#Total: 4 Hours 52 Minutes
thedailyvio · 7 months
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Day 303
"Leave my camera, I need it!"
125 notes · View notes
me-loving-woso · 7 months
Rebuilding the Family aka Monthly visits Part 4
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Hey! Okay, I know I have been MIA for more than two months, BUT you have to be proud of me because I finished another part of Monthly visits AND started part 2 of Bruises Apologies and Cookies. This is Part 4 of Monthly visits I hope you enjoy. It's not proofread but I wanted to give y'all something. These are the previous Chapters: Monthly visits, Meeting the Family, The Aftermath
“Alexia?” Your hand dropped from the door knob to your side. You were definitely surprised to see her.
“Hi.” She greets you shyly, so timidly that you can’t recognize her voice. You cross your arms, waiting for her to continue. “Is it a bad time? Should I come some other time? I can totally come tomorrow, maybe at a more decent time. I should go-“
“Alexia, slow down. You are rambling. Do you want to come in? This is your house too, and you might miss Nala.” You offer her. She gave you a shy smile and entered her home.
“I missed it here. The hotel room sucked.” She says tiredly, yawning. You could see from her face that she hadn’t slept much. You figured that she has probably been on the plane or in an airport these past two days.
“How long have you been awake?” You ask her worriedly while she kneels on the floor, reuniting with her dog after so much. 
She looks at her watch, which her father used to wear, “52 hours now.” She says, looking at you. “I missed you so much, Y/n. I’m really sorry about all of it. I know I have much explaining to do, and you probably have much, if not more, to say to me. But the last two days have been pretty intense. And I really need a hug, please.” She looks at you, nearly begging for it, with glassy eyes.
“Come here.” She puts down the little dog and almost runs towards you, putting her arms on your neck, trying to keep you as close as possible for at least a minute. 
“I’m really sorry. Do you hate me now?”
You remove her from your embrace, cupping her face. “I could never hate you, okay? Now, we have many things to discuss, and you, woman, you have a lot of making up to do. And not the sex type, okay?” You whisper, not wanting to wake up the kids. She puts her hands on top of yours and nods, pulling your foreheads together.
Then you push her, maybe a little too harshly, making her look at you extremely confused. “And this is because you went MIA for two days after storming out of a match. Power move, by the way. But you made me extremely worried. I nearly booked a flight to New Zealand because of you.” You point your finger at her.
“My phone died just before I went to the airport. I’m sorry if I worried you.” She apologizes, looking at the floor.
“I’ll text your mom, sister, and our teammates that you are safe, here with me.” She nods, yawning again.
“Alexia, you should go to sleep. You are exhausted.”
“But we have to talk; I need to make it right. I need-“She pleads.
“No buts. Now you go to sleep; tomorrow, when you are more rested, we will talk about everything, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll go to the hotel down the street and call you tomorrow?” She asks, hopeful. 
“Have you already booked the room?”
“Have you already booked the room at the hotel?”
“No, I didn’t. Hopefully, they have a spare room for me.” She says, scratching her eyes, making you smile at her cuteness. You always loved it when she was tired. She was less composed and in control and more herself.
“Stay here.” You say earnestly. “I bet you miss your bed and old clothes; I just cleaned your favorite shirt, which you wear only on special occasions. Plus, this is your house, too. You shouldn’t sleep in a hotel.”
“Only if you are okay with it. And the kids, of course. How are they, by the way?”
“They are great; Ava misses you a lot.”
“She’s a little mad that you left me and didn’t say goodbye to them. She’s just very protective, but she’ll come around. We’ll talk more about it later. Now go to sleep, Ale.”
She goes up the stairs but stops midway, “Aren’t you coming?”
“Do you want some company while you get ready to bed?” You joke.
“Always.” She smiles, making you go into the bedroom with her. While she goes in the shower, you sit on the edge of the bed, texting everyone that Alexia is here with you and there is nothing to worry about.
As soon as she leaves the bathroom, you see her with half-dried hair, only with some shorts and her shirt on. She goes on the edge of her part of the bed and gets inside the sheets, making you turn your body to look at her.
“Goodnight Alexia.” You stand up, not knowing what to do; it was the second time you didn’t sleep on the same bed, the first time being when you stole the keys to the pitch.
“Wait, where are you sleeping?”
“On the couch with Nala.”
“But I thought-“
“I can’t sleep with you, Alexia; we need to discuss what happened with Vilda and us. I’m still mad and hurt. So tomorrow, the kids will probably be out all morning, so that is when we’ll talk if that’s what you want.”
“That’s all I want.”
“Then it’s settled. Goodnight.” 
“Night.” You give her a last look, and then you go downstairs. 
The following day, you wake up early with an ache from sleeping on the couch all over your body. The first thing you do is to silently check on Alexia; you find her still sleeping, hugging your pillow. You leave her a note saying that you will be going soon and coming back in approximately an hour.
You bring Ava to Nico, who offered to take Ava out after yesterday’s casual visit from Alexia so that you could talk properly with her. Meanwhile, Lucia would be going to the pitch again because she wanted to start the season with Barcelona B prepared and in shape. You admired her dedication, even though you told her it was unnecessary. 
As soon as you got home, past 10 am, you found Alexia with a cup of coffee in her hand while she was scrolling through some news on her tablet; this felt very familiar, making you not know how to feel. This thought was soon interrupted by Nala, who ran to you, waiting for cuddles; this made Alexia turn around to you and smile.
“Good Morning.”
“Good Morning to you, too.” You picked up the dog and gave her some food, then went to the kitchen, putting the car keys on the countertop.
“If you want, there is some coffee left.” She informs you while you rummage through your cabinets, trying to find a mug. 
“I really missed your coffee.” You say, looking at her, sitting down in front of her, “You can’t cook for shit, but you always know how to make great coffee.”
“I can cook!” She says, offended.
“We both know that you can cook only two dishes.” You chuckle.
“Okay, that’s true.” She agrees, chuckling, then turning the conversation into a very awkward silence.
Both of you hated confrontation, so this was going to be interesting. You knew that you had to talk, or else you could risk losing each other, which neither of you was looking forward to, but simultaneously, you didn’t want to have any uncomfortable conversations.
“Alex-“You both say at the same time, stopping, trying to make the other speak. This was going to be complicated.
“You go.” You offer.
“Okay.” She takes a deep breath. “I just wanted to apologize for everything. I’m so sorry. What I did was shitty and cowardly.” She says, keeping her face as open as possible.
“You just did what you felt was right at that moment. I mean, the timing was a little bad. Really bad. But you did what you thought was right.”
“I realized something while I was away.” 
“I remember that some time ago, a really bad interviewer asked me who did I play for. Initially, I didn’t reply because I thought it was a weird question to ask, which completely discredits my career. But when I came home, I thought about it and realized I didn’t know. I know that when my dad died, I played for him and dedicated everything to him, and I still do. But somewhere along the way, I realized I don’t know anymore. Since I won the Ballon d’Or, everybody wanted to talk to me and wanted me to perform and play in a certain way. Still, after returning from my ACL, the expectations were even higher. How was I supposed to play freely when everybody wanted me to play another way? In all honesty, I was in some way jealous of you. You didn’t change, and if someone pressured you, you would tell them to fuck off or wouldn’t listen to them. What really grounded me was that I could come back home to you, and everything was normal and good. You gave me stability in my hectic life. And when we got the kids, I-“
“So now it’s the kids’ fault? Don’t blame it on them or me, okay?” You say a little defensively. “I gave you a choice and gave you an out many times, and you signed the fucking custody papers with me, so don’t tell me that you weren’t given any choice or some other excuse.” You cross your arms, waiting for her to speak up, while she sighs defeated.
“It’s not that, Y/n; I always wanted to have kids, you know that. I always knew that I wanted kids with you, and I don’t blame it on the kids or you. I only blame it on myself. Okay? I feel like shit; I swore to you that I would never leave you.”
“No, you don’t get it, you made me feel like I was back again with my parents, and they told me to fuck off and to never show up again and gave me no explanation. I felt like I did something wrong. I have been dying inside since you left me, trying to understand why. It felt like you took me for granted.” You say vulnerably, trying to keep your emotions at bay, something the person in front of you was failing.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so selfish. I-I didn’t think about that.” She says now, wiping her tears away from her eyes. You always hated it when she cried. “I’m such an idiot. I know I fucked up Y/n. I was trying to say that I realized that my family is the only people I have to care about and be accountable for my actions. And you are my family. You and the kids. And I’m really sorry that I haven’t figured it out sooner. But I’ll do whatever it takes to make you believe that and trust me again.”
“Took you long enough.” You chuckle wetly, her little speech making you emotional; nobody has ever told you that you were their family or part of one.
“Please tell me that is not too late.” She asks pleading.
“That is up to you.” You say earnestly. “My priority now is the kids. And I need you to show me that I will be one of your priorities and that I’m not taken for granted, and what you did won’t happen again because I don’t think I could survive that.”
“I’ll do anything. I’ll leave football if you want me to. You are too important and the only thing that matters.” She says desperately, but you could see that she wasn’t lying, and that was all that you needed to hear. 
“Okay, maybe nothing that extreme. But you’ll have to make it up to me properly.” You give her a playful smirk. “You can start by taking me on a date. I want to be wooed and be given flowers. If you want me, you’ll have to start again from the beginning. Clean slate. And this doesn’t mean that everything is forgotten.”
She smiled shyly, nodding, but you could see she was happy you had given her a second chance. “Let’s see if you still have some game after nearly four years.” You tease her, winking.
“Oh, I definitely do.” She says confidently, making you shake your head in awe.
“Now, come here. I missed you, Amorcito.” You say not containing yourself anymore. You were glad that you managed to clear the air with Alexia. Even though you knew that it wouldn’t be like before, you were taking those steps in the right direction. “You made me worry so much during the match.” You say while she rounds the table and sits on your lap. You hug her sides and put your head on her chest. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am.” She kisses you on the top of your head, bringing you closer.
“Are you sure?” You whisper.
“Can you tell me what happened?” 
“Let’s get on the couch first.” She stands up, takes your hand, and leads you to the living room. She sat between your legs and began telling you what happened during the World Cup. How Jorge was always trying to blame the team if his ideas weren’t working, and how he would always target Alexia, making little comments about how since she broke her ACL, she wasn’t playing the same, and that if it weren’t for her popularity, he wouldn’t have even put her on the roster. To ‘punish’ her, he stripped her of her role as team captain, stating that her leadership wasn’t needed.
