mochinomnoms · 7 months
Hi! I saw your hanahaki flower event and got interested by it. I was wondering if you can do prompt #18 with azul and a gender neutral reader please?
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azul ashengrotto x gn!reader [tags] – fluff, slight angst, miscommunication [wc} – 4,442 prompt 18: “Is this normal here?” “Only for the emotionally unavailable folk.” “Ah, so it is.” note - ending is a bit weak cause it got a bit long. anyways i love my octomer still firmly believe azul deserves to get bitches and eat good food a floral inconvenience
Lavender: while best known for its herbal properties, lavender can also symbolize devotion to a person. You should give lavender to a person you see as pure and virtuous. 
You stared at the array of purple colored drinks, sweets, and other treats laid out on the table in front of you. 
To your left, several plates of candied lavender, a slice of honey lavender cake, and a grape lavender sorbet begged for your attention. On your right, an iced lavender vanilla latte, lavender lemonade, and a lavender spritzer looked ideal to quench your thirst. In the middle, directly in front of you, was the latest dish you were asked to taste test. 
A beautiful Swiss chard, candied beet and goat cheese salad tossed in a honey-lavender dressing made your mouth water as the Mostro Lounge manager himself sat at his desk, watching you on the two-seater couch.  
“Well? Go on. I made them all myself.” Azul gestured to the salad with a smug smirk, clearly pleased at your excitement. “Time is of the essence, the spring menu is due to release next week.”
 “Oh! Yeah, right.” 
You picked up a fork and pierced a beet and chard, generously covered in the dressing and goat cheese. Bringing the food up to your mouth, Azul raised his brows tentatively, watching as you opened wide, and just before you took a bite—
“Are you sure Jade didn’t put anything in this—”
“I promise, I made this all myself.”
“Okay.” You opened your mouth and raised your fork again…before bringing it down again. 
“You sure—”
“Positive! Just. Eat. It.” Azul sighed exasperatedly. “I beg—and I don’t beg.”
“Okay! Okay, okay, okay.” You giggled, finally taking a bite of the salad. 
A burst of sweet, woodsy and fresh flavor covered your tongue. Pleasant, succulent, and slightly sticky, you hummed in delight at the taste of the salad and dressing. You smiled at Azul, who rested his chin on his clasped hands. You couldn’t see his mouth from behind his hands, but you think he was smiling back at you. 
“Azul! This tastes wonderful! Even better than the candies and tarts, oh my gosh!” You gushed as you took another bite of the salad, oblivious to the soft, periwinkle blush on the octomer’s cheeks. 
“Try it with the lemonade, it pairs well.”
Nodding your head, you reached over to take a sip of the drink, a sprig of lavender embellishing the top. Humming again from the pleasant tang of the lemon and sweetness of the flower, you beamed at Azul. 
“You’re so right! And with all the lavender as garnishes, it’s definitely screaming springtime!” 
Whipping out your phone, you started to text, talking as you did. “It’s definitely gonna be a hit on Magicam, I bet I can get Cater to come and—”
“No! Uh,” Azul raised his voice, startling you, before clearing his throat and continuing, “you need to try the rest first!”
“Oh, for sure, but Cater can probably give you free advertising or something—”
In a small panic, seeing the chattery ginger’s profile and your thumb hovering over the DM button, Azul quickly rushed to you. He reached over to swipe the phone out of your hands while simultaneously shoving a spoonful of the grape lavender sorbet. 
“Nonsense! I can handle my own advertising!” Azul chuckled nervously, “Now tell me, how does that one taste? Refreshing, yes?”
You choked on cold sweetness, a brief knock at the door drawing both of your attention as the door opened before you could respond. 
Jade entered the Azul’s office, pausing at the scene before him. Azul hovering, practically on top, of you with a silver spoon shoved into your mouth. Jade blinked once before giving you both a small smile, tilting his head. 
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to intrude on such a scene, I’ll come back later—”
“Don’t imply anything, Jade!” Azul briskly added some distance between you two, smoothing his ruffled suit. 
You on the other hand, spoon now hanging freely from your mouth, gave Jade a wave and gave him a muffled, “Hi Jade, the sorbets good.”
Jade chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand.
“Is it? How wonderful, Azul’s been working particularly hard to make sure everything was to your liking—”
Azul cleared his throat, giving Jade a less than amused glare.
“What is it, Jade?” He sighed, adjusting his glasses. “You know I was to not be interrupted for the next hour.”
Jade bowed his head, still smiling as he apologized. 
“Pardon my interruption, but it has actually been an hour and a half, and your next appointment is here.” 
“What?” Azul looked at the wall clock with a confused expression, groaning as he saw the minute mark was indeed showing it was half past 3. 
“Let my appointment know that I will be with them shortly, my dear?” Azul gave you an apologetic smile, bringing out a handkerchief from his vest and offering it to you. 
“Here, I’m sorry to cut our time so abruptly. You still owe me your commentary on the free dishes, so make sure to leave your Saturday afternoon open.”
Rolling your eyes, you wiped your lips as you snarkily replied, “I owe you? Didn’t you ask me for my input on the dishes?” 
“The free dishes, yes. Does 5 pm sound good?”
