#William Orchard Hopper
cavinginhisfvce · 1 year
'William Orchard Hopper"
Pairing: Harringrove.
Tw: child abuse, mentions of infidelity.
This started out as a headcanon of Jim being Billy biological dad and quickly spiraled into this??? Sorry. <3
Not many people know that Jim Hopper spent a considerable amount of time in California in his twenties.
Jim and Billy's mom, Bria Hargrove met and had an affair that led to Billy being born.
Neil knows Billy isn't his son, and becomes abusive towards Bria and Billy until she can no longer take it. 
When Billy is ten, she leaves and hides a note in Billy's room for him to find. 
The note tells him that Neil isn't his real father, it tells him his real father lives in Indiana. Hawkins, specifically but that he had once lived in California. She tells him that the man is named Jim Hopper. She doesn't give him any other details. Not that it truly matters, Neil is whose on his birth certificate. Neil is who is raising Billy into the man he's destined to be.
Confused, Billy tucks the note away. He can almost forget about it, but the knowledge that Neil isn't his dad stays with him. Even when Neil married Susan, and he gained a step-sister in her daughter, Max. 
It doesn't become a problem for Billy until Neil announces that their new, fragile thing of a family is moving to Hawkins, Indiana. 
He doesn't know if Neil knows he'll be dropping them in the town of the very man his mother cheated on him with.
A week after the move, Billy makes the mistake of getting high after Neil's latest lesson in Respect and Responsibility that ended with Billy nursing bruised ribs and what's definitely a mild concussion. 
The mistake isn't smoking weed, per say. No, Billy's mistake was forgetting just how loose lipped he gets when high. Because, now he's shown Max the letter his mom left all those years ago, he tells her that Neil isn't his biological father.
Max doesn't say anything, she just stands up and hugs her step-brother. 
The blond tenses briefly, before he's sinking into the hug; his own arms winding around her small frame. 
She's gotten taller, so with Billy sitting, his head is pressed into her stomach.
She doesn't comment on the warmth of his tears, she just hugs him tighter.
What does someone say to their step-brother who's father beats him on a regular basis? What do you say when that same boy knows the man who lords his parental status over him, isn't actually his dad? 
Max decides you say nothing. Billy doesn't seem put off by the lack of response. 
It isn't until after Halloween, after Max has plunged a syringe into Billy's neck to sedate him when a panic attack had led to a violent fit, that they're both forced to confront the very thing Billy has tried so hard to forget.
It wasn't the first time Billy lashed out like this, but it was one of the worst times. Her new friends had gotten permission from Neil and her mother to come over, but something set Billy off when she introduced him to Jane.
To his credit, Billy had fled the house when he noticed his breathing picking up. It hadn't helped much, because Max followed behind him, leading her friends to do the same.
When Jane met his gaze, her eyes were soft but unreadable, like she knew she held the last name of the man his mother confessed was actually his father.
It could've been a coincidence, but his mom had also told him the mystery man was training to become a police officer. 
That was too many coincidences, if you asked Billy.
He doesn't remember much after that, not that ever does. 
He knows her friends had been afraid, but for some weird fucking reason they tried to comfort him.
The curly-haired one even called Steve Harrington, declaring that the elder was good in situations like this. 
Billy seriously doubted that, but he'd never pass up a chance to see Steve. Their relationship was still new. New as in they'd only been official for the past week.
Once Steve had arrived, the kids all seemed to lose interest in everything, and retreated into the living room to play video games. Max took some convincing, but eventually, they were able to pry her away from the place she'd refused to leave at Billy's side.
The couple quickly toed off to Billy's room, and Steve wasted no time in pulling Billy into his arms.
Billy felt bone-tired, the sedative given to him never knocks him out, it mostly tires him out. Makes the world fuzzy, and like it's covered in a foggy film.
But, this felt different. This felt like a tiredness that wouldn't be quelled by resting for the remainder of the day. 
The younger boy hadn't told Steve about Jim, so when he asked what triggered this episode, Billy quickly spilled. He spoke until his throat felt raw, and his hands were shaking. 
He spoke until the room felt as if all the air was quickly evaporating. 