“I totally disagree with that,” you say, getting angrier as she continues talking.
“I didn’t know what to think anymore, and I started believing in what he was saying. We were underperforming, and for him, I was the one to blame, even though we were in eleven to play in a match.”
Then she explained to you what happened in the match against the USA. The morale in the squad was already low, and in all that, he began guilt-tripping the players.
“As soon as the final whistle blew, everyone was sad, but I felt relieved; I finally didn’t have to endure that anymore. I went to drink some water, and he snatched the bottle from me; I think he told me I didn’t deserve to drink because I disappointed the whole nation, and I laughed at his face. He grabbed my arm, and he began insulting me and telling me every little thing I did wrong. Then Ona and Aitana approached us and tried to understand what was happening. I didn’t want them to be involved or that Jorge would begin releasing his anger on them, so I tried to push them away, but they wouldn’t budge.”
“They tried to protect you.” You explain, stating the obvious.
“I know, but unintentionally, they made it worse. He started getting personal, telling me nobody cared about me and that if you cared about me, you would’ve been here. And that nobody gives a shit about me, if not for my status. I laughed at him and walked out.” She says without displaying any emotions whatsoever.
“He’s such an asshole. You don’t have to believe him a bit. You are a great player and a great person. Nobody should ever doubt that, okay?”
She nods, still with some uncertainty in her eyes. You take her face in your hands and make her look at you. “Okay?” You say emphatically.
“Okay.” She smiles at you, then sinks into your embrace, trying to find comfort.
“So, how are the kids?” You smile at her question and begin to tell her everything that happened. How they met some of your teammates, Mapi, and especially what Lucia had told everybody.
“And then she told Paños, Patri, and Claudia that I was a better mom this month than her real mother had been in sixteen years. And I don’t know Alexia, but I felt like what I did, what we did for them, was worth all of it, from the social workers to building a bedroom from our closet. I felt so happy. And you know, it gave me the hope that maybe I can be a good mom for them.” You say hopefully, feeling a little embarrassed. You hide your face in the crook of her neck.
“Of course, you are a great mom and don’t have to be ashamed. Carry it with pride.” She says to you proudly, caressing your cheek. “I hope that someday I could be that for them too.”
“You will. Kids love you.” You say earnestly. “Oh, and by the way, I think Lucia might have a secret boyfriend.”
“Wait, what?” She removes herself from your embrace and sits with her legs crossed on the couch before you, grinning curiously.
“She always goes to bed early, never wants me to train with her at the pitch, always hides her phone notifications from me, even though I never look at her phone screen, and she seems happier.”
“But how?”
“I genuinely don’t know. Or maybe she’s tired of me and doesn’t want me around for training. Those are the two options. I genuinely don’t know which one to hope for.” She chuckles.
“Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad. You were sixteen too once.”
“Oh, shut up; you know I didn’t do relationships when I was younger. If it’s actually true, though, I think I will have a mental breakdown.”
“You are so dramatic. By the way, I love this worried mom look that you have on right now.” She pokes your sides while you blush.
“You’ll have to deal with him.” You say, pointing your finger at her.
“Okay, I will, just for you.” She chuckles. “I really missed this. It’s good to be home.” She says seriously, taking your hands.
“Take me on a date first, woman!” You give a gentle slap to her hands and put them on your sides.
“I will. I will pull all of my tricks. Open the car door for you, get you flowers, and walk you to your door.”
“So cliché.” You roll your eyes.
“Don’t act as if you don’t like it.” She teases you. 
You talked until it was time to get the girls home. It was good to finally have her back. You missed talking and laughing with her so much. You finally felt normal, full. And even though you both knew that there was still some making up to do and that it was best not to go back immediately to your old relationship, this start made you hopeful.
“Ale, I have to go now.” You say, smiling, while she tightens your embrace around your sides, not making you leave.
“No! I just have you back! I don’t want you to leave.” She says pouting.
“You are talking like you haven’t seen me in ten years.” You chuckle. “It has only been a month!”
“But it has been a very long month!” She says pouting.
“You have to go to your mom and sister; they were worried sick about you. And I have to pick up the kids.”
“Okay, but tomorrow I’ll pick you up for our date.”
“Oh wow, aren’t we confident?” “What if I am not available tomorrow? I might have something else to do.” You tease her.
“Like what?” She grins.
“I might have another date to go to. You know, I am a very highly wanted woman.” You joke.
She frowns, looking at you, crossing her arms. “No, you don’t! Right?” She asks you insecurely. 
“No, I don’t.” You chuckle while standing up from the couch, wanting to get ready.
“When will I see the kids?” She asks shyly.
“Whenever you want to. But if it’s okay with you, I’d like to wait after our date.”
“I’m okay with whatever you want.”
“I have to go now.” You say, walking to her and stopping a meter away from her.
“So tomorrow?”
“I’ll let you know.” You give her a wink. “Goodbye Ale. You can go whenever you are ready. I’ll see you soon.”
When both the girls are in the car, you explain to them that Alexia will be back. She won’t live in the same house as you now, but she’ll still come around. Ava was thrilled to hear that; you knew she missed Ale a lot, whereas Lucia would scoff or roll her eyes whenever you talked about Alexia. You first noticed this at the beginning of the World Cup, and you didn’t know whether to confront her about it or ignore it. 
After you told Mapi about everything with Alexia the next day, she offered to stay over to watch Ava, as Lucia didn’t need much to be taken care of.
It was 5pm, and you were a little nervous. She didn’t tell you where you would go, so you didn’t know how to dress or what to expect.Thankfully she sent you a text.
‘We are going somewhere to eat. I know that you are probably freaking out because you don’t know where we are going or how to dress. Dress comfy and casual. I know that you hate dressing up.’
You chuckled at the fact that she seemed to be reading your thoughts. 
You decided to go for some shorts and a top, and in the meantime, while you waited, you went downstairs. You had the house all by yourself, which meant that you could do anything you wanted, with nobody judging, that is, working on the 1000-piece puzzle that you and the girls decided to start three days ago.
You were shit at puzzling. You knew that. The girls knew that. Everybody knew that. But stubborn as you are, you decided to prove everyone wrong.
Thank god that your attempt to puzzle was stopped by a car parking and your doorbell. You open the door and find Alexia with flowers hiding her smile.
“Hello.” She says shyly, giving you the flowers; you find her so adorable that you almost cannot keep yourself from kissing her. She gives you the flowers.
“Thank you.” You make her come inside your home and put them in a vase with water, not wanting to ruin them. “So where are we going?”
“Patience.” She chuckles at your excitement.
“Ugh. I hate surprises.”
“No, you love them, but you hate being at the center of the attention or not being in control.”
“Stop it. I hate that you know me too well.” 
“After three years of relationship, it would be weird if I didn’t.”
You smile, agreeing, then ask her, “Do you want to take Nala?”
“It’s better if we don’t; we are going in an indoor place. We can leave her to my mom’s house.” 
As you left your house, you went to Alexia’s car; she opened the door for you and closed it, then hopped in and began driving.
She had both hands on the steering wheel, which was something new, as she would always take your hand or put it on your thigh. She watched the road when you took her hand, making her snap out of her trance and look at you. You put both hands on your thigh, making her smile at your action, then resuming looking at the road. Her hand never left yours, and you got it back when the night ended.
As you saw the car turning right to a pub, you squealed happily. “No, you didn’t!”
“I did.” She replies, wearing a proud smile.
“We haven’t been here in so long!” You add, hugging her arm.
“I know! We should’ve come here more often. That is why I decided to bring you here. This place means so much to us.”
You remember going to this pub for the first time after your first date with Alexia. It was a beach day trip; you had brought food, playing cards, and books. It was a beautiful date; you loved going to the beach and going together made it a plus. What you didn’t expect was the rain. You had planned to stay there also for dinner, but the weather made other plans, so you both ran to your car laughing, and after a while of wandering around the streets, you found this pub. It was old and broke many hygiene standards, but you didn’t care. You were hungry and wanted a place to stay for when the rain would stop. What actually made you fall in love with the place wasn’t the fact that the owners were crazy as fuck or that there was a pool table available. It was their impromptu karaoke/stand-up comedy nights.
The first time you went there, there was this guy you didn’t even know the name of who would sing or tell jokes while nobody was listening. He was bad. Like really bad. He would sing the most complicated songs: Amy Winehouse, Beyoncé, Celine Dion, all of them. On your date with Alexia, as soon as you heard him sing for the first time, your hope for a nice, quiet evening was thrown away. His bad singing skills caught you so off guard that you nearly spit all your drink on Alexia, choking on your drink, throwing a fit of coughs, making you go to the bathroom. Thank god he didn’t see you. 
As soon as you got back to the table, you both burst out laughing and decided to invent a story around his persona: he had a really weird 80s-style haircut, so you named him John Travolta, but since he was Spanish, his name was Juan Travolta. He was a very important accountant for many big companies but burnt out all his money on pony races and dog beauty contests. Leaving him with crushing debts, he decided to live off his wild passion: entertain others. After his fantastic performance of ‘My Heart Will Go On’, he began ‘the second part of the night’, as he claimed. Which was stand-up comedy/improv. For the few people in the pub, you and Alexia were the only ones listening, too curious not to do that. It was your second drink, and you found it hard to not stop yourself from laughing at the absurdity of all of it; while Alexia was giving you kicks under the table, trying to make you stop, it only made it worse.
Somehow, his comedy was even worse than his singing. He would try to make some jokes, but they never landed. Once, he even tried to memorize the monologue of a famous comedian, but that still didn’t do the trick. You figured he wasn’t cut out to be a comedian or a singer, but you appreciated his resilience and confidence. You wish that you had his confidence.
Since that first time at the pub, it had become yours and Alexia’s place. You would go there for date nights, when you wanted to have a laugh or when you wanted to be left alone. And even though the entertainment was shitty, the food was borderline poisonous, and the drinks were questionable, it had become a tradition for the both of you to go there whenever you went on a beach trip. It wasn’t the greatest place, but it was your place, and the memories you made there were ones you would cherish for the rest of your life. There, Alexia asked you to be her girlfriend, and you asked her to move in with you. It was a special place for your relationship with her, so Alexia knew what she did when she brought you there for your date. 
“Wait. Do you know if Juan Travolta still performs here?” You grin excitedly.
“I guess we’ll find out.” 