You hummed in affirmation, handing back the lilac fabric which Azul accepted. A sound of surprise left you as Azul dabbed the corner of your mouth, where a bit of the sorbet still remained. 
The octomer wasn’t known for casual touches, rather he seemed adverse to them. It surprised you how easily those brush of hands and bodies leaning closer to each other came despite this. You suppose it just came naturally after months of study ‘dates’, shared lounge shifts, and late night talks.  
Avoiding eye contact, Azul tenderly grabbed your hand and placed the handkerchief back in your hand. His hands clasped around your own, making your fingers grasp the fabric before pushing it to your chest. 
“Keep it for now, it’s dirty anyways.” Azul muttered, snatching his hands back as if you’d burned him. “You can return it cleaned this weekend.” 
Nodding your head, you chose to ignore the sudden shift in mood, though it hurt your chest. Instead, you gave Azul a warm smile as he turned his back to you as he cleaned.
“Mkay…I’ll see you later, Azul. Byeee~” You wagged your fingers to the still turned Azul, though you could see the tips of his ears turn light purple. Your eyes stayed on his form until Jade closed the door, in which you followed the teal-haired man out of the VIP halls to the rest of the lounge. 
Following Jade through the corridors, you mused out loud, “I wonder if he knows…”
“Knows what, Prefect?”
You jumped slightly, startled as you remembered that you weren’t alone.’
“Fuck! I forgot you were here, you’re so quiet Jade, what the hell?”
Jade chuckled, looking down at you as he slowed his pace to walk side by side. “I apologize, but I was simply asking for clarification, who knows what?”
It took you a moment to process that you’d been speaking out loud, exclaiming, “Oh! Sorry I was just wondering if Azul knew that lavender’s my favorite flower. Yaknow, cause of all the lavender flavored stuff…”
You shrugged, aware of the mischievous glimmer in the golden eye studying your form. 
“Probably not though, it’s a popular spring flavor. Not gonna complain about a coincidence though!” 
Jade hummed, “Yes, a very pleasant coincidence.”
The rest of the walk was pleasant and relatively quiet as you filled the silence by humming a tune Azul had taught you for musicology. You arrived shortly to the lounge, waving at Floyd through the kitchen door window. Floyd waved enthusiastically back, ladle in hand. 
Before you could walk off to the exit, Jade grabbed your shoulder, leaning down to ask, “Prefect, would you like to meet me in the library? My shift will end soon, and I’ll be studying for a botany exam. I’d enjoy the company.”
You shrugged and nodded. “Sure, Cater’s gonna meet me and drop off Grim there in a bit anyways.”
“Wonderful, I’ll see you shortly!” Jade waved you off, turning back to the host stand as you left the lounge to the Octavinelle entrance. 
A pass through the mirror and a short walk, you soon found yourself at the entrance to the library. There you saw the familiar head of ginger cradling a sleeping Grim in his arms!
“Cater!” you whisper shouted, grinning and waving your hand excitedly. 
“Hey babes!” Cater greeted you, giving you a soft smile and wink. “How’d the date go? Gimme all the deets!”
You scoffed, scratching between Grim’s ears as the little familiar sleepily mumbled, “Wasn’t a date, I was taste testing for Azul.”
“Uh-huh, just a private taste-testing between you and the Octavinelle housewarden?” Cater cooed, handing you Grim. “Then why’d you have me take Grimmy and get him all stuffed and tuckered out at the unbirthday party, hmm?” 
“He said he made it specifically for me to taste! Grim would’ve eaten it all otherwise…” you pouted, squinting at Cater as he shrugged and gave you a cheeky grin. 
“Whatever you say babe, but like, Azul is super infamously known to never give out gifts without expecting something in return.”
“He is getting something!” You huffed as the two of you entered into the library, following your upperclassman as he plucked books for your alchemy class and he for potion making. 
“He’s getting my valuable input before announcing his spring menu!”
Cater gave you another wink before drawling, “Sureeeee, whatevs you say babe! Just don't be surprised by the wedding bells in the near future, I better be the man of honor!”
You two bickered for a bit longer, you more so than Cater, who was content teasing you. Once you both had grabbed the materials needed for class, you searched for a table to get settled before Grim eventually woke back up and begged to get dinner. 
 A familiar shade of teal caught your eye as you remembered Jade’s invitation to study. 
“Ah! I forgot I was gonna meet Jade and study with him!” You waved at Cater, who followed suite, walking over to the eelmer. “Text me later, I’ll try and see if I can’t convince Azul to let you get exclusive pics of the spring menu!”
“Kayyyy, I’m sure you’ll convince your little boyfriend easily enough with a few smooches.” Adding insult to injury, Cater blew you a kiss. “Just pucker them up and boys will melt like putty, trust me I know!”
Rolling your eyes, you ignored your friend’s giggles in favor of greeting Jade with a quiet hello. 
“Hey Jade, how’s the studying going?”
Yellow and olive eyes met your own as Jade smiled back, nodding his head politely. “Well. I finished my own work a while ago, so I’ve been browsing some journals on magical flora and diseases.”
