#The Peak Lord SY/Demon King LBH AU
delicioussshame · 2 years
This was posted earlier today on AO3 because I wanted to publish something for Christmas, but for completion’s sake, have a new chapter of this AU.
Gongyi Xiao's first allegiance will always be to Huan Hua Palace. He owes everything to his sect.
That doesn't mean he doesn't respect the cultivators of Cang Qiong. When they could have been spiteful, mocking their rival’s weakness, they welcomed the few disciples who managed to escape with their lives with open arms. While not as wealthy as Huan Hua Palace, Cang Qiong is a pleasant place to live, and its peak lords make for skilled teachers.
Despite all this, Gongyi Xiao still wants to do everything he can to allow Huan Hua Palace's legacy to live on. Someday, when he himself is talented enough to attempt it, he wants to restore the sect to its former glory.
Which is why he is very grateful for the knowledge Shen Qingqiu sends their way. The books are genuine; Gongyi Xiao and his colleagues can tell. Thus, they are invaluable, precious remnants of their shared past.
They are also very mysterious. How could Shen Qingqiu get his hands on these?
It is not unexpected that Qing Jig Peak would have ties with... less savory individuals. Knowledge cannot always be acquired via straightforward means. Shen Qingqiu implied so himself when he was asked about the provenance of the books. He either bought them from scavengers, courageous enough to search the ruins of Huan Hua Palaces for valuables, or from an enterprising demon. It's no surprise he wouldn't want to disclose his source.
Still, Gongyi Xiao has to know. Shen Qingqiu presents them with a new tome regularly. Maybe with time, he will acquire the whole library? Is Cang Qiong paying for his acquisitions? How expensive could such an endeavor be? Is there anything Gongyi Xiao could do to help? Because if there is, Gongyi Xiao wants to do it.
For that, he has to convince Shen Qingqiu to open to him. The conversation will be difficult, and certainly embarrassing for them both. Gongyi Xiao will have to convey his sincerity to Shen Qingqiu. Whatever means he's using to get those books for them, Gongyi Xiao will condone. In this case, the end justifies the means.
To facilitate this, Gongyi Xiao has decided to visit after night has fallen. This way, no one will be aware of his presence. Shen Qingqiu will have no reason to make excuses not to tell him the truth, and he won’t have to explain him away later. Gongyi Xiao hopes that in more private settings, they will be able to be honest with each other.
He knocks on the door gently. His whole plan would be ruined if he were to make enough noise to be noticed by a disciple passing nearby. “Master Shen?”
Maybe Shen Qingqiu is already asleep? Rumor has him as a tad lazy, so it’s not impossible. Still, it’s not that late. Gongyi Xiao thinks it unlikely. “Master Shen? I’m entering.” He opens the door and lets himself into the bamboo house.
Shen Qingqiu isn’t here to welcome him. Maybe he really is sleeping, or he’s cultivating. Gongyi Xiao should just lea-
Hairs stand on his arm. For a moment, all Gongyi Xiao remembers is slaughter and screams as Luo Binghe’s army surges on them.
Gongyi Xiao pulls out his sword. It was barely a moment, but he could have sworn he felt demonic qi in the house. Shen Qingqiu might need his help.
He cloaks his presence and makes his steps as light as possible as he advances through the rooms.
He follows the faint noises until he arrives to Shen Qingqiu’s room, where creaking and rustling can be heard.
He starts to wonder. Those sounds are smothered, but they are… pretty recognisable.
Gongyi Xiao feels red rise to his cheeks. Shen Qingqiu might be a famous scholar, but he’s also a man. He’s allowed company if he chooses to.
Gongyi Xiao should leave before he’s discovered. He might die of mortification if Shen Qingqiu finds him spying on him now.
He’s about to leave when he feels it again, the burst of what has to be demonic qi. Gongyi Xiao will remember that sensation until the day he dies.
May Shen Qingqiu forgive him for what he’s about to do. He has to be certain the peak lord isn’t in danger.
Gongyi Xiao takes a deep breath, steadies himself and takes a peek through the slightly ajar door.
His whole being freezes, then starts shaking. Even from this angle, Luo Binghe is unmistakable.
Despite being overwhelmed by rage, Gongyi Xiao knows he has no chance to take him on. All he’ll get from an attempt now is death.
He leaves as silently as he can, heart beating so loudly he can’t hear anything else.
Once he’s out and away from the bamboo house, he tries to understand. Nothing about what he just witnessed makes sense. Gongyi Xiao hasn't been on Cang Qiong for very long, but he already knows of Shen Qingqiu's reputation for celibacy. Disciples gossip. Shen Qingqiu is a beloved teacher for many, and, if they are to be believed, more than that for a peak lord or two. Despite this, he has remained steadfastly unattached. Why would he accept Luo Binghe of all people?
Still, it might explain the mysterious cessation of hostilities between Luo Binghe and Cang Qiong. This was also something that had been bothering Gongyi Xiao: why had Cang Qiong been spared while Huan Hua Palace had been burned to the ground?
He wouldn't be surprised to find out that Luo Binghe had demanded such service in exchange for safety. Did he attack Huan Hua for similar reasons? Was he courting one of his fellow disciples who did not give in the way Shen Qingqiu had, and the whole sect ended up paying for it?
Probably not. If this was forced on Shen Qingqiu, why the books? Are they why he's offering himself? Or is he motivated by his guilty conscience for having an inhuman murderer as a lover?
In any case, he should tell the sect master. Shen Qingqiu is compromised. He is consorting with demons. This can't stand.
...If Gongyi Xiao does tell him, will he be causing a second war? Will Luo Binghe come back, maddened with rage, to finish the job he started long ago? Will Gongyi Xiao be the cause of Huan Hua Palace's utter eradication?
He needs to think.
Gongyi Xiao returns during the day. This time, he needs witnesses. He wants people to see him entering the bamboo house, so that they will wonder if he doesn’t come out.
His call is quickly answered. “Gongyi Xiao? Please, come in. Is there something you need from this master?”
Gongyi Xiao lets himself in. “There is a topic I must discuss with Master Shen.”
Shen Qingqiu instantly notices his seriousness. “I see. Sit, then. I will prepare a cup of tea.”
Gongyi Xiao sits.
“What is it? Ask away.”
“As a senior disciple of Huan Hua Palace, it is my goal to restore my sect someday.”
Shen Qingqiu nods. “A worthy goal.”
“The books Master Shen have been giving us could play an important role in the realisation of that wish.”
Shen Qingqiu keeps drinking his tea in silence, apparently unperturbed.
“I understand that Master Shen cannot have acquired them rightfully. I still want to know how he did it.”
Shen Qingqiu puts down his cup. “This is a secret I cannot speak. The truth being known might jeopardise future acquisitions.”
“How so?”
Shen Qingqiu sighs. “I understand why Gongyi Xiao would want to know, but I cannot bend on this. This secret must remain hidden. Revealing it would be too dangerous.”
“For you, for your provider or for the sect?”
“Enough. I am not willing to speak further on this matter. Considering your situation, I will be lenient, but if you keep insisting, I will have to complain about your behavior to the sect master.”
Gongyi Xiao steels himself. He has to do this. There is no other path. “I do not recommend Master Shen goes to the sect master. If he did, I would have to do the same, and if I told him the identity of the man I glanced in your bed the other night, you would be the one in trouble.”
Shen Qingqiu has always been pale, but Gongyi Xiao can still witness the color leaving from his face. “What have you just said?”
Gongyi Xiao takes a sip of tea to hide his nervousness. If Shen Qingqiu’s serenity is only façade, if he is indeed a monster in cahoots with demons, Gongyi Xiao might not live to tell the truth to Yue Qingyuan. “I’m sure Master Shen heard me the first time. I have been wanting to speak to him about Huan Hua Palace’s collection for a while, but sensing that the topic would be delicate, I decided to visit late enough that no one would be aware of my presence. I never expected that Master Shen would already be entertaining a guest.”
Shen Qingqiu’s hands are shaking. “Why are you here?”
“As I’ve said, I want to know about the books.”
The bitter, smothered laugh Shen Qingqiu lets out sounds like nothing he could have imagined the peak lord making. “Are you blackmailing me? You, a disciple of an outside, destroyed sect? Zhangmen-shixiong will never believe you.”
That is indeed a hurdle. It is known that Yue Qingyuan is very fond of Shen Qingqiu. “But that’s not the case for everyone, is it? The peak lady of Xian Shu would believe me, and others would at least listen. I’m willing to let them test my sincerity. I am, after all, not lying. But I have no desire to blackmail anyone. All I want is to understand. Luo Binghe must be giving you the books. Are they your payment, or love tokens?”
He gets his answer by way of emotions; disgust is all he can see on Shen Qingqiu’s usually placid features. “You dare ask this of me.”
