#adam copeland x reader
1-800-sinister · 1 month
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Demi Bennett, Adam Joseph Copeland, and Luis Martínez, please; I can take all three. 
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moondust-imagines · 3 months
Not Meant to Be (Copeland!Ares x Reader)
Stupid little angsty blurb for my war daddy 🥰🥰
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Ares doesn’t have a soft spot for anyone. Not even his own kids get special treatment from him. He’s a lone wolf, he doesn’t need anyone else.
He’s not a sentimental guy, it’s just convenient that the diner you’ve worked at since before he met you was just up the road from where he found the kids. He can feel you watching them but he resists the urge to meet your gaze. Once he sends the younger pair away, he thinks you’ll come over. But you don’t. You’ve always understood that you don’t fit in his life.
Once he’s packed the whole group into the back of a truck and watched them drive away, his mind is back on you. Your shift must be almost over if it isn’t already. He could use some time with you to blow off some steam. Before he could even think of looking for you, he heard you behind him.
“Hey” You said nonchalantly. You clutched your purse almost self-consciously and your eyes darted around nervously. Some part of him bristled, you were never nervous around him, that’s what drew him to you the first time you met. He couldn’t scare you off.
“I know you’re busy but could you give me a ride home? Those guys are freaking me out” You explained quickly. He followed your gaze over to the group of truckers watching you like hungry animals.
“Get on the bike” Ares said lowly, never taking his eyes off the men. He couldn’t do anything to them, not that he didn’t want to. He couldn’t risk drawing too much attention to himself right now.
The ride to your apartment was a journey Ares was starting to get used to. You were quiet which he was thankful for. You knew he hated small talk. Once he pulled up, you quickly removed your arms from his torso and hovered on the sidewalk.
“You wanna come upstairs? Got to thank you for being my big scary friend” You offered
“How were you thinking of thanking me?” Ares asked cockily.
“Well, you always like that thing I do with my tongue” You shrugged, a sly grin on your lips.
He didn’t need much more persuasion than that.
Ares should have left hours ago. He should have had his fun with you and left. But now the golden beams of sunrise were streaming through your bedroom window. You were blissfully unaware, still fast asleep against the soft pillows. He watched you silently for a second, admiring how you beautiful looked in the golden glow.
You deserve a good man, he thinks to himself. Someone who would give you the world and treat you like a queen. He’d never admit it out loud but it will kill him when you do find someone. You understand him in a way that most humans wouldn’t. Part of him wishes he could just stay with you, live in the fantasy of spending your life together. Who else would put up with him for that long?
You stirred slightly, huffing slightly at the light on your face. His hand covered your eyes slightly to help you fall back asleep.
“Shh darling, it’s just me” He whispered and you hummed in response.
He got up and pulled the curtain across, shielding you from the impending day. Once he was dressed, he stopped for a moment. He took in your sleeping form then convinced himself to go. He shut the door quietly as he left. And you were completely unaware.
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south-of-heaven · 7 months
Plsss poly Ledge and Fem reader NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons || Edge & Lita
Warnings: Public sex, getting caught, slapping, just the regular smutty smut.
A/N: Sorry guys this gif just fits the theme here.
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I think we could all say that they’re both exhibitionists, if you know you know.
Edge is an absolute slut for watching you and Lita make out, he fucking loves it. 
Lita is meaner than you would think behind closed doors, at least she can be. She likes to slap you, sometimes even does it to Edge if he does something she didn’t ”agree” with.
Expect a lot of locker room sex, they both have incredibly high sex drives.
Lita loves to have you on your knees in front of her while she grinds herself against your tongue.
While Edge is still a more dominant person he’s pretty prone to listening to what Lita says in the bedroom.
Basically what Lita says goes.
Edge is also a sucker for getting head, he likes giving as well but he’ll always prefer receiving. 
Lita really enjoys getting head, it’s probably her favourite.
She likes waking you up by eating you out.
Edge keeps a pretty fast pace, he doesn’t last super long once he’s inside you but definitely long enough.
Lita likes to choke you, especially when she knows you two could easily get caught, she likes the thrill of it. 
That basically goes for anything, the thrill of getting caught drives her crazy and gets her incredibly aroused
Edge is no different, he will unabashedly just grab either you or Lita for a graphic make out sesh in the middle of a hallway. 
He really has no shame.
One time he even fucked you in Vince’s office when he was out, Lita scolded him after that.
He thought it was unfair considering how she’d fucked you in a random corner backstage and the two of you had gotten caught by Eddie.
Lita is really into shower sex, it’s soft, it’s intimate, it’s convenient. What’s there not to like?
She especially likes it after a match.
Edge and Lita get competitive, challenging each other to see who can please you the most.
As for aftercare, Lita likes to shower while Edge prefers a bath. 
They always change the sheets on the bed too just so you get to feel all clean and cozy.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 4 months
How do you think Christian Cage would react to someone dissing his wife y/n in a promo?
What happens when the rivalry between Christian Cage and Adam Copeland goes too far and causes Adam to say some controversial unscripted things about Y/n and the Patriarchy
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word count: 1K+
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
I currently sat in my private locker room with Killswitch, Nick Wayne, my wife Y/n and our baby girl Madaline. The five of us sat in a comfortable silence as we watched Collison on the tv in the locker room. Looking around the room I felt a fuzzy feeling in my chest, I was surrounded by my beautiful dysfunctional family. The people I loved most. I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard Y/n and Nick start to boo at the screen. I looked to find my former best friend turned arch rival Adam Copeland on the screen. Copeland had been on my ass for months, ever since he arrived in AEW he wouldn't leave me or my family alone. I was on my last straw with him, what else could he want from me. I already beat him TWICE, for god sakes he put my son through a flaming table! He has no right to be demanding another title shot, he is undeserving. 
I watched as Adam walked to the ring microphone in hand, what the hell did he want now. 
“I am sick and tired of Christian Cage and the Patrarchy, all they do is cheat. If it wasn’t for Y/n and her tricks I would be standing here as your TNT Champion. Speaking of Y/n I don’t think you know this but in real life her and Christian Cage are married. Yeah, let that sink in for a moment. I guess Christian Cage really does have a thing for fatherless wrestlers, bonus points if they are way younger than he is.” 
I could feel my blood boiling as I heard the words fall from Adams mouth. I looked to Y/n and she was in shock like the rest of us. “I mean she is 20 years younger than him! But hey who am I to judge, if I was Christian Cage I would do the same thing. I mean have you seen her, damn. Christian you better watch out because once I take your title I’m going to take your controversally young wife. Which by the way you only married because you knocked her up, nice job having a newborn at 50” 
At this point I was livid, I wanted to kill Adam Copeland, how dare he talk about my family like that. For someone who gets so mad when someone brings up his family it’s ironic how he has no problem talking about other peoples relationships. 
“While I’m at it did you know the the age gap between Nick Wayne and Y/n is significantly lower than her’s with Christian, Gross. Y/n if a filty who-” Just then his mike was cut
That was the final straw, I stormed out of my private locker room and ran to the stage. I was going to make him pay. I knew this was probably a trap but I didn’t care, my adrenaline was pumping. I jumped on top of Adam and beat the bloody hell out of him for real. He tried to cover himself from my blows but they did nothing. I was able to get a good amount of shots in before security pulled me off of him. “I’m going to fucking kill you! What the fuck is your problem huh!” I yelled to Adam as security held us apart. The audience was shocked, they could tell that this wasn’t a work, for god sakes they cut off his mike before he did any more damage. My adrenaline was still pumping and I knew I coudn’t let Adam have the last word, especially after he disrespected my wife. I managed to steal a microphone that thankfully worked. 
