#Taurus and Scorpio axis
seafoamreadings · 10 months
sun trine north node (sextile south node)
the crossroads of fate is lit up. take stock of where you are going, let go of where you have been. take an action of gratitude, and move forward. what is meant to follow you into the future will find a way to keep up.
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satansstellium · 1 year
Zodiac Axis/Sister Sign thoughts:
The Pisces Virgo axis is creative and delusional
The Aries Libra axis is expressive and relentless
The Sagittarius Gemini axis is intelligent and over confident
The Aquarius Leo axis is charming and arrogant
The Capricorn Cancer axis is competent and dominant
The Taurus Scorpio axis is passionate and obstinate
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lith-myathar · 2 years
Love how Taurus and Scorpio are sister signs but stereotypically one is like....the hungry himbo sign and the other is Peak Goth, NO ONE GIVES TAURUS CREDIT FOR THEIR INTENSITY OR SCORPIO CREDIT FOR THEIR SOFTNESS
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ven8s · 2 years
taurus - scorpio ☆ axis
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blk-xniverse · 2 years
Eclipse season is upon us... *cue ominous music*
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lamed-moon · 2 years
Hellooooo moon!
Moon sitting exalted in the tropical sign of Taurus.... but this full moon is not ordinary in any form of the word. Conjunct Uranus, Luna is already posed to erraticism - but tack on the impact of the Lunar Nodes and bingbangboom we get a gorgeous but absolutely soul-rocking lunar eclipse [pictured below as it approaches totality - super cloudy, expecting snow!].
Don't forget the Scorpio Sun hides beneath the horizon, linked up close with Mercury and Venus. Volatility bubbles around and Saturn squaring it all suggests the stuff popping off now may need some resculpting once the deep sea lava cools off.
It's big changes no doubt but one can ease it down by remembering that when you vomit its Wild how much better you feel afterwards. It won't be high key forever. Scorpio is trying to remind Taurus that to be loved also means hurling away what cannot or never has loved you - including parts of yourself.
The Nodes' involvement is essential for any eclipse to occur. A regular full moon requires the arrangement of Sun - Earth - Moon and a regular new moon requires the arrangement of Sun - Moon - Earth. This happens twice a month.
!But! It doesn't always happen *exactly* at the degree where the moon is crossing earth's plane of orbit around the sun. That's what makes it an eclipse. The *perfect* straight line. The exactitude is what results in the luminaries being extinguished during these moments in time.
I enjoy knowing that the imperfection of their bimonthly alignments actually results in a reliable pattern for us humans. It's only when the grabbing bodies of the planets are in their own perfection...do they mirror back chaos to us.
Also, note Mars sitting higher to the left, shiny red and sitting amidst the constellation of Orion.
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mylimoji · 2 years
i think this stereotype that cardinal signs are the leaders should perish. the true leaders of the zodiac are fixed signs! they're might be stuck in their own ways sometimes, but they do know their job and they know how to finish what's been started. we need to reconceptualize cardinal signs not as leaders, but as instigators. maybe it's easier to see this with aries/libra with their impulsivity and want to constantly move on, but cancer/capricorn definitely get stuck at the start or can't move on very easily if they encounter a problem. they are very good at starting things - they hope that somebody else will see it to the end.
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harmoonix · 2 months
(Astrology Observations)
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- Aquarius Risings are good at communicating in love thanks to their Virgo/Leo axis of 7th and 8th house signs, they may also crave a lot of physical touch
- Aqua/Scorpio/Capricorn Risings can have Sirene eyes, and if you have Pluto - Asc aspects you have the same thing
- Virgo/Cancer and Taurus Risings on the other side can have doe/deer eyes shape, they really look like Bambie (the deer)
- Sun aspecting Chiron natives happens to have other people throwing their insecurities on them, like your friend feels insecure and immediately throws that energy on you
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- Chiron in the 7th house is both a curse and a blessing, sometimes you met hurt people already sometimes you're the one who hurts or heals them
- Chiron in the 12th house can show your subconscious is in pain, and can mostly be from your past life, does it happens to have a lot of deja-vu?
