#Wilmington Family Lawyer
lovingrosewho · 11 months
So here we go again: many many years ago (around 2017), I wrote this Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader! fanfiction, I never published it ‘cause I was always making corrections and re-reading it, I tried to publish it around 2019 I think, but then I lost that tumblr account… anyways. After all these years, I bring it to you again, with no new corrections, just myself from 2017 speaking/writing. Hope you like it!
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader!
Rating: T
Word count: 4128
Summary: the BAU is investigating a series of murders in your hometown, and you’re right in the middle of it, but Dr. Spencer Reid takes a particular liking in you.
Warnings: usual tv series stuff (absent father, missing relative, murder and crime scene descriptions)
(set after season 8)
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It was just another day at the BAU, Penelope had just called everyone into the conference room to explain the next case.
“Delaware. Three victims. First victim was killed two weeks ago, his name was Adrien Sanders, he was 57 years old, 5’7 feet tall; second victim was killed almost a week ago, Philip Moore, 56 years old, 5’9 feet tall; and third victim, Dennis Barnes, was killed yesterday, he was 59 years old, also 5’9 feet tall. All three were males, and as you can see, with similar physical features” she explains pointing with a laser to the pictures “Although, they were shot in different places; Sanders was shot in the stomach, Moore on the neck and the right leg, and Barnes was shot several times in… pretty much everywhere” García says, getting goosebumps from the images shown.
“He’s escalating, acting out of rage. Are there any connections besides the physical similarity between the victims?” Morgan asks.
“None, apparently. Sanders was a salesman, he was murdered in Pike Creek, getting out of a bar at night, Moore was a lawyer, killed in plain daylight, near his house in Glasgow, and Barnes was shot at his job, a car factory in Wilmington. No witnesses”.
“I believe we’ve got ourselves an unsub who uses his victims as surrogates for someone else due to the extreme resemblance they present. We’ll keep discussing it on the plane. Wheels up in 30” Hotch declares.
“There’s no evident pattern on the map, it just seems like the unsub picked… random locations” Reid says frowning while looking at the map, tracing lines on it.
“If he’s using his victims as surrogates, wouldn’t it be possible that these men are just victims of opportunity? Maybe the man who killed them is in some kind of delusion that they are who he really wants to kill, they cross paths with him, looking almost, or exactly like his target, and then… that’s it. They’re gone”. JJ says.
“Why are we assuming he’s a man?” Rossi questions.
“That’s a good point…” Spencer speaks “Nothing makes it look like it… this unsub… it doesn’t look like he had a special or knowing management of a gun given the places where he shot his victims, he didn’t use his hands, so there are no traces on the bodies, there’s no signature, no murder weapon, no sign that it was personal, there are no witnesses… there’s no way we can know if it’s a man or a woman”.
“Then we’re back at square one” Morgan concludes “We can’t move forward if we don’t even know if the killer is a male or a female ‘cause we’ve got nothing else, no signature, no nothing”.
“Of course we have something: victimology” Hotch points out “Try to stop looking for the unsub directly, start looking for the next victim, who fits the description and how could he be connected to the unsub. When we land, Reid and I will speak to Delaware authorities to find out what else they can tell us about the case, Rossi and Morgan, go to the last crime scene and let us know what you can tell about this last murder, JJ, go talk to the families of the victims, see what they can tell you about them, if they have any suspicions of someone who could’ve killed their relatives, and if they know of any connection at all with the other victims”.
“You got it” JJ assures.
“We’ll meet you again at Wilmington’s offices”.
While the BAU is busy trying to catch the killer in your town, you’re busy going to work riding your bicycle at the same time you brush your teeth.
You get to the flower shop almost half hour late and start giving Irene, the old lady you work for, explanations as to why you are late, she just looks at you all messed up and laughs, telling you it’s fine since it’s the first time you’re late and that it is no big deal.
You sigh, trying to calm your nerves. You stayed up pretty late last night, waiting for Connor’s text, letting you know he was okay. He’s been doing that for the past couple of weeks he’s been missing. At first you wondered if it was really him, he must’ve guessed that, because he sent you a voicenote, telling you not to worry, saying he needed to clear his mind, apologizing for his behavior… since then, he had been texting you everyday at the same hour every night, but last night, he didn’t text you until 4 a.m.
You figured it was normal, after meeting with your father again, who you hadn’t seen in your 25 years, until then.
You think about all of that while arranging all of the flowers on the counter and changing the signboard from “CLOSED” to “OPEN”, when you do that, you sigh again, sitting behind the counter, pulling a book out of your bag, waiting for the doorbell to ring, indicating you have a customer.
It takes less than 5 minutes for it to ring, which is weird. You frown without taking your eyes off of your book until you’re done reading that sentence. You look up with your best smile and ready to work, when you see your dad standing on the doorway. You roll your eyes and pinch your nose bridge on that precise instant, sensing an oncoming migraine.
“What do you want?” you ask, not raising your voice so Irene doesn’t get startled.
“I told you. I want to make peace with you. And your brother” he says, smiling. What a hypocrite.
“Sir. I’m gonna need to ask you to get out” you say, still not raising the volume.
“I told you that day at the coffee shop… neither me, or Connor, are going to make peace with you… you weren’t here… ever… the few things I know about you, are that you used to beat Connor and my mom up, and that you left the second I was born, how am I supposed to forgive you uh? Tell me” you rant.
“I told you, I am truly sorry”.
“No you’re not… and even if you are… it is not enough. Look, sir, I’m going to ask you to leave again, if you don’t, or if I see you again, I’m gonna call the police and accuse you of harassment, understood?” you state, voice firm and impassive. He looks at you, surprise in his eyes, but nods and turns around, opening the door.
“If you ever change your mind… I’m renting a small apartment here in Wilmington, in front of Stapler Park” he says before getting out and start walking.
“Screw you” you whisper, getting back to your book, when Irene comes to stand behind you.
“Your old man?” she inquires with her Alabamian accent.
“Nah” you say, not removing your eyes from the page you’re in “He’s not my anything”.
A couple of days went by, the team was at Wilmington's offices, discussing the case all over again after each of them had researched enough but came up clean.
"JJ what did you come up with?" Hotch interrogates her, frustrated about not getting anywhere near catching the unsub.
"Not much, I mean... I’m trying to make connections but... the three victims were pretty much... average Joe's... Adrien Sanders was out drinking with a couple of friends, nothing unusual according to his ex wife, Philip Moore was supposed to come home to his son and wife, he was only a couple of blocks away from his house, and Dennis Barnes was working on fixing some car engine, according to his coworkers. Nothing out of the ordinary, no leads..."
"Okay then, let's start thinking, if they're surrogates, who are they surrogates for?" Hotch follows up.
"Could be an ex husband?" Rossi suggests.
"Or perhaps it would be more likely to be an abusive relative?" Morgan thinks.
"Statistically yeah, 3.3 million American children are exposed to domestic violence in their homes each year, 45 to 70% of the same number of children who are exposed to domestic violence are also victims of physical abuse, because of the trauma, they have higher risks of alcohol/drug abuse and juvenile delinquency" Reid states, almost like quoting it from a book.
