#Starting to question if the mental image of kaladin chasing around someone to get back his own severed leg is universally hilarious
nevertheless-moving · 22 days
Scene from Stormlight AU Number 8
Sigzil: Hm. Fascinating.
Kaladin: What? Does something look wrong?
Sigzil: No, nothing it's just...when shardplate is regrown, the lost pieces from it crumble to dust.
Kaladin: I — wait, you mean my cut off leg? You were watching my leg to see if it — Sigzil, I'm not shardplate.
Skar: Prince Adolin said that you could regrow a whole suit from one gauntlet, if you had to. We didn't want to leave stormlight near the, uh cut off bit. Just in case it affected your healing, you know?
Kaladin: what?
Lopen: Ooh! We should try now and see if it works! Think about it — two Captain Kaladins!
Kaladin: Again, and I can't believe I have to say this, I'm not made of shardplate. My leg won't regrow another me.
Lopen: Are you sure?
Kaladin: I—
Sigzil: It is not as though we've tested your healing abilities in such extreme conditions.
Lopen: I'll get some more spheres!
Kaladin: We're not testing it!
Sigzil: Captain, please, I agree it's unlikely to work but think of the implications—
Kaladin: Give me — give me storming leg!
Adolin: Bridgeboy! You've made it back then, my Father and I — I what's... going on here?
Skar: Science, sir!
Kaladin: Princeling, I need a moment to discipline my men — Sigzil! Get back here! that's an order!
Sigzil: You ordered me to assist in testing your capabilities! If you wish to modify your prior order I will need a written —
Kaladin: Sigzil!
Lopen: Got the spheres! Teft says if it works then you better each start taking less shifts!
Adolin: Is that a leg? Ash's eyes, is that your leg, I had heard that one of the crews found...but —
Kaladin: I said hold on I— Lopen don't you dare!
Adolin: That is...some healing. Wow. You know shardplate, the missing piece crumbles to dust when—
Skar: That's what I said, sir!
Adolin: ...Do you think if you gave stormlight to the —
Sigzil: Lopen! Over here!
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