#aislynn's vids
ageless-aislynn Β· 1 month
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*high pitched screaming*
At lonnnnnnng last, friends, thanks to a Steam sale, I own Final Fantasy XV!!!
Okay, so if you were around 2017!Aislynn, you'd know I was obSESSED with the Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive movie. Liek woah.
*unrolls my list of vid 'cause you know your good sis here made some vids* πŸ˜‡
(Since you can only embed one vid per post, the others are links to their respective Tumblr posts. πŸ˜‰All have the same password: lunyx)
β€œGangsta” (Nyx/Luna, Kingsglaive, Final Fantasy XV)
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These are seriously 3 of my most favorite vids to ever make, not because they're Made By An Awesome Vidderℒ️or anything πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚ but because I can genuinely feel the love I have for these characters when I watch them back.
Also, I had "The Way" by Fastball in my vidding pocket for aaages (it was originally earmarked to be a Lost vid, if that tells you anything πŸ˜‰) and I was so happy to finally get the chance to use it!
Anyway, not sure when I'll be playing FFXV but now I have it and I can (hopefully) play it and I just had to share my happy! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
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ageless-aislynn Β· 7 months
Now, since I've ended up with a bunch of games in my Steam library but, you know, have only played the Halo MCC and Mass Effect: Andromeda, I had a stern talking to myself about not buying more games just to have them sit there, unplayed. Because, you know, being an adult and saving money and all that.
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Okay, I cannot TELL you how much I've wanted to play a Tomb Raider game, any Tomb Raider game, for literally over 20 years since I fell in love with the 2001 Angelina Jolie movie. I don't even know if the 2013 game is a good game or not. It's $2.99. It has to have at least $2.99 worth of fun in it, right?
I made that promise. πŸ˜‘
What if I write a whole page on my WIP? After being writer's blocked for months now, that HAS to be worth a $2.99 game that I've wanted for so long, right?
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password: laracroft
WARNING: FLASHING LIGHTS (and Vimeo's player comes on with full volume so beware of that, too, though there's a volume control at least)
I even won an award for my Tomb Raider vid! It's full of love and beat use and things! (And again, flashing lights, sorry.)
All right, I'm going to take that deal. Write a page on my WIP and I can, at long last, achieve my dream of playing Tomb Raider!
Wish me luck, I'll hopefully be back later with a successful update!
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ageless-aislynn Β· 8 months
"Say You Won't Let Go" (Scott Ryder/Gil Brodie, Mass Effect: Andromeda)
"You made me feel as though I was enough..." Gil's point of view on his relationship with the Pathfinder.
I decided to playthrough every available romance for both Scott and Sara and I was honestly floored by how much I loved Scott and Gil! They just seem to have such *happiness* in being together, it really hit me right in my fangirly heart. When I stumbled across this song, I immediately wanted to vid it for them. (And I was pleasantly surprised that there was enough footage ~barely~ to support Gil's p.o.v., lol πŸ˜‰)
If you choose to watch, I hope you enjoy! I'm pretty sure that Andromeda's not done with me yet so expect to see a couple more vids set in the Heleus Cluster whenever something strikes my muse's fancy. πŸ’–
PS - If Gil's voice actor sounds familiar, that's because he's Gethin Anthony, who played Renly Baratheon in Game of Thrones. πŸ˜‰
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ageless-aislynn Β· 7 months
"The Pathfinder" (Scott Ryder, Alec Ryder, Mass Effect: Andromeda)
(For N7 Month: Day 7 Free Space)
"Your father invented this role but you defined it."
A look at the final mission of the Pathfinder... and the first, woven together by the challenges of the Heleus Cluster.