"The victims were 56, 57 and 59 years old, which means we're looking for someone between the ages of 25-30" Rossi says until Reid comes in again.
"Actually, I think we should consider 25-35 or more, statistics show that it is more likely to suffer from domestic violence when they come from an unwanted pregnancy, which means..."
"Teenage parents" JJ guesses.
"Exactly... we shouldn't even dismiss someone who is 40 years old" Reid assures.
"Okay then what are we looking for? Males or females who suffered from domestic violence, delusional, probably with a criminal record..." Hotch starts.
"Kids who suffer this, don't usually have social skills nor education" Rossi interrupts.
"I think it's time we give the profile" Hotch declares getting out of the conference room.
"We're looking for males or females between the ages of 25-40 years old, who suffered from domestic violence, they're more likely to have a criminal record, no social skills, and barely any or no education at all" Hotch says to the authorities who are present in the room.
"This unsub doesn't know how to manage his anger, he uses his victims as surrogates to what we think might be an abusive relative" Morgan informs.
"He or she might as well be delusional, he kills his victims because he thinks he saw his real target. The victims he's looking for are males from 55-60 years old, with a fair complexion, dark hair, and about 5"9 feet tall. When you relieve this information to the press, let them know the characteristics of the victimology, in case someone knows anyone who has this specific features. Thank you" Hotch concludes before getting back to the office with the rest of the team to call Garcia.
"Ready to act, sir" she answers.
"Garcia we need you to check reports from children who suffered from domestic violence in the estate of Delaware, more specifically in the cities of Pike Creek, Glasgow and Wilmington in the last 40 years" Hotch demands.
"Your wish is my command sir, and... oh... I've got 17,334 results..."
The team keeps trying to crosscheck results for a while, but none fit the profile.
"Maybe they weren't even born here" Rossi says, frankly exhausted.
The phone rings and JJ answers.
"Yeah... could you give me his name? Barry (Y/L/N)... okay, thank you, what about an address? That's okay, thank you ma'am" JJ hangs up and looks at the team "Someone fits the description of the victims".
"Garcia, could you look for a man named Barry (Y/L/N) please?" Hotch asks.
"Right... he is 57 years old, got married in Washington D.C... and... oh my god..."
"What is it babygirl?" Morgan questions, worry in his voice.
"It's just... there are... several anonymous reports of domestic violence... and... he has a daughter. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)".
"What can you tell us about her?" Hotch interrogates.
"She is 25 years old, lives here, on the city of Wilmington, she has no social media handles, but... something's not right".
"What do you mean?" JJ says.
"She doesn't fit the profile even though her father does fit the victimology. She went to kindergarten and the first year of elementary school at Washington D.C, then she continued studying but here in Delaware, graduated from college with honors from the University of Delaware, with a degree in fine arts."
"What about a criminal record?" Morgan inquires.
"None, she's... perfect..." Garcia says, giving up.
"Okay, thanks Garcia" Hotch says and hangs up, frustrated again "It doesn't matter that she doesn't fit the profile, we should still check her out, see what she can tell us about her father. Reid, I need you to take care of that, while the rest of us try to figure out if something went wrong with the profile".
"Why just me?" Spencer frowns.
"Because you're closer to her age, and given the facts Garcia gave us about her, she sounds pretty similar to you, maybe you can get her to tell you something relevant" Aaron tells him. Spencer doesn't look so comfortable going on his own but agrees at the end, when he's about to leave the conference room Morgan yells at him.
"Hey kid! Just wrap it up!" he says mocking him and starts laughing, the whole team starts giggling, except for Hotch who only looks at him and shrugs. Spencer's cheeks turn red and he rushes to get out of Wilmington's offices.
Meanwhile, you get home from the flower shop, still no sign from Connor.
You go to your room, dodging the canvas and cans of paint so you can change into something more comfortable when there's a knock at the door. You close your eyes and frown, waiting to hear Connor's voice.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" a man says through the door "I’m... Dr. Spencer Reid, I'm with the FBI, could you please open your door?".
Panic starts flooding you when the thought of Connor being in trouble pops up.
You walk slowly to the door and open it, revealing the most beautiful man you've seen in your entire life. Spencer is taken aback by your beauty as well, he looks at you in shock, as if he was expecting someone else.
"Are you...?" he starts.
"Yes" you interrupt “Uh... come in please".
When he enters the small house, the first thing he notices is a huge amount of books spread all over the place, you start picking them up and trying to pile them somewhere where they don't get in the way.
"I'm so sorry" you apologize "I wasn't planning on having any visits".
He giggles softly "It's okay" he says, helping you pick up the ones on the couch, leaving them on a table near it.
"Would you um...? Like some coffee? Or tea or water or... something?" you ramble.
"Coffee is fine, thank you".
You bring two mugs of coffee to the table in front of the couch, along with sugar and milk in case he’d like to pour some. You sit next to him, holding your cup between your both hands.
"So... how can I help you?" you finally ask.
"I'm with the BAU... the uh... the Behavioral Analysis Unit, we... profile the unsub... unsub stands for unknown subject... we-uh-we are investigating the recent murders that take place here in Delaware" he explains.
"Oh... okay" you say, still not understanding how can you help them.
"Do you... do you know this man?" he asks, showing you a picture of your father, you look at it, not even taking it to get a closer look.
"Yes, he's the son of a bitch who abandoned my family the day I was born" you whisper, holding your cup more forcefully than necessary.
He looks at you with a look you can't decipher.
"There are... several anonymous reports of domestic violence... I was wondering if... I could ask you a few questions about it, about your life in general" when he says this, it hits you.
"Are you considering me a suspect?" he scratches the back of his head, bowing it down.
"Your father... matches the victimology, and even though you don't fit the entire profile, we shouldn't dismiss any possibilities... I just... I want to know a bit more about you and your family, that's all, I'm not assuming anything".
"What do you want to know?" you murmur.
"What do you remember about your father?"
"Nothing. I told you. He left the day I was born, my mother died 6 years after that".
"What...? What do you mean? Who raised you then?" he looks surprised. You thought he would know that part of your life if he already knew who your father was.
"My brother of course".
He stays quiet for a couple of minutes, staring at you.
"I didn't know you had a brother" he confesses "What's his name?"
"Connor" you look down at your, now cold, cup of coffee, and take a sip.
"Can you tell me more about him?" he asks politely.
"Well... we were both born in Washington D.C... my mother had him when she was 18 and my father was 20, it was an unwanted pregnancy... for all I know, he used to beat my mother up, and Connor as well, when he tried to defend her. 12 years later, my mother got pregnant again… the day I was born, my father left, so my brother started working as a carpenter's assistant... after dating several guys, abusive, just like my dad, my mom got into a severe depression and died when I was 6 years old... by then my brother was already 18, and he had saved up enough for us to move here to Delaware... we've been living here ever since" you explain, the images of your mother, lying dead on her bed tormenting you again.
"So your brother... he worked and studied at the same time?" he questions.
"No... he... he couldn't afford to keep us both in school, he wasn't even able to finish elementary school but... he made sure I went to and finish college. He raised me... as if I was his own daughter" you say, feeling kind of guilty.
