Plus One ADU Program - Maximize Property Potential #nychousingcrisis #ad...
For assistance with selling, buying, or renting or to discuss a career change into real estate, please feel free to call me at 917.254.2103 or text NYCTRE to 85377. LINK TO PROGRAM: https://hcr.ny.gov/adu The PLUS ONE ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) program in New York encourages homeowners to create self-contained apartments within their homes or on their property. It aims to increase affordable housing options and maximize the use of existing residential spaces. This program was initiated to address the city's housing shortage and provide more affordable rental units by utilizing underutilized space in single-family homes. It's part of a broader strategy to expand housing choices and promote economic diversity in the city. The Plus One ADU Program, funded with $85,000,000 from the 2022-2023 NYS Capital Budget as part of a five-year Housing Plan, aims to support the creation and improvement of accessory dwelling units in New York State. It offers grants to local government entities and non-profit organizations dedicated to developing tailored programs for the construction of secure and high-quality ADUs, specific to their communities. This has been promoted in New York City and other areas to address housing shortages and provide more affordable housing options. In New York City, ADUs aim to increase housing supply, promote affordability, and address housing demand by allowing property owners to create additional dwelling units within their existing structures or on their properties, helping to alleviate the city's housing challenges. #PlusOneADUProgram #PlusOneADU #ADU #AccesoryDwellingUnit #AccesoryDwellingUnitProgram #ADUInvesting #ADUGrant #ThingstoknowbeforebuildingyourADU #ADULife #RealEstate #NYCRealEstate #ADUInvestment #ADUHousing #ADUApartment #ADUResidence #Homeremodeling #ADUBuilding #BuildingADU #NewYorkRealEstate #NewYorkCityRealEstate #bronxrealestate #bronx  #bronxhomes
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falsebooles123 · 1 year
Finding The First Gay Kiss - Diary of a Big Ole Gay 1/14/23
Hey Whores, so first some good news. I may have a new job. Its tenous but I should have some breathing room and at least some part time stuff so thank god for that.
Second, um can we talk about M3GAN?
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(yass qween slay)
So I just say it in theaters and its great and its about like parenting, and grief, and adulification and also the robot does a silly dance for no reason. Because she fucking can and its like this perfect encapsulation of this dicotomy between Innocence/Danger and Child/Adult. IDK Good Shit.
So as always sluts lets get into the Good Stuff
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City Lights (1931) dir Charlie Chaplin
This is one of those films thats included a lot in general discussion of absolute kino. Not only is this one of the last silent films and the last of Charlie Chaplins films its also considered a favorite not only by the director himself but a lot of the later autuers that have graced the silver screen.
My opinion is that its .... alright.
Don't get me wrong this is a really great film, its enjoyable and I enjoy the vibe but I don't get the hype for it. The main reason why this is on the list is because the tramp basically has a sugar daddy in this. So Theres this Drunk Millionaire who whenever hes drunk he basically just wants to give the Tramp Money and kiss him on the mouth, and sleep in the same bed as him.
Basically what I'm saying is that the millionaire is tramp-curious.
Side Note: So random guy at the bar called himself "Bi-flitatious" and I kinda love that for him.
Besides that this movie is very straight and the Tramp gets up to a variety of antics.
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Some LIke It Hot (1959) dir. Billy Wilder
So if you know anything about this film then you know that at the end of the film the guys goes, "I can't marry you I'm a man" in which his fiance says "Well Nobody's Perfect"
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(honestly that line is raw, we stan)
I think I also summerized the queer aspects of this really well on letterboxd and since I'm having a lazy day I'm just gonna Copy & Paste this shit there.
"This cross-dressing comedy is more like the 60s and 70s ones were these filthy men are invading womens spaces!!!!
thats a joke, anyway this film of course has ride or die Osgood Fielding III who likes "Pobodies Nerfect". at the same time the bottom in the relationship is honestly kinda gender fluid in this to the point where hes just perfectly comfortable marrying a man and living with she/her pronouns so like thats a thing."
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This is also to the best of my knowledge the last of the "Role-reversal" comedys which is ironic since this is also a movie so slutty it broke the hays code, (though I just watched the "Sadian Trilogy" and that was only a few years later and they were so god damn slutty).
