#TY SM BELLADONNA!!!!!!!!! i have many many opinions
chryzure-archive · 2 years
hmm what r some of ur favourite tropes to write about or to read? what kind of twists or smthing do u like for those tropes owo. FAVE THINGS TO PUT IN CHARACTER DESIGNS??? top 5 book characters….i like ur book opinions so much <3
EXTREMELY CLICHÉ, but i adore “trapped in a small space together” trope…. writing it is fun, reading it is fun—because you’re Stuck There!!! so it’s time to forcibly progress this relationship!!! BONUS POINTS IF ONE IS CLAUSTROPHOBIC, so the other has to think of ways to distract them!!! when it’s done right… oh yeah, it’s EXCELLENT.
also wearing the other one’s clothes… irl, it jst makes me happy when ppl steal my clothes (not in a romantic sense, jst more in a !!!!!! we’re friends and you trust me and i trust you!!!!!), so obvi i LOVE it in writing too!! i esp love chryzure where chrysi’s wearing azure’s sweaters and she’s so tiny in them!! plus vice versa, where azure wears chrysi’s oversized hoodies and it fits him nicely and she’s like “oh…….. that looks very nice on you………….” struck through the heart with an arrow!!! blame cupid!!!
oh, wait wait, more serious answer—writing and reading forced arranged marriage that slowly turns to love is also something i love. the mirror visitor series did it impeccably, but i ESP love when it’s like “i can’t tell if you actually love me or if the marriage made you change your mind” “who cares? we’re together now and i love you because of it. why deny ourselves this?” AHHHH, GOING CRAZY, GOING WILD.
okay hmmm, some fun twists i have on tropes…. suddenly, i have forgotten every story idea or scene snippet i have thought abt ever.
OH, OKAY, WAIT I HAVE ONE!!! so yk the trope where someone pulls their friend/lover off someone they’re beating up??? well, azure will pull chrysi off someone she is violently attacking (it’s deserved) and she’ll jst dangle in his arms like a blood-stained kitten. he doesn’t put her down. her feet can’t reach the ground :((( and then, similar to the second lilo & stitch movie, if the person makes a snarky comment that pisses both azure and chrysi off, he’ll jst go “actually.” and release chrysi to attack once more. he supports chrysi’s violence 🖤
another (less happy) one is the idea that true love DOES conquer all…. but there’s a price for it :((( so, YES, azure WILL save chrysi—he’ll defy all odds and fix everything!!!… but he’s gone for good now. he’s dead. he can’t come back and haunt chrysi—she doesn’t even get the relief of being able to see his ghost. that’s the case in the chrysigil story… azure breaks all laws of nature to save his chryseis, and that’s all he has the strength for. it hurts, but i love it. the love didn’t last, but it was still there! it mattered because it was beautiful and fragile and it was love—doesn’t mean it wins every time. stephanie simply couldn’t understand such a concept, smh
I ADOREEEE red eyes + curly/messy hair, DARK EYES, MY BELOVED!!!! all my characters all have some sort of freckle or mole or facial mark because i think faces are so fascinating…… i love having unnatural hair colors on my characters as well!!!! and SMILES, making them unique!! like a scar on the lip, or a freckle, or dimples. long hair is also something i LOVE. drawing long hair is SO FUN FOR ME.
ooohhh, top five book characters??? difficult! i’ll make it worse by not mentioning any of chrysi’s book bfs because that’s cheating. also, this isn’t in any particular order, it’s jst in order of who i recall!
lucy carlyle from lockwood and co. !!!! i think she’s such a fun protag, esp since she’s so coarse and rude and imperfect and headstrong!!! i love her, i want to adopt her :)
sir percy blakeney frm the scarlet pimpernel because wow!!!! vigilante leader pretending to be The Stupidest, Most Vain Man Alive?????? the BLUEPRINT for chrysi and her vigilante shenanigans, esp in my 1800s zombie au!!!! everything he does is SO funny to me & i also love all the different iterations of him (i actually endorse both the movie and the musical, despite both being different from the book. i need to read the other books in that series so i can judge those as well!!)
tea & kalen frm the bone witch…. i cannot separate them. they are deeply in love. and they’re so adoring of each other that it makes me cry…. rin chupeco knew what they were doing + i think they should write more romances like that actually……… i do need to read their other books because i love their writing style sm!!!
………. now i know he committed so many crimes and everything he did was inadvisable and i think he probably deserved what happened to him, BUT i love my wet pathetic little meow meow augustine lawrence from the death of jane lawrence…… i will accept everything he’s done. i support his actions. the scene where he’s crying through the walls + begging for help??! the scene where he’s coughing + sweaty + feverish from the curse???? ALRIGHTY THEN. he’s such a little bastard, but he’s one step away frm bursting into tears at all times that it’s okay!!! i endorse it!!!!!!!!!! :)
THANK YOU ALSO, i was jst ranting to a friend abt my book opinions, so it makes my heart warm + happy that you like my book opinions 🥰🥰🥰 i will continue to have them :>
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