#Steven lim
drunkkenobi · 2 days
Today I’m thinking about three guys. Thinking about how they all had hands in creating concepts and videos that made the company they worked for famous. Thinking about how, despite that, they weren’t allowed to own what they created. Thinking about how their two biggest series were threatened to be taken away from them and given to more popular (whiter) hosts. Thinking about how they nearly burned out and faded away, but an idea lit a fire under them instead. Their own company, where they could have full creative control, where nothing could be taken away from them, where no one could tell them there wasn’t the editing budget for a show that was already written. Thinking about how they started it in secret, with no business knowledge. Thinking about how one of them took it upon himself to learn everything he could about running a business. How he knew it would mean putting his own creative pursuits on hold just to support his co-founders. How he did it anyway.
Thinking about how they announced their company to the world, with a shocking surprise. Thinking about how the world delivered its own shocking surprise back to them a few short months later in the form of a global pandemic. Thinking about how their company was almost strangled in its crib, how they thought it was DOA, how everything they worked so hard for was almost gone. Thinking of how, instead, it survived. Thinking of how they pivoted, how they threw everything they could at the wall, and while not everything stuck, the things that did kept them going. How they took every cent they made and put it back into the business by hiring fellow creatives and weirdos and investing in their future. Thinking of how they kept taking gambles, by taking the series that made two of them famous and making it their own. Thinking of how if that series had failed, it would have taken the company down with it and how they went for it anyway.
Thinking about how the CEO talked openly over the years about how he missed his old co-host, how hard it was to find that spark again. Thinking about how he focused on running the business instead of finding his own creative path. Thinking about how much thought he put into caring for their employees, how he put their well-being over churning out content, even if it meant less profit. How a work-life balance might not be in his wheelhouse, but how he wants it to be for the people that work for him.
Thinking about how the internet has changed in the decade since these three guys starting making videos for it. Thinking about how the algorithm values cheap drama over interesting stories. About how one wrong thumbnail or title can tank months’ worth of work. About how a misplaced swear can do the same, because the world is run by advertisers and not human beings. Thinking about how disheartening it must be to make a video to appease someone that would never watch it anyway. Thinking about how hard it would be to look at the numbers and realize the place that once was your space for success could now be home to your failure. Thinking about how much time they spent looking for a better alternative and how they ultimately realized there was only one.
Thinking about how delighted those three guys were once they had a plan. Thinking about the one of them who had finally reunited with his creative partners to start a new show, the one he’s been dreaming of for years, the one that’s been put on the backburner for the betterment of his company, finally able to exist. Thinking of the week of announcements, of the thousands of excited comments when this partnership was publicly declared. Thinking of how much joy was in the air, how much hard work was about to pay off. How their plans for months were about to come to fruition, how excited they were to take the fans on this next journey.
How they announced their new venture with a corkboard of fanart, showing it’s about them and us, together.
Thinking about how nearly everyone turned on them.
Thinking about how they walked back some of their plans to appease the loudest and the nastiest. Thinking about all the racist screeds their CEO had to read about himself. How he had to keep working despite it. How he and the rest of the company had to pivot immediately. How they had to know some of their contemporaries were also planning something similar and how none of them came to their defense. How they had to watch everything that they’ve worked so hard for become perilous. How a global pandemic was easier to weather than the cruelest words typed for everyone to see.
Thinking about how tomorrow, a new show will premiere. The one that’s been worked on in relative secret for so long and thought of even longer. The one that everyone was eagerly anticipating before they realized the people that make it need to eat, too. The one that everyone immediately mischaracterized to justify their own racism. The one that was supposed to be their big flagship series. The one that maybe still will be.
Tomorrow I’m hoping it will be the start of a new chapter. Hoping that the worst actors will get bored and move onto something else. Hoping that those who got the wrong impression will come back. Hoping that the show and its new home are a success and they get to make as much of it as they want, with no one to tell them how to do it.
I hope.
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levyfiles · 17 hours
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Can't take this guy anywhere, huh.
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waywardmillennial · 3 days
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Steven Lim: Durian Defender
Worth It | Grocery Run
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bergoozter · 9 hours
oh this intro goes hard as hell omg
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noa-nightingale · 17 hours
There are two episodes for the premiere of Travel Season and they are both excellent. They are beautiful and calm and comfortable and enjoyable. The editing and the cinematography is off the charts. The interactions between Andrew, Steven and Adam are phenomenal. The guests and the people from Team Watcher are delightful. The food looks amazing. You learn things about culture and history. There are pigeons. What more do you want.
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sequencefairy · 1 day
One more sleep 'til Travel Season, babies.
