#Zeta NTWEwY Chat
pmiller1 · 1 year
Shoka, why didn't you let Kaie bring back your Swallow account?
Shoka: Because I lack the foresight of me coming back to life in the RG. Kaie: It never too late Shoka. :) Shoka: W-What? Kaie what are you doing here? And how did you get my contacted. Kaie: Well. I'm here to met up with Rhyme. Who by the way give me your new account. XD Shoka: Right, Rhyme told me that you two had been talking online. She told you that I where alive. Kaie: I'm just glad to see you at all. ^_^ Kaie: Given that you was willing to sacrificed your own existential to help your friend's team. :| Shoka: You help too, heck you knew why I've help them. Kaie: Yes indeed. And I did know why too. :) Kaie: Still... :| Kaie: I wish you didn't took the big risk. :( Shoka: I know... I'm already knew it was stupid thing to do. Kaie: Well, ever way, I am glad to see you Girl. :) Kaie: Come on here and give you big bro a hug. X) *The Two Hug it out.* Shoka: Glad you doing okay by the way. Kaie: Not at all. :) Kaie: So I take that Neku and his mother taken a good cure of you? :> Shoka: Better then my old family back in the RG. Shoka: So what, you said that it not too late bring back my Swallow account. Kaie: Indeed. B) Kaie: Me and Rhyme could mean being back the account from the RNS backlog. B) Kaie: Of course, she said it would be risky if the Composer saw us in the act and disapproved of our attempted. B| Shoka: That find, but I think it best you don't bother. Kaie: I see. :| Kaie: Rhyme did tell me that you wouldn't approved. :/ Shoka: I mean, I already got a new account, Griffin. So no point getting my old one back. Shoka: Plus, I came back to life for a fresh start in life. I get to hangout with my friend, be part of Gatto Nero as a model, even being a family that do care for me. And I get to played FanGo with Rindo. Kaie: :) Shoka: What? What with that smile for? Kaie: I could had guess that you would FanGo with Rindo as part of hanging out with your friend. :) Shoka: Oh...! *Hood over her face." Shut it! Kaie: It cool, I'm not gonna make fun of it. XD Shoka: That X D say otherwise. Kaie: Does it? :? Shoka: ... Kaie: Anywho. I'd hope you had good future. :) Shoka: Aren't you still fortune-teller? Kaie: Yes. But since Tsugumi is back to being herself, we working at the shop together. And we both know that she where a better fortune-teller then me. ^^; Shoka: Specking off, I take it just you and her that know that I'm still around and alive? Kaie: We talked about weather we should informed the rest about you. But well, Tsugumi had the foresight to not informed them just yet. :| Shoka: Oh good. Let hope it stay that way.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Say, how do you feel about you able to use any pins in the Game?
Shiki: Wait, what...?
Rindo: Oh right, Mr. Minami said that anyone can use any pins, he did said that we have certain amount of level to use some pins before.
Beat: Oh yeah, I remember I couldn't use many pins back before, it was this one pins of mine and my trusted skater.
Rhyme: I know, we give that one pin that we couldn't us to you guy right after we run into your guys.
Shiki: Yeah and Neku use it well, Like Neku could use every single pins in the Game. he was a real Psych wiz.
Shiki: And you saying that everyone could use any pins, now?
Neku: Don't get too existed Shiki. There limit it by only using one pin in battle.
Shoka: Yeah, And that only to encourage teamwork.
Shoka: Honestly, I don't know why Shibuya's Game have the limit cap to use certain pins. I can get the enter fee and the whole partnership. But that one I never get.
Fret: Maybe so you don't get overpowered. Like some of those pins would make the mission a cake walk.
Nagi: Perhaps just as Shinjuku encourage teamwork, Shibuya encourage creativity. After all, Lady Shiki's Mr Mew was base-line of her own imagination and tosses she could only use pins that related to that alone.
Nagi: Lord Beat, your Soundsurf could be due your own skating skill. So any pins you could use was due to that skate alone.
Shiki: Wow. You're spot on Nagi. I had the feeling that I could only used Pins to animated Mr Mew, my own creation.
Fret: Wait, would that mean that my limited pins could be any pin that related to my Remind ability?
Shoka: Given how your power can heal a soul, sound like you'd be our team support.
Rindo: Look, like we should have give you most of the support pins instead of those ranged and bombs pins.
Fret: You know what, that kind of work for me, I was the one that keep the spirit up. Your Supported Fret being as helpful as ever.
Neku: That if your psych wasn't high enough to enter the UG with that certain Reaper Pin.
Fret: Only yeah, those Pin was made to get you back in UG.
Neku: Indeed.
Beat: Hold up, ye saying that I had enough imagine then before.
Rhyme: Wouldn't really surprised me. You did got good in skating after the Game. Heck, even I feel like I gotten more creative then before. Whatever my old dream was, it wouldn't be as possible then I have with my new dream.
Shiki: And Eri did say I gotten more creative, she even joke that maybe she wasn't cut out to be designer, that she should take up seamstress instead. Puff like she could handle a needles.
Shoka: Wait! If that the case then how the heck Fret is so imaginative. I can get that Rindo and Nagi got there from there Game. But him?
Fret: Seem like you can't understand my galaxy brain, Kitten.
Rindo: He a Meme lord, Shoka.
Nagi: Yep. Total Meme Lord.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
To Rindo, how does it feel knowing the Identity of Swallow.
Rindo: I mean, what am I meant to say? That it shocked me, that all that time, my best friend whom I known online was... her?