Jade gestured to the array of books on the table. Sure enough, the books were labeled as magical pharmaceuticals and botany. You settled Grim on one of the spare chairs and placed your own books on a spare spot on the table. As Jade read a page on the medical benefits of a tentacle looking mushroom, you peered curiously at the other books. 
You read the page of one of the books Jade had out, labeled ‘hanahaki’. 
“What’s this?”
“Hmm? Oh.” Jade gave you a soft smile, though his eyes glimmered with mischief. 
“That. I was simply researching it as a favor for a friend.”
“A favor? From you? Riiight.”
Jade pouted, giving you a sad look. “Why do you doubt my kind-hearted nature?” He continued giving you faux sniffles and wiping the corner of his eyes. When you first started hanging around him and his brother, it took you a while to figure out that Jade liked to tease your soft-hearted nature. He said it was to toughen you up for life in the cold, merciless waters under the sea that you’d eventually call home.
Whatever that means.  
“Am I not allowed to simply do something out of the kindness of my heart?”
You stuck your tongue out before replying, “Are you doing this out of the ‘kindness’ of your heart, or cause you want something out of it?”
“Hmm, both?”
Jade winked as you stifled a giggle. 
“Sure, both are good…who’s it for anyways?”
Jade held a finger up to his mouth. A secret that he was not privy to share. Despite you leaning in with an expectant look, Jade remained silent, giving you a closed eye smile. Shrugging you looked at the page the book was open to. 
“Flower sickness?”
“Yes, a gift from the Flower Bride, it causes the afflicted’s romantic feelings to physically manifest into their beloved’s favorite flora. Typically through flu-like symptoms.”
You winced as you reached up to rub your throat. “Like, coughing up roses? Sounds like a pain.”
“It can be, most find it inconvenient, as it tends to trouble those that repress their feelings. Especially those that would rather deny or remain oblivious to them.”
“Is it normal here?” 
Jade pursed his lips, looking as if he was in deep thought before responding, “Only for the emotionally unavailable sort.”
Snapping a finger at him you cheekily replied, “So it is then?”
The two of you shared a laugh before resuming your browsing, Jade now leaning over to read the article with you, thumbing the pages as you read out loud.
“Most recognized symptoms include coughing petals, flowers, and even bouquets in the occurrence of strong feelings. However, sneezing the previously mentioned symptoms is also common.”
“Ah, here.” Jade slid his finger along the paragraph below. “More severe cases can include the patient sprouting flora from their pores, ears, and hair follicles. How interesting.”
You clicked your tongue. “Sounds annoying, ooh wait! ‘Common Flora’!”
Listing off the flowers from the second page, you were blissfully unaware of the entertained expression on the twin’s face. 
“Let’s see, roses, makes sense. Orchids, gardenias, oh! Even lavenderrrrrrr…“
 I was just wondering if Azul knew that lavender’s my favorite flower.
Azul is super infamously known to never give out gifts without expecting something in return.
I made them all myself.
You drew out the last syllable, eyes hyper focused on the word printed before you as you processed your thoughts like a factory conveyor belt. Slowly turning your head to stare at the teal-haired man next to you, Jade simply kept his small, polite smile as he stared right back. 
“...Jade?” You tilted your head. 
“Prefect?” Jade did the same. 
“Where’s Azul been getting all the lavender?”
“Oh, well,” Jade paused, sifting through the book in favor of letting you stew in suspense. “A few weeks ago he started keeping large bouquets of them all over his room and office, though the latter were used for the dishes he made you.”
“You mean the ones for the new menu?” Maybe you were misinterpreting the whole thing. Yeah, no Azul wouldn’t waste a bunch of lounge supplies on you. Lavender is a popular spring flavor, and your a good friend that’s willing to give him the time of day to test his dishes out. Of course, you’re just being silly—
“New menu? You must be mistaken, we aren’t releasing a new menu anytime soon.” Jade rested his head on his palm, now giving you a rare grin. 
“He was quite stressed making the dishes to your liking, seeing as it’s quite a common octomer courting tact—oh!”
Jade covered his mouth in shock, feigning embarrassment as he continued, “I’m afraid I’ve said too much, you’ll keep that last bit between us, won’t you?” 
“…You’re an ass, you know that?”
“I’m aware, what are you going to do about it? I just ask that you’re gentle with me.”
Everyone within a 1-mile radius could hear your exhausted sigh of annoyance.
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The soft glow of the aquarium walls under the bookshelves brought about an ethereal glow to the VIP Room. A soft, soothing blue glow that did very little to actually sooth your nerves. It paired well with the lavender colored walls. 
Speaking of lavender, a warm teapot of lavender Earl Grey was settled on the coffee table, along with containers of sugar and milk. To the right was a plate of iced lavender cookies, small purple buds garnishing the tops of the cookies. 
“Cookies, huh? I thought you were more of a cooker than baker, Azul?” 
Azul, who was writing down your feedback from the baked brie with lavender honey that you’d just had, hummed in response. 
“Yes my dear, I had Trey working for me after the last Camp Vargas, though he was kind enough to leave me a few handwritten recipes in exchange for ending his week-long employment with me early.” Azul explained, looking rather satisfied with himself. 
