#after my brother. a long time viewer. told me about his steering wheel challenge
smp-live · 2 years
idk I just feel like I need to ramble so. long tags ahead. yeah
#I first watched Techno's content three years ago - almost to the day#sometime within the past week would have been it#after my brother. a long time viewer. told me about his steering wheel challenge#Tomorrow is also the anniversary of a loved one's passing. Techno's content helped get me through it#and the rest of the worst summer of my life#His mc.c streams were the only reason I went on you.tube in the first half-year of lockdown. they gave me something to latch on to#I know he had a similar impact on my brother. Even now his channel is one of the only two I have notifications on for#His dedication and sarcastic optimism are things I look up to and aspire to be able to do myself#and his loved ones deserve the best. he deserved better#and this (building on previous feelings) is what's making me consider changing my major#I used to think I'd be happy if I did *something* in nuclear technology. made some advancement that bettered green energy#but I'm not sure if that's enough for me anymore#I kind of want to do medical physics. if when my time comes I can point at one person and say. ''I saved their life'' I will be happy#if I can look at this man who made millions of people's days better and say ''he put me on this path'' I'll be happy#and idk if I will otherwise#Obviously I'm not making any rash decisions here I'm gonna sit on it and think about if I can really do medicine and chem and all that but..#fuck man#ok if you read all this - or if you didn't. I love you. take care of yourselves. thank you for indulging in silly ol' me. bye <3
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