#aight bye besties😛
wildwormies · 10 months
Yeah I’m pretty sure we all saw this coming but I’m scrubbing this blog. I was originally going to delete it but I’ve put too much time and effort into all of my snips and it harms no one staying up. I’ve drafted like 5 posts explaining my grievances with this community but honestly there’s too much to state concisely so here:
Preface I want to be clear this isn’t directed towards everyone. I’ve interacted with plenty of chill people but the fact the majority of the content creators on here are problematic really leaves a foul taste in my mouth.
I’m no longer comfortable knowing my content for a young children’s tv show featuring 2 real human beings is just out there for anyone to find. There’s a reason people keep leaving. This was fun while it lasted but I’m burning this bridge and everything behind it.
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