Fret: Gotta say, calling Shokie your best friend, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way, like, I thought I was your BF.
Nagi: Admittedly, I too have misinterpret you and Lord Tosai where in a A rank relationship.
Rindo: Sorry man, but comparer to them, you wasn't up to be the one person that I relayed on.
Nagi: Indeed, you did relayed on them for quest that you was uncertain upon, even if the question in answer was clearly there.
Rindo: And that just it, I offend ask Swallow for Advice, even my every day life. Not just FanGO.
Rindo: Like, it would be like you having someone on the other end that help your in your life and everything on EleStra.
Nagi: Well I do sure my wisdom upon EleStra on anyone that seek my wisdom upon.
Nagi: So realistic, I'd would be in Lady Shoka places.
Fret: Mind you Rindude, it really creepy if you think about it, you have a dead girl, from the beyond the grave, helping you.
Rindo: I... I really don't want to think about that Interpretation.
Rindo: I don't even blame her for not telling me that she's Swallow.
Rindo: Along with why she acted the way she was to me. I'd would push her away from finding out that I was her Rindragon if I was in her shoes.
Rindo: And man, I only knew about it when we both was about to died in a fallen Shibuya, she only told me after she give her life to save me.
Rindo: And she was about to let herself be erased, giving up her power as a Reaper, all for that to save Shibuya and me, without me know that she was Swallow?
Rindo: I don't even want to know what'd happen if I didn't know. Or if Joshua didn't send her to RG to be honest.
Rindo: I mean, it a mistake, and she own up to it. But man, I'd be more lost without her... without them.
Nagi: You know, I did talk to Lady Shoka about this and she said in her own words "I just thought he'll be find without me, like he could had find another FanGO member that could help him in life, or hell get some from you, Fret, Neku, even Worms-for-Brains. I just didn't think I was that special to him." That 'you' were referring to me, of course.
Rindo: And she not wrong. I could have. I just couldn't bring myself to befriend another FanGO member. And I guess she did thought of that I'd would, given how I saw her new account "Griffin" in the friend request without any idea that was her.
Fret: And hey, if you did came to us, we would happily help you Rindude.
Rindo: Dude, You don't even play FanGO.
Fret: Y-Ye know what I mean, right?
Rindo: I guess.
Nagi: Well I certainly would, even with FanGO.
Rindo: Really, Nagi, you played FanGO?
Nagi: No, but I could look up any look on any tips on Alexpedia* (*Alexandria Castle and wikipedia, why not, right?)
Nagi: However, my study on psychology could be handily if you ask, Lord Rindo.
Fret: Man, keep forget that you're in Collage, Boss.
Nagi: I unfortunately understand why.
Rindo: Still... I'm just glad that me and her get to hang out and be friend in the real world.
Nagi: And I'd believed that's all that matter.
Rindo: Yeah, it sure is.
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pmiller1 · 1 year
Neku, why didn't just lied to Shiki that you wasn't wearing any when she was fixing your pants bottom?
Neku: I-I just felt a little chill there. Shiki: Oh gosh, I almost forgot that I did that! Beat: Yo what, what I miss? Rhyme: Wait... that was what keeping you two? Fret: What going on over there? Nagi: I'd believed that Lord Neku and Lady Shiki relived a embarrassing moment. Shiki: Okay 1st off, I'm sorry that I did all of that. Neku: That okay... I... I knew that the Game was getting to you. Neku: But to answer the question. I don't think me lying to her would get her off my case. Shiki: If anything, I would think of you as wrost fashion disaster then you were before. Like really? Going commando in Short? Neku: Yep, My spicy tuna roll wouldn't better if you did think of that. Fret: Wait! Did She stipe him? Shoka: Well yeah, can't fix a broken cloths if there wearing it. Fret: Shouldn't she just y'know fix it then he wearing it? Rindo: How bad was it? Neku: Well, I have a loose bottom. Rindo: ... Rindo: I'm gonna regret this, but I have to take Neku side on this. It just a loose bottom, my mom fix my bottom with me still wearing it. Shiki: And do you feel uneased, worry that she would accidentally hurt you? Rindo: And there it is. Regretting it now. Nagi: May I ask a question, lady Shiki? Shiki: Sure. Ask away. Nagi: If Lord Neku did misinformed you that he was Going commando, what would you do? Would you still stipe him, thus finding out his lie, tried to fix with him still wearing it or not risk it at all? Shiki: I mean would possibly just fix him with him still wearing. There is no way I letter those bottom loose. Shiki: I mean it not like anyone else would see it, we where invisible from RG. Shiki's phone ring, from a Text. Shiki: Hah, who could be texting me in a middle of-- Shiki face become Red! Shiki: Fucking Josh! Neku: What? What is it? Shiki: Josh just send me a image and... Shiki show it to Neku, his face a litter red. Neku: At this point he getting the Stalker nickname. Joshua Text from Shiki Phone: Well say, You're lucky that you get to be with that nice ass. Neku: The next time I see him, I will not hesitate. Shiki: I'll help.
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pmiller1 · 1 year
Shiki, you do know that Neku can see you before, right?
Shiki: Eh? W-What?
Beat: Yeah, he side that he can see ye just fine. He just did't want me to pass the massage yo.
Shiki: Oh.
Uzuki: Can't blame her for thinking that he couldn't see her. That whole Reverb really made our town way too dark.
Beat: Beah! Pinky, what ye doing here?
Uzuki: I'm on a brake. Gotta do something to pass time.
