#You stopped at him not knowing what birds are and went 🤪 he’s so dumb
strewbi · 1 year
I just feel like all of this Zagreus is incompetent slander is because you didn’t keep playing the game after you beat the first final boss round, or after the true ending. Because he GETS competent and respected. He LEARNS the harp. Even his dad who literally can only love him a limited amount respects him.
#like video games are the only medium where you have to work to get more story#and you can be barred from more story if you don’t make progress#I get that. If you didn’t get to the ‘more story’ of it all you didn’t do it.#You’re not Chaos’s bestest little grandson#you don’t know that Hades literally holds Hypnos’s cheeriness up next to Zagreus and finds Zagreus wanting#You don’t know that they have the ability to become snarky but warm business associates who ultimately respect each other#You stopped at him not knowing what birds are and went 🤪 he’s so dumb#He’s literally asterius’s number 2 best friend. That’s canon.#I like what am I doing? am I complaining that other people didn’t turn this game into their sleepy comfort game for the past three years?#I don’t know.#I guess it’s just like#people walked away from it before he had any of his real growth#before in the MASSIVE amount of game dialogue and scenes he continued to change and grow and bond with the people around him#which I can’t blame anyone for having other things to do with their time#it’s just frustrating!#all of them change and grow! Dusa! Meg! Hypnos! Probably Than but I haven’t gotten there yet#You really have to make a single purchase in this game and then run around and see how it affects the dialogue for a while.#Which I didn’t do in my original save. I’ve tried to do it in my non godmode save but woof.
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