#adwen plays kingdom hearts
captainadwen · 3 months
Still terrified of my ps4 freezing up twice during kh 2.8 so moving onto kh3! Reading the summary of the rest of kh ddd is. Whack.
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captainadwen · 5 months
KH ddd traverse town just be like
Joshua behind Sora's back: you're lucky you're lovable because you're a moron
Joshua to Riku's face: finally someone intelligent. Still gotta spoon feed you knowledge but we're getting somewhere in the brain department
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captainadwen · 10 months
Finished Terra's route am devastated
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captainadwen · 10 months
My blasphemous kingdom hearts experience thus far:
Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix: nearly rage quit twice. Reached final save point at level 53, wasn't strong enough to beat final boss sequences, looked up recommended level, didn't feel like leveling up 10-15 times. Cutscened the ending
Re:chain of memories: actually rage quit due to the worlds being such rehashes from kh1. Cutscened the rest. Highly enjoyed cutscene actually
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix: thus far have not felt urge to rage quit, but also like, in a game so misogynistic its gay I'm not surprised they removed the element from Mulan where her cunning / womanly skill of looking at things from a perspective of something other than brawn got removed in favor of ...brawn...
But I am disappointed
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captainadwen · 3 months
I am Excited for kh3
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captainadwen · 5 months
It might be because I hadn't played ddd for a month but. But. The tron boss fight with sora was so fucking brutal it makes all the subsequent boss fights look like jokes
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captainadwen · 10 months
Ranking kingdom hearts games by how much they made me want to rage quit, an ongoing list....
1. Re:chain of memories
Actually rage quit but only because of the repetition of the Disney stories. I just couldn't deal with that again. I watched a cutscene compilation of the OG stuff afterwards and was very entertained. This game made me actually start caring about the characters a bit
2. Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix
Nearly rage quit twice. Combat was really wonky (the DELAY on the dodge and block). Also the whole "the main female character was fridged in all but actually dying and will have no real role or character for the rest of the series " got established very quick and I'm still pissed about it. Actually quit before final battle because I was under level and not grinding about it
3. 358/28 or... whatever the numbers are
Didn't actually rage quit due to this being a cutscene compilation, but I did use it to exercise and I exhaustion quit that sometime around day 100. Along with chain of memories the only game thus far where a female character has an arc. This game is the reason I continued to care about the characters
4. Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
Didn't ever actually wanna rage quit but you know what I can rant about? How no female character has an arc. Or like. How the female lead has like MAYBE 30 minutes of total screen time and for 25 of them she is being kidnapped. For a game that took me 40 HOURS to beat
Anyway game so misogynistic it's gay. Truly iconic.
Now onto birth by sleep....
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