Kariya: And beside, where are we gonna have the time to be in a chat? Even Coco been in some chat.
Shiki: And well Coco told me that she in her own word "So dubber gld to see the sunny sun, UG gotten soo dark y'know."
Shiki: I just thought it was too dark that Neku couldn't see me.
Beat: But I could see you.
Shiki: Yeah, but wasn't you, in-between the Ground?
Shiki: Look, Rhyme told me about the Reaper Pin and how it got you into UG. And given you where alive. That you couldn't be in UG since you aren't dead.
Shiki: Like isn't that why Rhyme could see other save for Shoka and Neku? There had the Pins and those two where already Dead.
Uzuki: She does had a point, those pins did illegally pull you and other into the UG.
Kariya: Even I can get behind that logic.
Shiki: But I guess I was wrong to think that Neku couldn't see me.
Beat: TBH, I think Neku wish he couldn't see you.
Shiki: W-What? Beat!
Kariya: You may wanna repeated that, Skulls.
Beat: Woah, Woah, I didn't mean like he don't want to see you, Shiki!
Beat: Like, he just didn't want to... em... how do I put it. He... em...
Uzuki: Oh for goodness sake. He just didn't want to see how alone you where. The disappointed looks on your face. The one that I see every time at Hachiko.
Uzuki: Even I wish it was the day that he'd showen up.
Shiki: Yeah. I guess he didn't want to see how sorry I was.
Shiki: And I kind of knew where there Uzuki. The Strawberry and Raman sense.
Uzuki: *Sniff her arms.* F--k, I do smell like Raman.
Kariya: And you do smell like Strawberry.
Uzuki: S-shit it, Koki.
Kariya: But yeah... he may just didn't want to see how bad you where after he abounded you. Unintentionally sure, but he would had feel bad that he left you.
Beat: Actually I think he was surprised that you could tell that he was there.
Shiki: He was?
Beat: In fact after he said that he could see you just fine, he said that soon that you can see him.
Shiki: Oh...
Shiki: Wow. He really does cure about me.
Shiki: And I guess that is why he said he was fine when he was trying to contacted all the souls?
Beat: What are talkin about, he said that he fine. Sure he was shaken up, but he wasn't hurt.
Shiki: ...
Shiki: Sigh. Neku, he really tried not to got me all worry.
Shiki: I get why he doesn't want me to worry.
Kariya: Yeah, Even I can get where Neku coming from.
Uzuki: Oh you do?
Kariya: Oh yeah, don't worry about it. It just a guy things.
Uzuki: ...
Uzuki: Shiki, Girlbossed Neku some more. While I'll Girlbossed some lazy get! *As she starting to drag Kariya off* Come on you!
Kariya: But what about---?
Uzuki: Don't make me actually brake you!
*The Two Reaper Gone from the Two Ex-Player*
Beat: Girlbossed...?
Shiki: Just ask Rhyme about, okay.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Nagi, you do know that Minamimoto is not Lord Tomonami?
Nagi: You'd presumed that I am delusional about the fact that Lord Minamimoto is not infect the Lord Tomonami.
Nagi: I am well awarded that Lord Minamimoto and Lord Tomonami are not one person.
Nagi: But you cannot deny that the likeness! My heart leap when I see him, the way he look like Lord Tomonami!
Nagi: Can't a girl had dream in her ignorance?
Rindo: Gotta say, you sure make us think that you where.
Fret: Well, I'd do the same if I met a actor of a character that I like.
Shoka: Yeah, but at least the actor know you'd treating them as the character they played as. For real, Sho wasn't actor of Lord Tomonami. The Two just happen to be alike.
Nagi: Even still. He remind me of Lord Tomonami more then Lord Beat remind of Lord Tobi.
Beat: Urrg. Dont remind me yo. It already bad enough to be mistaken for Phones, but being compared to him. Some of the check almost ruin my date with Eri from the fact that I look like Tobi.
Neku: Same for me with Kurasaba. People seem to fangirl over me for looking like Kurasaba. Shiki tried to hide it, but I can tell it starting to annoyed her.
Nagi: Yes and you two do corrected them right?
Beat: Yah, Eri does too.
Neku: Yep.
Nagi: However, Lord T... Minamimoto had not one tried to corrected me. If anything I believed he actually going alone with it.
Beat: I donna. Tabooty doesn't seem like type of guy to pretend to be a character. That dude is all maths and junsk.
Rindo: Then again, he doesn't really interacted with us that offend.
Shoka: Maybe just doesn't cure that you call him Lord Tomonami. He had enough nickname to go around.
Nagi: Perhaps. But it does not changed that I cannot help myself when I see him. My 3d Tomonami.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
What would you guys do if you have Rindo's Replay ability?
Fret: What would I do with Replayed? Mmm...
Rindo: Well, you could had ended up with that Reaper Pin. Can't say, I like the idea of you going back in time.
Nagi: Well it sure make it easy to find the right path from all the wrong path. I would certainly use that power as I would to save-spamming.
Fret: Oh yeah I would trolley use it to make thing go my way, making myself get so lucky, if ye know what I mean.
Shoka: Honestly, I'd would use it to undo all the mistake I have done in life. And maybe save some people that I deeply cure for.
Rindo: Ayano and Big Su, I take it?
Shoka: You too, Rinrin.
Beat: I Dunno what I'll do yo. I'd think I make more of mess of myself, if I mess with times yo.
Neku: ...
Shiki: Neku, you okay?
Neku: It just there some part I want to changed, three years worth the changed.
