#You could easily have a moment of Luke reassuring Annabeth she will do great
ace-and-ranty · 4 months
See, the decision to do away with the romantic undertones of Annabeth and Luke was correct(TM), in my opinion. It is, at best, a boring, basic writing decision, and at worst, hella creepy.
But Annabeth's crush in the books was a quick way to establish they have a connection. A lazy way! Mind you! We gotta establish girl loves boy so let's have her have a crush, despite their relationship being explicitly planned to be familial! Lazy. Cliche. Kinda creepy. But it does do what it means to do, which is to quickly tie Annabeth to Luke.
If you're gonna change that to screen, which you should, you have to do it all the way. You can't just tell me they are like siblings, you gotta show me. Annabeth gets a gentle moment of goodbye with Thalia. Why not Luke? Where is the scene where he is walking after her as she packs, shooting instructions or reassuring her she will be okay or asking if she has her toothbrush? Where is any scene of them at all? They never get five minutes to talk. How do you want me to believe they love each other like family?
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