#Yandere Thor snv
Hi there, can you please do Yandere Thor, Poseidon, Loki and possibly Hercules to Female Yoriichi Reader? The creator of the Sun Breathing and the other Breathing Forms, who always has a solemn expression and is known as the Strongest Demon Slayer to ever exist (She has access to the Transparent World and can use the Selfless State) but despite this she’s incredibly humble seeing herself as just another human and not even special, despite her extraordinary skills
Yoriichi gave Muzan such severe PTSD from 400 YEARS ago that his Upper Moons will go through his trauma just from seeing TANJIRO (And it’s STILL severely traumatic to him 😂)
Yandere Shiva, Loki, Buddha and Hercules with Female Tengen Uzui Reader from KNY? How do you think they would react to Reader calling herself ‘Goddess of Festivals/Flashiness’ and calling others (Even GODS) ‘Trash’ and having 3 HUSBANDS 💀
Sorry if this is a lot! I just think Demon Slayer Characters are super cool, especially the Hashiras (The Swordsmith Village Arc is going to be released sometime in April! 🥹🤩)
Thor, Poseidon, and Loki + Fem! Yoriichi Tsugikuni! Reader:
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One of these three gods stands on one side of the arena, their grand entrance causing a ruckus of enthusiastic roars and cheers from the side of the gods while the humans side shook with terror. They look at the other side, confident and ready to see the pitiful mortal that Brunhilde had served to them on a silver platter. It was a woman.
She makes no flashy entrance, her clothes are rather average, and her face does not seem scared but nor does it seem too cocky. Her (e/c) eyes are serene and her (h/c) hair was rather average looking. She was a regular looking human, nothing special. Aside from the strange looking birthmark on her left eye.
"Please." The (h/c) haired woman interrupts, Heimdall goes silent and so does everyone else, unsheathing her sword, she looks at Heimdall with a composed look on her face, it was not unkind, "I do not need such an introduction. I am a human like the rest of my kind."
She then gets into her defensive stance and narrows her eyes at her divine opponent.
"And I shall do whatever it takes to save them."
The god you're against either glares at you, smiles at you, or raises an eyebrow at you. Either way, Heimdall recovers his voice:
"So that's who you are," the God thinks to himself as you maintain unbreakable eye contact, "that hardly matters."
Yandere! Thor:
- Thor doesn't think much of you when you step into the arena, not because you're a human, but because he has yet to see you fight. You seem unfazed by him but he doesn't truly know that for sure. You are not unattractive but you're nothing special in his eyes.
- What a fool he was, because the moment the battle begins, he sees that you aren't just beautiful, you're absolutely heavenly. When you take your first breath, you take away his as large solar fires soon appear around you and you make your attack.
"What is this?" He asks himself in his head, using his Mjölnir to block another close sneak attack blow from your sword. The clashing of your weapon and his own makes his heart do flips in his chest, "Why...why do I feel like this?"
You then decided to be bold and you quickly, nearly teleported with the speed you were going, appear in front of him and your eyes glint, reflecting off your blade as you try to slash him. His eyes soften when they see you and his blood thirsty smile softens as your eyes lock onto his. There was fire in your eyes...no...the sun itself glowed in them. Powerful, burning, yet composed.
"What has she done to me?" He thinks, and you're not sure if it's from the intensity of the battle but his cheeks appear to be dusted the lightest color of pink.
- Your fight ends in a draw, the both of are so tired that you neither of you can move a muscle. Both God's and Humans are shocked at the results but Thor couldn't be happier.
- He just found his soulmate, he thinks to himself as you try to use your sword to get up and fight him again. His smile turns into a loving one as you struggle to get close to him, not that he can judge since he can also barely move, and he loves it! In fact, he now knows that he loves you.
- You will be his! You have to be, surely you were created to match him in power and strength because you were meant to be with him. After being fixed up and bandaged, he must seek you out, he must find you!
- Since then, the God of Thunder has been keeping his eye on you, his beautiful Sun. How you appear unreadable at first but if someone truly read you, truly attempted to understand what a complex and beautiful person you are like Thor has; they can see that you're more than a human...You're humble, you're kind, and you're dutiful. Honorable like him and share the same values, this only seals your fate to him even more.
- Odin notices how during other God's battles that his son scans the human's side, his eyes desperately searching for someone in the crowd. Thor knows for a fact that you always come to watch your fellow Human's matches in person and when his eyes land on you, that adrenaline kicks in and Loki and Odin stare at him as a smile grows on his face.
- He does this every match, but even then, the time between matches is too long for him to see you again. He searches for you, Brunhilde having to confront him as she reminds him that the HUMAN champions reside here but he ignores her the moment he sees you walk down the hallway. He follows you quickly like how the moon chases the sun.