“What about his social life?” he asks, worry starting to show up on his face.
“Neither of us has what you would consider a social life… I’m always buried either on my books or my paintings, if not, I’m working on the flower shop, and he’s always buried on his work… we have each other, and that’s quite enough, when we come home we have dinner together, talk about our day, watch a movie or something… it’s… pretty much just the two of us against the world. It’s always been like that” you acknowledge, a single tear streaming down your cheek.
Spencer looks at you almost with pity and cleans the tear with his thumb mindlessly, even though he’s not too keen of physical contact, it just seems appropriate. The gesture sends butterflies to your stomach.
“(Y/N)… listen to me carefully… I need you to tell me where your brother is”.
“What?” you exclaim, fear coming out of your voice “You think he did this? No. Spencer… no, I’m sorry but that’s not possible. You don’t know him. He wouldn’t… no… the fact that the victims are similar to my father is just a coincidence, Connor is just… not capable of this… I mean…” you ramble with your voice cracking at the end.
“(Y/N)” he stares at you, looking directly into your eyes, it is as if he can see right through you “Where is he?”
“I don’t know!” you shout bursting into tears “He disappeared two weeks ago”.
“Why didn’t you report him missing?”
“’Cause he’s been sending me texts every night, letting me know he’s okay! I figured… we saw our father again… after 25 years without seeing him, he found us… I thought… I thought it was normal that he wanted some time alone…”
“What’s his phone number?” he asks, pulling out his own cellphone, dialing a number “Garcia, I need you to run a name for me and track a number”.
“Okie dokie” a woman says at the other end of the line “Shoot”.
“Connor (Y/L/N). He’s (Y/N)’s brother. I just sent you the number”.
“Alright, let me do my magic… mmmh… oh. Wow. This is weird. I’ve got nothing”.
“What do you mean you’ve got nothing?” Spencer says, raising his voice.
“He’s not registered. At all. Not even a birth certificate. And the cellphone’s off”.
“He was never registered” you inform “Our parents never considered it important, so...”
“Where does he work?” Spencer cuts you off in a desperate way, you give him the address of the truck company “(Y/N), I need to go with the team. Will you be okay on your own?”
You nod slightly “Just… call me when you find him… please” you plead, still sobbing.
“Yes. I promise. I will. Thank you” he says reaching for the doorknob “(Y/N)… please be careful. Connor is delusional… please, lock the doors and windows... and stay safe” after telling you this, he leaves in a hurry, leaving his cup of coffee intact on top of the table.
You sit on the couch, laying down slowly, you close your eyes. You fall asleep crying, wishing that when you wake up, everything going on around you is just a nightmare.
Spencer joins the team when they’re about to leave Wilmington’s offices to go to your brother’s workplace, the moment he hops onto the van, the whole team starts bombing him with questions.
“Reid, what did (Y/N) tell you?” Hotch inquires while driving.
“Her father left when she was born, her brother is 12 years older than her which means he’s 37, their father used to abuse Connor and her mother… the anonymous reports of domestic violence must’ve been done by him, but no one ever did anything. They saw their father two weeks ago”.
“That must’ve been the stressor” Rossi affirms.
When the team gets to Connor’s workplace, they don’t find him, but they do find his boss.
“Michael Turner?” Hotch asks a bald man approaching them, showing him his badge “I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner, this is my team, we’re with the FBI investigating the murders that take place here in Delaware”.
“How can I help you?” Mr. Turner asks unsurely.
“We’re looking for Connor (Y/L/N), I believe he works for you”, Michael laughs ironically.
“Not anymore” he says “That kid hasn’t come to work for days, the last time I saw him, he had to drop some packages in Pike Creek and Glasgow, when you find him, tell him he’s fired”.
“Mr. Turner, why did you hire Connor in the first place if he had no identifications?” Spencer interrogates.
“’Cause he was just a boy… just 18, having to take care of his 6 year old sister… I took him under my wing, how could I not? But for what I see, this is the payment I get” he exclaims angrily while turning around “Excuse me gentlemen, but I have work to do”.
“Thank for your time” Aaron says, turning back to the team “Where else could Connor be?”
“If he’s been looking for a specific target, that could be his endgame” JJ suggests.
“We need to know where his father lives currently, if he’s delusional about people who look like him, his father is his endgame” says Hotch.
“We need to be fast, he hasn’t killed anyone in days, that could mean he already knows where his father lives, I’ll call Garcia” Morgan decides and dials the number “Hey, talk to me babygirl”.
“My chocolate thunder, what can I do for you?” she answers.
“I need you to tell me where Barry (Y/L/N) currently lives”.
“Okay let me check, he… oh no. He just rented an apartment in front of Staple Park, here in Wilmington, I’m sending you the complete address right now”.
“Thanks Garcia, we’re on our way ” Hotch indicates, turning the siren on and starting the engine of the SUV.
When they arrive to Barry (Y/L/N)’s apartment, they discover he is just fine, watching TV on the livingroom.
“Can I help you?” he asks standing up, clearly mad about some stranger breaking into his house, his voice is hoarse from drinking.
“Mr. (Y/L/N), we’re with the FBI, have you seen your son Connor (Y/L/N)?” Hotch asks annoyed by the man in front of him.
“My son?” he chuckles “I don’t think my son will want to see me ever again”.
“He hasn’t talked to you? Threatened you?” Morgan inquires.
“No, but who did threat me, actually, was his sister” the team notices right away that he said ‘his sister’ instead of ‘my daughter’. Barry rolls his eyes “She said she’d accuse me of harassment if I came near her ever again”.
“She’s not our unsub” Reid claims abruptly.
“We know that, Reid” Hotch tells him, dismayed by his sudden behavior “Mr. (Y/L/N), please don’t hesitate on calling if something strange happens”.
“Stranger than a bunch of FBI agents breaking into my apartment?” he huffs “Yeah, okay, I will”.
The team gets out of the house, confused by the pattern Connor has been following.
“He hasn’t killed anyone else, that can just mean that he’s looking for his endgame, the one who made it imposible for him to live the life he wanted or deserved” Rossi intervenes.
“Unless…” JJ starts “Unless his father isn’t his endgame”.
“Who else could it be?” Morgan exclaims, raising his eyebrows.
“(Y/N)” Reid says, running towards the SUV, followed by the rest of the team.
Chapter 2
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June 10, 2024
JUN 11, 2024
Former president Trump met with a New York City probation officer today for a pre-sentencing interview. They met over video for a first step in the sentencing process, in which an officer assesses the convicted criminal’s living situation, finances, mental health, addiction, and criminal record. Trump was expected to have his lawyer, Todd Blanche, with him when he linked in from Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Judge Juan Merchan will take the information from the interview into account when he sentences Trump. He will also consider that Trump was held in contempt 10 times during the trial for violating the gag order designed to stop him from attacking witnesses and court personnel and their families.
Ever since a New York jury unanimously found the former president guilty of 34 felonies on Thursday, May 30, he and his supporters have tried to assert that he is, in fact, in a strong position for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination and for the November election itself. First, they insisted that his convictions made him more popular than ever, an assertion undermined by their own desperate avoidance of other trials and the demands of both Trump and House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to have the Supreme Court somehow step in to overturn a conviction by a state court.
