letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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For Gaza, who believes in the power of humanity
Support Malak Mission in Gaza with Molham Team and Kids Paradise
"My name is Malak Humanitarian activist in Gaza, we are suffering from dangerous and unsafe conditions due to the ongoing escalation of war."
Our Campaign Goal:
With support Malak's mission provides crucial assistance to children, women, and those without shelter or displaced by war, offering daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities and surprises.
The funds raised will go directly towards offering daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities to those in need in the camps and new IDPs.
with Malak, along with a team of dedicated volunteers, works tirelessly on the ground to monitor and address the pressing needs of the community.
Malak's camera constantly monitors human stories in the field with a lot of volunteers around her.
How You Can Contribute: Donate directly through the campaign https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media to raise awareness and support.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with us in these challenging times.
This is a call to action for all who believe in the power of humanity. Support our campaign for war victims https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
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letusbloomtogether · 2 months
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Support Malak Mission in Gaza
Kids Paradise ambassador in Gaza and our great partners Refugee Protection International "
Your support for Malak's mission in Gaza is crucial in providing assistance to those affected by the ongoing conflict. With your contribution,
Malak and our team can continue to provide daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities to children, women, and displaced individuals in the camps.
Your donations will directly impact the lives of those in need, offering them essential aid during these challenging times. Malak and her dedicated volunteers are tirelessly working on the ground to address the pressing needs of the community, and your support will enable them to make a meaningful difference.
Our Campaign Goal:
With support Malak's mission provides crucial assistance to children, women, and those without shelter or displaced by war, offering daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities and surprises.
The funds raised will go directly towards offering daily urgent food, psychological support, and recreational activities to those in need in the camps and new IDPs.
with Malak, along with a team of dedicated volunteers, works tirelessly on the ground to monitor and address the pressing needs of the community.
Malak's camera constantly monitors human stories in the field with a lot of volunteers around her.
How You Can Contribute: Donate directly through https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media to raise awareness and support.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with us in these challenging times.
This is a call to action for all who believe in the power of humanity.
Want to join me in making a difference?
I'm raising money to benefit Refugee Protection International and Kids Paradise and any donation will help make an impact.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to me. More information about Refugee Protection International: RPI partners with grassroots nonprofit organizations near conflict zones to strengthen protection and self-reliance among urban refugees and internally displaced persons through relief interventions including housing, documentation, emergency protection assistance, and basic services. RPI's model offers minimal overhead and enhanced sustainability by empowering grassroots relief capacity. Donations currently support IDPs in Gaza
How You Can Contribute: Donate directly through the campaign https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media to raise awareness and support.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with us in these challenging times.
This is a call to action for all who believe in the power of humanity. Support our campaign for war victims https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
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letusbloomtogether · 2 months
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Asalamu Alikum, my name is Dalya Ayoub, founder of Life Matters Community.
Every year in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, I run the “Laylatul Qadr Charity Drive”, where I ask people to give every single night in the last 10 nights with the intention that their charity will be guaranteed to fall on Laylatul Al Qadr (The Night of Power, a night better than a thousand months!)…
As you know, I usually would choose various charities to distribute the total funds raised to maximize benefit, but as you also know, the current situation in G a z a is beyond catastrophic at the moment, and because of the scale of urgency and need, there is no better time than these blessed nights to give generously to provide some relief to our brothers and sisters in Ga za.
I will be distributing all the funds we raise in these 10 nights to life-saving projects daily in both the North and South Insha Allah.
These will include:
Iftar meals
Suhoor meals
Clean water distribution
Monetary support for those who need it
Your contributions no matter how big or small, will help our brothers and sisters in G az a DAILY in every single way possible in Sha Allah!
It’s the least we can do to help them continue to survive.
How You Can Contribute: Donate directly through the campaign https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media to raise awareness and support.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with us in these challenging times.
This is a call to action for all who believe in the power of humanity. Support our campaign for war victims https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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Cry for Help from Gaza
My name is Klara Nesvadbová and I am from the Czech Republic, currently living in France. The purpose of this fundraiser is to provide financial assistance to Wafaa Sulaiman and her entire family. Wafaa is a 21-year-old dentistry scholar from Gaza. Her family includes both parents, two brothers (one of whom suffers from macular dystrophy), a pregnant sister in her third trimester with her 3-year-old son, and her husband.