“What the hell is your problem. You disgust me, how dare you speak of my wife and family like that. I think you are jealous of me. You have a boring marriage that has no love, you are married to an old hag who can’t even sleep in the same bed as you. Can’t you accept that I am just better than you, I have a better life, a better wife, I am the TNT champion god dammit. Just acceppt it and move on, and speaking of cheating just go home and beg your wife to forgive you for cheating on her AGAIN. Now I’ll admit that I am an asshole but I would never so something like that to the woman I love. Oh and I dare you to talk about Y/n again, next time I will make sure to kill you” 
With that I left, security escorted me backstage and out of the building. I didn’t even care of the consequences I could possibly face, I was proud of defending my family. On my way out I saw all the wrestlers backstage comforting Y/n who was understandably very upset. It warmed my heart to see.
A day has passed since the incident with Adam Copeland and myself on Collision. Like I assumed everyone was talking about it. Considering in this rivalry I am the bad guy Y/n and myself had received nothing but support during the whole situation. People were turning on Adam for his actions, being disgusted with what he said. AEW made the decision to give Copeland a four week suspension along with making him put out an public apology. The following is a total BS apology from Adam Copeland;  
*I would like to sincerely apologise to Y/n, Christian Cage, AEW and the fans for my actions on Saturday. What I said was truly uncalled for. I apologise to everyone who was offended with my words. I take full responsibility for my actions and will continue to work on being a better person. - Rater R Superstar Adam Copeland* 
What a total jerk. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that” I told Y/n as the two of us lied in bed, mutaly deciding we would spend the day rotting in bed after what happened not even 24hrs ago. “It’s not your fault, you didn’t know he was going to say that” She told me reassuringly “I know but what he said was fucked up. I love you so much, like so so much. I would do anything for you Y/n” I told her as I began to place delicate kisses on her neck. “What are you doing?” Y/n said playfully 
“Showing you how much I love you” 
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plentyoffandoms · 3 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Christian Cage Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist ♡ Chuck Taylor Masterlist ♡ Adam Copeland Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: reader getting hurt.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 828
Jay - Christian Cage ☆ Stephon - Swerve Strickland ☆ Dustin - Chuck Taylor
𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓒𝓪𝓰𝓮
Jay still couldn't believe that happened.
One second, you were standing behind him, outside the ring, the next second, you were flying back against the barriers.
You didn't have enough time to brace yourself.
You hit your back at an odd angle, and you laid on the floor, not moving, groaning in obvious pain.
Jay ran to your side, just as the Doc got there.
You were looked over and got taken out on a stretcher.
Jay rushing beside the stretcher, not caring at this moment that this was a Championship Title Match.
His main concern was you, and only you.
You were taken to the nearest hospital and had tears done, Jay by your side the whole entire time.
Emergency surgery.
Jay didn't leave your side until he finally had to let go of your hand.
He took a seat in the waiting room.
He was going over what happened in his mind, over and over again.
Trying to see what went wrong.
If he did anything wrong.
His name was called, as the doctor came out to let him know what your diagnosis was.
Central cord syndrome, which is an incomplete Spinal Cord Injury.
Jay took time off of work to help you with rehab.
He moved you into his home, knowing that this was the best place for you.
He was there every step of the way.
𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Stephon felt sick to his stomach as he watched Joe land on top of you.
Even Joe was stunned as he quickly got off of you.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You were supposed to push Stephon to the side and then take a few steps back.
But something happened, with Joe jumping too far, or you did step back far enough.
You went down like a sack of potatoes, and even Stephon could hear from where he was standing that something broke, and you scream out in pain.
Stephon only saw red as he full on decked Joe on the face before turning to you.
Stephon looked you over, as did Bryce the ref, and saw that your ankle was swelling, but also at a weird angle.
Stephon helped you out of the ring and up the ramp, as you insisted that you didn't need a stretcher.
Even with Stephon insisting on a stretcher.
You finally listened when you were told by the medical team that you needed some imaging down and were taken to the hospital.
Stephon sadly had to stay back to deal with him punching Joe in the face.
Which resulted in a suspension for a month.
But Stephon didn't care.
Stephon got to the hospital just when you were coming out the doors, with crutches and with a boot on.
"No surgery. It is just a posterior malleolus fracture."
Stephon breathed a sigh of relief as he helped you into his car.
𝓒𝓱𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓻
Dustin didn't see you get hit.
He was busy dealing with Matt, and his back was turned.
Matt indicated for Dustin to turn around, and Dustin did, knowing that this wasn't some type of trick.
He saw your face first on the ground, with thumb tacks all in your body, and Mike standing next to you.
Mike was supposed to bring Dustin down, and he was supposed to land in the thumb tacks, as they all know you do not work with them IF you can help it.
You looked up, and Dustin all most threw up. Your whole face was just covered in thumb tacks.
The match was considered a draw, as he helped rush you to back.
The medical team working to try and get them all out.
But Dustin didn't leave your side, as he held your hand the whole entire time.
Got you drinks, and made sure you stayed hydrated.
Mike and Matt tried to come by to see if you were okay, but Dustin didn't let them through.
"Give it a few days, and I will see if they want to see you."
Once Dustin sat down next to you, you squeezed his hand as to thank him.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 𝓒𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Adam was pissed when he saw that you had thrown the table instead of him.
He knew that Jay didn't mean to, but Adam also knew that Jay would do anything to keep that stupid title, and that means using you to get to him.
Adam looked at you, and you gave him the thumbs up, indicating that you were okay.
So Adam knew he had the all clear to go after Jay.
Jay didn't know what hit him.
Adam lifted him in the air by the scuff of his turtleneck, and Jay was even scared for a moment, never seeing his best friend act like this with him.
Jay knew he fucked up the moment Adam flung him across the ring.
You stood off to the side, refusing to leave as you watched Adam become the new champion.
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sydsaint · 4 months
My fav AEW dilf <3
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Summary: Adam has trouble coming to terms with his attraction to the reader due to age gap of the pair.
It's still relatively early in the morning when the sound of rustling wakes you up from a wonderful dream. You let out a yawn and rub the sleep from your eyes as you prop yourself up into a sitting position.
"Adam?" You yawn and peer out into the dim-lit hotel room you're staying in.
"Crap, sorry, YN," Adam grumbles from his bed across the room. "I didn't mean to wake you up."
You squint your eyes toward the other side of the room where Adam is busy digging through his bag for something. "What are you doing up so early?" You ask him in a sleepy tone as you hold back another yawn.
"I woke up and couldn't seem to fall back asleep," Adam explains, still digging through his bags. "So I was going to head down to the gym for an early workout. But it seems that I can't find my gym clothes in the dark." He chuckles to himself. "I must sound like such an old man, huh kid?"
You drag yourself out of bed and switch on the lamp on the nightstand. "Well, I'm awake now. So you can switch on the light." You offer with a small laugh. "And you aren't that old yet, Adam." You assure him. "Shit, my eyesight is as bad as yours when I don't have my contacts or glasses on." You squint and feel for your glasses sitting on the nightstand.
You slip the wide-frame glasses on your nose and your vision clears up. Adam now has his lamp on as well and is digging through his bag with ease now. "Still can't find them?" You walk over to him when it seems that Adam hasn't made any progress. "Here, let me look."
Adam steps out of the way when you trot over to him with still-sleepy eyes. He'd forgotten that you'd slept in nothing but your underwear and a t-shirt that he loaned you last night since you forgot to pack something to sleep in. Adam's gaze transfixes on the way his shirt hangs off your body, your bare legs practically screaming in his face as you bed over to look through his bad.
'No, Adam. She's too young for you, perv.' He tells himself as he stares at you. He's more than twice your age and old enough to be your father. But fuck do you look so damn good right now.
"Here they are!" You finally manage to retrieve Adam's usual workout attire from the bottom of his bag. "Here you go, Adam. I'm going to shower and grab some breakfast. But we can catch up later when you're back from the gym." You hand him his clothes before you walk over to the bathroom door.
Adam nods and watches your hips sway under his t-shirt all the way to the bathroom door. "Fuck." He mumbles to himself under his breath.
"Oh! Here's your shirt back, Adam. Thanks for letting me borrow it." The door cracks back open and Adam catches a small glimpse of your bare skin as his shirt comes flying at him and the door closes again.