Happy N7 Day! πŸ’–
My computer is sadly in its death throes, so I had to finish this off without being able to capture a couple extra scenes that I wanted for it. But I really didn't want to miss taking part in my first N7 Day so I just did the best I could with what I had. I think it still says what I wanted it to say, so... πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‰
Scott has gotten quite a bit of vidding love from me recently so once I'm able to capture and vid again 🀞😣🀞 I have a few ideas for Sara. Then there's that partially done Scott/Reyes vid I hope to salvage... πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰ We'll see! πŸ˜‰
If you watch, I hope you enjoy! πŸ’–
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ageless-aislynn Β· 5 months
"You've Got A Friend In Me" (WALL-E/EVE, WALL-E)
A little tribute to one of my favorite animated movies that I made earlier this year and, um, forgot to post. πŸ‘€πŸ˜‰ If you watch, I hope you enjoy! πŸ’–
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ageless-aislynn Β· 1 year
"She's everything I'm insecure about..." Is it a case of infidelity and a love gone wrong? Was there ever anything between Kai and John to begin with or was it all just in her mind? So many questions and so very, very AU. Feel free to consider this as serious or as ridiculous as you'd like. πŸ˜‰ For entertainment only. If you watch, I hope you enjoy. β­πŸ’–β­
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ageless-aislynn Β· 1 year
A shippy little Four/Tris vid, a Secret Santa gift for the lovely @jemmalynette! For entertainment only. If you watch, I hope you enjoy! πŸ’–
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ageless-aislynn Β· 1 year
β€œThe Party Don’t Start β€˜Til Chief Walks In” (Master Chief, Halo: Combat Evolved)
Did you know that you can equip weapon and vehicle skins in the CE campaign on PC in the Master Chief Collection? 😁 (You may have totally known that but I didn't until just a few days ago. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ So I share because I care, lol πŸ˜‰) If you watch, I hope you enjoy. I had a lot of fun both playing and putting this little vid together. β­πŸ’–β­
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ageless-aislynn Β· 2 years
β€œLearn To Fly” (Master Chief and the Arbiter featuring Sgt. Avery Johnson, Halo 2)
"For a brick, he flew pretty good..." πŸ˜‰
**Warning for flashing lights and strobe light-type in-game effects.**
Β I never said I was good at playing Halo 2, but I definitely have had a very good time! This makes use of footage I captured as I played with various skulls on, such as my favorites, Acrophobia (flight), Scarab (makes all weapons a Scarab gun) and Bandanna (infinite ammo, including grenades) while also trying for various achievements, such as finding skulls and Easter eggs. I also explode... a lot. πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚
 If you choose to watch, I hope you enjoy! 😎
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ageless-aislynn Β· 1 year
"Even when I'm falling back, you still believe I tried..." A Sara Ryder/Reyes Vidal tribute because I just played Mass Effect: Andromeda and I fell so hard for them! 😍 For entertainment only. If you watch, I hope you enjoy! πŸ’–
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ageless-aislynn Β· 1 year
You already know how it ends. What matters is that, through their bravery and sacrifice, they saved us all. Remember Reach. Remember Noble Team.
(Note: Since you can play Noble Six as either male or female, both are represented in this vid - maleSix is in the gray armor, femaleSix is in red. πŸ˜‰) For entertainment only. If you watch, I hope you enjoy! πŸ’–
Borrowing from my Reach fic taglist: @morganas-pendragons @hail-libertas @naranghim
If you don’t want to be tagged for anything other than fics (or want to be removed from the fic taglist), no harm, no foul, please just let me know! Or if someone would like to be added to my fic and/or vid taglist, also let me know.
Halo fic masterlist
Various fandom vids
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ageless-aislynn Β· 10 months
Dance the night away with the Ryder twins (and their love interests πŸ˜‰)!
Just a little fun, Sara/Reyes and Scott/Cora vid made out of my overwhelming love for these characters and this game. πŸ’– WARNING: Some in-game strobe lights from weapons' fire, not a lot I wanted to warn if you're sensitive to that.
If you watch, I hope you enjoy! πŸ’–
PS for my Tumblr peeps - This is my new Sara! No mods but I made her as close to an ideal me as I could get, lol. She has my hair and eye color, at least! πŸ˜‚ I still love my original Sara, though, so I'm not sure which of them will end up as the "definitive" one... or maybe neither of them and I'll eventually get into modding. Who knows? Lol! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‰
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ageless-aislynn Β· 1 month
The one thing I regret the most is that I can't support everybody as much as I wish I could. I want to comment on everything my mutuals say because whatever they posted is important to them, so it's important to me, too! I want to comment on and reblog every fic they write, everything they draw, every GIFset they make, every headcanon post, every theory they put forth. I just want them to know how much I value them and their opinions and the things they create and I just inevitably miss so much and it makes me sad.
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ageless-aislynn Β· 2 months
If you enjoy, be sure to leave the vidder some love at Youtube! πŸ’–
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ageless-aislynn Β· 1 year
I’m not going to do a Sara x Reyes Mass Effect: Andromeda vid. Nope. I’m not. Nah. No way.
You believe me, right? πŸ˜‡
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I just played through their romance and ZOH MAH GUH. I love him. I love him sooooo much! 😍😍😍 Heh, and I couldn’t help but laugh because Sara was so shy and awkward flirting with Jaal and with Reyes she was REALLY, REALLY INTO IT. I swear, Vetra ended up standing behind her half the time like
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while she was like PATHFINDER YES PLZ
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I was kinda expecting Vetra to go all
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on her, lol! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
So, um, yeah. Soon as I get a few spare minutes to vid, I’ve already got the song I want to use. I also maaaaay have already gone back and captured their scenes. Considering that I kept missing the spot in the save points that got me to where they met, I opened the Kadara vault, like, 4 times before I got it right, lol. KADARA’S VAULT IS OPEN, Y’ALL. LIKE SUPER DUPER OPEN NOW. If you need help opening Kadara’s vault, just ask because I AM YOUR GIRL. Hi, I’m Ais, I like bad boys, walks on the beach at sunset and OPENING KADARA’S VAULT. πŸ˜³πŸ˜›πŸ˜‰
UPDATE: β€œMaybe We Could Be A Symphony” is here and you don’t even need to open Kadara’s vault to watch, lol! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‰
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ageless-aislynn Β· 7 months
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