lemonzestywrites · 11 days
fuck it friday
tagged by the amazing @kitteneddiediaz
im slowly but surely picking away at ch4 of afotalwcs im not roughly about 2/3 of the way done and pretty soon im gonna start harassing my beta- but besides that here's a fun little snippet of some buddie banter cause im a simple woman!!
“I owe you, like, the blowjob of the century for this.” Buck snorts. “Is this you telling me you’re rethinking the whole sugar daddy dynamic?” he teases as he turns to take the rest of the groceries out of the bag. “For free groceries whenever I ask? Hell, I’ll call you daddy in the Ralphs deli aisle if you want me to,” Eddie jokes, opening up the packet of gummy bears. Buck’s chest explodes in laughter, cracking wildly through his ribs abruptly, nearly dropping the pack of carrots in his hands while he’s at it. Fucking Christ, Eddie Diaz is gonna be the death of him one day.
no pressure tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz @aroeddiediaz @jeeyuns @hippolotamus @devirnis (sorry if im forgetting people my brain is a little fried rn lmao)
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lemonzestywrites · 29 days
moodboard monday
literally no one tagged me in this but i’ve been on another moodboard kick and now you all have to suffer with me :)
anyways here’s a little board for ch 4 (phone sex chapter my beloved!)
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“And it works?” Eddie asks, the words so low they almost come out as a whisper as if they’re having this conversation in public and not a middle of the night phone call. Buck can’t help but find it amusing.
He knows it’s taken a lot for Eddie to do this, a lot of shit that he still has to work through just to find an ache of comfortability. To reconstruct those ideals and beliefs about sex and desire. And Buck genuinely couldn’t be more proud to see his friend work through all of this.
So to see Eddie get like this, slowly begin to peel back those layers and feel secure in this-
It’s nice.
Buck’s shoulders relax further into his pillows in a deep breath, allowing calm nighttime ease to slither in and find its place in the privacy of their late conversation. “Most of the time, yeah,” he admits.
By any definition, Buck wouldn’t ever find himself classifying as a prude or some kind of moralist when it comes to sex. That being said though, even he can’t help but find the pressance of a different kind of calm settling here in this space, a different in this dynamic between him and Eddie.
Months ago, the same question would have received a more tame answer. Something easier and still a bit more technical. He probably would have mentioned how men release hormones like oxytocin and vasopressin after an orgasm, which help induce sleep.
But that was before this.
Before things changed. Altered for the better. A new additive being introduced to their friendship in a slow-growing evolution.
Buck smiles to himself, unable to stifle the sense of amusement fluttering in his system. It’s interesting how much can subtly change after edging your best friend for an hour.
tags below the cut!!
(absolutely no pressure!!) tagging - @devirnis @eddiebabygirldiaz @aroeddiediaz @kitteneddiediaz @jeeyuns @hippolotamus @shyaudacity @elvensorceress @wildlife4life
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lemonzestywrites · 1 month
fuck it friday
tagged by the wonderful @eddiebabygirldiaz and @devirnis
so hi not dead!! and yes im still writing! work has been very stressful lately so i haven't gotten much of a change to get much done but thankfully i am back to a bit more of a normalish schedule!
thank you all for being patient with me! i seriously really appreciate it!!
anyways heres a little snippet from ch4 (which is turning out longer than i had thought) to make up for it.
(nsfw under the cut!!)
A small huff of laughter falls from his lips. “It’s always so fun to see you get this eager for this. I’m gonna have such a fun time with you, you know.” If their first scene is any indicator of it, Buck is almost sure of it, honestly. “I bet even if I just circled my fingers right along your hole…all nice and slow, that would be enough to start getting you restless.” Eddie’s breathing picks up, a subtle tell. And honestly, if Buck wasn’t so keenly focused on every sound pouring out of Eddie right now, he absolutely would have missed it otherwise.  But thankfully, he doesn’t. He smiles sweetly to himself, determined now to pull as many of those sweet noises out of him. It would definitely be easier in person, but Buck has never been one to turn down a challenge. “Gonna take my sweet time with you, Eds. Really enjoy you. If you thought I had you begging last time, it’ll be nothing compared to having you beg to come around my fingers.”  Eddie whines, a sweet noise- one all high-pitched and keen, as if he’s getting lost in the mental image himself. Buck is almost tempted to follow close behind, let himself be tugged in by temptation and those desperate urges that follow. But Buck digs his heels into the ground, determined to hold steady. “...But we haven’t gotten there just yet.” Quite frankly, he deserves a fucking medal for still holding strong after the small eager groan Eddie lets out.  Buck smiles, allowing slow growing confidence to tug at the corners of his lips, seeping through the timbre of his voice in that low, soft murmur. “Wanna make sure you’re nice and relaxed for me,” he purrs gently. “Gonna feel you get nice and loose beneath my fingers while I work you open.” “God, Buck,” Eddie mutters, but Buck doesn’t stop. He’s barely even started.