Neku: But it doesn't work like that. Base from what Sho told me, his replay only send you back in time on that day. I doubted I could go back a week, much less three year.
Rindo: It not help that you don't really have full controlled of it, it kind off trigged off, that I can only to back to the past, not pass it.
Rhyme: That and you'd been erasing a whole timeline. Along with hosting a some noise of those timeline.
Rindo: Yeah, you have some responsibility with it. Like really big one.
Fret: Gotta say Rindude, there give you a big one there.
Neku: Yeah, and I'm not risking a three years worth of time, just in a off changed to save Shinjuku as Coco intended.
Neku: Even if it tempting too.
Shiki: Although it does make me wonder. If going back in time erased that timeline wouldn't that mean there should only one timeline?
Shiki: I mean, if there only one timeline, how is that people had memory of what our Alternate if there isn't even a Alternate timeline.
Nagi: Branching timeline, Lady Shiki. Meaning there a timeline where Neku had never Shinjuku at all, or that Neku had made it Shinjuku and indeed save it.
Fret: Ah geez. It really make me wish there really was a Central Finite Curve.
Nagi: The what?
Fret: S-Seriously Boss? You don't watch Rick and Morty?
Nagi: No. Why would I?
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Eri: *Showing her some pictures from her phone* And here is the time we 1st open our business.
Shoka: Wow. Talk about trill from the past.
Neku: You and Shiki look so amazing there.
Eri: Yeah, you should know, you took that photo. You said we was amazing back them. Or what it Daisu that took it? Eh, never mind.
Eri: *Show her the next picture* Oh this is time we made our 1st pink maid outfit for school café project. This was way before we met Neku and Daisu.
*The image in question was her and Shiki in the mirror wear said maid outfit, Shiki blessing red and having long brown hair.*
Fret: Hold on, Shiki have long hair?
Shoka: Well yeah, she had long hair in that picture, people can had long hair.
Nagi: But it is surreal seeing Lady Shiki with long hair.
Neku: Yeah, this is 1st time seeing her having long hair.
Eri: Hah? Oh! Right. Funny Story. Before she was about met you guy a week after she was Hospitalised, she give herself a haircut, she said that want to look like herself and not me when I ask her.
Beat: Dang yo.
Eri: I know and she still keep it short on all that year. It rare seeing Shiki with mid length hair, let along long hair.
Eri: Mind you, I think she keep it short just impress you Neku.
Neku: Well it does make not look like Eri.
Eri: Hmm. Yeah. I don't thank she would want to dyed her hair, or even wearing a ponytail.
(Base of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/TWEWY/comments/xk5rq6/im_not_eri/ )
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Do you guys had any idea on how Tsugumi's visions does?
Rindo: Well I have some idea on what it does.
Nagi: She's have Clairvoyance along with her able to transfer information of those future events. I've believed that is what her visions does.
Shoka: Yep, She's Seer alright.
Beat: I still don't get it yo.
Fret: I know right, how can she give a visions that haven't happen yet.
Neku: Hey, Tsugumi send me a video, she ask me to play it now.
Shoka: Hah. Just want we was talking about her.
Recorded Tsugumi: Hello, this it recording a day before I sent this message to you. Since I'll be busy on that day.
Recorded Coco: *Turning her camera of her phone to herself.* Yeah, We have a date plan on that day.
Recorded Tsugumi: Coco. *Making the camera face to her.* You don't need to tell them that.
Fret: Man, how does Tsugi Woogi deal with Cocopop?
Recorded Tsugumi: Puff. "Cocopop"
Recorded Coco: Wat? Did Fret called me that?
Recorded Tsugumi: Why yes he did.
Fret: Kah?!
Beat: What the--- How did she do that?
Recorded Tsugumi: Oh? How did I knew what you are gonna say at that moment Beat?
Recorded Tsugumi: Well to put it simple, I am using my own psych to predicted a day after on this moment, when this recording is been played.
Rindo: You do know that you could had just call us. I mean I'm glad you didn't giving me another visions.
Recorded Tsugumi: Like I said, I'm would be busy, So I wouldn't be able to contact you guy the present day.
Neku: I'm take it you wanna fill in with a question about your psych.
Recorded Tsugumi: Why yes Neku. But I'll admit, Fret and Beat aren't the only that doesn't understand how my psych work, let alone what my visions does.
Recorded Coco: Wat u'd thk Worms-for-Brains n Messy-Hair would B smart enough 2 get ur power.
Beat: What she call me?!
Fret: My hair is not a mess.
Recorded Tsugumi: Beat, Shoka call you that. And Fret, she only said that because to your dyed job.
Recorded Coco: Yah, if ur gonna dyed your hair go half or full, that what I done, right Nekky?
Neku: Right...
Recorded Tsugumi: Neku said "Right" by the way.
Shoka: And really Beat, you offended that she call you that, instead of me.
Beat: Yeah, but you don't really mean it, right Kitten Girl?
Shoka: I mean... you aren't that smart.
Neku: I think he just he doesn't like Coco then anything.
Nagi: Regardless. Lady Tsugumi, I understand that you are reserving this very moment. Even if it been day before all of this happen.
Recorded Tsugumi: You are correct Nagi. I also have some foresight that you are gonna slap Fret not too long.
Fret: What? Why am I gonna get slap by her?
Rindo: Well I sure you have it coming.
Fret: Not cool Rindude...
Neku: Say, How does Coco deal with you using power to talk to us from the past?