Alexia parks the car, and you don’t even wait for her to open the door for you, so you exit the car almost immediately. You quickly took her hand and dragged her inside. The place was exactly the same as it was the last time. Squicky floor, the same weird old owner behind the bar, and there he was. Juan. You smile excitedly, turning to Alexia, who rolls her eyes happily. Then you both sit at your usual table. You ordered some drinks and something to eat. While you waited for your order, you listened to Juan, who you thought was improving, shocking the both of you. Still, then he tried to make a high-pitched voice for a part of a song, and you realized that he was just as bad as you remembered him to be.
“I want him to sing at my wedding.” You say, clearly forgetting you were talking to the person you probably would marry.
“We are not making him perform at our wedding.” She says sternly.
“Our wedding?” You tease her, making her slightly blush.
“Yes, our wedding.” She says confidently.
“Where’s the ring, then?” You chuckle.
“Patience.” She remarks, making your heart flutter.
“If it’s not Juan, you would probably want Rosalia at our wedding; you are obsessed with her.”
“I am not.”
“Oh, you do. And what is more concerning is that she would probably say yes, she loves you.” You add. “But Juan Travolta, for me, is still my first choice.” 
It was good to be back with Alexia; you hadn’t had a date night in so long, and you finally felt normal again with her by your side. There were just some people that whenever you are with them, it just feels right. Like they are a small part of you. And even when you want to be alone with your thoughts, you don’t care if they are there because they belong with you. And that person was for you, Alexia. And in the same place you were in that very moment, a year before you realized that she was the only one it was worth spending your life with, and after that, you continuously left a piece of your heart for her to encompass and make it hers.
As soon as you finished eating, you both decided to have a shot at the pool table. Juan had just finished singing and now told some really bad and pathetic jokes. 
“So, are we placing any bets?” You grin competitively.
“We can do that if you want.” She says, rounding the pool table and putting all the balls in the triangle.
“If I win, which I will, I want you to make me coffee for two weeks.”
“I can bring you coffee every day, but if I win, which I will, you’ll have to give me a back massage.”
“I can be okay with that. You know that I’m low-key obsessed with your back and all of your tattoos. It won’t be a problem.”
“And dye your hair purple.” She chuckles.
“Oh hell nah.”
“So you are walking out on the bet?” She asks competitively.
“Never. You’ll just have to lose. Simple as that.” 
The competition was on. The pool table was isolated from the rest of the pub, meaning you could cheat a little. Your plan was to distract Alexia. A very challenging plan. Your captain had a mind and focus of steel.
It was your turn now, and Alexia was wearing her usual cocky smirk that would infuriate you at how good-looking it was. Fortunately for you, you were able to make two balls enter the hole, but then you missed. It was Alexia’s turn now. You were down one ball, but not for long. You casually walked towards her and saw her bend on the pool table, trying to take aim. You took your chance. You put your hand on her lower back under her shirt, and then you lean in, whispering in her ear. “If I remember correctly, you always loved bending like this for me, but you always had fewer clothes on than now.” You smirk, leaving a kiss behind her ear.
“Y/n.” She cautioned you reprimanding.
“What? I am just stating a fact. Come on, do your shot.” You smirk, leaving her a little flustered. She takes in a deep breath, but then you put your hand on her side, slowly going down. She took aim again, but she missed the shot, making you give her a mischievous smirk. Both of your competitive natures were about to arise, and that meant that Alexia would be playing dirty, too.
“I thought you had a nerve of steel, capitana.” You remark, making her look at you slightly annoyed.
“You started something, Y/n; I’m going to end it.” 
It was your turn now, and you were hoping that Alexia wouldn’t be doing something that would make you not focus. You were ready to take aim when she basically put her whole front to your back, putting her hands inside your t-shirt and slowly massaging right under your breasts, “You are wearing this little top; that is making me crazy. So much skin to touch, I don’t know where to put my hands.”
She whispers, making your brain completely numb and very hazy. She smirked at your reaction, then quickly moved away from you, leaning on the pool table to your left, “Now, come on. Do your shot.” She repeats the same thing that you said before. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to take her out of your mind, but it is too late; the 8 ball goes in, and you lose the game. She wins. 
“Fuck.” She chuckles, making a little bow and making you roll your eyes. 
“You’ll get ’em next time.” She teases.
“I can’t even say that you cheated because I did it before you.” You hunch your back, defeated. “So purple?” you add.
“Yep. And a back massage.”
“No coffee?”
“Since I am a wonderful person and I am the bigger person, I can still bring you coffee. I would hate to see you sad that you lost your bet.” She says, trying to conceal a smile, “You poor loser.” She says while caressing your head, giving you some comfort. You slap her hand away from you, “I might be a sore loser, but you, Alexia Putellas, you are an asshole.”
“Well, this asshole is better than you at pool.”
“I want a rematch.”
“Maybe next time. It’s getting late.” The night was going so well that you totally forgot about the time. It was 10pm, and you promised Ava to be there for bedtime.
So you quickly exited the pub and went in the car. Without hesitation, Alexia put her hand on your thigh and drove. In the car, you began reminiscing about the places you went together and gossiped about your neighbors. 
As soon as you got home, she walked you to the door and waited hesitatingly. “So you want to come in to say hi to the kids? They’ll love to see you.” You offer.
“Are you sure?” She smiles, hoping for a positive response.
“Come inside.” You take her by the hand and go inside your house with her. In the living room, you saw Mapi exhausted on the couch while Ava was sleeping with her head on her lap, and Lucia was nowhere to be found.
As soon as you went inside the living room, Mapi turned to see you, then she gently moved Ava and went to greet you. You went into the kitchen to not make noise. There, Mapi slaps Alexia on the shoulder, making her recoil.
“What was this for?” She whispers, annoyed.
Your best friend points the finger at her. “This. It’s for going MIA for two days without saying anything AND leaving Y/n. What were you thinking?” She pushes Alexia’s head with her fingers.
“Maria.” You look at her sternly.
“I’m sorry, Mapi, for everything. I was in a really weird place mentally, but now I’m good.” You could see that she was a little more convinced. “Can I have a hug? I haven’t seen you in a while now!” The two friends hugged and then began to catch up. After a while, your friend said goodbye and left, not without thanking her for what she did. 
“I’m taking Ava to bed. Do you want to come with me?”
She slowly nods at your offer, and you both go to your living room. Lucia was still outside, which made you and Alexia share puzzled looks with each other.
You wake up Ava and tell her it’s time to bed. She slowly opened her eyelids and looked around, blinking twice when she saw Alexia.
“Alexia!” She says excitedly, still very sleepy.
“Hi, mi nena, let’s go to bed, it’s very late.” She says, smiling, caressing her cheek. She makes grabby hands for the older woman to pick her up, which she gladly does, always wearing her biggest smile; she probably missed the girls very much. 
She picks her up and takes her to her bed. She then tucks the bed sheets, and you hear them converse.
“Go to sleep, Ava.” She says, looking at her like she is the world’s most precious thing.
“Will you come tomorrow?”
“Yes, I will. I’ll come whenever you want me to. Now go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
She exits her room and closes it, walking towards you.
“She really missed you.” You say to her while she hugs you on the side.
“I missed her too. But where is the other one? Is she still on the phone?” 
“No, she just ended it; I’ll go to her.” You go outside, and you call out her name. 
“Lucia?” You ask while she is still looking at her phone. 
She jumps at your voice, nearly throwing her phone.
“Oh hey, Y/n!” She says as if she were caught red-handed.
“Do you want to come in inside? It’s getting cold.” You offer her. 
“Okay.” She comes inside, gives an awkward wave at Alexia, and then goes to her room, saying goodnight to you before closing the door.
You turn around to Alexia, “She is definitely hiding something.”
“So for tomorrow.” She had her hands behind her back. She had this cute little habit when she was shying away from asking permission for something. You took her hands from behind her back and laced them with yours. 
“Why are you getting so shy all of a sudden?” You chuckle, making her blush.
“I told Ava that I would be coming over tomorrow morning because she wouldn’t sleep if not. So, I was trying to ask you if I could come over?”
“Of course you can. You have to make me coffee.” You remark as if it was the most obvious thing. 
“Then I should get going.” She says awkwardly, clearly not wanting to leave.
“You can always stay over for the night.” You push her more towards you, leaving only a few centimeters. “I really enjoyed the date. We went to our place, we played pool, and tomorrow morning, you have to be here, so why not?” You offer. She begins giving you kisses all over your face, minus the lips, on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and jawline. You really missed her kisses.
“No.” She looks at you, making you give her a puzzled look. “I want to do things the right way, and I don’t want to rush anything.” She gives you a kiss on the nose. “Plus, on a first date, you never ask someone to stay the night!” Making you chuckle. “You wait at least for the third date. On the first date, you only ask for one thing…” 
You knew where this was going; she was going to ask you for a kiss. “What do you ask for?”
“For a kiss.” She states, getting all shy again. Then, her gaze softens, and her voice becomes serious. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, you can.” You take your hands and put them on her neck, slightly playing with the hair on the back of her head, while she takes your sides and gently leans in for a peck. 
“Just that?” You chuckle. “You have to give me more than that. I haven’t kissed you in more than a month.”
Without asking twice, she pulls you closer to her for a more passionate kiss that takes your breath away. It was needy, and it was full of passion. You both haven’t kissed each other in so long, and the constant teasing of the whole night made the both of you react in a desperate way for each other. You were slowly going forward in your new relationship with each other, but that didn’t mean you didn’t miss the small or big actions one did with the other’s body. You knew each other’s body perfectly, and frankly, you missed how much perfectly her lips would encapsulate yours or how she knew how much to push or how much you needed from her.
She pushes you to the wall and slowly traces her tongue on your lips, asking you for permission. You absolutely granted her that. Your mind was hazy, and you weren’t functioning properly. The both of you forgot that you were in a freaking house with kids that could walk in on you at any moment, but you didn’t care; you finally had your girl back. Both hands were roaming everywhere, clearly not containing your excitement. You always loved it when Alexia took control, and after a month of not feeling her body, hands, and lips on you, it made it all worse. After a period of time that was not enough for you, she put her forehead on yours, with the both of you panting for air.
She then begins giving you small pecks on the lips, “I.” Another peck, “Missed.” Another one. “This.” And finally, placing the last kiss on your lips, lingering a little.
“Wait, sorry. What did you miss? I didn’t quite understand. Can you show me again?” You tease her. She turns you around and then brings you even closer, lifting you in the air and kissing you again.