no pressure tagging - @hippolotamus @kitteneddiediaz @jeeyuns
@aroeddiediaz @wildlife4life @shyaudacity
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lemonzestywrites · 6 months
a foundation of trust and love we cannot see
paring: buck x eddie
chapter word count: 12.9k
rating: explicit
tw: n/a
chapter one
“It’s like I want to explore it and dive into it, but it’s not exactly like I’m seeing someone to try this all out with,” he explains, doing his best to keep down the annoyed huff that threatens to escape him at every other word.
The idea- the want is right there. But it always feels out of reach. Incomplete. Incomprehensible. A phantom figure pinning him down and making him get lost within himself.
Buck nods to himself before steadily going silent.
For a minute, Eddie thinks that this is the end of their conversation. Eddie’s not sure whether or not he’s grateful for that. He takes a swig from his drink, a little grateful for the way the alcohol burns down his throat.
“I can show you if you’d like.”
Eddie nearly chokes on his beer.
also known as the sub eddie fic <3
[read the rest on ao3]
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lemonzestywrites · 6 months
seven sentence sunday
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tagged by - @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @jeeyuns @devirnis thank you lovlies!!
okay i’m not letting this tag game get ahead of me this time cause i already missed wip wednesday so here’s a little aftercare fluff!! (from the bdsm fic obvi!)
“How are you feeling?” Buck asks after a few moments. His hands slow slightly in their minstrations as Buck’s focus to him becomes more clear. Eddie exhales slowly, leaning a little further against Buck’s shoulder. He mostly just feels relaxed and calm out of his mind, a feeling he could really get used to, in all honesty. But the echoing ache in his stomach, carrying an all too familiar hollowness to it, quickly becomes the more present feeling at the forefront of his mind. “Hungry,” he murmurs, shifting his head so he can look up toward Buck. His fingers drift down idly to the short tufts of hair near the base of Eddie’s neck. “You want me to make you something?” Buck asks, his voice genuine and soft in a way that matches the look in his eye as well. It’s not like it’s a manner unfamiliar to Eddie, but it is just the slightest bit jarring to think this is also somehow the same man who had him tied up and begging to be allowed to come maybe an hour ago. The duality of a man, Eddie thinks. He smiles teasingly up at Buck. “Since when have you ever known me to turn down your cooking?” It’s not like he’ll ever say no to a hand-cooked meal. Soft rumbles of laughter reverberate from Buck’s chest. “Oh, I see. So this was all just an elaborate scheme for me to cook for you more?” Eddie throws his hands up in faux surrender, a smile spread across his face. “You got me.”
no tags cause it is getting late and ive been neglecting these tags
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lemonzestywrites · 4 months
inspiration saturday
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from ch. 4 of a foundation of trust and love we cannot see 💕
admittedly this is the one moodbood that makes the least sense out of context but a lot happens here so i picked my favorite parts (i mayhaps can be persuaded for a second one)
tagged by the most amazing @devirnis @hippolotamus
tagging: @eddiebabygirldiaz @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck @aroeddiediaz @kitteneddiediaz
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lemonzestywrites · 3 months
Truly excited for
All your wips! Here’s a curveball request; can you share a moment from any one of them with buck comforting eddie, for any reason? It just might fix me
more than happy to share anon!!
counting this as my seven sentence sunday!!