Gongyi Xiao keeps his voice steady. “I do. Cang Qiong did not suffer Huan Hua’s fate. Luo Binghe tired of your sect, or did he? Would I be condemning your disciples if I were to go to the sect master? By coming here, I am putting my trust in you, because everything I know about Master Shen leads me to believe he would never deliberately align himself with Luo Binghe. Having discovered what I have, it makes more sense to me that he is sacrificing himself for his sect. So I ask: are you?”
Something like defeat passes over Shen Qingqiu’s face. “You’re but a child. You’re too young to be burdened with secrets like these. It would be better for you to forget and move on. I will do everything I can to bring you as many books as possible. Can’t that be enough?”
The offer is tempting. Wipe his memory clean of this cursed image and pretend nothing happened. Keep on studying with his newfound colleagues and fellow disciples.
It still is an offer he cannot accept. Shen Qingqiu has to tell him he’s not betraying them.
If he is… Gongyi Xiao might die, but the letter he left behind will eventually be found. It will hopefully be enough to push Cang Qiong into getting rid of the murderer in their midst. “It cannot.”
Shen Qingqiu is still shaking. “If I am to tell you the truth, you must first promise not to share it. Everything will have been in vain if it comes out.”
“If I conclude that what I heard does not put the sect in jeopardy, I promise to remain silent, but I will not allow what happened to Huan Hua Palace to happen again.”
Shen Qingqiu smiles sadly. “Of course not. No one wants such a tragedy to reoccur.” He sighs. “Gongyi Xiao was right. Luo Binghe said he would spare Cang Qiong if I let him… And considering what happened to your people, I cannot say I regret saying yes. The books are just another way he mocks me. He derives some form of sick amusement from pretending we’re lovers, from paying me compliments and delivering gifts like he values me. After he came back from… Huan Hua Palace, he asked me if there was anything I wanted from the remains. As the peak lord of Qing Jing, the library is the first thing that crossed my mind. I didn’t think he would actually go through with it, but since he is, I will use him to the best of my abilities. It’s the least I can do.”
It could be all lies, but… the story rings true. Before this meeting, he has asked Shen Qingqiu’s disciples, the other peaks’ disciples, even Liu Qingge and Mu Qingfang. He has heard nothing that could imply Shen Qingqiu would be the type to side with demons.
If he had, he wouldn’t have dared this meeting. “I see. Is anyone at the sect aware?”
“Of course not. I would have happily died without anyone finding out.”
People would die if they did. He cannot imagine Liu Qingge or Yue Qingyuan would allow this to continue. This time, they would be the one leading the war against Luo Binghe.
It must be hell for Shen Qingqiu, keeping secrets from everyone he cares about, surrendering his body to a monster like Luo Binghe to fulfill his perverse lust. “I might not be able to do much, but Master Shen can count on my support. I told myself I would condone whatever means Master Shen had employed to preserve Huan Hua Palace’s knowledge. He has gone above and beyond for his colleagues and disciples. He deserves respect for his sacrifice.” After all, if Huan Hua Palace couldn’t defeat Luo Binghe, Cang Qiong stands next to no chance.
As much as it pains him to admit it, the path where only one person has to suffer is probably the better one.
Shen Qingqiu shakes his head. “Gongyi Xiao should still forget everything about this. This isn’t his fight.”
“Apologies to Master Shen, but it is now. Both Cang Qiong’s and Huan Hua’s futures rest on Master Shen’s shoulders. The least I can do is be there to help, in whatever form necessary.” Not that he knows how he will manage this. What can he do?
Nothing. Beside being by his side, there is nothing that can be done to help Shen Qingqiu.
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tossawary · 3 years
For whatever reason, my brain fed me a “Shen Yuan transmigrates in as Linguang-Jun” AU. Probably just as a one-shot thing to explore a SY & MBJ relationship. This happens when MBJ is an older child or a young teen, I think, so LGJ has done some shit, but the shitty relationship isn’t totally set in stone yet. SY panics, of course, because he has no idea how to be a demon. 
SY eventually settles on trying to make good with MBJ (within the limits of the OOC locks at first) so that Mobei-Jun doesn’t grow up to kill him. Young MBJ’s first reaction is that this is a trick of some kind, albeit an extremely confusing one. Young MBJ eventually witnesses something (SY utterly failing to use his demon powers while he’s still trying to figure them out) and it clicks for MBJ that his uncle has been possessed or replaced. 
MBJ eventually decides that his uncle has been permanently possessed by a dream demon or the like. Should he tell someone about this? Maybe! But he kind of likes this version of his shitty uncle better. This version of LGJ isn’t trying to kill him and, like, serves that bastard right getting his body stolen by an apparently incompetent dream demon. 
SY fakes it until he (kind of) makes it as a demon. LGJ has been scary enough over the years and has MBJ’s father’s protection, so SY doesn’t have to jockey for power too much. SY is also kind of good at playing elegant, handsome villains when he’s called upon to do so (SY could consider what this says about him as a person, but he’s not going to). SY is mostly left alone to study horrible monsters to his heart’s content. 
And also hang out with young Mobei-Jun. MBJ takes advantage of SY to, idk, get his hands on some family weapon locked up in a vault where kiddos can’t get it, like a child tricking their uncle into giving them car keys at twelve. Uncle-nephew trips consist of MBJ using this new LGJ!SY who wants to win his favor as a get-out-of-jail-free card. 
Shen Yuan: “MY darling nephew? Steal YOUR demon horse? Unlikely! How dare you make such an accusation!” 
Mobei-Jun: *absolutely did do that for kicks and is very curious to see how far he can take this before someone calls him on it*
Eventually, a teenage or young adult MBJ meets Shang Qinghua. He doesn’t tell SQH about the dream demon possessing his uncle, nor does he tell the dream demon possessing his uncle about SQH. At least, not until he overhears SQH use a word that MBJ has overheard SY use before, something like, “WTF.” And then MBJ is like, “What does that word mean?” 
Shang Qinghua: “My king-?! Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing, really!” 
Mobei-Jun: “I have heard this word before. I know it means something. What does this word mean?” 
Shang Qinghua: “...You’ve...? Wait, what?!” 
And then MBJ gets badgered into letting SQH meet the new Linguang-Jun. SQH does not play this subtle enough for MBJ not to have questions, so MBJ exits the room and then blatantly eavesdrops on the conversation because SQH and LGJ generally seem to forget about the extent of demon hearing. 
Shang Qinghua: “Proud Immortal Demon Way?” 
Linguang-Jun!SY: “...Another transmigrator?!!!” 
And Mobei-Jun is like, “Oh, Shang Qinghua is also a dream demon. This makes sense given the many strange things about him. I am very clever.” 
Just because, I really like the idea of MBJ actually being able to perceive transmigrators to some degree? Given his family’s bullshit about consuming and stealing power, he’s always on the lookout for possession (but he’s unfamiliar with humans, so it’s harder there). So, like, there’s Mobei-Jun and his two “dream demons” who are quite bad at pretending to be the powerful demon and the ordinary human they’re possessing. He’s cool with this. 
SY gets MBJ to treat SQH decently. Kind of accidentally, but still.
Anyway, I’m going to assume that #1 LBH fanboy Shen Yuan finds an excuse to go “check” on the poor young protagonist at some point. He badgers Shang Qinghua about how the kid is doing and SQH is like, “Oh, yeah, that kid is definitely being abused.” Shen Yuan talks himself into becoming a secret demonic patron and mentor, just to make sure that the protagonist doesn’t end up growing up to kill him, you know. 
LBH ends up taking a lot of away missions from the peak to stay away from SQQ, who is basically like, “Yes, fuck off. If you die, that’s fine.” And LBH keeps running into his “secret demonic patron and mentor”. And maybe being saved by SY several times. SY kind of digs the idea of being able to offer wise advice to the protagonist. That’s not a bad position, right? 
LBH falling in love with this mysterious and weirdly kind demon lord? It’s exactly as likely as you think. Age difference? No issue in LBH’s mind! 
(SY probably accidentally runs into Liu Qingge too, and saves and kind of seduces the man, of course. Liu Qingge makes it his mission to track this demon down because he is VERY ANGRY about this.) 
If SY can make SQQ into LBH’s type, then he can absolutely make LGJ into LBH’s type. When Shang Qinghua cottons on to this, he’s just like, “A handsome ice demon with villainous character design? My, uh, protagonist and I have very similar taste in men, I guess. Holy shit.” 
Mobei-Jun and Post-Abyss Luo Binghe face-off for Luo Binghe’s rights to court the totally oblivious “dream demon” possessing Mobei-Jun’s uncle. Because I like the idea of Mobei-Jun repeatedly giving the protagonist “impossible tasks” just to fuck with him and then being mildly surprised when LBH keeps succeeding, while LBH can’t bully MBJ because MBJ is SY’s “darling nephew” and LBH doesn’t want to upset SY. (Very smug MBJ face here.) 
Eventually Mobei-Jun is like, “Go conquer the Demon Realm, I guess?” So LBH spends the next 5 years or so doing that, sending SY many, many gifts and letters. While Mobei-Jun is like, “It won’t actually help him. Dream demons are very stupid and must be told directly of any romantic feelings.” 
