bitcoinreportitalia · 25 days
💻 La privacy di Bitcoin sopravvive: zkSNACKs smentisce la morte di CoinJoin
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🌸 La notizia della chiusura di CoinJoin, un mixer di transazioni Bitcoin, ha suscitato preoccupazioni sulla privacy di Bitcoin. Tuttavia, è importante sottolineare che la privacy di Bitcoin rimane solida e che esistono soluzioni alternative per proteggere la propria privacy quando si effettuano transazioni Bitcoin.
💻 CoinJoin e le sue limitazioni:
🌸 CoinJoin è stato un pioniere nella scena della privacy di Bitcoin, consentendo agli utenti di mescolare le loro transazioni con quelle di altri per rendere più difficile il tracciamento dei fondi. Ma, CoinJoin presentava alcune limitazioni, tra cui:
🌸 Scalabilità: CoinJoin non era scalabile per un uso diffuso, con tempi di transazione lenti e commissioni elevate. 🌸 Complessità: L'utilizzo di CoinJoin era relativamente complesso e richiedeva una certa conoscenza tecnica. 🌸 Centralizzazione: CoinJoin dipendeva da un server centrale, che rappresentava un potenziale punto di attacco per la censura o la sorveglianza. 🌸 zk-SNARKs: una soluzione superiore per la privacy
🌸 zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Proofs) offre una soluzione di privacy superiore e scalabile per Bitcoin. zk-SNARKs consente agli utenti di dimostrare la validità di una transazione senza rivelare i dettagli della transazione stessa. Ciò offre un livello di privacy significativamente migliorato rispetto a CoinJoin, con i seguenti vantaggi:
🌸 Scalabilità: zk-SNARKs è altamente scalabile e può essere utilizzato per un gran numero di transazioni. 🌸 Efficienza: Le transazioni zk-SNARKs sono veloci e hanno commissioni basse. 🌸 Decentralizzazione: zk-SNACKs non richiede un server centrale, eliminando il rischio di censura o sorveglianza.
💻 zkSNACKs e la sua implementazione in Bitcoin:
🌸 zkSNACKs è già stato implementato in diverse soluzioni Bitcoin, come Zcash e Wasabi Wallet. Queste soluzioni offrono agli utenti un modo sicuro e privato per effettuare transazioni Bitcoin.
🌸 La chiusura di CoinJoin è un evento spiacevole, ma non rappresenta la fine della privacy di Bitcoin. Soluzioni come zk-SNARKs offrono un'alternativa superiore e scalabile per proteggere la propria privacy quando si effettuano transazioni Bitcoin. È importante rimanere informati sulle ultime tecnologie per la privacy e utilizzare strumenti che consentono di mantenere la propria privacy online.
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dencyemily · 4 months
Zcash's Potential Soars: Evaluating the Impact of Grayscale's Privacy ETF Proposal on New Heights
Grayscale, a trailblazer in the cryptocurrency investment space, has recently made headlines with its submission of an application for a Privacy ETF to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This strategic move, announced by RootData, a prominent figure in the blockchain community, has sparked significant interest, particularly with the notable impact on Zcash, a privacy-centric digital asset, which experienced a remarkable 19% surge in value.
The unveiling of Grayscale's Privacy ETF underscores a paradigm shift in the world of cryptocurrency investment, emphasizing privacy as a central theme. This move is a response to the growing significance of privacy-oriented assets in the digital era. The ETF, as outlined by Nate Geraci, President of ETFStore, is designed to track companies actively involved in data security, protection, and cybersecurity. Leveraging innovative solutions such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and edge computing, the ETF positions itself at the forefront of privacy-centric investing.
Leading the initiative is David LaValle, Grayscale's Global Head of ETFs, who spearheaded the filing. This marks a significant milestone as the ETF structure covers five critical sub-categories dedicated to enhancing privacy and security. Grayscale's commitment to advancing digital privacy is evident in this industry-first approach, setting a precedent for the integration of privacy-focused assets into mainstream investment portfolios.
A notable aspect of the Privacy ETF is its planned allocation of 10% to privacy-preserving protocols. This strategic move brings attention to Zcash, a cryptocurrency known for its advanced cryptographic features that allow for confidential transactions. The inclusion of Zcash in the ETF highlights the growing recognition of the importance of privacy-focused digital assets in diversified investment portfolios.
To ensure the ETF includes only robust and reliable companies, Grayscale has set stringent criteria. Firms from various markets will be considered, but they must meet specific requirements, including a minimum market capitalization of $250 million and adherence to certain liquidity standards.