- Mercury in the 7th house are so good at talking and expressing their love language. I really love how comfortable they can get around people
- Mars in the 11th house sometimes creates a "love-hate relationship" between you and your friends, even conflicts can rise up
- Venus in Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) can really have an outstanding fashion style because of the uniqueness degrees of Aquarius energy
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- Mercury at 8°, 20° degrees they can literally talk about every taboo topics without any fear of judgement. Their talk is freely open to everything
- Pisces Sun/Venus/Moons/Rising can get influenced more easier than others and I can say is that because of their neptunian energy
- Jupiter Dominant natives are wise from a young age, they perceive things differently than other people. They're also very lucky in their life path
- Venus in Fire Signs loves to be chased in love. Like that's a way to show you're interested in them, sometimes they can play hard to get too
- Earth Moons are the most stable people I know both physically and mentally, their are so strong in both things but sometimes they can have a hard time to balance those things out
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- The Ethereal energy of a Virgo Moon is so naturally beautiful, they are the best supporters of people. So charming, calm and kind
- Uranus in the 2nd house can end up buying things they never expected before, for example you never expect to buy a phone you liked before
- Venus conjunct Pluto is so "Obsessed" vibes, people get so obsessed with them very easily, and you know they are damn loyal to you
- Pisces Moons & Moon in the 12th house have an energy like they are sometimes aware of what happens around them and sometimes they are not
- Neptune & Jupiter/Uranus in the 12th house are so spiritually connected with their subconscious, they can sense entities and often experience goosebumps (Spirit Signal)
- South Node in the 9th house can indicate that in a past life you gave your life for religion/God/etc.. and you need to focus more on yourself in this one especially at expressing yourself
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- Sun & Lilith aspects are the most rebellious people you'll met, but they also have a side magnetism to them that makes people to like them
- Guys imagine having a man who wants a traditional wife/spouse but you don't have any 4th house placements like 👁️👄👁️ (Traditional guys scare the sht out of me like go away)
- Sagittarius Sun/Moon/Rising/Mars natives are so wild. Like they can be the wildest people you'll met through your life and do the most craziest things with
- If you have an empty 7th house just look at its ruler everytime you want to discover more about your future spouse (specific person)
For example if you have 7H in Taurus look at your Venus. 7H in Aquarius look at both Saturn and Uranus as your 7th house rulers
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- Mars at Virgo Degrees (6°. 18°) have a good looking/attractive waist. Virgo rules upon that body part and it tells you about your attractiveness
- This is just between us but Mercury - Pluto aspects can be good at lying, if someone has prominent or strong aspects between those they are good liars
- Saturn in the 6th house natives are both productive and tired in the same way. Like you try to be productive or to work and suddenly you get tired.. damn
- I have Saturn quincunx Venus and honestly the energy it feels like having Saturn opposite Venus is just so hard sometimes to fall in love especially if you have questions about a specific person
- Asteroid Juno (3) sextile/trine/conjunct Mars are looking for a really hot, fierce, sparkling relationship like they want everything that's intense
- My asteroid Groom (5129) is at 1° (Aries Degrees family, 1°, 13°, 25°) and I read more about those degrees and I find that the spouse can have some dominant, confident, powerful, leader traits basically describing an Aries
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- 2nd house placements are always hungry or thinking about food. Especially Sun/Moon/Venus in the 2nd house are really power hungry
- Sometimes Pluto/Neptune in the 6th house can indicate problems with health and that you'll need to prioritize your health
- Moon in the 8th house can indicate that in general the women in your family could've have suffered a lot, like your mother/grandmother/grand-grand mother etc..