Shang Qinghua: “Haha, I guess. Wait- dream demon?!” 
Mobei-Jun: “Oh, I forgot to tell you I knew.” 
Mobei-Jun’s face turns extremely judgmental. 
Mobei-Jun: “You really didn’t know that I know what you are?” 
Shang Qinghua: “...No...?!” 
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delicioussshame · 3 years
This chapter brought to you by me being easily influenced.
His beloved’s sleep is restless.
Luo Binghe prides himself on leaving his bedmates too exhausted for anything more than a dreamless night, but it seems that even his best efforts weren’t enough to calm Shen Qingqiu’s mind.
Shen Qingqiu shakes his head under the press of Luo Binghe’s hand on his forehead.
Luo Binghe feels the smile form itself on his lips. So Shen Qingqiu, always so composed, can also trash like an unruly child.
No matter how endearing the sight is, after all Luo Binghe put him through, Shen Qingqiu needs all the rest he can get. Luckily for him, he is sharing a bed with someone who has the power to solve such mundane concerns with ease. He’s never visited Shen Qingqiu’s dreams before, but he suspects his dreamscape is as lovely as he is.
He slides into Shen Qingqiu’s mind with ease, and is welcomed by a vision of himself and Shen Qingqiu, his hand keeping both of his lover’s wrists trapped over his head and his mouth firmly latched on his neck as he maintains a merciless rhythm, tearing screams out of Shen Qingqiu’s throat.
He finds himself amused, delighted and more than a little aroused by the knowledge that even after Luo Binghe had brought his partner to completion multiple times, in respite, Shen Qingqiu’s body still craves him. It’s a good sign, not that Luo Binghe has ever doubted that Shen Qingqiu found their time together pleasurable. Luo Binghe’s skills in the bedchamber are renowned, and on this front, he has given Shen Qingqiu the best of himself.
It doesn’t mean that other aspects of his courtship are as successful, but it’s a start. Luo Binghe is trying his best to overcome humans’ natural reactions to demons.
Tonight will be another step in that direction. While he would happily remain here, watching himself and Shen Qingqiu entangled, until the sun rises, it won’t provide the rest the peak lord needs. Instead, he’ll disperse this dream and show Shen Qingqiu how useful his powers can be.
Shen Qingqiu sits up in confusion when the other Luo Binghe disappears, leaving him alone in Luo Binghe’s too big bed.
Tousled and bitten, he looks delectable, but that’s not why Luo Binghe is here. “Apologies for disturbing you, but your sleep was troubled, so I took the liberty of quieting it.”
Shen Qingqiu turns toward him, confusion slowly fading from his face. “Luo Binghe? But you were just…”
So his dear cultivator wasn’t aware of this ability of his bloodline? “It is I. The real one. Heavenly demons can walk through others’ dreams. I could tell yours were keeping you away for true relaxation, so I decided I would soothe them for you. This is but an illusion.” He sits by the bed, and gently pushes Shen Qingqiu until he lies back into the bed. “Forget it. Close your eyes. I guarantee you nothing else will disturb you.”
But Shen Qingqiu isn’t calmed. If anything, he seems more agitated. “Is this something you do often, visiting others’ dreams? Have you used those powers on me before?”
Fear. Again. It’s even easier to notice here, in a domain Luo Binghe has complete control over. His unease taints the whole dreamscape, turning the shades darker and making Luo Binghe’s room seem even wider than it really is, the bed a lost island in an ocean of dark emptiness.
Luo Binghe could scream in frustration. All he wanted was to free his beloved from his worries for a night! And yet, it seems Shen Qingqiu is more scared of Luo Binghe’s presence here than of the content of his latest fantasy. “I have not. I only wanted to help, but if I am unwelcome, I will abstain.” Obviously, Shen Qingqiu values his privacy too much to allow for Luo Binghe’s assistance.
Or, a part of his mind he doesn’t like to listen to whispers, he finds the nightmares more palatable than you.
He feels more than he sees Shen Qingqiu’s attempt at recentering himself. The room turns a fraction brighter, the air warms just a little bit.
But not enough. Luo Binghe’s room still appears inhospitably cold and foreboding.
Maybe he’ll visit Shen Qingqiu’s bamboo house more often. He must find the familiarity comforting.
“I thank Lord Luo for his kind intentions, but he shouldn’t waste his wondrous powers on me.”
Luo Binghe wants to argue that any effort spent in Shen Qingqiu’s favor could never be wasted, but at this moment, he can tell this isn’t what Shen Qingqiu wants to hear. It won’t help him. Nothing Luo Binghe could say will help. “I won’t interrupt again.” He presses a hand over Shen Qingqiu’s eyes. “Sleep.”
Shen Qingqiu falls back on the bed, dead even to the world of dreams.
The impulse to lie down with him, to gather him on his chest and watch over his unconscious mind even here is strong, but he pushes it back. Shen Qingqiu has made his desires very clear. How can he convince the man to accept him if he keeps ignoring his wishes?
He’ll have to content himself with holding his physical body, back in the room they share.
It’ll be enough.
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delicioussshame · 4 years
I’m trying to work on wips, so for this first time in months, have some demon king/peak lord SY AU.
Shen Qingqiu thought he couldn’t be more offended by Luo Binghe’s conduct, and yet. The man isn’t content with showing up as he pleases and using Shen Qingqiu as he sees fit. No, he has the gall to play at being lovers, to whisper sweet nothings in his ears and pretends to ply him with gifts
Shen Qingqiu wishes he was at liberty to burn the book unread. The tome might conceal all the secrets of the universe and he still wouldn’t want it. It can’t be more than another symbol of Luo Binghe’s domination over him. The demon was bored, surely, and decided to throw his toy a bone. Like Shen Qingqiu had any choice in accepting it, when the fate of his colleagues and disciples depended on him pleasing Luo Binghe.
He doesn’t dare to shove it deep into his drawers or even to hide it behind other books. Luo Binghe comes and goes in and out of his home as if he owns it, like he does Shen Qingqiu himself. What if he decides to look for the book and feels insulted at the disrespect? Shen Qingqiu can’t risk it.
The book ends up on his shelves, between two others. Shen Qingqiu hopes he will never have to think about it again.
Sadly, like everything else, Luo Binghe never makes it easy. “Did you enjoy my gift?”
Shen Qingqiu fumbles. Should he lie? The consequences might be dire if he does, but they may also be if he admits he didn’t. “I pray that Lord Luo will forgive me. I haven’t had the time to look at it.” Maybe this tergiversation will be enough.
Shen Qingqiu’s breath locks into his chest as Luo Binghe’s temper visibly rises. Luo Binghe’s anger rarely turns toward him, but the few times he has witnessed it are seared into his brain.
His words come out terse. “Find some time then.”
Shen Qingqiu turns to ice at Luo Binghe’s ire. “I will, as soon as possible, I promise.” If he wasn’t trapped under Luo Binghe’s weight, he might go look for it right now. Anything to calm the beast sharing his bed.
Said beast, probably sensing his prey trying to flee, only tightens his hold.
Shen Qingqiu stays limp under the assault.
Luo Binghe is only too happy to take advantage of his lack of resistance to get more of what he really is there for.
The book is a treatise on maze wards.
Shen Qingqiu holds the remnant of Huan Hua Palace with trembling hands.
He had asked Luo Binghe for it, hadn’t he? As the scholar he is first and foremost, he had wanted to preserve Huan Hua’s techniques, and Luo Binghe had obliged. In those circumstances, his annoyance was understandable.
Cang Qiong is now the home of a few disciples who had survived the massacre. Luo Binghe had either spared them, or had deemed them not worth his time. This book would be invaluable to those lost souls. Maybe their only chance at passing on Huan Hua Palace’s legacy.
This is but one book. If Luo Binghe salvaged that one, who knows how many he still possessed?
Would he part with those too? Could he be convinced of it?
What could Shen Qingqiu offer that Luo Binghe cannot take for himself?
And, if such a thing exists, is Shen Qingqiu willing to part with it?
When the portal opens, Shen Qingqiu tries to steel himself with the memory of how grateful Gongyi Xiao had been when he was presented with the copy Qing Jing Peak’s disciples had completed for him. He had held the book with obvious reverence, hands trembling and eyes wet.
Shen Qingqiu only wishes he could have gifted him the original. Gongyi Xiao and his brethren are owed more. They need all the knowledge they can get.
Only Shen Qingqiu is in a position to provide it for them.
The treatise lies open on his desk.
Luo Binghe notices it immediately. “I see Peak Lord Shen has started on my gift. Has he found it to his liking?”
Shen Qingqiu nods. “I must thank Lord Luo. I did not expect him to entertain my request. I am humbled he remembered it, and very grateful for it. Qing Jing Peak will have a better stocked library because of him.”
Luo Binghe crowds him, holding Shen Qingqiu’s face between his huge palms. “Really? Peak Lord Shen liked this book? Does he want more? Human cultivation techniques were determined to be mostly useless to us. If my dear peak lord asks, he won’t be refused.”