tagged by the wonderful @devirnis
heres a little aftercare scene from afotalwcs chapter five!! (shocker i know)
Buck continues to whisper praises into his ear- thanking him, telling Eddie how good he did, saying he’s proud of him. Eddie doesn’t try and fight it now; he lets the praises melt against his skin, sinking in as far as they can like spring dewdrops falling across his shoulders. When his arms regain just enough strength, he snakes them around Buck’s shoulders, trying to keep himself upright, searching for a sense of stability as he floats along in his mind. He wonders if it’s weird for him to want something like this, but then he feels Buck's arms wrap around his waist again, and the worry melts away. Warm, Eddie thinks. He tucks his head into the crook of Buck's neck, content to rest there forever. Or as long as Buck will let him. He feels so safe here. Basking in gentle sunshine and the serene peace it offers, all while he sits there, he lets his body slowly drift to shore, the grounding weight of Buck's arms around him keeping him tethered to what he knows is real. At one point, Eddie barely registers the gentle, soothing circles Buck is idly rubbing along his back as he whispers soft praise into his ear. Slowly pulling him closer and closer back to the present. He smiles, nestling further as a silent thank you when the words can’t quite reach the way he’d hoped before his eyes drift shut again.
tagging - @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @kitteneddiediaz @wildlife4life @aroeddiediaz @giddyupbuck @shyaudacity @jeeyuns
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lemonzestywrites · 7 months
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i did a poll for the next posting and y’all have spoken! this next snippet takes immediately after this posting with a bit more soft dom buck!
also i got extremely indulgent with this one so ummm...enjoy the VERY long post LMAO
✨(nsfw under the cut!)✨ft. rimming (dont say you weren't warned!)
He’s not really used to this. A part of him isn’t really sure what to do with it- with this endless pleasure that’s fully and entirely his. 
There are no strings attached, no ulterior motives, really. Just Buck, who’s knelt between his legs and seems more than happy to linger there, driving Eddie fucking insane with nothing else but his tongue. (Holy shit, that tongue-)
Buck laps at his hole with such a hungry eagerness. Eddie strains against his bonds, writhing from the pleasure, his own cock dying for relief. But even as badly as he wants to seek out his own release, he knows better. Knows that’s not up to him, even as badly as he wants it.
Another sweet drag of Buck’s tongue sends a sharp shockwave of electricity up Eddie’s spine. He moans, the sound muffled and garbled behind the gag. Fuck. He’s not going to survive this. There’s no way.
He just manages to keep his hips from buckling again. Buck’s hands give his ass a slight, small squeeze as wordless encouragement. Eddie feels the heat of his mouth momentarily pull away, for a second. “Good boy, Eddie.”
The praise floods down Eddie’s cheeks, a burning wildfire claiming everything in its path. Scorching every inch of his skin, extinguishing every breath. He buries his face further into the mattress to steady himself, not minding the wet patch of drool pooling beneath him.
Buck dives back in not a moment later, the motion not faltering in intensity or desire. Maybe even increasing, as Buck devours him in full, the vibrations of his very self-satisfied hum doing fucking wonders to Eddie. A particular pass has Eddie instinctually bitting down on the silicone ball, the most depraved of moans being pulled from him as he does so.
Holy shit. He knew Buck was good with his mouth but this- 
This is borderline fucking illegal. It has to be- good fucking god. 
Eddie’s head spins, the world around him dizzying as he tries so desperately to at least force some air into his lungs, to make some attempt to ground himself here. He tries- he tries so hard-, but the air is too thin, too frail. His body tries to balance through every sensation, juggling through pleasure and desperation, through need and want. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Distantly as if miles away, he feels the warmth behind him retract slightly. Eddie whines, the sound needy and raw, though still muffled, as all of the sweet gorgeous bliss he was being offered suddenly pauses. 
The whole world drops off its kilter and every inch of his body aches in desperate depraved need.
But just like before, he feels a familiar warmth crawl up his back once more, but this time there’s no harshness to it, no domineering edge that carries an authority like it did earlier. The motion is still confident and sure, just…softer. Broad hands slide up Eddie’s sides with easy familiarity, an act that tugs at Eddie, grounding him to this moment. Buck retakes his place, spread along Eddie’s back again, tucking his head on top of his shoulder.
“Breathe,” Buck whispers. An order. Though it doesn’t really feel like one; not in the way Eddie’s used to. Because it doesn’t draw fear or demand respect. Buck’s voice is warm, gentle, even. “Take a big deep breath for me. Eddie. In through your nose; as much as you can take.”
Maybe in a clearer head, the rate and ease in which Eddie succumbs to Buck’s instruction might’ve been a surprise to him, but here at least, it doesn’t. He follows Buck’s words without a second's hesitation, inhaling through his nose, slowly taking in as much air as his lungs can allow.
It’s not like Eddie has ever had a problem with authority per se, not in the way he’s seen with other people, a fellow soldier disobeying an order, or another classmate making a snide comment from his fire instructor's lecture. Eddie’s always followed politely, because it’s what he’s had to do. It’s what was expected of him. From the moment he was a boy till now as an adult. The outburst, the disobedience, that’s just never been allowed. So he obeys. 