"No problem," Adam shouts back as he catches his shirt.
Adam stares at the shirt in his hands for a moment. It's not even near his nose, and yet he can smell your perfume wafting off of it. He grumbles to himself and tosses the shirt in his bag. Now he's the one that needs a cold shower. It's a good thing that the gym has ones for the patrons to use.
Later in the morning Adam comes back from the gym and heads up to the hotel room. When he gets inside he finds the bathroom door wide open and you standing in front of the mirror doing your makeup. His jaw damn near unhinges when he gets a glimpse of your outfit.
A pair of jean booty shorts hug your ass for dear life as you lean over the sink to see the mirror closer. You've got on a black halter top, boobs threatening to spill out the front of the shirt because you're leaning so far over the sink. And then there's the fishnet tights covering your legs and hugging your thighs in a way that should be illegal.
"I'm back from the gym," Adam announces himself to the room after swallowing a bucket of saliva.
"Hmm? Oh, hey, Adam." You set down your mascara wand and return to a straight upright position. "How was the gym?" You ask him nonchalantly.
Adam walks over to his bags and distracts himself by looking for a change of clothes. "It was fine." He shrugs. "Did you get breakfast yet?" He asks you.
"Yeah, I ordered some room service." You answer him and finish up your makeup. "What about you? We've still got some time before that meet and greet with Darby, Sting, Christian, and Nick, later."
Adam finds himself a clean shirt and pants and prays that you aren't leaning over the bathroom counter again when he looks back at you. And thankfully for him, you aren't.
"I grabbed something on the way back from the gym," Adam answers your question with a relieved sigh. "You look nice." He can't help but comment.
"Thanks!" You grin innocently. "You can change in here now. I'm just going to clean up my suitcase and grab my shoes and bag. Then we can head out to the venue." You step out of the bathroom.
Adam nods and shuts the bathroom door behind him.
The ride to the venue is mostly silent. You and Adam arrive a bit early and head inside to get situated at your booth for the day. Adam runs into Christian and chats with him for a while. Meanwhile, you chat with Darby and Nick on the other side of the booth.
"Holy shit, is that YN?" Christian comments when he spots you over Adam's shoulder.
"Yeah," Adam mumbles to himself.
Christian blinks a few times at you before he turns back to his best friend. "Adam, buddy. You want to switch travel partners with me?" He jokes with Adam.
"Shut up." Adam scoffs, but Christian easily notices the flustered look on his friend's face.
"Oh, you are so looking to bang her aren't you?" Christian laughs. "I mean. I don't blame you one bit. But still." He chuckles and claps Adam on the shoulder.
Adam swats Christian's hand away and shakes his head. "She's young enough to be my daughter." He protests.
"Young girls are the most fun." Christian fires back. "Trust me on that one, buddy." He grins. "Come on, Adam. How long have you and Beth been split? Almost a year, right? When was the last time you got laid?" He asks Adam.
"Christian!" Adam glares at his friend.
Christian rolls his eyes playfully and shrugs. "Hey, all I'm saying is if you don't make a move soon, Adam. Then someone else is bound to." He points across the booth.
Adam turns around and spots Ricky Starks now talking with you and Darby. Starks is also getting ready for a meet and greet. And the current tag champ is standing closer to you than Adam would like.
"Don't take the guy's head off, man." Christian laughs when Adam's face warps into one of hate and jealousy. "YN ain't your, remember, Adam?" He teases Copeland. "Not yet anyway." He mumbles that last part to himself as Adam stomps off.
Adam marches over to you and Ricky chatting. As he grows closer he picks up on Ricky blatantly flirting with you like there is no tomorrow. And it pisses him off.
"Ricky! I didn't know you'd be here." Adam stops when he's looming right behind you.
"Hmm, oh! Hey, Adam." You jump a bit when you hear Copeland's voice, but turn around and greet him with a smile. "Ricky's working a booth on the other side of the venue. He just swung by to say hello to me and Darby." You explain.
Adam looks over your shoulder at Ricky and Starks takes an instinctive step back when he sees the look on Adam's face.
"Yeah...I'll catch you later, sugar." Ricky quickly tucks tail and retreats back to his booth.
"Bye, Ricky." You wave at Starks with a smile, unaware of Adam giving Starks the death glare from behind you.
The venue is set to open soon so you take a seat with Adam and get ready for a day of taking photos and signing things.
As the day drags on you can't help but notice Adam mean-mugging every dude that lingers a bit too long when they ask for photos or autographs. Normally you'd just choc it up to his overprotective dad instincts kicking in since he's got two daughters. But there's something about the way he always looks at you after whatever man he scared off is gone. Like the way, an alpha protects his girl from other potential suitors stalking around her.
At the end of the day, the venue is closing up and you wait around to see if Ricky is going to ask you to dinner. You spot Starks heading your way and smile at him. But Ricky only makes it about halfway across the room before you watch him stop cold in his tracks and turn right back around. Confused, you turn behind you and find Adam standing a few feet away.
"Hey, Adam?" You walk over to Copeland, unable to keep this behavior to yourself anymore. "Can I ask you something?" You ask him.
"Sure, YN." Adam nods.
You bite your lip, unsure how to phrase your question. "I sort of notice that you spent all day shooing away some of my more handy and stalky fans." You explain. "Which, thanks. But, I guess I just have to ask. Was that like your fatherly instincts kicking in?" You ask Adam. "Or was it something else? Because I don't know if it's because I've always had a huge crush on you. But It kind of seemed like to me like you were keeping guys away, like Ricky, because you want me all to yourself." You explain in a nervous ramble. "And if it wasn't that? Well, I'm sorry that I even brou-"
Your nervous ramble is cut off when suddenly Adam cups your face in his hands and crashes his lips to yours.
"You've been driving me fucking crazy from the moment we met," Adam whispers against your lips.
"S-mm-sorry." You whisper back between desperate kisses.
Your hands cling to Adam's jacket as he kisses you. Your head spins uncontrollably as Adam presses his body into yours. You had a dream just like this once. And if it is another dream, then you don't ever want to wake up.
You and Adam both finally come up for air but remain smushed against one another as you both pant. "Thank Christian for me please." You giggle.
"Christian? For what?" Adam replies breathlessly.
"For encouraging you to take a chance with me." You reply. "I know Cage has been eyeing me up like a dog. But he never made a move, which confused me. But now I know why." You explain.
Across the room, Christian spots you and Adam and smiles to himself. "YOU'RE WELCOME!" He shouts from across the room.
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smartycvnt · 3 months
Marriage hc with Edge/Adam Copeland?
