walkinverse · 1 year
Buckle up for a transformative decade in the flu vaccine market! Forecasters anticipate the US to rise to the forefront by 2028, revolutionizing the landscape with advanced research, manufacturing capabilities, and strategic collaborations. Stay tuned for more toxic injections and sudden deaths. #FluVaccine #USLeadership #MarketTransformation #governmentcorruption https://walkinverse.substack.com/p/did-you-know-76a
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ivygorgon · 27 days
POTUS, call for a ceasefire, aid, and a return of the hostages in the SOTU!
An open letter to the President
893 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
First, I was very glad to hear Vice President Harris call for a ceasefire and an immediate return of the hostages. More of that, please.
Second, on Thursday for the State of the Union address I hope you will find a way to demonstrate deep, personal concern both for the Israeli people and for the people of Gaza. But they and others in the region need more than empathy. They need your leadership. They look to the United States as the “indispensable player” – and those of good will hoping for a more secure and peaceful future are looking to you for a vision and a plan to get there.
In light of that, please make these six key points on Thursday (as suggested by J Street):
There must be an immediate negotiated ceasefire that stops the fighting for a considerable period, frees the remaining hostages and surges humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.
You will do all in your power to ensure that sufficient humanitarian assistance – food, fuel, water, medicine, shelter – reaches Gazans in the coming days, with or without a ceasefire.
Recognize that nearly 57 years of Israeli occupation must end and declare your support for the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state. 
Reiterate Secretary of State Blinken’s recent statement that Israeli settlements in the territory it occupies are inconsistent with international law and that the United States will take meaningful actions to crack down on settler violence and ensure that Israel stops expanding settlements in areas that will be part of a Palestinian state.
Outline how eventual statehood for Palestine is only one piece of a bold vision for the future of the region – one in which Israel has meaningful security, guaranteed by fully normalized relations with all its neighbors. 
Finally, make clear to the Israeli and Palestinian people that the future is in their hands. There is a path to security, dignity and prosperity for both peoples, and there is also the path of never-ending conflict and bloodshed. The US will rally friends around the world to support the two peoples if they choose a future of peace and mutual recognition. You should make it equally clear that those not willing to sign on to that vision and respect the rule of law will no longer have our unquestioning support.
This is so important. We want an end to the fighting; we want civilians on both sides of this conflict to be able to live safely, and we want a two-state solution. We do NOT want American money to go towards the killing of women and children. Period.
Most of all we want you to succeed—and you can’t do that unless you call for a ceasefire and stand up to Netanyahu, who is not your friend or a true friend to Israel. Do the right thing and the American people will have your back. Thanks.
▶ Created on March 4 by Jess Craven
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usnewsper-politics · 3 months
Ray Dalio Urges Bipartisan Cooperation for Strong US Leadership #bipartisancooperation #declineinleadership #politicalpolarization #RayDalio #USleadership
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spassurance-blog · 7 years
Top mobile app development company with over 250+ apps built, offering Android, iPhone, iPad and web application Development services. Get free quote now.
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rodque · 10 years
I like this line, so, of course, I am sharing it. "We can’t erase every trace of evil from the world, and small groups of killers have the capacity to do great harm. That was the case before 9/11, and that remains true today. And that’s why we must remain vigilant as threats emerge. At this moment, the greatest threats come from the Middle East and North Africa, where radical groups exploit grievances for their own gain. And one of those groups is ISIL -- which calls itself the “Islamic State.”"
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
Ray Dalio Urges Bipartisan Cooperation for Strong US Leadership #bipartisancooperation #declineinleadership #politicalpolarization #RayDalio #USleadership
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