- You turn and see him and you politely bow your head to him. He frowns a bit in dissaproval, how could you bow your head to him as if he were a stranger, surely you had to feel the same feelings he was after your battle. How you two danced a brutal yet beautiful dance of life and death. You stare at each other for a bit before you muster a kind yet small smile, "I look forward to our rematch." and as a result, he nods with his usual stoic demeanor and you turn and walk to your room. Yes, he can't wait for your rematch either.
- Because one the day it takes place, Heimdall shocks everyone with his newest announcement.
- You don't like the way the red-haired God smiles at you, it feels smug and ominous, and you paitently wait to hear this last minute change.
- You look at Brunhilde, who looks away shamefully and can not meet your gaze, and then you look at Thor. Who looks a lot more motivated to beat you this time.
Yandere! Poseidon:
- He wanted to roll his eyes when you interrupted him. What right did you have to act so humble? You're a human, what could you possibly have to be humble about? Being a mere ant he steps on on a daily basis?
- Fine, if you want a wake up call, he'll give you one. He waits for you to strike, it wouldn't hurt to give you an advantage since there's no way something as insignificant as you can beat him. Until you grip your nichirin blade and take a deep breath, suddenly the water arena evaporates into steam as intense flames surround you...no, not mere flames. It felt like the sun itself.
- You use the steam to sneak and attack the God, whose now even more annoyed than ever. Smoke and mirrors, that's all it was. Poseidon REFUSES to allow you to think you have an advantage and tries to kill you with his strongest attacks but even then, its not enough.
A draw, your battle ended in a draw. He can't believe it, as he kneels down on one leg bleeding and holding onto his trident for support as you pant heavily on the other side, your throat burning but you still have the bright gaze in your eyes, the eyes of someone who just humbled a God. He was in denial at first, then he was angry. Destroying everything in sight at the humiliation he faced at your hand. He knew you two were set for a rematch BUT HE NEEDED VENGANCE FOR HIS SCORNED PRIDE NOW. Looking for you all around heaven, he threatened and interrogated many of your human allies and located you inside the greenhouse. It was bright and beautiful day as always, but it did little to improve his mood. The only thing that could is your dead body at his feet, evidence that you were just as every bit of a failure as the rest of humanity.
However he stops when he sees you. The artful way you practice your sword. The calm rise and fall of your chest all perfectly timed to enhance your fighting style and your moves, the same ones you used to tie with him, slowed down and filled with grace and strength. His heart makes his brain forget that you are human, the thing he detested the most in this life, and his anger is replaced with something else. Respect? Admiration?
No, it was none of those things.
In fact, it was something more passionate. More shameful in the eyes of gods. Something that you will soon find is worth than his anger.
- He observes you a lot more from then on. You aren't sure why since last you checked, he had looked down on you like you were the dirt beneath his feet, but you come here at the exact same time on the exact same day, and so does he.
- You don't speak to him, he wants you too. Haven't you humiliated him enough already? apparently not since you didn't even glance at him as you trained and he knows damn well you see him.
- "What are you?" He finally asks as he pushes down his broken pride. You stare at him, your solemn face broken when he asked you that question. "You are not a human," He explains, "You can't be. Humans are not meant to be...to be so..." he pauses and looks down, to any normal person, he looks pissed and like he's gonna attack but you only raise an eyebrow. W-was he being shy?
- "Beautiful." He finally answers, and for a brief moment that stoicism breaks in shock at his words. "You can not be a human. You are too beautiful. Humans can not be beautiful." It takes you a while to find your voice but when you do, you merely keep your composure: "Humans are many things, Lord Poseidon. We are strong, we are compassionate, and, yes, we can be beautiful."
- No, he thinks to himself, humans are not beautiful. This is a fact he's known for a long, long time. Yet, you were a human and here he was, admiring you every day and watching you in utter awe. Only you, he decides. Humans are not beautiful, only you are.
- He hates how humble you are, he absolutely despises it. Do you not have any respect for yourself? How can you allow yourself to think that you're anything like those worthless worms who snivel and beg pathetically at the feet of the gods. He believes there has been a mistake in the universe, he believes you're insulting yourself when you downplay your status and feats. Can't you see? They're beneath you! Humanity is beneath you! He has to fix this. He has to fix you.
- The day of your rematch with Poseidon, neither of you are seen. The gods search for him and the Valkyries try to rummage through your room and found only one shocking clue. A letter left on your bed written by Poseidon, who believes that deciding the fate of Humanity was beneath him and how he had more important matters involving you. He sits next to your unconscious sleeping form on his bed, his fingers in your hair as you sleep so beautifully. You needed to learn to take more pride in yourself, to be taken away from the shackles of humility humanity put on you, and Poseidon was more than happy to teach you how.
