#Top-Quality Bike Spare Parts
pikspareparts · 1 month
Pikpart Offers Two-Wheeler Spare Parts Online Store For Customers
Looking for spare parts to your motorcycle? Welcome to our Two-Wheeler Spare Parts Online Store! We have the entirety you need to keep your bike running smoothly. From brakes to filters, chains to spark plugs, we've were given you protected. Our parts are Original and of high pleasant, so that you can believe them to ultimate. With smooth on-line ordering and rapid transport, getting the elements you want has never been simpler. Browse our store today and get your bike back on the street very quickly!
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pikpartblogs · 3 months
Multi Brand Bike/Car Spare Parts India | Bike Spare Parts India | Car Spare Parts India
Pikpart offers the best multi brand bike/car spare parts in India. Pikpart has the best quality bike spare parts and car spare parts in India with top quality to use. Pikpart is here to give the new style in the automobile aftermarket industries. Buy now to get superb deals.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
Black Metal and Bourbon (II)
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PAIRING: Biker/Mechanic!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Bartender!Reader
WARNINGS: Alcohol consumption, smut, NSFW, sex & intimacy, praise kink, brief thoughts of exhibitionism, p-in-v, fingering, hand job, some sub/dom dynamics, sub!Simon for a bit, soft!Simon, property damage, bike crashes (wear helmets everyone), violence, past toxic relationship, sabotage, attempted murder, protective!Simon, etc. (18+ mini-series)
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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Your fingers tighten around Simon’s waist, the helmet you’d been given pressed into his shoulder as the both of you slice through wind—an engine roaring below you from the Honda Rebel 500. The fit was a tight one, Simon not having a proper second seat beside the passenger kit he’d been quick to install not a few hours before when you’d hesitantly asked for a ride into a neighboring town. Your body was directly above the back tire, and Simon had been firm in his words when he’d been adjusting the back suspension in the bustling shop.
“You’re not lettin’ go until we get there, copy? I feel your grip loosen, I’m pulling over.”
You had begrudgingly agreed, needing the high-quality art supplies a twenty-minute drive away. The stores here didn’t have what you needed, and, not owning a car as this town was entirely walkable if need be, this was your only option. 
Once you’d gotten on that bike though, Simon hadn’t needed to reiterate himself about holding on—you did that all on your own. Yet, that wasn’t to say you weren’t enjoying this.
Lips peeled back into a smile, your eyes stare out across the unfolding hills and mountains in the distance; fields of verdant grasses and trees. The vibrations of the Rebel left your head jittering, but this view was the clearest you’d ever seen. 
Chuckling, the driver under your rib-cranking hold blinked at the nearly missed sound, only able to tell from the movement of your chest at his spine. Simon’s sunglasses glinted over the thin sliver of flesh that would otherwise be the only piece of his face visible, and his fingers twitched as he stared ahead at the open road. The man had given you his leather jacket, taking a spare of black coloring like an all-dark cat, his boots and pants matching the theme that carries over. 
You shout above the whipping of the airways. 
“This is amazing!” Simon puffs a laugh at that, though his heart patters ever faster like a dog at the turn of a key. He doesn’t answer, even if his lips itch into a smirk to tell you he’s appreciating the spinal re-adjustment you’re giving him. 
Your laugh echoes out through the scenery, and your heart has never been more full. 
It had been a decent amount of time since Simon and the others had come into town—three weeks since you’d been hired on your off days to go and paint the mechanic’s shop. A base coat had already been applied, then the secondary and the final with the help of a very animated Soap saying that no one could get to the tops of the walls better. Gaz had seen him hit himself with the soggy paint roller not five minutes later after trying to flip it, and that had been the end of the interference on your work.
All that was left was to start the mural.
There hadn’t been a peep from Graham or his goons—they’d even left you alone on your walks back home. As much as you wanted to be elated about it, there was a brief stint of paranoia in the days that had followed the party. Graham Whitaker was a coward, but he didn’t…let things go. 
But holding onto Simon Riley as he pulled into the nearby town made that sharpness at the back of your mind flee in an instant. The mountains and fields dissipate to tiny houses and long stretches of connected businesses—sun-washed bricks surround you as Simon shifts the tires to dodge potholes. 
His head moves slightly to the side, and you hear the call through your borrowed helmet. 
“Where am I headed?”
“East side!” You rest the bottom of the helmet on his shoulder, seeing a sliver of his October browns through his sunglasses as he rips his eyes back to the road. “Look for the rose bushes!” 
“Makin’ me go deaf,” Simon mutters to himself, but he does as you instruct. Parking in the street outside of the art shop, he moves out the kickstand with one foot—the other resting on the ground so you don’t tip. He gives you a look over his shoulder to get off first as the engine cuts and the jungle of keys comes to silence inside of his pocket.
Giggling, you let go of his hard waist and step out to the concrete of the sidewalk, turning around and fixing the strap of your carry bag with a hidden grin. 
“I think I just found a new form of transportation.”
“Then you can forget about it,” Simon smirks, taking off his sunglasses and sticking them to the neck of his compression shirt. “Helmet, Sunshine.” He reminds, looking around for a moment. 
You slap your hands to the side of the item around your head as you continue to giggle like a child, elated and feeling the throws of wanderlust—you’d never felt so alive than when watching the world pass by at your sides. How quickly you can form a routine of boring days, one after the other. You felt…light again. 
A finger grabs at the visor, flicking it up as your crinkled eyes come into view for the gruff man and his raised brow. 
“You drunk?” Simon stares, tilting his head as he looms closer, studying you up and down. 
“No, Brown-Eyes,” you roll your eyes teasingly, waving his hand away as you unclip and pop the helmet off before it’s leveled back to him. He takes it and holds it loosely in one grip, blinking at you slowly. “I’m excited. Can I not be excited, then, huh? Not happy seeing me enjoy your company?” 
“Let's get this over with, yeah?” Simon shakes his head but his amusement is heard, slipping past as you eagerly follow after, expression airy. 
You hum, leaning into him and smirking. 
“C’mon Simon, you’re completely taken with me—I can see it.” There was no question that the two of you had become close. There was rarely a night when he didn’t come to visit you at the bar; had even taken up walking you back home too, though there was little need to. Simon had said it was because he had nothing else to do, but you doubted it. Since the shop had opened, there had been no shortage of work.
The man grunts as he opens the door for you with a shoulder, sending you a blank eye. “Taken aback.”
“Fucking jerk,” you grin at him as you slip inside, face loose with banter. Simon chuckles lowly and follows, standing behind you as his boots clop to polished tile floors. 
This place was exactly how you remembered it—holding an old feel with the beams in the ceiling and the raw brick walls. There are tables with paints and brushes, all neat and orderly with unique looks and designs to them, even the wall has shelves of old wood holding hidden nicknacks and unique wonders. 
Simon gazes around with a glint of interest in his eye, understanding now that the painting was better off in your hands. He has to wonder how you managed to find a place like this. 
“Over here,” you say. Walking to the very back, your hands are already reaching for the quality brushes you’d need for the mural. Simon’s hands slip into his pockets, stance casual in a way he’d thought he’d lost a long time ago. 
It was no secret that Simon trusted very few people. It wasn’t just because of his past military experience, it was his life in general—each turn led to something that could go wrong like a gun in the hands of a criminal. But you had been nearly sly in the way you’d grown on him. 
The quick-witted comments, the way you spoke and carried yourself; your light and unapologetic attitude. He was ashamed to admit how many times he’d stared at the bar from his shop’s garage—under the body of some car with grease up to his elbows, legs dangling as his back was on top of the creeper. Brown eyes that can pinpoint your form before his mind blanks and sweat pools at his collarbone. 
It was something that Simon was afraid to name.
“Bloody expensive,” the man mutters in the present, fingers pushing at the price tag of some paints nearby. “You sure you need this shit?” 
“It’s not shit, Riley,” you scoff, grabbing two large brushes and three smaller ones from wall buckets, pointing one at him. “But I have to agree on the expensive part. You should see how much I would spend when I was really into art. You’d puke your blackened guts up.”
Simon hums, giving you his attention as you peer at a table of rich paints in smaller cans a few feet away.
“Why’d you stop?” He asks, the soft tinkling of piano music coming from somewhere in the back. 
You pause, your back turned to him as you look at the label of a small aluminum container of enamel paint for vehicle detailing. Licking your lips, you clear your throat and ease out a nonchalant, “Graham,” and end the conversation there with less blood spilled. 
Your Ex had almost sucked all of the individuality from you—you’d barely made it out as you are. 
Simon’s eyes darken, clenching his jaw after a moment as looks away. It's only when you put back down the enamel paint can that he speaks again. 
“He wasn’t worth your time,” he eases out, giving firm advice like orders. As if he wants you to believe what he’s saying to the fullest degree. “You know that?”
You snort, turning back around. “Yeah, I know it. Why do you think I threw the guy out? He ran through women like a damn kid with a stack of new playing cards.” 
Simon blinks from over his mask as you walk to the counter, putting down your brushes and adding in a few containers of nice pigment. As your fingers ding the bell up front, your free hand digs for your wallet. 
Before you can pull out the wads of cash that you’d need to pay, smelling of booze and all, a credit card hits the table. You stare at it in silence for a moment. 
“You’re putting it on my wall,” he rolls his shoulders to dispel tension from the previous conversion as the employee comes out from the back. “M’not going to make you pay for the tools to get the job done. Not a fuckin’ heartless bastard.” 
“Heartless? No,” you tease, though your face burns and crashes with a fiery inferno of adoration. Inside of you, your stomach flips and your throat tightens. Oh, it was coming on bad, wasn't it? “A bastard…?”
“Shut it,” Simon glares from the corner of his eye as you raise your hands innocently. 
“Alright, alright. A very handsome and generous bastard, better?” You hear a hum, a huff of breath. 
“Getting there.” 
The ride back was much the same, but it still filled you with awe. Your hands were looser now, even with the added weight from your filled bag, but that didn’t mean you weren’t aware of Simon’s presence. Once more your helmeted head was set at his shoulder blade, resting as your lungs pulled in fresh air even if it was a bit heated from the barrier. Simon had pushed the thing back onto your head the minute your leg was about to straddle the bike, firmly grabbing your chin and tilting your face forward as he shoved it on.
“Safety first, Sweetheart.” You had sworn you nearly went weak-kneed at that. 
But the sturdy presence before you made a very comfortable headrest even if the longer ride was beginning to make your legs ache and give you a migraine from the noise. 
Your hand was flat to the man’s covered flesh, the oversized jacket around your frame, and in that moment you discovered that you were almost entirely submerged in Simon Riley until it became impossible to remember who you’d been before him. You were drowned in his scent—his presence an ever-present weight of purpose and prospect. 
Blinking over the view and feeling Simon’s pulse under your fingertips, you realize with a start that Graham had never made your stomach fill with butterflies over a simple word; never made you pause or have to re-think your thoughts because you’d entirely lost them when he entered a room. 
With so much going on, and at the same time so little happening…what exactly were you supposed to make of it? There was no question you liked Simon—there was no question he liked you, either. It was obvious by the looks Price would give the two of you when you came by with lunch for them all; free drinks. 
How the both of you would sit and talk, exchanging stories while Simon showed you the adjustments he had made to his bike. The issue was that you and Brown-Eyes were stubborn. Pigheaded.
Emotionally constipated.
Your eyes drag along the view, but they always shift back to the body that’s stuck in your grip; how his heat moved through his clothes, warming your wind-beaten hands. You’re right there at his back, hanging off him and you feel…good.
There just had to be something to make one of you snap.