- Water signs in the 5th house can indicate a passion/talent towards swimming/surfing 🌊
- Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 11th house can indicate that you make friends easily or just connecting with people easily
- In the vedic chart Chitra is my Nakshatra (2nd Pada) if you have the same star in the vedic chart is like a combination between the materialistic and spiritual world and you need to find a balance in between (What I love about this is that Chitra's symbol is a shell 🐚 and I love shells with all my life)
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- Neptune in the 7th house natives can create an illusion about their partners, like creating something that is not real about them, sometimes even fake scenarios
- Gosh people with the 10th house placements really focus mostly in their lives on their career/job/career path like this is so important for them. They really want to succeed
- Venus conjunct Mars or Venus and Mars in the same house makes the native to more passionate towards the lovers in their lives, they're full of surprises
- Neptune square/opposite Moon cannot be aware of their spiritual side or aware of their intuition, but they are so powerful when they search more about it
- Lilith in Water Signs really have beautiful eyes, you will get lost in their ocean eyes 👀, just like a sirene in her natural habitat
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With all the love and peace have a good day today
🐚 Harmoonix 🐚
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starsworldd · 7 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬-𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬
long post - thank you for 2k! i apologize for the wait but this took me a longggg time to prepare.
it’s also important to note that planets in taurus/scorpio will effect how you resonate with the interpretations below
reminder that readings are open! i’m now selling persona chart readings of planets/angles as well
take with a grain of salt
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1st (scorpio) - 7th (taurus)❤️: relationships are a source of comfort and wisdom. scorpio risings’ experience of reality has to do with trust, hard truths, and taking back your power but their relations with others often bring a sense of peace and value into their lives. people may perceive you to be useful and smart in these similar qualities as well. your partnerships help to balance out the chaos and even insecurity you face at times with your identity and precense in the world
2nd (scorpio) - 8th (taurus) ❤️‍🔥: you are powerful in your resources/skills and in the way you support yourself overall. in this lifetime, how you find worth and appreciation for yourself and what you have (skills, physical resources, etc…). you may feel suppressed or face much controversy for what you value or for how you choose to support yourself monetary-wise or as a person. your biggest comeback story in life may have to do with self-esteem and with how you accumulate worth and value (physical or moral/mental) into your life and goals.
although there may be much turbulence and important realizations/truths that are found in how you support yourself and your goals, the transformations and scary things you face in life ironically enough can bring you lots of support if you choose to make good use out of it (which taurus is naturally good at). of course, this is the house of fears and traumas so a big part of your life story may include building your own sense of independence by learning from times of distress.
3rd (scorpio) - 9th (taurus) 💋: you could be especially sensitive to input from others and be able to pick up undertones and double meanings from others easily. communication, creativity (especially having to do with hands or written words), is your superpower. you grab others’ attention easily with your stories and artistic output when you learn to harness your fears/limitations effectively. this also makes you very intelligent of your community + gossip because scorpio rules over extremes as well
while in your everyday communication and daily life you may uncover and discuss skeleton’s in other people’s closet and may be doing a lot of activities that use a lot of your energy (scorpio is ruled by mars, planet of action), this makes you very comfortable (taurus) in being able to adapt to different environments and perspectives (9th house). having taurus in this house can make someone very wise because they find value and meaning in variety.
4th (scorpio) - 10th (taurus) 💄: people with scorpio in this house have usually had some sort of significant event or trauma regarding their family or childhood or may have regrets as to their actions in the past. these people could be born out of either extreme poverty or wealth too. these people’s sense of safety/privacy can be very important to them or they could feel like this aspect of their life is being compromised often (mars = conflict) but you could also find safety/comfort in curiousity or things that are “off-limits”.
if the private/emotional life of the native is exacerbated and transformative for them the career and reputation for the native is where they feel appreciated and most creative. having these signs in this house-axis can be indicative of a strong comeback story (extreme poverty to extreme wealth or even the other way around). the career-field can be very fulfilling (emotionally or monetary wise) and where you are grateful or feel lucky for the events your work presents.
5th (scorpio) - 11th (taurus) 🌹: feelings of creativity, romance, and happiness are taken to extreme lows and highs throughout life. if you’re a cancer rising, i believe this is where the “moody” reputation for us comes from. like leo rising, there could have been significant changes or revelations during childhood that changed your way of deriving happiness and familial support. these people may crave for luxury and overindulgence and can do so by turning their pain into power. scorpio in this house can make someone very grateful as well.
if our sense of happiness and luck undergoes significant change and gives us our “comebacks” throughout life, the 11th house is where we have already found peace and prosperity with our place in society. we encounter valuable experiences when polishing our individualism (5th) within our community (11th). we can find personal contentment and growth in accepting our individual, unique role amongst the people around us. you may like to surround yourself with confident people as well.
