#a couple of these I haven't posted about so...  secret characters I guess xD
kalloway · 2 years
no one but me will care about this, but i looked thru my OG Android AU (before I started working on it with Mag) and the order of D10 units that got added is like:
Dio (Brando) -- DIO -- Dionysus -- Ramses -- Prototype #13 -- AuDio
And somehow I have neglected p much all of these, recently lmao
also hello, almost 53k words? my smut doc is literally almost as long rn LOL
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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hsfjdlshfks okay I appreciate y'all keeping me busy, @crookedlyinnernightmare, @hillbilly---man, @akirameta84, and Anon XD
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Easy-peasy! It's a funny, fluffy get-together with a tall glass of lemonade at the end lol.
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Dialogue / characterization! I am extremely picky about characterization and I'm just not interested in anything that doesn't feel in-character. My goal is that, no matter how wild the situation, the characters feel just like their canon counterparts, and react accordingly.
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Ooh, tough one... This says "dialogue scene", so I guess I can't just plop down an Akechi monologue XD
I'm still going to cheat and say "the whole last chapter of Moving Forward 1", because honestly that was insane of me. I've never seen it done, I was advised against trying, and I still managed to write a scene that has like 15 different people in it with no dialogue tags, that was comprehensible to readers on the first pass. Call that a hashtag writer flex lol.
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Hardest is definitely the Moving Forward fics. Writing gen fic is just not something I have a lot of practice doing. And to be honest, it's not something I tend to read either hsfjdlshfks. There's also other characters besides the Psychickers involved, and I'll admit that I don't think much about those guys, rip. They're not blorbo to me, so while I can write them, it's not nearly as fun most of the time. 😔
Easiest would be pretty much all of the romance n lemon ones hsfjdlshfks. Creeping like Ivy was particularly easy because it was short lol. And there's no pesky other characters or even a semblance of plot lmao. I would just dash off one of the lil scenes when I had a minute! I think the hardest part of it was deciding the scene order honestly.
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A secret fic I haven't posted yet. >:3
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Semi-reclined on my nice leather couch with my phone in hand, only sound is the purr of the cat on my lap :3
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Oh boy, I don't think they're old enough to really need revising in general, but my way of writing Akechi has gotten more convoluted and Saiki now speaks in shorter bursts. The latest chapter I posted in Extra Love Stories of Psychics Volume 2 was actually written over a year ago so I did actually tweak Akechi's verbiage quite a bit before posting it lol.
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Recency bias, etc but the other day I was feeling really down about posting like 30k of fic and getting no comments at all until I discovered that at some point, one person bookmarked most of my Saiki fics and left glowing reviews in the bookmarks, pointing out their favorite jokes and mentioning that I converted them on a couple of ships. That was REALLY nice!! I would have never seen all of those sweet comments if I didn't know to check the public bookmarks occasionally though hsfjdlshfks. So they should've been ideally in the actual comments section, but it was a nice surprise when I was feeling down!
[Context for asks] <- now closed
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