She then puts you on the ground and looks at you, giving you the smile that was only reserved for you. The real one showed all 32 teeth, but what made it special were her eyes. Whenever she smiled like that, her eyes would narrow, and her whole face would light up.
“I love you.” Before you can reply, she gives you another peck. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, mi amor.” And before you could reply to anything, she left the house, leaving you frozen in the spot. After two good minutes to compose yourself, you go upstairs to get ready for bed.
You were reading some book to get yourself tired and ready to sleep when you heard your phone buzz.
‘I just got home :)’
‘I really had fun today. I’m so glad you had given me a second chance.’
‘I’m glad too. But maybe next time, don’t run away like that.’
‘I won’t, I promise. Good night’
You put your phone away and go to sleep.
The next day was the last day before you, Alexia and Lucia would begin preseason. You were excited, but at the same time, you were a little worried about leaving Ava and sometimes Lucia for work. You hoped that when school for them would start, everything would get easier from there. It was 8 am, and as you got downstairs in your kitchen, you began your morning routine. Scroll through some news and wait for the kids to wake up. As you scroll on your phone, you receive a text from Alexia saying that she will be arriving soon. 
You had to go to the hospital with Ava for some check-ups, and you were really worried. With all your experience with hospitals with Nico, you always hated going inside there for check-ups, especially when one of your loved ones was involved. So you really hoped that the visit would go well. And even though every month, you spent at least three hours in a hospital trying to cheer up children who went through the same condition that your little brother had, you felt that on this occasion, it was different. This time, you went with your child, giving you a different type of fear.
As soon as Alexia arrived, you and the girls had breakfast together; needless to say, it was very awkward. Lucia was still annoyed with Alexia; Ava was really tired because you had to wake her up early. And you were already worried about going back to the hospital, so you were deep in your thoughts, continuously zoning out.
When Alexia noticed it, she put a hand on your thigh to give you some type of comfort; you both shared a look that made you understand how each other was feeling. This is what you loved and missed about your relationship with her, the way that you understood each other in every way, almost as if you both could read each other’s mind.
As soon as you finished breakfast, the girls went to their rooms to get ready, which left you and Alexia alone to do the dishes. You were cleaning them while she was drying the mugs. You were weirdly silent and clearly in your head.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
Alexia’s voice made you snap out of the trance. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. It’s just, today Ava has a visit with the oncologist, and I’m-“
“You are worried.” She finishes the sentence for you to understand how you are feeling.
“You already know that I hate going to the hospital for any medical reason, especially for people I care about. And I know that this is just a formality, but still, it’s making me have flashbacks of Nico.” You say in one breath.
“You don’t have to justify your feelings with me, okay?” She says, turning her head to you and giving you an earnest smile. You slowly nod, and then you finish up cleaning. “Do you want me to come with you?” She says while hugging you from behind, leaving some small kisses on your shoulders, trying to give you some comfort.
“You don’t have to. You might have some other stuff to do.” You say, turning your body around to face her.
“My family is more important.” She gives you a small peck on the lips, making your stomach flip.
“Do you love our little family so much that you would be willing to drive us?” You ask tentatively, with the both of you knowing how much you hated driving.
She chuckles, rolling her eyes. “Okay, I will.”
“So, what are your plans for the day?” You ask Alexia while she is driving you and the girls to the hospital. 
“So you know, what happened at the World Cup?”
You nod.
“Well, my agent wants me to release a video or write a note explaining what happened.”
“Do you already know what you are going to say?”
“I’m retiring from the national team.”
“Wait. Really?” You weren’t that shocked at the news; after what happened with Jorge, you knew that Alexia wouldn’t have returned to play if he was the coach.
“Yeah, and it’s not going to be only me.”
“Who else?”
“For now, Ona and Aitana, they are waiting for me to break the news. But many others will retire, too. I’ll tell you everything later in the afternoon when you’ll dye your hair.” She sends you a wink.
This made both girls turn to look at you.
“Are you dyeing your hair?” Lucia asks.
“I made a stupid bet with Alexia, and I lost it, so I have to dye my hair purple. She’s going to dye it for me, as I hate going to the hairdresser.” You cross your arms while the two young girls chuckle.
“Can I help? Can I help?” Ava asks excitedly.
“You know what? I don’t care anymore. Do whatever you want with my hair.” You say exasperated.
“Stop being so dramatic,” Alexia says, clearly mocking you.
“I’m not being dramatic.” You pout.
“Yes, you are being dramatic.” Lucia interjects, saying the first words since she got in the car. 
“If it turns out bad, I’ll blame it on the three of you.”
As you got inside the hospital, you went into the oncology department, where basically everybody knew you from all the visits that you did in the past years with the other players; what they didn’t know was that you had in custody the two girls, making all the nurses from the floor give you a questioning look.
You sensed that Lucia was worried, too, so you nudged Alexia to go with Ava, leaving you with the older sister.
You put your arm on her shoulder and give her a kiss on the temple. “Everything is going to be okay. You have to be strong for her.”
“How do you do it?”
“You are not worried. How do you do it?”
“Oh, believe me, I’m super worried, even though it’s just a check-up. I just try to cope with it.”
“It’s not very healthy, so you probably shouldn’t do it.” She looks at you blankly. “Just whenever it gets too much, come and talk to me or to anyone. Don’t keep everything in. You are going to explode, believe me.”
She slowly nods and then thanks you. “And now that I have you for the first time alone, stop doing that thing with Alexia, please.”
“What thing?” She asks dumbly.
“Giving her the death stare, or not talking to her, or refusing to sit next to her.”
“I would never do such a thing!” She says defensively, even though you both knew that it wasn’t the case.
“Lucia.” You reprimanded her.
“Okay, she left you, us, without saying a word; you have basically forgiven her right away. I can’t let her just walk into Ava’s life again as if nothing happened. Maybe she’ll leave again, and Ava will be crushed, and I can’t let that happen.”
“Listen, I know that you are hurt, and you are kind of right from a point of view. But you don’t know the whole story. And I have known Alexia for nearly ten years now, and I know for a fact that she won’t abandon her family.”
“But she did.”
“As I told you before, you don’t know the whole story, and frankly, I don’t think you should because it is something between me and her. What I ask you is to give her a second chance. She deserves it. Will you try? Please.”
She nods.
As soon as you get to the waiting room, Lucia reminds you that Ava just changed doctors because her previous doctor had just retired. You hoped that her new doctor would be just as good as her other one.
What you didn’t expect is for you to know her.
As soon as the doctor’s office door opens, you almost immediately recognize her voice, soon after you recognize her.
“Y/n?” She asks, shocked.
“Oh my god! It’s you, then.” You walk to her and hug her.
Making the three other girls confused; you then turn to them and explain. “This is Emma; we were friends a long time ago.” You say happily.
“So, who are those people!” She asks you while resting her arm on your shoulder. She has always been very touchy.
“Well, this is Ava and Lucia; you have a visit with the little one, I guess. And this is-“
“Alexia.” Your girlfriend? You didn’t know what to call her. Walks up to her and shakes her hand.
“Are they yours?” She asks.
“We recently gained custody of them.”
“Oh wow!” She jokes. Then she kneels next to Ava, who was sitting down next to her big sister, “So you must be Ava. I’m Doctor Emma Fernandez. But you can call me Doctor Em.” Then she turns to you. So I know that you are in four, but only one of you can come with her.” You turn to look at Lucia, and you can see her distressed face turn into a defeated look. You knew that she wanted to be there, present for her sister, as protecting her was all she had ever known.
“Can you make an exception? I’m legally her guardian, but I’d rather have her sister come too, just to ease some nervousness.” You try to give her one of your most convincing smiles in the hopes that she will agree to your proposal.
She first looks at you, then the girls, and in the end, Alexia, then back to you. “Okay. Only because it’s her first visit.” She turns around to her office and lets you all in.
Thankfully, the visit went well, and you all returned home happy and grateful. Back home, the girl was minding their own business while you and Alexia were in the kitchen, figuring out her post on the national team.
You were sitting on the countertop while Alexia was sitting down on your left, very much focused, writing something on her iPad.
“So, do you know exactly what you are going to say?” Caressing her cheek, trying to make her divert her attention to you, she gives you a smile, leaning in the contact.
“I need to be cautious because I really don’t want to fall into any miscommunication or accidentally blame someone who’s not involved.”
“I really do believe that if you and some other big names put out a statement, things will change. But I know that you are in a very different position than I was when we sent that email. So whatever it happens, I understand, and I will support you.”
She turns her iPad towards you, “Read it.” She hands it to you, and you read what she wrote. It was a short note saying that she would be retiring from the national team because of some issues faced by the federation that put winning and pride over the well-being of the players. And then she added that what happened after the match against the USA with the coach was something inexcusable and unacceptable.
“I know that is very similar to what you said in the letter, so if you want me to change it, I’ll do it.” She says while you are still reading everything.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s similar if you tell the truth. For me, it’s perfect and very ballsy. If you want to post it, I’ll support you. But that’s my opinion. If you want a more objective opinion, I think you should ask Jenni or maybe Aitana to give you their opinion.”
“I already send it to them. I’ll probably post it tomorrow after I call my agent. What about you? I thought your agent told you to clarify about the kids thing.”
“Yeah, he did.”
“Have you been ignoring the problem?” She asks, already knowing the answer.
“Yep. I was about to make a post, but then I didn’t.” 
“Because it didn’t feel right to do it at that moment.” She looks at you, puzzled, “It didn’t feel right because you weren’t there. I was about to do it when you were at the World Cup, and we broke up and were on a break or whatever that was.” She turns her head to the ground, sadly, still a little ashamed and guilty of breaking up with you. “And it didn’t feel right to post about my family when a huge part of it was missing. I was hoping you’d come back to me. And I’m so glad you did.”
She looks at you shyly. “Yeah?”
“So you want to go public?” She smirks at you.
“I mean, we can, If you want that too. Maybe not now, but when things start to settle, we can. Again, if you want to, of course.”
As the night progressed, you were dreading the moment in which the girls would dye your hair. It’s not the fact that you didn’t want to dye your hair; what you hated about this was the fact that you would probably have to sit still for at least an hour, fully knowing that you couldn’t move in fear of ruining your clothes, but unfortunately, a bet is a bet and knowing that the girls would be doing that and that you would be having some family time, would make it worth it. 
