#adaine and oisin as nepo babies but adaine didn't reap the gains where he did
rrat-king · 25 days
i'm obsessed with the bad kids and the rat grinders as foils in unintentional ways, and it really shows the systems that failed the rat grinders.
kipperlilly and gorgug as kids who are consumed by a rage they cannot control, but where in freshman year gorgug was able to channel that rage in a productive way, kipperlilly is still struggling, having it used against her.
riz and mary ann who are a little odd, a little socially awkward, but both make it onto the blood rush team, but where riz is able to help out his team mates, supported by his friends in order to let him succeed, mary ann, despite playing a good game is considered a "freak" and where riz's party gets his little oddities, her party doesn't seem to.
like these teens are so similar but experienced life in such different ways, having such different supports or lack there of and that's why they are so interesting
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eggplantlilly · 4 days
The thing is we write fanfiction for ourselves and for the stories that need to come out but music…sometimes I just hear a song and the emotion and lyrics just build an entire story in the three minutes.
So just don’t mind me getting dragged into the riptide of a six year old song (thieves/kings by P.O.S)
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