6th (scorpio) - 12th (taurus) 👠: these people can feel very unlucky or trapped throughout life, with the 6h ruling bad luck + burdens and scorpio relating to extremes. scorpio is a smart zodiac i’ve noticed as well, so these people usually have a certain way (especially that requires much energy) of doing their work and job that could defy others’ expectations. extreme focus on a certain obstacle or insecurities is also possible and can take awhile to finally figure out what makes you feel secure and satisfied with how you manage your burdens.
if your everyday burdens and responsibilities test your strength to the max in this lifetime, your imagination, creativity and solitude is where you find peace. it could also be that these people do unusual things to satisfy their need for pleasure and wholeness, because the 12th house is where we are easily misled. these people are internally comfortable with their thoughts and ideas, regardless of how odd they may be because it takes them to a place of stability from their scorpio 6h.
7th (scorpio) - 1st (taurus) 🍒: these natives’ partnerships/commitments make the native have to look more deeply into their underlying intentions or feelings with said partnerships/commitment. this can bring a lot of disturbing but also very eye-opening and insightful experiences that affects the native’s identity and ambitions going forth. scorpio can also be a curious sign so there can be a little bit of investigative or persistent approach to your partnerships and this is where your power can derive from.
it may seem like your partnerships “destroy” parts of your identity, because you approach the world from a sense of wholeness and peace. at least, these are circumstances that you are ambitious to achieve in your life. pleasure and steadiness are big life themes and at first it may seem like life is rather dull or boring, but similar to scorpio in its opposite function, taurus asks us to dig a little deeper into the simpler things in life and to find enjoyment.
8th (scorpio) - 2nd (taurus) 🍫: when dealing with other people’s problems (financially, intimate connection, debts, etc…) it brings about experiences that require you to fix what’s wrong or holding you back in life in rather uncomfortable ways. this can indicate someone who is afraid to acknowledge psychological blockages or who lacks the necessary bravery/instincts to attack underlying problems. you could earn valuable assets (tangible or not) from others when you engage with activities that are “gross” but healing/heroic.
this native survives on feeling complete. having a sense of wholeness is very important to these people and makes these people very resourceful because they are able to make the seemingly mundane valuable and able to work in their favor. these people are good at feeling in control of their life, future, and choices because they are committed and secure in their abilities. these people place much importance on authenticity, diversity, and self-sufficiency.
9th (scorpio) - 3rd (taurus) ❤️: when achieving mastery/global knowledge, and self-discovery it may have to do with bringing up topics that you ignored or swept under the rug especially having to do with your identity/precense (in context of the world and society). your global approach and experiences have to do with dealing uncomfortable topics in order to achieve better awareness and understanding of all aspects of the world. how you navigate foreign environments and your sense of flexibility is your strength.
if foreign experiences provide you with strength through perseverance, your intuition and familiar environments provide you with strength through growth (tangible or not). although it may seem like the everyday social rituals and ideas (including intuition), can appear mundane, this setup of houses gives an opportunity to grow a garden that provides roots, beauty, and good taste in the way you perceive and express yourself local environments.
10th (scorpio) - 4th (taurus) 🪭: these people have to have a ton of intiative when working in their career and towards their big goals in life. it may feel as though these people have to start from a bad hand of cards (compared to everybody else) in order to make it to the top or that their working conditions and/or responsibilities throughout life may feel difficult to complete or deals with high stakes/status. but even though there are difficult tasks they have to be done and you have drive/resourcefulness to do it!!
if the workplace is where you see the thorns in your garden (where you have to get rid of them) your home life and condition is where you see the roses. taurus is good at being able to attract good circumstances for themselves because taurus is very representative of wholeness and the feeling of completion. there’s probably more opportunities for you to setup and manage your domestic life the way you like. wisdom may be found through your domestic life too.