This left you sitting on a chair in your bedroom, with your head in your hands, while Alexia was trying to dye your hair, and the two girls were fighting for the music to play. After a while of convincing, they opted for a random playlist while Ava turned excitedly to Alexia, asking if she could do it. You genuinely didn’t know why she was that excited, but you didn’t care.
In the end, it didn’t look that bad
It was mid-August, so this was your last day before you went in preseason, and Lucia would be joining La Masia. Since she lived in Barcelona, she would stay there 5 days a week and return home on the weekends. So you finished the night by helping her pack up, making you, in the process, a little emotional. 
It was 11 pm, and the girls just went to bed. Which left you and Alexia in the living room. You knew that it was late and you had to go to sleep, but both of you had training the following day, early in the morning. But neither of you wanted to leave. 
“I should leave-“
“Do you want to come upstairs?” You both ask at the same time.
You both chuckle. “Are you sure?” She asks you.
“Yes, I’m sure.” You smile, taking her hand and leading her to your bedroom. As you both lay down on your bed, she turns to you, “So, are we back together?” She smiles shyly.
“Are you asking me again to be your girlfriend?” You tease while putting yourself on top of her.
“Yes, I am.” She replies confidently, moving her hands to your waist.
“So ask me.”
“Will you be my girlfriend once again, Y/n?” She grins excitedly in anticipation.
“Yes, I will.” You push yourself down to give her a small peck on the lips.
“I love you so much.” 
“I love you so much, too.” You reply; while she looks at you in a way you always found so cute, you smile dumbly at her.
“Oh, just fuck it.” You say as you crash your lips into hers, making her react immediately by lifting herself off the mattress, sitting right up, with you entirely on top of her with both of your fronts touching and ending the night with more than just kissing.
The next day, preseason had started, thus also starting the 23-24 season, one of the busiest and wholesome years of your life. 
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svtskneecaps · 7 months
a list of timestamps, for no reason :)
thesis statement : No, what blue did tonight and what red did the last two nights are not the same.
disclaimer: this is not a judgement of right / wrong, this is a glorified compare and contrast paper.
a TL;DR is available at the top, immediately following the keep reading link (which i hope, for your sake, is still there).
for each vod i have compiled the time stamps first, and then under the heading "notably" have compiled and compared them.
this is the most toxic i will allow myself to be.
Blue team on Day 4 took 2 seconds from first task claimed to last. Red team on Day 2 took 5 minutes 14 seconds from first task claimed to last, and on Day 3 took 42 seconds.
Blue team on Day 4 was vulnerable in the area for 2 seconds before claiming their last task. Red team on Day 2 was vulnerable in the area for 8 minutes 31 seconds, and on Day 3 was vulnerable for 12 minutes 10 seconds.
The time blue team spent getting situated before logging out in global is not counted in this as being vulnerable because it is not a viable strategy for an entertainer to waste 4 hours of their limited time camping global to ensure no one is logging out.
Red team claimed their first global task on Day 3 with 13 minutes until the server closed. On Day 4, Etoiles and Roier arrived to stop blue team from applying the same strategy with 15 minutes until the server closed.
Blue team's actions on Day 4 did not leave them open to any reasonable retaliation efforts once Tubbo logged out. The moment he logged back in, the tasks were as good as complete. Unless another content creator metagamed, they would not be able to stop him.
Red team's actions on Day 2 and Day 3 did leave them open to retaliation. They were not fast, they often did not have the items they needed crafted in advance and spent time in sight of the global task dome crafting the items. If a team had been waiting for them to try this at the global task dome as Etoiles and Roier did for Blue team, that team could entirely have succeeded in killing them or ruining their plans.
The global tasks on Day 4 were already functionally blue's 4 hours before they were claimed. Even if the disaster hadn't affected global, the way it was supposed to, the only thing left would have been revenge. There was no preventing it once Tubbo logged out.
The global tasks on Day 2 were open to reclamation for an hour after red team claimed them. By Day 3 blue team was aware of red's strategy and had a full 12 minutes (at a predictable time! see below) in which they could have attacked red and stopped them.
What blue and red team did was not the same.
Below are the time stamps I used to get this data and draw these conclusions. I've included links to vods for verification purposes. These links are not future proofed.
November 7th, 2023: Day 4 of Purgatory
TubboLIVE's VOD:
1:47:20 : Tubbo logs out of the server, behind the blue "contracts" NPC. He has 15 minutes 32 seconds of server time remaining.
5:50:23 : It is 3:48:52 am in Tubbo's time zone. Tubbo shows the clock on his screen. There are 11 minutes and 8 seconds until the server closes.
5:50:49 : Tubbo loads in, behind the blue "contracts" NPC. It is 3:49:41 am. This is the first moment the game is visible on his screen. He has 15 minutes 03 seconds of server time remaining.
5:50:50 : Tubbo claims the first of the global tasks.
5:50:51 : Tubbo claims the last of the global tasks. It is 3:49:43 am.
Functionally, tubbo was standing behind the blue NPC, invincible, for 4 hours 3 minutes and 3 seconds
There is a 29 second period of server time that I can't account for.
The total time it took for tubbo to claim every global task after loading in is 2 seconds.
The cooldown for every global task before it can be reclaimed is 10 minutes. In this case these ten minutes started at 3:49:42 and 3:49:43 am. The first moment any of these claimed global tasks can be reclaimed is 3:59:42 am, with 18 seconds until the server closes.
Etoiles's VOD:
4:56:08 : With some leniency, this is the first clear view of the blue "contracts" NPC and the spot Tubbo is "standing" shown on Etoiles's stream.
*(the blue NPC comes into view at 4:56:06 but whether Etoiles would have seen Tubbo there is dubious enough that I have opted for a later time stamp)
4:56:12 : Etoiles and Roier enter the global task dome. They are standing directly to the left of the red NPC; on the opposite side as the blue NPC. The spot Tubbo is "standing" is clearly visible on Etoiles's stream. Etoiles has 10 minutes 40 seconds of server time remaining. There are roughly 15 minutes and 30 seconds until the server closes*.
*(Time calculated roughly using Tubbo's log in message; this is not exact)
4:56:17 : Roier is standing in front of the blue "contracts" NPC.
4:58:03 : Without leaving global spawn, Etoiles disconnects to get a buffer on his time limit. Remembering that there is a disaster coming, he immediately re-logs to avoid the combat logging penalty. Roier does not disconnect during this time.
4:58:18 : The first frame of the game is visible after Etoiles relogs. Etoiles has 8 minutes 53 seconds of server time remaining.
4:58:45 : The quicksand disaster starts, affecting global spawn despite admins having informed Etoiles previously that disasters did not affect global spawn.
5:00:08 : The disaster ends.
5:01:17 : Tubbo logs in. There are roughly 10 minutes 11 seconds until the server closes.
Roier is standing three blocks away from Tubbo's log-in point (effectively, three blocks away from Tubbo) at 5 minutes before Tubbo logs in.
Were Tubbo logged in, waiting physically at spawn, Etoiles and Roier would have been able to initiate combat 5 minutes and 5 seconds earlier. Both had plenty of time on their server counters to participate in this combat, albeit Etoiles would have been kicked before server close. Roier would not be (source: Slime's vod, 2:45:05 and on. There is no disconnect message for Roier before the server is closed at roughly 2:45:08).
Were Tubbo logged in, waiting physically at spawn when Etoiles and Roier arrived (at roughly 3:44:37 am in Tubbo's time zone, 15 minutes and 23 seconds before the server closed), and had claimed all global missions at that time rather than risk dying in combat, the missions would have been able to be reclaimed at roughly 3:54:37 am, with about 5 minutes and 23 seconds before the server closed. This is 5 minutes and 5 seconds more than the actual time.
November 5th, 2023 : Day 2 of Purgatory
This is the first day red has used this strategy.
Cellbit's VOD:
6:52:27 : Cellbit arrives at the plaza outside the global task dome (Carre is already here; he wasn't streaming so I don't know when he arrived).
6:52:49 : Cellbit enters the global task dome. He backtracks to the right of the global task dome, and sets up a crafting area to craft items for the tasks somewhat out of sight of the dome. He is 96 meters away from the dome.
6:55:34 : Cellbit re-enters the global task dome.
6:55:44 : Cellbit claims the first global task for red team (electrolytes). The cooldown is 10 minutes 41 seconds.
6:55:49 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (radiation medicine).
6:55:55 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (campfires).
6:56:04 : Cellbit leaves the global task dome and sets up a second crafting area to the right of the dome after losing the first. This area is in full view of the dome, and is roughly 61 meters away.
6:57:40 : Cellbit dumps every item in his inventory except for iron and minecarts and a shield into a chest (he is functionally defenseless).
6:58:18 : Cellbit re-enters the global task dome.
6:58:23 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (minecarts).
6:59:12 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (diamonds).
6:59:49 : Cellbit gets his sword out of the chest (he is no longer defenseless).
7:00:58 : Jaiden claims the last global task for red team (rails). The bananas task remains unclaimed.
7:01:01 : ElQuackity is visible outside the dome on Cellbit's stream for the first time. Cellbit chases him.
7:04:34 : Cellbit kills ElQuackity, putting red team in the lead.
7:48:07 : The server closes.
Red team is physically present, visible, and murderable / stoppable at the global tasks area for 8 minutes 31 seconds.
Red team takes 5 minutes 14 seconds to claim their global tasks.
The cooldown on these global tasks leaves at minimum 36 minutes 28 seconds to reclaim, maximum 41 minutes 42 seconds to reclaim before server close.
If a team were to have come up to the dome during the 8 minute 31 second period, they would have seen the team and could have attacked or stopped them.
There is a 2 minute 9 second period where Cellbit literally does not have a weapon in his inventory.
If a team were to have come up to the dome while the red team was still crafting the global quest items, they could have attacked and prevented the team from crafting the items and forced them to retreat without claiming those goals.
November 6th, 2023 : Day 3 of Purgatory
This is the second day red has used this strategy.
Cellbit's VOD:
3:39:11 : Cellbit sees Bagi on the bridge to global. There are 24 minutes and 2 seconds until the server closes.
3:39:49 : Cellbit enters the global dome, standing just to the right of where the red NPC is on November 7th.
3:40:24 : Cellbit exits the global dome to craft the water bottles needed for the global task.
3:42:58 : Cellbit crafts the final water bottle needed for the global task.
3:43:28 : Cellbit, Foolish, and Carre re-enter the global dome.