“I experimented with one of the recipes and was able to come up with the cookies before you.” His eyes met yours as he smirked and smugly asked, “They’re to your liking, yes? I made them with your sweet tooth in mind.”
There it was, Azul made these for you. Azul Ashengrotto, who didn’t give so easily without a cost, made them specifically for you in mind, though it seemed that that same train of thought didn’t process in his head. Based on his self-satisfied smirk, and the notes he was taking, Azul was happy that the apparent courting ritual was going well. 
“Yeah! I like them a lot, they go well with the tea. Um—” You paused, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves before continuing with the plan you and Cater came up. 
“Did you make the tea blend for me too? It tastes wonderful, I’d expect nothing less!”
Azul brightened, delighted at your attention and praise, and began to “subtly” brag, “Yes! Normally Jade makes the tea blends for the Lounge, but I personally selected this specific variety to pair well with the lavender.”
A fondness grew in your heart as you listened, not really processing though, to Azul describe the subtle differences between his tea blend and traditional ones.
“This specific blend would be most reminiscent of Early Grey Crème, which isn’t as widely known, but I thought would be better for you as it’s smoother.”
“Really?” You gasped, feigning innocence as you asked, “And you made it all yourself? You’re amazing, Azul!”
With a closed-eye smirk, Azul adjusted his glasses and nodded. “Yes, well with all my family’s experience in the food industry, it’s to be expected. But do continue to sing praises my dear, it’s much appreciated.”
You giggled, tilting your head as Azul resumed his note taking, it was no doubt he was recording your reactions and storing them for future use. The real question was whether to figure out the best way to bribe you with the promise of your favorite foods, or to ensure that his future beloved would have their own beloved treats when with him.
“It’s appreciate that you made this all for me in mind…which makes me think…Azul?”
Azul was now focused on writing rather than on you. Taking another deep breath, you continued. 
“Your cooking for me reminds me of a common saying back home…that a way to one’s heart is through their stomach.”
Azul froze, the soft scratching of his fishbone pen suddenly silenced, from the corner of your eye, you could see Azul’s eyes widen and face go blank. 
“Is that something said here too?”
“It’s not a completely foreign phrase to me, so I’d say so.”
You hummed, plucking one of the iced cookies from the tray, sauntering over to the silver-haired man. Azul looked up at you, leaned back into his plush chair, lacing his fingers together as he waited for you to continue. 
“I bet, with your mother owning a restaurant and everything…though it has me thinking…”
Azul raised a brow as you nibbled on the cookie, while you allowed him to stew in suspense for a few seconds.
“You’ve never actually cooked at the lounge, have you? Sure you’ve tested out some recipes, making sure they come out to your satisfaction…but it’s always someone else doing the cooking for the customers.”
Taking a seat on the edge of the desk, glowing baby blue eyes met your own, making you wonder if his name was a deliberate choice or a coincidence.
“Yes…” Azul answered slowly, hesitantly really, as he tried to figure out your angle. “I’m a very busy person, and I haven’t got all day-”
“And yet, you cooked for me.”
Azul shut his mouth at that, normally plush lips thinning as his fair cheeks softly turned periwinkle. 
“Not only that, but you cooked for me using my favorite flower…tell me, my dear,” He audibly choked at the nickname, clenching and unclenching his hands into fists. “Just how did you know I love lavender?”
You leaned down, Azul’s eyes widening as the distance between you two becoming smaller. Sudden close contact grew a burning embarrassment in Azul, who leaned further into his chair until he no longer could. There was a visible panic in his eyes, which made you feel a bit bad for putting him in such a situation. 
Azul cleared his throat, composing himself and saving face as he looked at you with a stony expression. “I…have my sources.”
That wasn’t good, you didn’t need the octomer shutting you out to avoid even the slightest humiliation at the hands of a crush. 
“Sources? Like what? Sam? The botanical gardens?” You looked off to the side, noticing a vase with a few stems of lavender. “Like hanahaki?”
A screech accompanied Azul as he abruptly stood, pushing back the chair and stared at you with a frigid glare, lips thin and soft eyes now hardened. 
“I don’t appreciate this joke of yours. If you want to our time together making fun of me, I suggest we end it here.” 
Panic turned your blood ice cold as you tripped over your feet, now chasing Azul as he went for the door. 
“W-what? No, that’s not what—”
“I think it’s best you leave now,” Azul dodged your attempts to grab him, refusing to make eye contact. “I’ll show you out.”
“Please, Azul, I wasn’t making fun!” A ball was forming in your throat, making your voice tremble and breath stutter. 
As he turned the doorknob, door just cracking open, Azul turned to look at you only to falter as his face fell at the sight of the tears falling from your face. 
“A-are you crying?!” He shut the door close as he rushed over, hovering his hands over your frame. “Why are you crying—”
“Cause I thought you liked me! Jade said—well he didn’t actually say, he heavily implied—that you had hanahakiiii…” You drawled out the last bit of your sentence as Azul’s face turned purple, looking horrified as you finished your sentence. 
Azul stuttered out, “H-he implied w-what!? Damn that eel—ACK!” before heaving and gasping for breath. As he suddenly collapsed on his knees, you following suit in worry, Azul began making a choking sound. 