But with Buck…
It’s odd, the way it feels so different. Not bad. Or scary. 
Entirely the opposite, actually.
There’s a warmth, an air that surrounds Buck and his dominance. His command is still assertive, yet caring in the same breath. Not because he’s getting some sick power trip off telling Eddie what to do. 
That’s not how this works. 
He draws in a slow careful breath, feeling the edges of his raging mind beginning to calm a bit more, the hazy feeling starting to steady itself. 
Eddie doesn’t follow because he has to. 
He follows because he wants to. 
There’s so much trust placed between every order and every action. Never drawing from the feeling of reckless control or wild sexual abandon.
Buck hums to himself. “Perfect. Now let it all go.” The words flow so easily. Eddie releases the breath he was holding, not missing the way the hands at his sides begging to rub small circles into his hips. “Slower,” Buck coos gently, and Eddie leans into the instruction as soon as it's given, slowing the exhale down a bit more. “Yeah, just like that.”
The praise lands like morning sunbeams peeking in between the blinds, a warmth Eddie basks in, the muscles of his shoulders, relaxing as they fall. “Good. That was amazing,” he assures.
A feeling Eddie didn’t know he was even seeking out until now. Until the words landed delicately to his ears and gently tugged at his strings closer and closer to the ground. Never letting him stray too far.
Buck doesn’t just do this to exude power or control, just to fuck Eddie and leave him be afterwards. No-
Buck…Buck cares.
afotalwcs taglist (lmk if youd like to be added to be tagged in future postings!) - @eddiebabygirldiaz @your-catfish-friend @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @artemis-the-sinister
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lemonzestywrites · 3 months
wip wednesday
tagged by the wonderful @devirnis ty bestie!! hope you're having a good day!!
here's a little bit from chapter 4 of afotalwcs!
“Oh, look at you; one scene, and you’re already learning. I’m very impressed,” Buck smiles, not withholding any amount of praise from his tone. Another one of those very interesting discoveries he made the last time they did this. Listen, Buck always knew his praise kink was visible from fucking space, but to ever assume Eddie Diaz of all people had one was a discovery indeed. One he’s very keen to explore, too. “What are you wearing?” “Seriously?” “Forgive me for trying to paint a visual,” he teases. Eddie sighs, though Buck smiles as he catches hints of amusement in his breath. “A t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants,” he replies. “Hmm, very sexy,” Buck mutters jokingly. A snort reverberates from the other line as he hears Eddie laugh. “Any underwear?” “Yes.” “So impatient…,” Buck teases. C’mon, it’s not like he can let Eddie have too much fun here. The night’s still young. “Buck,” he whines. Low. Dancing along the edge of growing desperation. Buck swallows. There’s that immediate want, that desire he has just to see his partner satisfied and pleasured- one he craves so badly. One of those things whenever he doms, as Buck has found out, is that most times, his own satisfaction feels second to none in comparison to watching his scene partner get off.  Not to say he doesn’t get hard- as is so incredibly evident right now with the slowly growing ache to his cock. But his orgasm isn’t necessary to this- Eddie’s is. Besides that satisfaction he gets, that warm, comforting headspace that comes with crafting someone else’s pleasure is more than enough. He can always take care of it later. Once this call is over and Eddie is settled, Buck will probably take care of himself afterwards.  But as tempting as it would be to give Eddie everything he wants now, Buck has to remind himself the payoff will be worth it. He steels himself again and refuses to give in so early. “Not yet.” Eddie groans. But then again, Buck never claimed to be a strong man in the slightest. “Palm your cock through your sweats,” he orders, allowing a little leeway at the moment. “Slowly. And don’t even think about coming yet.” A little leeway.