Of course Luo Binghe is going to make him ask. He won’t just offer again.
Shen Qingqiu won’t let him see how annoyed this makes him. “If Lord Luo would be so kind, I would greatly appreciate any further donation he could make.” At least no one will ever know he lowered himself to begging demons for favours.
Luo Binghe slips his hand past his collar and forces the fabric of his robes off his shoulders, leaving him exposed. “Anything for Peak Lord Shen, of course. Could I dare ask for something in return?”
As if Shen Qingqiu expected anything less. Also, as if the way he’s ruining both Shen Qingqiu’s clothes and his dignity wasn’t enough. “What does Lord Luo want? If it is in this one’s power to provide it, he shall do his best.” There is no other alternative. Anyway, for all his flaws, Luo Binghe had kept his word. The sect has remained unattacked. Shen Qingqiu has no reason to believe he would turn on him now.
“My name. I want you to call it, just as I would love nothing more than to be allowed the intimacy of calling you by yours, if you were so inclined.”
Shen Qingqiu can almost feel his hackles rise. No one dares to be this casual with the peak lord of Qing Jing Peak, and he likes it that way. Worse, he has no desire to call Luo Binghe anything, never mind an intimate form of address.
He’ll do it anyway. It will cost him nothing he can’t afford to lose, and he will gain Huan Hua Palace’s future in exchange. A worthy trade if there ever was one, though not worthier than the one he already agreed to. “If this is what Luo Binghe desires, I will allow it.”
Luo Binghe rewards him with the burning press of his mouth along his collarbone. “Again. Only my given name this time. Please.”
Shen Qingqiu’s reason is starting to falter under Luo Binghe’s now familiar tactics.
He can use the fog clogging his mind to cloak himself from his own actions. “Binghe.”
His robes are pushed off his body with unnecessary strength, and before he knows it, Luo Binghe has him on his desk and is forcing compliance out of him, using his blood to turn him eager and amenable.
Still, no matter how much Luo Binghe tries, no amount of pleasure can wipe the discomfort that hearing Luo Binghe call him by his first name creates.
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delicioussshame · 4 years
It’s the terrible return of the demon king/peak lord SY AU, courtesy of the Oscars. Usual warnings apply.
Shen Qingqiu flinches as the dreaded portal opens.
Before he can think, Luo Binghe has crowded him against the wall and is forcing his tongue down his throat.
To say Shen Qingqiu is taken by surprise would be an understatement. He doesn’t have much to recommend Luo Binghe for, but he was never this curt with him. Even if it’s just masquerade, he always asks before he starts taking.
Something is wrong. Shen Qingqiu braces himself to resist the fallout of whatever catastrophe Luo Binghe is looking to unleash upon him.
His clothes are ripped off him, thrown on the floor of his room before Luo Binghe pushes his thighs open and shoves barely oiled fingers inside him. Shen Qingqiu hisses in Luo Binghe’s mouth, scrambling to hold himself upright under the rough assault.
A moment later, Luo Binghe’s blood starts taking effect, relaxing him and arousing his very uninterested body into cooperation.
Luo Binghe’s hands slide behind and under his thighs, lifting him off the floor and onto his erect cock. It would have been too much, too soon if Luo Binghe hadn’t decided otherwise.
Shen Qingqiu’s head thumps against the wall, dislodging Luo Binghe’s mouth. It finds his way along his neck, leaving a string of bites before reaching his ear.
“You’re mine.”
Normally, Shen Qingqiu would tell him no one is contesting his claim, least of all him. He surrendered any right he had to choose his own path long ago.
It’s just that he’s not the one Luo Binghe is trying to convince.
Shen Qingqiu blinks, trying to keep his mind clear as Luo Binghe does all he can to fog it. What happened? Why is Luo Binghe doubting his hold on him now? Is this about Liu Qingge again?
Luo Binghe’s hands dig into his thighs harder. “You’re mine. I won’t let you go.”
Shen Qingqiu bites his tongue not to reply. He knows. He’s been made aware of this very often.
Luo Binghe’s eyes are wet with unshed tears.
Shen Qingqiu restrains his astonishment with difficulty. Is Luo Binghe… crying? Why?
Luo Binghe muffles his cries into his neck, his whole body crushing Shen Qingqiu’s against the wall.
When they’re so close, Shen Qingqiu cannot ignore the tremors travelling through Luo Binghe, who is too strong to shake with effort no matter how long he supports him.
What could have happened for the monster of the demon realm to be so shaken?
“I’m thinking of marrying again.”
Su Xiyan barely gives him a glance. “I’m sure she’s very pretty.”
“He is.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Unusual for you.”
He shrugs. “Not unprecedented.”
She lifts her cup of tea gingerly. It’s some of the best tea the demon world can provide. Even if his mother’s movements and influence have been confined to the palace since his father’s death, she managed to keep herself in luxury. “And you came here to tell me yourself because? You never bothered before.”
Luo Binghe hesitates. He’s never been very close to his mother. His father’s generals, allies and family hadn’t wanted her humanity to blunt him.
Now that he himself is their ruler, he can visit her whenever he wishes to.
It’s still somewhat nerve-wracking. “He hasn’t agreed to yet.”
His mother is one of the few people alive who dares to mock him. “Someone who can resist my son’s famous charisma? I might like him better than your insipid wives.”
He bites back his annoyance. “He’s human. A cultivator, like you.”
“From which sect?”
“Cang Qiong.”
She puts back her cup. “I suppose this has nothing to do with your sudden mercy on them, of course. Mercy you haven’t bothered to extend to my own sect, might I remember you.”
“Huan Hua didn’t deserve mercy.”
She doesn’t reply. He knows she still hasn’t forgiven them for the way they treated her, and neither did he. She’s just making a point. “And? What do you want from your mother?”
“He’s not… receptive to my advances.”
This time, she laughs out loud. “You plan to marry someone who isn’t interested? Bold.”
“He isn’t! He responds to me quite well when given the proper incentive.”
“So? What is your issue?”
“It doesn’t extend outside the bedroom. He’s still scared of me, no matter how careful I am with him.”
His mother’s amusement fades. “He’s scared of you?”
“Yes! I understand he’s human, so I don’t blame him, but it’s a hindrance.”
Su Xiyan isn’t smiling at all anymore. “You consider the fact that someone you’re bedding is scared of you a hindrance.”
“Yes. Wouldn’t you?”
“Someone scared of me wouldn’t want to bed me.” Considering who she is, Luo Binghe isn’t sure that’s the case. “Did your latest flame want to?”
He chose to, Luo Binghe wants to say. He gave Shen Qingqiu a choice! A lady of his realm would have been flattered by his attention!
He takes too long to answer. “Binghe, my son, you asked my opinion as a human regarding another human, so I’m going to give it to you. I don’t know how you managed to get that cultivator in your bed, and quite frankly I do not think I want to. Maybe a demon would find the interest of someone as powerful as you thrilling. Maybe they would appreciate the power play. But if the subject of your affections felt coerced, the best thing you could do for you both is let him go.”
Luo Binghe freezes all over. Let Shen Qingqiu go? Stop visiting him, stop pleasing him, stop holding his sleeping body and caressing his hair, stop waiting for the time where Shen Qingqiu will wake up, see Luo Binghe still lying beside him and smile? Give up on all of this? “No. He’s mine. I will have him. He just hasn’t accepted it yet. That’s why I’m asking for your help.” She doesn’t understand. He thought she would. He imagined what linked him to Shen Qingqiu must have been similar to what bonded her to his father. “Father and you must have struggled at first, haven’t you? It’s the same thing.”
“If your father had done anything to me without my explicit consent, you wouldn’t be here today. If you did, marriage isn’t a matter you can make happen, no matter how much you want it. He will only resent you more if you try to force him. If you’re convinced this is real, that what you did can be forgiven or isn’t as bad as it seems, apologise and retreat. Let him make the next move.”
Let Shen Qingqiu decide? If Luo Binghe gives Shen Qingqiu the possibility of leaving him, he’ll never see him again. He’ll run into the arms of Liu Qingge or whoever else, and never look back. He’s not ready yet. That doesn’t mean he’ll never be ready. With enough time, with enough of Luo Binghe, he’ll realise they’re made for each other. “You’re wrong. You don’t know him. I can’t let him remain by himself. It wouldn’t be good for either of us. I need to stay by his side until he changes his mind.”
“You can’t make him love you.”
Luo Binghe flinches. He never dared to think… “I can try.”
Su Xiyan stares at him, unblinking. “Then do it.” She gestures at her grand apartments, the space she made her own, both castle and prison since his father’s death at her people’s hands. “When you get your heart broken, I’ll still be waiting here.”
“You’ll be waiting a long time.”
She smiles at him with bright eyes. “I hope so.”