Yandere! Loki:
- He was rather unimpressed with your entrance and appearance, honestly. A smirk on his face as he looks you up and down, you certainly weren't wrong when you said you were a human, for that's what was before him. A measly average human.
- Honestly, he feels rather insulted and that this fight isn't gonna be as exciting as he had hoped. That wasn't fair! Every other God got fun humans but him! Oh well, at least he has an excuse to torture a human and humiliate them in front of everyone~
- Summoning his own weapons, he just tilts his head: "You know, interrupting Heimdall was a little dramatic don't you think? If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you secretly put yourself on a pedastal."/ "I do not, I just merely am stating a fact. I am a human who bleeds just like the rest of humanity."/ Loki then smiles: "I'm so happy you think that! Because you're gonna die like the rest of them!"
- His attack is planned in his head, first a chain wraps around you and his other blade will slit your throat and soon, you'll suffer as- "I never said we bled easily." Your voice is right behind him. He looks over his shoulder and reacts in time but when you breathe, he can't act fast enough before of the display of a divine light that surrounds you now. You slice his shoulder and it burns, he holds it and glares at you. You drew first blood, but he'll make sure you don't get lucky again.
- Until you both are exaughsted from the battle and it ends in a tie. Loki feels himself growing weak and his last sight before losing consciousness is you. Surprisingly, when he wakes up, the first thing he sees is you as well. Sitting next to him, bandages on your wounds and a book in your hands. You notice from the corner of your eyes that he is awake.
- You apologize instantly for his wounds, despite the fact it is a literal fight to the death. In fact, your exact words to him are: "I aimed all of my attacks to kill swiftly, it was not my intention to make you suffer like the demons who have met my blade. In our next battle, I will make sure to be strong enough to kill you properly and respectfully."
- He isn't sure what to think of this, what to think of you. But it makes him smile for some reason, maybe he smiles at your foolishness for thinking you could kill HIM (you were close but he blames it on fortune), or maybe he smiles because it's very rare that someone honors him, a God of mischief and trickery, the same way they'd honor more noble gods like his uncle and cousin. Or maybe it was the smile you gave him...yes, that was it. It was your smile that sealed your fate.
- Loki can now be found wherever you are, like an annoying stray who keeps coming back to the hand that fed him once. Maybe he wants to annoy you, maybe he wants to flirt. Anything just to see you change that serious boring look on your face...maybe smile for him, yeah? He just hasn't been able to get it out of his mind.
- But, nah, you're too boring. That's his little pet name for you "His Boring Little Mortal", he'll complain about you but if anyone else was to speak ill, God or Human, he becomes indignant and reminds them of your good traits like your nobility and how you held yourself in battle.
- He's honestly the same when he's a yandere, as I said before, but the key major difference is that all it takes is one miniscule thing and suddenly, he comes more possessive. More protective and more suffocating. Like, he's watching you during a Ragngarok match and you smile at someone. To others, it might not be a big deal but to him, it very much is. Because it wasn't fair, YOUR SMILE BELONGED TO HIM. NOT TO ANYONE ELSE. TO HIM. YOU SMILED AT HIM FIRST SO IT'S HIS! YOU ARE HIS.
You lost the battle.
Your nobility, your humbleness, and your kindness wasn't enough to match the God of Deciet's wit and cunning. Your on both your knees, coughing up blood and unable to move your body as you hear the loud chain rattling of his weapons. You can hear the humans behind you begging you to get up, urging you to fight but you can't, your heart's strength was there but your body's was not. You feel ashamed but at least you can die knowing you did your best. Loki looks down at you, his hands at his sides, and his face stoic in a very unsettling manner. All he has to do is kill you, all he has to do is-"
"...I don't want too." He frowns, crossing his arms and looking the other way. You look at him in shock as the God's outrage as well as the humans. "LOKI, WHAT TREACHERY IS THIS!?" One of Odin's crows, well, crowed loudly.
Loki stuck out his tounge before shrugging, "I don't know, I mean, what am I winning? A step closer to humanity's destruction? We're gods! I want a something else! A prize~" He says slyly. The gods outrage once more before Zeus sighs, knowing nothing can be simple with the green haired god and tiredly asked him, "Fine, what prize must we give you if you kill (Y/n) (L/n)?" Zeus asked, making Loki grin wolfishly.
The arena becomes quiet and Loki kneels in front of you, cupping your face in his hands and tilting your head. What a cute face you're making, so confused and ready to die. He wonders what face you would make if he just...
