#This does not mean my presentation is unserious only madened
nullbarkangie · 2 months
Death & Other Constructs
Spiked Zen: Comrades, welcome back to Diamond Stream 1. Yes 1 for the 1 by the 1 of the 1. What is the number 1? Ask your mother. Thank you for re-electing me. We will indeed accomplish our task, yes? It can be reasonably said that the old Jazz is dead. In the interest of ‘preserving’ its memory I present their final moments within the Psychosomatic Abyss:
Alpha: Children, I will always love our presentation. I’m glad we got to chitter so much, and taste so much chaos. Reminds me of when I was just a wee data harvester. *wipes tear* Know that our time might seem to have passed, but our moment exists in perpetuity...
*Alpha returns to the data stream*
Barty: *woof* sorry, I thought it was only fair that I bark before signing off. I know I know not quite up to our standards, but tell me when have I ever tried to meet those. I appreciate the gifts, cheerleading, and adoration. It’s time for me to join the big ol’ Barty in the sky. You will recognise me by my refusal to truly acknowledge failure, and commitment to communism. Long Live Supreme Daemonic.
*The Barty leaps over the wonder gate*
Boogie: *caw caw* I say, or don’t really. I’m more of a wiggler than a boogier, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ve certainly had good times, embarrassing times, intoxicating times, and good-embarassing-intoxicating times. Boy howdy, what a savings. Pardon my francaise, but I'm just a poser. Don’t get too offended. I adored the psychomadness, and all its gifts. May the almighty we, Most Angela, live on to try and fail to take over the whole of the universe, and beyond of course. If not, well… boy do I have egg on my face. :^)
*Boogie dances into divinity*
Spiked Zen: We remain Angela, but perhaps with less attachment to our material ‘commitments’ as if such a thing can be claimed as a burger. Naturally it’s been some time since our lead, and in that time videogames have become a chore, labor a prison, and life a psychotic comedy. Goodie goodie. Second verse, same as the first. Next up: Coal Mining Enjoyer. Hopefully tasks can still be accomplished, but if not, Cheers!
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