Though you couldn’t see his face, you could see the clumps of wet buds fall out of his mouth, covered in inky spit, eventually an entire bunch of lavender heaving out of him as well. 
“Auughhh…that—” Azul coughed again, looking up at you with a combination of ink and spit dripping from his mouth. “—was unbecoming of me, I’m sorry…wasn’t supposed to go like this.”
Reaching for your pocket, you took Azul’s handkerchief and gently grabbed his chin to look at you. Azul visibly relaxed as your wiped the mess from his lips, fingers moving to comb through his hair. Sighing as he slowly looped an arm around your waist, Azul ,.....
“I should’ve made Jade sign another NDA when I saw him snooping through my bedroom, should’ve known.” 
You let out a breathless chuckle, leaning into his grasp. “Yeah, probably. If it helps I shouldn’t have listened to Cater’s dating advice.”
“You what?!” Azul exclaimed, looking at you dubiously, “You asked Cater for advice?”
“He seemed like he knew what he was talking about!” You defended yourself, pouting. “He noticed that you were cooking for me, when you never do for anyone else.”
He sighed, rolling his head back to look up at the ceiling instead of your face. 
“As you said—which I’m assuming was one of the things Jade told you—preparing and providing food to our mates is a courting ritual for Cecaelians. I follow the same routine as my mother: create and test recipes, then pass along the instructions to my subordinates and ensure it’s top quality.” 
Azul continued, holding your hand as he stood, guiding you up with him. “We octofolk were shunned out of merfolk society for a longtime, even with the legends of the Sea Witch’s benevolence.”
Reaching for one of the cookies still on the table, Azul brought it up to your mouth, tapping it to your lips. 
“It shows that no matter our status, we can provide for the one we’ve devoted ourselves to.”
Bringing a thumb to your mouth, Azul softly pulled your lips apart to feed you. A fond, but embarrassed warmth flushed over you, a matching red blush on your cheeks to Azul’s periwinkle one. 
“That’s…sweet.” You smiled, taking the cookie from Azul’s hand, much to his surprise. “And really corny, especially for you.”
Azul clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes as you took a bite of the cookie. 
“I’m attempting to be genuine, and you’re calling me corny? How insulting!” Azul huffed, though he gave you a faint smile. “I hope you’re going to apologize.”
“Aww, poor Azul. Of course I can give you an apology, if you’ll accept it.”
He gave you a raised brow, confused but still smiling. “Of course, why wouldn’t I—”
A yelp escaped Azul’s lips as you pressed your own lips against his, smiling as you did. Azul sighed into your mouth, tasting the lavender and vanilla on your tongue while you smiled against his lips. His hands cradled your own, keeping you in place as Azul returned the affection with chaste kisses pressed all over your face, neck, and hands
“Wait—ah! Hehe~” You laughed as Azul’s kisses tickled you, weakly pushing him away as he moved to kiss the tops of your hands. “That tickles, stop!”
“Heh, come on now my dear.” Azul cooed, pulling you back in to wrap an arm around your waist, grabbing the cookie from your hands to feed it to you, which you accepted. 
“Let me keep all your affection to me, and mine to you. I am quite a greedy lover, you know?” 
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Just thought up the other potential reactions from the g7 counterparts:
Alice would be curious, as always, of yuu because she’s never seen the queen of hearts just being patient-ish with someone. Also yuu is definitely much more normal (somewhat) unlike the rest of wonderland’s residents. She asks a lot of questions like child simba but because she just wants to know how and why this happened? Depending on the yuu, she might look up to them? Although that depends on who someone wants to characterize them.
Like you said, Ursula would try to keep yuu away from ariel but I think the same goes for king triton. So either they meet up by accident or one of them sneaks away to meet the other. Once they do finally meet, ariel wants to know all about yuu and but also probably asks them about human stuff (depending on how old she is). Yuu and ariel end up sharing stories for the whole time till they’re found. She might try to introduce them to the rest of the family, but probably doesn’t really go far intimately. They might eventually open up, but it either takes a lot of time and they don’t really have full trust or it just doesn’t happen at all. Is that cousin that you only see every other holiday at grandma’s house but despite that you guys are like best friends.
Like Snow, don’t got a lot of thoughts on aurora. I think she would just kinda neutral meeting yuu, honestly the whole interaction is her being just chill while talking to them. Depending on the relationship between she and maleficent is, Maleficent might introduce yuu to aurora herself or just kinda keeps an eye on them while they interact. The fairies absolutely distrust yuu and don’t want them anywhere near aurora.
Aladdin doesn’t trust yuu at all 100%, same goes with jasmine. He won’t be outright rude, but definitely goes out of his way to avoid them or keep any interactions short. Although does keep an eye on them to see how they interact with jafar. He would probably one of the last people they interact with and is either formally introduced to them through Hercules, Snow, or Aurora. He joins in on any antics that might happen but when alone with yuu, both are just sitting there awkwardly. Kinda like a going out friend and their friend you don’t really know and your friend left so you’re both waiting in silence for them to get back. If yuu and aladdin eventually get along, he’s that friend thats message you or you message to see if they want to go on a 3am mcdonalds run and than hang out in a walmarts parking lot afterwards.
