#again this is literlaly just me RAMBLING
spoopy-fish-writes · 2 years
Wow. Today went so bad every single time I was in my house
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tenshindon · 3 years
if i think about tien fretting over chiaotzu and yamcha’s safety one more time i think i might explode so For Once i’m writing out my thoughts in the main part of the post :)))) under the cut of course :))))))
We all know that Tien’s concerned over Chiaotzu’s well-being all the time, like that’s a defining part of their relationship. Even when they’re already dead Tien’s still horrified at the prospect of Chiaotzu dying during their spar with Piccolo. However it isn’t until Resurrection F that we’re given a notice that Tien’s concerned over Yamcha as well. Whether this was a development exclusive to Super or it’s just been a background thing that’s only now manifesting in the subtlest of ways, we will never know <3 Either that or my memory of Everything Ever is very hazy <3 however I will talk about it anyways because my brain is decaying as we speak because holy shit 
Like through Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, we repeatedly see Yamcha extending his heart out to Tien: Yamcha repeatedly pleading with Tien to reconsider learning the mafuba, Yamcha granting Tien reassurance before he goes off to fight Tao and subsequently understanding Tien needs time alone after the fight, Yamcha wishing to stay with Tien and Chiaotzu in the afterlife, and so on. From these instances alone, we know that Yamcha is certainly more open about his affection and care towards his friends (which is a whole post I can make on its own, Yamcha’s incredibly emotionally intelligent and it’s so good).
However this type of care isn’t exactly reciprocated towards Yamcha- or not as obviously, anyways. Which isn’t all too surprising; pardon Chiaotzu and especially by Z, Tien’s very reserved and generally just keeps to himself and Chiaotzu. 
However, as aforementioned, Tien remarks that he left Yamcha and Chiaotzu behind away from the fight. It’s a rather innocuous line when you think of it: on the surface, Tien’s just clarifying- well, he just left Yamcha and Chiaotzu behind because he feels it’s too dangerous for them. But then you have to ask the question: since when did Tien have authority over what Yamcha did? And why was Yamcha so willing to listen? Was Yamcha just not clued in on what was happening and Tien figured he wouldn’t tell him? 
Chiaotzu is understandable; despite Chiaotzu being just five years younger than Tien and thus being in his early 40′s by Super, Tien still treats him like a younger brother and as his guardian. So when he so casually adds Yamcha to this- to just so naturally say “I left Chiaotzu and Yamcha behind. The danger seems too much for them,” it just really makes you think a bit. Because Tien made a conscious decision to leave Yamcha behind for his well-being.
In this instance Tien is putting Yamcha on the same- or at least similar level as Chiaotzu, someone we’re all very well aware that he would literally kill someone for, even if that someone is himself. The meta explanation for this could very well just be Toei didn’t want to bother giving Yamcha and Chiaotzu anything to do during the movie, and since they were already perceived as the weakest among the cast it was much easier to leave them out of it entirely (though that’s a rant for another day). The issue that arises however is that Toei accidentally (or maybe intentionally) adds a layer to Tien and Yamcha’s relationship, or at least shows us that Tien does care about Yamcha’s safety and shows some type of growth to Tien. As I talked about before, Tien is reserved and doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve- so for an action like this to occur on his part, it demonstrates a great leap in his development as a person and opening up.
And the thing about this is that it’s not entirely out of Tien’s character to leave people behind to protect them- it’s completely in character, in a way. During the Saiyan Saga, Tien initially attempts to dissuade Chiaotzu from attending the Saiyan fight, forming a similar excuse as that it would be too dangerous for him. With an instance like this, it shows us that if Tien isn’t confident he can protect Chiaotzu on the battlefield, the most he can do is make sure he’s at home and assuredly safe. He does this again during the Cell Saga by leaving Chiaotzu at Roshi’s abode, once again asserting that it would be too dangerous for Chiaotzu.
