#afk granny dahnie
patroclustyro · 1 month
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I love granny dahnie, wilder people are definitely my favorites
- more png icons, feel free to use any way you wish! going to do more when I get back on my computer
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lucentborn · 12 days
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{: Tag Dump ; AFK Journey :}
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{: Bryon :}- Evergreen Sentinel {: Lorsan :}- Wind Whisperer {: Lyca :}- Keeper of Glades {: Granny Dahnie :}- Forest Guardian {: Arden :}- Oak Sage {: Eomir :}- Thorned Sage {: Parisa :}- Ode to Flowers {: Kafra :}- Gale Rider {: Damian :}- Woody Wonder {: Hewynn :}- Tender Leaf {: Florabelle :}- Blooming Maiden {: Merlin :}- The Great Mage
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magicofthepiper · 28 days
I should probably also explore why Good = Liberal mentality is also a poor reflection of AFK Arena's worldbuilding.
This time, I'll focus on the Wilders since Journey decided that of all the Wilders to get labeled this, they had to place it upon the Dusk Patrollers.
Even in Journey, it's clear that many Wilders struggle with internal conflict between abiding by tradition and remaining in the Dark Forest and yearning to explore the lands beyond the forest trees.
We see this with Eirron, who left the forest to better his sword-fighting. In Arena, he clashes with members of different Factions, particularly Thane the Lightbearer, and Brutus the Mauler.
Lorsan also shows signs of wanting to leave the forest. In Journey, this began out of a need to seek out a solution to the spreading corruption. In Arena, the start of his journey is treated more selfishly, but his decision is supported by Arden as part of his development as a Windwhisper. He eventually becomes quite a good companion to many Lightbearers.
In Arena, you even have characters who left the Dark Forest and became Maulers. Particularly, Alaro who couldn't fit into Wilder society. Whether he was a carnivore by choice or nature is not made clear, but his act of eating meat disgusted other Wilders and it seems to imply that, even at home, he was subjected to consuming only broth as nutrition. He escaped into the desert. He didn't abide by their traditions, becoming a bandit and nuisance, but he found much more freedom wandering the desert. Eventually, settling in the mercantile city of Canter, where merchants come together to sell and trade their wares aquired from across all factions.
However, the members of the Dusk Patrollers have no such freedom. While it isn't explicitly forbidden, it's discouraged for the Dusk Patrollers to leave the confines of the forest.
In Arena, Lyca has a fellow Dusk Patroller, Kaz, who is curious about the outside world. She sometimes sneaks off to explore the forest's outskirts. While this makes her a valuable informant, she can never wander far.
The Dusk Patrollers aren't born into their role, but they must be accepted by the Sages. Lyca trained hard to become a Dusk Patroller, I assume Kaz and Ira did as well. They chose to defend the Dark Forest, and not being able to leave is a sacrifice they made.
Ironically, even the isolationist faction, The Thorned Vengeance, will leave the forest. This is because while the Dusk Patrollers are sworn to protect the Dark Forest as a territory and all who peacefully reside within it, the Thorned Vengeance are driven by a need to protect fellow Wilders and only Wilders. If that means venturing into Lightbearer lands to track down slave traders, they will. Oku, in particular, ventured far from the Dark Forest, searching for his abducted daughter. He never found her.
Wilder society seems to function more like a Republic, with the elder council forming a senate. There's no signs that, for as tolerant of non-Wilders the leaders may be, they intend to grant the same rights to Lightbearers living in the forest.
Lightbearers are likely expected to be subservient to their monarch even when living abroad.
Even in Arena, the Thorned Vengeance is led by elders, so I found Eomir to be a reasonable addition to the narrative. Arden seems to have been the figurehead of both the Dusk Patrollers and the Windwhispers in Arena. Adding Dahnie seems more like a narrative contrivance than an enhancement.
I'm glad that is both games, Arden is both preoccupied by ensuring that the forest is watched over and protected and allowing his students freedom to travel the world outside of the forest. I quite like him as the figurehead of the "neutral" party.
But Granny Dahnie feels more like the conservative "spare the rod, spoil the child" figure. She's always chastising the gifted children for not conforming to her rules. I wouldn't really mind her as a character if she was just a member of the Elder Council and not the supposed leader of The Dusk Patrollers, the "liberal" faction.
I do think liberalism is good. I do really like that Wilders are a faction that prioritizes benevolence towards even those outside their faction. But I don't think they reflect a liberal society. Everyone seems to have the same traditions, believe in the same God, and Lightbearers seem to be tolerated as refugees, not as part of Wilder society.
There was one NPC in Journey's Taran Village that finds the habits of his neighbors irksome, so he wants to move. If you suggest moving to Lunadorf, another Wilder village, it would just discourage him. But suggest Holliston or Ryeham, Lightbearer areas, he would get excited. To me, this reflects a strong conformist attitude that is expected from Wilders. If he wants to get away from what irks him, he needs to move out of the Dark Forest.
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There don't really seem to be areas where Lightbearers have settled for longer than the Golems have been attacking. There wasn't a character like Arena's Tamrus (Lightbearer who was abandoned in the woods as an infant and raised by Wilders) to adress Lyca's own philosophy on who get to be considered a Wilder. It's very difficult for me to believe that any of the Wilders are advocating for a liberal society.
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patroclustyro · 1 month
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more icons from these cool lil characters
from the official introductory art
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