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Adam takes to the domestic part of marriage quicker than you had expected
He knows that with both of you wrestling that things won't be like everyone else, but the two of you do what you can
There have been a lot of talks about expanding your family because fatherhood looks good on Adam
He loves getting to introduce you to people as his wife more than anything
Suddenly, his social media is full of little stories about and pictures of you while he talks about what it's like being married to you
Adam is a great example of what a loving husband is, which is nice since you grew up without good examples of healthy relationships
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lethimtalktoyeah · 8 months
Some HCs about reader joining Adam in his AEW debut (AUish cause not entirely accurate to the actual segment)
this is just some crackish stuff I wrote in my notes app, not ,fuelled by the thrill of my boys reuniting
- <3 -
-Back in your WWE the days you had been causing trouble with Edge and Christian non stop until one fateful day an injury ended your career and you had to make the decision to leave WWE behind
-Luckily for you , you managed to stay emerged in the world of wrestling tho , visiting various wrestling companies across the whole world as a valued journalist and managing to keep in contact with your friends
-When Adam reached out to you to tell you he‘d switch companies you were surprised but beyond happy that‘d he‘d join Jay/Christian in AEW
- Adam: Okay but imagine his face if I‘d bring you along as my right hand woman or something like that
-You knew Adam texted this in a joking manner but as his debut came closer , you couldn’t shake the thought out of your head
-You loved doing what you did right now but deep within yourself you knew that nothing would ever top being involved directly and this was the perfect opportunity to get out there without risking your health
-So , one “What if we’d actually pitch this?” and a dozen of meetings later , you were set to debut in AEW along with Adam , taking on the role as his right hand woman
-The collective decision was made to keep your debut as a secret from Christian , in order to get a genuine reaction
-“What if we don’t get along anymore?” The debut was only two days away , sending your brain into overdrive
-“You mean what if he doesn’t let you be a pain in the ass anymore?” , seeing your expression Adam immediately changed to a softer demeanour “Hey, there’s absolutely no way you wouldn’t get along anymore.” he searches your eyes with a reassuring smile, reaching over to squeeze your knee in sympathy
-“After all I know all you dirty secrets.” Adam smirks mischievously ,hinting to the late nights and car rides you’d open up to him about your crush on his best friend
-“Your insufferable .” You smack him with a gasp, huffing a laugh as he rubs his arm
-2 days later and you’re hidden away in the backstage are of the arena, readjusting the suit jacket on your shoulders
-Adam and you had settled on a casual business approach for your look as his right hand woman. Boots , suit pants , a suit jacket and to both of yours amusement , a cropped turtleneck underneath (because if something would challenge Christian then I’d surely be a turtleneck show-off)
-“The way is all cleared for you.” A crew-member interrupted your thoughts, prompting you to get up and follow them
-reaching the ramp , you could hear Adam’s theme blasting outside and the crowd going wild
-your nervousness slowly got replaced with sheer and utter excitement as you stood , chin held high, waiting for your signal
-You could hear the crowd go silent as Adam stopped outside the ring and began to speak , a bewildered Christian looking down at him
-“…and of course I wasn’t stupid enough to come here alone.” You could see the gears in Christian’s head turning
-“Let me introduce you to my right-hand woman.” You could hear the smugness in Adam’s voice as your new theme blasted over the speakers
-The crowd going absolutely crazy as you stepped out , walking down the ramp with a confident strut
-Christian’s eyes widened upon seeing you , failing to hide his shock behind his cocky and arrogant act for a mere second before narrowing his eyes at the cropped turtleneck under your business jacket
(- Imagine Christian pulling up in a cropped turtleneck cause he’s not letting anyone outshine him in a turtleneck)
[might continue this but as an actual story]
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daddyhausen · 2 months
Could i request a hc with Adam Copelad using this prompt please? “[choked up] I thought I lost you.” / “[choked up] I never thought I’d see you again.”
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 ALWAYS BEEN YOU 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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「 SUMMARY 」 — adam thought you perished in that car accident
「 WARNINGS 」 — friends to lovers, age gap relationship [ reader is in late 20s / early 30s ], mentions of injury, mentions of car accident
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 588
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x adam copeland
「 GENRE 」 — fluff / angst
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「 TAGLIST 」 — @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @bayleymania @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @legit9thlunaticwarrior @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @harmshake @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564 @alyyaanna @nightmare-viper
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the ringing in your ears became more of an annoyance as time went on
the bleak, bleach stained ceiling of a hospital room felt colder than most
it felt empty despite the bodies of doctors and nurses as well as yourself inhabiting it
a nauseated feeling wased over you the moment you made an attempt to sit up
head spinning, still with visions of the accident,
the innitial hit where the drunk driver had clipped you, sent your car spinning off the highway
down into a ditch where you and adam laid motionless before coming to
your body felt stiff and ached, the creak of your bones accompanied by aching muscles
your leg in a cast, from foot to knee
ribs heavily bandaged, so tight that it caused your to wheeze and sputter with every breath
your eyes scanned around the room absentmindedly
meeting with the backs of sterile doctors who seemed insidtingiusable from the next
all dressed in white and the occasional hospital blue
the colour remeniscant of a mid-day sky but held none of the warmth and charm
amongst the bleakness, glancing down at your hand momontariily
a larger, more rugged one encapsulated yours
your hearing now coming to, adam’s voice calling out your name with soft yet, frantic whispers
you peer up to meet his voice, noticing his face crusted with dried blood, the blondish-grey whisps of his beard now stained pink
a small bandage obscuring five or so stitches above his left eyebrow caught your attention
“you’re hurt-” you whisper, attempting to sit up once more before he stopped you
“doll, i’m fine. you’re in worse shape right now”
his weathered eyes watered with tears
“fuck…” he muttered, smoothing down his bloodied beard, hot tears staining his cheeks
“i’m so glad you’re alright…i thought i lost you”
he got all choked up, trying to stifle his sobs from echoing around the hospital room
“you stopped breathing for a bit back there..i..fuck..” he paused for a second.
“i thought i’d never see you again”
his large, calloused palm smoothed down the stray hairs behind your head, his hands still bloodied, not having time to clean them off
his ramblings continued for a minute or so.
adam’s frantic hands found comfort in your stoic ones
“adam?” your croaky words caught him off guard.
the tremble in his hands calmed, smoothing down stray wisps of hair that clung to your sweat and blood tinted skin
tracing down the bruising that swelled around your left eye, the blotches of purple and blue so vibrant against your skin
he paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, how your eyes welled with tears, not for your own circumstance per say, more so for his own injuries, despite how minuscule they were in comparison
“it’s not your fault, you know that…”
your voice still sounded hoarse and broken, weak with fatigue
“but i was the one driving, i should have seen that drunk driver…”
adam put his head in his hands, a heavy sigh parting his lips
“i care about you. hell, i fucking love you! and i hate that i’m the reason you’re here”
his hands froze for a moment, not embarrassed in the sort, just shocked sightly that those words fell from his lips
‘i always knew you did…” your voice barely spoke above a whisper, still loud enough for him to hear
“and i’ve always loved you, i just wish it didn’t take something like this for either of us to admit it”
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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Can I have prompts 15, 34, and 69 with early 2000's Edge plss where she is scared to be in love with them because of trust issues but sweet smut unfolds as they let the feelings out between them?
15: “I’m so scared…of you”
34: “shh it’s okay, I’m here now”
69: having your first time in bed with each other
Tag: @judgementdaysunshine
Word count: 2058
Warnings: mild swearing
Fic type: fluff and smut
Link to masterlist
Reader will be a wrestler, 2001. Will use Adam’s name. Feels silly saying Edge in this context. Christian will just be called Christian as using his real name doesn’t feel right for fics!
Being at large events was always difficult for you. Even if you did know most of the people there. You were still relatively new, only having been there for about three years about the same time as your friends, Adam and Christian. The three of you didn’t go in together. You had met them on your first day actually and hit it off with them immediately. They always had your back both within matches, and backstage. Being quiet made you an easy target for certain wrestlers to pick on you; they’d pull pranks (sometimes cruel ones) on you, be rough with you in the ring. It wasn’t the best time to be a wrestler but you weren’t about to quit. Plus, the two boys would back you up and protect you as much as possible, alongside two other friends, Jeff and Matt Hardy.
The event in question was an after party, following a successful episode of Smackdown. You hung around Adam and Christian who were talking with Kurt Angle and a few others, sticking closely to Adam’s side, while they chatted with other wrestlers. It wasn’t something you admitted to anyone just yet, but you had found yourself with feelings for Adam. There was something about how protective he was over you that just made your heart swoon and your body feel so…safe? Was that the feeling? It was hard to come to terms with how you felt. So many times had you been let down or betrayed by your previous partner that you didn’t know if you could go through with another relationship again. He had broken you in more ways than you’d let on to anyone. The idea of dedicating yourself to someone or letting someone into your heart terrified you.
“We should probably get going!” Adam nudged you, hoping you’d agree. He was enjoying the socialisation but in reality, he felt more comfortable in the idea of heading back to the hotel room you two shared. Saving as much money as possible was at the top of both of your lists so you had agreed to share with him. Tonight would be your first night alone with him, and a big part of you was scared. You nodded, agreeing that it was time.