During Z Tien doesn’t show this type of concern towards Yamcha, which isn’t wrong or even irrational. Amidst Z, Yamcha was more than capable of taking care of himself and looking after his own back; Tien didn’t reason it would make sense for him to look after him. Not only that, but Tien and Chiaotzu’s relationship is just seemingly more natural to him: he’s known Chiaotzu since he was a child, it makes sense for his care to be more open and at the ready. Tien knows Chiaotzu and his boundaries, and vice versa.
The important thing about Tien though, as I already mentioned right- he’s reserved. Coupled with the fact he was raised by Shen and Tao of all people, it’s probably hard for him to make deep connections with people, let alone traditionally express care. That’s why Chiaotzu is such an anchor for him: he’s really all he has at the end of the day, if not himself. And he’s already demonstrated he’d rather die than live without his brother.
Shifting to Yamcha, it’s... a topic that really should be touched on more. When Yamcha dies during the Saiyan Saga, the anime offers a particular reaction shot on Tien. It’s not much all things considered, but it does allow the viewer to be able to identify that Yamcha’s death had somewhat of a significant impact on Tien specifically, as he’s the only one with an isolated reaction shot (which is especially telling considering Krillin was friends with Yamcha longer and logically would be more devastated and more deserving of a singular shot. He gets this, however by actually checking on Yamcha’s body but I could touch on that whole topic another time). Later on in the Cell saga, Tien is subjected to watching Yamcha die (or be on the precipice of dying) again via Dr. Gero; Tien is the first of the Z Fighters to show up to the scene, thus giving us another Tien-specific reaction shot.
Obviously, Tien’s reactions to Yamcha and Chiaotzu differ severely; we’ve already gone over why Chiaotzu has a greater bond to Tien, and despite the friendship Yamcha and Tien have been able to build over the years it would be near impossible for Yamcha to ever be totally on the same level as Chiaotzu. But at the very least and looking at the Resurrection F dialogue, Yamcha’s deadly experiences have had a lasting impact on Tien.
It wouldn’t be improbable to assume Tien suffered from guilt from Chiaotzu dying during the Saiyan Saga- he even warned Chiaotzu about coming along, so being helpless to protect his brother as he watched him be bashed before he ultimately kills himself could have been certainly traumatizing. Chiaotzu’s death in the Saiyan Saga, in my opinion, is more devastating than his King Piccolo death.
Against King Piccolo Chiaotzu was killed swiftly, and he was at least able to leave a body behind. Of course, there definitely comes feelings of guilt at the fact Tien was the one who instructed Chiaotzu to get into danger in the first place- which is probably why he’s more open to the idea of letting Chiaotzu sit a fight out in the future. During the Saiyan Saga, Chiaotzu is thrashed over and over again and rammed against mountains while Tien is found in a similar position of being physically incapable of protecting him. The whole display definitely lasts much longer than the King Piccolo incident, and it’s far more agonizing as Chiaotzu telepathically communicates with Tien during this. All for it to culminate in Chiaotzu uselessly sacrificing himself, Tien even hallucinating Chiaotzu amidst delirium.
Tien best shows his care through action and protecting those he loves- he’s just incapable of verbally saying he cares and thus best does it through service. For Tien to implicitly order Yamcha to stay away from the fight with Chiaotzu, it shows us that he harbors similar feelings of fear, guilt, and care that he does towards Chiaotzu towards Yamcha as well. Tien does his best to keep Chiaotzu away from fights because he’s afraid of losing him again because he wasn’t strong enough to protect him- it’s a fair-enough bet to wager this fear extends towards losing Yamcha as well.
Which not only makes Tien’s underwhelming reaction to Earth blowing up so fuckinnnn aggravating like oh my god like fucking he actually kept his loved ones behind and they still died can you imagine the fuckin turmoil and angst jesus christ im going insane Also this is why I needed a fucking scene of these three knuckleheads talking about chiaotzu and yamcha staying behind like toei im begging you throw me a bone LMAOOOO
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niskoo · 3 years
pairing: bad boy! Heeseung x reader
genre: fluff, crack
warnings: consumptions of alcohol
word count: 1.1k words (again lol)
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It’s 11 pm, you’ve arrived at the party at 9:30, and you’re already tipsy and exhausted. Heeseung scowls when he sees yet another random dude trying to give you a glass of alcohol.