11th (scorpio) - 5th (taurus) 🧨: your surrounding communities/people who support you seem to try to pick you apart. you may feel as if the people who you’re around with don’t actually support you or that there’s something incomplete or “wrong” with the circumstances and people that made you successful, imposter syndrome possibly? your supporters/friends could show you things you couldn’t see before, likely for the better although they may reveal this in dramatic or difficult circumstances.
if you feel incomplete about the people/circumstances that support your public achievements, your creativity and lust for life is where you find contentment. these people feel most stable and appreciated for their talents and way of enjoying themselves. for these people, they find stability, growth, and satisfaction when they engage with activities that bring them happiness. they find beauty and appreciation from others for their self-expression/creatvity.
12th (scorpio) - 6th (taurus) ♠️: your drive to feel complete is what can you mislead you in life. this may be because you feel as if there’s always something missing or not being to shown to you but you are persistent in finding what that something is. this same energy can make the native very wise because they have to overcome their demons over and over again throughout life. but at the same time, you could also feel like your sense of resourcefulness and strength fails to manifest in reality.
if there’s conflict/determination in trying to protect yourself from things that induce bad energy, then there’s likely to be tranquility and acceptance in doing activities that can put your life back on track. the 6h is known as the house of bad fortune in astrology so these people are good at being able to find the most reliable way out of a difficult situation. and while these natives could be good at finding solutions, slacking off and overindulgence can lead to oversight with tasks.
once again thank you for 2k!
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hope you enjoyed🥰
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
mercury trine south node
this has mercury retrograde vibes BUT it is on a much shorter timescale (a day or two only) and is less about snafus (wrong email recipient, typos, car trouble) and more about that "exes out of the woodwork" vibe people talk about. old soul mates pop up. maybe you already knew them in this life, or maybe only in past lives, but here they are and you recognize them one way or another. there's also a hint of what is to come in the future; be mindful of omens, do your divinations now.
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cosmicpuzzle · 27 days
What is your passion axis? Taurus-Scorpio
1/7: Passion with oneself and others.
2/8: Passion with money and sex.
3/9: Passion with learning and knowledge
4/10- Passion with home and career
5/11- Passion with lovers and friends
6/12- Passion with career and vacations (enjoyments)
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astrolovecosmos · 3 months
Aries - Libra Axis: Tells a story about taking action vs. indecision, inaction, and procrastination. Tells a story about selfishness but also giving to the detriment of self, lack of boundaries, assertion, charm, persuasion, force, peace and war, leadership and cooperation, independence vs. partnerships, passion, romance, self-awareness vs. shallowness and detachment, insensitivity vs. tact, cheating and deception, winning and losing, honesty and bravery. Tells a story about lovers and fighters.
Taurus - Scorpio Axis: Tells a story about control, power, jealousy, resentment, stubbornness, indulgence and sensuality, comfort and thrill, safety and danger, possessive behavior, materialism, emotional strength and influence, inner security or contentment and inner empowerment and passion, willpower, revenge, grudges, manipulation, obsession, seduction, self-destruction, transformation and rebuilding. Tells a story about self-mastery and self-esteem.
Gemini - Sagittarius Axis: Tells a story about communication, learning, knowledge, teaching, exploration of mind, body, and the world, trickery, con artists, betrayal, support, lies and truth, versatility, duality, variety, curiosity, superficiality vs. depth, philosophy, morals, logic, spontaneity and fickleness, symmetry vs. asymmetry, restlessness, carelessness, freedom, exaggeration vs. factual, movement, cunning wit and intellect as well as wisdom, optimism vs. skepticism, dissembling, analyzing, deception, schemes, gossip, boasting, charm vs. tactlessness, and promises. Tells a story about storytelling - lessons and adaptation.
