#UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he loves luffy so much!!! HE LOVES LUFFY SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
franeridan · 9 months
nah man I get hancock I really do if I had to pick a single man in the whole history of the world to fall for I'd pick luffy too, who are we kidding
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cherry-ladybug · 6 years
Hello~ I am back
I believe it has been approximately three years since I posted anything. I was really tired of the shipping wars and wanted to step back from anime/manga for awhile. I did finish Bleach and Fairy Tail when they both ended. I am currently keeping up with One Piece and Attack on Titan. EDIT: My url was previously k-a-i-z-o-k-u. I changed my url because of my current obsession with ML. Hehe. :) About Naruto: Nothing has really changed my mind about my main ship: NaruSaku. I tried seeing the other side of things, but I still just couldn’t completely wrap my mind around NaruHina and SasuSaku. And you know what? It’s ok! Because people have different perspectives of the story. (Although I totally do not accept NH/SS at all.) What everyone can’t deny is that Naruto and Sakura developed a beautiful friendship and bond. Some of us see that there could have been more, others don’t think it’ll work out. I felt like Naruto and Sakura’s relationship was healthy and they grew together throughout the series. I vowed to never watch The Last or Boruto. To me, what’s the point of continuing something you’re no longer interested in? The best thing is to do what is emotionally healthy for you and just step away from the madness. (And to continue shipping what you love without clashing with others.) I just wish that there was a little more development for NH and overall character development for Hinata. I admit, there was a TINY bit...but not enough to convince me. About Bleach: At first, I was upset about the ending because I shipped IchiRuki. I actually looked back at some explanations of IchiHime and it finally clicked. I did see their relationship progressing throughout the series but I was so biased towards IR that I disregarded all of it. Yes, IR has this sun and moon symbolism but it just wasn’t enough to make it convincing. Yes, Ichigo did want to save Rukia when she was in danger but Orihime was the one who helped him with his decision in whether he wanted to save Rukia or not. IH vowed to protect each other and Ichigo gets more riled up when Orihime is in danger (TLDR version of what I read). Ichigo and Orihime did show mutual affection for each other. Orihime was blatantly obvious but she never forced anything. If anything, she was very supportive and cared for all of her friends. Ichigo’s affection was more subtle. So yes, I have switched from being an IR fan to a IH fan. I still love Ichigo and Rukia’s friendship from start to finish though. (Orihime’s positive attitude is so great and cute tbh. Even though she’s not physically strong, I believe she is emotionally strong and that’s why she is actually really like-able.) It’s the interactions between Ichigo and Orihime that won me over. In the end, it actually did make sense to me. (I apologize to the IR blogs that still follow me. Feel free to unfollow if you don’t want to see IH content.) About Fairy Tail: It was always fanservice-y from the beginning to the end. LOL. So Mashima made the pairings super obvious. Even though it was over the top, the story was overall enjoyable. Gruvia remains as my favorite pairing though because of their gradual development. (Also water and ice duhhhhh.) About One Piece: One Piece was/has never really been about shipping. So I dropped all of my OTPs from there. I don’t really care about the romance anymore, there isn’t much to work with imo. I just want to see Luffy be King of the Pirates and beat everyone up. Although shippers can ship away. :D
About Attack on Titan: Things are so complicated in the manga right now that idc about the shipping. (Although I still like EreMika.) I’m more interested in the plot development. IT’S SO GOOOOOOOOD. UGHHHHHHHH. I’m always on the edge of my seat when I read each chapter. What bums me out is that a chapter is released once a month. T___T I want more. Anyway, the reason I came back was because I still wanted an outlet for “weebing out.” I still enjoy anime/manga and I should probably catch up on some new stuff like My Hero Academia and other good shizzz that I haven’t watched yet. I’m trying to refrain from shipping because I feel like sometimes it takes the joy out of enjoying a series. However, I think I subconsciously ship characters because I’m so used to doing that. xD Oh well. 
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