no pressure tagging! - @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @jeeyuns @aroeddiediaz @kitteneddiediaz
sorry if anyone has been tagged already/ has already done this
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lemonzestywrites · 2 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @devirnis and @snowviolettwhite thank you both!! i super appreciate it
ive been slowly making my way through ch. 4 and im pretty much almost done with everything besides the plot i still need to write. but im committed to trying to get this out in the next two weeks if it kills me
but have a little snippet in the meantime
“Tell me?” Eddie asks quietly, words at first bordering between a statement or a question but then quickly settling on the latter. It’s two words. A simple request, really. A question that Buck knows he doesn’t have to answer. He knows Eddie would never make him do anything. But there’s something more than that. Another layer to this that Buck can’t ignore in the slightest. Something in the gentleness of Eddie’s tone. In the prodding that beckons truth but does not demand it. The words are permission. Tell me what you want, too. It’s… It’s hard to want things out of this too. Different in comparison to the way Eddie wants, Buck knows this. Eddie is exploring. Searching and learning. This is all new for him. He’s trying to put definitions and emotions to these things that have been limited to nothing but simple fantasy for so long. And Buck- Buck is here to guide him. That’s what he’s here for. To show him what this is supposed to look like and what a safe and healthy dynamic looks like so he knows. Nothing more; nothing less. To make this messier by adding what he wants; it’s…it’s just too much. So yeah, he has no problem shoving his own needs aside for this. He’s more than happy to do that, too. But even Buck can’t deny that the temptation isn’t there- especially now. The door is half-shut. Fuck, it’d be so easy to push it aside, too, to divert another direction and keep talking Eddie through his orgasm until Buck is listening to him fall apart even miles away. But Buck has a really hard time not being able to give Eddie what he wants. And if this is what Eddie wants- Buck takes a breath. And for a moment, a fraction of time, he indulges.
tagging - @aroeddiediaz @goforkinard @hippolotamus @eddiebabygirldiaz @kitteneddiediaz @wildlife4life
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lemonzestywrites · 5 months
wip wednesday
got tagged by the wonderful @wildlife4life ty bby!!
here’s a little tidbit from chapter three of a foundation of trust and love we cannot see :)
Buck reaches up to the headboard with both hands. For a brief moment, Eddie wonders if going to undo the ropes, but that thought is quickly extinguished as he feels a pair of firm, study hands intertwine with his own.
“Squeeze as hard as you can,” Buck instructs softly. There’s a soft fluttering intrigue as to what he’s doing, but nevertheless, Eddie does as he’s asked, tightening his grasp with as much strength as he can muster. Above him, Buck hums, satisfied. “Any numbness? Tingling?”
The medic in Eddie perks in recognition.
Pulse. Motor. Sensory.
Buck’s checking that he hasn’t lost circulation on his hands. Oh.
Eddie shakes his head softly. “No, I’m alright,” he mutters. So far, he’s doing good. No loss of sensation or numbness.
Right now, there’s only warmth placed in the palm of his hands.
tagging - @devirnis @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @hippolotamus
sorry if you’ve done this/have already been tagged i have not been online LMAO
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lemonzestywrites · 3 months
last line tag game
tagged by the amazing @devirnis
a little bit from afotalwcs ch. 4
A hot despertae flash strikes through every muscle in Buck’s body. Fuck, he cannot wait for their next scene together.
tagging - @eddiebabygirldiaz @jeeyuns @aroeddiediaz @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck
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lemonzestywrites · 3 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by the wonderful @giddyupbuck @aroeddiediaz and @eddiebabygirldiaz
im not gonna even pretend this is seven sentences like tbh i didn't even bother counting LMAO anywaysss here a bit of afotalwcs - from ch.4 obvi
(adding a cut for mentions of sexual content)
“Fuck, I could only imagine what you taste like.” The moan Eddie lets out is fucking wonderful. The noise itself it broken and low, almost like the sound itself caught Eddie off guard.  Buck smiles as he silently makes note of it and files that away for later. “Do you like that idea, Eds?” he asks, voice curling around the words in a sweet, sultry tease of something more. “You want me to play with your ass?” Eddie whines from the other side of the line. “Fuck yeah, please.” His voice drips in desperation, the eagerness finding its hold through the breathy panting of his words. Desperation is starting to become one of Buck’s favorite looks on Eddie. There’s something so rewarding about seeing Eddie, who’s so usually strung tight all the time, allowing himself to relax and really give into all the things he so keenly wants. “Have you ever fingered yourself before?” “Yeah. I did it aft-“ he cuts himself off suddenly, almost so fast Buck wonders for a moment if their call got disconnected. “I-I’ve done it before.” “Color?” “Green.” Buck smiles to himself.  So eager, he notes delightfully to himself. A hot, desperate flash strikes through every muscle in Buck’s body. Fuck, he cannot wait for their next scene together.  Buck swallows down the rampant excitement, doing his best to pull his focus back to the present. Back to Eddie. “Strip down. Grab a towel and some lube. You have a minute.”  The authority runs through him with ease, a river running its course with no way to be stopped.  There’s something about it, that hazy feeling in the back of his head as Buck slowly gets more and more comfortable like this. Adoring the buzz that domming gives him. When that sense of control hardens as realizes that blissed-out look in his partner’s eyes, those desperate whines slipping from their lips, that safe buzzing that gets more prominent as they play- it’s all his doing.