Cancer - Capricorn Axis: Tells a story about protection, self-preservation, endurance, practicality, emotions and rationality, defense vs. offense, vulnerability, attachment, clinging vs. self-reliance, sentiment, nostalgia, home and family, ambition, purpose, clans, tribes, societies, private world vs. external/outer world, moods, cycles, authority, parents/mothers and fathers, caution, responsibility, duty, patience, compassion vs. cruelty, intuition, shrewdness, strategy, contentment vs. dissatisfaction, security vs. insecurity. Tells a story about needs and being uninhibited, as well as control and discipline.
Leo - Aquarius Axis: Tells a story about leadership, charisma, confidence, individuality, self-expression, creativity, innovation, the power of one vs. the power of the many, attention, compulsion, pride, ego, play and discovery, experimentation and rebellion, drama, curiosity, socialization, influence, dignity, generosity, benevolence and/or common good, chaos, destruction, passion vs. dispassion, humanity, divinity, fellowship, organized groups, separation or standing apart, control or tyranny, strangeness and what's rejected vs. what's accepted or even celebrated. Tells a story about the king/queen/politician and anarchist/rebellion/revolutionist.
Virgo - Pisces Axis: Tells a story about the spirit and body, healing, helping others, service, caring for others, listening to your body or your intuition, purity vs. corruption, compassion, sensitivity, impressions, flexibility, logic, imagination, being receptive, mysticism, confusion, illusions, clarity, distillation, categorizing, researching, analyzing - a thorough search for facts/truth. Tells a story about sacrifice, empathy, saving others, discernment, efficiency and productivity vs. procrastination and rest, modesty, free and flowing energy vs. precise and predictable energy, perfectionism vs. admiring flaws, realism or skepticism vs. idealism, details vs. big picture. Tells a story about the dreamer and the worker, the ability to make our dreams come true.
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bitchstrologyyy · 11 months
astrology observations from my notes lol
- if you have mars in 3H, you probably hang out with your siblings a lot or your siblings play a big role in your life
- mars 3hers also tend to be the eldest child in their family too
- is it just me or have i noticed that venus-ruled signs (libra and taurus) placements are the type to bring perfumes, small hair combs, gum, and etc with them? i’ve noticed this alot with the libra and taurus suns at my school, ESPECIALLY LIBRAS! they’re always taking care of themselves, and they care a lot about their physical appearance
- those with aries + taurus placements in their charts tend to be apart of the lgbtq+ community, or they’re comfortable with their sexualities
- negative moon-pluto (square, opposition) indicate a controlling, obsessive, unstable or mentally ill mother. the mother could’ve been secretive or prone to paranoia. especially moon square pluto!!
- negative sun-pluto (square, opposition) indicate problems with father or in the family
- virgos make amazing artists and writers. they also have a “dark” way of thinking— stephen king, tim burton, hajime isayama. very creative people
- if you’re an aries sun or have aries placements, you may like the blood aesthetic or the idea of ‘blood’ because mars rules ur sign. mars rules war, blood, anger, sex, energy, and action
- aries moons don’t get mad easily, and i feel like they’re very levelheaded when it comes to difficult situations. it takes a lot for them to get mad usually. HOWEVER they get irritated/annoyed over trivial things easily. for example, they’re trying to microwave food but the microwave isn’t working and they get mad ;-;
- taurus-scorpio axis means being materialistic and wanting things from other people/befriending other people if YOU get something out of it
- aquarius men tend to be incels, or they go through this yucky phase where they are incels 🤢
- aquariuses are on the internet too much lol pls go touch grass ty
- sagittarius placements tend to be mixed or there’s smth “exotic” abt you
- people love shit talking about leo women even if a leo woman has done nothing
- tw: autism, neurodivergence (?) im not trying to diagnose anyone or anything, but i’ve noticed that virgos tend to be neurodivergent or they’re more inclined to having autism. they might’ve had a family member who was on the spectrum as well
- scorpios are MAGNETIC. they attract a lot of people and have w rizz game
these are my personal opinions/observations btw
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coopers-hand · 1 year
mercury and why you're given your voice
TLDR: mercury in your natal chart is your mind and your voice, the very ability to speak the words and communicate the ideas. the sign it's in represents the purpose of your own voice, and the house represents the medium, through which your mind is spoken to the world. to gain more insight, look at the aspects, at you 3H and your 9H, as well as to the gemini-saggitarius axis in your chart🎐
~ what is your voice?
