#We’d get OG Hiccup in the live action. CAN YOU IMAGINE
shima-draws · 1 year
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cancercrew-filth · 7 years
Getting High (Joji)
Anon Request: plsplspls i wanna read a getting high with joji imagine, however pls don't make Y/N a complete idiot about weed, this is 2017
Hope you enjoy it!
Y/N’s POV I sat against Joji’s door with my knees to my chest, picking the gunk out from under my nails as I waited for him to arrive. I already picked off all of the chipped paint from the frame of the door and was left to my own tactics, trying to make my butt comfortable against the hard tiled floors and try not to bore myself to sleep. I had texted Joji about five times already asking if he had forgotten about our ‘hangout’ sesh, to which he answered that he was running late. Something about a small hiccup with traffic. Before I knew it, he was strutting towards me from down the hall with a plastic black bag in his hand, smiling at the sight of me. I stood up and he shoved the key into the keyhole and unlocked the door, swinging it open.
“What took you so long, bud?” I asked jokingly as I made myself at home raiding his fridge for some beer.
“Traffic was awful and my dealer wanted to chat about some stuff on the news over some Starbucks.” he mumbled as he sat on the couch and removed the contents out of his bag.
“Are they a sixty-five? Who the hell even watches the new anymore? And who’s that passionate to sit and talk about it over Starbucks?” I giggled as I poured us both some orange juice with vodka instead.
“Losers.” he commented as he laughed, “I just wanted some weed, not a conversation.”
I accompanied him on the couch and observed him as he began to grind the weed up skillfully. After a stressful week, I tried everything to unwind: long baths, scented candles and incense sticks, even hours of sleep but nothing seemed to work. Normally, Joji and I would talk about smoking together but we never came to the point where we would actually do it since he was always busy and I was always busy due to coursework, but since the semester finally ended, I was all his for occasional smoke sessions. I wasn’t uneducated about smoking, I knew the ins and outs, I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a ‘pro’, but I had my fair share of experiences with getting high. Normally, I would smoke with a close friend of mine who would use bowls so I was clueless when it came to rolling a joint. Joji rolled out the rolling paper flat on the table and emptied out the contents in the grinder onto the paper. The scent wasn’t like your typical pungent weed/skunk scent, it had a bit of a hint of cheese, sort of. Which was odd but trying new things when it came to smoking was a must.
“Did I have you waiting for too long?” he asked me as he sipped his concoction, making a face as the taste hit his tongue, his actions telling me that the drink was strong.
“No, I was there for about twenty minutes. I was picking the chipped paint off the walls.” I told him as he smiled at me and started to roll the blunt slowly, wanting make sure the weed was all evenly distributed throughout.
After finishing the rolling process, he handed it to me. I placed the blunt in between my lips, letting him lift the lighter to then end of it. The fire flickered orange and red tones appeared before my eyes as he maneuvered it slightly, letting the end catch on fire. Removing his thumb from the spark wheel, I huffed in to make sure it was lighted correctly and not in need of a second spark. I inhaled slowly, letting my lungs fill with smoke as I took a long huff, I tilted my head back and lightly exhaled. I shut my eyes, beginning to feel a buzz. Joji talked about his dealer having ‘great shit’, but never did I think it would have been this good nor this strong. Opening my eyes after a while, I looked at him as I handed the blunt to him, his eyebrows were raised in shock.
“Shit. That was longest hit I’ve ever seen anyone take.” he chuckled, “I didn’t know you had lungs of steel. You ever had strong shit like this before?”
“Nope. Normally I would have like the easy shit, but damn, this is really potent.” I said as I observed him take a long drag, “It’s really good though…I need to do this with you more often.”
He nodded in agreement and handed the blunt back to me as he stood up. He mumbled ‘munchies’ and disappeared into the kitchen. I heard him as he rummaged through the kitchen in search for something to eat and made an ‘aha!’ sound when he found something. Bolting into the living room, he flashed a pamphlet for pizza as he smiled happily.I took out my phone to dial as I held the joint in between my lips.
“Um,” I questioned as I looked at the pamphlet confused, “What language even is this? What number is this supposed to be?” I pointed at a strange looking one.
Joji sat on the edge of the couch as he took the joint and laughed, “It’s upside down, Y/N.”
I was so high it felt like the couch I was on was massaging my butt and I didn’t even know how to hold a damn pamplet. Once I called the number and put in an order, I got a little paranoid, it would happen depending on how strong the substance was. Normally, I was the one who be the most chill, but when you smoke strong stuff like this, there’s no telling who you’d turn out to be like.
“Yo, the pizza dude sounded like Oprah.” I said calmly, “What if she knows we’re smoking? And she’s like… disappointed? I love Oprah, bro…I don’t want her disappointed in me.” I mumbled, “She gives out free shit and maybe we’d get our pizza for free if we act like we’re not doing anything.”
“What?” he laughed at me, not being able to contain himself, which made me laugh along with him.
Joji and I finished the blunt we were both sharing and we were beyond hungry, so he thought it would be a good idea to let me have my own blunt while he smoked his own. I didn’t mind the idea being that I haven’t been this calm in ages. I was relaxed to the point where I was falling asleep. I woke with a jolt when I felt Joji tap my leg, I thought I had been asleep for hours but I was only out for seven minutes. The pizza box sat in front of us on the coffee table. The smell made my stomach rumble and my mouth water, and that said a lot since my mouth was dryer than the sahara desert.
“Did you give Oprah her tip?” I asked him as I rubbed my eyes.
“It wasn’t Oprah…just some teen who could use a haircut and some soap. One of those ‘hippie skater’ dudes.” he corrected me as I got up to get some water, still smoking.
Coming back to the table, the cup in one hand while the joint was in the other as I took turns hydrating myself and smoking, Joji lifted the lid of the box and we just sat there.
“Dude…” I whispered.
He was at a loss for words. Joji was angry, confused, and didn’t know if he should laugh or yell in anger. I let out a giggle which turned into loud hurts of laughter. He rolled his eyes at me and poked at the ‘pizza’.
“I’m about to call them. Like, is this some kind of joke?! Who the fuck delivers bread in a box?” he ranted as he searched for his phone while it was in his hand.
I poke around a little more, “Hey, it can’t be that bad…can it? I’m hungry and this crust is calling my name.” I mumbled.
As he was on the phone with the pizza company trying his best to put into words what was going on, I stared at the round crispy bread looking circle of crust that had been delivered to us. No sauce, no cheese, no pepperoni…just crust. I noticed some grease stains adjacent to the crust below it, as I lifted it up a bit, I saw the cheese and the sauce along with a piece of a pepperoni. I gasped loudly, getting his attention.
“You opened it upside down, you idiot.” I told him as I closed the box and flipped it.
“Never mind, the box was upside down…that’s the last time we’re smoking OG Head Cheese.” he said into the other line with a nervous laugh before hanging up
“Head Cheese? That’s why my mouth tastes like cheese? You need to keep me in touch with your dealer because this is some good stuff, Joj.” I said with wide eyes already chewing on a slice pizza.
“Wanna come over tomorrow? I have enough and I like it when you’re high. You’re eventful.” he asked me as he sat down next to me and pick up a slice.
“Hell, yeah.” I answered, smiling at him as he ate his slice crust first, “Just don’t open anything upside down.”
“Shut up.” he chuckled.
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