#TYSM FOR ASKING THESE. these may be my most revealing favorite questions abt movies ever.
piratebay · 2 years
17 31 & 33 for film questions! 💖💖
film questions
17. a movie that you know is bad but you can’t help but love it
omg in all honesty a LOT of the movies i like are. bad. lmao. but for brevity's sake -- to answer this question... batman & robin (1997). i just think it's fun 😭
31. 3 movies you’re expecting excitedly!
idk if excitedly is the right word! i feel like i never really pay tooooo much attn to what movies are coming out (and i'm playing an endless game of catch-up on pop culture) But i saw the trailer for smb watching one piece and. well. i'll watch it! idk what i'm gonna do abt crisp rat's voice tho.
i rmr everyone was talking abt brendan fraser's return w the whale and it looks interesting enough.
last one is not rly a "movie" movie... but when i looked up upcoming shows on fandango i saw, in select theaters, they're releasing a recorded performance of the magic flute! which. i do wanna see. c:
33. favorite musical
ok i Have seen. an awful lot of musicals. technically i prefer to see em live if i can, but some made-for-the-movie house musicals that are. p timeless imo are the wizard of oz and willy wonka ig.
but some of my fave shows i wanna see live (and not talk abt the movie versions :-] unless absolutely necessary. lol.) are the phantom of the opera, sweeney todd, the last 5 years, and les mis 🥹😣
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