Recorded Tsugumi: Honestly, Coco is used to me using my psych to send massage to the future.
Recorded Coco: Yea, ur forecast really does come in handy for our dates.
Fret: Wow...
Nagi: Gah! *Slap Fret* How dare you think of that at the time like this.
Shoka: Yep, totally deserve that.
Rindo: But that remind me. Tsugumi, didn't you say that you send those versions to avoid those fate? All of those versions that you send me was predetermine, if it was it wasn't for me using my replay ability, those fate would had come to pass.
Recorded Tsugumi: Yes, that was the idea. I usually use my power to warm people of a fate that could dangerous of them. To ensure the safety of that person.
Recorded Tsugumi: I couldn't do all that much within Mr Mew. My power was limited. I did what I could do.
Neku: I take it was the same with me.
Recorded Tsugumi: Yes, It was same with you Neku. However it was the case that I was strip down of my reaper power, back to Player level.
Recorded Tsugumi: It wasn't easy, more so that it was a vision that I was a part of. Even I wasn't sure of that vision at the time.
Recorded Coco: Ur OK? U wanna 2 stop recordin?
Recorded Tsugumi: Yes. I think that all I can say now.
Shoka: Yeah, we'll give you some time.
Rindo: You guy have fun on your date.
Recorded Tsugumi: Thank, you guys. *Record Stop*
(Base of this: twitter.com/A_Spooky_Lad/status/1567033667528048640/ )
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pmiller1 · 2 years
How do you guy feel about Wicked Twisters giving you guys High Praise?
Shiki: Kind of Surreal. If I'm being honest.
Neku: I say, Never think that some Reapers and them would dub me as some legendary player.
Beat: I know man. It bad enough that those punk mistake me as you Phones, But being Praise for being a Ex-Reaper by the Twisters. Like you guys know that wasn't the best Reaper.
Neku: More like the wrost. You couldn't even do you job.
Beat: Oh come on yo. I've best you and Prissy Kid three time in a row.
Neku: Yeah, three in a row then just one.
Beat: Yeah well, it doesn't matter now, Reaper-hood is not my gig yo.
Beat: But... As selfish as it sound, I wish most of the Reaper give me some credit yo. Ye wouldn't be legend if I've join a pack with ye. We both did kick ass, y'know.
Rhyme: Not that it matter, you're already a most well known pro shaker around town.
Beat: Yeah, True that.
Shiki: And I must say, Shoka really idol me as some powerful maiden, like she really believed that I could conjure an army of Mr Mew. Like I could only do that as a fusion attacks; the same for the giant Mr Mew.
Shiki: I didn't even know what was going on half of time. She must really think I was some genius lady.
Neku: Doesn't mean you wasn't a genius Shiki.
Shiki: Yeah, I know. It just, it hard to believed.
Rhyme: But it's kind of amusing. Like man, I'd bet they think I have did super hacking skilled or some cyberspace stuff in the game.
Neku: Now that I think about, I don't know what your psych was like Rhyme.
Rhyme: Oh that just some Psychic Blast. It really useful with beam to some noise when you have him taken the frontline tanking for us.
Beat: What can I say, I like to get things close and personal.
Neku: With your soundsurf. You can go all blitz.
Beat: You should know yo. I've blitz you three time.
Neku: Yeah, I'll let you have that.
Shiki: Do you think they wouldn't Praise them if they knew the truth, that we wasn't that good of a player?
Neku: We survived didn't we? And save Shibuya too. Just like them, they was just normal people trying that best to win the game.
Neku: Who know, maybe they had some people giving them High Praise for being the Wicked Twisters.
Rhyme: Well I sure Fret would enjoyed the fame.
Shiki: That for sure.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Beat: Come on you can do it yo.
Fret: *Wobbling in a skateboard* I trying.
Neku, Rindo, Shiki, Shoka, Nagi and Rhyme watch from a far on the pack.
Shoka: This will end badly.
Rhyme: I don't know, I think Fret is doing a lot better then before.
Rindo: Hey, did he tried to teach you guys how to skate?
Rhyme: On yeah, He did, it was not easy, but I manage.
Neku: He had plan to teach me how to skated, before the whole deal with Coco.
Shiki: I've told him that don't want to get hit with a skateboard once more.
Rindo, Shoka and Nagi looking at Shiki.
Nagi: Once more, malady?
Neku: Yeah, When did you get hit with a---Oh! Oh right.
Shiki: ...oh right indeed.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Why was you online account Swallow, Shoka?
Shoka: It's my favourite animal, Duh.
Beat: Woah! It not a Kitty, Kitty girl.
Shoka: Cat are up there, Worms-for-brains.
Fret: Oh oh oh! Are we talking about favourite animal? Mine is the Squirrel.
Rhyme: Squirrel?
Fret: Yep, those big fluffy tail and how they climb up to tree, it so cute.
Rhyme: Wow. Fret, I didn't think you'd like Squirrel. I kind of like Squirrel, too.
Fret: Hey if you like had some cute image of Squirrel.
Rhyme: Oh show me!
Nagi: Well that is one of many thing that you had in common with Lord Tosai. Lady Raimu.
Fret: Well what's your Boss?
Nagi: Snake. I have some pet snakes at home.
Rindo: R-Really? You have pet snake.
Nagi: Ten snakes.
Fret: Ten?!
Nagi: Not all of them is own by me, Most belong to my brothers, sisters, cousins.
Rindo: Still shocking.
Nagi: Perhaps. But it would be nice to tell us about your favourite Lord Rindo.
