#Spot newsies
Davey: Spot, gather the others.
Davey: We need to have another Race-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-hurts-someone convention. 
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military-newsboys · 25 days
Davey: you must have been dropped on your head as a child Jack: i couldn’t have been, i wasn’t even held! Davey: i can’t tease you when you say things like that
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ratboycrutchie · 3 months
Spot, trying to pull Denton up from the side of a cliff: I can't hold on Denton, you're too heavy!
Denton: pretend I'm a Newsie, Spot
*Spot's grip loosens*
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the-fools-hat · 8 days
Jack "Oh no" Kelly
Davey "That's DISGUSTING-" Jacobs
Katherine "Good for you 😃" Pulitzer/Plumber
Racetrack "Ya erster" Higgins
Crutchie "I gawt poisonality!" Morris
Spot "On the grounds of BROOKLYN. 😏" Conlon
Joe "I don't look as pretty 😔" Pulitzer
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joeythefrog · 4 months
I see your ADHD Race, your ODC Davey, your autistic Albert. And I raise you OCD Race.
Due to misrepresentation and the stereotypes of OCD I haven't seen this ever, but I need to.
Race who always needs things to be even, who used to have concerning fits of 'violence' as a kid where he would slam himself again walls, kick things, punch stuff until both sides of his body felt even. Who had to go to hospital with a broken nose because he just had to keep punching it.
Race who has rules revolving around keeping people safe (OCD is having a bad scary thought and doing an action to make it go away as a base summary) and cries whenever Jack pulls him away from drumming his fingers against the table or running laps around the room because he's being annoying or scaring people and screaming that he doesn't want everyone to get sick and die
Race who swings like a pendulum between thinking that he's insane and being convinced that everyone thinks this way -he's the one who can't take it and struggles
Race who doesn't give a shit about how clean his room is and is very rarely afraid of dirty things because that isn't what OCD is
Race who lies in his bed for hours in the morning and bawls because he wants to get up but he can't because he wants his friends to live
bonus points for Dasher crawling in with him and Race holding his son close as he sobs because he is so breakable he can't risk it
Race who only ran because when he was walking anywhere he would get the thought that something was chasing him or that the world was ending and he wouldn't be safe until he got home and was able to stop.
Race who got his name because of it because he was running through manhattan as fast as he could because he wanted to be safe but the world was ending
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abovethefoldd · 21 days
Spot: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Race: You bet!
Spot: At what temperature?
Race: 535.
Spot: That’s the clock.
Race: 536.
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fallengoldenapple · 1 month
Alright so here’s my question
During Brooklyns Here you see the Brooklyn newsies with Spot and then you see Jack getting comfortable for the night on the printing press SO we know it’s night time.
Well in the background standing with the Brooklyn newsies who do we have? RACETRACK MF HIGGINS
Why’s he with the Brooklyn newsies in the middle of the night?
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deadcrowcalling · 27 days
we're watching newsies in choir and in the scene where all the brooklyn boys come on for the first time i pointed out to my friend which one was spot and she said "he's so short why is everyone scared of him"
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doththymayo · 1 month
Davey: Alright, so we all know that somebody lit Jack's car on fire–
Jack: And that somebody is named Spot.
Davey: And we don't know who it is...
Jack: I do. It was Spot.
Davey: So we can't really blame anybody at this point...
Jack: Uh, I can and I blame Spot.
Davey: So, for now that will have to remain... a mystery.
Jack: Um, mystery solved!
Jack: Spot burnt up my fucking car.
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fart-boys-blog · 9 months
some livesies sprace and javey!! (for this trying fandom)
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(haha guys don’t talk about my same face syndrome ur so sexy haha ❤️)
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saveugoodmadam · 3 months
no no no you don't understand I've had an epiphany this is my new favourite hc:
Spot Conlon who got the newsie nickname because they have vitiligo!
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Spot: There ain’t no crime in being a thief!
Davey: …What a thief does is take someone’s property without their permission. Which is a crime.
Jack: Not when I do it. I’ll steal your heart and you wouldn’t mind :)
Davey: That was very smooth.
Spot: I will steal both your organs and money.
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military-newsboys · 3 months
Kidnapper: I have one of you children.
Jack: Which one? I have sixty
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying one.
Jack: Which one? I have sixty.
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chaosfairy18 · 3 months
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My boy. Chaotic gremlin. If you can't tell I love 92!Spot Conlon because he's such a little guy and still everyone is afraid of him (not that you can't tell my favouritism looking at my fics on ao3) Close-ups under here:
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Also thanks for everyone who reacted on the Race post, got really motivated to post this too due to it. Also did it in August last year and it has been rotating in the back of my mind since then :)
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wekiaam · 10 months
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Okay loves I need to know if we're vibing with this version of Spot Conlon!!
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Teenage Gabriel Damon playing Spot Conlon like a tiny sparkplug demagogue and influencing GENERATIONS of fanon, then calmly leaving acting behind forever? Such a mic drop.
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