Shen Qingqiu remains puzzled even after Luo Binghe finishes and carries him to bed for another round, where he takes what feels like hours to tear down each and every of Shen Qingqiu’s walls. Luo Binghe looks vulnerable the way he never does, the way Shen Qingqiu didn’t think him capable of.
If he was anyone else, he might have let himself soften. He might have offered solace. Considering their position, that solace might have taken the form of physical affection, a hug or a gentle kiss.
But this is Luo Binghe. Whatever is causing him pain, he probably brought it on himself. He can suffer a little, see how that feels for a while. Shen Qingqiu will still be there when he’s done. Luo Binghe made sure of that.
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delicioussshame · 4 years
More demon AU that refuses to end. Usual warnings apply.
There is a foreign voice coming from outside Shen Qingqiu’s bedroom.
Luo Binghe’s visits have never been impeded by the presence of an interloper before. He’d thought Shen Qingqiu had kept his evenings free for his sake.
He’d been wrong. He has to go before his presence is detected.
Moments later, back to his realm, he curses his hasty reaction. Leaving before checking out whoever is monopolising his beloved’s time so rudely? Why?
It’s probably just one of Shen Qingqiu’s disciples, here for a lesson. It would be easier if Luo Binghe could just show himself to them and be rid of the secrecy. Out of courtesy for Shen Qingqiu’s position as a peak lord of Cang Qiong Sect, he has kept the details of their arrangement under wrap.  For now, Shen Qingqiu still clings to this role, and would surely resent Luo Binghe taking it from him before he chooses to leave it. In due time, of course, he will be rejecting the title to formally join Luo Binghe, but he hasn’t reached this point yet.
Still, Luo Binghe is curious. He cloaks his presence as best he can with magical tools and demonic cultivation techniques and returns to the bamboo house.
While the austere residence suits Shen Qingqiu, he deserves better. When he marries Luo Binghe, he will have it.
Silently, he leaves the bedroom, where he had first expected to find his peak lord considering the late hour, to follow the voices. He could sympathise if one of Shen Qingqiu’s Qing Jing Peak disciples was trying to convince him he really needed special tutoring late in the night. If Luo Binghe had had Shen Qingqiu as his shizun, he would have been the first to try.
The voice is not one of Qing Jing’s cultivators. The voice belongs to one of Luo Binghe’s better known enemies, one Liu Qingge. The man was always first on the battlefield, first to cross swords with him, and one of the few to manage to draw his blood and live to tell the tale. Before this moment, Luo Binghe would have said he almost respected the man.
Now all he feels for him are hatred and jealousy.
It’s the most relaxed Luo Binghe has ever seen Shen Qingqiu, and he’s fucked him senseless more times than he can remember. Here, Shen Qingqiu’s spine is slightly curved as he bends over the table, one elbow resting on it. There’s the faintest trace of a smile on his face as he listens to whatever nonsense Liu Qingge is bothering him with. Empty cups and plates demonstrate they’ve been at it for a while, too.
Luo Binghe has no memory of Shen Qingqiu smiling at him.
He had never asked Shen Qingqiu if he took others to bed. Luo Binghe did, after all. Xin Mo was greedy, and needed more than one cultivator, even an accomplished peak lord, could offer. Nothing Luo Binghe knew about Shen Qingqiu caused one to believe he was a hedonist anyway. But now, Luo Binghe can see it too clearly, Shen Qingqiu ending what seems like a pleasant evening by pulling Liu Qingge into his bed. The man was attractive, no doubt about it.
If this is what he chooses to do, Luo Binghe won’t stop him. He has no right to. But the next time he meets Liu Qingge on a battlefield, he’ll make sure it will be the last.
He keeps watching, burning with envy at a simple conversation that’s still out of his reach.
To his satisfaction, Liu Qingge ends up leaving without getting so much as a kiss out of Shen Qingqiu.
“Are you sleeping with him?”
Shen Qingqiu’s relaxation disappears like fresh snow under the sun the moment he hears Luo Binghe’s voice.
It only makes him angrier. “I believe I asked you a question.”
Shen Qingqiu’s voice trembles when he answers. “I’m not.”
“Now is not the time to lie to me.”
“I really am not! Liu Qingge is just a friend of mine. I’m not sleeping with anyone but you. I swear.”
Luo Binghe stares at Shen Qingqiu, the man obviously shaken by his questioning. There are no reasons to think he’s not telling the truth. People scared of him rarely dare.
He witnesses Shen Qingqiu trying to regain control of himself. The spectacle is sobering. “Please don’t hurt him. You promised you would spare my sect, and I have been holding my end of the bargain. Take it out on me, if you must.”
Luo Binghe slowly lifts a hand to Shen Qingqiu’s face, holding his cheek. Once again, he has frightened his future husband. Once again, he has built walls between them when all he wants is for them to be as close as possible. “I won’t. I wouldn’t, even if you had chosen to bed him. You have done nothing forbidden to you. The fault is mine. I can’t help but be jealous of your attention.” He kisses him, trying to quiet his lover with tender kisses.
He finds no opposition to his advances. Shen Qingqiu is pliant under his touch. He doesn’t resist when Luo Binghe divests him of his clothes and bends him over the table, careful not to hurt him even as he fucks him over the lacquer.
Luo Binghe carries Shen Qingqiu’s exhausted body back to bed after, marvelling about how fragile the human resting in his arms is. It’s so easy to forget how weak his species is. How different their upbringing was. In the demon world, eliminating romantic rivals is just a question of practicality. If they weren’t strong enough to defeat their opponent, they weren’t worth it to begin with. Apparently, that’s not how they do it here.
Maybe he should have a talk with his mother.
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delicioussshame · 4 years
Fourth part of the demon AU. Still explicit, still fucked-up.
Luo Binghe realises he’s being uncourt, but he finally crushed Huan Hua Palace after weeks of laying siege. He deserves a reward. Shen Qingqiu might even agree, considering his sect’s greatest rival just suffered a debilitating loss.
He played with the idea of presenting the sect leader’s head to his beloved, but ended up deciding against it. Humans were skirmish; he might not recognise the honor Luo Binghe was bestowing upon him, never mind enjoying it.  
He contents himself with visiting in the middle of the night, something he doesn’t usually indulge in. It is quite rude of him to show up in Shen Qingqiu’s home and wake him up the way he plans to. All he can do to apologise is make sure he will enjoy the interruption.  
Shen Qingqiu in repose is enchanting. Disturbing his peace should be criminal.
Luo Binghe will happily bear that sin.  
He pulls the sheets covering Shen Qingqiu’s sleeping body, teasing himself with the slow reveal of the thin, rumpled robes Shen Qingqiu wears to bed. He relishes in gently opening Shen Qingqiu’s clothes so as to not wake him just yet, taking in the sight of his white, perfect exposed skin, completely free of Luo Binghe’s marks due to his long absence.  
This can’t stand.  
Unceremoniously dropping his own clothes aside, Luo Binghe lowers himself to Shen Qingqiu’s level, acquainting himself once with the taste of him.  
He thrills at the way Shen Qingqiu reacts to him even in sleep, leaning into his touch and letting out tiny little moans that light Luo Binghe on fire. His legs easily part to give him more access, which Luo Binghe will take advantage of with pleasure. He settles between Shen Qingqiu’s open thighs and pushes slick fingers into his tight entrance, using his blood to keep Shen Qingqiu asleep for now. Luo Binghe wants him to wake up delirious from ecstasy, not struggling to acclimatise after so long without being filled.  
Still, he hopes Shen Qingqiu will appreciate his restraint. There’s pretty much nothing stopping Luo Binghe from taking him right now. It’s not like Luo Binghe isn’t more than ready, so hard it takes all he has to control himself. Shen Qingqiu would never find out if he did. He would heal any damage before waking him up.
But no. Shen Qingqiu isn’t one of the disposable women he takes to bed only to feed Xin Mo. He deserves better from him. Luo Binghe won’t spill his blood.  
Anyway, Shen Qingqiu is now hard under him, hips lifting slightly from his bed to find something to rub against.  
He won’t need it, not with Luo Binghe dead set on satisfying him.  
Shen Qingqiu wakes up with a shout, uncomprehending of what is happening. Every time he tries to understand his current state, he’s shaken again by a wave of pleasure from within that turns his brains to mush anew. He blinks, trying to at least see what’s happening in the darkness of his room.  
He’s once again pushed into the mattress, and only when his hands fist into the sheets does he realises he’s been fucked.
Only one person would dare sneak into his bed and use him that way.  
His arm lifts up and finds Luo Binghe’s messy hair, tangling into it and accidentally pulling him down when he trusts into him again. Luo Binghe follows and swallows his scream, for which a distant part of his brain is almost grateful. What if one of his students came to check on him? Would Luo Binghe kill him for his insolence? He shivers.  
Luo Binghe rubs a hand down his side, as if to soothe him. He also starts fucking him even harder, something Shen Qingqiu wasn’t sure was possible. All he can do is hold on, tears streaming down his face and mouth aflame from biting everything back.  