Rindo: Dragon. Why else did I name myself after one.
Fret: Emm... Rindude, Dragon aren't real.
Rindo: Oh and the afterlife isn't one big game?!
Fret: Okay, you got me there.
Shoka: But seriously, Rinrin. Do you have favourite animal that is at least real?
Rindo: Not really. The close things is the Komodo Dragon. But really, I'm more into Mythical animals then the normal one.
Shoka: Yeah... that partly why I want with Griffin.
Fret: What about you Neku. What your favs?
Neku: Cat, Partly due to CAT Mural and... partly due to Shiki and Mr Mew.
Shiki: Witch is my Favourite too, I've use to owned a Cat before.
Shoka: Ah yes. The OG Mew.
Beat: Mine is sea otter.
Shoka: Sea otter?
Neku: Wait, Sea otter? I thought it was Rhino?
Beat: It was, but man, Eri sure make me see how cool Sea otter are. I can see why she like them herself.
Shoka: Oh, that would explain why most of the beach wear have Mr Mew looking like a Sea otter.
Shiki: Yeah, Eri idea. And to think he had enough for being mistaken for a pig.
Fret: And a teddy bear.
Shoka: Urg. And how on earth did you mistake him as a bear?
Fret: Well who would buy a teddy cat?
Shoka: Almost everyone around here, Mr. Big Smart Expert Man!'s
Rindo: He kind of had a point. Teddy bear is more popular.
Nagi: Indeed. He could had mistaken that all plush animal are teddy bear as any idiot would.
Fret: Damn Nagi. Just when he was pulling me up.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Do you girls hang out with Coco and Tsugumi?
Nagi: Of course. In face we having tea with them right now.
Coco: Realz? You answerin' that?
Tsugumi: It actually nice to be part of there questing chat.
Shoka: Well I'm glad you guys are here to hang out with us lady.
Tsugumi: Well not all of them. You sure Eri isn't coming?
Shiki: She just texted me that she need to sort out some clothing at our shop.
Coco: Oh thx god. I really want to spade my faerie wings, can't do it with her around.
Rhyme: Oh come now Coco. Just because she haven't played the Game doesn't mean you have to act like that.
Tsugumi: Beside she wouldn't be able to see your wings. You know that those that been in the UG and those with sixth sense can only see them in the RG.
Coco: You never kno if she had a sixse or not.
Shoka: "Kno"? "Sixse"? Really Tsugumi how can you understand her with all that?
Coco: Don't make fun of the way Id speck!
Tsugumi: You'd learn to understand her way of specking.
Coco: Those really, Im not the worst specking around here. Like Mini-moto math talk can be soo sooo soooo Ewy.
Nagi: I see nothing wrong with the way he speck.
Shoka: Yeah, only because, for some gods reason, Tomonami speck in math himself.
Nagi: Sigh. Indeed he dose. /uwu\
Rhyme: Well you're not as bed as Beat.
Shiki: Yeah, sometime even I fail to understand what he meant to say.
Coco: Oh him. Yeah, he worst. I really hate him ykno.
Tsugumi: You only saying that because he thought you was wearing Stilts to make yourself look tall.
Coco: He didn't have me show my panty to ye girl. My panty is for Tsu only.
Tsugumi: Em... Coco. ¬///¬
Coco: Wat?! They already kno that me and you are dating.
Tsugumi: But some of them are still under 18.
Coco: Oh. *Look at Rhyme and Shoka.* Sozy.
Shoka: Em... no worry.
Rhyme: Too much information...
Nagi: At least you didn't look at me.
Shiki: So does that meant that you two are serious that you two show off each other underwear and other stuff. Can you Reaper even...?
Coco: Wat? Had sex? Ye do kno that we still Human, right?
Tsugumi: But yes, we are committed in our relationship, Shiki.
Shoka: Y'know to be honest, I didn't know that you swing that way. Tsugumi.
Tsugumi: Well, Unlike Shiba whom gladly show off his affection, I'm not that too comfortable showing my affection, It get awarded for me.
Coco: Yeah, the girl was super shy when I met her. Didn't know that she was gay until I've became a Reaper and met her again.
Tsugumi: Really, I just glad you sure the same feeling.
Coco: You where my princess Tsugy. My light in this darkness.
Shiki: Okay, Okay, I think that enough affection from both of you.
Coco: Oh right, you girls are hetro.
Nagi: Demi actually.
Shiki: I'm... actually Bisexual.
Rhyme: I'm also Demisexual.
Shoka: Wait, you guys saying that none of are straight?
*Each of them look at Shoka.*
Shoka: I mean I'm Bi too...
Coco: Yeah, but at least two of you got BF.
Shiki: She got us there.
Shoka: ......
Tsugumi: Really Shoka, you're into girl too? I wasn't aware of that.
Shoka: I mean, any affection would do. Doesn't have to be romantic.
Coco: Well do you had any girl crush? I bet it was that Boob lady with the iguana.
Shoka: What?! NO! She was like a sister to me! I would never... Urg. Ayano not my girl crush.
Coco: Then who is it them?
Shoka: I wouldn't really want to say, unless you want to get jealous.
Tsugumi: Wait... Me? You had a crush on me?
Shoka: I mean, it wasn't like you and I would work. Not that your with her.
Tsugumi: Well, I'm glad to know that.
Tsugumi: Now I feel awful that envy you.
Shoka: You was jealous of me?
Tsugumi: Right before you join our Reaper hood, I was well like and loved by all other. I was there poster girl. Guy find me affected, I was Ayano's 'little sister.' People look up to me.
