pennsyltuckyheathen · 1 month
MAGA Scott Perry - a traitor to the USA and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who was involved in Trump’s conspiracy to remain in office - shares a post from a racist organization on Facebook.  
Yet another reason to vote for his Democrat challenger in Election 2024!
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 4 months
Scott Perry - Freedom Caucus obstructionist - was involved in Trump's efforts to remain in office.  He should be removed from the ballot in Pennsylvania and should face criminal charges.  Perry’s lawyer spews some bullshit in response about democracy which is a foreign concept to Perry and MAGA Republicans. Let's see if the court follows the US Constitution and gives Perry the boot.
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 3 months
From January 2024, MAGA Republican Scott Perry from Pennsylvania - an accomplice to Trump's crimes leading up to the January 2021 insurrection and attempted coup - gets humiliated by Democrat Dan Goldman. LockHimUp!
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 9 months
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Perry is a disgrace to all the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He allegedly conspired with Trump and his co-conspirators to find ways to overturn a free and fair election. He was also one who requested a pardon from Trump. He betrayed all of us.
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 2 years
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Scott Perry - a rightwing talk radio has been - is a Pennsylvania Republican who's been revealed as a co-conspirator in Trump's January 6th Insurrection.  Perry stabbed all Pennsylvania citizens and election officials in the back by accusing all of us of a felony crime of voter fraud.  Perry is the fraud. In fact he promotes Trump's Big Lie about Election 2020 which is the biggest political fraud perpetrated on the American public.  Now Perry runs like a pussy bitch and won't cooperate in the January 6th investigation.  He whines and cries and plays the victim just like his mentor Trump.  Sickening and pathetic.  Lock Him Up!
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