Entering the garage, Simon once more parks his bike and lets you get off first, and you unclip your helmet and slip the object from your head with a puff of air. 
“Thank you, Simon,” you breathe, watching him stand. “Drinks on me tonight, okay?” 
“No need for that,” his brows pull in, confused. “If I didn’t want to, I would have told you.” 
Your hands pass the helmet, which he takes as your fingers brush one another's lightly. You repress a sharp inhale, scoffing playfully at him as your eyes soften.
“I’m not going to leave without saying thank you and you taking it, Brown-Eyes.” 
“Well, then I just took it, Sunshine.” Simon motions his head outside. “Now get going ‘fore I come to my senses.” 
Laughing, you shrug and take your leave, all of your items safe in your bag for a time when you could use them next. 
“I’m already gone,” you breathe, and a soft brown gaze sticks to your form as you cross the street and slip inside to clock in. 
A truck parked down the street has its window glinting in the sunlight. It seems to agree.
Simon tipped back the last of his bourbon and sighed, putting it down on the bar top as you polished glasses. 
“Anything happen today?” He asks you as you put the sparking material to the light, tipping it to try and find smudges before it passes your acute inspection. 
“Nothing interesting,” you respond, humming. “Had to kick a few guys out, but it was nothing big.” 
Simon’s interest makes his eyes shift to you like a wave, head tilting to stare as the warm light cascades over your figure. He waits for you to continue, but when you don’t, he prods with a slightly concerned undertone.
“Why?” Your lips twitch as you turn to look at him, exasperated. 
“Put a cork in it, Big Guy, it was just a few who had too much to drink—I cut them off and sent ‘em home.”
Simon grunts, “That’s a girl.” 
You ignore the way your heart jumps to your throat and the tingling of your arms. “Anything with you?” Your voice is higher than it should be. “Beat off any bartenders from your property?”
“Can only think ‘o one,” he speaks slowly, his voice wafting about as the both of you were the only people here. Your chuckle makes his heart constrict in on itself.
“Oh,” you tease, face pulling in with mock confusion. Your body moves closer as it leans into the wood. Simon’s lips twitch from where they're visible, the fabric of his balaclava pulled over his nose. “Tell me about her.”
“Yeah?” He speaks in a low murmur, eyes half-lidded in that dead-and-buried kind of way—only he could pull that off and still look so handsome. You had said once that he felt like danger, and you suppose that had to be true. Simon Riley was danger, and you had taken those snake fangs and put them directly in between the cross-hairs of your neck and your pulse, waiting, wanting for that fatal strike. 
You had bet that the sting of those fangs might just be the best pain you’d ever felt.
Simon Riley was unabashed freedom.
 “She likes to think that she’s the bloody boss o’ me,” Simon grunts, scars, and tattoos on full display; there’s blackened grease on his fingers, under his nails. You listen with bated breath. “Comes ‘round all the time now, hangs like she’s under a noose. I can’t figure her out. Not for the fuckin’ life of me.”
Simon doesn't know what he’s saying, but he can’t quite help himself when you’re looking at him like that. Your eyes going wider, your usually snappy and quick tongue silent as you take his words in like law. It was addictive to see you gobsmacked—the man has to stop himself from thanking Graham Whitaker for being such a fucking fool even if the thought of ever being near that man again made him want to clench his fists.
“And?” You push, trying to force your mouth into a playful smirk, but anyone can see it for what it is. Your faked emotion falls short, leaving behind only that which Simon can claim to be the sole owner of. 
Astonishment. Admiration down to its base form—a woman gazing at something that should not be, and yet is here among the ashes and ruins of broken earth and open roads. A sliver of sky between the rain clouds.
“And?” Simon mirrors, that numb mock. 
The both of you are closer now, puffs of air hitting the other. Everything in this bar became a backdrop, shifting colors and images like some dream. The dart in the ceiling was nothing to you—the tables that needed to be buffed, the bottles restocked; even the trash that you usually took out at this time was only a shape in the corner of your vision. It all blurred around him, and while you spoke again, Simon understood that he had left the city for something new; something that he could revel in and worship like he had his guns and his duty. 
Your sentence is whispered. 
“Why did you come here?” To this town? There was no answer for that. It was picked at random—even Price knew that. It was nothing special, not even to the bugs. But here…
Simon parts his lips and utters on the lightning of the air particles, all rushing past as if he was still on his motorcycle with you—your hands around his waist and your nails digging into his flesh.
“For a bartender that keeps making my damn head spin.” 
For a long minute, there’s nothing that happens. The AC whirs and the lights outside flicker over the stretch of the empty street. In your chest, your heart hammers with the strength of the Titans. A mechanic, a veteran; a man with broken, October eyes. 
How could he be the one thing you were looking for? 
Your eyes stay locked, those shredded flecks of color holding secrets that you want to know instantly—you want to learn his tattoos and the way he thinks, know Simon's dreams and aspirations. To you, that was better than any physical destination or journey because it was one in and of itself. 
Simon was an enigma. 
“Keep talking,” you mutter, lips so close now that they brush the man’s own. He doesn’t blink as he watches you, his lungs unsteady in his chest as he takes down a deep breath. 
“Why’s that, Sunshine?” His voice is raspy, and his accent makes you shiver. 
Simon’s tongue comes out to lick at the corner of his mouth, sneaking back in as your gaze flickers down to watch pupils blown. “Because I like it when you speak to me like that,” you have to admit, a whine trapped in your throat that you won’t let out.
There’s a low chuckle that makes your legs close together, moving like honey through your veins. 
“Can do more than talk.”
This is a game—a test—can either of you go this far? Is it more than lust, is it more than some strange attraction between two people who don’t belong here? A relationship of need rather than want?
You don’t care enough to test it, because if there’s one thing that this town taught you, it's that you don’t need to worry about the future so long as there’s something promising right in front of you. 
And Simon Riley was as promising of a man as you had ever met.
Your lips meet his, and his hand is eager to snap to the back of your skull, pushing you into him as your eyes pull shut and the edge of the counter digs into your guts. Air is exhaled from your nose, mouth heavy, and skin hot as it digs and molds to the rough scrape of Simon’s stubble. His fingers pulse into your scalp, waves of something sawing you open as he stands quickly from his stool and pulls away only to push right back in. 
Your hands move into fists on the counter, stuck in this dance of wet lips and shaky legs. 
Simon groans into your mouth, shifting his head as a purr emanates from his chest and makes you respond with a silent gasp that he takes advantage of. A tongue slips to run over your own as the lights glint outside, pushing itself in before retreating just as swiftly before teeth nip at your swollen bottom lip. Your eyes snap open, locking with deep wells of brown that seem more endless than the depths of space. 
You both breathe heavily, the bar silent to the two souls that seep into one another. Not once do either of you look away from one another. 
The man seems hesitant, and before he speaks, the rasp in his voice is felt as he blinks. 
“These parts in me have been shuttin’ down, Sunshine.” Your brows slightly pinch in for a moment, confused at this turn in tone—cocky had gone to still-stone as if Simon had laid eyes on Medusa herself. 
But you know what he means. You’d seen it in his stature and how he spoke to others; you knew nothing much of his past beyond a handful of stories from his service and none of them had been pretty. And of his childhood, you knew nothing. 
You know it can’t have been good. 
Your head softly tilts, a small, delicate smile forming the words of some long-lost deity.
“I’m sure you have the tools to fix them, Simon.”
He blinks at you, fingers still stuck to your head. “Don’t know if I remember how to use ‘em.” 
Simon’s giving you a way out of this if you want to take it; you know that he thinks you should. 
“...Then you’ll just have to teach me, won’t you?” You whisper, stubborn as always. “I told you I was good at keeping secrets, right?” He hums, eyes the most open and soft you’d ever seen them as he melts—forehead connecting to yours as your smile grows wider, truer. “Then I’ll keep yours closest, Brown-Eyes.” 
You both kiss once more, more delicate as the man takes a deep breath of you. Your smirk pulls along his flesh like a brand as he holds in a quiver. 
“What’s a bartender without a bottle of Bourbon on her shelf?” He growls into you, and not wasting a moment rips his lips from yours and wipes at his face with the back of his arm. 
“Such a mouth,” he mutters, moving as you stand there to push open the half-door to let him get to you. You stand waiting, pulse wild and lips tingling. “Cameras?”
Your head shakes without you knowing it, and a finger is hooked under your chin, maneuvering it as he sees fit. Another grabs onto your hip, kneading it slowly as you melt into him. Your hands grasp into the back of his belt and his eyes spark—hips canting instinctually.
There’s a hard prod at your inner thigh. 
“Only one at the door.” You set your chin to his chest, gazing up. “Back room?”
“Won't have you on the floor,” Simon says bluntly, unphased. Your core pounds, stomach tightens as you have a sudden need to get rid of your pants and touch yourself as dampness pools through your underwear. 
“Such a gentleman,” you’re breathless, voice airy. “Guess I’ll have to be on top.” 
Simon’s breath gets caught as you slip past him, sauntering to the back door and pushing it open as you slip inside. You had already started fumbling with the zipped on your pants as the man pushed on the barrier just before it could close, coming in and letting it slam behind him as the click of a lock could be heard. 
With your shoes off, you can feel Simon’s eyes burning into you as your fingers send the zipper down your navel, the sound of the metal teeth being separated from one another a call to action. When your thumbs hook the top, ready to send the fabric down, you let the man watch before your eyes shift back up to lock together. 
Simon’s gaze was intense—unblinking and unmoving beyond the slam of his heart and the pulse of the erection in his pants, begging to be palmed as you stood only feet away. The man’s hands clenched, knuckles going white. 
While holding eye contact, you let the pants—and your panties—drop to the ground with a whoosh of fabric. Simon tenses, but doesn’t look away.
You smirk, taking a few steps forward.
“I’m surprised.” Your hand captures his waist, one moving to stroke along the prominent v-line that’s hidden by his shirt. Simon’s heavy breath meets your head as his blown pupils make his eyes look black entirely. He’s almost in a trance. “Usually I’d be having to snap my fingers.” 
“Better than that,” he grits out raggedly. You have to agree. 
Your mouth finds his neck as he leans back against the door, letting you do what you wish as his hands settle on your hips once more, rubbing up and down as your own eagerness drips from you. Simon clenches his jaw as you bite down, taking and sucking on the skin as he hisses when you give him hickeys, eyes fluttering. 
“‘Such a mouth’ you said,” you comment, hand falling lower to hear the jingle as you unclip his belt. He stares off as your hand rests and cups him, sharply inhaling when you rub your palm over the large tent. Simon fights the sway of his hips, but the widening of his legs is telling enough, pelvis knocking forward as you groan, a line of slick falling down your thigh. “I’d bet you’d like my mouth, Brown-Eyes, wouldn’t you?” Your joke and your teasing of his dick—your hickeys and your sly eyes—they all at once snap something inside of him. 
You find yourself manhandled with a squeak of shock and a jump in your gut as your legs dangle, moved back, and pressed into the very door where Simon had been moments before. Your feet settle as his figure descends.
“Your mouth, Sunshine?” Brown eyes glint, staring you down from where he taps your legs open to the air, kneeling with an open belt and pre-cum staining his pants. “Want to see what mine can do?”  
There’s no more than a dangerous smirk before his face slots itself into the clutch of your pussy. 
You gasp, hands going down to his covered hair as his nose slides along your clit, making lightning go up your spine as you push down on him, grinding as a long stripe is licked, tongue flattening out at the nerve before a loud groan makes Simon’s mouth vibrate as it attaches itself to you. 
