#Vega I’ll improve anatomy to draw you better one day I promise
prince-kallisto · 4 months
Twst OC Vega del Castillo: The Fairy Godmother’s wand 🪄
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I finally figured out how to make digital art on my phone, so I made a new TWST OC! \(//∇//)\ This is my boy, Vega del Castillo, who is twisted from the Fairy Godmother’s wand! (*゚∀゚*) Flashbacks to the time when Jamil was thought to be twisted from “Jafar’s staff” when Twisted Wonderland was first announced lmaoo
I ramble a lot more about him underneath the cut, with more of his personality and design inspiration and such ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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Despite what some may think, the wand in Cinderella is an item that can be used no matter the good or evil intentions! For example, in Cinderella 3, Lady Tremaine gets her hands on it to literally turn back time to get revenge on Cinderella. And interestingly enough, the wand’s magic turns green instead of its usual silver, indicating when it’s being used for evil purposes. This is why I gave Vega green eyes too! ^o^
Vega’s name came from the star, which is known as one of the next important stars besides our own Sun. The Vega star is a blueish-white star and one of the brightest stars in our sky, which I found fitting with Vega’s color scheme haha. “del Castillo” means “of the castle,” and tbh it was the only surname I could think of 😭 I guess it fits because the wand is what leads Cinderella to her happily ever after in the castle?? (*゚∀゚*)
He’s from Sage’s Island because I thought that’d be funny haha. Technically, it’s all too possible for one of the village children in Sage’s Island to attend NRC, don’t you think? He knows far more about the island that the average student, and has been admiring NRC and RSA for years, and even applied to both schools. NRC is the one who accepted his application instead of RSA.
Vega is half-Fae, but he’s not actually aware of it himself?? I was sort of inspired by the idea of the myth of the “changeling,” where a human child is kidnapped and swapped out for a Fae. He considers the whole village of Sage’s Island to be his family as they all sorta raised him together, since Vega never really had his “own” parents. It’s complicated, and no one really has the heart to explain it to him that he was abandoned once it was discovered he was essentially a changeling replacing the original human child. Vega is just vibing tho (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
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Vega has a very flashy sense of fashion- he likes a lot of shiny materials and glitters. His butterfly glasses were inspired by Cinderella’s dress and shoes in the live-action remake, but his shoes are there just white and gold cowboy boots just because haha. As you can imagine, he stands out a lot in the Ignihyde dorm. I can imagine he’s a figure that’s awed and feared by his dormmates just because he’s so flashy haha \(//∇//)\
Although he doesn’t mean it, Vega has a tendency to “steal the show,” and also interpreting other’s words in a completely different manner in his head. It leads to a lot of misunderstandings whenever one deals with him, and he’s the sort of person to say “why didn’t you say so earlier?” after the fact. He’s rather eager at the idea of helping, but lacks the consideration for personal choices.
Despite these traits of his, he is well-meaning at heart. Vega cares for his Ignihyde dormmates greatly, and is the self-declared of “mom friend” of the dorm. You know, the one that has every useful thing you could imagine in a purse, and correct your food order if you asked for no pickles. Although everything about him tends to rise from misunderstandings, he’s quite the loyal friend, even if there’s things he should work on to make it more balanced friendship. He never wants his peers to feel left out, so he always chats up his dormmates and brings them their favorite snacks and drinks to get along. Vega actually wears blue lipstick for this exactly reason haha! He heard about Idia’s insecurities over his appearance, and completely unknowing that it’s part of Idia’s curse, Vega went ahead to buy blue lipstick to wear every day so he could match with Idia. He feels like it adds to his own flashy appearance, so he quite likes it.
Anyway, he was assigned to Ignihyde dorm because of his “spirit of diligence.” He is an extremely dedicated worker to his projects, and he also fits in with Ignihyde in regards to his mechanical inventions. Whether it be cutting-edge outfits or new contraptions, he combines technology with many different mediums in an attempt to design something that’s never been seen before.
I’d like to think he experimented with pretty much all of the clubs at NRC. I can imagine him joining the Equestrian club at first because of the “aesthetics,” but immediately quit when he fell off the horse lmao. Film Studies in-game is said to be heavily lacking in backstage workers, since many of the members are from Pomefiore and want to be on stage, not behind the scenes. That’s where Vega swooped in, fiddling with lighting and set design and costumes. He keeps himself really busy because again, backstage members are lacking and sometimes Vega’s visions are too bold to bring to life with the limited deadlines. Still, he has a lot of fun using his skills for the club!
His Unique Magic is “Put ‘Em Together,” which allows him to create brand new objects from a previous object (made from the same material- he can’t turn fabric into metal)- but the new object created will eventually shatter within a certain time limit. For example, he could change a regular crystal into a sword, but it will eventually shatter into millions of pieces, which destroys the original crystal it was made out of. Sort of like a reference to Lady Tremaine breaking Cinderella’s glass slipper! The subsequent shattering of his magic can be quite the mess, and even dangerous depending on the material he uses (paper would just tear into pieces, but crystal and wood can shatter/splinter right in his hands if he’s not careful) so it’s not like he can just summon whatever he wants for everyday use. I hope my explanation of this idea makes sense! (*⁰▿⁰*)
I rambled for so long haha! I feel like there’s so much I want to say in regards to character relationships and backstory, but I think I’ll save it for a future post to make more individual silly comics \(//∇//)\ Thanks for reading about my OC! ^_^
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