“I’m going to stay a bit longer,” Christian said, giving you both a quick hug, “but I’ll see you guys later on!”
Exchanging goodbyes with the group, you both headed out to the car park to get a taxi back. Adam left the keys with Christian so he could drive back.
“I think…I might just shower and then sleep when we get back.” You told Adam in the car, sitting a seat away from him in the back, leaving the middle seat free.
“Oh. I was thinking we could watch a film but…yeah sure, if you’re tired, do what you like!” He replied, smiling weakly.
It was a strange response, you had thought. A part of you thought that maybe he was hoping for something more but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. The rest of the ride was quiet, relaxed. Watching him from the corner of your eye, you made a mental note of the outline of his face from the side. There was no denying that he was gorgeous. With the way his long hair framed his face, the little point at the end of his nose. And his body! His arms were strong yet soft to the touch, very welcoming. Perhaps that’s why she always felt so safe? It definitely was his kindness that helped too. You didn’t realise that you had turned your head to get a better look at him, staring with a sparkle in your eyes. He turned to look at you with a smile and pink cheeks, winking slightly. You quickly looked away in embarrassment of being caught staring, hearing him chuckle at your reaction.
After arriving at the hotel, you both made your way up to the room and you rushed in the bathroom to get to the shower to wash away the naughty thoughts that began to cloud your mind. You got undressed with haste and stood under the warm running water, trying to clear your mind. It was getting harder to hide your feelings and anxiety built up in your chest over that fact. You were terrified of a repeat of last time. Deep down you knew he was different but still. What if he secretly was a terrible man? What if he was secretly just as horrible but was fantastic at hiding it? The thought was too horrible to imagine so you tried to ignore it, washing your body and your hair, imagining you were scrubbing that idea away.
Not spending long in there, you dried off and climbed into clothes that you had left folded in there before you left, ready for your evening shower. You looked into the mirror and took a deep breath, calming yourself so Adam wouldn’t ask any questions. You left the bathroom and made your way over to the desk where your hairdryer was ready for you. Except it wasn’t just that there waiting. Adam stood, holding your brush and motioning for you to sit down.
“I know you’re tired but I can…do this for you if you like?” He smiled sheepishly.
Returning the smile, you sat down in front of him. As he began you felt your cheeks and your body become warm with appreciation, the naughty thoughts coming back. He was so concentrated on making sure your hair was fully dry and brushed that he didn’t even notice you staring this time. After about 15 to 20 minutes, he shut the dryer off, just pulling the brush gently through your smooth and shiny hair.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked, finally looking up at the mirror to make eye contact with you. Adam noticed the nervous look that suddenly crossed your face, and he took a second to squeeze your shoulder to assure you that it was okay. Swallowing hard, you nodded.
“Um…are we just…friends? Or is there something else that you want to try?” He asked, his voice quiet and soft. You felt your throat run dry as the words settled in your brain. He decided to continue on with something that probably shouldn’t have shocked you all that much but it still did regardless.
“Because I don’t know about you but…I definitely have. Feelings. For you.”
You didn’t know what to say. Well, you did, but you were scared of saying it. Your silence scared Adam as he stood there still looking at you, waiting for you to just say something. Anything.
It felt like an eternity before you opened your mouth to speak to him.
“Adam…I’m not going to lie to you because I appreciate you and…what you do for me.” You started with a deep breath. It wasn’t fair to lie to him on how you felt nor was it fair to not tell him why you were afraid of it.
“I’m so scared…of you-“
“Of me? Why?” He interrupted, the shock breaking his heart in two.
“Let me finish, please.” You begged.
He became silent, placing both hands on your shoulders, letting he brush fall to the floor with a dull thud.
“It’s not…really you. It’s the idea of you, and liking you. I want to let you in but I’m scared of what will happen if I do. The last person I let into my heart treated me terribly. I know you’re not that guy but I don’t know if I can let myself trust someone again. I am so terrified that…it will happen again.”
You felt the tears well up in your eyes, sliding down your cheeks rapidly. Just admitting why you were afraid of love somehow felt worse than keeping it secret. It was the shame of talking about it out loud, and now crying about it. Let alone someone who had just admitted they had feelings for you!
You felt his arms wrap around your shoulders and his cheek rest on the crown of your head, Adam gently whispering ‘shhh’.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, “I-I know I’m a mess right now and this isn’t what you want to see and I’m sorry I-“
“Shh it’s okay, I’m here now.” He muttered, rocking you side to side.
“I don’t know exactly what happened before in your last relationship,” he gently pulled on your arm to turn you around on the chair to face him, “but I am not him, okay? I need you to understand that. I can love you so much more. In the way you deserve. You just need to let me in to do that.”
He cupped your face, wiping tears away with his thumbs. You both stayed there, gazing into each other's eyes for god knows how long before you both leant towards each other to share a kiss. When your lips met in the middle, your body rushed with tingles as the familiar sensation came back. You hadn’t realised how much you missed kissing!
It wasn’t long before you were standing up in his arms as he led you to the bed, lips still interlocked as you both removed each other's clothes. You both mumbled sweet nothings into each other's soft lips as he pulled your legs apart, aligning himself with your wet and ready entrance.
“Are you ready, baby girl?” He asked, stopping to look at you. You nodded, throwing your arms around his neck as he slowly slid in, keeping his eyes on your face the entire time.
“Tell me if it hurts or if it’s too much. We can stop if you need it.” He reassured, kissing your cheek once he was all the way in. Adam stayed unmoving for a moment to allow you to get used to the feeling of him inside you, not wanting you to be in pain. After signalling to him that it was okay, he began to thrust, being slow and gentle. He buried his face in your neck as the pleasure and your warmth took over his body.
“Faster, please!” You called out to him, gripping his shoulders as the feeling of pleasure overtook your body. Adam picked up the pace while still not hitting too hard, groaning against your skin.
“You’re so gorgeous,” He muttered, littering your skin with small wet kisses as his hands caressed your soft body, “God, I’m so glad I told you…how I feel.”
Just hearing him speak those words sent your heart flying. You had completely forgotten what it felt like to be praised in this way. And to have it from Adam just made it that much sweeter. Already you felt yourself getting close to the finish line, him following behind closely. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you moaned out his name as you drew closer and closer.
“Let it out for me, baby.” He whispered, his lips just barely ghosting the skin of your ear. You gasped as your orgasm hit, Adam holding on to you tight as he continued on with whispering encouraging words of love to you while you rode it out. As you came down, he muttered a quick ‘oh fuck’ before pulling out, cumming on your stomach with a grunt. After finishing, he leant down to give you another kiss before getting up to grab tissues to clean you up.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to…you know…do it inside of you.” He smiled sheepishly, his body pink from the afterglow of sex. You smiled and told him that it was okay, you didn’t mind too much. Once he got you cleaned up, he crawled into the bed next to you and pulled you in for a cuddle.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know.” He said, turned your head to look at him. It had finally set in that Adam just wanted to love you in every way possible. It was still hard to believe that you could be loved that way after before, but you were willing to let him try. Smiling wider, you both shared another kiss, already becoming obsessed with the way you both tasted.
“Let’s give it a try. See where it goes. I…I think I’m ready for you to show me what it’s like to be appreciated again.”
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1-800-sinister · 2 months
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Requested by: @houseofcopeland
Warning: Mentions of Blood, Shayna and Christian get coated in it, That's pretty much it
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Shayna was in the ring with Christian. She was smiling, not knowing what was going to come. 
"Shayna do you take Christian to be your lawfully wed husband?" the officiant asked. Shayna nodded. "I do." 
The officiant turned and looked at Christian, "Do you, Christian, take Shayna to be your lawfully wed wife?" and before Christian could answer, the lights went out.
Shayna was confused, then the lights popped back on, and Christian saw Julia and Adam standing there with smirks on their faces.
Julia waved mockingly, and then the next thing Christian and Shayna knew, blood poured down onto them. Adam laughed hearing Shaynas screams and Christian cussing him out.