tagging- @devirnis @wildlife4life @jeeyuns @shyaudacity @kitteneddiediaz
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lemonzestywrites · 4 months
fuck it friday
yay im finally not so bombarded with last minute edits i can actually respond to tags LMAO what a delightful surprise
anyways tagged by the gloriously talented @devirnis @hippolotamus mwah love you both
heres a little snippet of ch.4 which is slowly growing as a favorite chapter of mine (hopefully you'll all see why haha)
eddie  (12:53pm) Hey
Buck smiles at his phone. It’s a little telling of just how long he and Eddie have been friends that, just by one text alone, his day feels reset on a better track. Granted, it was already good. But now, this feels like a small reassurance that it’s all going to be a little better.
That being said, though, he can’t shake the feeling either, like there’s something else hidden warily under the surface of his words. Well…text message, technically.
Eddie is a very straightforward thinker and also, therefore, a very straightforward texter. Vague one-worded messages are not usually Eddie’s style. 
Buck tilts his head a little curiously at his phone, the beginnings of a smile starting to crack open along his lips.
hi there
There’s only a split-second difference from when his message is marked as Delivered to Read (12:53 PM). A series of grey dots pop up along the left side of the screen. Then disappears. Buck waits a few extra moments curiously before the ellipsis returns back for a few more seconds.
Then vanish once more.
Buck huffs to himself. Okay, well, now he has to know what Eddie’s trying to say.
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lemonzestywrites · 2 months
wip wednesday
tagged by the most amazing @devirnis thank you!!
here’s a little bit more from afotalwcs ch4 which is about like a 1/3 of the way done!! i’m hoping if i slam out a couple big sessions soon i can have the next chapter posted in like two weeks or so!!
(content warning for mentions of explicit content beneath the cut!!)
“I’d think of all the things I could do with you all bent over like this.”
“Like what?” Eddie gasps.
There’s a pause. A moment in time where everything freezes.
Buck’s heart picks up, twisting wildly in his chest with a kind of heated lust that sends his head spinning. The question alone feels like just the barest crack open of Pandora’s box.
There’s one specific image, a want that had spiraled through his mind the first time Eddie was spread out beneath him. Back then it had felt a little shameful to indulge in, it still sort of does now in all honesty.
But something laced within this moment, in this delicate intimacy that shared between that the worry fades away. Drowned out by the clear unabashed enjoyment Eddie is drowning in.
The taste of it is addictive. Buck would do just about anything to ensure that bliss lasts as long as it can.
“I don’t know…” he says teasingly, his words dragging out with his coy smile. “I’d love to eat you out.”
“Fuck,” Eddie moans, the sound leaving him in unrestrained abandon.
Buck absolutely fucking beams.
tagging - @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @aroeddiediaz @hippolotamus @goforkinard @kitteneddiediaz and anyone else that wants to post something today!!
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lemonzestywrites · 5 months
a foundation of trust and love we cannot see
paring: buck x eddie
chapter word count: 11.7k
rating: explicit
tw: n/a
❤️ ii. chapter two ❤️
- chapter summary -
It’s almost weird in a sense. He knows he and Buck are just going to talk. Nothing more. But something about it, that line now being drawn in the sand as boundaries become grounded things- words on paper.
-Well, on a screen, technically. Buck had emailed him over a form with a bunch of kinks and activities, which was very extensive to say the least. Not that Eddie doesn’t appreciate the thoroughness, he does. But…he’s never had to talk about sex before.
There are rules to this- limits that are being outlined. Eddie kind of figures there would be a talk eventually- obviously, since this whole thing is much more intricate and complicated than any other sexual venture he’s had.
Which means he doesn’t know what to expect.
But it’s fine. This will all be fine. They’re just talking. What’s to worry about?
Eddie’s phone goes off from across the kitchen counter. He picks it up and there, marked clear as day, alongside a few random unimportant notifications, is a message from Buck.
Buck (1:34pm) omw! be there in about 30 :)
[start from the beginning]
interested in more? check out my masterlist!
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