Trump has also tried to reassert dominance by insisting in at least five interviews that he will seek “revenge” on Democrats for prosecuting him, and MAGA loyalists have echoed this threat. But as Greg Sargent pointed out today, this, too, is spin. 
There is a big difference between a prosecution advancing on the basis of evidence gathered by law enforcement, evidence that prompted grand juries to indict Trump, and his own threats to prosecute President Joe Biden and other Democrats simply because he had to endure a prosecution, not because there is any evidence that they have committed crimes. The first serves the rule of law, the second shatters it.
Since the conviction, as political analyst Simon Rosenberg points out, the right-wing Murdoch media empire “has gone into hyperdrive.” That empire, which includes the Fox News Channel, supports Trump and knowingly lied that the 2020 election had been stolen. On June 4, the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal printed a story saying that “behind closed doors, Biden shows signs of slipping,” but the piece quoted only former House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who previously had hammered Biden in public but privately assured colleagues he was mentally sharp.
One of the authors of the piece sparked outrage in October 2021 by tweeting that Biden, who was visiting the graves of his dead children and wife, “goes to church and walks through a graveyard in Wilmington as his legislative agenda is dying in Washington.” 
In November 2021, Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. In June 2022 he signed into law the Safer Communities Act, a gun safety law. In August 2022 he signed into law the CHIPS and Science Act that invested billions in semiconductor manufacturing and science, and the Inflation Reduction Act that provided record funding for addressing climate change and permitted Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies over drug prices. Together, those legislative accomplishments rival those of Presidents Lyndon Baines Johnson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose congressional majorities were far stronger than Biden’s.
The Republicans’ frantic pushback on Trump’s conviction reveals both that it has hurt him badly, and that without Trump projecting the dominance of a strongman, they have little to fall back on except for personal attacks on Biden. 
Trump had counted on using immigration against Biden and ordered his loyalists to scuttle the bipartisan immigration measure the Senate hammered out in February in order to keep the issue alive. Swing voters took notice: in March a focus group showed that 9 out of 13 Wisconsin swing voters blamed Trump for killing the bill.
As soon as that measure failed, the administration began to talk of what Biden could do through an executive order, despite believing that such an order would be challenged in the courts. At the same time, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris continued their pressure on the Mexican government to increase its own immigration enforcement. That process worked, and undocumented migration has dropped sharply at the southern border. Meanwhile, the administration’s parole program for people from Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Cuba has cut undocumented migration from those countries by almost 90%. 
Then on Tuesday, June 4, likely trying to get ahead of the usual summer rise in immigration, and after Senate Republicans once again killed the bipartisan border measure,  Biden issued an executive order permitting him to seal the southern border temporarily when undocumented crossings surge to more than 2,500 a day, a restriction stricter than that negotiated in the Senate measure Trump scuttled. This order looks more like Trump’s effort to curb migration—one that courts blocked—at least in part because without legislation, there is no new funding to provide the additional courts the administration wants in order to move asylum cases faster. 
As predicted, the order is likely to face legal challenges. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), who worked with Senator James Lankford (R-OK) on the Senate immigration bill, wrote in a statement: “I am sympathetic to the position the administration is in, but I am skeptical [that] the executive branch has the legal authority to shut down asylum processing between ports of entry on its own. Meaningful asylum reform requires a bipartisan solution in Congress.” 
Nonetheless, while Trump continues to demagogue immigration issues, the charge that Biden wants “open borders”—which was always disinformation—is now harder to make. 
Meanwhile, the measures Democrats advocate are so popular that Republican legislators are taking credit for projects funded by them even though they voted against the laws themselves. Katherine Tully-McManus of Politico pointed out today that Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that will deliver nearly $470 million to her district. She has attended a highway ribbon cutting and boasted of the modernization of locks and dams on the Mississippi River in her district despite her “no” vote.
Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) called the infrastructure law a “socialist wish list” and a “fiasco” but nonetheless celebrated a federal grant for nearly $26 million to invest in public transit in her district. 
This credit-taking is widespread among those who opposed the law. Just this weekend, Trump falsely asserted that it was he, not Biden, who lowered the cost of insulin to $35 a month. In fact, it was Biden who signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act that made such negotiations possible.
There is little else for Trump to stand on. The Republicans’ position on abortion is so unpopular that when Trump spoke today to the Danbury Institute, which calls for abortion to be “eradicated entirely,” he never mentioned the word abortion. Instead of delivering a keynote address, he spoke for less than two minutes and said that the attendees “can’t vote Democrat” because “[t]hey’re against religion.” 
Democrats pushed back on the Wall Street Journal’s article attacking Biden, calling it a “hit piece” and noting that their own quotations did not make the cut. Observers pointed out that reporters jump on Biden’s speech while Trump’s jumbled and offensive statements—like his crazy hash of MIT, electric batteries, boats, and sharks yesterday—rarely get reproduced.
The Biden campaign is addressing that lack with a new ad campaign, one that deliberately punctures the idea of Trump as a strongman. One ad shows foreign leaders laughing at Trump’s statements, and another, directed at Latino voters, shows Trump last week kissing former Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff Joe Arpaio, whom Trump pardoned after his conviction related to racial profiling. Another ad from the Biden campaign in the wake of the 80th anniversary of D-Day focuses on Trump’s quotations mocking the military as suckers and losers and quoting some of his other offensive statements about those who serve. 
Finally, the Biden team rushed to produce an ad today using Trump’s own words from a rally this weekend in the broiling Nevada desert in which he said he didn’t want people to keel over because: “We need every voter. I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. I don’t care.”
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sorenrobertson · 15 days
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INTRODUCING…Soren Robertson.
Nicknames: N/A. She likes her name.
Character Age:  28
Neighborhood: South Hills
Occupation: Recently graduated Lawyer
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: December 25th, 1995
Faceclaim: Zendaya Coleman
Hometown: Wilmington, NC
Years of Residence: She lived here until she was 23 and is just now moving back to town.
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Character Inspiration: Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl), Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill), Olivia Pope (Scandal), Monica Geller (Friends), Buffy Summers (BTVS).
– SOREN ROBERTSON was born and raised in Wilmington, into a couple that should have divorced way before they did. When her mother left, it was just her and her father, later it was mostly just her. It was easier to ignore the emptiness than to deal with it. After dealing with some bad company, Soren turned her life around in high school and became everything she wanted to be, she also found love in her best friend, Jayden. But when Jayden disappeared the night before graduation, a heartbroken Soren fell into her school work and volunteering for a political campaign that she believed in. At 23, she packed up her life and moved to Tennesse to attend Vanderbilt Law School. After graduating Vanderbilt and with the excuse of being there for her mentor as he was now the mayor of Wilmington, Soren decided to return back home.
READ BELOW for fun facts, biography, possible connections.
random facts
Although very goal oriented, Soren loves to help people. You will see her volunteering all around town on her days off.
