#Vis dev: Dominique Lewis
toa-archive · 23 days
Decided to split up the artwork that turned up over the weekend in part as wanted to focus on THIS thing first:
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Brunch Studio has a now hidden page where they go into detail of what they did for Trollhunters (Both og film and TV) including creating the Trollmarket set design. Which is neat because some of Rémi Salmon's work was saved from whatever his website is doing! Another of the artists mentioned on there is Fabien Ouvrard. Through some tracking down I managed to uncover his instagram and later his artstation account. The first had some cropped work from Trollhunters whereas his artstation didn't... Until Saturday.
Being able to have a proper look at this thing managed to figure out it is in fact the shooting board for the below video:
Not entirely sure if it was part of a pitch, a spec or what just that it's incredibly cool.
If you really zoom into the Shooting Board you find this image which given the other artwork is very possibly Christopher Zibach.
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The matching image on the reel is a pretty easy one to ID, Geoffroy Thoorens dated back in 2014. The trolls beforehand are a bit more of a mystery though there is a suspicion who they might be which we'll come to shortly.
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Next zoom in is this which the artbook confirms is Zibach.
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Whereas the Reel is Thoorens again, also 2014. It's likely this is an overpaint of Alfonso Blaas' version because of the remarkable similarity.
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From the zoomed in stills again this one can absolutely confirm is Zibach because it was on tumblr with an instagram redirect.
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Broken tumblr posts can't stop me:
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The next transition gets a bit more in the air seeing as it's a composite. From what I've been able to figure out:
Alfonso Blaas - Trolls, he has them all uploaded separately and they're painted over Headless Studios linework
Christopher Zibach - Heartstone
Geoffroy Thoorens likely had a hand in the rest as he does have those funky gem bridges on his artstation which have not really shown up elsewhere. It could be a mixture of him, Blaas, Ouvrard or even other artists too!
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After that is a bit of a mystery. On the shooting board it's clearly Zibach so somebody must have made their own version of it. When that happened they added Blinky and Toby in the process.
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With nothing for the sweeping in to GO AWAY shot it like was based on Fabien's sketch using the above Zibach as a reference.
The Heartstone went through all sorts of weird and wonderful transitions though being in water with the posing did show in Zibach's shown below. According to the artbook and comparing to the reel it looks like that particular image was drawn by Dominique Lewis possibly with Thoorens's background, difficult to tell.
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Will try and contact Zibach to just double check it is his work on the Shooting Board. Other than that it's been incredibly neat seeing some brand new work (If small), sketches and an excuse to watch that video again.
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