Luo Binghe is talking to him by his ear. He’s probably mocking him again, parroting words of love even as he demonstrates how little he cares for Shen Qingqiu’s approval and takes what he really wants from him. Shen Qingqiu isn’t listening. He can’t hear anything over the blood rushing to his head and his own pants as his body gets more and more overwhelmed by Luo Binghe’s assault.  
Luo Binghe holds him close after Shen Qingqiu finally comes on his cock and nothing else, still hard inside him but unmoving for a few moments. It won’t last, of course. Luo Binghe has been absent for weeks. Shen Qingqiu suspects he won’t stop until the first rays of the sun enter his bamboo house. It’s nothing he hasn’t subjected Shen Qingqiu to before. Luo Binghe made sure he could take it.  
As if his presence wasn’t enough of a reminder of his might, Luo Binghe asks Shen Qingqiu if Huan Hua Palace has any treasure he would like for himself, as apparently those last weeks have been spent destroying the second most powerful sect. He asks like one would ask for food preferences, like slaughtering Shen Qingqiu's fellow cultivators is nothing to him.  
Shen Qingqiu hears himself ask about Huan Hua’s library. He can’t do anything for the disciples, it’s too late, but if he could at least preserve their knowledge from demons, this arrangement wouldn’t be all bad.  
Luo Binghe smiles and says he’ll see what he can do.
Shen Qingqiu knows that look. He’s being placated. He will never get anything of true worth from Luo Binghe.
What he will obviously be getting more of is Luo Binghe himself, if the way his hips have started to pump into him again can be believed.  
Shen Qingqiu shuts up and let him. He can’t let Cang Qiong follow on Huan Hua’s path.  
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delicioussshame · 4 years
Third part of the super dub-con AU where SY is canon and LBH was raised in the demon world, now with short LBH POV.
It’s hard to believe the Shen Qingqiu sleeping by his side is the same man he met on the battlefield.
Cang Qiong Sect was far from the first Luo Binghe took on. Sometimes a cultivator got too cocky, and needed to be taught their place. Cang Qiong had a whole peak of them. Luo Binghe had figured out defeating the most renowned sect would be a decent challenge, something rare these days, and would raise his status within his peers.
For a while, this was all it had been. Luo Binghe had enjoyed appearing on Cang Qiong and testing his mettle against the human realm’s strongests.
Until he crossed swords with Shen Qingqiu. War had been the last thing on his mind when faced with the proud, controlled, effortlessly elegant peak lord of Qing Jing. Luo Binghe had fought more “esteemed cultivators” than he could remember, but none of them looked the part more than Shen Qingqiu had, sleeves fluttering in the wind as he pulled his sword in a pure white flash of light. There had been no hatred distorting Shen Qingqiu’s flawless face. Only concentration and, a few times, worry for the disciples accompanying him.
Luo Binghe couldn’t stop himself from wondering what expression he would make while lying on the soft silk of his bed sheets.
He had felt Xin Mo roar in agreement, already hungry for Shen Qingqiu’s high cultivation level, a delicacy it was rarely allowed in bed. Luo Binghe mostly fed Xin Mo with the blood of his enemies and the cultivation of the myriad of demonesses eager to gain his favor. Human cultivators were seldom interested in the current leader of the demon realm, and the feeling was reciprocal.
There just was something about Shen Qingqiu. Something that grabbed Luo Binghe’s attention and held it. His frequent stops at Cang Qiong became a reason to get a glimpse at Shen Qingqiu first, a chance at a distinctive victory second, until Luo Binghe decided that he would prefer the feel of Shen Qingqiu’s skin under his hands than Cang Qiong Sect crushed under his might.
Luo Binghe figured this might be an opinion Shen Qingqiu shared, and so had offered.
When Shen Qingqiu had shown up in his own palace, using the talisman Luo Binghe had handed him for this very reason, he had felt something indescribable lifts from his shoulders. He knew, from the moment Shen Qingqiu accepted his blood, that things would be all right. Shen Qingqiu belonged here, in Luo Binghe’s hold. In time, Shen Qingqiu would understand this. It’s not his fault he’s human and thus, victim to his race’s preconceptions. He couldn’t help being scared of Luo Binghe. Really, anyone in his position would be.
Luo Binghe isn’t worried. No one has managed to resist him when they became the focus of his attention, which Shen Qingqiu definitely is. Sooner or later, he would come to crave not only Luo Binghe’s touch, but also his presence by his side.
Luo Binghe allows himself a lingering touch up his dear cultivator’s side until his hand rests on Shen Qingqiu’s heart. The move doesn’t disturb Shen Qingqiu’s sleep. The beating of his heart is still slow and steady under his palm.
Luo Binghe takes it as confirmation. Shen Qingqiu’s body already accepts him.
He can’t wait for when he’ll have his soul too. Shen Qingqiu will look stunning in red.
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delicioussshame · 5 years
More weird AU featuring very coerced consent, SY as the canonical SQQ who is Not enjoying the ride and some version of demon king LBH.
Shen Qingqiu is preparing to go to bed when the portal opens. Evidently, Luo Binghe revels in demonstrating how little he cares for Shen Qingqiu’s privacy by appearing whenever he feels like it, his slave’s convenience be damned. Shen Qingqiu dreads the day he’ll show up in broad daylight, scaring his poor disciples to death.
His hope that Luo Binghe’s obsession would fade once sated a few times has been proved wrong to this day. His eyes still rake over Shen Qingqiu like he’s another prized possession gained through bloodshed, his to own and use as he sees fit. It makes Shen Qingqiu very aware that he’s only wearing a thin sleeping robe.
He resists the urge to hide from that gaze. “King Luo.”
“No need to be so formal. Those dear to me can call me whatever they like. I wouldn’t take offense.”
Shen Qingqiu bites back his snarl. He clouds himself in his legendary impassivity until he can reply in his blandest tone. ”King Luo.”
But instead of annoyance, Shen Qingqiu gets an almost fond smile, incredibly out of place on the face of the man that overtook the entire demonic realm. “Shen Qingqiu is, of course, too proper to forgo etiquette. My bad.”
Shen Qingqiu almost bites his tongue off in frustration. Somehow, this man always manages to get under his skin. The way he pretends to feel affection for Shen Qingqiu should be a just cause for murder.
“Talking of propriety, it would surely be unreasonable of me to take my beloved away from his home while in such a state.” He raises a hand to Shen Qingqiu’s unbound locks. “If I were to be so bold, I would remain here with him.”
Shen Qingqiu freezes as Luo Binghe’s nails press oh so lightly against his scalp, too sharp to belong to a human. Will Luo Binghe despoil even his austere bamboo house? Won’t he leave him this little of his dignity? Within the opulent confines of Luo Binghe’s castle, sin seems normal, but here, Luo Binghe will allow himself to…
Luo Binghe’s teeth sink into his neck. Surely he feels how wildly Shen Qingqiu’s heart beats. “Let this king take you to bed.”
Like Shen Qingqiu has a choice in the matter when his students sleep unaware so close by. What if Luo Binghe decides to go look for entertainment elsewhere?
Tongue-tied, Shen Qingqiu nods and lets Luo Binghe guide him to his own room like he was the guest and Luo Binghe, the owner, which he might as well be.
The few layers he’s still wearing disappear before he knows it, pushed aside to expose his skin to Luo Binghe’s covetous stare, to his shameless hands, to his ravenous mouth. Shen Qingqiu stares at the familiar ceiling and, for once in his life, he wishes it was the rich canopy of Luo Binghe’s bed. That way, maybe he would have still been able to find rest in his own room later, when Luo Binghe’s bottomless hunger quieted for the night and he had returned to his palace. But no. This, too, Luo Binghe will claim as his.
It takes him some time to realise something is different. It feels good. It always does. Luo Binghe didn’t turn on his words; he never let Shen Qingqiu feel pain when he beds him. But today, his effect is lessened. His fingers still restlessly attack Shen Qingqiu’s every weakness. Shen Qingqiu still can’t stop obscene moans from escaping him while Luo Binghe’s mouth travel down his abdomen and lower still. But…
The blood.
Shen Qingqiu blanches. Luo Binghe isn’t using his blood to make Shen Qingqiu more cooperative. All of his reactions have only been caused by Luo Binghe’s touch. He’s hard and leaking because of Luo Binghe himself, not whatever cursed power he holds over Shen Qingqiu.
Apparently unaware of Shen Qingqiu’s revelation, Luo Binghe continues his explorations of Shen Qingqiu’s body, getting closer and closer to what must be his goal.
If this goes on, Shen Qingqiu will have to live with the knowledge that he can only blame himself for falling. “Don’t.”
He instantly hates himself for it. He can’t say no. Worse, Luo Binghe can’t have missed how shaky his voice was.
A second later, Luo Binghe’s heat has completely retreated.
Confused, Shen Qingqiu bends his head to look at Luo Binghe kneeling between his open legs, face completely closed off. Shen Qingqiu can do nothing but blink and desperately wish he didn’t do something he’ll regret.