Giving you your own medicine, teeth lightly bite, tongue flicking as your cunt clenches over nothing, fingers grasping guilty as your head knocks back with a loud whine.
“Fuck,” you gasp, toes curling as your hips move back and forth. 
Your body can feel his smirk, your juices leaking out to drip at his chin, falling down his throat as this beast of a man sucks and mewls around your clit like he’s possessed. Hands grasped your thighs, holding them open. Well, one anyway. 
Lost in the movements of his mouth, cursing and gasping as he keeps trying to build you up to the point of rapture with every hard flick and measured nip, there’s no way your dopamine-addled brain can comprehend the fingers at your cunt before they’re already inside and curling outward. 
You moan out his name pleadingly, the pace of your hips instantly increasing as Simon’s chuckle makes your lungs constrict. A separate heart-beat lives in your navel, skin sweaty and slick making its way down his fingers. 
“Being so good,” your voice breaks as Simon’s wide eyes from below meet you as your head lolls forward. He stutters, hearing the wet squelching of your pussy as his movements cease for a moment. You whimper, face pulling in, and he instantaneously gets back to it with increased fervor and ferocity as if he’d never just felt his cock twitch in his pants and his abdomen bunch up.
Your eyes widen, rapturous moans falling from your lips in blown-limpness as his mouth and fingers do sinful things to you.
The sounds coming from below were feral and animalistic at best, sopping wetness and loud groaning—it makes it all so much better. 
“So thorough for me, Simon. Making me feel so good Brown-Eyes,” you babble, tightening your core and palming hands shoving him impossibly farther into you. “Such a fucking perfect mouth—perfect fingers, knew you could make me cum on ‘em, please, Simon, fuck, oh God right there,” you break off of the praise into desperate whines. Your quivering body shakes and ruts faster, Simon’s stubble making it all burn in such a way that leaves you gasping, back begging to arch as everything comes to a tipping point.
Simon can feel it by the way your walls flex and pull in, how their slipperiness gets so loose it’s not even a problem to finger-fuck you even as your cunt bares down like a noose. Your fluids drip past his elbow, falling to his pants as his pelvis involuntarily tries to get friction from his zipper by humping the air in broken intervals. 
He’s breathing heavily, but not as much as you are, broken up by groans, grunts, and his open mouth licking of your engorged clit. He’d never admit to you how much your praise was making him want to bust in his own fucking pants. 
“S-Simon,” you knock your head back into the wall, eyes going glassy as the knot in your navel goes painful, a vile itching so very close as your spine begins to arch for the man’s viewing pleasure. “So close, oh God, so fucking good. Need it, Simon, need it from—”
Your breath hitches, fingers twitching into tight fists of fabric and the hair underneath as your walls clamp down. 
Orgasm ripping through you, your voice lets out broken, airy, moans of Simon’s name like a prayer, hips continuing to spasm and toes curling inwards. Not letting up his assault, the smug man’s tongue and fingers draw the entire experience out until your legs are too weak to hold you, having to be pressed back into the wall by white knuckles and fingers stained with your cum. You hear it drip to the floor and see it when your half-lidded eyes blurrily make out the ragged appearance of an arrogant Simon, clear beads falling off of his chin and his lower face decimated by your pleasures. The bottom of his balaclava is stained—sopping with absorbed juices. 
You both stare—you, lust-blown, and Simon, ready to grasp at himself and stave off the near-painful erection that needs to be taken care of. 
But you’re true to your words.
Not seconds after your release had flooded him, your hands pushed at his chest and shoved him to the floor. Simon grunts but lets your hands quickly fiddle with his zipper and send it down. Not a moment is wasted, and the man’s hands move your hips higher as you pull his pants and boxers down just enough to let his dick spring free and slap his abdomen. 
Your hand curls around it and he groans long, pushing up into your hand as you stroke him quickly and mercilessly with the spread of his weeping tip. Simon’s words come out as a way to steady himself, but the work of your hand is easy to get lost in as his voice is a growl.
“Tase so bloody good, Sunshine, yeah? Be needin’ that every day,” his mouth is taken in a kiss, and you tase yourself on his tongue as he shakes and his fingers flex into your flesh. “Fuckin’ hell,” he says as you lick his lips, panting below you as he quickly loses himself. “Not gonna…”
Simon’s orgasm builds incredibly fast—and not once does your hand slow in its course. He blinks in a blind panic, mouth letting off soft sounds of confusion as he looks down to see his red cock and how you play with it like a toy. You chuckle at him as his sounds get louder, legs rising, and the slapping of skin on skin addictive. 
“You are good with your mouth—and your hands. Should have guessed really, you are a mechanic after all. Got yourself all worked up.” Simon's hand comes up to your head pressing your lips back to his as his abdomen tightens and quivers, thighs shaking as his hips try to meet your break-neck pace but just can’t.
What were you doing to him? Why can’t he last longer than a few mere minutes? 
You break off and connect your forehead to his, brown eyes fighting to not go blurry and his mouth open with fast breaths. You push out as you feel his tip twitch and spurt prematurely, “Be a good boy and cum, Simon.”
He groans loudly, eyes fluttering as they try to stay locked to yours before the wet splatter of his rapid ejaculation layers yours as well as his abdomen sticky and soaked. It keeps going, not stopping until Simon’s eyes have come back down from where they had fled to the back of his head and his small grunted whine lets you know you should stop pumping him so violently. 
You release his member and go to rub along his abdomen, massaging the skin and laying kisses on his clothed chest slowly. His hands loosen on your hips, thumb pulling back to carefully run circles into the flesh as you hum in appreciation. 
Simon's quivering slows to a stop.
“You sure you only work a bar, then? Bloody fuckin’ hell.” Simon hisses, looking down at himself. “Made a fuckin’ mess, yeah?” 
“Only fair,” you mutter, moving up to press your lips together as you both sigh. Simon’s breath hitches as your stomach rubs him. “I like having you under me. It’s nice to see you look confused.” 
“Don’t get used to it,” he mutters, and a red sheen comes to his flushed face. “Won’t happen again.” 
Your face goes mischievous, head tilting. Simon growls a weak, “Don’t.” You chuckle and hide your face into his neck. 
“Don’t test it?” You ask into his flesh, your body still pulsing and needy at the display you’d managed to pull from the stoic man. Your tongue licks over your placed hickey with a newfound appreciation for the black and blue mark, blowing on it as Simon feels himself harden again. “Or don’t acknowledge that Simon Riley has a praise kink and when a woman tells him what to do he—”
Your spine settles to the floor, hands stuck on either side of your head and digging into the wood. Simon’s eyes glint primarily, and you keen to him as your arms move to wrap around his neck as your cunt tightens.
“Thought you said you didn’t want me on the floor?” He grasps your chin, moving his face to be above yours so he can speak plainly and dead-like. A surge of power takes over his voice, and you yield with a rising of your legs and a shiver as his fluid-slick abdomen slides over top of yours.
“That was before you made me cum in a matter of fuckin’ minutes by just stroking my cock. Now,” he breathes, “now I’m going to fuck you how you deserve.” 
He grasps your legs and pulls them around his waist, locking them as he lines up his half-hard dick and bullies it inside of you, your arching back bends into him, but your shocked moan is cut off as Simon starts to move. The pressure inside of your pussy is tight enough to feel like it could snap—your gummy walls taking the curve of his veins and the grate of his head as the tip curves upward. On girth and size, Simon is the largest you’d ever taken, and your face pulls in with a mix of pain and pleasure before the latter takes over completely. 
“Get me to be your toy, eh, Sunshine?” Simon keeps your chin grasped, not letting you look away as you try to garble words over the heavy slap of wet skin. “Keep me ‘ere so you can play with me like you’ve been doin’ from the start?” 
“So full,” you seem to have lost that edge, staring up into brown eyes as your spine digs into the wood below you, your cunt taking the fast slaps of Simon’s prod as it reaches every part of you that you could ever ask. Every trust makes your legs tighten, clamping down to keep him there and ring pleasure like water. “Such a big cock, Simon.”
He huffs, but his pace increases, panting at you as your lips meet for a sloppy and slobbering kiss of teeth and saliva. Sweat falls from both of you, coating your faces and lower halves with more liquid to make this dance easier—staining already ruined clothes. 
“Splitting you open, am I? So tight,” Simon grumbles, grunting as his elbows shift to stay beside your head. “Gettin’ me off so easily, need ta return the favor for making me feel so good, Sunshine. Bloody perfect cunt, takes my cock like it was made for it. Hear that?” Your skull moves to push into the side of his face as he bites at your neck, ravishing you as the forward and backward motion of his body makes your mouth hold back mewls of raw need. So many sounds—so loud and wet it was lewd, borderline obscene with every pump of the man’s hips that more just spilled out of you, pooling with every back and forth spreading of your hole. 
Simon bites a long whine back and angles himself higher, making you shout and cry as a burst of white light explodes in your eyes.
“Making me want to fill you full of myself. Over and over, make you drip with it—go until you can’t walk. You’d take it too, yeah? You’ve got such a good look on your face, you bloody love it when I stretch you open like this—takin’ my dick so well, Sweetheart.”
You were both animals trying to get fix after fix—drunk off scent and a biological urge. 
At the words, your pussy tightens around him even more, Simon holding back a loud groan and letting your little puffs of air grace his ears along with the ravaging dig of his fucking.
“You like that?” You whine, face burning as a hand descends to play with your clit. You gasp loudly and moan, not hiding the way your hips jump and rut and fight to keep Simon’s cock taking you raw.  
“Simon!” You call loudly. “I like it—fuck I love it, Brown-Eyes. Keep touching me, please, please keep going. Keep talking, love it when you talk like that.”  
“Makin’ fun o’ me,” he scoffs, “but the little temptress has the same bastard kink, eh? It’s alright, then. I’ll just help me get you off—”
The front door of the bar opens from beyond the wall. 
The both of you stop all carnal desires instantly, wide eyes snapping back and locking with each other. A pin could drop, fast breaths and fast hips held back even as you both quiver and your nerves plead to keep going. The need doesn’t last long. Simon's fat hand covers your mouth as your eyes glint with panic before getting right back to it. 
You try to speak, to get the words out that you should go out there, but it’s all cut off by the way he rubs you every right way. Your hand anchors to his back as someone walks around the bar, their voice muffled just like yours is, but this person has no idea you’re getting railed in the back room by the mechanic from across the street. 
Simon’s eyes are dark and urgent, but his hands can't as the slap of skin that’s still incredibly loud, and the wetness that follows all but telling. Your moans and whines are hidden, kept back by a tight palm as he smirks down at you. His hips are bruising yours and you can feel the hard bone of his pelvis as it slots itself fully into yours.
“Good girl,” he whispers, accepting the words with hard thrusts that make you whine like a dog, pawing at his gargantuan shoulder blades. “Keep quiet. I’ll make you feel good.” 
Your heart hammers, walls flexing and clamping at the words. Outside the walking continues, searching for you, no doubt. Simon's hips increase, almost cruelly, and your cut-off cries spill from between his fingers. 
The bastard chuckles and watches, letting your hips meet his as your release builds with the added need to finish quickly. 
It was rabid now your back arched, how the person outside mattered so little to you now, in fact, maybe you even wanted them to hear you like this—being fucked so perfectly to the point where you had tears in your eyes and your body was growing numb; mind blanking to only pleasure and the grating press of a foreign entity all the way to where it digs at your cervix and makes you see starts with every addictive thrust.
You can’t hear anything over the previous sounds, that and rough breathing are the only things in this hot room—the air tense and ready; anticipation a drug of the highest order. 