Tsugumi: It feel like you took the spot light from me. I offer wonder what would happen if I've erased you like you ask.
Shoka: Oh I'm sorry.
Shoka: Well not like didn't had spot light after I came around. People really look up to you as the Member of the Ruinbringers.
Tsugumi: If I didn't have my soul trap inside this stuff cat and became a mindless doll. I would had enjoyed the fame.
Shoka: Right...
Coco: For Realz, I'm relived that the kitten save you, I didn't know he can host a soul.
Shiki: I know, Mr Mew is full of suspired.
Coco: I kno right, I almost thought that Tsu was a goner. If I kno that, I could have had Shiki come along instead of Beat.
Rhyme: Wait you mean, the fake Shibuya that you put them in?
Coco: Yeh. Had to get Neku into Shinjuku UG one way or another.
Shiki: But instead you shot him.
Coco: Look I was desperate, OK! I really wanna save her and her city!
Coco: Like I saw the dark shy and gloomy building in the UG, I saw how hallow the people where in the RG. I saw the Reverb myself. And...
Coco: I didn't want to lose her again. Not after all the time we had in the UG.
Tsugumi: There, there, It okay. Come here.
*Coco crying fountain as move into Tsugumi cheat, as she caresses her back.*
Rhyme: I mean, given that Shinjuku had got erased a little bit after you took Neku out. I say it was too late to save it.
Tsugumi: But you did able to save me in the end. Along with Shiki. Thank to Mr Mew.
Coco: Yah. Who kne that a Cat that Ive find at the Dead God's Pad would save you in the end.
Nagi: Not without some cost at the end.
Coco: Oh right, your brother took his life to put your soul into it.
Tsugumi: I know, he cure for my well being then his own. He'll be miss.
Rhyme: That big brother for ye, always looking out for his little sister.
Shoka: Must be nice to had a big brother.
Coco: Specking off. Say Shiki, How is Nekky?
Shiki: Oh he find. There some stuff he need to adjust and be normal again. Not that long we been talking about Josh whole deal and if he cure about us or not.
Coco: Josh? Why are you calling Prissy Kid that? You haven't realz met him.
Shiki: Why not? Neku call him that.
Shoka: I'd like to think that does cure. He at least give me another life in the RG. Even if it was left out of nowhere. Really I'm more piss off about Mikagi for letting his city to be erased and yet be bothered to save Shibuya, Rindo told me about "Haz" some days ago.
Coco: Is he even back there?
Tsugumi: No. He haven't return to Composed Shinjuku once more. Really, I do not understand why brother take order from Haz.
Shoka: So it just you and others running Shinjuku.
Tsugumi: Yep. Just me, Kaie, Shiba and Hishima.
Shoka: So no new Reaper.
Tsugumi: Well no New Reaper that reach Officer rank as of yet.
Shoka: Right. I think we should end the chat here. This gone on for too long now.
Coco: Agreed.
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Rhyme: How did you feel about Uzuki escorting you to met up with Kaie.
Rhyme: On it was alright, although Uzuki seem to be unease to escorted me.
Shiki: Wait. She escorted you?!
Beat: Yeah. It was Rindo that ask her, Yo.
Shiki: Rindo?!
Rindo: What? It ever her or Coco.
Shiki: You let Coco escorted her?!
Rindo: Yeah... But that was a mistake, she couldn't met up to you after that.
Neku: Shiki, we've been through this, Uzuki isn't that bad.
Shiki: I had some mental scar that'd disproved that!
Nagi: I fear that Lady Shiki it not please with that resulted.
Shiki: Well yeah, I can't believed you let Uzuki escorted Rhyme. Beat, why didn't you stop him?!
Beat: What me?!
Shiki: Yes you, why didn't you stop Rindo from asking the Reaper that erased her in the first pleases to escorting her?
Rhyme: Hold on, she erased me?
Shiki: Yes, her and that Kariya guy was the one that set up that trap that got you erased. Don't you remember?
Rhyme: Oh.
Rhyme: Guess that was explained why she was unease with me.
Fret: Gotta say Rindude that was really risky.
Rindo: I didn't even know that...
Shoka: Really, I'm more shock that she got better after erasure. Like that's literally impossible. Erasure is outright death after death. No one can come back from erasure.
Neku: Is not impossible for the Composer.
Beat: Yeah, he bring her back for us.
Rhyme: And back them I was some Squirrel noise. Well a flying squirrel or a sugar glider.
Rhyme: But really Shiki, shouldn't you be glad that she didn't erased me? Heck, she was trying to prevent me being erased again, let alone being killed by those translucent noise.
Shiki: Yeah, I guess so. Sorry for overacting.
Shiki: Really that whole day was stressful. Like I feel sorry for Coco trying to protected me from them too.
Shiki: Even if didn't left Mr Mew at home with Eri, I feel like I would had be helpless with him then without.
Fret: But hey least at we been able to save the city in no time.
Rindo: Still, I sorry for making your worry Shiki.
Shiki: It okay. At least it all over now.
Shoka: ......
Rindo: You're okay...
Shoka: It just, about Rhyme come back from Erasure, it just make me think...
Shoka: Never mind. Wouldn't make a different any who.
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pmiller1 · 10 months
Nagi; How does it feel being in the Reaper Game on your birthday?