Adam spoke into the mic with a smirk on his face. "How's that for a wedding gift?" he laughed. 
Julia grabbed the mic and said, "There's a lot more where that came from." She then dropped the mic, the lights going out. 
When the lights came on, Adam and Julia were nowhere to be seen. All you could hear were Shayna's screams and her throwing a fit because the blood ruined her dress and makeup. Christian stared at where Adam once was.
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moondust-imagines · 11 months
Friend with Benefits (Edge (Adam) x Reader)
Warnings: SMUT, age gap
Word count: 1.8K (lmao)
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At first, your arrangement with Adam had been perfect. It gave you both the release you needed, without the commitment of a relationship. There were no hard feelings if you didn’t talk for a few weeks, he could just fall back into your bed, no questions asked. That’s not to say you never imagined what life would be like with him being a permanent feature but you knew it was all just a fantasy. Maybe you should call off this whole thing and look for someone to settle down with. Just not tonight.
You had just checked into the hotel for the night when your phone buzzed with a message from him
Adam: Congrats on the title match, you at hotel?
Adam was not a man who enjoyed texting, his messages were always short. Of course, news of your title shot had spread quickly, it wasn’t even officially announced yet. But Adam had a way of knowing everything that was going on.
You: Thank you! I’m in room 216, see you in 10?
Adam knew this relationship-that’s-not-a-relationship with you was dangerous. He did genuinely enjoy your company, it didn’t hurt that you were drop-dead gorgeous. Maybe he just couldn’t break habits from his younger days but god, he was so happy in your bed. He always made an effort to not be the one to invite you over, he liked to leave that to you. It made him feel less like a gross old man preying on younger talent. You assured him over and over that you knew that wasn’t the case, it didn’t make him feel any better.
The walk to your room was short but he still had to be careful. God forbid he runs into someone else from work and has to explain his way out of it. Luckily, he arrived at your door without any issues and knocked gently. When you pulled the door open, he could hardly believe his luck. There you stood, in just his old shirt you had borrowed a few weeks ago, hair still damp from the shower. You quickly pulled him in before someone noticed what was going on.
“That looks good on you, sweetheart” He grinned at you once the door was shut again. A light blush graced your cheeks as you looked down at your clothes.
“Thanks, I think it looked better on you though” You replied, sitting yourself gently on the edge of the bed.
He didn’t need too much invitation, seeing you in his clothes had awoken some possessive part of his soul. His shirt was discarded onto the floor and he pushed you back onto the bed, his lips capturing yours passionately. Your fingers tangled themselves into his hair and his own busied themselves getting your panties out of the way. He ended up ripping them rather than struggling them down your legs.
“Adam!” You protested
“They weren’t your colour anyway”
Before you could respond, he worked two fingers inside you, causing you to gasp. His thumb instantly found your clit as he curled his fingers to find your spot. He had you whimpering already and you pulled his mouth to yours again. He knew when you started to get close and stopped. He prided himself on being able to get you right to the edge of the cliff but pull you back. You made quick work of pulling off his jeans and straddling his hips. You weren’t usually a fan of being on top but it gave you at least a little control over him. He let out a low groan as you lowered yourself onto his length.
“Fuck baby, you look so damn pretty sitting on my dick”
Adam had always been a good talker, be it in the ring or the bedroom. He knew you loved it when he would shower you with compliments during sex. So he kept going as you started bouncing on him, his thumb once again circling your clit. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, your movements getting sloppier. He knew it too.
“That’s my girl, come for me, baby”
That almost short-circuited your brain. Not once, in the entire time you had known him, had to ever referred to you as his. Regardless, you fell apart on him a few moments later. Your body was convulsing as you collapsed onto his chest. He wasted no time in switching positions so he could plough into your pliant form. He was muttering even more praise into your ear, you were too far gone to pay attention. He finished not too long after and collapsed onto the bed next to you.
As you came down from your high, his words kept swirling in your mind. His girl. Sure, you had thought about it. Maybe you had wished for him to say something like that. But now you were terrified, what if they were just said in the heat of the moment? That felt somehow worse. You decided to quickly jump up and run to the bathroom under the guise of cleaning up.
The second the bathroom door shut, Adam slapped his hands onto his face. Why the fuck did he say that?! He knew the rules of this..thing and that definitely broke them. You were going to run for the hills and he was never going to see you again. He had to get out of here, no wonder you had ran to the bathroom so quickly, you were probably wishing he was gone already. He quickly pulled his clothes back on before knocking on the door.
“I gotta bail sweetheart, I’ve got a dinner with Vince. See you around”
Once you heard the click of the hotel door shutting, you emerged from the bathroom. Sure, he didn’t usually hand around to talk much after. Hell, what would you even say to him after that? You threw yourself onto the bed and grabbed a pillow to scream into. Maybe he knew about your growing feelings for him and he was just teasing you. Yeah, that had to be it. How embarrassing is that!
After that encounter, you decided to steer clear of Adam for a while. It wasn’t too difficult, you had both agreed a while ago that hanging out too much at work would raise too much suspicion. So you just stopped texting him. It felt strange to have him missing from your life, no congratulatory message after a win, no stupid jokes about the show after it was off the air. You threw yourself into training for your big match and tried not to think about how badly you missed him.
Adam was convinced you hated him. You hadn’t even looked in his direction for weeks, he knew he screwed up but god, not having you around hurt a lot more than he thought it would. He saw you training harder than ever, he usually wouldn't bat an eyelid at that, but he found himself worrying about you. Were you eating enough? Did you need someone to go over the match with? That was the one eating at him, he had always loved how keen you were to listen to his suggestions or give your own. You had spent hours together pitching each other matches. It was while he was bouncing ideas around with Rhea that it hit him, the realisation that he’d much rather be doing this with you.
Adam: Hey, been a while. Wanna get some room service or something?
You had been staring at that text for what felt like an age. Sure, you could use a booty call to let off some steam. But he never invited you over. An uneasy feeling settled into your stomach as you sent a quick reply. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you didn’t want to look like hell if he was inviting you over to tell you he was done with you. You dragged your feet a little as you made your way over to his room and took a deep breath before knocking on his hotel room door. He opened it almost instantly as if he had been waiting just behind it.
“Hey,” He said as he laid eyes on you. He felt like the air had been punched out of him. The first thing he noticed was how tired you looked like you had been battling a war for days. But all he could think about was how beautiful you were.
“You going to let me in?” You chuckled falsely. He nodded and stepped aside. His hotel rooms were always much more lavish than yours, you would be lucky to get a bed more than five feet away from the couch. You perched yourself on the armchair, leaving the couch to Adam.
“So, how have you been?” He asked after a few moments of awkward silence. His hands were clammy and he wasn’t quite sure where to look. You could feel the nervous energy radiating from him.
“What do you want, Adam?” You demanded. You didn’t want to be short with him but you couldn't bare a long drawn-out letdown. You’d rather rip the band-aid off.
“What? Sweetheart, I don’t want anything I’m just worr-”
“Look, if you're done with me just say it” You spat, tears already welling in your eyes. This shouldn't hurt as much as it is. You shouldn’t care as much as you do.
“Done with you? I thought you were done with me, you haven’t texted me in weeks!” He exclaimed. This is not how he wanted this to go, seeing the tears in your eyes made his heart sink to the pit of his stomach. You stared at the ceiling, willing your tears to go away. Then he was on his knees in front of you, taking your hands in his.
“Sweetheart, I’ve missed you so much. Things just aren’t as fun when I don’t get to share them with you. I know this is supposed to be a casual thing and I won’t blame you if you want to walk away. But you need to know that I’ve got these feelings for you”
Your heart was about to beat out of your chest as you stared at him. You searched his eyes for any sign of deceit, that this was all one cruel joke. All you found was love and hopefulness. Your tears were flowing for a different reason now.
