#a lonely liddol beetle
clownsuu · 1 year
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Before I posted the existence of Dusty, iv gotten a few asks asking for an obsessive Robbie smhhh- and I was gunna do em but I completely forgot whoops LMAO so here’s some doodles cause art block is REALLY bad today
cw obsessive/possessive behavior
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Unlike Howdy whose obsessiveness would most likely stem from typical sickly love, Robbie’s wouldn’t necessarily always be about love, mostly more so companionship- having a friend. Like, he’s a REALLY lonely guy, and normally in his normal version, he doesn’t let it get to him. He’s a very positive person and enjoys and appreciates what little attention others gives him, no matter if it’s positive or negative, he’s just thankful to be there-
so a more obsessive version would c r a v e attention, seek validation and endlessly yearn for companionship. It doesn’t matter if he even likes the person, as long as they give him some sort of attention, a acknowledgement of his existence, he will cling on to it for dear life, REFUSING to let go even if it’s hurting the other (and possibly even himself). If it was love, it would still be as sever, just making more justifications in his little bug brain to not lose that person.
He wouldn’t really be the type to be like “If I can’t have you, nobody can”, he’s fine as long as he feels validated and included in whatever you are doin’. But when he’s ignored, he’s terrified. There’s something wrong- either he did it or someone else did, and he would try RELIGIOUSLY to find a way to fix the “problem” no matter how small it is. He’s terrified and severely paranoid of being alone and forgotten again.
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