He takes it from him instead, sending him a sharp glare and a fake grin, protectively pulling you to his side. Once the guy is gone, Heeseung passes the glass to Jay, who surprisingly is not tipsy at all.
“Hee!!” You giggle out, stumbling in his arms, “I feel wooooozzzyyyy!!!!” Heeseung can’t help but chuckle lightly at your funny actions, sliding his hand around your waist to stabilize you against him, “I know you do, babe.”
Sunghoon comes from the kitchen with a bag of chips, passing Heeseung his car keys. The older mutters a quick thanks, before starting to trudge and pull you to the door.
He doesn’t get to get you out the door, because you’re pulling back and pointing at the dance floor, “Heeseungg!! They’re playing my favorite songgg!!!!” You’ve said that to the past 4 songs he’s had to dance to with you.
“Babe, not right now, okay? Maybe next time?” Your boyfriend tries to convince you, but all you do is jump and point at the people dancing, “Look! Even Jungwon is dancing!! I haven’t danced with him yett!”
As much as Heeseung would love to see you hanging out and having fun with his own best friends, you’re way too drunk for your own good. Without even having to ask, Heeseung is squatting in front of you and grabbing the back of your thighs, hoisting you up to his back.
You simply wrap your arms around his shoulders and continue rambling something about the cat video Jungwon showed you the other day. He passes a bunch of random people, nodding respectfully and making sure to avoid anything peaking your interest around the house.
At last, he’s out the door, with you still mumbling random things on his shoulder. He reaches into his pocket to fish out the car keys to Sunghoon’s car he let him borrow, jogging down the street to unlock it. You two arrived with his motorcycle, and he’s not so sure if bringing you home with it is safe enough.
Heeseung carefully helps you into the passenger's seat, “Okayyy, up we go, into the car. Watch your head,” You don’t process anything, but you know where you are and where you’re going.
Heeseung tries to close your door as softly as he can so he doesn’t wake you up, before whistling and walking over to the driver's seat. He plops in comfortably, instantly turning the engine on. Before taking off, he glances at your tired form, chuckling at how worn out you look with your messy hair and droopy eyes.
Your boyfriend decides to reach over and pull the seat belt over your body, securing you safely. He sits back, and admires you and how you automatically pull your legs onto the seat and lean on the window.
Heeseung sighs, focuses on the road, and takes off to his apartment. He decides to turn the radio off, as it seemed to be disturbing your sleep.
A few minutes into the drive, Heeseung takes his left hand off the wheel, resting his arm on the armrest next to him. His eyes widen when there’s a sudden touch to his hand, your touch. Your hand drapes lazily over his, just barely connecting.
Shifting his hand, Heeseung places it on top of yours, his fingers slipping right through perfectly between yours. The gesture is soft, affectionate, it pulls straight to your heartstrings despite being drunk and tired. A smile spreads through your face as you play with his pinkie finger with your other hand.
You do this for the rest of the ride, too exhausted to even process that you’ve already pulled up into the parking lot of Heeseung’s apartment building. It’s when his hand pulls away from yours when you realize what’s happening.
The door to your seat is being opened, so you instantly reach your hands and legs out to Heeseung, “Carry me peasant! My legs are far too tired to hold myself up!” Your lover laughs at your silliness, but obliges to your request.
He locks the car, before starting to head for the elevator. You do nothing but hug Heeseung and once again snooze into his shoulder.
The ride up is short, after all it’s just 2 floors up. His apartment is just to the right, the first door. He’s quick to take his keys out and unlock the door before you slip out of his arms.
Heeseung shuts the door behind him, placing both the car keys and the apartment keys in the jar on the table right next to the door. “Okay baby, wake up,”
You feel the couch cushion below you, and instantly flop and bury your head in one of the corners, cradling a pillow to your chest.
