l-sincline · 3 years
I talk about a big plot hole of SBI not being canon and also why it would work as canon and ALSO what problem saying SBI isn’t canon actually reveals under the cut because I’m very torn.
(Also I’m very much so rambling from a writers perspective, there’s definitely a lot more at play that I’m glossing over lol)
Why is it at all meaningful that Phil was the one who stabbed Wilbur?
By taking away the father son dynamic (even if it is just found family) you lose a lot of the emotion in wilburs death, because now it’s just some guy who came on and went “Oop- time to die!” You lose a lot of the trauma behind Wilbur’s death, being killed by your own father and some man who just felt like he was doing a moral good are two very different things. Though part of Ghostbur’s trauma is certainly the result of his own actions, parts can also be attributed to those around him, especially being killed by his own father in a pro-sbi world.
And the argument that SBI itself creates plot holes doesn’t really work here either- a big part of the dream smp is that no one really has a fleshed out backstory. Even with Ranboo, all we know is that he seems to have some form of memory loss. A lot of time in the dream smp is spent focused on the present, which is great, the story doesn’t really need to delve into the past.
When it does, it’s just tidbits of information that don’t really have their own story behind them, such as everyone’s favorite fish mom, sally (or the lesser favorite, Samsung smart fridge.) We don’t NEED to see Sally or get a ton of detail about Sally and her relationship with Wilbur, we just know that she’s Fundy’s mom. And that’s really all we need to know, should need for more information about Sally arise, it can easily be inserted because she wasn’t given some big elaborate backstory.
In its best case scenario, it would’ve been the same with SBI. By just saying “yeah they’re all related” (once again, in a found family situation or not) you can leave ends open to interpretation until you need to fill them in. Obviously at some point the disconnect between the family would need to be addressed, but that isn’t really as hard as it may seem. We already see Phil and Techno having a clear fondness for each other, Tommy clearly cares about Phil’s opinion and him in general (even if he isn’t as open about it) Wilbur generally seems to only hang around and enjoy their company as well as trying to bring them all back together (there’s also that mention from earlier of the importance that Phil is the one who killed Wilbur) and deny it as he may, Techno came to help Tommy (and Wilbur) out of their pogtopia situation at the drop of a hat, and also continues to shield Tommy despite knowing it could get him in big trouble.
As it stands, the family dynamic is clearly a little broken, but there are many, many events in the plot that explain this. Tommy has a pretty deep distrust of techno- duh, he watched this man (brother?) who he thought was on his side murder his best friend infront of an audience at their enemy’s command. (I won’t even get into the withers, that’s a whole other can of worms that goes way deeper than SBI) Phil clearly prefers techno- well unfortunately he did kill one of his sons and the other one got exiled, he is kind of stuck with techno only, though I must also mention that every parent has a favorite child (if you think this is untrue: congratulations, you’re the favorite) Overall, there are a lot of events in the plot that would lead to the family being a bit dysfunctional right now, Wilbur seems to be the one trying his hardest to get them back together. We can assume this is because he lost his memories and doesn’t really understand why they aren’t all of good terms.
At the end of the day, as much as I love techno (blood for the blood god, E, whatever other nonsense you want me to spout) it does actually seem that he’s the only one actively pushing against the dynamic. (Tommy seems to just... exist within it. Not really for or against. Unless he states otherwise in the future in which case hoo boy) Phil seems pretty content with his role as ‘dad’ never really actively denying it while also seeming to refer to the rest of the boys as kids. (I mean, really, the checking in on Techno and then seeing Tommy there and saying that it’s been awhile and he’s glad they’re together and talking?) Wilbur has also confirmed things in reference to the SBI family (Technos older than 2 minutes... right?)
The denouncing SBI issue ends up less as “guess the family isn’t canon?” And showcases more that there’s some communication not happening behind the scenes. I mean truly, if they all decide “yeah that isn’t canon” then there really isn’t much you can do, but the box Technos opened is that there’s communication not happening- and that’s what’s causing plotholes. Storytelling through roleplay can be extremely riveting (trust me, I role played for many years) but there are certain things that need to be agreed upon between all members, sbi being a big one right now. While Phil and Wilbur are off dropping bits of SBI lore, Technos busy saying it’s not real. Looks like Sleepy Bois Inc might need to have a little chat? Who really knows. Hope it sorts out like the Tommy finding technos house thing did lmao.
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