“You really mean it?” You asked shakily
“Of course I do” He replied softly
You pulled him towards you and kissed him passionately. You practically fell to the floor with him as he put you into his lap. His hand cradled your face gently as you deepened the kiss. You could taste the salt of your tears between your lips as he finally broke away for air. His thumb moved to wipe away the moisture from your eye.
“No more tears over me, OK baby?”
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south-of-heaven · 4 months
Could you write a fic with any male wrestler of your choice x daughter reader? Possibly if he gets hurt in the ring so she runs out to try and help him?
Opportunist || Edge x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You run out to save your dad from the Judgement Day's brutal assault.
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The air crackles with tension as the Judgment Day faction launches a ruthless attack on your father, Edge. Panic surges through you as you watch the chaos unfold from backstage. Without a second thought, you sprint out, driven by an instinctive need to protect your dad.
The sounds of the ongoing brawl intensify as you reach the entrance ramp. The ring is a chaotic battlefield, and your heart pounds in your chest. You spot your father, locked in a fierce struggle with Finn and Damian. Determination eclipses your fear as you charge forward, eyes fixed on the scene unfolding in the ring.
In the midst of the chaos, your presence doesn't go unnoticed. Edge, caught in the struggle, glimpses you rushing towards the ring. His eyes widen for a moment, a mix of concern and surprise crossing his face. The realization that you've rushed into the danger zone to save him adds a layer of urgency to the situation.
You slide into the ring, adrenaline pumping through your veins. The Judgment Day members hesitate, momentarily thrown off guard by your unexpected arrival. Your focus remains solely on your father, who, in the midst of the skirmish, manages to lock eyes with you.
"Get out of here, Y/N!" he shouts, his voice a mix of concern and command.
But you refuse to back down. Channeling the intensity that runs in your blood, you charge at the assailants, throwing punches and kicks with a determination that surprises even you. The odds may be against you, but the love for your father fuels your resilience.
Edge, despite the ongoing struggle, can't help but feel a surge of pride. He watches as you fearlessly stand by his side, a beacon of hope in the chaotic storm. The momentum shifts, the unexpected arrival of the boss's daughter injecting an unpredictable element into the confrontation.
The chaotic brawl continues, but your presence tips the scales. The Judgment Day members, now facing unexpected resistance, begin to retreat. The ring, once a battleground, starts to clear, the attackers withdrawing in the face of unexpected defiance.
Edge, battered and bruised, meets you in the center of the ring. His expression softens as he embraces you, a mix of relief and gratitude evident in his eyes. The tumultuous encounter may have subsided, but the unspoken bond between father and daughter has never been stronger.
As you stand together in the ring, the echoes of the thwarted attack resonate. Edge gazes at you with pride, realizing that his daughter's courage and determination are forces to be reckoned with. In the face of adversity, you've proven that the spirit of the Ultimate Opportunist runs strong in the family.
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delilahcalicocat · 27 days
Can I have an early 2000's Edge x Fem reader where they've been friends since the brood and it leads to fluff and smut also loosely based on this scene?
A/N: Of course!! But I made it like- Christian Has a like sleepover party. Because it was his birthday, and his sister and friend were chilling in her room, and it lead to them making out and then Smut.
{Rating: Fluff & Smut ;)}
{Warnings: Kissing, Making Out, Friends-to-Lover Dynamic, Unprotected Sex, Swearing.}
{Pairing: 2000s!Edge x Fem!Reader}
It was your brother's birthday, he was having a sleepover with some of his closest friends, one of them being Edge.
You and Edge knew each other from the Brood, so you were close with him too.
So you were excited, but you'd just gotten off your phone with your friend.
But after Christian's little party, everyone was falling asleep. Meanwhile, you were chatting away with Edge.
"So Adam. What happened this week? I missed out because I got stuck in traffic for like 3 hours." You spoke
"Ehh nothing much... just me and Christian losing again..." He said
You both continued talking for a few moments. Until you began kissing.
That kissing ended up into making out.
Where did that lead. You guess.
If you guessed correctly. It'd be:
You being pinned down while Edge fucked up into you.
You were both trying your best to be silent, as to not alert Christian. Since you'd get in trouble with him.
You basically had to bite your arm to suppress the nasty sounds from your mouth.
You let one sound bypass your arm on accident
"F-F....Fuck.." is all you could muster.
You were panicked that Your brother would hear it, but it appeared the music downstairs covered the sound. So you were in the clear.
You let out a sigh of relief and then bit back down on your arm.
After you both finished, you quickly got dressed because Christian came up to investigate since he thought he heard something
Only to see you and Edge Talking gingerly again.
Christian shrugged it off and went back down stairs again, assuming it was someone who stubbed their toe and said "Fuck."
"Round 2 maybe?" You joked
"Alright. But you're not covering that pretty mouth of yours" Edge joked
"Adam!" You shouted with a red face
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plentyoffandoms · 4 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Adam Copeland Masterlist
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Warnings: Some swearing. Descriptive sexual acts. Oral (m receiving) unprotected sex. Cockwarming. Creampie
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @scottdixon
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 694
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I was sitting in my office, looking over the script for the second season of Percy Jackson, and I was so wrapped up looking over it and trying to memorise my lines, that I didn't notice the time.
But I did hear the soft knock on the door. I told her to open it without looking up from the script.
I heard her soft footsteps, walking towards me on the carpet.
"Adam, you said you would be done by now."
"I know, baby, but just give me a few minutes."
"Fine." I could hear the pout in her voice as she sat across from me.
I could hear the tapping of her nails on her phone, and then the tapping stopped. The room was silent until I could hear her fidgeting.
I knew why she was like this. I promised her that we would spend all day in bed today, pleasuring each other.
I looked up, and she was bent over, her head in her arm, looking at the photos I have on my desk. I could see that she was wearing my Maple Leafs Jersey, and I felt a twitch in my pants.
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I cleared my throat, and she looked up.
"Come here, baby." I patted my lap. She squealed and practically ran around the desk, ready to get sit in my lap.
I held up my finger to stop her, and she gave me a confused look.
"If you want to sit in my lap, you must sit here quietly until I say I am done, but with one stipulation."
"And that is?"
"Sit with my cock in your pussy. No moving. Just sit here , and behave yourself. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes." She bit her lip, and her lit up when she said that.
I reached down and pulled myself out of my sweat pants. I was happy I went commando today. I jerked myself a few times, and I helped sit her in my lap. The both of us hissing as she sat down, taking me fully inside her pussy.
She started to move, ready to start bouncing, but I gripped her hip and stilled her. "I told you no moving." I growled out, making her pussy tighten around me. Oh fuck, this is going to be torture.
She barely moved, but her pussy was squeezing my cock, like it was trying to cut off circulation down there.
"Squeeze my cock like that one more time, and I won't let you cum later."
"Adam, no." She whined.
"Behave, then."
I stood up, not being able to focus on any more words. I pushed her over my desk, her front against the top.
"Hang on." I gripped her hips, pulled back, and slammed into her, making the both of us groan. My pace was brutal, and I knew she would have bruises, but I didn't care. Not when I can finally get some relief.
"Should I let you cum all over my cock?"
"Do you deserve to cum? I could feel you squeezing my cock."
"I deserve to cum. I do. Please let me cum, Adam." She cried out.
I had to see her face. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she had tears in her eyes. I pulled out of her and flipped her onto her back, and slammed back into her, continuing the brutal pace.
I pushed my jersey up to watch her tits bounce. I looked between her face and her tits.
Next thing I knew, she was crying out my name, and soaking my cock as she came.
I followed right behind her, my thrusts getting sloppy before I stilled, as I filled her.
I pulled out her pussy and watched as our combined juices spilled onto my desk.
"You have 2 minutes to get in our bed, naked, on your hands and knees." She scrambled off my desk, and ran out of office, with my cum dripping down her thighs.
I gave her a head start, and then I chased after her, undressing along the way. Smiling at the sound of her giggles as we ran to our room.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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sydsaint · 2 months
Father Copeland you are so special to me <3
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Summary: After watching reader fight for her life in a street fight against Julia Hart, Adam wrestles with his shameful feelings for her.