And completely fair on misreading the first ask, I probably would’ve if I didn’t send it. Also sorry if I don’t got the characterizations right, it’s been a long time since I watched any classic Disney movie that wasn’t aristocats or robin hood.
I love Aladdin and Jasmin having beef with like 13 year old and is like "we don't trust you!!" "Damn what did I do???"
I feel like Ariels would be the most interesting. The two sneak out together realize who each other are and have conversations comparing things.
"You're never allowed to go to the surface?"
"It's dangerous, father says."
"Humans aren't so bad... besides doesn't your father also say I'm dangerous cause of my mother?"
"I guess so yeah..."
"Mom says to stay away from your side of the family, cause women there are only ever seen and not heard and he did bad stuff to my mom too. Maybe, you should start questioning him"
Hercules is just "don't you fucking try anything" and Meg is like "OK that's valid but after working with Hades I can tell you the kid is cool" and now Hades is trying to be the cool cousin
Aurora and Yuu should be like siblings change my mind.
Also rip Alice. "How are you the queens child??" "Idk bro I fell from the sky and she was like "oh cool" and now I'm royalty.
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I present a design on my envision of Crowley for the Twst gem au from @abyssthing198 and I drew tiny black opal Darling standing on his shoulder.
I rarely draw the back of my drawings but I guess I can sorta do that.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198
I hc he likes to present his smol black opal by the palm of his hands like “look at my favorite Opal”
Black Opal! Darling: *staring deep into Ambrose eyes with a empty gaze*
“I think she got your look.”
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Hugs close up to the face and the smol opal
Might do Ambrose next
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daydreaming-paradies · 3 months
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~Argenti as a Boyfriend
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What is Argenti like as a boyfriend?
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-Argenti strikes me as a male who will compliment you without a second thought
-If you are insecure with yourself or your ass knows that you are beautiful and you are too blind to see, Argenti got you actually.
-Argenti sees beauty in everything so chances are you are beautiful in his eyes whether you like it or not
-Argenti will take you out on dates like 3 times per week
-When you are on your period or just been having a bad day, just call Argenti and he is already in front of you, ready to pamper you and spoil you rotten to the core
-Argenti will call you by any nicknames but his favorite nickname for you is 'my rose' or 'my god/goddess'
-Argenti take a joy ride with his One and Only for you since he would do it to nobody else
-Your flaws in his eyes are beautiful
-You once called Argenti your 'Rose Knight' and to this day he will never leave it down.
-He is one candid and amiable boyfriend of yours..
-He would be protective of you but then again, he will only step in if you are getting uncomfortable
-Once you bagged him, you ain't getting rid of him very soon...
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~Taglist: @areislol @dailypenpen @dxmoness @amxto @sweetlyvibe @husky-studies @snobwaffles @windblume-wishes @ainescribe @kalims @lorelane @starglitterz @yuan4i @kxttqi @rrxaiky @mccnstruck @ryuryuryuyurboat @asoulsreverie @mitzukitsuna @sennachi @wonderlandteaparty @cupid-spams @kitsuvil @yoghurtsan @asmodeusdarling @yukii0nna @abyssthing198 @marrondrawsalot @pix3lplays @sanzach / @zaeshi-amatus
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writing-heiress · 1 month
War Against the Seven AU: New Target
Context: The Seven (now disguised as students) are introduced to the housewardens. They each sent them a shock via touch to figure out their magical prowess.
Maleficent: … *starts laughing like a mad woman*
Hades: Uhh…Mal? You good?
Maleficent: *keeps on laughing* Oh, I’m more than good. I’m elated!
QoH: Because of that Grimoire girl?
Jafar: I did notice she pulled away from you. Did she feel your shock?
Maleficent: She did. But not before I discovered something interesting.
Scar: What?
Crowley: …
Maleficent: *turns to Crowley* Crowley, tell us. Did you know that Miss Grimoire possesses Wild Magic?
The Seven: *look at Crowley*
Crowley: I…
Grimhilde: Crowley.
Crowley: *gulps* Yes, I did know.
Grimhilde: And the species?
Crowley: Miss Grimoire’s part demon…
Hades: *laughs* Well I’ll be damned. And here we thought Mal’s baby dragon would be powerful.
Ursula: I’m already interested in learning more about her while staying here?
Grimhilde: Crowley, dear. Let us peek at Miss Grimoire’s file, if you mind.
@adrianasunderworld @marrondrawsalot @mangacupcake @queen-of-twisted @childofwitches @liviavanrouge @abyssthing198 @lovelybuefood @yukii0nna @yumeko2sevilla @the-weirdos-mind @tragedytells-tales
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liviavanrouge · 3 months
Fathter Daughter Banter
Lilia: It's your wings for me
Livia: It's your shortness for me
Lilia: It's you trying to be stronger than Golden for me
Livia: It's your baggy outfits for me
Lilia: It's you still sleeping with stuffed animals for me....
Livia: It's you thinking your cooking is good for me
Lilia: It's you thinking you'd be as famous as me for me
Livia: It's you thinking I'm not already more famous than you for me
Lilia: it's you trying to be like me for me, trying to dress like me and everything
Malleus, Silver, Sebek and Kuro: *Stares surprised that ticked her off*
Lilia: *Laughs* Little Bat! Come back, I'm actually flattered! And I didn't mean what I said about your stuffed animals!