A cheerleader in high school, she loves working out and plays volleyball at the beach every weekend
Does not go anywhere without her Yeti water bottle
Is incredibly meticulous about her music playlists, they're all curated and have to be perfect
A tall girl tm
Will do anything for the aesthetic
A self-made woman that refuses to pay her student debt (lol)
She just started working as a crime lawyer, but her aspirations are very political and hopes to switch careers at some point
Can be very blunt, but will do her best to be subtle
Claims if she doesn't meal prep on Sunday and has some frozen yogurt before bedtime, her entire week will go to hell
When Soren was born, her parents were already at the end of the road as a married couple, or so she’s always believed. It took ten years for them to divorce and when they did, Soren expected it. This was her father’s second marriage, so naturally, he took it harder than anyone else, but at least he stayed, which was more than what he’d done for his older kids, and more than what Soren’s mother did for her. 
When her mother left, Soren and her father found a way to deal with the empty home; having their own lives and just breezing through things without necessarily working through them. Soren found solace in her friends, her father found it in his job where he was supposed to travel for weeks sometimes.
Luckily for her, despite the empty house, Soren had people that she could lean on with her cousin Sloane, her half-siblings Lenny and Teddy and eventually her best friend, Jayden. The last one would eventually become the love of her life, but before then, he was family.
As a teen, Soren learned to do a lot by herself, but she also struggled to find a moral compass for a long time. She wasn’t really sure of who she was and had no trouble trying to find herself. The thing was that she did it with the wrong crowd; a group of rich girls that only wanted her around to throw parties at her empty house, to take blame for whatever wrong thing they did at the mall. 
When she reached high school though, Soren dropped them all together and decided to change herself completely. She went from failing most of her classes, summer school and detention for a cheerleader uniform, honor roll grades and UN model clubs. 
Weirdly enough, Soren thrived in environments where she could help other people; volunteering at the shelter, helping out at local churches, offering a place to stay for kids that needed it.
She also found out what real love is when she and her best friend realized they were irrevocably in love. For a while, Soren’s life was perfect and made sense. It didn’t matter that she’d struggled for so long, things finally made sense. 
Until the day that she woke up and Jayden wasn’t there anymore. No call, no text, no goodbye. He was gone and out of her life as if he was never there. Soren was destroyed. 
But she stayed in Wilmington, managed to get a scholarship for the university in town and worked half-time as a waitress. She refused to let heartbreak get the best of her, dated a few men but nothing serious, nothing noteworthy. If you asked her what kept her in Wilmington, it was being able to help out with Irza Ozer’s campaign, because it felt like he was the change that Wilmington needed. 
When she got offered a scholarship to attend Venderbilt’s law school, Soren knew that she needed a new start, that she had to let go of her past in a lot of ways so she moved to Tennessee at twenty-three and considered staying there. 
But when her mentor, Irza won the mayor elections in Wilmington in 2022, Soren knew she had to come back to town to celebrate his success and to see him thrive. Soren graduated from Vanderbilt a year later and since then has been coming back to town every few months to find a new place for herself and transferring to a law office in town at the same time.
Now that she is finally ready to move back into town, Soren is working at Tanner and Son’s Law and is moving into a newly-built house in South Hills, wanting to stay close to her roots and her father’s house and is ready to help out the town as much as she used to do before she moved.
possible connections
friends, childhood friends, past flings, enemies, rivals, drinking buddies, partners in crime, clients, anything you can think of that your character can fit into her life!
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kmadrigalsoto · 16 days
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Name: Kimberly Madrigal Soto
Faceclaim: Kylie Verzosa
Gender & Pronouns: Cis Woman & She/her
Age: 31
Birthday: July 20, 1993
Occupation: Executive Assistant (Mayor's Office)
Neighborhood: Midtown
Does your character have a secret? Moved to Wilmington to live a modest lifestyle, when she’s actually an heiress on the run
Would you be willing to have this secret used against them at some point in the future? Yes
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Being born into a family that had built a legacy in all of Southeast Asia was a double edged sword for Kimberly Soto. At a young age, failure wasn’t an option and expectations from others was the reality of it all. Of course, this wasn’t her fault as she had no control over the family she was born into, but a part of her felt torn as she experienced both appreciation and self-loathing of such privilege. For starters, money does buy happiness as she never understood the concept of debt as everything was handed to her. However, that was a hefty price to pay as her fate was already decided for her. 
You see, the Soto Industries are Southeast Asia's largest conglomerates, with interests in department stores, supermarkets, banks, hotels, real estate and mining. Kimberly’s father is the eldest of four siblings that had inherited a portion of her grandfather’s business and from there has been making it a family tradition to ensure the Soto name doesn’t die out. Unfortunately for him, Kimberly’s heart and mind was far from all this. Sure, she maintained good grades, was heavily involved in extracurricular activities and stayed out of trouble in the public eye for her family’s sake. However, as Kimberly grew older, she had felt a longing for such a sweet escape and more importantly, her freedom. 
Her rebellious phase didn’t kick in until she was in university, exposing herself to Asia’s nightlife while studying for her bachelor’s degree and soon her MBA. With the goal of not having to rely too heavily on her family’s wealth, Kimberly earned her own, yet unnecessary side income by working her way into being a known DJ in Asia’s club scene under the alias MS K (pronounced: Miss K). By the age of 27, she had graduated from her MBA and was thrown into Soto Industries as a Business Analyst before working her way up within her professional growth. It was nepotism, the end of her nightlife, and her need to please people that got her to a Director role at the prime age of 30. However, all it took was a bit of a push for Kimberly to leave it all behind.
Her father expected her to be wedded by now and was in the process of setting her up with another business heir. However, before they could even meet, Kimberly had left for the United States as she’d secretly been obtaining a work visa behind her family’s back. With a legal document curated by her lawyer that outlined her terms and conditions, as well as a name change to Kimberly Madrigal, the Soto heiress left without another word and went no contact upon her arrival to her new home. Now she’s residing in Wilmington as an Executive Assistant in the Mayor's Office and is trying to maintain a quiet and quaint life away from the limelight. 
Or at least she hopes.
LAST NAME CHANGE: Currently known as KIMBERLY MADRIGAL, rarely discloses her full legal name unless needed (i.e. in legal documentations, etc.)
EDUCATION: Has her Bachelors in Business and completed her MBA in the National University of Singapore (NUS)
Has been living and working in the US for two years now
Hobbies and interest include gaming (PC/Console), still djing and creating mixes, shopping, travelling, astrology, karaoke, eskrima (filipino martial arts)
Wants to get a tattoo, but is scared of commitment - same goes with getting a pet
The drastic career change from a director level role to an administrative one was something Kimberly got used to as she enjoyed not having to make any decisions for herself or the greater good of a company and instead treated her admin role as an 'organizational game'
UNKNOWN: Doesn't really know what her true passion is and hopes that through her interactions and a new environment that she'll be able to do some self-discovery
IGNORANCE IS BLISS: She knows that she's living a lie and will have to eventually face her family in the future, but for now no news is good news and she's just vibing out
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margaux-thompson · 2 months
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Name: Margaux Rose Thompson
Nicknames: Meg, Marg, Go
Age: 34
Birthday: September 1, 1989
Gender & pronouns: Cis woman & she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Time in Wilmington: Born and raised. (Up until a year ago lived an hour away in Raleigh and visited often)
Occupation: unemployed (former lawyer)
Neighbourhood: Midtown
Relationship status: Divorced
Face claim: Alicia Vikander
TW: drug use, cheating, parental death
The mayor's daughter is a phrase sweet on the ears. It's a bit of privilege wrapped up in promise and it's what Margot's, known as Meg to her mother, life was meant for. It was country clubs, ribbon cuttings, and Christmas photos in the local paper. It was standing up straight in public and sweet flower dresses on Easter. It was all those things that she never got to live. Because she was Robert Thompson's daughter, his baby girl, and when she was four he changed the landscape of Wilmington.