Kissed you passionately, pressing his lips to your blood covered ones and shocking you and both audiences of mortals and immortals. You don't kiss him back, you don't even have time to think before he pulls away from you and looks at you with half lidded eyes.
Yes, that face is so much cuter on you. He wonders what other faces you could make.
But first, he has to answer the question Zeus asked him, "Why, the only prize that matters to me of course!~"
"(Y/n) (L/n), the Sun Hashira herself!"
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lilys0evil0twin · 1 year
How would Poseidon and Thor react if their darling was their opponent's Valkyrie?
~ cherrycakeintensifiques
Uuuuuuhhhhh love it, love everything about it
The drama, the DRAMAAAA
Thor was... Unimpressed, as per to say, when he saw his opponent enter the arena
Such a grandiose entrance and for what, a mare human
This fight, why did he agreed to it? it'll just be as boring as every other in his past
Maybe with the help of this human's valkyrie, Thor may find some form of entertainment in this
Wonder who'll ......
What is his s/o doing here, did they come to wish him luck? How sweet of his little bunny...
.... Where are they going
Why are they?..... Are they.. his valkyrie, his....
Thor's pupils dilated, the hold on his Mjölnir tightening, he had never feel such strong hit of emotions
Rage, betrayal, hurt, disgust
How could this pathetic, disgusting human bond with his s/o, how could they throw away their life like this
Thor didn't know what to do, he wanted to let go and crush this worm, beat it till there's nothing but a splash of blood left but..... His s/o, if he kills that human his s/o will..
No, he needs to think straight, he won't allow this humiliation to proceed any longer
This round shall be canceled and after he'll need to have a serious talk with his s/o
This, this impudent excuse of an opponent, this "thing" was not even worth his eyes
Poseidon sighed, such an inferior beings, all of them, everywhere
But hearing the familiar tapping of feet against the stones of the arena caused him to tear his eyes from the floor and towards the sound
That gentle footwork, those light steps, he'd knew it wherever he was
His precious s/o, the only worth of his gaze stood before him..... Standing by the side of that "thing"
What was the meaning of this, how could that valkyrie make his s/o participate in this farce
That inferior, pathetic dirt even has the audacity to talk, to look at his s/o
With his eyes locked on his target his feet moved with heavy steps
The fight haven't even started, yet Poseidon already approached his supposed opponent and with a forceful hold grabbed his s/o's arm, pulling them behind his back
Pointing his trident threateningly at his opponents neck when he tried to utter a complaint
Then his bloodthirsty irises turned to Brunhilde, standing behind the audience on the human side of the colosseum
The atmosphere was thick, it was hard to breathe, Poseidon was tense
The moment was broken only when his s/o let out a small groan, their hand holding his as his grip on their wrist got tighter and tighter
Poseidon blinked releasing the pressure from his fingers
After he turned and left the arena without a word, dragging his s/o along
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
yandere!thor headcanons with fem!kokushibo!reader
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warning: spoilers from the anime or manga, obsessive behavior, violence, explicit language, stalking. Please take caution when reading the content.
The intention of this story is for entertainment purposes only, it is not my personal belief(s). The behavior exhibited here is inappropriate and unhealthy, hence it should not be encouraged.  There are also triggers, so please take caution. You are responsible for your Internet consumption!
Credit for this piece goes to @recreationalfanfics and their phenomenal works, specifically this one. I’d also like to thank @onecantsimply and @dazailover1900 for helping me proofreading this piece!
Thor is bored. Although he was slightly interested in this Ragnarök, he believed his fight would not even last a minute. A single swing of his Mjölnir is an absolute victory for the gods, and his opponent would be wiped away from the arena in a bloodied sack of crumpled flesh. He was not fazed by the revelation of Heimdall’s announcement that humanity’s representative was a six-eyed demon from the Sengoku era, the former Moon Hashira [First Name] [Last Name], or how the other deities claimed the unfairness of the situation. Despite the outcry, Zeus allowed this fight to be the first official match. 
A demon was born from the malice of mankind. It was only fitting that the Thunder Berserker would destroy it. To give an example of the gods superiority over the humans.  Heimdall blew his horn, commencing the beginning of Ragnarök. Thor did not think of it as anything special, nor did he care for the demon or that the demon was a woman because it would do nothing to alleviate his boredom. 
Oh, but what a fool he had been.
From the moment that his opponent unsheathed her sword and released the first form of her sword technique, everything changed. He used his Mjölnir to block the numerous crescent blades, and the demon used it as an opportunity to get close and strike at him. The blade swung vertically, clanging against the hammer. While Thor remained focused on blocking this attack, the crescent blades changed direction and struck his body.