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Your heart pounds in your ears as you and Julia trade blows in the ring. Each hit collides with your body like a semi plowing through a car at full-speed. But you push on. Warm streams of blood ooze down your face from the cut above your eye and impairs your vision. But you were past seeing red before Julia managed to cut you open.
'Win!' You scream in your mind. 'You have to push through it! You have to win!' Your thoughts scream in your head as you swing your elbow towards Julia's face.
Your elbow collides with Julia's nose and the cartilage crunches inward from the force. Julia lets out a houl that would send a shiver down any normal person's spine. But it only motivates you further. Like a shark smelling blood in the water. You reign down another punch to Julia's face, hitting her square in her nose that it surely broken by now. You can barely see from the blood starting to crustify over your entire face, but you don't care. You've got little miss, 'princess of darkness' dead to rights now.
One more good hit to Julia's face and Aubrey is yanking you off of her. You can barely hear the bell ring over the roar of the crowd. You fall to your knee's, chest heaving as you struggle to catch your breath. It's over. You did it. You beat Julia Hart for the TBS championship.
"And new, TBS Champion! YN LN!" Justin Roberts anounces your name and it's like music to your ears.
You work up the strenngth to rise to your feet and begin clawing at your face in order to remove some of the dried blood from it. You pick up the faint sound of footsteps approaching you as your vision begins to clear and you find your mentor waiting to present you with your hard-earned championship.
Adam Copeland.
"Congradulations, kid. That was one hell of a fight." Adam steps toward you with a proud smile. He hands the TBS championship over to you and raises your free hand high into the air. "Now come on. Let's get you cleaned up backstage. You should see yourself. Look's like something straight out of a horror movie." He chuckles lightheartedly.
"I feel like I just survived one." You match his laugh, despite the burn in your lungs.
Adam parts the ring ropes for you and helps you down off the apron. The two of you head up the ramp as the crowd all chants your name. You hold your head high as you head backstage. Adam directs you back to the locker room, and as soon as you're through the dour your knees begin to buckle.
"Shit!" Adam spots you falter as he's shutting the door behind him. He lurches forward and just manages to catch you before your legs give out. "YN! Are you alright?" Adam questions you as he helps hold you up.
"Yeah yeah." You nod, even though every possible inch of your body burns right now. "I just need to sit down." You assure him.
Adam nods and helps you over to a seat. You fall down into a chair with an exhausted sigh, clutching your new belt to your chest.
Adam towers over you with a worried look on his face. It's been four brutal months of watching you and Julia try and kill one another both in and out of the ring. And truth be told, Adam has hated every second of it. Copeland took you under his wing the same week he signed to AEW after watching you punch Christian square in the nose for trying to hit on you. He's been helping train you up since you're barely 22 and new to the wrestling business. Or at least that's what he tells himself anyway.
"I'm gonna go grab something to wash your face with." Adam clears his throat after a minute. "You rest. I'll be right back."
You nod, too exhausted to have any sort of protest or comment to make. You set your new belt down on your lap and admire the way it shines under the florecent locker room lights. You did it. It's your championship. You're a champion.
"Okay, I hope it's not too hot." Adam comes back with a damp cloth a few minutes later and leans down next to you.
"I can clean my own face, Adam" You protest when Copeland moves to do the job for you.
Adam shakes his head, not taking no for an answer. "You just went nearly an hour in a brutal street fight against a psychotic cult lady." He reminds you. "Let me do this for you. You deserve to rest up after all that."
"Fine." You huff.
With your protests silenced, Adam begins washing away the frankly alarming ammount of blood caked all over your face and neck. He tenatively washes away all the crusted muck that he can before he steps away from you. '
"There we go." Adam smiles to himself. "There's that sweet face again." He muses to himself. "How rested up are you feeling? Because now that it's not covered in an inch of dried sweat and blood. Well, you definetly need to go get that cut looked at before the night is over."
"Is it that bad?" You reply and reach a hand up to touch the wound.
Your fingers brush up against the cut and a stinging sensation flares up. You wince and nod to yourself, having answered your own question.
"Here, I'll walk you down there." Adam offers you a supportive arm to lean on.
"Thanks, Adam." You smile at him but stand up on your own. "But I'm a big girl, dad." You tease him playfully. "I can make it there by myself." You assure Copeland.
Adam nods, a twinge of guilt in his eyes.
That term hits Copeland right in the chest as he watches you rise to your feet on your own. He's your mentor. Teacher. Nothing more. Copeland should be feeling proud of you right now. And he is, or rather, does. But pride isn't the only thing that he's feeling right now. Shame is another feeling welling up inside of him. Shame, because of the horrible thoughts that crossed his mind not half an hour ago while watching you dismantle Julia like some sort of feral gremlin. His feral gremlin. His woman. That's what you should be.
His. His and only his.
By the time Adam is done battling with his inner demons that are screaming at him to claim you as his, you are already gone from the locker room.
"Fucking hell." Adam mumbles to himself and plops down into a chair. "What the hell is the matter with me? She's young enough to be my daughter for christ sake!" He rubs a hand over his face.
"Who's young enough to be your daughter?" You come through the door and Copeland freezes up like a deer in headlights.
"YN!" Adam jumps out of his chair in surprise, a mortified look on his face. "That was fast!" He comments, chuckling nervously.
You nod and shut the door behind you. "Yeah. They gave me a couple of staples and then sent me on my way." You point to your head. "Anyway. Who's this young mystery girl you're so bent up about?" You ask him. "Anyone I know?"
"What?" Adam chokes. "I...umm...you..you heard that?" He stutters shamefully.
"Yep." You nod. "Well, some of it anyway." You clarify and set your chin your hand. "So. Who's the very lucky lady that you're pining after, Cope?" You ask him again.
Adam clears his throat and attempts to silently calm himself down. "It's no one." He insists. "Really. Nothing to worry about."
"Is that so?" You quirk a brow at your mentor. "Well then. That's boring." You frown.
Adam shrugs and settles back down into his seat. You seem to be satisfied with his half-assed answer. So Adam has no reason to be freaking out anymore. Right.
After a while of you and Adam chatting, you decide to spring a juicy piece of information in your mentor.
"You know, I ran into Ricky on the way back from the trainers room." You catch Adam's attention. "And he was telling me about a certain TNT champion that he saw making heart eyes at the tv monitors while my match with Julia was on." Your gaze flits to Copeland so you can gauge his reaction. "Well, heart eyes wasn't exactly what he said. But you catch my drift." You add with a sly smile.
"Oh?" Adam replies, and you watch him swallow thickly.
You nod and scoot closer to him with a grin. "So either you've got a serious crush on Julia that he need to discuss. Or, you've been keeping something from me, Adam." You confront him.
"Shit." Adam curses and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, YN." He sighs. "I...I never mean't for anything like this to happen. God, I'm so fucking ashamed of myself."
"Ashamed?" You reply. "Why is that?" You ask Adam. "Adam, what's the big deal that you've got a thing for me? I don't mind." You assure him.
Adam's eyes widen in surprise at your statement. "What? You don't?" He asks you. "How? YN, I'm more than twice your age! I...I could be your dad."
"You could certainly be my daddy, yes." You giggle with a teasing wink. "Adam, come on. You can relax. No one is going to care that you're twice my age, I can promise you that." You assure him.
"I...what the hell?" Adam shakes his head in disbeleif. "You really mean that? So....so, that means you feel the same then?" He asks you.
You nod and rise out of your seat. "I've had a crush on you for a criminally long time, Adam. Well, Christian was technically my first wrestling crush. But he doesn't need to know that." You add with a laugh. "So. Are you going to stop giving yourself a corinary and kiss me or not?" You tease him.
Adam manages to work up enough courage to reach forward and grab your arm. He yanks you down into his chair with one swift movement before crashing his lips to yours in a heated kiss that he's been dreaming about for months now. And it's even better than what he's been shamelessly picturing in his mind.
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