Nagi: Actually, I had not enter the Reaper Game until two day after. Nagi: However the Pin that have me illegally enter the Game was a birthday give. One of my college colleague thought it would be a good luck charm. Nagi: They... not technically wrong. Fret: Dang Boss, Must bad to have your 19th birthday in the Reaper Game. Nagi: ...I just said two day after... Nagi: However, since I was in the 3rd Day of our 1st week, I say you are technically right. Fret: Well... we kind enter into the UG a day before we took part of our 1st week. Rindo: You sure, I thought that we was just in the 1st day of a new week. Fret: Eh, whatever. Depend who asking really. Shoka: Part of me thought you was in the UG way before, Nagi. Nagi: Well it had been two years since we took part of the game. Rindo: Witch remind me, there made a game base of our adventure. Nagi: Yes, I'm aware of that Lord Rindo. Rindo: Really? I just found out about not too long, while I wait get my Golden Chocobo. Shoka: What really? Urg, Show off... Fret: Wait, someone made a Game of us? Rindo: I know, shocking isn't it. Fret: I away knew that my awesome self would be in a Game. Rindo: Ur-uh. Nagi: Not gonna lie, it is surreal playing what I live thought. Shoka: I don't even know how there manage to do that, that even manage to show the timeline before Rindo go back in time. Shoka: ...especially that part near the end... Rindo: Wait, you knew? And you never told me? Shoka: Oh right, I was meant to tell you, must had slip my mind. Fret: So come on, How awesome was I? ... Fret: Em.. I mean how awesome was we...? Nagi: You are alright, in the since that I am wiser then myself in the game. Nagi: The horror if seeing darkness within me. Fret: Eh? Shoka: I'm sure she saw how match of a jerk she was toward you. Fret: Oh. I never notice. Shoka: Can I just say I really hate seeing myself before the 6th of 2nd week. Rindo: I know I kind on that day myself, really feel bad for you, I know you tried your best to support us and man. It was mean me feel like a idiot for not seeing it before. That you know, you where Swallow. Fret: Man, you guy really don't like yourself in that Game. Rindo: Well yeah, it just now we know better. Nagi: It show us that we change for the better. Shoka: And beside, I'm sure you feel the same with yourself in that Game. Fret: What... You guy think I'm gonna dislike myself in that Game? Rindo: I can help you get the game if you want to prove that you wouldn't. Fret: Why should I, I'm already live thought it. ... Fret: Em... you guy not gonna make it play it right...? Nagi: Lord Tosai. we hereby declare that you player Neo: The World Ends with You with us. Fret: Awww... I never gonna got out of this aren't I? Shoka: Nop. You're gonna to see what you where in the Reaper Game. Rindo: Just give it a tried man, it a good game. Fret: Oh, wish Neku and Beat was here to back me up. Rindo: Where are they anywho? Shoka: I'm think there celebrating there 16th anniversary of there Reaper Game with Shiki and Rhyme. Rindo, Fret, Nagi: 16th?! Shoka: On silly me, 5th anniversary, Shiki told me that Beat said that it felt like it been 16 years. Fret: May I ask, why the 16th? Shoka: Eh. Beat me?
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pmiller1 · 11 months
Coco, Why did you made Yoshiya?
Coco: Wat...? Wat are they talkin about? Neku: I'd think they asking why did you made Joshua be like well, someone that isn't Joshua. Beat: Yah, that was really out of character for him. I know that he can be a weirdo, but not like that. Tsugumi: To be honest. I'm also quake curious of personally that you made for him. He is nothing like the Composer of Shibuya. Coco: Hey, cut me some slack... How was I meant to know that guy was the Composer? All I know that Yoshiya was one of Nekky's partner. Beat: Yeah, he not like that when he was with Phones. Neku: Well to be fair, you didn't really get Shiki and Rhyme right too. Neku: In fact, you didn't get Uzuki and Kariya right. It almost like the two swap personality. Coco: .......... Tsugumi: You know, I feel like I'm partly to blame for Coco's lack of knowledge of own home city. Coco: Nono. I'll admit, I didn't do a lot of research. I just got some of image and tried to base of what there persona would be. Beat: But you made Joshua be--- Coco: He look like some loser ass nerd! You can not tell me that you guys thought of him as that! Beat: No. Not really, he look like you wanna punch his face, ye think I'd call him "Prissy Kid" for nothing yo? Neku: Trust me, if you see him, you would know that he would be someone you don't want to be with him. Coco: I know... I wanna kick his ass myself when I saw him. Tsugumi: Well that could be due to what I call the Composer's Aura of Distemper. Coco: Yeah, didn't you said when your brother introduced you to the Hazuki, you have this uneasy feeling toward him, Even if you didn't know he was the Composer? Tsugumi: Yeah. Part me wonder how my brother able to compose himself around him. Coco: Speaking of... did your brother really have to sacrificed himself? Couldn't he just waited for a bit longer. We had a whole day to save it and he just... Didn't he even known that Composer wasn't around. Tsugumi: I tried stop him too, y'know. Neku: Too? Tsugumi: Yeah, Neku. I tried to stop her too. Coco: sorry... Tsugumi: It alright... I know your heart was in the right places. Beat: I don't know, She was acting all Evil when Mr H relived your works. Coco: Oh come on! I thought that Angel was working with the Executor or even was the motherf**ing Executor! How was I meant to know that coffee guy was an Good Angel himself? He still possessed that part of that noise, You stupid braindead worm for brain! Beat: Who ye calling stupid braindead worm for brain, you little Pixie Chick Miss Chiff?! Neku: I think we should pull them two apart before there would kill each other. Tsugumi: Agreed.
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