Once on the right, two on the left, and the last one cleaved through his toga. Yet each blade had penetrated his body, drawing blood from the Valhalla’s Vanguard. Blood from a bored god. 
[First Name] blinked. “So…the First Form is enough to cause minimal damage yet your arteries and muscles are still intact. The body of a god is much more durable than I initially thought.” The demon adjusted her stance, twisting clawed hands around the handle of her sword. “Perhaps the Fifth Form would be preferable…then again, Lady Brunhilde would be upset if there is damage to the arena and the crowd.” She murmured. “Oh, well. I will not know until I try.” Six [Eye Color} orbs stared up at him. “Are you ready, Lord Thor?”
The crowd was stunned, as had been Thor…until his shock became excitement. And it only grew with each passing second that his and [First Name]’s weapons, tactics, and agility collided. She was not holding back, and neither would he. 
How could he, after he had finally found an equal? The one person who would make his life exciting again? He wanted this fight to continue if it meant he had another moment to clash against his beloved Moon Hashira. 
Alas, nothing lasts for eternity. 
Their fight ends in a draw, much to everyone’s shock. But Heimdall’s announcement did not deter [First Name] from running towards him with her sword, pushing the last remaining energy into her speed to land one more, just one more strike to give humanity a chance to survive against the gods. 
Such a gesture only made Thor’s heart flutter in adoration as he sidestepped the attack, stopping the blade’s trajectory with his bare hand.
 [First Name] was about to exhale another breath, to release another form of her beautiful fighting style, when Zeus officially (and reluctantly) declared that the first bout of Ragnarök is a stalemate. The two of them will fight later on as a tie-breaker. 
If it had not been for Brunhilde’s interference, [First Name] would have ignored the supreme god in favor of finishing the job. Thor watched the woman reluctantly withdraw herself from him, sheathing her sword and walking back to humanity’s corner with a slight limp in her gait. 
The Moon Hashira was covered in sweat, blood, and burn marks from the backlash of Mjölnir’s attacks, yet she held her head high with a composed expression. Yet the Thunder God could sense her anger. She was upset that their fight had come to an end like this. She wanted to keep going until one of them was dead.  
Yes…there is no doubt in Thor’s mind no longer. [First Name] [Last Name] is his soulmate. And he will do anything to keep her at his side, even betray his brethren to fight alongside the humans. He wanted her, he needed her to feel alive.
He did not want to be separated from the former Demon Slayer for a single moment. He did not want anyone taking his precious person away from him, be it a god or a champion of humanity.
Once he was healed, Thor would seek out Brunhilde. Knowing cunning and desperate she is to save humanity, it would not be too hard to make a deal with the Valkyrie, wouldn’t it?
Bonus Content: 
Following her fight against the Norse Berserker, [First Name] would spend each day training. She had truly believed that her imprisonment in Helheim, battling against other demons in a battlefield made from fire and brimstone before Brunhilde had brought them here to Valhalla, would have made her stronger…yet it still wasn’t enough. 
To reach a stalemate between two warriors would be considered dishonorable when she had been a human woman. But it was even worse to turn your back against humanity and become a demon because you feared death so much. That was what she had done. 
Now…she had a chance to prove that she is much more than a disappointing sibling who would forever live in the shadow of her prodigal little brother. Lady Brunhilde has been given her this opportunity.
And she will not disappoint her new master…or would it be more appropriate to call the Valkyrie a ‘business partner’? Wasn’t the reason that the first fight between her and Thor had gone swimmingly…is because that the gods remained oblivious to what Brunhilde really had planned for this battle?
After all, they still believed that there is no weapon that can harm a god. To know that their strongest god would be defeated by a demon who wasn’t blessed with a Divine Weapon…wouldn’t it make them feel even more inferior?
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swallowtailcherry · 1 year
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Oh no-
Edit: Okay so I continued it and I pissed him off by mentioning that I have kids 😶
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Character limit: 5
I will only accept yandere requests!
Lemons are acceptable!
Platonic yanderes are acceptable!
Do not request the following: Incest, pedophilia, anything scat/watersport related and other disturbing things!
Any family yanderes will automatically be platonic.
I will NOT do abuse or cheating as that is hard for me to write.
I also do yandere imagines and points from time to time
🦋Fandoms I write for on here🦋
Record of ragnarok
Attack on Titan
Demon slayer
Sk8 the infinity
Blush blush
Mortal Kombat
Greek/Norse mythology
🦋Characters List/Masterlist (any left out are ones I won't do)🦋
Qin Shi Huang
Jack the ripper
Adam (Platonic only!!)
