#Yuya did give me that w/ the Bugsters to some degree…
firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Random Writing Tidbit COLD DEAD FINGERS…
… I think we all know where this is going.
So I mentioned I fell in love w/ the idea of Horobi being HumaGear and Jin being a Daybreak survivor he found as a child (idea courtesy iris-14cheonsa, but I’m super nervous about tagging rn, so), and also that I liked the idea of Horobi having given him the gun (and put it on the little tether). So, before we hit the chance of that possibility getting jossed… I wrote something.
Featuring, baby¡Jin. Who is a menace, to himself and others.
He gave Jin the gun because he almost lost him once.
As mischievous as a child as he was an adult, the boy had repeatedly ignored his warnings of staying safely in the parts of the building he’d secured to keep out the remaining hacked HumaGears from the original incident. Their drives were so fried there wasn’t much even he could do with them—they weren’t a threat to him, merely a hinderance, so he’d just stayed out of the way in places they couldn’t go.
But to Jin, a human, they were a very real danger. The very first night he’d brought the child home, while Jin was asleep, curled up like a large kitten on a mess of salvaged cloth, he’d set up a careful perimeter. Like any HumaGear, thoroughness and detail were in his nature—a fact he hated as much as the humans who had created him—but it ensured that there where no holes in the defence; he’d successfully sealed out the glitching MaGear.
He found out very quickly he should also have taken measures to keep Jin in.
The first few times, he’d caught him quickly, picked up the distant vibrations when the boy bumped a rock while sneaking about, heard the small intake of breath when he stubbed a toe. A couple times, Jin got away with it, reappearing in the main room of their makeshift hideout with some souvenir he’d picked up outside, trying desperately to look innocent. Every time he’d lecture the boy about the danger, but every day, Jin would try it again, would get even more reckless.
Until, one day, they caught him.
When he first heard the scream, he initially thought Jin had fallen somewhere—but only for an instant, because then he heard the whirring of the HumaGears, and then the boy’s voice again, on a higher, more panicked note—and not just screaming, calling out for help.
Calling his name.
He’d never moved so fast. Tracked the sound to one of the lower levels of the main building to find Jin in the clutches of a small horde of hacked robots, one of them holding him by the scruff of his shirt. He made quick work of the offending MaGear, running his sword through its head with a little more aggression than even he had expected from himself, then promptly clearing the others while the child scampered for cover.
The moment things seemed safe, Jin had jumped out and run right to him, wrapping his little arms tightly around his waist and sobbing into his torso. When the boy had calmed down enough, he carried him home, then forced him to sit still while he checked the damage. Jin had gotten lucky—he had a couple of bad bruises and scrapes, and his lip was split pretty badly, but nothing life threatening. Despite his initial display, the boy had been very quite while he’d tended the injuries, aside from a few small whimpers and winces; that night, Jin insisted in sleeping curled up against his side, clutching a handful of his coat tightly.
He stopped trying to sneak out after that, but the moment the boy seemed capable of handling it, he’d given him a weapon, securing it to him by a tether so that he wouldn’t lose it. Just to be safe.
Because the feeling he’d had in the moments between hearing Jin calling his name and the instant he’d laid eyes on the boy was one he could only describe as terror. Because now he always makes sure to monitor Jin with the cameras whenever he leaves the Daybreak site, never feels quite right until he knows his human is home
Because almost losing Jin once was more than enough for him to swear he’d never let that happen.
I’ll probably write other stuff later. Rn, I am going to bed.
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