the-zebra-dragon · 2 years
Me? Writing ISWM x Original Brain Story fanfic on main? Is this real? I’ve never talked about these ocs in great detail. I also do be procrastinating on actually writing their thing. Ft. Some main characters and a Captain OC, mostly to mess with the characters’ heads. There’s some lore in the tags also lol enjoy
Summary: After finally fixing the mess with the wormhole, the Invincible Colony is off to a rocky start on a new planet. Luckily, a couple of locals show up.
So, the planet wasn’t exactly what was expected.
Long range scans showed a lush planet with intelligent life. Landing there showed nothing but desert for the foreseeable horizon.
So that was… a mess.
Mark and Burt were busy with setting up some greenhouses when Celci appeared from seemingly nowhere. “Get out here. You two need to see this, now!“
Outside of the greenhouse, every crewmate was staring up at the sky in varying degrees of shock and awe. When Mark looked up, a massive batlike shape circled above, with a long neck and a tail and-
“It’s a DRAGON.” Gunther snapped. “Where’s the Captain? I need her to authorize some heavy artillery-“
Before he could finish, the dragon gave a powerful sweep of her wings and shot off to just outside of their little camp, pulling into a steep dive and skimming the ground, coming closer. There was something on the dragon’s back. A very human-shaped something.
Mark quickly remembered he was second in command and thus had to delegate. “Cece, go get the captain. Gunther, Burt, let’s go see what they want.”
“On it.” Celci saluted. An unknown lifeform in the middle of the desert was no time for banter. As they approached, the dragon’s appearance became clearer- black and white striped, like an earth zebra; and a big gold bandanna wrapped around her neck.
The thing on her back looked impressively like a human up close- short, maybe even childlike, with a shock of wild green-and-purple hair. The two eased down onto a pile of greenhouse parts the engineers had yet to assemble, the dragon’s rider hopping off but remaining rooted to the top of the pile.
Mark stepped right up to her makeshift platform, holding his hands up. Fuckin… where was the captain? She was better at diplomacy than him! He wasn’t prepared at all, and as such, he opted to rather loudly and slowly declare, “HELLO! WE. COME. IN. PEACE.”
The humanoid’s golden eyes slid from Mark to Burt, then directly over to Gunther. Her eyebrows raised, and her dragon grumbled something unintelligible.
The dragon rider burst into laughter.
“That’s… that’s good, right?” Mark asked. “That’s not bad?” Internally he was simply screaming ‘what the fuck’ in various tones and volumes.
The human straightened up, wiping her eyes. “I- pff!- I’m sorry! I’m soso sorry!” She giggled. “I just- look, you two, I can believe-“ she gestured to Mark and Burt, then at Gunther- “but HIM? No way!” She doubled over laughing again, her dragon reaching a wing around her for balance. “We come in peace- what kind of alien movie did you just come out of? Ha!”
It hadn’t really occurred to Mark that bringing their ADS Lead, who was wearing two belts of ammunition and dual wielding pistols, was not exactly a great impression. “I swear, we’re just trying to find a new home- you wouldn’t believe what kind of trip we’ve had, looking for a planet to colonize-“
“And you set down on the GROUND?” The dragon tamer spit the word with the same contempt as if she was telling him he was trying to colonize hell. “What is wrong with you?”
“Our long range scanners showed vegetation and sapient life.” Burt explained quickly.
“Didn’t expect the first alien we came across to be so sarcastic, though.” Gunther snorted.
The human and her dragon rolled their eyes, deftly ignoring him. “Again. The ground?” She pointed down in a manner that struck Mark as sarcastic. “Couldn’t have picked a nice continental to settle on? That’s where all the vegetation and sapient life is.”
“Okay, well, where and what is that, exactly?” Mark asked.
The human grinned, leaning forward ever so slightly. “Ooh, are you telling me to take you to my leader?”
The dragon snorted and grabbed the back of her shirt in her teeth, teetering her back away from the edge. The human grumbled something unintelligible, the dragon responded the same tone. “Alright, sorry, Zoey.”
At that moment, Celci reappeared, dragging the captain by the arm. “Found her!”
“I can see that.” Mark said. “Captain, good to see you.”
The captain ignored him entirely. The visor of her helmet was directly pointed at the human and her dragon, a hand slowly raising to point.
“Howdy, Cap’!” The human exclaimed, cheerfully pointing back.