Attack on Titan
Eren Jaeger/Yeager
Armin Arlert
Mikasa Ackerman
Levi Ackerman
Hange Zoe
Demon slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Inosuke Hashibira
Giyuu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Uzui Tengen(+ his wives)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Sk8 the infinity
Langa Hasegawa
Reki Kyan
Blush blush
Scale (one of my favourites)
Cole (he already is one but he's here)
Mortal Kombat
Sub Zero
Greek mythology
Hera (Platonic)
Hestia (Platonic only)
Norse mythology
Yandere Record of Ragnarok masterlist~
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Can I request a Loki, Poseidon, Thor, x Shinobu!M!Reader (KNY). M!Reader hides behind a facade when really he’s extremely angry all the time and acts all cheery and happy which can easily be changed when provoked. He’s also physically weak but makes up for it for his incredible speed and knowledge in poison. (Plus his bug-like eyes which can be unsettling at times since he has no pupils.)
Loki basically taunting him when they’re put up against each other. But M!reader gives it to him when he injects him with a poison that he’s been working on, enough to kill a god. That alone awakens his Yandere tendencies because it’s surprising that such a small and weak human can bring a god to his knees in sheer pain. Wonder how our M!reader will feel after this draw especially since he feels like he’s being watched even in his sleep.
Poseidon is unimpressed when he’s put up against this meek and small mortal who he sees as an annoying bug in his presence. Ironic that this annoying bug practically bested him in speed and even had the audacity to pollute his divine blood with poison that is shockingly effective. He’s at first in denial when the match ends in a draw but then slowly this mortal squeezes his way into his cold heart when he sees him training as he moves gracefully like a butterfly in spring.
Thor is kinda bored at first when he first sees the human he’s up against but also amused by this man’s seemingly kind smile. And boy is this god of thunder surely surprised by this humans raw agility and power of that blade he wields which is oddly shaped. He’s excited but it’s not visible until this man injects him with an odd substance… poison, an interesting choice of weapon yet this particular poison is even strong enough to bring this man almost to his knees now he’s absolutely obsessed which doesn’t end when the match ends in a draw.
Yandere! Loki, Poseidon, Thor + Male! Shinobu! Reader
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Yandere! Loki:
- Yeah, no, he was VERY unassuming of you at first. Honestly, he thought that you were adorable because you could be very unsettling when you wanted to be...to other humans at least. Not to Loki, however, since he's a God and you're still a mere human.
- He also made fun of things like your height (even if you are taller than him, he will float higher than you bc he's annoying like that), your weak physique, and your inability to ever properly fight a demon and nevermind a God like him. It was also quite funny to see how upset you got when he made such comments, he's not gonna lie, you're really quite handsome when you look like you want to rip his throat from his body♡
- But then when he was about to finish you off, he winced and fell to the side, a sneaky cut you made that was lined with your special God killer poison. Everything felt like it was in agony, his body unable to support itself and he stumbled to get up. He didn't know what was happening but when your angered glare turned into a cruel and cold smile, he felt shivers down his spine.
- Your battle ended up being paused, because your poison was strong but you sadly hadn't put in enough to fully kill him. Close but not close enough, it seemed. When he recovers, the first thing he'll remember is your face when you saw him die. You were so callous and cold: he knew that your nicer more "gentle" side was more of a facade but seeing that smug joy in your eyes, that genuine smug victorious glint, made his heart skip a beat.
- You will feel watched and you will never feel alone again, not in a good way either. When you walk by yourself to clear your head, you feel eyes stalking you but you keep your chin up and your gaze unbothered. Letters will appear at your door, appearing to look like a love letter but when you read it, it's more of a confession of a crime with how the writer so proudly admits to watching and admiring you. You weren't scared until you realized things in your room when missing and even when you had Brunhilde take the appropriate security measures, the empty spot right next to you would still feel warm.
- You suspect and confront Loki right away, after all, he is the only person- erm, God- creepy enough to do something like this. And he's so delighted when you confront him and the most disturbing part is that he admits to it, with no shame or hesitation...which disturbs you the most about the situation. When you ask him why he's done this, after you tried to KILL him, he just shrugs and holds your hand: "Because you make my heart feel things that it isn't supposed to feel for humans. You're so charming, (Y/n)~"
Yandere! Poseidon:
- No because you're definetly right, he believes it's fitting that you based your breathing technique around an insect because in his eyes. that's all you and other humans were. Meek little insects who had no right to go against the God's like this.
- However, you changed his opinion entirely when you managed to poison him. And not in a good way, arrogant humans like you are what MADE humanity so despicable to him. That bitter smile that was a borderline scowl on your face as you DARED to look him in his eyes with such a victorious expression. He LOATHED it. Luckily, you were just as incompetent as the rest of your race because the poison you gave him did do damage but not enough to kill him.
