#aang didn't want to kill ozai but idk he was just being a friend to zuko here because zuko asked it of him
coulsonlives · 10 months
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Re-reading the comics and I totally forgot how dark they are
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annie-handholder · 3 months
sooo I read atla's comic the promise and man, I gotta say I don't like it very much lol, the art was really good and there were moments I enjoyed but overall it's a no from me dawg
WHY DID KATARA NOD WHEN ZUKO ASKED AANG TO KIL HIM? it felt soooo OOC for Katara, isn't Zuko her friend? and Zuko gripping Katara like that because she hit some of his soldiers? and Aang who's supposedly a fully realized avatar would just go into the avatar state like that and threaten to KILL Zuko when he couldn't even kill Ozai???? and lets talk about friendship why is the Gaang acting like Zuko is just a random guy????except Suki and Aang they all acted like Zuko wasn't their friend he was just someone they should stop, I'm supposed to believe that Toph who was the first one of them to trust Zuko would just go "oh he's going crazy like his father!" w/out being concerned or feeling anything about it? and Sokka too it's just so off.
oh and what's up with Iroh just leaving Zuko to fend for himself!! like I know he said he wanted to open his teashop after the war ended but idk, I don't believe he'd let Zuko figure out being a firelord by himself especially when a lot of the fire nation citizens are angry they "lost".
honestly the whole thing could've been solved if they talked, the characters were going into extreme reactions w/out talking, even Aang who kept preaching about talking didn't really want to listen when Zuko was explaining his reasons to stop the harmony thing.
I liked some things tho, the idea of the comic is interesting, I liked how Aang's need to separate the nations was from his trauma of being the last one of the air nation I thought this was really good, I liked how Zuko didn't realize how hard it is to be a firelord and was crushed by the pressure so much he lost sleep and even went to his father, I also liked how they 'humanized' Ozai in a way, he's still a huge pos but he's not just 'I'm bad therefor I do bad things' anymore, that was nice, and seeing Zuko and Suki getting closer was really nice too, their friendship is very sweet.
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