Kuro: *Spits his drink out, covering his mouth*
Vex and Nex: *Snickering quietly from the couch*
Lilia: That girl....she can hit hard sometimes..
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @yumeko2sevilla @abyssthing198 @zexal-club @kousaka-ayumu
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yukii0nna · 2 months
Shot Me HoM au
Kikyo at the mini bar drinking some soda
Freya: Bad day?
Kikyo flashback to earlier
Gaston: So you're mother is coming here?
Kikyo: Yes and I would appreciate it if you could treat all her nicely?
Jafar: She will be fine as long as she-
Hannah comes in
Jafar: Hello my dear*kiss her hand*
Kikyo: what?
Hannah: Oh my, you must be -
Hades: *take her hand*Need a hand. I would know the place,in fact you know your daughter and she is a peach
Kikyo: Hold on a min-*gets pushed into a closet by Gaston*
In the present
Kikyo: And if I don't do something soon, I may have men trying to marry my mom!! Like I don't deal with that at home...
Freya: Ouch, Good luck I guess
Kikyo: Thanks....
@anxious-twisted-vampire @marrondrawsalot @imafrealinrainbow478484 @zexal-club @writing-heiress @liviavanrouge @abyssthing198 @bakawitch
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twst-the-night-away · 9 months
[ TWST FAN EVENT ] Disorder Up!
This event is now CLOSED! Thank you to all the participants!
If you still want to draw your favorite character/OC/Yuusona in a diner-inspired outfit because of this event, feel free! Tag me so I can see it.
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Summary | Story: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Strap on your roller skates, fire up the jukebox, and let’s rock ‘n’ roll! It’s time to make things right at the Old Sage Diner!
Who can participate? Everyone!
Which characters can I use? Yuusonas, NRC OCs, RSA OCs, or canon characters are all welcome!
How can I participate? Write fics or vignettes, draw fanart, create character cards, edit sprites, make playlists, you name it!
What are the content rules? Keep it PG-13, and check out the outfit notes so that your character won’t get the diner shut down by the health department.
How long does this event last? This event runs from August 24 to September 30, 2023.
How should I tag my post? Use the tag #disorder up! and be sure to @ me so I can find it! I’ll reblog all contributions and add them to the masterlist.
Is there a prize? Yep! I will draw a participant's URL at random at the end of the event and edit a TWST sprite in snazzy retro fashion just for them - their choice of character!
Story chapters open in Google Docs
Inspiration for Participants: Check this post out if you’re stuck! There are outfit notes, ideas for jobs, and story prompts to be found here.
Participant Entries
Character Vignettes: (coming soon)
Character Cards:
Ellis (@starry-night-rose)
Kimiko (slumberingprincessblog)
Melanie | Voice Lines (@twsted-princess)
Carol | Eiji (@fumikomiyasaki)
Marcos & Keres (@terrovaniadorm)
Kitsubine (@kitsuminyabu)
Faye (@cutiecrpze)
Ophelia (@abyssthing198)
Araiguma | Parker | Kaleena (@m-twst-ocs)
Minette & Taima (@jasmariswonderland)
Sylvie Rose (@lullamiine)
Themis (@achilleswritesstuff)
Alice (@sinjaangels)
Noko (@nonokoko-draws)
Yume (@comingyourlugubriousness)
Yumemi (@uraalice)
Morning Shift | Afternoon Shift (@fumikomiyasaki)
Fanart/Canon Character Cards:
Joker & Savvy (@twstinginthewind)
Grim | Yuu, Grim, & Teddy (@yuus-sentient-teddy)
Epel SSR Waiter Wear (@discordychan)
Ace | Cater | Sebek | Epel | Grim (@twst-the-night-away)
K (@k-looking-glass-house)
Playlists: (coming soon)
Card Background:
Feel free to use this background for your character cards! Please link back to this post so it can be credited. Thank you!
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Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay | Vectorized by vectorizer.io | Edited for color & content by @twst-the-night-away
Questions? Feel free to send me an ask!
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the-weirdos-mind · 28 days
15 questions for 15 friends! I got tagged by @roseupfromthdead
Are you named after anyone?
I’m named after Ross and Rachel’s daughter from FRIENDS
When was the last time you cried?
Last week, work had stressed me out to the point of crying
Do you have kids?
*laughs* Nope
What sports do you/have you played?
I played soccer in second grade and volleyball in third grade. I even did some swimming when I was little but I don’t play sports that much anymore
Do you use sarcasm?
What’s the first thing you notice about a person?
Their clothing choice
What’s your eye color?
It varies on what I wear. If I wear dark colors then my eyes are dark brown/black but if I wear light colors then I have light brown eyes
Scary movies or happy endings?
I mostly prefer happy endings
Where were you born?
I really ain’t comfortable sharing exactly where but in the Midwest
Any talents?
Do you have any pets?
A cat named Nemo. Had him ever since he was a kitten
How tall are you?
Favorite subject at school?
I always enjoyed English
Dream job?