How are we feeling?
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toomanywatchers · 15 hours
My thoughts on the Travel Season premiere:
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I have just finished my Travel Season watch of the two new episodes and wow. I am in awe with this show and the aesthetic they have chosen with it.
For a Worth It fan, it truly does not feel like a copy and paste, but as though it is Worth It's mature, older sibling. The vibes are very calm and peaceful. The show itself focuses very much on the importance of connections and experiences in new environments with the people you share them with. Which leads to these organic funny moments as though they are not trying.
The concept of The Brick (aka the camera) as a staple to the whole show's aesthetic is so smart and cute? Not only does it provide creative graphics/transitions to add in the post production, but it gives the team physical copies of their memories on this trip. Even if this trip is ultimately a work trip. The Brick is just a nice little touch to the show, and reasons like this is why I just love Watcher because they think about every small detail when it comes to the shows they produce.
Jared Sosa also deserves a huge round of applause because not only did he produce the amazing new Watcher intro animation BUT he performed and wrote the Travel Season theme song? AND it's amazing?! Like put this shit on Spotify and I would listen to that song on repeat! It's so good and just truly fits the overall vibes. Just well done Jared.
Also, the boys are back? Like how can you be mad about that?? Could not be me.
Steven, Andrew, Adam, Lizzie, Brittney, Annie, and every person with their hands in Travel Season: y'all have made a wonderful show that is right up my alley... and it could truly become my new all time favorite Watcher show- Weird Wonderful World, you better watch your back👀
I am so excited for the rest of this season and hopefully the future for this show!
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watchertvzine · 12 hours
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Congratulations to Steven and the entire Watcher crew on the successful launch of their first new series since 2023!
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chronic-solitarian · 13 hours
i’m so jet lagged but i just finished travel season and it is genuinely such an incredible show so far. IMMEDIATE comfort show fr
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watchersleuth · 1 day
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Grocery Run | Philip Wang, Durian Wafers, & Being Asian On YouTube
Steven applied for an internship that he really wanted, and didn't get it, which is relatable to so many people.
Not getting that opportunity led him to work at Buzzfeed, where he ended up creating one of their most successful series of all time with Worth It. That's how he met Andrew, Adam, Ryan, and Shane (and Katie, Annie, Mark, Lizzie - plus so many more!) Those connections is what led to Watcher being founded.
Sometimes you never know how not getting an opportunity will lead you to find others that could gift you with something truly special in your life.
So a genuine thank you Philip Wang and your people for turning Steven down because it gave us so many amazing shows and connections! <3
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rimaurimau · 3 days
looking back at the whole watcher situation, i feel like people were too harsh on steven lim. I still stand by my belief that a good chunk of watcher fans only really came there for shane and ryan, but from what I've personally seen, a lot of people were singling out steven lim specifically while being much more lenient with shane and ryan or absolving them completely. And I can't help but wonder if it's due to racism and xenophobia. Because as far as I know (unless Im wrong and there is evidence then genuinely do tell me and point out some resources) there was no concrete evidence that pointed to Steven being the big capitalist money hungry master mind behind it all, and no, having a show about eating expensive food doesn't count as evidence. And guess what stereotype chinese people get? (I know he's chinese malaysian but Chinese Malaysians here still face very similar stereotypes as well) they get stereotyped as being money hungry scammers. I'm not a personal fan of his content so there's no bias on that part imo, but part of me does sympathise with him more, as a Malaysian (albeit not chinese Malaysian) who's also faced xenophobia and racism on the internet, being looked down on and stereotyped. I'm not defending steven lim, but you need to remember that no matter how much you like the ghoul boys, they also play a large part in all this, don't pretend like they also don't own the company alongside steven lim. They're all responsible and singling out one of them isn't helping or doing anything. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I do genuinely wonder if the steven lim hate stems from xenophobia and racism, whether people realise it or not.
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artblogbyhailey · 1 month
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The most important comment in this whole mess
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waywardmillennial · 3 days
Steven: So when I was a kid I was like, "I don't like limes." (Andrew laughs) Steven: I was like, "they're sour." And then somebody pointed out to me, there's lime in Sprite and I was like, "oh, Sprite." (both laugh) Andrew: Child Steven was a special kid.
Worth It | April 8, 2023
Steven made Andrew laugh a lot on this show - but never like this
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i lied abt only posting abt this situation once, i just saw this lovely person’s comment!! passing it on to tumblr 🫡
edit: SOMEONEE changed the password and ruined it for everybody :/ pls try this version instead!!
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noa-nightingale · 17 hours
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Steven I love you
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