3:44:15 : Cellbit and Carre exit the global dome to inspect Bagi's body. Foolish exits the global dome to use the crafting table.
3:45:36 : Cellbit and Carre re-enter the global dome.
(There's a few more entrances and exits from the dome during the following period, though they stay within the area marked with Bagi's body, the global NPCs, and the crafting table as corners : Never much more than 61 meters away and never out of sight of the dome)
3:49:45 : Cellbit sends the message "hey guys we are about to deliver global tasks you should come!" There are 14 minutes and 18 seconds until the server closes.
3:50:39 : Cellbit claims the first global task for red team (tea leaves). There are 13 minutes and 26 seconds until the server closes.
3:50:59 : Carre claims one global task for red team (gas masks).
3:51:01 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (hot cocoa).
3:51:09 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (water bottles).
3:51:12 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (backpacks).
3:51:21 : Carre claims the last global task for red team (tea). There are 11 minutes and 52 seconds until the server closes.
4:03:13 : The server closes.
Red team is physically present, visible, and murderable / stoppable at the global tasks area for 11 minutes and 28 seconds before they turn in any global tasks.
Red team takes 42 seconds to turn in all of their global tasks.
The cooldown on the global tasks leaves at maximum 3 minutes 26 seconds of time to reclaim, and at minimum 1 minute and 52 seconds to reclaim.
If a team were to have come up to the dome during the 11 minute and 28 second period, they would have seen and could have attacked red team.
If a team were to have come up to the dome in the 3 minutes 47 seconds between red team arriving at the global dome and red team crafting all the water bottles for the global task, they would have seen and could have attacked red team.
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ms-m-astrologer · 19 days
Cosmic Events: June 2024
Executive Summary: very short void Moons, very long Opportunity Periods, heavy mutable energy at the beginning.
Lunar Phases
Monday, June 3, 02:36 UT - Balsamic Moon, 28°01’ Aries
Thursday, June 6, 12:38 UT - New Moon, 16°18’ Gemini
Growing up a little bit. “Things” are in the process of change, and we want to meet it with maturity and graciousness. Trying to suss out the future in order to make the best of it. Recognizing when something is over and moving on.
Monday, June 10, 04:34 UT - Crescent Moon, 4°48’ Leo
Friday, June 14, 05:18 UT - First Quarter Moon, 23°39’ Virgo
Tuesday, June 18, 07:15 UT - Gibbous Moon, 12°33’ Scorpio
Saturday, June 22, 01:08 UT - Full Moon, 1°07’ Capricorn
Trying to do our own thing, but the damned world keeps intruding itself. We have to adjust. Steady, hard work with a practical endpoint is a good outlet.
Tuesday, June 25, 12:15 UT - Disseminating Moon, 19°25’ Aquarius
Friday, June 28, 21:53 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 7°40’ Aries
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, June 2, 22:04 UT (Aries) - Monday, June 3, 05:55 UT (Taurus)
Wednesday, June 5, 08:09 UT (Taurus) - 08:36 UT (Gemini)
Friday, June 7, 12:16 UT (Gemini) - 12:41 UT (Cancer)
Sunday, June 9, 19:05 UT (Cancer) - 19:29 UT (Leo)
Tuesday, June 11, 19:16 UT (Leo) - Wednesday, June 12, 05:39 UT (Virgo)
At 10 hours 23 minutes, this is the longest void Moon in June.
Friday, June 14, 17:54 UT (Virgo) - 18:12 UT (Libra)
Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT (Libra) - 06:38 UT (Scorpio)
Wednesday, June 19, 16:19 UT (Scorpio) - 16:32 UT (Sagittarius)
Friday, June 21, 22:58 UT (Sagittarius) - 23:08 UT (Capricorn)
Monday, June 24, 03:05 UT (Capricorn) - 03:14 UT (Aquarius)
Tuesday, June 25, 22:30 UT (Aquarius) - Wednesday, June 26, 06:08 UT (Pisces)
Friday, June 28, 08:45 UT (Pisces) - 08:52 UT (Aries)
At seven minutes in length, this is the shortest void Moon in June.
Sunday, June 30, 04:56 UT (Aries) - 12:00 UT (Taurus)
(Note that out of 13 void Moons, eight of them are under half an hour long in total - and one more is only 33 minutes long. This is because Neptune is very late in Pisces, moving from 29°40’ to 29°56’ during June.)
Transiting Ceres/Capricorn is retrograde all month.
Transiting Pallas/Scorpio is retrograde all month.
Transiting Juno/Virgo is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn begins the month in its pre-retrograde shadow; it stations retrograde on Saturday, June 29.
Transiting Pluto/Aquarius is retrograde all month.
Monday, June 3 - transiting Mercury enters Gemini
Sunday, June 9 - transiting Mars enters Taurus
Monday, June 17 - transiting Venus enters Cancer
Monday, June 17 - transiting Mercury enters Cancer
Wednesday, June 19 - transiting Vesta enters Leo
Thursday, June 20 - transiting Sun enters Cancer
(Aka the Cancer Solstice.)
Opportunity Periods
Tuesday, June 4, 23:04 UT - Wednesday, June 5, 08:36 UT. “This Last Quarter Moon OP is a good time to get organized, let go of what is no longer necessary, and finish up projects.”
Friday, June 7, 12:41 UT - Sunday, June 9, 19:29 UT. “Long OP while the Moon goes through the entire sign of Cancer, great for finding or expressing love after your emotions are renewed.”
Friday, June 14, 18:12 UT - Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT. “An excellent waxing Moon OP for commerce, arts, networking, or partying.”
Wednesday, June 19, 05:24 UT - 16:19 UT. “Short OP filled with intense emotions. Good for deep thinking and reflection.”
Thursday, June 27, 14:57 UT - Friday, June 28, 08:52 UT. “This is a good opportunity for connections as well as expressing love and compassion.”
Et Cetera
The Cancer Solstice takes place on Thursday, June 20, at 20:51 UT. It’s much like the Full Moon chart of the next day; only the Moon moves very much. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all together in Cancer, sextile Mars/Taurus - which is a great setup for minding our own business. But….
The Sag Moon is the apex of a mutable t-square, though. Mutable = new problems arising, dealing with responsibilities (Saturn is involved). Something happens, and burying our heads in the sand is the wrong approach.
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alltheardy · 10 months
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Retrying posting this because I'm super proud of it and want more people to see :D This is a portrait of Charlie Slimecicle that a did a month or so back. I spent in total 4 hours and 52 minutes on it! Talk about a goop time
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hanniiesuckle17 · 2 years
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A/n: we love committing to something right before the busy season of my job and starting labs for my major.
Tag List: @mini-meanhoe​ @leggomylino​ @hanstagram​ @desertofdessert​ @hoes4hoseok​ @jeonqqin​ @mrsunshine999​ @jisungsjheekies​ @hannie-squirrel00​ @cotccotc​ @yangs-jeongin​ @binniebutter​ @orangegyu​ @little-precious-baby​ @raethethey​ @sofie296​ @love-letters-2-jisungie​ @bluejayboys​​
SMIY Tag List: @sanccharine
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader    
Genre: Series, Fluff, Angst, Comedy, Idol au, Secret Relationship
Updates: Completed
Warnings: Cursing, Privacy Invasion, Dieting, Overworking, 18+Themes (eventually)
Summary: Privacy. Normalcy. Love. Y/n was ready to give all of that up when she became an idol. She was more than happy with the absence of those qualities in her life until a certain six foot mountain of sunshine and chaos was cast opposite her in her first drama. Confronted with the fact that she no longer knows what she wants; Y/n must decide if he’s truly worth giving up the life she’s dreamed of…and how much damage she’ll let happen before she makes a decision.
Profiles Part One (Ateez)
Profiles Part Two (JINXX)
1. Pointy Elbows
2. Spit Fire
3. The Water Bottle
4. This Behemoth
5. The Uncle From Guam
6. Sunbae (🖋)
7. Bro
8. Stupid Goof Fuck
9. Finally Now It’s My Time
10. Playing Hooky (🖋)
11. I Made This Awkward   (🖋)
12. 82.4%?
13. Big Ass SAT Word
14. Battle of Lockscreens
15. Genius Idea
16. Boss Bitch
17. Best Friend’s Brother
18. Taeyong
19. Come Eat Meee
21: Addicted
22. @ bby_yn Stan Account
23. Seatmates
24. Hongjoong the Wise Old Tree
25. Screw Reincarnation (🖋)
26. Glitter, Orgasms, and Self Esteem
27. Don’t Look At Other Oppas
28. Green Eyed Monster
29. Alexa, Play Now or Never
30. Subtweeting
31. Not A Total Lie
32. You’ve Got to Be Fucking Kidding Me
33. Fuck You, Hobbit
34. Matz Wine Time
35. Horny Song (title tbd)
36: Progress Not Perfection
37. Shadow in the Night
38. The Tour Fairy
39. You Do Drugs????
40. Queer Baiting
41. 15 Hours
42. Something With Tequila
43. Girly Pop
44. What’s The Point Of Knocking (🖋)
45. Playground Dating
46. 4 Days, 3 Hours, and 27 Minutes
47. Feet Pics
48. Melon Head
49. Himbo Agenda
50. Fan War
51. Cyber Bullied
52. This Bitch
53. Sugar Baby
54. Concerned in Swidish
55. 6 Million Punching Bags
56. Exposed (🖋)
57. Grapes
58. The Truth
59. Suteki
60. Big Biggie
61. Not Your Fandom
62. Missed Calls
63. I’m Outside🖤
64. How Does This Make You Feel?
65: Yeosang’s Credit Card
66. Ice Cream
67. Mister Monster
68. The Universe is a Masochist
69. Unbiased But Not Really (🖋)
70. Boca Boca
71. Choo Choo
72. Meme War
73. Dipshit
74. Xanax
75. Special Kind of Joy
76. 💛
77. My Knees (Finale)
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fiumedivita · 4 months
Sanremo 2024: how Italians go mad
You want to know why Italians are so weird and crazy? Here's how long the national song contest, the Sanremo Music Festival, was this year:
Just the 5 nights of the actual show were 26 hours and 3 minutes.
But then, if you add the pre-show, aftershow and Sunday specials you get 39 hours and 10 minutes.
It's a good thing we're famous for our espresso.