Wafaa has asked me to share some of her words with you. She wants to express her deep gratitude for any support that can be provided. She and her family have been living in unimaginable conditions due to the ongoing conflict. They have been displaced multiple times and are currently staying in Rafah, which is facing heavy bombardment.
Wafaa’s main concern is the safety and well-being of her family, especially her young nephew and pregnant sister. She dreams of a better future for them, where they can live without fear and have access to basic necessities and healthcare.
She says, “We have endured so much hardship and uncertainty. It breaks my heart to see my family suffer. We are desperately seeking a way to reach safety and provide a better life for our children. Your support means the world to us and gives us hope. We are eternally grateful for any assistance you can provide.”
All the funds raised through this campaign will be used to pay for the fees required to cross the border into Egypt (6000$ per person), where Wafaa and her family hope to find safety and stability. Time is of the essence, as their current situation is dire.
We are incredibly grateful for any donations that can help us achieve our goal of providing Wafaa and her family with the support they desperately need. Your generosity can make a significant difference in their lives. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.
Support the evacuation: https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon https://bit.ly/438vnxq
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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Emergency Gaza: Help Aboud's family
I am the man Abdullah Al-Saghir, 10 years old, from the city of Khan Yunis. I did not say the child because I was deprived of my childhood. My father died when I was 7 years old. I, my family, and 8 members were displaced from our big, beautiful house, which would turn into rubble, into a tent, with a disruption in livelihood. And our life begins as hell. Finally, Sharif, who was married one month before the war, suffered a lot when he built his house, and he did not continue to be happy with it. The house was completely demolished, and my brother Ashraf, who had a chance at the university and was first in the class, did not complete two years at the university, and the university was also demolished and his future was destroyed. My brother Ashraf, who was ambitious, and everyone helped me rebuild what the occupation destroyed in our lives. We hope that through this support, I and my family will have a better future. The least you can do is publish the link on your social pages.
Je suis Abdullah Al-Saghir, un homme âgé de 10 ans, originaire de la ville de Khan Younis. J'ai dit "homme", je n'ai pas dit "enfant" car j'ai été privé de mon enfance. Mon père est décédé quand j'avais 7 ans. Ma famille et moi, au total 8 membres, avons été déplacés de notre grande et belle maison, qui s'est transformée en ruines, pour vivre sous une tente, avec une interruption de nos moyens de subsistance. Et notre vie a commencé à être un enfer. Enfin, Sharif, qui s'était marié un mois avant la guerre, a beaucoup souffert lorsqu'il a construit sa maison, et il n'a pas continué à être heureux avec. La maison a été complètement démolie, et mon frère Ashraf, qui avait une chance à l'université et qui était premier de sa classe, n'a pas terminé deux années à l'université, et l'université a également été démolie et son avenir a été détruit. Mon frère Ashraf, qui était ambitieux, et tout le monde m'a aidé à reconstruire ce que l'occupation a détruit dans nos vies. Nous espérons qu'à travers ce soutien, moi et ma famille aurons un meilleur avenir. Partagez svp le lien autour de vous et sur vos pages.
Support the evacuation: https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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Help My Friends' Beloved Family Escape Gaza
Letter from my friend, Mahmoud Shakshak, 01/22/2024
Hello everyone, I need you to help my family escape a genocide against Palestinians and televised massacres. My name is Mahmoud, I'm from The Gaza Strip, Palestine. I am a university student in İstanbul, Türkiye, and I am raising this fundraiser to help get my beloved family out of Gaza.
The current situation as of date: My parents and two unmarried siblings are together in Khan Younis. My two married siblings, their spouses, and my four nephews (the youngest was born in the middle of the war) evacuated their home to the south where they sought safety for their children in UN tents. After 100 days of miraculously cheating death, my parents had to leave our home in Khan Younis City and go south to Rafah City. Rafah was too crowded, my family had to go back to the danger zone in Khan Younis. Their immediate area is a target for Israeli airstrikes, the hospital near them has already been hit. The building we live in is partially damaged from the blast force of missiles hitting the surrounding area. It could collapse and it’s not safe. They also lack adequate food and water supply, and cannot seek proper health and emergency care.