“If Shen Qingqiu doesn’t want my touch, he won’t have it.” The voice is perfectly emotionless.
Shen Qingqiu imagines he would sound much the same crushing Ning Yingying’s pretty head to smithereens. While Qing Jing Peak’s disciples had never been renowned fighters and thus, not the focus of Luo Binghe’s attacks, this might change if Luo Binghe is displeased with their master.
It’s not something he could ever forgive himself for letting happen.
Shen Qingqiu focuses on his breathing until he finds a modicum of equilibrium. He turns his eyes away from Luo Binghe’s unwavering attention before he opens his mouth. “I didn’t mean to turn Lord Luo away.”
This simple sentence is humiliation enough to set his cheeks aflame.
Luo Binghe’s hand forcefully drags Shen Qingqiu’s elusive eyes back to his.
Shen Qingqiu looks back and awaits judgment.
Whatever Luo Binghe sees, it’s enough to soften him. He leans in to kiss Shen Qingqiu, who knows better than oppose any resistance.
Luo Binghe makes a pleased noise into Shen Qingqiu’s mouth.
The faintest tremor travels through Shen Qingqiu’s body under his assault.
Luo Binghe frees him, petting Shen Qingqiu like he’s a spooked horse. “You have nothing to fear from me. Someday, you will believe it. In the meantime, let me try to make you understand.”
Shen Qingqiu doesn’t need to be told what that means. He nods silently again and, this time, keeps his mouth firmly shut when Luo Binghe establishes how little his blood is needed for him to destroy Shen Qingqiu.
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delicioussshame · 4 years
Liu Qingge almost misses the war against Luo Binghe. At least that was easy to understand. Demons need no reason to attack. They just lust for blood.
He has no idea what he’s supposed to do with Luo Binghe’s unilateral declaration that he was done fighting them and that Cang Qiong Sect had nothing to fear from him from now on. It made no sense. Why would he stop? Why would he bother telling them? It must be a trap, a ploy of some sort to get them to lower their defenses.
Most of the other peak lords agree. Even Yue Qingyuan is unsure of how to proceed.
So Liu Qingge keeps watch. He patrols the peaks, looking for signs of demonic invasion. If the demons try an underhanded attack, he will be ready for them.
If he tends to linger on Qing Jing Peak, well, Shen Qingqiu’s disciples don’t complain. They report their shizun has been acting strangely lately. They say he seems tense. He must be worried Luo Binghe will attack again. It’s a sensible attitude to take.
If he can calm Shen Qingqiu’s worries, he won’t mind standing watch by his side.
Shen Qingqiu’s smile is tired when he notices Liu Qingge. “Liu-shidi is very cautious. All of Cang Qiong owes him for his vigilance.”
“It’s my duty.”
“Does Shidi want to take a pause? I just bought some new tea leaves that should make for a decent brew.”
Liu Qingge nods. He’s already made a cursory tour of Qing Jing Peak and all seems in order. He can afford to spend some time in the bamboo house with Shen Qingqiu.
The bamboo house is very orderly. More so than usual. There are no fans lying around, no books left open on the desk, no guqin abandoned during practice.
Liu Qingge frowns. Something must really be wrong with Shen Qingqiu for him to have gone this far. “Are you all right?”
Shen Qingqiu’s smile is a bit strained, but outside of that he seems serene. “Why is Shidi asking? This master is perfectly fine.”
“You tidied up.”
The light flush rising on Shen Qingqiu’s cheeks distracts Liu Qingge for a moment. “I keep my house clean!”
Liu Qingge stays silent. Shen Qingqiu’s house is never dirty, but it’s always in some degree of disarray. “Are you worried about Luo Binghe attacking again?”
The cup Shen Qingqiu is holding trembles slightly. “He said he wouldn’t.”
Liu Qingge snorts. “And you believe him?”
Shen Qingqiu doesn’t reply. Of course he doesn’t. Cang Qiong’s scholars are not renowned for their ignorance. They know better than to trust demons. “If he returns, I will kill him.”
“…Shidi hasn’t heard about Huan Hua Palace?”
A pity, but of no importance to Cang Qiong. “Huan Hua couldn’t compare to us. When we win, we will have avenged them.”
“Shidi is very certain of his victory.”
“I won’t lose to demons.” He never did, and he never will.
Shen Qingqiu’s smile has relaxed a fraction. “How dependable.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” For a scholar, Shen Qingqiu is a worthy opponent. “Let’s train.”
Shen Qingqiu blinks. “Shidi?”
“Let’s have a practice match. If you’re worried, the only thing you can do is get stronger. You’ll be able to protect Cang Qiong Sect that way.”
Shen Qingqiu puts his cup on the table and turns toward him, melancholy momentarily lifting from his face. “Liu-shidi is right, of course. Shall we?”
Liu Qingge tells himself all he’s feeling is excitement at the idea of fighting Shen Qingqiu, who will offer him a better challenge than his disciples. He has been too idle since the war has ended.
After they’re done, impressed disciples flutter around their shizun, who looks laxer than he did in weeks. A good fight will do that to someone.
“I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“I’ll come back tomorrow. Make sure you’re ready.”
“Surely Shidi has better things to do.”
No. “It’s part of protecting the sect.”
Shen Qingqiu smiles again, a soft, fleeting thing. “I see. Then, I’ll be counting on Liu-shidi.”
“Yes.” He can. Liu Qingge will make sure of it.
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delicioussshame · 5 years
Have some weird, very dub-con fic featuring some AU version of canon!SQQ is SY and some version of LBH, whichever he is.
Shen Qingqiu breathes, still as the mountains hosting Qing Jing Peak. For now. “You heard me.”
Luo Binghe’s yes on him are scorching. “Are you certain? I won’t allow you to take it back.”
Shen Qingqiu doesn’t let himself be moved. “Yes.” It’ll be worth it. Luo Binghe has made what he wants very clear. Shen Qingqiu won’t risk his sect just to preserve his dignity.
“Then prove it.”
Shen Qingqiu steels himself before he climbs the step to Luo Binghe’s throne and seals his fate with a bloody kiss, chaining himself to the king of the demon realm but hopefully freeing his disciples in the process.
The lord’s red eyes burn into his when he pushes back.
It takes all he has not to shudder.
Luo Binghe’s fingers on his face are searing as they trail from his hair to his still bloody lips. He wipes a drop of blood and holds his fingers to Shen Qingqiu, expectant.
Shen Qingqiu’s can’t believe he’s surviving the humiliation as his tongue extends to lick the blood off like Luo Binghe demanded.
A few moments later, the blood lights every single nerve of his body on fire. His legs give under him, and only Luo Binghe’s quick reflexes stop him from ending up sprawled on the floor. Instead, he ends up sitting in Luo Binghe’s lap, trying to regain control as the pleasure fades into pleasant embers.
Luo Binghe’s smile could almost be described as nice if it wasn’t for the intensity of his expression. “You’re mine now.”
Shen Qingqiu stays silent as a statue.
Luo Binghe digs his fingers into Shen Qingqiu’s hair, disturbing his hairstyle and pulling a strand of it to his lips.
Shen Qingqiu focuses on keeping his breathing regular and blocks everything else.
“Shen Qingqiu doesn’t have to be so worried. I always take care of what’s mine.”
Shen Qingqiu can’t help himself. “You don’t have to pretend. I know why I’m here for.” He doesn’t claim to understand why he of all people struck Luo Binghe’s fancy when people like Liu Qingge, Liu Mingyan and Qi Qingqi are around, but he can guess. Luo Binghe is probably looking forward to put a high and mighty cultivator like him in his place. He heard Luo Binghe doesn’t have the best track record with their kind.
Luo Binghe frowns. “Whatever you’re imagining, put it out of your mind. I won’t mistreat you.”
“Of course not.” If he can’t hide his disdain at this blatant lie, so be it. Luo Binghe can’t really believe him this naïve.
Luo Binghe sighs. “I suppose I will have your heart in time. For now, your body will do nicely.” He stops the rebuke that was going to fly off Shen Qingqiu’s lips at the notion that he’d ever give his heart to a demon with his own lips.
Once he’s done kissing Shen Qingqiu’s breath away, he caresses his lips with his thumb, eyes glued to his mouth so intently Shen Qingqiu almost can’t stand it. “I can’t wait to see those lips wrapped around my cock.”
Shen Qingqiu feels his blood rush to his cheeks at this comment. As hard as he’s trying to keep his composure, he’s not used to being treated this way. No one would dare to disrespect the lord of Qing Jing Peak by ordering him to… do this to them.
He’ll have to handle it. Shen Qingqiu gave himself to Luo Binghe. This much is to be expected.
He inhales deeply before he starts lifting himself from Luo Binghe’s lap, steadily ignoring the frightening bulge under him.
The floor is startlingly cold under his knees.
He can hear Luo Binghe’s breath catch. “I dreamed of seeing you like this at my feet.”