And yet, even before that there were complications. Seldom had she joined the family then there was a new face around the dinner table. The half-brother. The disgrace. The bastard. Those are all the names her mother poured into her ear before she'd grown big enough to pull the training wheels off. To think of him simply as Rhys. Any affection that might have naturally grown was carefully pruned away. It was directed toward the siblings her mother had provided. And if there was a certain crook of the jawline that matched them, it was never commented upon outright. After her father's death, Bea was little more than a means of comfort for their mother. What memories she had of the man were watercolors, dripping in the corners of her mind. He was the center of gravity for all that came after; a centrifugal force she'd learn to resent.
As a little girl, she was shuttled between ballet and violin practices. For the former she had some affection, but for the latter only resentment. And yet, she went without complaint. She ate her vegetables without complaint. She went to bed without complaint. This one, her mother was like to say, this one is a balm for the soul. And in her mother's presence she was that. The mannequin upon which to pin her hopes and desires, to dress in her griefs and resentments. Margaux was polished, until she wasn't. She was perfect, until you weren't looking. At eleven, after a ballet recital an older ballerina offered a kiss of alcohol from a water bottle. At twelve, after playing in the school band for Christmas she hit the fire alarm and later pointed a finger at the tubist. Her rebellions were like match sticks, there and then gone, noticeable only from the corner of your eye.
In high school, she was everything, always, all at once. She played soccer, carved out a spot for herself on the debate team, and secured herself the accessory of football player. In between AP classes and practices, her rebellious seeds began to germinate. She existed on a cocktail of adderall and gin. (The latter secured from her mother's liquor cabinet.) She knew these were forgiveable sins. If caught, she could find her excuses and her smiles and play at her mother's fondness. What she knew wouldn't be so easily brushed away was the cheating. The girls she kissed at half-time when she could (should?) have been seeking out her boyfriend. She was no bible thumper, but she did rather enjoy the favor of those at the country club. So she kept that part of herself in a box and tucked it beneath her bed. Good only for sporadic browsing. Equally unforgiveable was her attraction to art. Robert Thompson's daughter was never going to be a starving artist. And, if she wasn't going to be brilliant well she might as well lock that away too.
Duke University was her grandparent's recommendation, one she was more than happy to oblige. It was there she meant to establish her name, to become more than just the mayor's daughter. She majored in pre-law with a minor in business and, in turn, secured an acceptance to law school. There she found riper fruit than her high school sweetheart, there she found nothing in the world tasted as sweet as authority. The politeness she'd donned like a perfume melted away and beneath all that she found someone assertive and decisive. Graduating with honors was a given, as was securing a position at a law firm in Raleigh.
At twenty-nine she married. At thirty-one she was a mother. Both, in turn, would turn out to be disappointments. Marital bliss came and went like a summer storm, and the title of mother left her fumbling in the dark. Her son was barely a year old when things came crashing down around her. It started with an affair - with a client - and the dominoes fell from there. She was suspended from practicing law and, a week later, served with divorce papers. It was a messy year, that ended with her moving back home to Wilmington and buying a fancy apartment in Midtown. Her son, stayed with his father, and that almost felt right. Better he belong to that name and that city than to the slowly rotting legacy that was Robert Thompson.
Home now for a year, and with her license newly reinstated, she's contemplating whether it might just be better to raze the whole thing to the ground and start over.
Stay tuned
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graceinplace · 11 months
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this is forty two. in the past year, i told my husband i wanted a divorce. within two weeks of the conversation i hired a lawyer, began the process of filing for divorce, split up our things, packed up in a uhaul, sold my car, and made the long drive back home to north carolina. i found the perfect place in wilmington, where i worked on finding myself again. i stayed for almost a year, and have since moved to downtown raleigh; closer to family & friends. right where i need (and want) to be.
this past year has been about repairing myself, therapy for my mental & emotional needs, the gym for my physical needs, and leaning into god for my spiritual needs. i was on antidepressants for a season, and am grateful to have progressed to a place where i no longer need them. a year later, i am happy & healthy. not only on the inside, but on the outside. and i am so thankful to have come through on the other side, having learned a wealth of lessons on how to put myself first and fight like hell for my happiness and well being. all that to say, here’s to forty two — i look forward to what the future brings.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Gracealynn “Tammy” Harris, 19 (USA)
Gracealynn Harris was only 19 when she was killed.
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Gracealynn, whose friends and family called her Tammy, had big dreams for the future. She had graduated from Concord High School, where she had mentored disabled students. She had also wanted to attend nursing school at Delaware Technical Community College.
Months before her death, Tammy had a son. When she found out she was pregnant for the second time, she was likely overwhelmed. In 1997, she ended up having an 18-week abortion at National Women’s Health Organization of Delaware. Despite the misleading name, NWHO was just an abortion facility and would only damage Tammy’s health.
Tammy was left weak and unable to walk. Some reports state that she had a seizure at the abortion facility. The staff of NWHO didn’t monitor her vitals and abortionist Mohammad Imran left to go to another facility even while Tammy’s condition was not stable. (When the Harris family’s attorney later asked why he didn’t follow medical protocol by calling an ambulance, Imran responded, “I’ve never seen this protocol.”) He tore her uterus and just left her to suffer. Even though she needed a wheelchair, the injured teenager was discharged.
Later that same day, Tammy died at Wilmington Hospital of heavy internal bleeding.
The Harris family sued and won $2,252,000, which was put into a court-controlled account for Tammy’s surviving son Shawn Anthony Harris. He was nine months old when his mother and sibling died, but the court case was not decided until he was 5. As the Harris family’s lawyer said, “No amount of money is worth losing your mother.”
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(court case documents)
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nysocboy · 9 months
Cullen Moss: Scotty's Security Guard Displays his Dick
In Episodes 1.6 and 1.7, Gideon's co-conspirator Scotty flirts with the Gemstone security guard, Brock, so he can get easy access to the compound.
Brock returns in Episode 1.9, to deny BJ admission after he and Judy break up, criticize his name, and act like a macho jerk.
He returns in Episode 2.3, to announce that Eli's friend Junior is at the front gate. Eli says to not admit him, and they argue.
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Aside from his Gemstones work, Cullen has played a detective in Your Honor, a sheriff in Outer Banks, a detective on Black Bird, a state trooper in True Detective, and...well, his credits on the IMDB go on like that. He seems to have found a niche as a law-and-order petty authority type.
Back in 2012, Cullen performed in Angels in America, Part 1, as the guest artist at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington Theater Department. He played the homophobic and closeted lawyer Roy M. Cohn (based on real life homophobe Roy Cohn, who died of AIDS in 1986).