“C’mon,” Simon grunts into your ear, hand flexing as his lungs burn. He wasn’t far away either. “Let me see it—how your face screws up all nice and pretty for me.”
Struggling to keep your eyes open, you can only stare at the ceiling as the door of the bar slams shut once more, whoever there leaving. Simon releases your mouth and you fall apart with a spine-breaking arch and a high, feral, keen.
Your release is subsequently followed by Simon’s own, his body spasming as he gives three more violent pumps before the warmth of his cum seeps into your womb with a loud groan and a pound of his fist into the floor. He grinds you both through the aftershocks, the sparks of electricity that make both of your hips jerk just a few more times before you fall limp and useless. 
Simon stays inside of you as he shifts to the side, hooking one of your hips over his thigh as you stay face-to-face as your bodies gasp and pant for air. 
When the two of you come back to yourselves, some delirious minutes later, the first thing that you both notice is the tightness of your clothes and skin. Glancing down at the mess you’ve made of yourselves, you both slowly look back into each other's eyes, pausing.
You’re the first one to snort, before you have to hold your loud laughs back behind your hand. 
“Well, I sure do have some more secrets to keep,” you say through your fit, knocking your head to Simon’s chin. The man is smiling, his eyes crinkled and mouth jerking in a series of chuckles.
“Proper few.” The laughter died down to a simmering emotion of amusement. 
You smile at Simon, and he stares back, a hand coming up to touch your cheek delicately before it traces the lines of your face.
“You know I meant it, right?” You ask him, and those browns blink at you in question. “What I said before we decided to fuck. About keeping your secrets.” Simon’s face gets slightly more serious. Your hand cups his cheek, feeling the stubble on your fingertips. 
“Simon,” you say, “I don’t want this to just be a one-time thing, okay?” 
He watches you for any glint of hesitation—of a lie. But there is none.
“Why,” Simon asks. Your answer is simple as you smirk, recalling words from a while ago. 
“You’re just going to have to stick around to find out.”
Simon shoves his lips to yours and drags you back on top of him.
You both exit the back room two hours later, clothes ruffled and bodies far dirtier than ever. You have a limp in your step, a pulsing ache between your bruised legs, and yet you’d never felt better. 
Simon presses a kiss into your temple. 
“Walking you home,” is what he says, and you sigh through an adoring look. You were tired, incredibly tired, and you hoped that Simon would share your bed tonight so he could hold you like he did back there. 
“Deal,” you wink, and the man huffs a chuckle, back to that same stoic mechanic that you knew. 
It’s only then that you realize that Celina had never shown up for her shift. Pausing behind the counter, you blink and look around, confused as you flatten out your clothes. Simon catches on quickly, brows pulling in with concern. 
“Something wrong?”
“Celina,” you tell him, “she never showed up.”
A beat. 
“...Probably kept away,” Simon tries to lightly say, implication enough to make you scowl. 
“No,” you utter. “She would have tried to break the door down if she actually came in. She never would have walked away.”
The man hums, pulling down his balaclava and looking about. 
“What do you want to do about it?” It wasn’t mocking—he was being honest. Your lips thinned out in thought. 
“Well…I can’t leave the bar unattended, she needs to be here in order for me to go home.” You motion a hand helplessly, shaking your head and walking forward. Through a sigh you grumble, “I guess I have to call her or I’ll—” A shadow darts from across the street and your head snaps to the dark window. 
Words coming to a swift stop, you gaze outside with blank eyes, mouth open in confusion. Simon stands taller, not having seen the strange event but not liking the shock on your face as he pivots to the view to study it. 
Brown darts over the street lamps and the closed body of his shop, along the sliver of the obsidian street and the tops of bushes in the plant boxes. But there was nothing there and Simon glanced back at you from over his shoulder with furrowed brows. 
“Thought I saw someone in a…” you frown, eyes not leaving the window as your heart tightens. “In a mask.” 
“Mh,” Simon watches for a moment before he grunts and tension seeps into his muscles. “Mask?” 
“Like yours,” you say quietly, suddenly very still. “Without the skeleton.” 
Simon moves back slowly, one foot backing up before he’s behind the counter again and shifting nearer to you—your eyes flicker upward but swiftly return to the view. He pulled out his phone from his wrinkled pants, and no sooner had he put it to his ear that you saw the individual again. This time it wasn’t just one shadow, it was three, and there wasn’t just a flash of black mist and then poof gone again—it was worse than some schoolyard prank. 
There was a bat. There was the swing of a strong arm. The glass explodes with a resounding shatter and the shrill yell falls from your mouth not milliseconds later.
Getting tackled down, Simon keeps your head to his chest as he shifts to hit the ground first, body sliding slightly before you’re forced under him and protected by his bulk. Grasping at him, you clench your eyes shut as large projectiles are hurled through the broken window and make contact with the bar shelf right above the two of you. 
But Simon doesn't move for a second. Not as the bottles shatter and drown him in alcohol and colored glass, not as the bricks fall back from gravity and strike his spine with a loud thump. He holds you to him, curled over your body as if in reverent worship, grunting as he takes the beating without thought to anything else but your safety. Loud shouts and laughter echo in from outside, but your wide eyes only stay and focus on Simon, his fingers gripping across your back and creasing your shirt. You flinch as a spec of glass knicks your arm, slicing through it with a sharp drag of an uneven edge. 
Simon growls into your scalp, but as he attempts to squish you farther into him, the barrage, just as it had come, entirely stops. 
Staying there, breathing heavily and your mind panicked, you have no time to think before Simon shoves himself up and snaps his enraged eyes forward. Like a large beast, his hands are in shaking fists, alcohol dripping from his shirt and glass pinging against the wood. You can smell blood. 
“Simon,” you say in concern, moving to stand up quickly as you try to get your breath back.
What the hell had just happened?!
“Stay there!” he barks, eyes tight as they dart back and forth to nothing until they find something. 
No one was there anymore, but in that absence, the true damage was brought to light. You ignore Simon’s words and shift until you can peek over the top of the counter, fingers shaking and mouth dry. The man beside you is stone-still, his darkened eyes lighting like fire and brimstone as the anger can all but be tasted in the air. 
The mechanic’s shop across the street. Seen through the broken remains of the bar as if a tornado had come through on the dusty air. 
It had been ransacked.
The illumination of the police lights takes over everything, pushing the dark away as Sheriff Russel tries to get statements from the two of you. But your attention keeps getting brought back to the stiff-standing presence of Simon. 
He hasn’t spoken beyond clipped sentences, even when he’d called Price, Johnny, and Gaz to explain the situation. 
“Can you explain what you saw?” The Sheriff eases, and your attention is drawn back. 
“It wasn’t much,” you stutter, shaken. “Shadows—men wearing masks. One had a bat and hit the window before they started throwing bricks.”
Simon’s eyes shift over the damage, numb gaze finding more broken glass, thrown paint, and dents in the garage door. The front had been trashed with garbage, and the lobby was ruined—it was by some miracle that the bikes had been left alone for whatever strange reason. 
It didn’t make him any less full of wrath. 
Your hands are still shaking, and your arm still leaking small droplets of blood down your flesh. Simon’s injuries were worse; he’d taken the brunt of it, but he didn’t seem to care at all, even as the crimson liquid stains his wet back.
“Simon needs medical attention,” you speak lowly to the Sheriff, head moving forward. “Can we do this later at the station?”  
“I’m fine,” the man in question grunts, voice deep with anger before turning and walking back to the two of you. Not once do his eyes stop searching the area; on high alert even now and not eager to be out in the open. Those old instincts were creeping back over him, and he wanted to get you somewhere safe so he could handle this situation himself.
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know who was responsible and while property was one thing, your comfort was another. 
How dare anyone do something like that to you. 
“You’re bleeding,” you explain, eyes tight. A hand brushes over your arm, taking it up and inspecting the small cut that you wear. 
Feet shift, and through a clenched jaw Simon utters, “So are you.” 
“You know what I mean, Brown-Eyes,” you try to make him listen, but it’s fruitless. 
“Don’t worry about me,” the Sheriff walks to assess the damage, letting the two of you speak in hushed whispers and firm looks. 
“You sound stupid,” you hiss, and Simon’s fingers rub your skin softly, his study of your body taking place in a slow sweep. “Of course I’m going to worry.” 
“Need to stop shaking.” Your face creases at the comment. 
“I’m not shaking.” Simon grabs your hand and puts his fingers through yours, raising it between you so you can look. Your eyes shift down, and your limb can clearly be seen vibrating like an engine in his hold; the fingers unable to close fully. 
Not speaking, Simon cups it with his other hand and presses, grounding you as your lungs take a deep breath before you can clear your throat. 
“I’m fine,” your words barely make it to the air. 
“...Now who’s sounding like me?” The man mutters eyes creased as he stares. “Breathe.” 
You listen, taking another deep breath and staring at Simon’s chest.
“Up ‘ere,” a finger moves out to tap under your jaw, making you tilt your head up to lock with his browns. “There we are, then. Focus. M’right here.” 
“You’re good at this,” you grumble, put off by your own separation from your body. 
Simon tilts his head. “Had to be.” 
You spare a strangled huff at that. 
How quickly things could go wrong—you had thought that tonight would be the best night of your life, but now it was just one single instant that things had made sense, the rest a stain on your memory. 
“You know it was Graham and his friends?” Simon nods, still watching you and making sure you’re calming down properly, waiting for that adrenaline crash. He knows. “What are we going to do about it?”
“Right now?” The man pauses. “Nothing. You’re coming down with me to the Bed and Breakfast. Staying there.” 
So that was how Simon shifted his priorities, walking you down the road as more and more police showed up—there would be more talking in the morning, you had given them everything you’d known so far. It was also how you were mobbed by three more concerned mechanics as you entered their temporary living situation until houses were purchased, blue and brown eyes blinking at the two of you quickly. 
“What in the bloody hell is going on?” Gaz had asked, but you were much too tired to speak beyond leaning into Simon’s shoulder and grunting. 
“Steamin’ Jesus,” Johnny had muttered, only in boxers as he’d shoved out of his room. “Heard the sirens—what’s been happenin’ without me?”
Price had been the one to finally settle everyone and push out a stiff order to leave Simon and you alone for the night. With various glances and tense looks, you were both allowed into your room with little more trouble. 
It was tiny but clean, and Simon had locked the door with a grumble and moved you over to the bed so you could sit, moving off to run a bath. 
You heard the pipes squeak—the whoosh of water as it entered the tub. 
Your mind has still not entirely caught up to itself as Simon leads you forward and begins undressing you; taking off your top and letting you shift out of your own pants. The bathroom tile is cold, and you wrap your arms around yourself when you’re entirely bare as you can’t find the words to speak. That is, before Simon takes his shirt off and you see the damage that’s been done. 
You gasp, hand reaching out but stopping above the cut skin surrounded by a million bruises and large welts. 
“Oh my God,” you whisper, delicately touching the skin. None of the slices were deep, but the horror was still there. “Simon…”
Brown eyes soften, and the balaclava is removed as well before a kiss is dug into your forehead. The shade of his hair matched his eyelashes, and now with the full picture, he was as handsome as you imagined him to be, though to all others the scars and the crookedness of his nose might be a shock. You hadn’t expected anything different. 
“Just bruises, Love,” he pets your neck, thumb running over your pulsepoint. 
“You’re all cut up,” your eyes water, but your stubbornness holds them back as you try to take everything in from his willingness to show you his face to the events of tonight. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know that he would do something like this, really, he was always a jerk but he was never…never bold like this.” 