The Captain shook her head, crossing and flailing her arms into a very strong NO gesture. She held her arms still a moment, flailing further as she realized she couldn’t easily point and gesture her way through this interaction.
Mark put his arm around her. “Hey, Captain, it’s alright. What’s bugging you?”
The Captain began to frantically scrabble for the release on their helmet.
“Woah, woah!” Gunther exclaimed. “Is that allowed? You feeling okay, Cap’n?” Nevertheless, he rushed up to her back and began to help with one of the latches.
Mark began to undo another one, quietly murmuring to her. “It’s alright, Cap’n. Whatever’s got you so freaked out, I know we’ll get through it. Together, you and me. And everyone else, but you and me mostly.”
Burt and Celci began to pitch in on the latches. The Captain was very specific about her helmet, in that nobody was allowed to touch it or see under it. She’d lost it in one loop, but Mark had refused to look.
For her to be tearing it off now, and accepting the help, something must be very, very, wrong. The dragon and her tamer were weirdly silent.
As the helmet loosened, the other team leads took their hands away. Mark started to take his hands off as his latch gave, but she reached up and brought them back, planting them on the sides of the helmet. She nodded softly, gently pointing at him and then herself.
“You and me.” Mark agreed. “Are you sure about this?”
She nodded vigorously. Gently, Mark lifted her helmet.
He’d only ever seen her eyes through the visor, but they were as kind as ever; so dark black it was like looking into the lense of a camera. She was young, a kiddish face, even. A long scar ran across her throat, the injury that rendered her mute. And-
A mess of green and purple hair.
Mark looked between his beloved Captain and the stranger and her dragon; both equally shocked.
“Hi there.” The dragon rider said, her face splitting into an awed grin. “I’m King.”
The Captain nodded, mouthing two words.
‘Me too.’
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the-zebra-dragon · 2 years
Hi hello I have more King and Zoey and Egos thoughts and who better to have them with than good ol’ Prison Boyfriend? The colored dialogue near the end is technically them speaking their own language. It’s a Thing™ in their canon
If you read this: thank you I love you have a great day
Summary: King and Zoey are Not In Their Proper World™ and it’s causing a lot of problems. Yancy is a himbo.
Happy Trails was abuzz with excitement: there was a new inmate transferring in. A troublesome new inmate. According to Tiny, their soon-to-be inmate was busted for smuggling something into their previous holdings. On the file that Yancy definitely didn’t look for during cleaning duty, what was being smuggled had been marked out in black sharpie. He’d put the paper against the light streaming in through a window to see if he could un-redact it. Pets. Robots. Flamethrowers. Weaponry. Secret Military Drone? And the last entry just read, What the hell was that thing?
Yeah, he was going to have to ask.
He made sure to stick around the area the new inmate was being checked in at- technically he was forced to be out in the yard, but the windows were open, and no one could really help it if the prison gang overheard everything. Especially if the guards were also listening in at a different window.
“Are you sure,” an unfamiliar voice asked, “you know how to keep this one in line?”
Murderslaughter laughed. “We’ve never had a prisoner we couldn’t handle here! This one will fit right in, I’m sure.”
Heapass near-audibly rolled his eyes.
“You have seen her file, right?”
“Of course, of course! We’ve got our best guards looking out for…”
“Zoey.” A small voice said. Yancy made a mental note- that was the prisoner’s… whatever they kept getting in trouble over.
“No one told you to talk.” The unfamiliar officer snapped.
“No need to be rude.” Murderslaughter said. “King, was it? Why don’t you head out to the yard, that’s where everyone else is.”
King’s ‘okay’ was nearly lost under everyone jumping back from the wall like they’d been burned. Yancy made his way toward the door, quickly pretending he’d been waiting there the whole time. The door opened with a screech (it always screeched, no matter how much oil was applied) and out stepped…
“Ey, shouldn’t you be in Juvie?” Sparkles yelled from the basketball court.
King’s shoulders went directly to her ears, casting worried glances around the yard. She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall, her frame hidden under a far-too-baggy prison uniform. Her hair had been dyed in streaks of green and purple, and she wore rather large, thick glasses.
She really did look like a scared child.
Out in the yard he couldn’t do his whole routine (well, the most of it, anyway) and so he’d have to settle for the next best thing- being ‘Yancy’: italicized, bolded, underlined, maybe in a cool font or something.
“Don’t be fuckin’ rude!” Yancy shouted back, turning all of his attention to King. “No filter on that one, honestly.” He fake-griped, jabbing a thumb at Sparkles. “Don’t youse mind him.”