-------------------------- Here's a breakdown:
First night:
pre-show: 12 minutes
show: 5 hours 15 minutes (8:45pm - 2am)
after-show: 48 minutes
Total: 6 hours and 15 minutes
Second night:
pre-show: 11 minutes
show: 4 hours 45 minutes (8:44pm - 1:29am)
after-show: 45 minutes
Total: 5 hours and 41 minutes
Third night:
pre-show: 11 minutes
show: 4 hours 52 minutes (8:45pm - 1:37am)
after-show: 52 minutes
Total: 5 hours and 55 minutes
Fourth night:
pre-show: 12 minutes
show: 5 hours 14 minutes (8:45pm - 1:59am)
after-show: 61 minutes
Total: 6 hours and 27 minutes
Fifth night:
pre-show: 10 minutes
show: 5 hours 57 minutes (8:45pm - 2:42am)
after-show: No aftershow for the final! The host was actually co-hosting the main show.
Total: 6 hours and 7 minutes
Sunday specials:
Domenica In (interviews + songs): 5 hours and 54 minutes
Dietro Festival (BTS with all the drama): 51 minutes
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stedesbonnets · 8 months
as my beloved friend @theosrose said yesterday when we were talking, the sheer lack of any scenes between stede and ed this season makes it feel very strange, and since i've got nothing better to do today, i've decided to compare the amount of screen-time stede and ed share in season 1 vs season 2*
* i mean scenes in which they are alone, or in company but the focus is only on them (like the restaurant scene)
season one:
ep3: their first meeting (25:17-25:38). total: 21 seconds
ep4: opening (02:22-02:42), "who's this mary then?" (09:51-10:48), stede wakes up (13:41-14:31), aux wardrobe (14:57-16:56), "do you wanna do something weird?" (18:36-21:11), "we need to be a lighthouse" (26:51-27:38), ending (29:43-31:10). total: 535 seconds
ep5: books looting (01:32-01:49), dining lessons (02:26-04:18), going to the party (04:51-05:21) (i cut it right when frenchie enters), entering the party (09:10-09:48), ed playing the piano (15:29-15:57), stede telling ed to stand down (20:31-21:04), passive aggression (25:17-25:36), moonlight (26:11-27:12). total: 337 seconds
ep6: opening (00:11-02:30), ed almost kills stede (15:46-16:00, 16:16-16:25, 16:49-16:55), bathroom scene (18:00-20:44). total: 332 seconds
ep7: opening (00:10-01:10), treasure map (05:11-05:56), the moth (10:45-11:12), restaurant scene (12:00-13:30), after lucius calls ed out (17:35-18:40), co-captains (24:29-25:07). total: 325 seconds
ep8: "i mean in hindsight i probably could've guessed" (11:22-48), nature walk (12:40-12:52), the beach talk (16:43-17:28), ed leaves (22:18-22:52), foot nudge (33:07-33:35). total: 145 seconds
ep9: ed shaves off his beard (13:33-15:27), the kiss (16:44-19:58), last conversation (21:02-21:35). total: 341 seconds
interesting note: although stede and ed share the last amount of scenes in ep9 (only 3), the total amount of time spent together is the second longest in the entire season. also, the kiss scene is the longest scene in s1.
TOTAL NUMBER OF TIME: 2036 seconds, or 33.93 minutes
the total runtime of s1 is 5 hours 6 minutes 45 seconds, or 306.75 minutes. 33.93 out of 306.75 in percentage is 11.06%
season two:
ep1: opening (01:12-02:17). total: 65 seconds
ep3: reunion (27:43-29:44). total: 121 seconds
ep4: opening (00:00-00:28), "you're not a mermaid" (03:17-03:35), "i like your beard" (10:09-10:46), "i love everything about you" (17:23-19:43), stede inviting ed back to the ship (24:00-24:53), "buttons turned into a seagull!" (26:40-27:02). total: 298 seconds
ep5: "i'm your captain" (03:22-04:50), moonlight kiss (25:20-27:44). total: 224 seconds
ep6: guilt room (03:01-03:22), poison into positivity (04:53-05:47), don't be pirates, kids (07:47-08:17), the almost dance (11:38-11:54), the love scene (22:10-22:27, 22:43-22:50, 23:25-23:32). total: 152 seconds
ep7: the morning after (01:02-02:18), dining and dashing (04:19-05:57), ed giving stede a lesson in being famous (06:03-06:43), ed leaving (11:59-13:51). total: 326 seconds
TOTAL NUMBER OF TIME: 1186 seconds, or 19.76 minutes
the total runtime of s2 (minus the finale) is 3 hours 16 minutes and 2 seconds, or 196.033 minutes. 19.76 out of 196.033 in percentage is 10.07%
while the amount of screen time in percentage is similar between the seasons, s2 has significantly fewer scenes with stede and ed. additionally, the time they spend together per episode in s1 is much longer than in s2, and the scenes are stretched out throughout the episodes evenly. even during s1ep8, in which they share the least amount of screen time due to being separated, stede and ed still share 5 scenes, unlike s2ep5 which separates them for the longest amount of time (20 minutes!)
so far in s2, stede and ed share way less scenes than in s1, and when they do, they are shorter and often oddly spaced. for me, the best laid out episode is episode 4, while the worst is episode 5. interestingly, they share the least amount of screen time (after ed wakes up) in ep6, despite having the love scene in it. in my opinion, most of their scenes in s2 feel less earnest than in s1, and are so short i can barely savor them. this is ultimately the result of hbo cutting off two episodes, but also an issue of giving the crew too much spotlight, making stede and ed's plot line feel rush and poorly planned post ep3.
i have no doubt the finale will fix most of stede and ed's issues, but the scarcity of the scenes they share (and their contents) make their arc feel watered down to me, like the writing crew keep beginning to say something meaningful but getting cut mid sentence
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thisisnotthenerd · 8 months
back at it again with thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats.
this time we're talking runtime. this is referenced directly from dropout--i manually entered each episode into the spreadsheet, no shortcuts. why. times are recorded as hours:minutes:seconds. anyway:
overall runtime stats:
total runtime for all seasons of dimension 20 (at the moment, including oneshots and the episodes of Burrow's End that are currently out): 462:43:30. That’s the equivalent of 19 days, 6 hours, 43 minutes, and 30 seconds. Almost 3 weeks.
average runtime per episode: 2:10:21. around 2 hours per ep.
longest season by time: fantasy high sophomore year, with 52:13:31
shortest season: shriek week, with 7:49:30
season with the highest average: fantasy high sophomore year, with 2:36:41. this one is skewed by the long finale episodes, and the fact that this season was livestreamed rather than pre-recorded, as most d20 seasons are. this stat doesn't include oneshots, as those tend to be longer in order to contain a full narrative. the stats are listed though.
season with the lowest average: fantasy high freshman year, with 1:39:43. as the first season, fhfy tends toward shorter episodes overall--combat episodes usually ran shorter than non combat episodes.
longest episode: Spring Break! I Believe In You! (Part 2) from Fantasy High Sophomore Year, with 5:06:42. by far the longest episode of dimension 20. truly an unbelievable finale.
shortest episode: Brawl at the Black Pit from Fantasy High Freshman Year, at just 1:07:53. like i said, combat ran short during fhfy.
total number of episodes (as of 10/17/23): 219. this will change tomorrow, i know. i'll update when the season is over so i'm not neurotically changing this
total number of battle/encounter episodes: 106. again, this will be updated at the end of the season. quick note about battle episodes: this category includes all of the episodes with a designated battlesets, whether that was physical, on roll20, or on talespire. for theater of the mind, i narrowed it down to specific episodes that had designed encounters, and not just spur of the moment encounters, unless those spur of the moment encounters were significant enough to take up an episode. key example: fabian's no good very bad day in leviathan.
i marked whether you could finish watching a season in one day, with no breaks for each one of the seasons: this doesn't mean could you do it in 24 hours, it means you could do it without losing sleep. in the waking hours.
d20 season runtime data
fantasy high freshman year:
total runtime: 28:15:12
average runtime per episode: 1:39:43 seconds
number of episodes: 17
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 12: the sisterly showdown (1:57:11)
shortest episode: episode 6: brawl at the black pit (1:07:53)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
escape from the bloodkeep:
total runtime: 14:02:07
average runtime per episode: 2:20:21
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 6: the tomb of ultimate evil (2:57:59)
shortest episode: episode 5: bloodlines and lifelines (1:56:44)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
the unsleeping city:
total runtime: 34:11:27
average runtime per episode: 2:00:40
number of episodes: 17
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 14: showdown at the stock exchange (2:35:07)
shortest episode: episode 2: mutant santa melee (1:28:12)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
tiny heist:
total runtime: 12:27:12
average runtime per episode: 2:04:32
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 1: big little crimes (2:11:12)
shortest episode: episode 5: fighting with fire (1:55:38)
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
fantasy high sophomore year:
total runtime: 52:13:31
average runtime per episode: 2:36:41
number of episodes: 20
number of battle/encounter episodes: 8
longest episode: episode 20: spring break! i believe in you! (part 2), with 5:06:42
shortest episode: episode 7: the friendship section, with 2:08:50. even the short episodes in fhsy are over 2 hours.
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌❌ (double because you couldn't do it in two days)
fantasy high oneshots:
total runtime: 8:11:31
average runtime per episode: 2:02:53
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4 (they're oneshots)
longest episode: Boys' Night! (Roll20Con) with 2:45:17
shortest episode: Fantasy High LIVE at RTX Austin with 1:26:53
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
a crown of candy:
total runtime: 36:18:00
average runtime per episode: 2:08:07
number of episodes: 17
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 11: at the mountains of sweetness, with 2:30:34
shortest episode: episode 10: blood & bread, with 1:36:59. this came down to emily not coming in as saccharina in this episode.