Heeseung chuckles, you simply look too cute. “Honey, come on, let’s go to bed, yeah?” His hands find their way to your face, squishing them to bring you back to consciousness. You only grumble back in protest, furrowing your brows and shaking your head in objection.
Heeseung squishes your cheeks harder, “Come on, I can brush your hair for you while you brush your teeth, and I’ll let you use my favorite pink hoodie (FROM DANIEL AAAAA) for once, and we can cuddle too, and I can play with your hair just the way yo-“
“Shh, enough peasant. Take me there.”
Heeseung laughs loudly against your finger pressed to his lips, before looping his arms under your legs and body, “Yes, my Queen.”
He then hops up, surprising you as you lift off the couch. You scream and latch onto Heeseung with yells of how he should’ve warned you.
Throughout doing all the actions he mentioned before, you couldn’t help but soften at how loving Heeseung was, and how he always put your care first and his last, helping you do all your needs, helping you with your face care, even helping with putting your clothes on even if you’re completely capable of doing it despite being a bit tipsy.
Now here you are, laying in bed and waiting for Heeseung to join you to head to sleep, thinking of all the sweet things he’s done tonight. There’s a dip in the bed, before you feel the blanket being lifted and draped over your body.
Heeseung sighs into your neck, finally feeling the inner peace he wasn’t able to get at the party. He melts when he feels your fingers thread through his hair.
“Thank you.”
It’s a very sudden statement, but you don’t take it back, you truly mean it. Your boyfriend smiles and reaches out to hold your hand, “Anytime bub,”
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elytrafemme · 3 years
yeah so for cough syrup i think next chapter will be posted tomorrow, edited or not. and then. afterward i will push back uploads to once every two weeks. 
right now in terms of buffer, i have chapter 6 (next chapter) fully written, as well as chapters 7 and 8. i’m working on 9 right now. i don’t want to delay how quick i get out chapters because i kind of have a massive fear of abandoning this project and therefore have done literally everything in my power to avoid that, but at the same time i have zero energy and if i had energy, zero time to really avidly work on cough syrup. 
this also may mean the pacing will get a little fucked up, because. i want to accelerate the plot fast enough that trying to get this fic finished is not fucking unbearable, like. cough syrup currently has tubbo’s character arc and then ranboo’s, but tubbo’s character arc on it’s own has like two very separate parts to it, and ranboo’s has like fucking three. and i’ve been trying to keep pacing somewhat consistent but at the same time, chapter 7 is a big plot-relevant chapter and it’s just fucking thrown in there, and the way i’ve written this fic i haven’t exactly. like.
part of the cough syrup writing process was me acknowledging that the more i plan out a fic, the less likely i am to like. finish said fic. so the plots are cemented, and scene ideas are suggested, but none of the chapters are planned. i just go for it with a vague idea. this was extremely helpful for me in terms of not hitting writer’s block, but now is kind of an issue because half of the plot i’ve sorted out after i’ve started writing, and i have no idea how to pace it because, fun story, i literlaly can’t remember the details of my own fic so i have zero fucking idea what major details have been established yet
so like. now i’m going to plan it more, and hope in editing i can sort of smooth out pacing and make chapters longer. but i just need more time to write chapters which is why i’m extending the time i think. and that is stressing me out but like. i do not exactly have another option in this situation here. i would like to write it quicker so i can actually work on and publish the 30 day fic, or the tntduo multichapter plans, but i like. fuckin. don’t have time. 
i’m also working on a school affiliated and outside of school affilited writing stuff lol so my writing endeavors overall are a mess
anywya. sorry for the ramble. i’m stressed about cough syrup and more stressed about disappointing anyone with cough syrup. but if i push back uploading dates, i have until the end of october to finish chapter 9 instead of the end of this month. which saves me a lot of time. 
sorry again. i’ll stop posting now i think, have a nice night
time to figure out how the fuck to study for this calculus exam, still
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