The market response to Grayscale's Privacy ETF announcement has been substantial, indicating a heightened interest in privacy-focused investments. Zcash's current valuation, standing at $27.91, reflects a significant increase of 15.36% in the last 24 hours. This surge in price underscores strong investor interest and signals the potential for growth in privacy-focused digital assets.
As the SEC reviews the application for Grayscale's Privacy ETF, the investment community eagerly awaits the regulatory decision. If approved, this initiative could reshape the cryptocurrency investment landscape, opening up new opportunities for investors to engage with privacy-focused investment products and further establishing privacy as a key consideration in shaping the future of digital asset portfolios.
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qseconseils · 5 months
Cryptomonnaies : Une Révolution Financière Numérique
Les cryptomonnaies, à l’instar du Bitcoin et de l’Ethereum, ont émergé en tant que force transformante dans le paysage financier mondial. En abolissant les frontières traditionnelles, ces monnaies numériques décentralisées redéfinissent notre manière d’investir, de stocker et d’utiliser l’argent, promettant une révolution financière numérique sans précédent. Plongeons dans cet univers en…
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moneylinksme · 8 months
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christophbergmann · 9 months
Binance nimmt Monero und andere Privacycoins in Belgien vom Handel
Binance nimmt Monero und andere Privacycoins in Belgien vom Handel Die Luft in der EU wird dünn für Privacycoins. Nachdem die große Börse Binance einige Coins in Polen, Frankreich und Italien aus dem Angebot entfernt hat, folgt nun ein Delisting für User aus Belgien.
Die Luft in der EU wird dünn für Privacycoins. Nachdem die große Börse Binance einige Coins in Polen, Frankreich und Italien aus dem Angebot entfernt hat, folgt nun ein Delisting für User aus Belgien. Continue reading Untitled
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zminorcash · 9 months
 "The Comprehensive Guide to Cryptocurrency Mining with Zminer.cash"
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Include tips for optimizing mining operations and managing a diversified mining portfolio.
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siliconpalms · 1 year
zk-SNARKs: A Brief History and Their Implementation in Cryptocurrencies
A Brief History of zk-SNARKs zk-SNARKs, an acronym for Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge, are a form of cryptographic proof that allows one party to prove to another that they know the value of a specific piece of information, without revealing the information itself or requiring any interaction between the prover and the verifier. The roots of zk-SNARKs can be…
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crypto-mining-farm · 1 year
Lass uns im Team 50k im Monat mit Zcash verdienen
Lass uns im Team 50k im Monat mit Zcash verdienen
Lass uns im Team 50k im Monat mit Zcash verdienen! Für viele Leute ist die Welt der Kryptowährung und des Mining neu. Aber wenn du einen Fuß in diese Welt setzen möchtest, dann ist das Mining von Zcash eine sehr gute Möglichkeit. Es ist ein zeitloses System, mit dem du dein Vermögen langsam aber sicher aufbauen kannst. Kurz gesagt, Zcash ist eine Kryptowährung, die mit der Open Source-Software…
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bitcoinreportitalia · 4 months
😎 Privacy Coins and Personal Freedom in Serious Danger! 😎
💸 Published by Bitcoin Report Italy, 26/01/2024 💸
💸 In the increasingly dense darkness of the current neo-totalitarianism, a new battleground is opening up in the world of cryptocurrencies, pushing Zcash and Monero to the brink of elimination. As regulatory pressure tightens its grip around these private coins, the liquidity of Monero and Zcash is drying up, with one exchange after another joining the chorus, removing these assets from the available spot trading list.
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💸 On January 5th, OKX started the dance by removing several privacy-focused trading pairs, citing that they "do not meet our listing criteria." Darkness then enveloped Binance, which added a tracking tag to Monero, Zcash, Firo, and MobileCoin, threatening further delistings.
💸 "Tokens with the tracking tag may risk no longer meeting our listing criteria and may be removed from the platform," warned the exchange.
💸 Panic has struck investors. Despite the official delisting not being declared, Zcash has plummeted by 19% in the last week, while Monero has lost almost 3%.
😎 The End of Privacy Coins? 😎
💸 With Monero and Zcash liquidity at historic lows, many companies hesitate to interact with these cryptocurrencies due to their negative associations. Many exchanges are avoiding listing privacy coins, marking a serious challenge to their existence.
💸 "Most companies will not want to interact with privacy coins given their negative connotations," said Clara Medaglia, research director at Kaiko.
😎 Cryptocurrencies and Regulations 😎
💸 The removal of these coins from the market is part of a broader fight against private cryptocurrencies. Binance's recent violation of U.S. banking laws, resulting in a $4 billion fine, has prompted the exchange to implement stricter anti-money laundering controls. And on this issue, we'll have a lot to talk about, as it is part of a direct and targeted attack on the CEX takeover by the World Economic Forum.