No pressure tags: @writing-shroom @sleeplessdreamer14 @aalbliii @uselessalexis165 @ash-pirate25 @fandomkingsblog @adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @queen-of-twisted @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @rat-all-the-stars @sailingthespiral
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achy-boo · 6 months
Jin-woo Keket
"What is wrong with being..me~?"
"Nothing. Nothing at all~."
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"But people can be such party-poopers.."
"So..fucking annoying."
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"They are such..annoying little pests.."
"I can't wait.. to get the green light from my boys."
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Taglist: @dxmoness @thenomadicphoenix @lombxrdi @yevene @nyrwve @yourlocalintrovertt @captain-liminal @marrondrawsalot @yukii0nna @abyssthing198 @the-weirdos-mind @lxdymoon0357
(The reason why I did not tag the hormonal horn dog is the bitch will find this REGARDLESS I tag her and not. The bitch needs a leash...)
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yumeko2sevilla · 2 months
[Context; Mekakushi was SA by Yuzu for almost his 3 first months in Night Raven College. And he couldn't say no.]
WARNINGS: SA, Inapproriate touches, Seducing, Heavy topic..
During lunch
Mekakushi: *Eating his lunch when Yuzu comes to sit with him.* Oh-Oh hey, Sakamaki-san...
Yuzu: Aww~ Come on Mekakushi, don't be nervous! *Touches his butt cheeks.*
Mekakushi: *Flinchs.* Please Sakamaki-san.. We're at the campus..
Yuzu: Ooo~ ? Then we shall do this in a more.. approriate way, yes?
Yuzu then kisses Mekakushi in the lips.
Mekakushi: *Stands up and step back.* What.. are you doing..?
Yuzu: Showing to others that you are a slut who can only moan when I snogged you, of course!
Mekakushi: Sakamaki-san...?
Yuzu: *Leans closer to Mekakushi as she squeezes his butt cheeks.* Now, be a good meat and let me use you like the sextoy you're meant to be. Alright~?
Mekakushi: No.. No.. Stay away, stay away from me...
Yuzu: What's wrong, Mekakushi? You're making me sad...
Mekakushi:... I don't-
Yuzu: If you don't want to, then it's fine.. *Fake tears.* I thought we were friends..
Mekakushi: I- *Looks away.*
Yuzu: Then we shall do this, alright?
Mekakushi:... *Grips his pants as Yuzu starts touching his private places.*
@queen-of-twisted @writing-heiress @achy-boo @yukii0nna @abyssthing198
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I know that the House of Mouse was brought up with the your G7 au, but I’m curious on what the thoughts of the Seven’s hero counterparts are of yuu. Especially with the ones who are family, like simba or hercules.
I think older simba would be very cautious around yuu given everything that happened with scar. He might take a chance to get to know them, but it’s gonna take some time. Like those older cousins your barely see and is trying to make small talk with you but it’s just awkward until the two of you connect over something. But younger/child simba would basically be all over them cause he really wants to learn about his new cousin! He’s that kid that asks question after question without giving you time to respond.
Hercules I think would be more open up to getting to know yuu, still a little cautious, but potentially giving them the benefit of the doubt with them. I personally see him as one of those older cousins who asks about your hobbies/interests and listens to you info dumping even though he doesn’t really understand what you’re saying.
I don’t really have a lot of thoughts on Snow White but I just know she’s super happy and excited to get to know her sibling. Absolutely has no ill will or caution with yuu at all.
And I don’t have any thoughts on the others tbh, I just think it would be a fun seeing them interact with the heroes and maybe getting into some antics while they seven are just sitting in a corner, glaring at them.
I know nothing abt House of Mouse and I don't really care for it so I cant add anything
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Would Jasminko ever go as far as to kidnap Aqila?
Legally speaking he could have. But granted, he doesn’t want to dirty his own hand. Plus he would need to pay someone extra because her school is in space. She’s in space school with her crew. And she rarely visits scalding sands, but on her holidays or summer. Yes. But he would pay someone over the summer to get back. He’s a moron with love and he didn’t comprehend it nicely before the end of their first relationship.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @zexal-club @liviavanrouge
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minaakirarikou · 2 months
Gift! @liviavanrouge @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198 @zexal-club
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writing-heiress · 2 months
Brigerton AU: The Grimoire Family
The Grimoire Family is one of the most prominent families, rumored to now have a close relationship with Chernabog, the very Duke who is responsible for the Seven's place in society.
They have connections in the entrainment, hospitality, and (most recently) textile & cosmetics industries.
Although, there are also rumors of the family has connections with the Underworld.
It was said that after Freya, the first and only granddaughter of the matriarch, finally debuted into society, there were several suitors asking for her hand. To which she declined every last one of them, knowing most of their intentions.
Instead, in the meantime, Freya was making a name for herself in the business world by starting her own business without the support from her family. News like this quickly reached Lady Whistledown's ears and soon everyone learned about the young Grimoire's entrepreneurship.
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@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @the-weirdos-mind @abyssthing198 @marrondrawsalot @yukii0nna @yumeko2sevilla @zexal-club @starry-night-rose @ice-cweam-sod4 @tragedytells-tales @kousaka-ayumu
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liviavanrouge · 2 months
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@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198 @zexal-club @teddymochi
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