#Step two: Banish the einherjar and redefine what a valkyrie is
reslari ยท 3 months
I love Elden Ring lore, because it's like George R. R. Martin wrote a world heavily steeped in Norse Mythology, and then Miyazaki went to read a book about Norse Mythology, got to the part where it said the gods knew they were going to die, but accepted it because it was ~fate~ and their ~noble obligation~ and ~necessary~. That upon their deaths, and after the Ragnarok, the world would be born fresh and lush and new and just...
Miyazaki: [looks at Norse Mythology]
Miyazaki: [looks at Dark Souls]
Miyazaki: [looks at Norse Mythology]
Miyazaki: [looks at Dark Souls]
Miyazaki: Pff, yeah right, like they'd ever just give up THAT easily.
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