Steve waited until Billy's word vomit came to an end, before gently responding, "It's okay, B. If Hop is your dad, he's a good man. A little grumpy, but he's not like…" he trails off, but Billy can fill in the blanks just fine.
"H-how am I even supposed to broach this subject with him, Steve? What if...what if he doesn't want me just like her, and I'm stuck with Neil until I'm 18, or dead?" 
The brunet quickly reaches out to cup Billy's cheek, his thumb grazing the smooth skin. "That won't happen. Even if it did, you've got me. You're never gonna be stuck with him forever so long as I'm alive and breathing, baby."
There's more the boy wants to say, but he just feels so tired. The sounds of the kids all yelling in the other room serve as nothing more than background noise.
It's about an hour later, and Billy's only been fighting his sleep because Steve is showing him various tiktoks and clips of random gamers he enjoys.
Soon though, he's starting to doze on Steve's shoulder, when there's a knock at his door, then a head of brown curls are peaking into his room.
His breath hitches, but Steve's hand finds his back and begins to soothingly rub his stress away. 
Metaphorically, of course. Because in reality, Billy is still freaking out.
"Jim is here to pick me up, but he wanted to meet you."
This causes him to bristle, "Me? Why?"
Jane merely shrugs, before turning away. 
Billy has an inkling she does know, but he swallows it down and climbs off his bed to make the short trek to the living room.
When he lays eyes on Hopper, the man is dressed in his uniform, a small grimace on his lips as he observes the sparsely decorated room.
His eyes eventually land on Billy and he offers something that could be considered a smile.
"So you're the owner of that Camaro out front, or is that your dad's?"
Billy wants to laugh out loud at the question, but instead he shakes his head. "No, sir. She's all mine, fixed her from the ground up myself." 
It was true, Billy spent months fixing her up, she'd been all but totaled when he found her body at the junkyard in California. 
He immediately fell in love with the car, despite the appearance and the rest was history.
The chief let out a long whistle, along with an approving nod.
"Damn kid. You lookin' for work? I know the mechanic in town could use someone like you on weekends."
Billy only nods, unsure of what to say. 
"Yeah, yeah that'd be great, actually! Thanks."
Jim nods, his eyes never leaving their place of observing the blond. 
"I'll set it up, just come by my office on Monday and we'll work out all the kinks."
Soon after, Jim leaves with Jane, who promises Max that they'll hang out soon.
Much to Billy's chargin, Steve leaves with the rest of the kids, sans Max, around forty-five minutes later.
Neil and Susan return after Billy has finished cleaning up the dishes from his and Max's dinner. 
His dad seems pissed by something, something Billy can't figure out.
Not that it matters. All that matters is that his bad mood means a repeat of last night. 
As it plays out, Billy doesn't have to wait until Monday, because the man in question all but busts the Hargrove's front door down, catching Neil in the act of wailing on the defenseless blond.
There's a whirlwind of activity that ends with his father in cuffs, and Hopper escorting Billy to the hospital with Max glued to his side while Susan tails the Chief's car.
On the drive there, Billy doesn't expect the chief to blurt out, "Jane heard what you told Steve." Billy wants to play dumb, he wants to pretend he has no clue what Hopper is referring to; but instead he just shrugs and glances back at Max, the red-head at least looks apologetic. 
"Does she always ear hustle that hard?" The large man huffs out a laugh, "you have no clue kid," he pauses, chewing at his lip before he carefully continues, "I knew the last name was familiar, just chalked up to a coincidence. But your ma...you look just like her…"
"Why didn't you say something earlier?" 
"I didn't want to assume, I was gonna do some digging. You know? I didn't know Bria was pregnant when we broke things off. All she said was Neil was getting suspicious. She didn't tell me, if she had…" he trails off, pulling up to the entrance of the hospital. 
"I'm gonna make this right, Billy. I promise."
Billy wants to scoff, but one glance at Max's hopeful face in the mirror has Billy nodding instead. 
"Yeah, okay." His words are soft, lacking any bite. 
It turns out that the police chief busting down your front door to find your "father" beating you bloody, is more than enough evidence to send said man to prison. 
It also turns out that one nicely worded threat is enough to have Neil Hargrove give up parental rights that never rightly belonged to him.