- You plauged his mind like a disease, however. Polluting every thought in his mind with images of you, of your previous battle. It was disgusting to him, you disgusted him. At least that was what he originally thought until after another restless night of being unable to sleep because of you, he went the garden and heard you training and he became INFATUATED to say the least.
- You were graceful yet powerful in your moves, despite how much weaker you were compared to other Hashira, but your speed and agility as you moved interested him to say the least. When you felt eyes watching you, you turned around and gave him a small yet strained smile as you asked him how his recovery was going. He glared at you and walked off.
- You had to have poisoned him with something else during your fight, YOU HAD TOO. He doesn't believe that he can ever develop feelings for a mortal like YOU, surely you did this to him on purpose? But why? It must be...because you want him to love you, right? This man will LITERALLY blame YOU for his crazed obsession because he won't accept the fact that he has fallen in love with a human.
- So when you wake up and see that you're in his room, his eyes clouded with madness and infatuation, he doesn't understand why you act so surprised. After all, you contaminated his thoughts and his heart. You've poisoned him with your love like you wanted too, right? So why won't you let him poison you with his?
Yandere! Thor:
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- Thor is very smart, don't get me wrong, but he IS a brute. When he fights, he expects weaponry or at least hand to hand combat and when you, a mere man already weak in stature, poison him. He finds it cowardly, just like the rest of humanity. However
- I personally feel like he'd become obsessed with something else. When he's on his knees, coughing blood, he looks up at you and sees you smiling at him. A small smile of fake kindness and malicious intent, your unsettling eyes dripping with rage and disgust, but more importantly: it was your anger. That's when he starts to appreciate your method.
- He could sense it from you. The rage you hold in your heart. The bloodlust you have towards the Gods. Even though you were human, you had a divine and righteous anger and he saw all of it in your eyes. He wanted to see it, he wanted to be destroyed by it. After seeing your anger, the blood he's coughing up tastes just a little more sweeter.
- He gets shivers when you bend down and take his chin with your hand, tilting your head and letting out a small hum that was supposed to feign sympathy as you said: "Oh, you poor God. Painful, isn't it? Fun fact, this is just a taste of how I died. All of you Gods galavanted up here while my comrades and I all died like this to protect humanity from demons, and now you want to wipe us out? No. I don't think so."
- And when he didn't die, you were obviously dissapointed but he wasn't, because then he could see you again. Much like how he showed Lu Bu his smile in their battle, you showed him your rage and he was obsessed to see it again. He envies the people back in your time who got to watch you fight. You weren't able to do much because of your size, so you resulted to methods that fit you and would help you destroy your enemies.
- It makes him appreciate you, for such a weak and fragile looking man, you turned yourself into a weapon. Sacrificing everything during battle when you had too and releasing your fury and wrath to your enemies. He no longer thinks of it was a cowardly move because you didn't fight with poison, you fought with all of yourself that you could muster.
- However, when he sees the toll that you took from him during your battle, he realizes that all great weapons should be well kept for all to admire, but never to use again because they had already done their duty. In Thor's eyes, you gave enough for humanity, so instead of risking it and giving yourself to battle...why not just give yourself to him?
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Yandere Thor but when he forces his s/o to marry him, HE'S WEARING THE DRESS. Like, his s/o is just standing there and he's like: "Look, I see no point in it collecting dust and I am much bigger than you-"
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Can I get a GOD! Reader with Poseidon, Thor, buddha, Loki
Were reader has a lover and one day war breaks out between the gods. And reader's lover is one of the gods that lost their life and the one who killed them is (Poseidon, Thor, Loki).
(My request is based on zhongli and guizhong story)
This wasn't implied to be yandere or not but there is def gonna be some Yandere in Loki's for sure because it's Loki. I'm also not really adding Buddha in this, sorry, but I have a three character limit!
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They had always been jealous of your lover, that much was certain. If it wasn't for the war, it could even be labeled as a crime of blind passion (or obsession depending on the god).
"This wasn't what I wanted."
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- All Thor wanted...all he could have dreamed of was to be with you, but as he watch your lover turn to dust, as does that dream he had held on too so tightly.
- It probably didn't help that he looked so emotionless and stoic, he couldn't help it. That was how his face was. He felt remorse immediately, wishing he could undo what he had just done instead of having to hear you cry and mourn.
- He can't remember much of the moment but he knew his feelings got the best of him when your lover was the God who challenged him. He had already won your love, won your hand, and Thor simply couldn't let him win that little fight. Not after he had taken all of you and left Thor with nothing but the memories of what could've been.