I have not been able to contact my parents for two days. The last time I spoke to my brother, Mohammed was three weeks ago. My pain is nothing compared to others, yet I never thought I could go through so much, and lose This number of people and things close to my heart.
This is my beloved family who you would be helping: My parents: Father: Sadi (retired). He’s 65 years old. Mother: Amna (housewife). She’s 57 years old.
Mohammed and his family: Father: Mohammed, my elder brother. (33 years old). Wife: Hanan, my sister-in-law. (33 years old). Son: Sadi Jr. My nephew. (6 years old). Son: Ahmad. My nephew. (5 years old). Son: Mohammed Jr. My nephew. (101 days old).
(Sadi and Ahmad with their father. Their mother, Ghadeer, unfortunately, passed away in 2021)
Walaa And Her Family: Mother: Walaa, my elder sister. Computer engineer. housewife (35 years old). Father: Muhannad, my brother-in-law. Social worker. (36 years old). Son: Bashar, my nephew. Student (8 years old).
Bashar at his 1st-grade graduation ceremony)
My unmarried siblings: Brother: Raed. Project manager. (27 years old). Sister: Zeena. Student. (15 years old).
How is your support going to be used?
The majority of the support will be used to pay for special permits on the Egyptian borders. Unfortunately, the cost for that rises by the hour, starting at 500 USD per person at the beginning, and ending up at 11,000 USD per person at the moment. If children do not need permits to cross the borders, the cost will be 88,000 USD. The rest of your support will be used to bring them to Türkiye. It is expected to be divided as follows:
A. The Sini: Transportation from Rafah border to Cairo. While cars that cross the Sini desert between the two cities control the prices and charges for passengers escaping the war, It should not cost more than 2,000 USD. B. Travel fees: such as flight tickets and visas should cost around 4,000 USD for all of my family.
C. Upon arrival: Unfortunately, my sister and I will not be able to host all of my family in our rented apartment in Istanbul. I will have to find a suitable, big enough place to rent for the three families so they can settle in. Medical exams are a must, especially for my 3-month-old nephew and my parents. These should cost around 6,000 USD.
Making the total cost of saving my family 100,000 USD.
How Can You Support Us? If you cannot donate, the next best thing you could do for us is to share this with your friends and your community. I want my family out of harm's way, we would greatly appreciate any help we can get!
Thank you all so very much, Mahmoud Shakshak
Support the evacuation: https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon https://bit.ly/3To827T
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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Help Hammoud and his family to evacuate Gaza
Hello everyone… My name is Hammoud Al Zaharneh from Gaza, Palestine. 150 of this war, we are living with psychological trauma due to everything that has been happening around us. We are suffering from various illnesses like colds, pneumonia, food poisoning, etc. I’m seeking your generosity to help me and my family build a future away from war and despair.
Thank you in advance to everyone who donates or shares the link with those who can help our family.
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
Urgent plea from Manal Al-Hafi, a disabled Palestinian in Belgium, seeking help to evacuate her family from the perilous situation in Gaza. Facing extreme hardships amid the ongoing war, her family lacks basic necessities and lives in constant fear after being bombed and displaced. Manal, in poor health, fears losing her family. The campaign aims to raise €47,849 for basic needs, evacuation permits, travel costs, and associated fees. Donations, regardless of size, can significantly impact the safety of Manal's family. [Support the evacuation: https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon]
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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Help my family evacuate GAZA
I am Manal Al-Hafi, 60 years old and a Palestinian from Gaza. I currently reside in Belgium, I have a residence permit A.
Right now I have 5 immediate family members in Gaza, my husband, son-in-law, my daughter as well as her two children, one of whom is 3 years old and the other under a year old.
I am starting a fundraiser to save the lives of my immediate family members, I am their only hope to get out of Gaza to Belgium to be together again. Please help me save my family's lives.
I am unable to work due to my disability, I suffer from diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Whenever I have a chance to sleep, I wake up right away to see if my family is still alive, but it is hard to tell right away due to the current situation where there is no electricity, connection, fuel, water, or food, which makes my health condition worse, I am worried that I will lose my family any moment. Due to the war that's been going on in the Gaza Strip for 150 days, which has targeted civilians, they're struggling right now, and genocides are happening in Gaza every day.