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
pirates of leviathan:
total runtime: 13:02:06
average runtime per episode: 2:10:21
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 4: i'm worth this, with 2:25:55
shortest episode: episode 5: scramble to the ramble, with 1:52:21
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
the unsleeping city chapter 2:
total runtime: 42:35:35
average runtime per episode: 2:21:59
number of episodes: 18
number of battle/encounter episodes: 10
longest episode: episode 6: collaborators, with 2:46:31
shortest episode: episode 2: heaven and hell on earth, with 1:40:52
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
mice & murder:
total runtime: 20:46:20
average runtime per episode: 2:04:38
number of episodes: 10
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 10: unfinished business, with 2:46:06
shortest episode: episode 8: outfoxed, with 1:22:43
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
misfits & magic:
total runtime: 9:45:13
average runtime per episode: 2:26:18
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 2
longest episode: episode 4: we're the heroes, with 2:54:57
shortest episode: episode 3: family on six, with 2:08:58
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
misfits & magic oneshots:
total runtime: 5:19:32
average runtime per episode: 2:39:46
number of episodes: 2
number of battle/encounter episodes: 2
longest episode: misfits & magic holiday special, with 3:14:57
shortest episode: misfits & magic live at gencon 2022, with 2:04:35
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
the seven:
total runtime: 23:55:12
average runtime per episode: 2:23:31
number of episodes: 10
number of battle/encounter episodes: 6
longest episode: episode 6: belles of the baronies, with 2:58:43
shortest episode: episode 7: bloppelganger blitz, with 1:28:09
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
shriek week:
total runtime: 7:49:30
average runtime per episode: 1:57:23
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 0
longest episode: episode 3: parents' weekend, with 2:10:15
shortest episode: episode 4: van helsing's party, with 1:39:33
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
a starstruck odyssey:
total runtime: 39:54:33
average runtime per episode: 2:13:02
number of episodes: 18
number of battle/encounter episodes: 10
longest episode: episode 18: the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 2), with 3:08:38
shortest episode: episode 17: the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 1), with 1:23:40
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
coffin run:
total runtime: 10:19:38
average runtime per episode: 1:43:16
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 2: attacks on the tracks, with 2:05:18
shortest episode: episode 1: down for the count, with 1:10:21
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
a court of fey and flowers:
total runtime: 20:27:10
average runtime per episode: 2:02:43
number of episodes: 10
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 3: duel on the southern lawn, with 2:32:06
shortest episode: episode 10: you will never know a lonely day again, with 1:14:24
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
total runtime: 42:25:08
average runtime per episode: 2:07:15
number of episodes: 20
number of battle/encounter episodes: 9
longest episode: episode 20: the ending of all things (part 2), with 2:38:33
shortest episode: episode 6: the curdled web, with 1:39:05
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ❌
the ravening war:
total runtime: 14:59:17
average runtime per episode: 2:29:53
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 4
longest episode: episode 5: the seventh kingdom, with 2:39:27
shortest episode: episode 3: yonder where the fruit do be lyin', with 2:19:26. matt mercer likes himself a long episode
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
dungeons & drag queens:
total runtime: 9:31:03
average runtime per episode: 2:22:46
number of episodes: 4
number of battle/encounter episodes: 2
longest episode: episode 3: the time has come, with 2:42:23
shortest episode: episode 1: queens on a quest, with 2:03:47
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
total runtime: 12:31:14
average runtime per episode: 2:05:12
number of episodes: 6
number of battle/encounter episodes: 3
longest episode: episode 5: emergency powers, with 2:31:00
shortest episode: episode 3: f for freezer, with 1:53:48
could you watch it in a day, doing nothing else: ✅
burrow's end:
the season isn't done yet, so the spreadsheet will be updated weekly as episodes come out, and this post will be updated when all of the data is present.
and that's all for this edition of thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats! this one was a long one. as always, the spreadsheet is open to perusal.
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hazelcephalopod · 6 months
Tonight’s episode is 4 hours and 52 minutes total. Minus 15 minutes for the break and the hour and 42 minutes there’s 2 hours and ~3 minutes left
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diah-the-demon · 1 year
The Deathworlders full chapter word and character count + reading time count
counted up to chapter 96 which was released today
cut because this shit is long
for chapter 1-51 i didnt do myself as someone else has kindly done it before me 4 years ago
but il put the total count of that here so i can add it up at the end
(chapters were copy pasted into a wordcounter with the count starting at the in story date and ending at the last word of the chapter)
Chapter 1-51
1,636,155 Words
9,485,392 Characters
7,682 Minutes (128 hours, 2 Minutes)
323,153 Words
1,862,894 Characters
1,541 Minutes (25 Hours and 41 Minutes)
353,641 Words
2,039,944 Characters
1,695 Minutes (28 Hours and 15 Minutes)
292,775 Words
1,693,085 Characters
1,412 Minutes (23 Hours and 32 Minutes)
363,341 Words
2,091,336 Characters
1,743 Minutes (29 Hours and 3 Minutes)
252,682 Words
1,453,736 Characters
1,204 Minutes (20 Hours and 4Minutes)
This bring the full total for the whole series to:
3,221,747 Words
18,626,387 Characters
15,277 Minutes (254 Hours and 37 Minutes)
This took too much time to* do for the probably low amount of people seeing this post but idc
(*this took like 2 days of my freetime after college help)
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thedailyvio · 3 months
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Day 47 - 53
WIP Below:
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sweetieangel300 · 1 year
The total duration of the Lockwood and co (8 episodes) is about 5 hours 49 minutes, you can replay the whole season 4 times a day. If you play it at 1.5x speed it will be reduced to about 3 hours 52 minutes and the whole season can be replayed 6 times a day.
Just some info to get the view count up
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Earthquake Lifts the Noto Peninsula
The first day of 2024 brought catastrophe to parts of Japan. At 4:10 p.m. Japan Standard Time (07:10 Universal Time), the land on the Noto Peninsula in northwestern Honshu began to lurch, shaking violently for about 50 seconds. The 7.5 magnitude mainshock was followed by dozens of strong aftershocks in the following minutes, hours, and days.
The earthquake on January 1, 2024, was the strongest to hit Ishikawa Prefecture since 1885 and mainland Japan since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Shaking was felt across much of Honshu including Tokyo, located about 300 kilometers southeast of the earthquake’s epicenter. Shaking was most intense in the towns of Suzu, Noto, Wajima, and Anamizu, close to the epicenter on the northern Noto Peninsula. Damage to infrastructure ignited fires that burned through communities. Heavy snow that fell after the quake complicated emergency response efforts, making it difficult for aid to reach some communities.
As first responders reacted to the disaster from the ground, several teams of scientists tracked the situation using satellites. The map above shows the amount of ground displacement—the shifting of the land—caused by the earthquake. Red areas were pushed upward and toward the northwest. The scattered dark blue and red areas around the airport and other cleared areas and settlements throughout the peninsula are likely false signals caused by how the shapes of buildings or other features reflect radar signals.
“The surface moved upward as much as 4 meters (13 feet) on some parts of the north coast of the Noto Peninsula,” said Eric Fielding, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). “The uplift is large because the fault ruptured close to the surface—at a depth of about 10 kilometers (6 miles). It occurred on a fault with a steep dip angle, and the south side of the fault moved upward—what we call a thrust earthquake.”
Earthquakes occur at a variety of depths. Those that occur between 0 to 70 kilometers are shallow, between 70 and 300 kilometers are intermediate, and between 300 and 700 kilometers are deep. Earthquakes that occur at shallow depths, like this one, tend to be more destructive because the seismic waves generated have less time to lose energy as they travel from the source of a quake to the surface.
The map is based on data from the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) team at JPL and the California Institute of Technology’s Seismological Laboratory, a team that develops state-of-the-art deformation measurements, change detection methods, and physical models for use in hazards science and response. The ARIA team used synthetic aperture radar data from the PALSAR-2 sensor on the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s ALOS-2 (Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2) and a pixel offset tracking technique to measure surface displacement in the line-of-sight between the ground and the satellite.
Additional analysis of ALOS-2 observations by scientists from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan indicates that the earthquake uplifted land along 85 kilometers (52 miles) of coastline. It shifted the location of the coastline roughly 200 meters seaward at Minazuki Bay, one of the areas that saw the most uplift. They also reported a large amount of uplift and new land in Waijma and Nafune.
Goto Hideaki, a geomorphologist from Hiroshima University, with colleagues from the Association for Japanese Geographers, used aerial photographs and satellite data to estimate that the quake exposed a total of 4.4 square kilometers of land along the coasts of the Nota Peninsula.
Some of the coastline changes around Minazuki Bay are visible in the pair of Landsat images above. The image on the left, from the OLI-2 (Operational Land Imager-2) on Landsat 9 was acquired on January 10, 2022, before the earthquake. The image on the right, from OLI (Operational Land Imager) was acquired on January 17, 2024, after the event. The bay hosts two small fishing ports that were left much higher and drier than usual. More than 15 fishing ports in Ishikawa Prefecture reported uplift, according to The Asashi Shimbun.
Satellite data often proves useful for emergency aid organizations assisting with disaster response immediately after an event because it can be used to rapidly locate the most severely damaged areas. Over longer time spans, satellite data can also help authorities make more informed decisions about recovery and rebuilding as they prepare for the possibility of future events.
NASA Earth Observatory surface displacment map by Lauren Dauphin, using data provided by the ARIA team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of Technology. The map is based on ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data provided by JAXA that was processed by the ARIA team. Dauphin generated the pair of Landsat images using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Adam Voiland, with science review by Eric Fielding.
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lostnfounder · 11 months
(this was written several hours ago in, uh, the denny's parking lot, as mentioned)
[ Lostfield Reporter Log #376 TO: Ruth Shirbon FROM: Ruth Shirbon SUBJECT: Denny’s Parking Lot Monologue #23
Alright, it’s another Speech to Text day, so you know I’m not doing well.
So Mr. Douglas is pissed because I “continued to defy his orders” whatever the fuck that means, like. I’m an individual person. I can post about my interests sometimes, even if I accidentally do it on the wrong blog. And then, while I’m in the middle of reasoning with him, calling him and trying to explain it was on the wrong blog, he just fucking hangs up on me! Like, what the hell! How am I the unprofessional one in this situation!?
Now he’s gone totally silent and won’t reply to me at all. Ughhhhhhh. 
And I- Oh. Order 4? The two cheeseburgers and the large Dr. Pepper? Yeah that’s me. Thank you so much! 
[chewing sounds] Anyway. I’m gonna head over to The Facility soon, just gotta give me a minute to- Hold on, who the hell is that?
What the fuck are they doing?
… That’s a missing poster. Someone is- Holy shit, I gotta turn this into an actual Log now what the fuck. This is- Currently it is 3:52 PM in the empty parking lot outside the Lostfield Denny’s, and there is a suspicious individual taking down missing posters.
I’m investigating this shit, hold on.
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Or a treat :p
oh hello!!! thank you for ringing my doorbell i was totally prepared for this i love your costume anyway here you go have this Dr. Doolittle 4 Pack Run Time 5 hours and 52 minutes and this left leaning twix happy ween!
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