- That's all they'll be now, memories. You hit him but don't do much damage, he still allows himself to stand there and take it. Take it because he deserves it for putting you through so much pain. Your lover may have been gone but so were his chances with you.
- When you suddenly sob and weakly fall against his chest, he holds you and whispers an apology. He knows it won't fix this but it was the only comfort that he could give you. Truly, he wishes things would have turned out differently.
"What's been done can not be undone."
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- He was cruel enough to say that you almost deserved it for not choosing him from the start. Poseidon is a prideful person, despite the fact that he truly held you near and dear to his heart; he wouldn't bother apologizing.
- It won't fix anything, it won't bring your lover back, and he can tell from your eyes that your heart was now filled with hatred and loathing. If you had any feelings for the god of the seas, they were gone now.
- You will not see him beg for forgiveness because he knows it will never be enough. If you loved your partner as passionately and as deeply as he loves you, he also would forever be mad.
- He would still have the audacity to try and convince you to be with him, you know, after killing your lover.
- Even if you don't choose him, at least he knows you won't choose anyone else because as much as it sickened him to say it, your lover was your world. So even if his chances to have you fall in love with him end up zero, it brings him a cold comfort to know that at least you'll feel the same
"He took you from me first!"
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- Loki can't even claim he felt a single amount of remorse, not when the moment he saw your lover was open, he took that moment to strike them down. He was brutal and he was quick and they didn't even have time to react.
- It was just payback in Loki's mind. He longed and yearned for you for the longest time and YOUR STUPID LOVER SAW THAT AND TOOK YOU. It was their own fault that they died, if they had just realized you were HIS then they'd be alive.
- Might even laugh at you as your grieving for them. After all, they died so easily at his hand. However he soon gets annoyed because you distance yourself from him, he expected you to at least shout and try to kill him but you just...sulked. And that wasn't any fun.
- He'll try to egg you on to at least get mad at him but you knew it was what he wanted, that it'd only add to his satisfaction, and you were too tired to be angry at him anyways. Your heart still heavy with grief. Loki becomes even more moodier because even after they're dead, they're still stealing you away from him!
- This god feels like he'll die without your attention. Look at him, scream at him, hate him, love him. As long as it's from you, he'll want it all. So when you don't even acknowledge his existence, he will act out like a child. He's too angry to care and you're too heartbroken.
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lilys0evil0twin · 2 years
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Oh dear u have no idea what u've done~
Warning: yandere, mentions of smut, forced pregnancy, possessiveness, mental abuse, hard sex, breeding kink ~~
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Thor always've been a gentle yandere, he'd never hurt his dear darling, always wanting only what's best for her and respecting her opinion of course
At this point he's could be called more of a possessive husband then a full yandere
But sadly being a god, Thor's patience is wearing thin very, very fast
And Y/n was getting on his nerves lately
Denying his recent purposes, not wanting to spend time with his after his return home, not paying attention to him or his affection and her refusal of pleasure he could provide - his mind snapped
"You.." his golden eyes particularly glowed in the darkness of their shared bedroom. His voice was sinister, sending shivers down y/ n's spine. She knew she fucked up, she could see it in his face, feel it in his aura which was radiating from his giant form. Still he'd never do anything to hurt her. At last that's what she believed, now she wasn't so sure.
"Come here, ..NOW.." The way his large body seemed larger mad larger by a second, made y/n uncertain. Her heart running mile per millisecond, echoing in the quiet room. Despite Thor never hurting her physically or mentally, y/n wasn't going to test her husband now of all times.
Slowly moving closer to the bed, where her husband resides, his sharp eyes following her every move. Like a hawk, a predator watching it's prey, ready for the upcoming chance to strike. Just as she was within an arm reach her body was flung onto the mattress, her petite form bouncing slightly.
"You don't love me anymore?"
Thor asked in surprisingly calm voice, making the situation even more terrifying. "What? No of course I love you! It's just-"
"Then where's the problem? Why would' t you want this? Why wouldn't you want me?" With every sentence his voice got deeper and darker. His giant hands pressed against the small table behind Y/n, trapping her between his arms. Resting his weight on them, Thor leaned close to her face staring deeply into her soul.
"You do want this, do you? You just wanted play, right? Make me want you more, not anger me, right?" Thor slowly lied his head on her shoulder pressing small gentle kisses on her neck. His touch oh so different from his eyes and voice. He grabbed Y/n bellow he thighs and lift the on the table, stepping in between he legs.
"Mhh ... Ye- Yes"
The quiet answer was enough to make Thor smile, his eyes softening.
"That's right, you're a good girl. Now let me take care of you, you'll feel nice and full in no time. I won't let any of my seed leave your body~"
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