Cupping his cheeks, you kiss his jaw, salty water tracking down your face as you hear Simon take in a breath. He pulls you closer and hugs you tightly, curling over you as if another barrage of bricks was imminent. 
But there wasn’t going to be any danger here. Not with three other veterans down the hall.
“He ever…?” You shake your head, shakily uttering a quick response to Simon’s trialed-off question.
“No. No, I’d never stand for that.” The man’s broken body loosens, a long sigh exiting his nose in blatant relief. 
“Good,” is all he says. “Deserve better.”
You sniffle, getting a reign on your emotions. “I’ve got better.” 
During the shared bath, you clean the others’ wounds, your back to the wall as you run water over the stretch of Simon’s shoulders, washing away the blood. Your nails drag over his skin as he shivers, not looking back at you as he reaches behind and takes one of your hands into his. The black stain of his tattoos rubs along your bare arm as fingers intertwine, your limb moved and held to his abdomen as you kiss one of the knobs in his spine softly and hum to him. 
“Thank you,” you whisper into his skin. 
Simon doesn’t respond, only leaning back into you more. 
Two days pass with no sign from Graham or his friends—Celine, either. Everyone in town was on edge, and in that time you’d been put on paid leave from the bar on account of your involvement and the potential involvement of your coworker. So, you spent most of the time at the shop with Simon, as he’d asked you to so he could keep an eye out.  
You had thought that maybe this was a one-time event, and had believed it, as well. Graham had made a point, and being the idiot that he was, he’d pay for it. If he was smart, he’d be out of the country by now—there was no mistaking Simon’s vendetta now. Price had to reel him back in the day after the vandalism. 
You’d woken up to an empty bed, having been fitted into one of Simon’s incredibly large shirts and sweatpants for pajamas, and heard arguing. Feet padding like a cat, you had pressed your ear to the door and listened with held-back breath, as if only a peep would make the heated conversation stop.
“He made her bleed, Price. He put her in danger!” 
“Get your head on, Simon, you aren’t in the service anymore,” Price had hissed, shadows slinking along from under the door. “You can’t do anything about it.”
There had been a low growl, an aggravated breath. 
“I can’t sit ‘ere when he’s waiting like a fucking robber. This is my responsibility— happened on my watch.”
“Since when did that fucking happen, Simon, eh? What’s been going on with you two?”
A pause. “...It’s complicated.”
“Then un-complicate it—you’re thinking like a damn soldier.” 
So here you are, fixing the streaks of miscolored paint that had been spattered over the mechanic’s shop as Simon comes out, wiping his hands with a rag. 
“Good thing I didn’t start on the mural yet,” you comment to him, stepping back and putting your roller down. The rag is offered and you take it with a small smile while you slide it over your fingers. “Else I would have tracked him down myself.”
“Would ‘ave helped.” October eyes flicker along the drying paint—the marks still visible. “M’sorry.”
“If you won’t let me apologize,” you raise a brow in challenge. “I won’t let you either.” 
Simon’s eyes crinkle from behind a new balaclava, missing the skeleton details. “Cheeky.”
“It’s called being truthful, Riley.” You sigh through the tilt of your head. “But the bad news is that I had to use up the paint, and I’m not even halfway done with this. It didn’t help that they used a darker color than what I wanted as the backdrop.” 
“Want to take a drive out, then?” The question is swift and honest as it's aimed at you like a distraction from the anxiety. Simon motions his head to the garage. “Got a bit before I’m needed, m’sure you could use a break, yeah?”
“You don’t have to,” you utter, moving to rest a hand on his bicep. He almost purrs at the touch, leaning in. 
“Want to,” Simon grunts slowly. “Bikes are still good. Bastards knew I’d skin them if they touched ‘em.” 
“I’m sure,” you chuckle, teasing him through a smirk. “Big Bad Simon Riley.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” he breathes at that, turning back around as you follow after, laughing. 
You both get onto the Rebel, and the brown leather jacket moves your way along with the helmet, slipping it over your head not seconds later as Simon grabs his spare. 
“Are you sure you shouldn't ask for another helmet?” You had brought it up the first time as well—the prospect of a crash. 
“Only a small ride—I’ll go slow, Sunshine.” Knuckles tap the top of the helmet in reassurance. “Matters more that you’re the one wearing it.” 
Your face creases up, but you sigh and nod, wrapping your hands around Simon’s waist and tightly holding on as the engine starts rumbling below you. Moving your feet up to the rests, you scoot closer as the man pushes off the ground, flipping the kickstand back up before he leans forward slightly and lets the bike do the work.
As before, the two of you get out of town and nature opens up—but as soon as you really start to let your worries slide away and focus on Simon’s pulse and the freedom he gives you, there’s a cold wind from the west. Coming up and dragging along with it, a dark rain cloud sits over you both about a seven-minute drive in.
“Should we pull over?!” You shout in question as raindrops begin to patter off your helmet. The bike makes a strange chirping sound, and you blink over Simon’s shoulder until your attention is taken away by his answer. 
“Soon!” You nod, trusting him to know, and ease back. Your fingers trace the small bulge of scars at his waist, shivering. 
One minute later, you’re about to say you can see the town ahead when that chirping starts again. Brows furrowing, you grunt in the back of your throat and yell, “What’s that sound, Simon?”
He glances back briefly, unable to hear you.
“The sound!” Simon’s fingers flicker, head moving down to the bike below him—the hum of the engine was too strong up here, he can’t hear anything out of the ordinary. 
“What are you—?!” 
There’s a great shriek of black metal, and the Honda Rebel 500’s front wheel breaks off from the motorcycle fork and the bike flips. 
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e-rickshaw · 1 year
E Rickshaw Spare Parts
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Nanya is an established business name in India, which came into inception in 1935. The company is an age-old traditional business family, which has emerged as one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of E-Rickshaws Parts in India.
Nanya Erickshaw is a leading provider of spare parts for electric rickshaws, electric bikes, and electric scooters. Our products are designed to meet the needs of e-vehicle owners and operators, offering top-quality parts and accessories that enhance the performance, safety, and durability of their vehicles.
As a reliable supplier of e-vehicle spare parts, we offer a wide range of products that cater to the diverse needs of our customers. Whether you need spare parts for your e-rickshaw, e-bike, or e-scooter, we have you covered. Our inventory includes high-quality batteries, controllers, motors, brake systems, suspension systems, lighting systems, and much more.
We are reputable manufacturers and our products subjected to rigorous quality control checks to ensure their reliability and safety. We understand the importance of having access to high-quality spare parts that are compatible with your e-vehicle, which is why we strive to provide only the best products on the market.
Our team of experts is committed to providing exceptional customer service and technical support to help you find the right spare parts for your e-vehicle. Whether you are a fleet owner, a repair technician, or an individual e-vehicle owner, we are here to help you find the products you need to keep your e-vehicle running smoothly and efficiently.
At Nanya Erickshaw, we are dedicated to helping our customers achieve their goals of reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable transportation. By providing top-quality spare parts for e-vehicles, we aim to contribute to the growth of the e-vehicle industry and make it more accessible to people worldwide.
If you are looking for reliable and high-quality spare parts for your e-rickshaw, e-bike, or e-scooter, look no further than Nanya Erickshaw. We are committed to providing the best products and services to our customers and helping them achieve their transportation goals.
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informationtips · 2 days
Know This There are many benefits to buying bike Spare Parts from Uno Minda
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When it comes to keeping your bike running smoothly, getting the right bike spare parts is key. https://www.unomindakart.com/ offers a range of bike spare parts that come with several advantages. These parts are designed to fit well and last long, ensuring your bike stays in top shape. Uno Minda's reputation for quality and customer satisfaction makes them a trusted choice. By choosing Uno Minda for your bike spare parts, you're making a smart investment in your bike's performance and longevity.
Here are some Important Points:
Wide Selection and Convenience
The digital realm offers an extensive array of options for bike spare parts, ranging from renowned brands to specialized components. Uno Minda, a prominent name in the industry, crafts top-notch spare parts known for their quality and durability. Online platforms provide a one-stop destination where riders can effortlessly browse through a diverse range of products, compare prices, and read reviews to make informed decisions. The convenience of shopping anytime, anywhere, eliminates the hassle of visiting multiple stores in search of specific parts, saving both time and effort.
Access to Authentic Original Parts
Ensuring the authenticity of spare parts is crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of your bike. Online platforms dedicated to selling bike spare parts prioritize offering genuine products to build trust and credibility among customers. With just a few clicks, riders can access original parts for bikes without the uncertainty that often accompanies purchasing from unauthorized dealers. Authenticity guarantees peace of mind, knowing that the components installed uphold the manufacturer's standards and specifications, thereby enhancing the overall performance and safety of the bike.
Competitive Pricing and Cost Savings
Price comparison is a breeze in the digital marketplace, empowering consumers to find the best deals without compromising on quality. Online platforms frequently offer competitive pricing and attractive discounts on bike spare parts, making them more affordable than traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Moreover, the transparency in pricing and the absence of middlemen contribute to cost savings for both retailers and customers. By harnessing the power of online shopping, riders can acquire premium quality spare parts for their bikes at prices that suit their budgetary constraints.
User-Friendly Interface and Secure Transactions
Navigating through online platforms for bike spare parts is a seamless experience, thanks to user-friendly interfaces designed to enhance accessibility and ease of use. Intuitive search functionalities and filters allow riders to swiftly locate the desired parts based on brand, model, or specifications. Additionally, secure payment gateways and robust encryption protocols ensure the confidentiality and integrity of transactions, mitigating the risks associated with online purchases. The integration of customer support services further enhances the shopping experience by providing assistance and resolving queries in real time.
Doorstep Delivery and Hassle-Free Returns
The convenience of doorstep delivery is a significant advantage of purchasing bike spare parts online. Riders can place orders from the comfort of their homes and have the products delivered directly to their doorstep, eliminating the need for physical transportation and minimizing carbon emissions. Furthermore, online platforms often offer flexible return policies and hassle-free exchange mechanisms, allowing customers to return or replace products that do not meet their expectations. This customer-centric approach fosters trust and loyalty, reinforcing the notion that online shopping for bike spare parts is a convenient and risk-free endeavor.
In the Summary
In Summary, the decision to buy bike spare parts online is not just a matter of convenience but a strategic choice driven by accessibility, authenticity, affordability, and reliability. With Uno Minda and other reputable brands readily available at the click of a button, riders can embark on their biking adventures with confidence, knowing that their beloved machines are equipped with original components that guarantee optimal performance and safety. Start the digital revolution and elevate your biking experience by harnessing the power of online spare parts for the bike.
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perfectriders · 2 days
Why Is It important To Use Genuine Spare Parts For Your Bike?
It is recommended to opt for genuine spare parts for your bike no matter what it takes! Maintenance of your bike is a critical part of its service for daily routine. Depending on the usage, as your bike gets older, the parts might tend to wear and tear which may need repair or replacement. Selecting authentic bike spare parts is necessary for your bike’s performance. 
If you are the proud owner of one of the best bikes in India with Yamaha, you are on the right page with us to explore your need for Yamaha genuine spare parts. Perfect Rider is a one-stop solution for Yamaha original spare parts for all bike variants under one roof. They are authorized Yamaha dealers with both onsite and online solutions in India. 
In this blog, we shall unleash the importance of genuine spare parts for your bike. Perfect Riders aims to spread awareness about several benefits of using genuine and authentic spare parts for your bike for good performance, longevity of the bike, and better safety for all. Let us go ahead and explore the key advantages of using genuine spare parts for your bike in the next part of the article. 