At the beginning of the war, my family evacuated from the north to the south where they looked for a safe place, then we found out our house had been bombed, and our neighbourhood area had been destroyed. The house we lived in for more than 24 years is gone, and we're homeless now. Currently, there is no safe place for them to live or to go, as of now they are sharing the tiny space with a large number of people.
My husband is an old man and he has prostatitis, hemiplegia, low blood pressure, and nutritional deficiencies from lack of food that make me worry about him. On top of that, after a hard 60 days during this war, my daughter miscarried, and I'm worried about my daughter's kids not getting food or sleep because they don't have the basic necessities of life. Hearing bombs and explosions scares them, so they flee from place to place looking for safety.
They can't find any medication or anything to wear in this cold weather, and they keep getting sick and they don't have access to health care.
Many of my family members have been killed, and yesterday my brother-in-law's granddaughter was killed, and many other members are missing under rubble, we don't know if they are alive or dead.
I have a well-educated, successful family, my husband is retired, my daughter is a school teacher with a bachelor's degree in English translation, and my son-in-law is a paramedic. My family names Khamis n. M. Alhafi Noor k. N. Alhafi Mohammed f. M. Abuqadous Fares m. F. Abuqadous Aser m. F. Abuqadous
Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for five people.
In order to facilitate my family's evacuation from Egypt and to Belgium, I'm setting up a campaign to raise € 47,849. Here is the breakdown of the funds:
It is estimated that €5,000 will be sufficient to cover the basic needs of my family in Egypt, including their accommodation, food, and other essentials (This equals €1,000 per month).
A total of €31,500
Has to be allocated to cover the expenses associated with obtaining permits to leave Gaza, as well as crossing fees at Rafah, at the Egypt-Gaza border. This amount breaks down to €6,300 per person, including my two brothers' families and my parents' families (5 people).
The cost of travel from Cairo to Belgium is €5,000
. The cost for visa applications and all the costs related to reunion is €5,000. (€1,000 per person).
. A total of € 1,349 will be used to cover transaction fees.
Any donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference to the safety of my family. We'll use the money raised in a transparent and efficient way to make sure every dollar goes to keeping them safe.
Thanks for your support, and I'm grateful for any help you can give me during this difficult time.
Help me reach my goal and provide safety for my family by sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your kindness and support, as well as your willingness to stand with us in support, as together we can make a real difference and provide safety and security for my family.
Thank you our compassionate friends and supporters.
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
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CareForVictimsOfWar: A Humanitarian Initiative for Displaced Families
We, at CareForVictimsOfWar, are dedicated to supporting displaced families affected by wars. Our campaign, led by Sara, operates in war-torn regions, striving to make a direct impact. Sabrine, a passionate 25-year-old in Germany, is spearheading this fundraiser on behalf of the CareForVictimsOfWar campaign.
Sara's voluntary efforts encompass the distribution of essential supplies such as cash, food, medicine, and clothing. To witness the tangible impact of your donation, follow us at (https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon), where we regularly showcase our work.
Your generous contributions will be transferred directly to Sara via bank transactions, ensuring that every penny reaches the civilians caught in the midst of wars. Thank you for choosing to make a difference in the lives of war victims.
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
CareForVictimsOfWar: A Humanitarian Initiative for Displaced Families
We, at CareForVictimsOfWar, are dedicated to supporting displaced families affected by wars. Our campaign, led by Sara, operates in war-torn regions, striving to make a direct impact. Sabrine, a passionate 25-year-old in Germany, is spearheading this fundraiser on behalf of the CareForVictimsOfWar campaign.
Sara's voluntary efforts encompass the distribution of essential supplies such as cash, food, medicine, and clothing. To witness the tangible impact of your donation, follow us at (https://bit.ly/StopWarsPatreon), where we regularly showcase our work.
Your generous contributions will be transferred directly to Sara via bank transactions, ensuring that every penny reaches the civilians caught in the midst of wars. Thank you for choosing to make a difference in the lives of war victims.
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letusbloomtogether · 3 months
Rebuilding Lives: A Family's Call for Hope
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