In Assassination Nation (2018), Cullen played an anti-gay politician who secretly hires male prostitutes and dresses in drag. Sounds like he's getting typecast as homophobic closet-case law-and-order types.
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There are some beefcake photos of Cullen on hs instagram, amid the nuclear-family-holding-kid-upside-down pics. Plus he has several rear and frontal nude shots in his films. I'm putting them on Righteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends.
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wilmingtoncrp · 28 days
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SEONG HYUN WOO is looking for his BEST FRIEND. For more details and how to contact the player, read below.
Character Name: Seong Hyun Woo
Type of Connection: Best Friend
Connection Name: Kang Min Ho (but really UTP, I'm not at all attached to the name)
Connection Age: 33-37
Suggested FCs: Any Korean male FC works but some options/my favorites Lee Jun Ho, Ahn Bo Hyun, Wi Ha Joon, Kim Woo Bin, Choi Woo Shik, Park Hyung Sik, Kim Soo Hyun, Jung Hae In 
The background of your character is completely up to you. Hyun Woo and Min Ho became friends when they were both attending college. Min Ho was studying law at SNU and Hyun Woo was at KAIST studying electrical engineering. They both ended up meeting in an odd way when they both ended up at the same restaurant having been set up on a group blind date with the same set of women. There was a small brawl that broke out and these two managed to slip out unscathed.
They became close from that moment forward. Though they were in different colleges studying very different things, their personalities matched. They were nerds in their own way, though Hyun Woo was definitely more of a nerd where Min Ho was charming and smooth.
After graduation, Min Ho began to work in the legal department of Hyun Woo's family company, Daehan Technology Solutions. Which is why he was also witness to Hyun Woo's whirlwind romance with his now ex-wife. He would have been the one that helped them sneak around and covered for them from Hyun Woo's family.
By the time Hyun Woo got married, Min Ho had already left the company. They kept in touch no matter what and because of Hyun Woo's frequent travels, he always found a way to meet up with Min Ho. I think that they did cute friendship things like double dates or their own camping trips in various parts of the world as a yearly tradition. 
Two years into his marriage, he reached out to Min Ho to help him prepare divorce papers, knowing that he could not trust anyone in his family or the lawyers connected to his family with the task. He did not tell Min Ho the reasons that he was divorcing his wife, but he was the only one that he trusted with this. He did however tell him (and only him) that his wife was pregnant at the time when they got divorced. 
How your character ended up in Wilmington is completely up to you! It is possible that he continued to work at the US branch of DTS based in New York and then left, he could originally be from Wilmington, or he could have just decided to move on a whim. It's really up in the air and I'm happy to brainstorm other ideas! 
I really, really love their friendship so I have so many ideas for this bromance!
If interested, please contact @hyunwooxseong
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Abraham Doras Shadd (March 2, 1801 - February 11, 1882) the first Afro-Canadian to hold public office, was born in free Wilmington, Delaware to parents Jeremiah Schad and Amelia Siscoe. He earned a living as a shoemaker, supporting his wife and thirteen children. His passion was obtaining civil rights for African Americans and Afro-Canadians, and he devoted his life to the abolitionist movement which sought the immediate end of slavery.
He opposed the African Colonization Society, which proposed to send African Americans to Liberia. He believed that the future for Blacks was in North America and argued that education, thrift, and hard work would enable African Americans to achieve equality.
He was a “conductor” of the Underground Railroad. The enslaved traveled the “railroad” to freedom in Canada. He hid escaping enslaved and provided them with food, clothing, and guidance. He continued his public activities on behalf of abolition. He was a member of the American Anti-Slavery Society headquartered in Philadelphia. He was elected President of the National Convention for the Improvement of Free People of Colour.
He moved his family to southern Ontario’s North Buxton area where they joined many of the families he had helped guide to freedom. He became the first Black man to serve in Canadian public office when he was elected Counselor of Raleigh, Ontario.
Four of his children became prominent in their own right. Mary Ann Shadd, an educator, journalist, and lawyer, was the first Black woman in North America to publish a newspaper. I.D. Shadd, after the Civil War, returned to the US and served as a member of the Mississippi Legislature (1871-74) Abraham W. Shadd, a graduate of Harvard Law School, became a prominent attorney in North Buxton; and Emaline Shadd was one of the first women appointed to the faculty of Howard University.
The road that traverses the heart of North Buxton was renamed A.D. Shadd Road in his honor. Canada Post honored Abraham Doras Shadd with a commemorative stamp. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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healthstyle101 · 8 months
Hunter Biden pleads not guilty to three firearm charges | US News
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Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, has pleaded not guilty to three federal firearm charges filed against him in the first criminal prosecution of a sitting president's child. The 53-year-old is accused of lying about his drug use in October 2018 on a form to buy a gun, which he kept for around 11 days. While the president's son has admitted to struggles with a crack cocaine addiction over the period in question, his lawyers insist he didn't break the law. Abbe Lowell, his lawyer, told the court in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday he plans to file a motion to dismiss the case, challenging their constitutionality. These kind of gun charges are rare, and an appeals court has found banning drug users from guns violates the Second Amendment. In a potential headache for President Biden, the case remains on track for a possible trial just as the 2024 election looms. It comes after a plea deal fell apart at a court hearing in July, which revolved around tax and gun charges, after the District Judge Maryellen Noreika raised a series of questions about the deal. Federal prosecutors had been looking into his business dealings for five years - but the agreement would have avoided criminal proceedings before his father was actively campaigning for president in 2024. Mr Biden's legal team is suggesting prosecutors bowed to pressure by Republicans - who have argued the Democratic president's son got a sweetheart deal - and that the charges were the result of political pressure. Now, however, a special counsel has been appointed to handle the case and while no new tax charges have been filed, they could come in Washington or in California, where Hunter Biden lives. On the gun charges, two counts are tied to the president's son allegedly filing a form claiming he was not using illegal drugs at the time he purchased a revolver in October 2018. The third alleges he possessed a firearm while using a narcotic. Read more: Joe Biden could face impeachment inquiry over family business dealings Republicans hold first hearing in impeachment inquiry The younger Biden for years has been the focus of unrelenting attacks by Republicans, led by former President Trump. Republicans have accused Mr Biden, who has worked as an investment banker, lobbyist, lawyer and artist, of wrongdoing relating to Ukraine and China. They have also made him a focus of a congressional impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden. Hunter Biden, who has publicly discussed his drug abuse, has never held a position in the White House or on his father's campaign. The president has said he has not discussed foreign business dealings with his son and has said his Justice Department would have independence in any investigation of a member of his family. The case remains on track for a possible trial just as the 2024 election looms. Read the full article
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johnsonlegal · 11 months
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Hypothetical titles for season fourteen of 88
In the walls. Season premiere. Part one. Interspersed with Sidney and Findlay on a much needed vacation. Lucia deals with strange sounds coming from within the walls of the Oberon Hotel.
The raccoon man of suite 10j. Season premiere. Part two. Having found her hotels squatter. Lucia teams up with Jacob to get the man emancipated from his abusive wife. Guest starring Keanu Reeves as the eponymous raccoon man
Malpractice. Findlay offers moral support to Dr Corsica (returning guest star Audra McDonald) when a routine surgery ends in tragedy
M&M. Dr Corsica goes through a Morbidity and Mortality conference to see wether she was truly at fault for her patients death.