Shen Qingqiu bites his tongue hard enough to chase the lingering taste of Luo Binghe’s blood with his own, unmindful of the sting that is sure to follow, and empties his mind as he pulls Luo Binghe free from his clothes.
He falters when he sees what he’s supposed to serve. He can’t possibly… Not even a woman could take this without pain.
Then again, Luo Binghe probably doesn’t care if he’s in pain.
The embers start burning again when he puts his hand on Luo Binghe’s cock. Even if he knows the arousal isn’t natural, it feels like it is. It feels like wrapping his hands around that ridiculously large length fills him with desire. He can see how easy it would be to lose himself in this, to let Luo Binghe feed him lust until it becomes unnecessary.
Luo Binghe gasps at the feeling of Shen Qingqiu's warm flesh on him. Shen Qingqiu ignores how lewd the sound is. He keeps moving his hands, barely big enough for the task. Maybe if he closes his eyes, he can pretend this is someone else. A man he wouldn’t mind kneeling for.
Not that there is one. Even if there was, he wouldn’t dare risk provoking Luo Binghe’s anger. He bets the demon king doesn’t share.
For the moment, he needs to keep his mind on what he has to do now if he wants Luo Binghe to keep his end of the bargain. It’s just that there’s no way his cock is going to fit into his mouth without choking. He doesn’t think anyone could.
He starts by licking along the length before pressing light kisses on it. He can’t help feeling lost. He’s never done this before. If Luo Binghe wanted a talented partner, he should have chosen someone else. Shen Qingqiu would have happily passed.
Though from the moans coming from over him and the hand petting his face, he’s not doing too bad.
Shen Qingqiu tries to take the head in his mouth and immediately chokes.
Luo Binghe’s voice rings into the room, consoling tone so insulting Shen Qingqiu wants to bite him off. “I’m sorry about this. I know you’re doing your best. Let me help you with this.”
When Shen Qingqiu tries again, he can tell Luo Binghe did something to him. When he pushes into his throat, Shen Qingqiu feels nothing but more unnatural pleasure at the drag of his cock inside him. Somehow, this feels more perverse than Luo Binghe using his blood to make him feel good. This is him modifying his body to make it easier for him to use Shen Qingqiu as he wishes. It’s obscene. Still, there’s nothing he can do but go along with it. No amount of desire he doesn’t understand will make him okay with what he’s doing at the moment anyway.
Luo Binghe pushes him off gently. Shen Qingqiu blinks, confused. It can’t be over already? This would be too easy, wouldn’t it? Luo Binghe didn’t even come once.
As if he could guess what Shen Qingqiu is thinking, and he sure hopes he can’t, Luo Binghe answers him. “You’re just as beautiful like this as I imagined, but I would be a poor partner if I didn’t make sure you came before I did.”
Shen Qingqiu ignores how rough he sounds when he answers. “You don’t have to trouble yourself.” He would much rather get this over with.
“Nonsense. It’s no bother.” As if he cared for Shen Qingqiu’s well-being besides making his point.
Shen Qingqiu shuts up. He lets Luo Binghe helps him up and doesn’t protest when he leads him to his bedroom through a portal he can seemingly open at will, courtesy of the malevolent sword he’s never seen without. He even cooperates when Luo Binghe undresses him slowly, probably revelling in Shen Qingqiu’s embarrassment and humiliation at the spectacle he makes.
“You really are stunning. Getting familiar with your body will be a privilege.”
What privilege? A privilege isn’t taken. And it’s not like all he would have to do is decide Shen Qingqiu will feel good for it to happen. He can have him pant with uncontrollable lust with a thought.
Not that he hasn’t. Shen Qingqiu can do nothing to hide how hard he already is, the blood now running through him having made sure he would be receptive to Luo Binghe’s touch. It takes but a few strokes of his hands and a few brushes of his lips on his skin for Shen Qingqiu to bite his lips and did his nails into his palm, all to try and keep his reason.
His mind is in chaos when Luo Binghe finally slips a finger inside him.
It won’t hurt, had said Luo Binghe. Shen Qingqiu had believed it. It wouldn’t, as long as Luo Binghe didn’t want it to. Which meant Shen Qingqiu had better be amiable or risk being torn apart from the inside. Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t put it pass him.
But for now, it felt good. Too good. Those fingers rubbing inside of him gave birth to a hunger he had never felt before, a desire to be filled completely alien to his nature. His only response to Luo Binghe adding a finger is an urge for more, now, please. He watches with horror as his legs spread open, seemingly of their own accord, to make room for Luo Binghe, who can’t seem to stop staring where his fingers disappear inside Shen Qingqiu.
No amount of pleasure can’t stop him from trembling in fear when Luo Binghe finally stops teasing him and presses the head of his cock against his entrance. There’s no way it will fit. It just won’t.
His muscles relax all at once, leaving him limp on the bed, once more courtesy of Luo Binghe’s blood. If his body is more ready to receive Luo Binghe, his mind is only more nervous at this demonstration of how much power over himself he surrendered to a demon.
Those thoughts are wiped right off when Luo Binghe finally pushes in, finding no resistance. It’s so good Shen Qingqiu screams and arches into it. He can’t comprehend whatever Luo Binghe is whispering to him, or anything he himself is saying, too busy being overwhelmed by Luo Binghe’s everything. His cock hits him right where it counts each time. Luo Binghe’s hands feel delicious everywhere they touch. Luo Binghe’s lips ignite a passion in him he didn’t think himself capable of. All he can do is let him have him however he wants, even long after Shen Qingqiu himself came. This too should hurt, but no. Luo Binghe’s cock is still perfect inside him even after he’s coated his insides with his essence. Shen Qingqiu could let Luo Binghe do this all night without issue. He might even ask for more after.
Luo Binghe kisses him constantly, smothering his cries and licking off the tears leaking from his eyes.
When Luo Binghe comes for a fourth time, he pulls out of Shen Qingqiu, soiling the sheets beyond repairs in the process.
The pleasure recedes. Shen Qingqiu comes back to himself.
If he weren’t so deeply, profoundly exhausted, he would tense up all over. This is worse than he even thought possible. Like this, Luo Binghe could take anything from him and Shen Qingqiu would thank him for it. There’s nothing he can do to protect himself from this assault from within himself.
“Better than I even imagined. You’re worth giving up Cang Qiong for.”
Those words should calm him, but they’re only a chilling reminder of why he’s doing this. “Will I be allowed to return then?” Luo Binghe had said yes, but if he changed the terms, there isn’t much Shen Qingqiu could do to stop him.
“Would you prefer to stay? I would love to keep you here.”
“No.” That’s all he’s going to say. He can’t undo all the work he did by telling him the prospect of being with him a second longer terrifies him.
“Too bad. Sleep then. I will bring you back tomorrow morning.”
It won’t end like this. It would be too easy. “When will I see you again?”
“Whenever I feel like it. I expect it won’t be too long before I have you again.”
Shen Qingqiu won’t be sleeping tonight, not with this threat looming over him.
Or he wouldn’t if odd fatigue wasn’t coming over him, pulling his eyelids closed and his limbs down both into the bed and into Luo Binghe’s embrace.
His last conscious thought is that Luo Binghe is very warm.
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delicioussshame · 3 years
Series masterpost, because my fics are a mess
On AO3, last updated July 31, 2023
Actor AU: first part, second part (first posted), third part, sequel 1, sequel 2
AU where SY is canon and SJ transmigrates: main fic, notes
Bodyguard AU: fic, extra 1, extra 2
Crime AU: main series, Shencest AU, actual prostitute SY AU
Dead LBH AU: main fic, first sequel, second sequel, comment fic AU
Demon king/peak lord AU
Free use world AU: first fic, BingQiu sequel, MoShang fic
LBH/SY/GGX fic: main fic, porn sequel
LBH/SY/OLBH canon divergence AU: notes, first fic, second fic
LiuShen Week drunk fic: main fic, sequel
Love potion AU: main series, OLBH/SY porn
NTR AU: main fic, porn prequel (posted first)
OLBH/SY, where OLBH is the prostitute
OLBH/SY, where SY is the prostitute
Omega demon LBH: fic, notes
Online friends AU: main fic, TLJ pov
Prostitution AU: main fic 1, 2, YQY/SY/SJ route, LBH/SY route, LBH/SY vignette, LQG/SY fic
Poly AU: main fic, porn ficlet, fics set in this setting but not in the main continuity : 1, 2, 3
Royalty AU: main series
Slave GGX fic: main fic, GGX pov, sequel
SQH/SY ABO soulmates, BingQiu alternate ending
SY/SJ fic: first part, second part, third part, fourth part
Transmigration into BingJiu
TLJ/SY + LBH/SY prostitution AU, sequel
TLJ/SY modern AU : notes, fic
TLJ/SY/OLBH sex pollen, sequel 1, 2, 3
Vampire harem AU: first fic, second fic
Voyeurism fic: main fic, sequel
YQY/SY fic: main fic, prequel
YQY/SY/LQG fic : main fic, sequel
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