quality manager
Gerardo Navarro...stereoscopic artist
Hector Navarro...depth artist
Tony Neal...digital effects artist: Atomic Arts
Pete C. Newbauer...digital matte artist
Luke Ng...stereo compositor
Wolfgang Niedermeier...camera lead: Weta Digital
Jordan Nieuwland...matte painter: Spin VFX
Rajesh Nimje...stereoscopic lead:
Reika Nishio...senior matchmove artist
Tony Noel...Stereoscopic Artist
Ronnie Noisuwan...stereoscopic artist
Lisa Nolan...visual effects artist
John Norris...visual effects producer: The Aaron Sims Company
Chris O'Connell...stereoscopic depth artist
Patrick O'Riley...visual effects
Daniel O'Shaughnessy...visual effects artist
James Ogle...lead digital modeler
Grant Okita...digital artist
Dave Olivares...visual effects technical director
Nicholas Onstad...digital compositor
Raphael Oseguera...rotoscope artist
David A. Ostler...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Jared Otake...digital compositor
Richard Owen...tracking / layout artist
Michael Owens...visual effects supervisor
Michael Paget...layout technical director
Jinnie Pak...visual effects producer
Earl Paraszczynec...cg lead
Aaron Parry...visual effects
Ritchie Pasiliao...rotoscope artist
Anthony Passaniti...depth artist/camera tracker: Stereo D Deluxe LLC
Yogesh Pathak...senior stereo roto annotation artist
Demetrios Patsiaris...stereoscopic roto artist
Helen Paul...digital compositor / lighting technical director
Javier Paz...stereo production coordinator
Benoit Pelchat...visual effects art director: Rodeo FX
Lyndsey Pendley...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic paint artist
Pavel Perepyolkin...previs supervisor
Daniel Perez...stereoscopic depth artist
Eddie Perez...stereo compositor
Binoy Peters...senior production coordinator
Josh Peterson...stereoscopic roto artist
Patrick Peterson...layout technical director
Christine Petrov...head of 2d: Method Vancouver
Chi Pham...visual effects systems administrator
David Jeffrey Phillips...stereo supervisor
Phets Phonasa...depth artist
Jeremy Pickett...cg supervisor
Ezra Pike...stereo roto
Erik Ploneda...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D
Vincent Poitras...digital compositor: RodeoFX
Pete Polyakov...visual effects artist
James Porter...camera td
Etienne Poulin St-Laurent...matchmover: Rodeo FX
Malachi Pound...production supervisor
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