Advantages of using genuine spare parts for your bike:
The advantages of using genuine spare parts for your bike are as follows: 
Top Performance:
Whether you are heading for the office, home, or simply a long ride, a bike’s top performance is the main priority. Using genuine parts helps maintain top-class performance with efficiency for a flawless ride. Opting for non-genuine parts can affect the overall performance of the bike and put you at a higher risk of sudden breakdown during your journey.
Reliability with good quality: 
Branded and genuine spare parts have high standards of quality and maintain the same originality as the brand. This ensures superior quality and long-lasting effects. They are perfectly designed to function holistically with the other parts in harmonious ways when replaced or repaired due to any reason. 
Genuine spare parts are compatible with the original parts of the bike in regards to perfect fit with no integration issues whatsoever. They are specially designed for a particular brand with a purpose to fit in place without any complications. However, the non-genuine or local spare parts are not compatible enough which might give rise to complications in the future. This may hamper the installation and operation process. 
Safety is a top priority:
Branded spare parts are authentic. They are considered as safe. These genuine spare parts go through rigorous testing and certifications to maintain top-quality standardization. This helps to maintain optimum safety at its best. On the other hand, non-genuine parts may not undergo the same level of safety which would put you at high risk. 
Technical customer care: 
Genuine spare parts authorized dealers help in providing technical support and important documentation for the authenticity of the brand. They also take care by offering holistic solutions for services, repair, and maintenance. 
Quality assurance and consistency:
Consistency in terms of quality assurance is well defined by the authorised dealers with top equipment performance and operations. They play a major role in support through precision and uniformity. 
Easy access to genuine parts with authenticity: 
Genuine spare parts are available with the right specifications and authenticity at authorized dealers through official channels. There is reduced downtime during maintenance and repairs compared to non-official local channels which are more time-consuming.
Warranty and Guarantee:
Authorised dealers offer warranties and guarantees on their products and services. If you are looking for genuine and reliable solutions, you must have warranty benefits to provide you with peace of mind, savings, and hassle-free solutions in the future. 
Yes! Genuine spare bike parts are a worthy investment for your bike. So, whether you are a bike lover, bike enthusiast, or daily bike commuter, opting for genuine spare parts is a need of an hour. This is one of the smartest decisions you can make for a perfect ride with utmost safety and care. Perfect Riders aims to promote bike safety for all with the use of Yamaha genuine spare parts. Get connected with one of our experts who will walk you through your bike needs and requirements right away!
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justsuzuki34 · 12 days
Comprehensive Guide to Purchasing Genuine Suzuki Parts Online and In-Store
Suzuki Genuine Parts: Authentic and Reliable Components for Your Vehicle
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Convenient and Affordable Suzuki Motorcycle Parts Online
Shopping for Suzuki motorcycle parts online is a hassle-free way to keep your bike in top condition. With a wide selection of genuine parts available, you can easily find everything from engine components to brake pads. Online shopping offers the convenience of home delivery, competitive pricing, and the assurance of authentic Suzuki parts, helping you maintain your motorcycle’s performance and safety.
Trustworthy Genuine Suzuki Parts for Superior Vehicle Maintenance
Genuine Suzuki parts are essential for maintaining the performance and reliability of your vehicle. These parts are crafted to meet Suzuki’s high standards, ensuring a perfect fit and long-lasting durability.
Reliable Suzuki OEM Parts for All Your Vehicle Needs
When it comes to maintaining your Suzuki, Suzuki OEM parts are the best choice. These parts are manufactured to the same standards as the original components, ensuring a precise fit and optimal performance.
Comprehensive Selection of Suzuki Spare Parts for Every Need
Keep your vehicle in top condition with Suzuki spare parts. These high-quality components are designed to fit your Suzuki perfectly, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Whether you need parts for minor repairs or major overhauls, Suzuki spare parts provide the reliability and durability you need to keep your vehicle running smoothly.
Find Quality Suzuki Parts for Any Model or Repair
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Conveniently Shop Spare Parts for Suzuki Vehicles Online
Easily find and purchase spare parts for Suzuki vehicles online. Our comprehensive selection includes everything you need to maintain and repair your Suzuki, from engine parts to exterior accessories. Shopping online offers convenience, competitive prices, and the assurance of genuine parts delivered directly to your door.
High-Performance Suzuki Motor Parts for Reliable Driving
Keep your Suzuki in top shape with our range of Suzuki motor parts. Designed for durability and reliability, these parts ensure your vehicle performs at its best. Whether you need components for your engine, transmission, or other systems, Suzuki motor parts provide the quality and precision you can trust.
Spare Parts Online Australia: Reliable Solutions for All Vehicles
Shop for spare parts online Australia and find everything you need to keep your vehicle in excellent condition. Our extensive range includes genuine parts for all major brands, ensuring you get the best quality and performance. Enjoy the convenience of online shopping with fast delivery across Australia.
Wide Range of Spare Parts Online Available for Easy Maintenance
Discover a vast selection of spare parts online for all your vehicle maintenance needs. From engine components to brake systems, our online store offers high-quality parts at competitive prices. Enjoy the convenience of home delivery and keep your vehicle running smoothly with ease.
Suzuki Parts Gold Coast: Quality You Can Trust
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Reliable Suzuki Car Battery Parts for Optimal Performance
Ensure your vehicle starts every time with our range of Suzuki car battery parts. Designed to meet Suzuki’s high standards, these components provide reliable power and longevity. Whether you need a new battery or related parts, trust Suzuki to deliver the performance and dependability your car requires.
Precision-Engineered Suzuki Car Engine Components
Maintain your vehicle’s performance with Suzuki car engine components. These parts are crafted to meet the exact specifications of your Suzuki, ensuring optimal performance and durability. From pistons to camshafts, our engine components help keep your car running smoothly and efficiently.
Suzuki Spare Parts Sydney: Convenient and Reliable
Shop for Suzuki spare parts Sydney and find a comprehensive range of genuine and OEM parts for your vehicle. Whether you need components for maintenance or repairs, our Sydney-based store offers quality parts and expert advice to keep your Suzuki in top condition.
Authentic Suzuki Car Parts Sydney
Get the best Suzuki car parts Sydney has to offer. Our extensive inventory includes genuine and OEM parts to fit any Suzuki model, ensuring your vehicle remains in excellent condition. Whether for routine maintenance or specific repairs, trust Suzuki car parts Sydney for quality and reliability.
Wide Selection of Suzuki Spare Parts for Every Requirement
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Premium Suzuki Engine Parts for Superior Performance
Maintain the heart of your vehicle with our high-quality Suzuki engine parts. Designed to meet Suzuki’s exact specifications, these components ensure optimal performance and longevity. Whether you need parts for maintenance or repairs, trust Suzuki engine part deliver reliable and efficient results.
Comprehensive Range of Suzuki 4WD Parts for Any Adventure
Equip your vehicle with the best Suzuki 4WD parts for reliability and performance on and off the road. Our selection includes genuine and OEM parts designed to meet the rugged demands of 4WD driving.
Authentic Suzuki Swift OEM Parts for Peak Performance
Keep your Suzuki Swift running smoothly with our genuine Suzuki Swift OEM parts. These components are designed to fit your vehicle perfectly, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
Convenient Shopping for Suzuki Spare Parts Online
Easily find and purchase Suzuki spare parts online. Our extensive selection includes genuine and OEM parts for all Suzuki models, ensuring you get the best quality and performance. Enjoy the convenience of online shopping with fast, reliable delivery to your doorstep.
Affordable and Quality Cheap Suzuki Car Parts
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Suzuki Car Parts Online Australia: Wide Selection and Fast Delivery
Shop for Suzuki car parts online Australia and enjoy a wide range of genuine and OEM parts delivered fast across the country. Our online store offers everything you need to maintain and repair your Suzuki, ensuring top performance and reliability with every purchase.
Reliable and Genuine Suzuki Car Parts Online
Find the best Suzuki car parts online for your vehicle. Our comprehensive inventory includes genuine and OEM parts designed to fit any Suzuki model, ensuring high performance and durability. Enjoy the convenience of online shopping and keep your Suzuki in excellent condition.
Suzuki Parts Brisbane: Quality Components for Your Vehicle
Explore our selection of Suzuki parts Brisbane for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. We offer genuine and OEM parts to ensure your Suzuki runs smoothly and reliably.
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techvilla24 · 21 days
Top Bikes of 2024: What’s Trending on Bangladesh’s Roads
For Bangladeshi bikers, navigating the bustling streets requires a reliable and efficient companion. But beyond practicality, there's a growing desire for a two-wheeled partner that reflects personal style and riding preferences. So, what are the hottest trends gracing the Bangladeshi roads in 2024? Buckle up as we explore the top bikes currently capturing the hearts (and helmet straps) of riders across the nation.
The Commuter Kings: Fuel Efficiency and Everyday Performance
For many Bangladeshi riders, fuel efficiency reigns supreme. Balancing daily commutes with a budget-friendly option is key. Here,  commuter bikes like the Bajaj Pulsar NS  and the Honda SP  consistently top the charts. These bikes deliver impressive mileage figures, making them ideal for navigating city traffic without burning a hole in your wallet. Additionally, their lightweight design and easy maneuverability make them perfect for squeezing through congested streets.
The Street Cred Champions: Style Meets Performance
While practicality is crucial, Bangladeshi riders are increasingly seeking bikes that exude a touch of street style. Middleweight motorcycles like the Yamaha MT- and the Suzuki Gixxer SF are hot contenders in this category. These bikes offer a blend of aggressive styling, comfortable ergonomics, and enough power for spirited rides. Featuring features like sporty suspensions and disc brakes, they provide a confident and thrilling riding experience, making them ideal for weekend getaways or cruising the city streets in style.
The Adventure Awaiters: Exploring New Horizons
For riders with a thirst for adventure, there's a growing demand for dual-purpose motorcycles. These versatile machines seamlessly transition from paved roads to light off-road trails, opening up a world of exploration possibilities. The Bajaj Pulsar NS 200 and the TVS Apache RTR 160 are prime examples. They boast powerful engines, comfortable upright seating positions, and increased ground clearance, making them perfect for conquering both cityscapes and countryside adventures.
The Evolving Breed: The Rise of Electric Bikes
Sustainability is gaining traction in Bangladesh, and the motorcycle industry is no exception. Electric bikes are emerging as a compelling option for eco-conscious riders. Brands like Hero Electric and Ampere are leading the charge with models like the Hero Dawn and the Ampere Zeal. These electric bikes offer a clean and silent riding experience, with minimal running costs thanks to their low electricity consumption. Additionally, they are exempt from road tax in Bangladesh, making them an even more attractive proposition.
The Everlasting Love: The Classic Commuter Motorcycles
Despite the influx of new trends, some classics remain timeless favorites.  Legendary motorcycles like the Yamaha FZ series and the Honda CB Shine continue to dominate the Bangladeshi market. Their robust build quality, proven reliability, and readily available spare parts make them dependable companions for daily commutes. Additionally, their relatively lower maintenance costs make them budget-friendly options for a large segment of riders.
Making the Perfect Choice: Matching Your Ride to Your Needs
While this list highlights some of the hottest trends, the "perfect" bike ultimately depends on your individual needs. Consider your riding style: are you a daily commuter seeking efficiency, a weekend adventurer craving thrills, or an eco-conscious rider prioritizing sustainability? Additionally, factor in your budget and desired features, such as power, fuel efficiency, and cargo space.
The Road Ahead: Embracing Innovation and Safety
The Bangladeshi motorcycle market is a dynamic space, constantly evolving with advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences.  The future is likely to see a continued rise in electric bikes, along with the adoption of features like anti-lock braking systems (ABS) for enhanced safety.