aries: your voice is straightforward, fiery and penetrating to the very essense of the thing you're talking about
taurus: your voice is comforting and soothing, bringing comfort and sense of stability to others
gemini: your voice is sharp, bright and even sparkly, if i may say so. it is like a ray of sunshine being reflected from all of the facets of the crystal, lighting up the minds of others
cancer: your voice is soft and muted, making sure that the message reaches only the ones that can truly appreciate it
leo: your voice is warm and cheerful, making the atmosphere of any room you walk in welcoming and lit up with your presence
virgo: your voice is sharp yet muted, dissecting the ideas with the precision of the scalpel
libra: your voice is harmonious and graceful, creating the atmosphere of harmony and concord
scorpio: your voice is deep and pervasive, uncovering every little thing that has been hidden
saggitarius: your voice is bright, loud and expansive, filling up the room with optimism and exploration spirit
capricorn: your voice is solid and robust, bringing up structured ideas and providing people with the sence of reliability
aquarius: your voice is like a lonely echo from up above, bringing up uncomfortable truths and ideas that cannot be brushed off and are in a deep need to be explored
pieces: your voice is a dreamy song of a magical creature, that sounds like a hallucination inside of people's heads
~ how does your voice speak to the world?
1H: your voice is spoken through your own self-expression, through embodying your true self
2H: your voice is spoken in a vocal way, whether it is a beautiful song or a magnificent speech
3H: your voice is spoken through your own ideas, your own words and speculations, no matter what form are they expressed in
4H: your voice is spoken through your presence by inviting people to see beyond your protective shield
5H: your voice is spoken through things you create, through every piece you've put your own soul into
6H: your voice is spoken through your actions, through the structure of your routine, through what you choose to vitalize and what to let sit dead
7H: your voice is heard through communication with others, through the ways you are directly relate to the world
8H: your voice is spoken directly from the depths of your being, raw and unfiltered, almost in a telepathic kind of way
9H: your voice is spoken from the tribunes, stages and places, where you stand in front and above millions of people, your voice is here to lead the humanity
10H: your voice is spoken through the projection of yourself you put into this world, through the ways you embody your perfectly curated highest version of self
11H: your voice is heard when you dream, when you are hopeful and excited about the future and the life itself. it is expressed through your highest vibrations of pure loving and ever-accepting nature.
12H: your voice is spoken in half-tones, through indirect and almost subliminal ways, getting straight into other's subconsious
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astroismypassion · 9 months
Astrology observations 🟢🟢🟢
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🟢I noticed high number of people that like the idea of saving yourself for marriage have Scorpio over the 8th house, but also often Capricorn Vesta, Vesta at 22 degree or Vesta in the 10th house.
🟢People with Pisces Vesta might have rather low libido. They really enjoy things that are more metaphysical and they are often very detached from their own body, not very in tune with it. They might do just well by watching films, TV series and indulging into their favourite movie snack. They are really fine with being on their own.
🟢Aquarius Ceres people had a mother that emphasized that their identity, personality and body are very unique. These are the people that will always tell you you're one of a kind, special and unique. This placement is very much "No one is you and that is your superpower" quote!
🟢Additionally, on Ceres note, your Ceres sign serves like the 2nd Moon sign. Ceres also shows how you perceived your mother's nurturing. So you could have a Virgo Moon, but Aquarius Ceres. And you might actually more relate to Aquarius Ceres when it comes to your relationship with your mother. Similarly, you can have Aries Moon, but your Ceres is in Pisces. But often times Moon and Ceres are compatible and connected.
