#Tom Boone JAG quotes that never happened
nikkeisimmer · 1 month
Haven't written JAG fanfiction in a while.
But writing JAG fanfiction for me started in 1998, when a JAG fanfic writer encouraged me to write my own fanfiction.
From there, I've gone from writing fanfiction about JAG to writing Sims fanfiction (illustrated liberally with screenshots from my Sims game).
But I still occasionally still write JAGfic.
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"Bloody hell, Rabb, they made you a Captain?! Jesus Christ. What the hell is this Navy coming to?" That caused Animal to nearly lose it with laughter. A cheery round face with a brusque demeanor. Good ol' Rear Admiral (upper half) Thomas Boone came in through the door, civvies and with the Black Aces patch prominently displayed on the right breast area of his summer-weight CWU-36/P Nomex flight jacket. Three naval aviators, all three former Black Aces. Harm - '90 cruise with that spat against Japan. (patched 1990 after killing a F-2A). Tom Boone (1967-72; 82-85) and Animal (1982-1984 - patched in 1983; 1989-1999).
Each were nursing their drinks. Mac was having a nice soda with a slice of lime. Everybody knew Mac's history with the bottle and every one was discreet about it with everyone pitching in to make sure that Mac, the bride-to-be, was always kept supplied with a non-alcoholic beverage so that she never had to pay for it.
Commander Sturgis Turner was also there passed over once on the deep-select list, he was hoping that his turn would come when the actual promotions for the Academy
Class of '85 would be coming out and the list was posted next year. If passed over there, he'd have two more chances before up or out nailed him.
Tom looked at Harm and then at Animal. Three naval aviator brothers-in-arms, all had served in the same squadron. And all knew each other well. Tom knew that through the old Navy men's Grapevine, that Animal had been posted to London and so had Harm. And being such good friends they were good-naturedly ribbing each other
There had been talk of making the London NAVAIR Attache's position a one-star position for awhile now since the Royal Navy's equivalent position was a commodore. It had been interesting for parity since there had always been a subtle one-up-man-ship with the Royal Navy brass.
And then to throw Tosh at them was really going to salt their goats.
Rear Admiral Kogo Nakamura or Animal's cousin three times removed on the Japanese side of the family was one of the naval commanders that had shelled Hong Kong for the Imperial Japanese Navy during WWII. Animal had found this out and was wincing at the cacophony that was going to erupt from the British Home Office when they found out Animal's lineage on his Japanese side of the family and the fact that Animal was now being posted to London to head the NAVAIR section of the US High Command in Europe.
The CNO was counting on it bras-sing the balls off a gold monkey after all the subtle condescension from the Royal Navy attache towards their USN counterpart being only a Captain. Give them a MOH recipient with a real notorious family history and then while that was making the Royal Navy screech like a bunch of howler monkeys, turn around and promote that Fleet Air Attache-in-Europe to Rear Admiral (lower half) to bring them into parity with the British commodore. Take that.
And truly, the US and the British were brothers-in-arms and what better than occasionally slugging the other in the arm painfully just to let the other know you love them, ya bloody piss-ant!
Tom looked over at Animal with a sardonic grin, "Animal, I hear they're posting you as attache to London as NAVAIRFOREUR. Man, oh, man the Brits are going to have a shit-fit."
"No doubt, sir..." Animal said. "JCS wanted someone notorious in the chair so I guess I'm the one."
Tom grinned evilly. "Notorious is for the guys who carked up the code that allowed the Allies to decipher German transmissions." He chuckled, "Your ancestor shelled the shit out of Hong Kong, I think that's a step above notorious." He patted Animal on the back. "I wouldn't attend the veterans soirees if I were you." He looked at Animal consolingly.
"I'll keep that in mind." Animal said while Harm and Tom grinned. Good ol' Tom's dry humor was always acidly funny.
Harm was looking forward to observing the brouhaha that went on after the British press found out and went on a tear about it. Not to mention that the Naval Air Attache was married to an Austin, a good old English-Irish last name. That would cause just as big a furor. Animal and Harm were gonna have fun in London with their wives.
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