So, hit the streets, explore the options, and find your perfect riding companion! Remember, responsible riding is paramount. Always wear a helmet, follow traffic rules, and enjoy the ride!
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bikepartsfarm · 1 month
Discover top-quality, genuine spare parts and accessories for your Honda bike at Bikepartsfarm. Ensure peak performance and reliability with authentic Honda components tailored for your ride.
At Bikepartsfarm, we are committed to providing our customers with top-quality, genuine products that they can trust. We understand that your bike is more than just a mode of transportation; it's an investment in your passion for cycling. That's why we source our products from reputable brands known for their reliability and performance.
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pikspareparts · 2 months
Keep Your Bike Running Smoothly: Top-Quality Spare Parts in India
Are you trying to find some amazing replacement parts for your motorcycle? Take a different look! Pikpart gives a wide range of Top-Quality Bike Spare Parts. These parts are authentic, long lasting, and designed to enhance your bike's performance. By using Original Parts For Bike, you may make sure your motorbike stays in top circumstance, supplying you with a secure and fun using experience. Whether you want parts for renovation, restore, or customization, Multi-Brand Top-Quality Spare Parts in India have were given you protected.
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pikpartblogs · 3 months
Bike Spare Parts in India | Multi-Brand Bike Spare Parts | Pikpart Auto Spares
Are looking for best bike spare parts in India and multi brand bike spare parts? Visit Pikpart.com to get the best deals on motorcycle spare parts and also shop online to get extra benefits on spare parts for your bike and cars also. Get the best bike spare parts in India.
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sandhri · 2 months
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Explore a comprehensive selection of bike spare parts catering to diverse needs and preferences. From routine replacements to custom upgrades, find high-quality components to keep your ride in top condition.
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rajatkhannablog · 2 months
Ride On: The Ultimate Guide to Buying Bike Spare Parts Online
In the dynamic world of cycling, ensuring your bike is equipped with the right spare parts is paramount for a smooth and safe journey. However, with busy schedules and limited time, the convenience of shopping online has become increasingly appealing. If you're in search of bike spare parts, look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of online shopping for bike parts, offering tips and insights to help you navigate the process seamlessly.
1. Start with Research
Before diving into the vast sea of online retailers, take some time to research the specific spare parts you need for your bike. Whether it's a replacement tire, brake pads, or a new chain, understanding your bike's make and model, as well as the compatibility of various parts, will streamline your search process.
2. Choose Reputable Retailers
When it comes to online shopping, reliability is key. Opt for reputable retailers with a track record of providing quality products and excellent customer service. Look for customer reviews and ratings to gauge the retailer's reputation and ensure a positive shopping experience.
3. Check for Compatibility
Ensure that the spare parts you're considering are compatible with your bike's specifications. Pay close attention to details such as size, threading, and compatibility with your bike's components to avoid purchasing parts that won't fit or function properly.
4. Compare Prices
Take advantage of the competitive nature of online shopping by comparing prices across multiple retailers. While it's tempting to opt for the cheapest option, remember to prioritize quality and reliability to ensure the longevity of your bike's components.
5. Read Product Descriptions Carefully
Before making a purchase, thoroughly read the product descriptions and specifications to ensure that you're getting exactly what you need. Pay attention to details such as materials, dimensions, and included accessories to make an informed decision.
6. Consider Shipping and Returns Policies
Factor in shipping costs and delivery times when making your purchase decision. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the retailer's returns policy in case you need to exchange or return the spare parts for any reason.
7. Take Advantage of Customer Support
Don't hesitate to reach out to the retailer's customer support team if you have any questions or concerns about the spare parts you're considering. Knowledgeable staff can provide valuable assistance and ensure that you make the right choice for your bike.
8. Stay Informed
Keep abreast of new developments and innovations in the world of bike spare parts to ensure that your bike remains up-to-date and well-maintained. Follow reputable cycling forums and websites for tips, advice, and recommendations from fellow enthusiasts.
In conclusion, buy bike spare parts online offers a convenient and efficient way to keep your bike in top condition. By following these tips and guidelines, you can navigate the online shopping process with ease and confidence, ensuring that you find the perfect spare parts for your bike's needs. So gear up, hit the virtual pavement, and ride on with confidence knowing that your bike is equipped for whatever adventures lie ahead. Happy cycling!
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informationtips · 1 month
7 Efficiency Hacks for Your Bike & Car Battery to Maximize Your Ride
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Your bike & Car battery is the heartbeat of your two-wheeled companion, providing the necessary power to ignite the engine and keep essential electrical components running smoothly. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a weekend enthusiast, maximizing the efficiency and longevity of your bike battery is essential for uninterrupted rides and hassle-free adventures. In this guide, we'll uncover seven efficiency hacks to help you optimize your bike battery's performance and make the most of every ride. Plus, we'll explore how industry-leading companies like Uno Minda are revolutionizing battery technology to enhance your riding experience.
Optimize Charging Habits
Proper charging habits play a crucial role in maintaining the health and longevity of your bike battery. Avoid overcharging by using a smart charger with automatic shutoff functionality to prevent damage from excessive voltage. Additionally, aim to keep your battery charged between 50% and 80% capacity to avoid deep discharges, which can reduce battery life over time.
Keep Connections Clean and Tight
Corrosion and loose connections can impede electrical conductivity and drain your bike battery's power. Routinely inspect the battery terminals and cables for signs of corrosion or buildup, and clean them using a mixture of baking soda and water. Ensure that all connections are tight and secure to minimize resistance and maximize efficiency.
Limit Parasitic Drain
Parasitic drain occurs when electrical components continue to draw power from the battery even when the bike is not in use. To minimize parasitic drain, turn off all lights, accessories, and electronic devices when parking your bike for extended periods. Consider installing a battery disconnect switch to completely cut off power flow and preserve battery life during storage.
Invest in a High-Quality Battery
Not all bike batteries are created equal, and investing in a high-quality, reliable battery can make a significant difference in performance and longevity. Look for reputable manufacturers like Uno Minda that specialize in innovative battery technology and offer products designed to withstand the rigours of motorcycle riding. A premium battery will provide superior cranking power, enhanced durability, and longer service life, ensuring dependable performance on every ride.
You Need to also Visit:- Online Original Spare Parts for Bike | Bike Parts
Avoid Extreme Temperatures
Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can have a detrimental effect on your bike battery's performance and lifespan. Whenever possible, park your bike in a shaded area or garage to shield it from direct sunlight and prevent overheating. During the winter months, consider using a battery tender or insulation wrap to keep your battery warm and maintain optimal operating conditions.
Practice Regular Maintenance
Routine maintenance is essential for keeping your bike battery in top condition and preventing unexpected failures. Check the electrolyte levels in lead-acid batteries and top them up with distilled water as needed. For maintenance-free sealed batteries, inspect the casing for signs of damage or swelling and replace them if necessary. Additionally, periodically test your battery's voltage and charging capacity to ensure it meets manufacturer specifications.
Other Information:- Online Shopping for Car Spares Parts | Car Parts
Opt for LED Lighting
Traditional incandescent bulbs draw more power from your bike battery and can contribute to faster drain and reduced runtime. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient LED lighting, which consumes less power and produces brighter, more focused illumination. LED headlights, taillights, and turn signals not only enhance visibility and safety but also help conserve battery power for other essential functions.
UNO Minda: Leading the Charge in Battery Innovation
As a trusted leader in automotive components and battery solutions, Uno Minda is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and delivering superior performance to riders worldwide. With a focus on research, development, and cutting-edge technology, Minda's battery solutions are engineered to meet the demanding requirements of modern motorcycles and deliver unmatched reliability, durability, and efficiency. From advanced lead-acid batteries to next-generation lithium-ion solutions, Uno Minda offers a comprehensive range of products designed to elevate your riding experience and maximize your bike battery's performance.
More Insights on Uno Minda: Top #1 Car Alloy Wheels Manufacturer in India
With these seven efficiency hacks and the support of industry-leading companies like UNO Minda, you can supercharge your bike battery's performance and enjoy worry-free rides for miles to come. By optimizing charging habits, maintaining clean connections, minimizing parasitic drains, investing in quality batteries, avoiding extreme temperatures, practicing regular maintenance, and upgrading to LED lighting, you'll ensure that your bike battery remains in peak condition, ready to power your adventures whenever the open road calls.
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blueby6 · 2 months
Best two-wheeler service center in Poovam
BYKARE turns out as the qualified two-wheeler service center in Poovam, offering expertise and top-notch services for all types of motorcycles and scooters. With a reputation built on years of dedication and commitment to customer satisfaction, BYKARE the best two-wheeler service center in Poovam has become the go-to destination for two-wheeler owners seeking reliable and high-quality maintenance and repairs. The key factor that set BYKARE is its team of skilled technicians who are well-versed in the field of various two-wheeler models. Whether it's a routine service, engine tuning, brake repairs, or electrical diagnostics, BYKARE's technicians handle each task with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that every bike serviced at their center performs. BYKARE takes pride in using only genuine spare parts and quality lubricants, guaranteeing the longevity and performance of the vehicles they service. This commitment to quality extends to their customer service as well, with friendly and knowledgeable staff always ready to assist clients with their inquiries and concerns. BYKARE, with easy appointment scheduling, timely service delivery, and transparent pricing. Customers can rest assured that their two-wheelers are in safe hands at BYKARE, making it the choice for all their service and maintenance needs in Poovam. BYKARE has earned its reputation as the best two-wheeler service center in Poovam through a combination of expertise, quality service, genuine parts, and a customer-centric approach. Two-wheeler owners trust BYKARE to keep their vehicles in top condition and ensure a smooth and enjoyable riding experience For more services contact: 9847 260 269
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beepkartofficial · 3 months
What are the Basic Reasons to Buy Used Honda Bikes?
Are you in the market for a reliable, efficient, and budget-friendly ride? Look no further than a used Honda bike! Honda, a brand synonymous with quality and innovation, offers a wide range of bikes that cater to various needs and preferences. Whether you're a daily commuter, a weekend adventurer, or a seasoned rider looking for your next thrill, buying a used Honda bike can be a smart choice. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the top reasons why opting for a pre-owned Honda bike might just be the perfect decision for you.
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1. Legendary Reliability:
Honda has long been renowned for its legendary reliability. When you buy a used Honda bike, you're investing in a machine that is built to last.
Honda's reputation for durable engines, solid construction, and dependable performance means you can ride with confidence, mile after mile.
2. Value for Money:
One of the most compelling reasons to buy a used Honda bike is the exceptional value it offers.
Used bikes often come at a fraction of the cost of their new counterparts, allowing you to get more bike for your budget.
With Honda's reputation for retaining value over time, you can enjoy quality performance without breaking the bank.
3. Diverse Lineup to Choose From:
Honda offers a diverse lineup of bikes, ranging from sleek sport bikes to comfortable cruisers and practical commuters.
Whether you're into the adrenaline rush of a sporty ride, the comfort of a touring bike, or the efficiency of a commuter, Honda has a model to suit your style.
4. Proven Performance:
Honda bikes are known for their smooth, responsive engines and agile handling, providing a thrilling riding experience.
Many Honda models have stood the test of time, proving their performance on the road and in the hearts of riders worldwide.
5. Fuel Efficiency:
With rising fuel costs, fuel efficiency is a crucial factor for many riders. Honda bikes are known for their fuel-efficient engines, helping you save money on gas.
Whether you're navigating city streets or cruising on the highway, a used Honda bike can keep your fuel expenses in check.
6. Low Maintenance Costs:
Honda bikes are designed with durability and ease of maintenance in mind.