King furrowed her eyebrows at him. She was wary still- that was okay. Natural, even. Someone who would have been shuffled around the judicial system as King had been likely didn’t trust easy.
“I’m Yancy.” He introduced himself. “And youses… King, right? I heard through the grapevine.” It was easier on her if he pretended not to know.
She nodded a little, eyes darting around. “King, yeah.”
“Good, suits you somehow.” Yancy said. “Let’s get youse settled in, yeah? Come on and meet the gang!”
Yancy was… bizarrely nice, compared to welcome committees King had previously had. The fact that Zoey hadn’t come barreling out of the sky to tear him to shreds was… probably a good sign. Then again, Zoey also hadn’t shredded Cassius yet, and he was arguably worse than this.
Speaking of Zoey… just as soon as Yancy was done introducing her to the gang, King needed to find her. Somehow. Probably. Where Zoey would hide out in the yard… There was a big tree juuuuust out of reach of one corner of the outer fence, which someone had hung a pathetic-looking swing from. King glanced up into the branches. There we go.
“And that’s everyones! Now youses’ all settled in.” Yancy was saying, clapping her on the back with far more force than necessary. She wondered if that was on purpose, or if he was just unaware of his own strength. What would Zoey think?
Probably… good geez, what’s his deal? Why’s he trying to be my friend so much? Does he want something from me?
“We’ve still got a while out here, probably.” Yancy continued, leading her out away from people. Thank goodness, that was a lot. “So whaddaya’s want to do?”
She pointed back toward the tree. “What’s up with that? Nowhere else has had a tree.”
Yancy shrugged. “Breakout risk? I dunno. Youse want me to push ya on the swing? I can do that.”
She was sorely tempted to say yes just to see what would happen. Instead, she led him to the trunk, picked a sturdy looking branch, and reached. “Gimme a boost?”
“Youse can’t get over the wall from up there.” Yancy warned, offering his hands for her to step into.
King rolled her eyes. “Is it a crime to want to sit in a tree? Maybe I’ll see a bird or something up here.” Or something.
“Just thought I’d- oof!” He grunted as she put a foot on his shoulder for leverage. “Just use me as a ladder, why don’t ya?- warn youse.” Oddly enough he didn’t seem in the slightest bothered.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m too short for this.” She grasped at a branch and lifted herself the rest of the way, using the trunk of the tree for support. Swinging one leg up and over the branch, she paused to plan her next move. “Hey, um… don’t look up here for a bit? This isn’t an escape plot, I’m just…” she fumbled for a suitable lie, forcibly settling for a nonspecific noise and a hand wobble. “Y’know?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Alright, but if it goes south, I was suspicious of youse first. Can youse get down on your own?”
King frowned, kicking her legs slightly. “Um…”
“How’s this sound: I’ll stand guard down here, and when you wanna come down, you holler. Alright?”
She grabbed a branch and shakily hauled herself to her feet. “Alright. Thank you, Yancy.”
“No problem.” He dropped onto his butt at the roots and began to tear up some of the clovers growing there.
Going up was more difficult without help- some of the footholds she was eyeing were too far apart for her to use steadily. Up here, some of the branches had clearly been trimmed- enough to climb, not enough to climb well. And oh boy, King was not used to this sort of climbing. Just about as high up as she could get, one of her footholds snapped away, and the twig she’d grabbed for stability snapped when she tried to shift her weight.
Something fuzzy and black and white filled her vision, and she grabbed it without thinking. “I gotcha King!” A voice shouted, and she’d never been so relieved in her life as she found solid footing again.
“Zoey!” King exclaimed.
The zebra-dragon waved a wing. “Put your left foot a little more to the right, see that thick branch there?”
“Gotcha. How’d you get up here with no one noticing?” King shuffled in place a little to prepare for her next move.
“Went roughly bird sized and came down from above. They just assumed I was a minor sidewalk nuisance.” Something dark pointed into King’s face. “Grab my wing, I’ll keep ya stable.”
King reached for the black wing in front of her face, using the leverage to ease herself onto a sturdy branch for sitting. “Glad to hear it. I’m so glad to see you again! This soon, too.”
The companion wrapped her wings around her. “Glad to see you too, in one piece and out of handcuffs.” She pulled back, then smirked in a way King knew all too well. Her eyes snapped down to the inmate still sitting at the base of the tree. “Sooo? Who’s your new guard dog?”
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