Inconsequential. Skipper has a dream where he’s Sherlock Holmes, Findlay is Watson (complete with moustache and war induced limp) and the Christensen’s are all the same Moriarty.
Black white grey orange blue. Drummond gets a teaching trial at Van Buren. For his first class. He gives a lecture on morality and ethics using a case from the week before
Stereotypes. The team works a case at Wilmington High School involving an intergrade pregnancy pact that some of the teachers might have known about
Rumspringa. Gideon’s approached by a young Amish man for help with getting back to his community lest he be shunned.
You’re a good man grim reaper. Andy steps in for his uncle Derek Christensen (returning guest star Daniel Radcliffe) who has taken a sabbatical from his job as grim reaper.
The mother ship. Chambers drops by Fifth Avenue intent on asking for captaincy of the Wilmington’s lead cruise liner. And Jones is intent on denying him
Star crossed. Drummond and Odessa perform damage control when Zoey Anne dregs up the dead and buried rivalry between Findlay and Jacob
Espionage. Midseason finale. Part one. Wand Tech mogul, Mordecai Simmons, guest star Jesse Eisenberg, enlists Drummond’s help to find out wether his brother Mortimer, Josh Groban, is embezzling from him or not
Embezzlement. Midseason premiere. Past two. Having found out that Mortimer is in fact embezzling, the team sets up a sting to capture him.
Diametrically opposed opposites. Andy suffers a power outburst after spending too much time near Jesse. Which ends up having some incredibly bloody consequences.
Legitimate. Jones comes under fire from the conservative community when he publicly backs President DuPont’s plan to make of age consensual prostitution a legitimate profession. Guest starring Amy Acker as President DuPont.
The documentary. Carrie Hislop (returning guest star Julia Louis Dreyfus) plans to make a documentary on how people have been coping since the Botticelli Comet. Unfortunately for her. She chooses the five families as the subject. WARNING: this episode contains frequent instances of censored language.
The real housewives of New York. Following in from the disastrous documentary. Findlay is offered a tv gig and ropes in Delaney, Winnifred and Kimberly for help
Drag. Two interests literally collide as a drag car race Sidney and Jonah were going to crashes into a drag queen show Findlay and Barnaby were going to
Just cause. Jacob had deal with his corrupt cousin Marissa at a time that’s emotionally sensitive for him. Drummond babysits Skipper and Oswald’s son Theo. Delaney locks Zoey in the panic room after one crack too many. Thornton gets an unwelcome surprise visit from his ex stepcousin Renee. Jonah develops a juvenile crush on Deucalion and Kimberly’s 22 year old son son, Lysander. Guest starring Cathy Ang as Marissa Spratt, Emma Roberts’s as Renee Ullman and Bellamy Young as Jacob’s mother Adelaide Spratt. First appearance of Milo Manheim as Lysander Wilkins.
The sixth family of New York. Findlay petitions Jones to induct the Christensen’s into the Inner Circle on Fifth Avenue
Proxy. Findlay is recruited by Princess Rani’s lawyer to ask Emerson Davenport’s permission for Rani to propose to Aimee. Guest starring Dani Harmer as Harriet Downey, Rhianne Barreto as Rani Burton, Auli’i Cravalho as Aimee Davenport and Chris Pratt as Emerson Davenport
A day at the zoo. Findlay and Sidney are forced onto the sidelines when members of PETA release all the animals at Central Park Zoo. With Barnaby and Jonah still inside.
The list. Season finale. Part one. Thornton’s team investigate serial murders involving a married couple who kill the names on each others Freebie lists
Hits and Mrs. Season finale. Part two. Lucia and Alabaster go undercover to catch the Freebie Fellers.
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angelavest · 1 year
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The aftermath of an accident on a construction site can be devastating for both the injured worker and their family, who may depend on them for household income. While workers’ compensation can make up many losses, it may be difficult for an individual worker to effectively pursue the benefits they need without professional legal guidance.
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speakslawfirm12 · 1 year
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Speaks Law Firm, PC Family Law Division 300 N. 3rd St. Suite 310 Wilmington NC 28401 (910) 769-7339 https://speaksfamilylaw.com/
When you are struggling with family-related or domestic issues, you deserve the support of a group that understands your situation and advocates for your rights. Our team at Speaks Family Law is here to provide you with the support you need in any way we can.
You may be wondering, what does a family law lawyer do? Our team covers domestic disputes, such as divorce or separation agreements, and family-related issues, like domestic violence or property division. When personal family relationships are involved, emotions tend to run high. We are here to help protect and preserve the best possible outcome for you and your family.
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5 Clues to Help You With finding a Detachment Legal counselor
The people who are going through a division will as often as possible see that they are dealing with an unfathomably problematic and near and dear situation. The chance of completing one piece of their life is dispiriting, making a great deal of torment and strife. The last thing that these individuals need to oversee is the mission for a division legal counselor. family law attorney wilmington nc
Individuals who are going through a detachment will much of the time see that they are dealing with an unbelievably problematic and up close and personal situation. The possibility of completing one piece of their life is devastating, making a ton of torment and unrest. The last thing that these individuals need to oversee is the journey for a partition legal counselor.
San Diego has a great deal of partition legal counselors to investigate. These decisions make it trying to zero in on the one legal advisor that can help you with tending to your necessities. The sentiments that go with a detachment basically make the cycle that much harder to make due. These five clues will help you with finding a detachment legitimate guide, making it more clear for you to take the steps critical to progress forward with your private concern.
Speak with Sidekicks. Expecting that you have had colleagues that have gone through a partition you need to chat with them about their own division lawful guide. Ask with regards to whether they know about any partition legal advisors in the San Diego area. They could have the choice to give you names that you can do extra examination on.
Chat with Lawyers. Lawful guides will have relationship in towns, and could have the choice to provide you with a name of a genuine division legitimate advocate. San Diego has a ton of legitimate guides who will really need to give you the names of the best detachment legal counselors in the business.
Search On the web. The Internet can give you the greatest informational collection of partition legal counselor names. You will really need to see as basically all of the division attorneys in the San Diego district. You could have the choice to find proposition and reviews for each legal counselor, helping you with diminishing your choices.
Speak with Different Detachment Lawful counsels. To find the right detachment legitimate counsel for your case you need to get to know the various attorneys on your short summary. Chat with these legal counselors about the organizations that they can give you. While some will resolve your issues, others will come up short; for by far most, these discussions are the most effective way as far as possible their choices down to one legal counselor.
Investigate Them All. At last, you need to prompt a summary of all of the up-sides that you to have found with every detachment legal counselor. Balance your once-overs with find the partition legal advisor that can address your issues overall and requirements.
Sentiments run high during a detachment, making it difficult for some to explain and conservative decisions. If you are going through a partition you truly need to rely upon the data on others to help you with making your decision. Talk with family, sidekicks, and lawful advisors about the partition lawyers that they have used. The information that you will get from them will allow you to find the right partition legal counselor.
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