A DNA test for confirmation later Billy was getting a new birth certificate in the mail with the name William Orchard Hopper.
Below it read Bria Hargrove and James Hopper.
Billy was in the middle of decorating his new room in Hopper's place when Max barged in, Steve trailing behind her with a sweet grin on his lips.
"Billy, can you take me and Jane to the arcade?" Jane, who Billy hadn't noticed initially just smiled up at him.
The boy shook his head, turning to Steve, "aren't these your charges? Why am I the chaperone?"
Max rolls his eyes, "you're our brother, so you have to! You love us!"
Jane quickly nods her head, a sparkle in her eyes, "Yeah! You love us."
Steve hums his agreement, which has Billy shaking his head again, "okay, whatever shitbirds. Let me change, at least."
They seem to accept that, and slip out the room, leaving Billy and Steve alone.
The latter smiles at him, before crossing the room to plant a light kiss to his lips.
"Alright, now hurry up, Blondie! We can't let the boys get too cocky, Jonathan dropped them off already and I just know Dustin is trying to beat Max's highscores already. They're gonna fight all day."
Once Billy is dressed, he drags Steve out his bedroom, only to run into Hopper. Literally. 
Billy's head bounces against his chest and everything.
The man just grunts and steadies the smaller boy, his lips parting to speak before Billy is wrapping his arms around his midsection, "see you for dinner, Pops!" before he's grabbing Steve's hand and ushering Max and Jane out the door.
Jim doesn't miss the smile that graces his son's lips before he calls out, "be safe!"
He can almost see the way Jane and Billy roll their eyes before responding without missing a beat, 
"Us? Always!" Jim doesn't mention the time he had to put out a small fire from when Billy tried to teach Jane tricks with his zippo.
Yeah, always my ass, he thinks.
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ozu-teapot · 5 years
Films Watched in November 2019
90 Degrees in the Shade | Jirí Weiss | 1965
31 Degrees in the Shade | Jirí Weiss | 1965
One Cut of the Dead | Shin'ichirô Ueda | 2017
The Orchard End Murder | Christian Marnham | 1981
The Showman (Short) | Christian Marnham | 1970
Stranger in the House (AKA Cop-Out) | Pierre Rouve | 1967
Phantom Lady | Robert Siodmak | 1944
Psychomania | Don Sharp | 1973
Odds Against Tomorrow | Robert Wise | 1959
G.G. Passion (Short) | David Bailey | 1966
Chaos | Hideo Nakata | 2000
Le coup du berger (Short) | Jacques Rivette | 1956
Press for Time | Robert Asher | 1966
The Set-Up | Robert Wise | 1949
Paris nous appartient | Jacques Rivette | 1961
The Prowler | Joseph Losey | 1951
The Big Clock | John Farrow | 1948
Der Frosch mit der Maske (AKA Face of the Frog) | Harald Reinl | 1959
Britannia Hospital | Lindsay Anderson | 1982
Naked Alibi | Jerry Hopper | 1954
Nightmare | Freddie Francis | 1964
The Servant | Joseph Losey | 1963
Criss Cross | Robert Siodmak | 1949
Fright | Peter Collinson | 1971
Touch of Evil | Orson Welles | 1958
Der Zinker | Alfred Vohrer | 1963
The Woman in the Window | Fritz Lang | 1944
Niagara | Henry Hathaway | 1953
The Shining | Stanley Kubrick | 1980
Room 237 | Rodney Ascher | 2012
The Web | Michael Gordon | 1947
Dark City | William Dieterle | 1950
Nightfall | Jacques Tourneur | 1956
Time Without Pity | Joseph Losey | 1957
The Rebel | Robert Day | 1961
The Killer Is Loose | Budd Boetticher | 1956
These Are the Damned | Joseph Losey | 1962
Cry Danger | Robert Parrish | 1951
Dead Reckoning | John Cromwell | 1947
Taste of Fear | Seth Holt | 1961
Inseminoid | Norman J. Warren | 1981
Parasite | Bong Joon Ho | 2019
Bold = Top Ten
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cavinginhisfvce · 1 year
ive been taken captive by hopper as billy's bio dad and i am writing a part two to William Orchard Hopper
here's a lil snippet bc im eager af
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