#aichi reikai
miyazaki-division · 2 years
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Kyokos thoughts on Shizuoka division
Kanon Hojo
“She looks dangerous! Granted from what Mari says about her…she is dangerous!” Kyoko blinks “I wonder what made her into what she is today…she must have been hurt pretty badly”
Reika Aichi
“Aichi-san is a very pretty woman” Kyoko smiles “I hear…she lost quite a few husbands to some unfortunate circumstances”
Her eyes darken “They probably deserved to die…maybe they were scum” she mutters
Her tone quickly changes back to a happy one
“I dunno much about her though! She’s more than welcome at the shrine if she wants to visit”
Sakura Kito
“I like her! She stops by Mari’s shop a lot!” Kyoko grins “Also…she kinda helped out Rinko back when something really bad happened in Shizuoka”
“Rinko and I got separated, I was worried about her being alone because of what happened last time…she tends to get scared real easily” she explains “Next thing you know, I’m in the hospital telling Rinko about how this weird dude knocked her out and this woman stepped in to help her”
Silent Tragedy
“I like to think we could be on alright terms with this division!” Kyoko leans back in her chair “Mari seems to like talking to Sakura and Reika so that’s a plus!”
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miyazaki-division · 2 years
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Rinko’s thoughts on Shizuoka division
Kanon Hojo
“Kanon…I know of her yes” Rinko gently plucked a string on her violin “I’ve heard the rumors about her specifically from Himari”
“I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of her during a street performance I was giving in Shizuoka before” she rubs her head “She was watching me from far away…I couldn’t tell if she was pissed off at me or if she actually liked the song I was playing”
“She seems like the type of person to enjoy classical music”
“I do have to agree with our leader here…she is rather stunning. Though I already have my eyes on someone” She glances over at the oblivious blonde across the room “She still seems like a sophisticated woman, no doubts about that one!”
“I’ve came across her before” Rinko sighs “It was late at night in Shizuoka…and I ran into some trouble” the red head began to tear up “This man had a gun and-! He knocked me out- I THOUGHT I WAS ABOUT TO DIE”
She felt a hand on her back, turning around to see Himari had snuck up behind her. Pulling her into a hug Rinko began to speak once more.
“Apparently she saved my life that night, when I woke up I was in the hospital with Kyoko and Himari by my side…I don’t know what happened to that man however”
Silent Tragedy
“They certainly are interesting I give them that, though if looks could kill…I would be dead” She shudders “I really think we should stay on our toes in a match with them”
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miyazaki-division · 2 years
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Himaris thoughts on Shizuoka division
Kanon Hojo
“I have a policy, I won’t ask if you don’t want to tell me what the fuck your doing” Himari muses “I’m not entirely sure what goes on behind closed doors with her but I heard a few rumors floating around in a waiting room back when I was making the deal to get me set free from prison”
Himari shrugs before finishing a sleeve of the suit she was mending
“Like I said, I won’t ask”
Reika Aichi
“I have to admit she is pretty…I wonder where she gets some of the dresses I’ve seen her wear” Himari’s eyes light up “The intricate designs I’ve seen for some of the more high end clothing is honestly interesting to me!”
“This woman seems to have an air to her…beautiful yet deadly” The blonde smiles “In all honesty…it’s intriguing as hell!”
Sakura Kito
“She’s in here all the time” Himari grins “I usually work on mending her suits or sometimes even getting her new ones” she gestures to the suit she was currently mending “It’s actually what I’m working on right now”
“I don't really care about the fact she’s the head of the Yakuza in Shizuoka. Like I said before…I won’t ask if you don’t tell me” she shrugs “Even if you hand me something covered in blood and ripped to hell…I’ll hand it back good as new with no questions asked!”
“I do feel like I owe her one…she saved Rinkos life”
Silent Tragedy
“Their probably one of the more interesting groups in the DRB” Himari grins “I’m looking forward to this matchup though…don’t expect me to hold back just because I’m fond of them”
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