Its hard to pinpoint why the role reversal comedy fell out of favor my best guess is that the lavender scare and the general culteral hatred for those filthy queers eating donuts. Thats not to say that there is not any drag comedies moving forward but the next resurgance I can think of in mainstream popular culture is in the 90s and 2000s and obvously in our modern decade drag queens are once again becoming popular. Its been an intersting experience within this niche genre because its always fascinating to see how different eras constructed gender.
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Suddently, Last Summer (1959) dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Ok there are a lot of great clips from this film but you just know I had to show a clip of Elizabeth Taylor being STUNNING.
so this is one of several adaptations made by GIANT GAY Tenessee Williams which deals with homosexual subtext. Along with Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and Rebel without a Cause or something.
This film follows hot doctor, Montgomery Clift, (also gay), who is being ara ara between Katherine Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor and its this amazing southern gothic vibe of incest and insanity and just being horny on main for the surrogate of your gay ass son.
There is definetly a subtext to the play that deals with the mental healtcare of the past and its hard not to draw the comparision between Taylor's threat of a lobotomy with the way that many queer people with lobotomized during the time. It should also be noted that Williams sister was lobotomized in real life so there is definetly a personal aspect to this story telling.
Also on the BTS Big Gay Time, Gore Vidal, Famous Bisexual, wrote the script for this film.
This film is textually about Elizabeth Taylor hanging out with her cousin who may or may not be paying the locals to suck his dick. Its very colonalistic. Anyway , Spoilers, he does get cannabilized by the locals like its a kenneth anger film.
Subtextually this film is just CAMP AF and so it also has this amazing amount of divas chewing the furniture. It is amazing.
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Vampry (1932) dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
Vampry ... Der Traum des Allan Grey , (ugh you know I have to say the full ass german name because I AM AN ASSHOLE). is just this random ass vampire movie made by Dreyer I think after he did his religious epic with that one saint the lesbians like.
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(ok I also love Joan of Arc, who doesn't she was a bad bitch)
this is on this list because according to Dreyer he based this off of Carmilla and also so like super random short story he read. This film is a lot like Nosferatu in the sense that the tropes for vampires wern't solidified and this is super artsy. A lot of these early non Dracula Vampire films were just doing the most and while this movie is probably the least gay vampire film i've ever seen it was v v cool.
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The Blood of a Poet (1932) dir. Jean Cocteau
So basically Jean Cocteau, (Gay), was talking to his rich friend who gave him a bunch of money and was like. Hey whore I want you to make the artsiest art film, just whatever goes throught that gay gay gay GAY gay gay brain of yours.
So this film is giving us Eux d'artifice vibes but at the same time this movie is not gay enough for me needs to be gayer. That being said there is two more of these films so I expect symbolic sucking and fucking in the sequels.
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Also Tonight I'm watching some of Julian Eltinges Filmography. A lot of his work is lost so if your gonna watch twitch tonight ge ready for Isle of Love and Madame Behave. anyway Sluts and Slanterns you have a good night.
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paristtexas · 4 years
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Dress(ed)-up for nothing 🌀 #chemise #chemiserayee #shirt #oversizedshirt #strippedshirt #dressedupfornothing #nowheretogo #homebound #friday #necklace #urbanjungle #concretejungle #adulife #vscocam #vscogirl #vsco (at Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/B99fvEPp6A7/?igshid=1ov0s3qz2ay32
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chaiza · 6 years
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When the strike hit you! Take me back Hilton Hotel Family! #memories💕#hiltonfamily#hotellife🏨#worklife “missing my team” can I have you guys back? #adulife#workhard💪#memories#asianprincess#pinay#birthdaygirl👑#pinkish#greatteam#teamforlife👭 eve though it can be hard sometimes, still kickoff it! #loyaltyiseverything#funteam#blessed🙌#missingyouguys❤️ (at Hilton Garden Inn Albuquerque Uptown) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqTy2Kslv2i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kieifqkj0wo9
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anonymoucity-blog · 7 years
Living in the past for a moment...
I wish I actually practiced making decisions in college!!! Instead I smoked weed to avoid making decisions and now decisions royally suck. Ok, back to living in the present because I’m not supposed to think about the past and how I wish I could, yet can’t, change it.
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paristtexas · 7 years
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| yes, tipsy much, lazy eyes | #but #allthelove #forreal #thursday #adulife #fam #thefam #koreanbitches #vscocam #vsco (at Sapporo Manchester)
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