🟢Scorpio Ceres doesn't want to think about money, although throughout their lifetime their life revolves A LOT around money. Either in form of debt, financial issues, help others with their money etc. Money for them is a veryy emotional topic. When they receive money they might actually tear up a little. When they give or lend money it's often an investment for them and they might have regrets connected with it or hold resentment later on for giving someone their money. Sometimes they make purchases that they not only regret, but might feel a bit ashamed that they even made this purchase in the first place. Also, this is very much the person to mix sex with money. Or they spend money on the person they are physically intimate with (sexually involved).
🟢Having Venus in someone's 10th house in a romantic Synastry is such an interesting overlay I notice. Often times one person really supports other's career and long-term goals to the point they help the other person set up a business. But I noticed that often that also become a weakness later in the partnership. So they continue the successful business, but the partnership dissolves.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house often has a crush on blond/light-haired people or those that have golden highlights.
🟢I'm not saying always, but most often in particular people who have Gemini over the 7th house often assume or very early on when meeting someone assume they the person is interested in them romantically. With Sagittarius over the 1st house (which points to an exaggerated sense of self and ego) they persistently think someone likes them despite clear evidence to the contrary. And Gemini Descendants even more so, they sometimes tend to believe they can "convince" someone if they put enough effort or try hard enough, even when the person verbally expressed that they are not interested in them. Even this Sagittarius Gemini axis can sometimes deal with delusion much like Pisces Virgo axis.
🟢Libra or Taurus over the 10th house: people at your workplace, random co-workers, even your boss will be very interested in your relationship status. Those around you will often speculate whether you have a partner or ask you if you are single. Also, if you have one of these two signs, be mindful with who you are connecting yourself with, because people around you might often make assumptions or jump to fast conclusions to who you are dating, even if the two of you are just friends! They could see you talking with someone and they might already assume you two have something going on.
🟢People with Scorpio Jupiter often go for Capricorn Sun as their spouse or committed partner. If you have Scorpio Jupiter in your Natal chart you are likely to attract a rather controlling partner.
🟢People with Pisces and Aries over the 4th house felt like they had to raise themselves. They are also really late bloomers. They might start raising themselves and working on themselves in late 20s, 30s.
🟢When you have Scorpio over the 7th house or Pluto in the 7th house in your Solar Return chart you will feel like don't receive help from anyone and it will be the year of many rejections, either in your love life, career or you will feel rejected by your loved ones.
🟢Composite Leo Mars in the 7th house make the two of you much more indecisive when together than independently/when you are apart. You often swing from "You choose, I don't mind anything" to "I don't know". When you are together you seem to make a decision much slower and it's harder to even pick to which restaurant you want to go eat. With the sign of Leo, you might have power struggles over making your choice as the final mutual decision. You will both want things to go your own way, not how the other person wants.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house are the biggest flirts that tend to be non-committal, because they value their independence a little too much, but also because they have the enough charming, charismatic confidence that they can get anyone.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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hellxs · 2 months
Hi would you be down to do Mars in Taurus observation? All I know is that it’s debilitated in Taurus
𝖙𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖚𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖘
they can be really calm on the surface and internally they can be calm
most things don’t faze, people can def see them as unbothered
tend to have high self esteem and don’t listen to bad things people say ab them
they can stay to themselves and not talk till someone talks to them first(other aspects can affect this)
when they get mad which is really rare they don’t think at all they just act
the type to get physical if u make them mad(hitting you, hitting a wall or anything in the physical)
they can hold a lot of anger in , when they get mad they usually get really silent
people can see them as cool
they take a long time to do literally anything but when they start something there’s nothing or no one stopping them from getting it done(aspects can change this)
can see their partner as a possession and be overly jealous over anything their partner does
their nonchalance can be intimidating to people
people normally start fights with them but they always finish them
can have difficulty expressing their anger and passion
they can feel very excited ab something but in the outside they don’t show
lazy unless it’s about something they actually care about
can be very horny and ooze sexuality subtly
you taurus mars should learn some traits from your scorpio axis
as an example, taurus mars may wait till someone keeps screwing them over and over to do something about it instead of doing that learn how to assert yourself right away even if it’s feels uncomfortable. like Scorpio, they don’t wait when they feel a way they do something about it, they don’t think about it like taurus. learn how to implement that into your life
𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤
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