💸 In addition to Binance's action, European Union legislators are currently discussing the possibility of banning Monero and Zcash in the context of anti-money laundering regulation.
😎 The Resistance 😎
💸 The elimination of privacy coins is now an imminent reality, but some projects resist. Issuers hope to reach an agreement with Binance, but the struggle is ongoing.
💸 Projects like Firo have proposed an alternative called "exchange-only cryptographic address." If accepted, this solution would allow users to transfer funds to an exchange by creating a new transparent address, addressing Binance's concerns about anonymity.
😎 The Binance Unknown 😎
💸 The approach proposed by Firo is still under review by Binance, but the outcome remains uncertain. The Monero community has shown resistance, refusing to adopt similar solutions.
💸 In this climate of emerging institutional oppression, the community watches with trepidation the outcome of the battle between privacy and the rising regulatory tide. However, it would be more desirable for everyone to actively make themselves available in defense of privacy, remembering why the world of cryptocurrencies was born, and not just hiding behind the pursuit of profit. While Zcash, Monero, and other privacy coins are suspended between darkness and the hope of an alternative, the fate of these pioneering cryptocurrencies hangs by a thread.
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dencyemily · 5 months
DOGE Perpetual Contract with 75x Leverage Boost Launched on Binance
Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has revealed its 2024 strategy with a focus on expanding services and reshuffling its cryptocurrency offerings. As part of this strategic vision, Binance is set to enhance its Futures offerings by introducing a USDC-margined DOGE perpetual contract with up to 75x leverage. The addition, effective from January 18, will activate the Multi-Assets Mode, enabling traders to use various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), as margins.
To incentivize traders, Binance has introduced a limited-time 10% promotional fee discount on all trades conducted on USDC-margined futures contracts until April 3, 2024. However, the platform issued a market risk warning, indicating the potential for adjustments in contract specifications based on market risk conditions.
This move aligns with Binance's broader strategy for 2024, where the exchange has made notable changes, including reassigning certain cryptocurrencies like Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC) to its Monitoring Tag list for regular reviews. Additionally, the platform has implemented adjustments in cross-margin and isolated margin pairs and made changes to spot trading pairs, demonstrating a commitment to flexibility and innovation.
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qseconseils · 5 months
Cryptomonnaies : Une Révolution Financière Numérique
Les cryptomonnaies, à l’instar du Bitcoin et de l’Ethereum, ont émergé en tant que force transformante dans le paysage financier mondial. En abolissant les frontières traditionnelles, ces monnaies numériques décentralisées redéfinissent notre manière d’investir, de stocker et d’utiliser l’argent, promettant une révolution financière numérique sans précédent. Plongeons dans cet univers en…
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jealousycomplex · 1 year
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tienaotructuyen · 2 years
ZEC coin có phải là đồng tiền tiềm năng không?
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Zcash (ZEC) là mạng lưới được ra mắt chính thức vào năm 2016. Tức là nó xuất hiện sau 7 năm Bitcoin có mặt trên thị trường. Zcash chính là bản Hard Fork của Bitcoin. Khi nó được xây dựng dựa vào mã Code của Bitcoin. Bên cạnh đó, Zcash cũng đang sử dụng cơ chế đồng thuận (Proof of Work). Nếu như Bitcoin đang sử dụng thuật toán đồng thuận SHA-256 thì ngược lại Zcash đang sử dụng cơ chế Equihash.
Nguồn: Zec coin
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lord-media · 2 years
Zcash may be exposed to spam, but Blockchain is doing just fine, says the company behind it.
Zcash may be exposed to spam, but Blockchain is doing just fine, says the company behind it.
Frederic Monawa is a technology reporter at Coindesk. It covers blockchain protocols with a particular focus on bitcoin and bitcoin-neighboring networks. The Zcash (ZEC) blockchain is experiencing a sudden increase in volume due to an increase in transaction volumes, raising fears of a potential spam attack. Jameson Loeb, co-founder and CTO of Bitcoin storage firm Casa, claims that the Zcash…
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brcoinwork · 2 years
A plataforma PipeFlare conta com um token nativo chamado 1FLR listado no coinmarketcap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/flare-token/
Tem duas formas de ganhar criptomoedas, uma é pela faucet (Torneira a cada 36 horas) e a outra é jogando os cryptogames e ganhando o token 1FLR.
Ainda tem uma faucet de ZEC ( paga direto na Binance ) e Matic ( minimo p saque baixo ) a cada 24h possui nft's para comprar e ovos para colecionar.
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kriptobilim · 2 years
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