Genuine Honda parts are readily available, making repairs and servicing convenient and affordable.
Routine maintenance tasks are straightforward, ensuring that your bike stays in top condition without breaking the bank.
7. Resale Value:
Honda's reputation for reliability and quality translates to excellent resale value for its bikes.
When the time comes to upgrade or sell your used Honda bike, you can expect a competitive resale price, providing a solid return on your investment.
8. Advanced Technology and Features:
Despite being pre-owned, many used Honda bikes come equipped with advanced technology and features.
From sophisticated fuel injection systems to cutting-edge safety features, you can enjoy the benefits of modern bike technology at a fraction of the cost.
9. Established Dealer and Service Network:
Honda boasts a vast network of authorized dealers and service centers worldwide.
When you buy a used Honda bike, you can rely on this extensive network for regular servicing, repairs, and genuine spare parts.
10. Trusted Brand Name:
Honda is a globally recognized and respected brand in the motorcycle industry.
Owning a used Honda bike carries a sense of pride and assurance in the brand's legacy of quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
11. Customization Options:
Personalizing your ride is a significant part of the motorcycle culture, and Honda bikes offer ample customization options.
From aftermarket exhaust systems to stylish decals and accessories, you can tailor your used Honda bike to reflect your personality and style.
12. Environmental Benefits:
Opting for a used Honda bike is an eco-friendly choice, promoting sustainability by extending the lifespan of the motorcycle.
Reusing a well-maintained bike reduces the demand for new manufacturing, contributing positively to the environment.
13. Test of Time:
Many classic Honda bike models have become icons in the motorcycle world, standing the test of time with their timeless designs and enduring appeal.
Owning a classic Honda can be a nostalgic and rewarding experience, connecting you to a rich heritage of motorcycling history.
14. Lower Insurance Costs:
Insurance premiums for used bikes are generally lower than those for new models, saving you money on insurance premiums.
With a used Honda bike, you can enjoy the same coverage and protection without the hefty insurance bill.
15. Easy Availability and Accessibility:
The popularity of Honda bikes means that used models are widely available in the market.
Whether you prefer browsing online listings or visiting local dealerships, finding a used Honda bike that suits your needs is convenient and hassle-free.
16. Community and Camaraderie:
Riding a Honda bike opens the door to a vibrant community of riders who share a passion for the brand.
Joining clubs, forums, and events allows you to connect with fellow Honda enthusiasts, share experiences, and embark on memorable rides together.
17. Family-Friendly Options:
Honda offers a range of bikes suitable for riders of all ages and experience levels.
From entry-level models ideal for beginners to family-friendly cruisers with comfortable seating, Honda has options for the whole family to enjoy.
18. Road Trip Worthy:
Planning a cross-country adventure? A used Honda bike can be your trusty companion on epic road trips.
With comfortable ergonomics, ample storage options, and reliable performance, you can explore new horizons with confidence.
19. Timeless Style:
Honda bikes are known for their timeless designs that blend form and function seamlessly.
Whether you prefer classic elegance, sporty aggression, or modern sophistication, there's a used Honda bike that matches your aesthetic preferences.
20. Satisfaction of Ownership:
Last but certainly not least, owning a used Honda bike brings a sense of pride and satisfaction.
From the exhilaration of the ride to the admiration of fellow riders, owning a Honda bike is a rewarding experience that transcends mere transportation.
Tips Before Buying Used Honda Bikes
Are you considering buying a used Honda bike? Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner, purchasing a pre-owned motorcycle requires careful consideration to ensure you get the best value for your money. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind before sealing the deal on your used Honda bike purchase:
1. Research the Model:
Before starting your search, research the specific Honda bike model you're interested in. Learn about its features, specifications, common issues, and market value.
Knowing the model's strengths and weaknesses will help you make an informed decision and negotiate confidently.
2. Set a Budget:
Determine your budget for buying a used Honda bike, including not just the purchase price but also additional expenses like registration, insurance, and potential repairs.
Having a clear budget in mind will narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
3. Check the Bike's History:
Obtain the bike's service records and history of ownership. A well-maintained bike with regular servicing indicates a reliable machine.
Look for any past accidents, major repairs, or outstanding financial obligations that might affect the bike's condition and legal status.
4. Inspect Thoroughly:
Conduct a detailed inspection of the bike, both visually and mechanically. Look for signs of wear, rust, or damage on the frame, engine, suspension, brakes, and tires.
Test the bike's electrical systems, lights, switches, and controls to ensure everything functions properly.
5. Test Ride the Bike:
Always take the bike for a test ride before making a decision. Pay attention to how it handles, accelerates, brakes, and responds to different road conditions.
Use the test ride to assess the bike's comfort, ergonomics, and overall riding experience.
6. Verify Legal Documents:
Check the bike's registration certificate (RC), insurance papers, pollution under control (PUC) certificate, and any other relevant documents.
Ensure that the seller has clear ownership of the bike and all documents are valid and up to date.
7. Consider the Mileage:
While Honda bikes are known for their durability, consider the mileage on the used bike. Lower mileage generally indicates less wear and tear on the engine and components.
However, don't discount bikes with higher mileage if they have been well-maintained and serviced regularly.
8. Research Market Prices:
Compare prices of similar used Honda bikes in the market to gauge a fair and competitive offer.
Websites, online marketplaces, and classified ads can provide valuable insights into prevailing market prices for the model you're interested in.
9. Bring a Mechanic or Expert:
If you're not well-versed in motorcycle mechanics, consider bringing along a knowledgeable friend, mechanic, or expert when inspecting the bike.
Their expertise can help identify hidden issues, evaluate the bike's condition, and provide valuable advice.
10. Negotiate Wisely:
Be prepared to negotiate the price based on the bike's condition, market value, and any additional factors you've identified during inspection.
Don't hesitate to ask questions, point out flaws, and negotiate for a fair deal that suits your budget and expectations.
11. Check for Recalls:
Visit Honda's official website or the relevant authorities' recall database to check if the bike model has any outstanding recalls.
Ensure that any necessary recalls or safety issues have been addressed by the seller before purchase.
12. Assess the Tires and Brakes:
Inspect the condition of the tires for tread wear, cracks, or uneven wear patterns. Worn-out tires may need immediate replacement.
Test the brakes to ensure they are responsive and effective. Spongy brakes or unusual noises could indicate brake system issues.
13. Look for Aftermarket Modifications:
Check if the bike has any aftermarket modifications such as exhaust systems, handlebars, or lights.
While some modifications can enhance performance or aesthetics, poorly installed or incompatible modifications may cause problems.
14. Consider Warranty and Insurance:
Inquire if the used Honda bike comes with any remaining warranty from the manufacturer or dealership.
Explore insurance options for the bike, comparing quotes from different providers to get the best coverage at an affordable premium.
15. Trust Your Instincts:
Finally, trust your instincts and intuition when making the decision to buy. If something feels off or too good to be true, take a step back and reassess.
Don't rush into a purchase; take your time to ensure you're getting a bike that meets your requirements and feels right for you.
In conclusion
Buying a used Honda bike offers a host of benefits that make it an attractive choice for riders of all kinds. Whether you prioritise reliability, value, performance, or style, there's a Honda model out there to match your preferences. From fuel-efficient commuters to adrenaline-pumping sport bikes, the world of used Honda bikes is yours to explore. So, why wait? Head to your nearest dealership or browse online listings to find the perfect ride that fits both your budget and your passion for the open road. Happy riding!
FAQs about Buying Used Honda Bikes
Are used Honda bikes reliable?
Yes, used Honda bikes are known for their legendary reliability. Honda has a reputation for building motorcycles with durable engines, solid construction, and dependable performance. When properly maintained, a used Honda bike can offer many years of trouble-free riding.
What factors should I consider when buying a used Honda bike?
Several factors should be considered when buying a used Honda bike:
Condition: Thoroughly inspect the bike for any signs of damage, wear, or rust.
Mileage and Usage: Consider the bike's mileage to gauge how much it has been ridden.
Service History: Check the service records to ensure regular maintenance has been performed.
Ownership History: Verify the bike's ownership history to ensure there are no legal issues.
Market Value: Research the market value of the specific model to ensure a fair price.
Parts Availability: Check the availability and cost of spare parts for the model.
What are the advantages of buying a used Honda bike over a new one?
There are several advantages to buying a used Honda bike:
Cost-Effective: Used bikes are generally more affordable than new ones.
Value Retention: Honda bikes tend to retain their value well, offering good resale potential.
Proven Performance: Many used Honda models have a track record of solid performance.
Variety: A wide range of models is available in the used market, catering to different preferences and budgets.
Lower Insurance Costs: Insurance premiums for used bikes are typically lower than those for new ones.
How can I ensure the used Honda bike I'm buying is in good condition?
To ensure the bike is in good condition:
Inspect Thoroughly: Check for any signs of damage, wear, or rust on the bike.
Test Ride: Take the bike for a test ride to assess its performance, handling, and comfort.
Service Records: Review the bike's service records to ensure it has been well-maintained.
Consult a Mechanic: Have a mechanic inspect the bike for any hidden issues or concerns.
Are used Honda bikes fuel-efficient?
Yes, Honda bikes are known for their fuel-efficient engines. Whether you're commuting in the city or cruising on the highway, a used Honda bike can help you save money on fuel costs.
Can I customize a used Honda bike?
Yes, Honda bikes offer a wide range of customization options. From aftermarket exhaust systems to stylish decals and accessories, you can personalize your used Honda bike to reflect your personality and style.
What is the resale value of a used Honda bike?
Honda bikes generally have good resale value due to their reputation for reliability and quality. When the time comes to sell or upgrade your used Honda bike, you can expect a competitive resale price.
Are spare parts readily available for used Honda bikes?
Yes, genuine Honda spare parts are readily available for used bikes. Honda boasts a vast network of authorized dealers and service centers worldwide, making it convenient to find the parts you need.
How can I negotiate the price when buying a used Honda bike?
To negotiate the price effectively:
Research Market Value: Know the market value of the specific model.
Highlight Imperfections: Point out any flaws or issues during the inspection.
Compare Prices: Compare prices from different sellers to gauge a fair offer.
Be Prepared to Walk Away: Don't hesitate to walk away if the seller isn't willing to negotiate.
Negotiate Extras: Negotiate for extras such as warranty, servicing, or accessories included in the deal.
What is the process for transferring ownership of a used Honda bike?
The process for transferring ownership varies by location but generally includes the following steps: -
Documentation: Gather all necessary documents, including the RC (Registration Certificate), insurance papers, PUC (Pollution Under Control) certificate, and NOC (No Objection Certificate) if applicable.
Seller's End: The seller should fill out the relevant forms and sign the necessary paperwork.
Buyer's End: The buyer needs to submit the required documents and pay the transfer fees.
RTO Visit: Both parties may need to visit the Regional Transport Office (RTO) for the transfer of ownership.
Can I find used Honda bikes with advanced features and technology?
Yes, many used Honda bikes come equipped with advanced features such as fuel injection systems, ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), digital displays, and more. You can enjoy modern bike technology at a lower price point.
Are there any specific models of used Honda bikes recommended for long-distance touring?
Yes, Honda offers several models that are well-suited for long-distance touring, such as the Honda CBR series, Honda Goldwing, Honda Africa Twin, and Honda CB500X. These bikes are designed for comfort, reliability, and performance on extended journeys.
Can I get insurance for a used Honda bike?
Yes, insurance is available for used Honda bikes. Many insurance providers offer comprehensive coverage, third-party liability, and add-on options such as zero depreciation and roadside assistance for added protection.
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